Azerbaijan from the satellite. Satellite map of Baku - streets and houses online

Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan) is one of the states of Eurasia, located in Eastern Transcaucasia on the coast of the Caspian Sea. It is the largest (by area) country among the countries of the Transcaucasian region and borders on Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran. Baku is the capital of the state, the other largest settlements are the cities of Ganja, Lenkoran, Nakhichevan.

Online map Azerbaijan This satellite photo high resolution, assembled from a variety of space pictures into one image.

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Satellite map of Azerbaijan detailed in high resolution

The main water artery of Azerbaijan is the Kura River, which also supplies numerous irrigation canals (the most important is the Mingachevir reservoir). The Republic of Azerbaijan has a huge tourism potential. There are actively developing beach holiday(Khudat, Baku, Khachmaz), ski resorts(Mount Shahdag), treatment with mineral and thermal waters(Ganja, Naftalan, Massaly), as well as excursion tours to many cultural, historical and architectural sights (Palace Mosque in Baku, Maiden Tower, Vagif Mausoleum, Carpet Museum and many others). The Gobustan reserve and the Icheri Sheher quarter in the capital of the country are included in the list of objects under special protection of UNESCO.

Satellite maps of Azerbaijan cities:

The administrative division of the state consists of 66 districts, 11 cities of republican significance and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, a special region in the country. It has common borders with Turkey and Iran, the border with Armenia is closed. Communication with other regions of Azerbaijan is carried out by air. The basis of the population of the country are Azerbaijanis, the other most numerous ethnic groups are Lezgins, Armenians and Russians. The main religion is Islam, Orthodoxy and Judaism are also widespread, there are representatives of Protestantism. The territory of Azerbaijan has parts controlled by Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (until now unrecognized) - exclaves. The government of the republic maintains diplomatic relations with many countries of the world: Russia, the USA, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey, Italy and others. The state is a member of a number of major international organizations(UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, CIS, GUAM and others), as well as an active participant in the Partnership for Peace program implemented by NATO.
Among the minerals, natural gas and oil deposits are of primary importance. copper ore, gold, alunites, etc., marble, kaolin, tuff are being mined. The central place in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is occupied by such industries as the oil and oil refining industry, gas production, chemical and mining industries, mechanical engineering and non-ferrous metallurgy, food and light industries. IN agriculture- viticulture, vegetable growing, fruit growing, sheep breeding, meat and dairy cattle breeding and poultry farming.
The country widely uses roads and railways, which run here, as a rule, parallel to each other and are parts of the largest transport routes in Europe: for example, a huge economic importance have lines leading to neighboring Iran. Azerbaijan has a well-developed network of international and domestic airlines, there is a direct ferry service with the city of Turkmenbashi in Turkey, as well as other ports on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan is a country in the South Caucasus. A satellite map of Azerbaijan shows that the country is bordered by Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Iran. The country includes an exclave - the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, bordering Armenia, Iran and Turkey. In the east, the country is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The area of ​​the country is 86,600 sq. km.

Azerbaijan consists of 66 regions, 11 cities of republican subordination and one autonomous republic. Part of the country is under the control of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and part is under the control of Armenia. The largest cities are Baku (the capital), Ganja, Sumgayit, Mingachevir and Khirdalan.

Shahdag National Park

More than 9 million people live in Azerbaijan. In terms of area and population, Azerbaijan is the largest major country Transcaucasia.

The country's economy is based on a diversified agriculture, oil and gas industry, mechanical engineering, mining, chemical, food and light industries. The national currency is the Azerbaijani manat.

Old and new quarters of Baku

Brief history of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan as a state was formed only in 1918, when the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was formed. Until that time, there were numerous successive kingdoms on the territory of Azerbaijan. Part Russian Empire This territory was included in the first half of the 19th century.

In 1920, the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was established. In 1922, Azerbaijan united with Georgia and Armenia to form the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (TSFSR). In 1936, the Azerbaijan SSR was re-established. In 1991, the Republic of Azerbaijan appeared.

1998-1991 – Karabakh conflict

1991-1994 – Karabakh war

1994 - the Contract of the Century for the distribution of production from deep water fields was signed

Mountain settlement Khinalyg

Sights of Azerbaijan

On a detailed satellite map of Azerbaijan, you can see that in the east the country is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. On the coast of the Caspian Sea there are numerous resort towns, including Baku, Khachmaz, Astara, Nabran and Sumgayit.

Most of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by mountains, so mountain tourism is gaining popularity in the country. Medical tours to thermal and mineral water Ganja, Massala and Naftalan.

Lake Goygol

There are many natural attractions in Azerbaijan: Ismayilli reserve, Goygol lake, Gobustan reserve, lake and waterfalls in Gabala, Shirvan national park.

