Convergent approach in the preschool educational environment. About convergent education

The concept and definition of convergent education


1) this is the interpenetration and mutual influence of various subject areas;

2) this is a new scientific and technological order, which is based on NBICS technologies, where N is nano, B is bio, I is information Technology, K - cognitive technologies, S-social technologies.

Convergent technologies «big four technologies, the new kind integration system, which includes information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies and cognitive technologies.

Convergent education-it is a purposeful process of forming the competencies necessary for life and labor activity in the era of convergent sciences and technologies

Methodology of convergent education:

Interaction of scientific disciplines (subjects), first of all, natural ones;

Implementation of interdisciplinary design and research practices;

Interpenetration of sciences and technologies.

Key principles of convergent education:

Interdisciplinary synthesis of natural science (and humanitarian) knowledge;

Reorientation learning activities from cognitive to projective-constructive;

Model of knowledge - design;

Network communication;

Teaching not subjects, but various types activities;

Supra-subject knowledge through NBIC-technologies

The leading role of self-organization in learning processes.

convergent learningthis is the process of interaction between the subjects of a convergent educational environment, which forms knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of convergent technologies.Convergent-oriented educational programmain educational program general education, the development of which takes into account the principles of convergent education.

Megaproject "Ready for study, life and work"a project for the integration of general, additional, professional and higher education on an interdisciplinary-integrative basis. Within the framework of the project, by the time of graduation, each student has the opportunity to receive the sought-after qualification (profession) of a mid-level specialist or in-depth specialized professional knowledge in the future specialty of higher education by the end of school.

Megaproject "Ready for study, life and work" includes:

Medical class at a Moscow school

Engineering class at a Moscow school

Cadet class in a Moscow school

Kurchatov project - science and technology classes

World Skills - classes, Junior Skills - classes

Themed Saturdays

Additional education (technological and natural science orientation)

Subject "Technology" - new approaches

"School knowledge for real life"

Metasubject Olympiads


Project "Engineering class in a Moscow school"unites the efforts of teachers from Moscow schools who have opened engineering classes, the resources of all network institutions of the Moscow Department of Education, centers for technological support of education and the best specialists universities. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized education in engineering, to form students' motivation to choose engineering specialties Kurchatov project

Project "Kurchatov Center for Continuous Interdisciplinary Education"unites the efforts of more than 500 teachers from 37 educational organizations in Moscow, representing all administrative districts of Moscow, the resources of all network institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, specialists of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". The project is implemented in accordance with the principles: * Education based on fundamental concepts. * Convergent education in laboratory complexes. * Collaboration with the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". * Development of interdistrict resource centers for convergent education. * Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation based on the high achievements of students.

Medical class in a Moscow school Project "Medical class in a Moscow school"unites the efforts of teachers from Moscow schools who have opened medical classes, resources of all network institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and the best specialists of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. The goal of the project is to provide conditions for the development of natural science specialized education in the medical field, the formation of students' motivation to choose medical specialties.

An example of convergent educational technology STEAM technology

(S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, A - arts, M - mathematics)

Combines an interdisciplinary and applied approach,

It is a tool for the development of critical thinking,

Research competencies

Group work skills. This technology is aimed at future professions based on high-tech production at the intersection of the natural sciences (bio- and nanotechnology), the humanities, and art.

To make mental work effective, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of thinking. There are several models in psychology that can help you build your own creative thinking matrix. For example, consider the theory of the types of thinking of the American psychologist Joy Gilford. It includes a description of two types of information processing - productive convergent thinking and creative divergent thinking. Convergent("convergence") - aimed at finding one solution to the problem, divergent("divergence") - has a multiple orientation of the search for suitable answers to the problem, the divergence of ideas in different directions.

Structure of general thinking, description

The process of thinking starts the collection and processing of information at different levels: semantic, behavioral, sensory, symbolic, figurative. Each such unit belongs to subjective and objective perception, to various representations that arise in this moment or recall from long-term memory.

The process of cognition occurs when the subject perceives new or already familiar information - it combines a visual image and a semantic component.

In the case of convergent thinking, a person analyzes and builds a consistent chain of events or facts, which inevitably leads to one specific conclusion (result).