Among the historical sights, one can single out the quarter of Baku Icheri-Sheher, the ancient quarters in Shamakhi and Ismayilli. Tourists will be interested in highland villages such as Lahij, Kish and Khinalyg.

The Republic of Azerbaijan, the former USSR, is located on the southwestern coast of the Caspian Sea. It is the largest state of Transcaucasia. Its main part is located on the territory of Asia, but if we assume that the border of Europe runs along the Caucasus Range, then several regions of Azerbaijan can be territorially attributed to the regions of Eastern Europe. Most of the republic's territory is located in mountainous regions. These are the Caucasus and the Talysh mountains.

Satellite map of Azerbaijan represents satellite photo of Azerbaijan. Use + and - in the left corner of the map to zoom in or out satellite image of Azerbaijan. Use the arrows to move around the map.

Azerbaijan. satellite view

Satellite map of Azerbaijan can be viewed both in schematic map mode and in satellite view by switching view modes on the right side of the map.

Despite the relatively small territory, the climate of Azerbaijan is quite diverse, warm and humid subtropics replace the high mountainous zones of the Caucasus. The abundance of mountain rivers, of which the largest is the Kura, carry cold waters from the snowy peaks to the valley. The rivers of Azerbaijan flow into the Caspian Sea. The largest number rivers are located in the middle mountains, and the lowlands have a rare river network. The mountains of the Caucasus cover deciduous forests and alpine meadows, while the lowlands are of the nature of dry steppes and semi-deserts. The vegetation of Azerbaijan is quite diverse; oak, beech, and hornbeam mainly grow in mountain forests. In some areas, you can find relic centuries-old arrays of trees of these species.

Azerbaijan. Satellite map detailed online from Bing
(Management of this map is most easily done with the mouse, as well as plus and minus signs)

The mountainous fauna of Azerbaijan differs sharply from the plains. On the slopes of the Caucasus one can meet deer, wild boars, lynx, Dagestan tur, bears and wolves.
The semi-desert plains are dominated by rodents, reptiles and reptiles. The coast of the Caspian Sea is diverse in the world of birds.
The nature of this country is rich and diverse, here you can find mountain gorges and pearl meadows, stormy waterfalls and calm transparent springs with thermal and mineral water.
Azerbaijan is also called the land of fires. In translation, “azer” means fire. In ancient times, fire worshipers lived on its territory. The history of the country begins far before our era, and monuments of ancient culture have been preserved in its cities.
The main sights of Azerbaijan today can be called the beaches of Absheron and Nabran, the ancient eastern cities of Shemakha, Sheki, Shusha, the historically preserved old part of the capital Baku. The Maiden Tower, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs in Baku, the Khan's Palace in Sheki, the temple of fire worshipers in Surakhani, ancient rock paintings, combined with numerous resorts, make Azerbaijan an attractive place for tourism.
Azerbaijan includes the autonomous republic of Nakhichevan and is divided into 66 regions. The largest cities of the republic can be called the capital of Baku, Ganja (Kirovabad), Sumgayit.

Satellite map of Azerbaijan. Explore Azerbaijan satellite map online in real time. detailed map Azerbaijan was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Azerbaijan allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Azerbaijan. A map of Azerbaijan from a satellite easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Azerbaijan- a state in the South Caucasus, washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The capital of Azerbaijan is the city of Baku. official language is Azerbaijani, and the languages ​​of communication of a large population are many more dialects.
The diverse relief of Azerbaijan includes mountains, lowlands, highlands and plains, and almost 60% of the entire territory of the country is occupied by mountains.

There are many climatic zones in Azerbaijan due to the influence of the Caspian Sea and the diversity of the relief. The climate in this country varies from temperate to subtropical. The summer months are very hot and dry. On average, summer air temperature does not exceed +26 ... +28, but on the plains it can rise to +32, and in some areas even up to +40 C. Winter in Azerbaijan is mild with mild weather conditions and average temperature 0 C. In mountainous regions, frosts down to -10C can occur.

Baku is not only the capital of Azerbaijan, but also the most Big city in the Caucasus. Today it is the industrial and cultural center of Azerbaijan. Here you can see amazing historical and architectural monuments. Most of the buildings in Baku are buildings of Islamic architecture, which include mosques. There are a lot of them in the old quarters of the city, some of which were built in the 12th-14th centuries. But the main attraction of the capital of Azerbaijan is the Maiden Tower, which is associated with many legends. Other beautiful cities of the country are Cuba, Gabala, Shamakhi and many others.

Tourism in Azerbaijan is developing very quickly and rapidly thanks to resources. One of the most visited resorts is the city of Talish, where hot mineral springs are located. The second most popular mountain resort is Ajikend. Tourists come to rest in the summer months in coastal cities, including Baku.