When a person applies the divergent thinking style, their cognitive ability goes in different directions. Thus, divergent thinking uses the components of consciousness to create a new solution to the problem with their help. Missing connections are not always restored in the process of thinking, but new ones are formed.

The components of consciousness can be decomposed into several types of units.

First type- This image(image, picture), which as a whole belongs to the function of memory. This unit is stored in its entirety and contains specific information. For example, a specific blue vase with a broken neck and dry flowers. Any picture can later be analyzed in thinking and decomposed into separate components.

The primary memorization of this type of information occurs with the help of the senses - sight, hearing, smell. It has quite tangible characteristics - color, shape, density, location.

Another kind of cognitive units- This symbols. They are presented in the form of graphic signs - letters, numbers, etc., which form numerical and alphabetic systems.

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They can also be associated with real images, but they have their own internal meaning.

AND third view is meaning. Meaning is a rather abstract unit and for its construction it uses both the meaning of one word and a sign or a whole sentence. In turn, any value can be associated with a certain image. There is a transformation from meaning to image (graphic or analogy with the concrete).

All three types of units of consciousness are used in the operations of thinking - analysis and synthesis. As a result of the analysis, we get: relationships, systems, transformations and various meanings. Meaning, symbols and images form the basis of rational intelligence. However, social intelligence is also included in human consciousness, which provides thinking with information about mental state subject - feelings, emotions, impressions. Anything that leads to self-realization.

The concept of divergent and convergent thinking

divergent thinking

As mentioned above, divergent thinking, in order to solve a problem, starts the movement of thought in several directions at once. If we imagine the process of cognition, then it is an unfinished gestalt, an unfinished concept (figuratively comparing - a pattern). Convergent follows a logical path to fill it with the most relevant information. Divergent - in the absence of suitable information, looking for an alternative material to fill the voids. What matters is the speed and efficiency of finding an answer. For example, in the test for the ease of operating with symbolic units, you need to find ten words for the letter P. It does not matter by what method the result is achieved, it is important that it is obtained - the gestalt is filled. The formal structure is filled with any suitable meaning.

Divergent thinking implies the flexibility of associations. For example, you can conduct a test on the enumeration of the possibilities of one subject. For example, stone. If, according to the results of the test, the respondent calls “construction of the foundation”, “furnace”, “fortress”, then he will receive a high mark on the productivity of thinking, but low on the spontaneity of thinking. All of these variants are synonymous and imply only one use of "construction".

But if the respondent gives examples such as - " using a stone instead of a hammer», « paper press», « support for the door”, he is highly rated for the flexibility of thinking. Each answer in this case generates a new meaning and a completely different meaning.

The ability to transform units of consciousness also belongs to the ability to this kind of productivity. The breaking of old associative links and the formation of new ones through combination, for example, by combining real images, we will include one into the other partially or completely. In such a mental operation, the difference or incompatibility of images can be ignored.

This also includes semantic adaptability, the ability to abstract from specific visual material. For example, a task: a square with six square cells is folded from matches, you need to remove four matches to get three adjacent squares. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to resort to the concept of a square, its significance. In this case, the visual size of the figure does not matter. A person with this approach puts the puzzle together with ease.

convergent thinking

Convergent thinking operates with classes, categories, objects. Each category describes the quality, property, function of the object in accordance with its real qualities. The operations of thinking take place within the framework of the temporal consistency of facts and events.

If the transformation of semantic (semantic) content is included in convergent productive thinking, then the new semantic unit should receive its own unique definition and category of meaning. Tasks for convergent thinking imply a completely predictable conclusion based on the available data. For example, find in more geometric figure other. In this case, nothing new happens, the result only confirms the conjectures.

In the process of solving a problem, conditions and information are entered into a certain category of knowledge. The intermediate results are related to the required knowledge from the same category. The transformation of symbols or meaning follows a clear algorithm, which is a generally accepted pattern of actions. Convergent thinking excludes the subjective sphere: emotions, impressions, which are in some cases the resources of consciousness.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent thinking?

  1. The divergent type starts with some uncertainty about what to do and what to get. Includes in the process of thinking: the development of an idea, an algorithm and the search for answers again. Convergent uses a ready-made template.
  2. The convergent type is aimed at working out an already existing algorithm and obtaining a strictly defined result. Divergent - goes beyond the generally accepted solution method, implies a multidimensional search.
  3. Convergent - criticality, unambiguity of the answer. Divergent - multivariance, relativity of meaning.

Divergent and convergent thinking. Examples. Which type is better?

The traditional approach (convergence) is more reliable and rational. At the character level, an exact match is obtained (for example, two identical forms of a word). Divergent generates many new ways of using objects (symbols), however, the result requires verification of compliance with reality, the adequacy of perception.

Divergent thinking uses various approaches to restore the "destroyed" or distorted text (meaning), the transformation of semantic units. The operation of images gives the recognition of analogies, the use of analogy as a principle of operation for another mechanism. For example, the analogy, "the heart is a pump."

convergent thinking- the transformation of meaning is carried out within the framework of one category.

divergent– transformation between categories at different levels of consciousness (reframing). Any expression can be used both as a metaphor and as a specific description of a situation. In the field of advertising and marketing, a number of methods are used to influence the subjective (emotional) sphere of a person.

Both types of thinking are important for the productive work of consciousness and the achievement of goals.. The combination of both types of information handling can be demonstrated using the composer as an example. First, the composer is guided by the idea and inspiration, creates a new musical motive. Then he brings his creation to specific combinations of notes within the finished system. Uses formally the same symbols for recordings as other musicians. Adheres to a harmonious sound for the overall perception. One type of thinking complements another. It happens that at first a person goes through everything possible options problem solving, and if they do not fit his ideas, he uses a creative (divergent) approach.

Feshchenko T.S. 1 , Shestakova L.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3571-3647, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-6148-369X, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education"



The convergence of sciences and technologies is one of the most important problems of our time. The convergent approach in this area of ​​human knowledge has already been described. It is interpreted as a methodology for erasing interdisciplinary boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge. Overcoming these boundaries opens up opportunities for obtaining new knowledge necessary when creating objects close to natural objects by function and purpose. Convergence opens up prospects for new knowledge and ideas for new discoveries that can affect all areas of human activity. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of a convergent approach in school education for preparing the younger generation for life in the technosphere of a dynamically changing world. The answer to the questions of how and what should change in the school system is the key idea of ​​this article. The main research methods include a convergent approach in school education based on the convergence of knowledge and technology in the conditions of the sixth technological mode. The convergent approach in school education is a qualitatively new level for the successful socialization of the younger generation in the world of the future. Moving away from the “subject-centered” approach in teaching schoolchildren, which still prevails in most schools, to a convergent approach will make it possible to educate a competitive graduate.

Keywords: convergence, education, convergent approach in the education of schoolchildren.

Feshchenko T.S. 1 Shestakova L.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-3571-3647, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-6148-369X, State autonomous educational institution of higher education "Moscow Institute of Open Education"



The convergence of science and technology is one of the most important problems of our time. The convergent approach in this area of ​​human knowledge has already been described. It is interpreted as a methodology for erasing the interdisciplinary boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge. Overcoming of these boundaries opens up opportunities for acquiring new knowledge needed to create objects close to natural objects by function and purpose. Convergence opens the prospect of gaining new knowledge and ideas for new discoveries that can affect all areas of human activity. The purpose of this article is to show the value of the convergent approach in school education for preparing the younger generation for life in the technosphere of a dynamically changing world.

The answer to the questions, how and what should change in the system of school education is the key idea of ​​this article. The main methods of research include the convergent approach in school education on the basis of the convergence of knowledge and technology in the conditions of the sixth technological order. Convergent approach in school education is a qualitatively new level for the successful socialization of the younger generation in the future world. Avoiding the “subject-centered” approach in the education of schoolchildren, which prevails in most schools, to a convergent approach will help bring up a competitive graduate.

keywords: convergence, education, convergent approach in schoolchildren education.

One of the ideologists of the unification of such fields of knowledge as nano-, bio-, info- and cognitive technologies (NBIK-technologies) is Kovalchuk M.V., director of the research center "Kurchatov Institute". According to him, the main features modern stage development of science can be considered a change in the paradigm (from analysis to synthesis), the convergence of inorganic and organic world wildlife, interdisciplinary approach (as an integration tool).

In the article "Convergence of sciences and technologies - a breakthrough into the future" M.V. Kovalchuk analyzes the scientific approaches of Newton's period and comes to the conclusion that at that time there was only one science - natural philosophy. All scientists of that time were natural philosophers, natural scientists who studied the one and indivisible nature. Currently, there is a return to a single holistic picture of the world. The so-called "tetrahedral" concept of the interconnection of convergent technologies (M. Roko and V. Bainbridge) - "NBIC convergence" - is the union (merger) of four global areas: NANO, BIO, INFO, COGNO. The convergent stage of interaction (mutual influence, interpenetration) is characterized not only by intensity, but, above all, by the breadth of coverage (atomic level - intelligent systems). The main characteristics of the interaction are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 NBIC/NBIC interaction

Civilization is moving to the newest level, the industrial society is changing to a post-industrial one, the basis of which is information. It is no coincidence that information technologies Kovalchuk M.V. figuratively compares with the “hoop”, which methodologically and theoretically united, integrated various scientific disciplines and technologies” .

It is important to understand that the prospect of growth in human development opportunities will affect, first of all, the economy, and, as a result, education: educational practices oriented towards an interdisciplinary approach, high technologies, and advanced training will be required. It is essential that new approaches in the content, forms, methods, technologies of teaching should be implemented already at the school level. At the same time, the mechanisms and tools of education that motivate schoolchildren to learn have not been fully defined. The education system basically transfers actual knowledge to the new generation, but does not provide enough knowledge necessary for professional self-determination. Young people, for a number of reasons (unclear prospects, financial difficulties, etc.), look uncertainly into the future and do not know the answer to the question of what their future will be connected with. professional activity. An additional difficulty is to determine your professional future in school years. Thus, for many graduates, the way they interact with the rapidly changing world around them is not defined.

Students and their parents want to know more about professions that are in demand in the near and distant future. At present, the requirements of schoolchildren and their parents to the level of education are radically changing, which is explained by the following reasons:

- “a generation that has been familiar with the Internet since birth” enters a great life;

– in the global economy, there is a constantly growing demand for specialists in such fields of knowledge as natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - STEM), and students with high motivation and good preparation in these subjects from school are an increasingly sought-after resource.

The objective complexity of the surrounding world is determined social consequences technical progress. The regularities of the processes of interaction between the technosphere, the individual and society form the basis of socio-humanitarian technologies (S-technologies). NBICS convergence (fusion of social technologies with NBIC) is postulated as the basis of social progress. The idea of ​​NBICS convergence by D.I. Dubrovsky is reflected in the work unique complex NBICS-technologies created in our country in 2009 at the Kurchatov Institute. Since 2012, at the initiative of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", the so-called "Kurchatov Project" has been implemented in the city's schools, the purpose of which, according to V.M. Kovalchuk, to form at the school level - at the level of "initial knowledge" - it is fundamental new type thinking - to form systemic ideas about the world around. To do this, it is necessary to improve the educational environment through interdisciplinary integration, not only at the level of lesson classes, but also at the level of integration of lesson and extracurricular activities, at the level of interaction with specialized universities. And in order to “be in time for tomorrow”, it is necessary today to provide schoolchildren with access to high-tech equipment for the implementation of educational and research projects. A large role in ensuring an understanding of the perspectives of life and work undoubtedly belongs to the school and the teacher. To make learning interesting, relevant, effective - to provide pedagogical, psychological and informational assistance in choosing a profession - pre-professional training of schoolchildren, implemented as part of pre-profile and profile education, is called upon.

Currently, NBICS technologies are widely discussed, which have a strong influence on the development of industrial production, medicine, communications, thoughts and work of a person. Interest in this process is constantly growing.

In the works, it is noted that the progress of human capabilities with the help of endoprosthetics, pharmacology, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology has a huge impact on society, however, the awareness of ongoing processes and changes does not keep pace with the improvement of technology. Not only the form of behavior, thinking, desires contribute to the formation of a person's personality, but also new research and achievements in technology and technology make changes in a person's life. The authors identify two philosophical groups to assess the impact of NBICS technologies on humans. Some believe that NBICS are able to create all the conditions for improving a person's life. This group is transhumanists. The creation of a posthuman will help solve a number of problems, for example, to overcome diseases, mortality, limiting human capabilities, etc. The second group of researchers opposes this idea. They believe that NBICS technologies contribute to the loss of moral and spiritual guidelines, a person becomes weak, soulless and lost.

Consider the meaning and origin of the abbreviation NBICS.

In the United States of America in 2002, M. Roko and V. Bainbridge put forward an initiative called NBIC, where they indicated 2 areas of research: 1) a scientific and technological direction, within which the problems of convergence and synergy of advanced technologies and a new level of research in science; 2) anthropological or socio-humanitarian direction, which is associated with the processes of improving a person and his abilities. The first direction has been studied in sufficient detail in the works of the following domestic authors: B.M. Velichkovsky, A.V. Vartanov, S.A. Shevchik, M.V. Kovalchuk and others , , .

The works of O.E. Baksansky. The scientist considers convergence from the standpoint of the philosophy of education and considers convergence to be the fundamental principle of the worldview of the future.

However, to describe the second direction, serious reflection and study is still required - it is very difficult to imagine what changes will occur in a person’s thinking and in himself. It is necessary to see what will happen between a person and a machine, how functions will be distributed, what functions “they” will perform, how “their” work will be organized.

The development of NBICS technologies will have an impact on man and the form of his existence, and gradually there will be a replacement of man by a mechanized model. And that's the problem global scope for all mankind.

In his work, V.A. Arshinov calls Rocko and Bainbridge the creators of the convergent scheme, which he describes as a tetrahedron, at the vertices of which there are basic elementary nano-objects: an atom, a gene, a neuron, and a bit. These nanoparticles are interchangeable, respectively, we can talk about the synergy of 4 directions in science.

Later, the Russian scientist M.V. Kovalchuk during his scientific works added the letter "C" to denote the social sciences and humanities.

Transhumanists support converging NBICS technologies, works and research aimed at “creating” a new improved person – “posthuman”. and science came first. It was then that the convergence of man and machine began. Transhumanists, supporting the NBIC initiative, create a model of an ideal person, while excluding philosophical and humanitarian studies in which one can discuss the gradual replacement of a person by a machine.

F.N. Fedorov, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky and I.I. Mechnikov take Russian cosmism and scientific and technological progress as the basis of their research. Domestic modern author-philosopher M.N. Epstein proposes a new science called “humanology”, with the help of which he shows different forms of human existence. man becomes a "leaving" species.

Each person strives to make his life comfortable, so civilization and technology do not stand still, but develop every day. At the same time, the conditions of life and the person himself change. It changes physically, emotionally, psychologically, thinking changes and so on. At the same time, something changes more, and something almost imperceptibly changes in a person. The obvious positive changes in a person today are caused by the changes that have occurred with the advent of writing and printed books. The decrease in physical abilities occurs due to changes in the tools of labor (computers ® decreased vision, curvature of the spine; player ® hearing loss, etc.). There are more and more phones, tablets, and other devices that can "take over" the work of a person (implants, artificial organs, machines, etc.). From a historical point of view, the information "age" began quite recently. But, the transition from local networks to communication between such objects as “physical objects” and “cyber-physical systems” (Internet of Things) is already being formed. What impact do these technologies have on people? And can we say that these technologies are being developed for people? Yes, since opportunities are opening up for remote monitoring of the health indicators of older people, improvements in the ambulance system medical care, improving the quality of life of people, and above all, with handicapped(Alekseeva, V.I. and others) ..

Alekseeva I.Yu. believes that convergence is not reduced to simple integration, especially since there is not always a need for it, we should talk about the convergent development of different areas of knowledge, since “what happens in some areas contributes to the awareness of issues relevant to other areas, the emergence in these areas similar methods and approaches".

In the works of P.S. Gurevich notes that new words are often found in philosophical literature, for example, bioengineering, nanotechnology and others. Arshinov V.I., Laszlo E. Macroshift and a number of other authors note that we are on the verge of great discoveries and changes , , , .

In connection with the development of information technology, the Internet appeared with its achievements and dangers. On the one hand, a person does not limit himself in communication, has access to various information, including scientific, news, entertainment, to all service sectors. On the other hand, the Internet can be used to manipulate people.

In his work, M.V. Kovalchuk claims that with the help of nano- and biotechnologies, a system of living nature is reproduced, and not a technical copy of a person is created.

Science moves forward and changes the structure of the world. A new person will appear - a “post-human”, who will have perfect physical body and intellect. Nowadays, we partially observe these changes: how many people visit beauty salons, GYM's how fashionable it has become to change appearance with the help of plastic surgery, implantation of parts of the body is available.

Groups of people who oppose the idea of ​​human improvement believe that it is impossible to know in advance what will become of people, and most of all they are afraid that humanity is threatened with destruction. While a person is changing technically, he forgets about his feelings, i.e. he is improving technically, but such feelings as love, hope, friendship fade into the background, the consciousness of a person changes.

All of the listed scientific ideas must be taken into account in preparing the younger generation for life and work in the era of convergence of sciences and technologies. The modern school, first of all, should be sensitive to the changes taking place. Research on the topic: "Organizational model of the environment of professional self-determination: early career guidance and pre-professional training of Moscow schoolchildren" - one of the possible ways to ensure the resolution of problems that exist in education today is:

the gap between the needs of the labor market of the Moscow region for middle-level personnel and the professional choice of young people

"academicism" of education: lack of inclusion of schoolchildren in real professional practices; lack of formation of a conscious choice of profession, education of the younger generation of the values ​​of work and professionalism.

"conservatism" of education: the orientation of the content of education and teaching methods to the past, the lack of "practices of the future", breakthrough technologies for professional orientation and self-determination of schoolchildren.

Training of professional personnel of the 21st century through the creation of an organizational model of professional self-determination in educational institutions with pre-professional training is the basis for obtaining high-quality professional education, ensuring Moscow's competitiveness in the JuniorSkills and WorldSkills championships, and the reliability of the school for life.

In modern conditions, of particular importance for the development of the Moscow education system, the implementation of the key project "Ready to study, life and work", the preparation of schoolchildren for successful socialization in the world of the future is the development and implementation of convergently oriented basic educational programs and additional professional training programs into the practice of school life. teacher capable of implementing these programs.

The development of such programs should involve specialists and representatives of those organizations that have practical experience and the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of convergent learning.

Actual problems concerning the improvement of the Moscow education system; preparing schoolchildren for successful socialization in the world of the future; providing advanced training in the conditions of convergence of sciences and technologies; approach to designing convergently oriented basic educational programs; development of cooperation between educational, scientific and other organizations were discussed at round tables, conferences, during discussions. As a result of the discussions, the following positions were identified

  1. When designing convergent programs, use a single "conceptual field" formed in the process of discussion by the participants of the events.
  2. The design of convergent-oriented programs and their further implementation should take place in an organized network interaction, which allows creating unique conditions for students to determine their professional and educational trajectory early and advance mastering the elements of future professional competencies.
  3. It is necessary to involve representatives of industry associations and specific enterprises - customers of personnel in the development of convergent-oriented educational programs, as well as programs of the professional training cycle and the variable part of secondary and higher professional education.
  4. When designing and implementing a convergent-oriented educational program be guided by a single methodology:

Area: lesson/extracurricular, specialized training, DO.


the goal is the formation of pre-professional competencies;

form of implementation - network (inclusion of resources of secondary vocational education, higher education, industrial enterprises, healthcare, research institutes, museums, etc.);

principles - interdisciplinarity, supradisciplinarity;

the approach is technological (integrates educational and NBIC technologies).

material and technical conditions for the implementation of the program - high-tech equipment, laboratory equipment based on digital technologies;

Convergent educational technology (example)

STEAM education (S - science, T - technology, E - engineering, A - arts, M - mathematics):

Combines an interdisciplinary and applied approach,

It is a tool for the development of critical thinking,

Research competencies,

Group work skills.

This technology is aimed at future professions based on high-tech production at the intersection of natural sciences (bio- and nanotechnology), mathematics, engineering, humanities, and art.

The dictionary of terms and definitions of convergent education is used within the framework of the advanced training system for school teams in the city of Moscow as a basis for understanding the essence and purpose of convergent education, which provides a modern educational environment necessary to prepare schoolchildren for life and work in the society of the future. In the process of use, the dictionary undergoes substantial changes, since it can be supplemented by all participants in the interaction and independently adapted by each educational institution, taking into account educational specifics.

Within the framework of the study, a definition is given, a methodology is proposed and the key principles of convergent education are highlighted.

convergent education is a purposeful process of forming the competencies necessary for life and work in the era of convergent sciences and technologies.

  • Methodology convergent education:
  • interaction of scientific disciplines (subjects), first of all, natural ones;
  • implementation of interdisciplinary design and research practices;
  • interpenetration of sciences and technologies.
  • Key principles convergent education:
  • interdisciplinary synthesis of natural science (and humanitarian) knowledge;
  • reorientation of educational activity from cognitive to projective-constructive;
  • model of knowledge - design;
  • network communication;
  • training not in subjects, but in various activities;
  • oversubject knowledge through NBIC-technologies
  • the leading role of self-organization in learning processes.

Note that in relation to education and training, we considered the concept of interdisciplinarity as features of knowledge that cut short several traditional subjects, for example, physics, biology, chemistry, information technology. At the same time, researchers, schoolchildren and teachers are involved in the problem of establishing a connection and integrating several subject areas, professions or technologies with their methods and features in order to achieve a common goal. The advancing education system should, first of all, provide for the personnel needs of the economy. Convergent education is the way to such provision.

Among the principles of the advanced education system, the following can be distinguished:

  • Understanding the demand for personnel for 5-15 years ahead (the "Atlas of new professions" can be used as a navigator).
  • Business and production should themselves order specialists from universities.
  • Employers themselves must actively participate in the training process.
  • Availability of flexible educational programs.
  • Learning by doing using all possible resources

Features of the formation of the educational environment of the Moscow student are associated with the project approach, the essence of which is reflected in its motto - “Ready to study, live and work in modern world! The projects of the capital's education are related to the training of engineering and technical medical, military, scientific, as well as working personnel necessary for the stable advance development of Russia in the 21st century, its competitiveness in the global world.

The interim results of the study give grounds to conclude that the convergent approach in school education has the potential to improve the graduate's opportunities for successful socialization and professional self-determination.

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  8. Baksansky O.E. Worldview of the future: convergence as a fundamental principle. /O.E. Baksansky // Pedagogy and education. - 2014. - No. 3. - P.50-65. DOI: 10.7256/2306-434X.2014.3.1352.
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  10. Belyaletdinov R.R. Man of the transhumanist period / R.R. Belyaletdinov., V.I. Arshinov, V.G. Grebenshchikova et al. Global Future 2045. Convergent Technologies (NBICS) and Transhumanist Evolution. Ed. prof. DI. Dubrovsky. - M .: LLC "Izdatelstvo MBA", 2013. - 272 p.
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  24. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science. NSF/DOC-sponsored report / Ed. by Michael C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2002.

convergent project in primary school.

The main direction of the new educational standards is not just to give the student new knowledge and skills, but to teach them how to apply them, develop the child both at school and at school hours. Convergent education is the basis new system organizations modern education and science. With its help, students form a holistic view of nature, society, themselves, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences.

The basis of convergent education is educational and research activities, which is understood as the process of search creative activity students, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and at the implementation of didactic learning objectives, involving the independence of students in the performance of research tasks. The goal of the project is to create an innovative educational environment that contributes to the formation and development of modern natural science literacy of students.

Conditions for the formation of natural science competence junior schoolchildren can be expressed in the words: "For the development of the childdecisive is not the formation of a product in the form of concepts and representations, but thepath taken to get there ". This idea underlies the research orientation of the educational process in elementary school.

The principles of convergent education in elementary school are:

    Relationship between theory and practice.

    Humanization of learning.

    Cooperation between teacher and student.

    Teaching the child to use and independently acquire knowledge.

    Intersubjectivity and metasubjectivity in teaching.

    research principle.

Focusing on the research principle of convergent education and the relationship between theory and practice, we carried out a school-wide convergent project:

"Space distance".

The Space Distances project was timed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Our students, together with teachers and parents, have done a great job of studying space topics, the history of Soviet cosmonautics, its successes and grandiose plans for the future.

On September 1, a lesson on the flight of the first artificial Earth satellite "PS" was held in all classes - 1

and the guys enthusiastically took up the collection of material on the selected topics of the project.

Schoolchildren visited the Moscow Planetariums, studied the secrets of outer space at the Museum of Cosmonautics:

Met with an engineer scientific - research space center "Orion" - Alexander Kulakov, who revealed to us the secrets of creating new aircraft.

And on the guys that have arisenquestions about space exploration answered Alexander Ivanovich Laveikin, Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR. We got an interesting film with the guys' questions and the cosmonaut's answers to them.

Based on the research materials, the guys performed interestingprojects about astronauts, comets, asteroids and meteorites, about stars and constellations. First-graders decorated stands on the 2nd floor of the school with their works, and students of grades 2-4 organized poster defense of projects:

Team 1 "A" class - "First cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin".

Chicherin Vasily 2 "B" class - "The first man in outer space."

Chervonkina Ekaterina 3 "B" class - "The use of robots in space exploration."

Leksin Alexander 4 "B" class - "Mysteries of the solar system."

Throughout the year, the children, under the guidance of teachers and parents, developed drawings, layouts, design of future devices for conducting final stage project of convergent education "Space distances" -Engineering and Design Festival "Let's Build the Rocket of the Future".

It was a real space holiday. Within 2 hours, the children together with their parents and class teachers made spaceships.

The spacecraft of first-graders "Vostok Salyut - 7" rises into the sky with the help of balloons.

Rocket 2 "A" class "Vostok - 2" will take into flight information about the history of Russian space victories.

Interstellar vehicle 2 "B" class "Sparkling" will tell other worlds about the beauty of our Earth.

Rockets 4 "A" class "Movement up" and 4 "B" class "Strela" - about the originality and creativity of our younger generation.

A rocket of the 3rd grade "Fire Bird" will tell about the wonderful school "Firebird" and its kind, sympathetic students.

We are still ahead. We will grow, learn, improve and develop our abilities. But we will never forget our first steps into the "space distance".

Teacher primary school GBOU School No. 324 "Firebird", Moscow Korovyakova Galina Viktorovna.


The global convergence of education begins
Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist

The more I write about world events, the more I regret that I did not study pedagogy in college, because the more I travel abroad, I hear more and more that in many countries the most heated debates are about education. It is interesting that each of the countries considers itself lagging behind.

Tony Blair, in the fight against his own party, seeks to develop a network of schools with non-standard curricula. Singapore is obsessed with the desire to maintain its role as a world leader in the knowledge of mathematics among students. America is working hard to improve math and science education in public schools. I have just returned from Bombay where I visited annual conference Nasscom Association, which brings together Indian companies involved in programming. There was concern in many speeches that India's education system was not producing enough "innovators".

In India and China, instruction based on rote memorization has been mastered to perfection; all other countries fear the growing armies of their own trained engineers. But the Indians and the Chinese doubt whether over-training in the exact sciences, not supported by knowledge in art, literature, music and the humanities, will lead to the fact that Indira and Shu grow up to be boring children, incapable of innovation.

"No one here wants to study the humanities, everyone wants to get an engineering or economic education," said Jerry Rao, CEO of MphasiS, one of India's largest outsourcing companies. "We are becoming a nation of aspiring programmers and businessmen." He lamented that the new generation of Indians would not include Vidyadhar Naipaul and Amartya Sen, referring to the Indian writer and Indian economist, Nobel Prize winners.

Innovation is often a synthesis of art and science, and the best innovative solutions often include both. According to Jerry Rao, 50 years ago, Sanskrit experts were respected in India, but now only engineers, programmers, businessmen, and doctors are respected. "This year more people in America will get degrees in Sanskrit than in India, and Sanskrit is the root of our culture!" Jerry Rao said.
How to explain such concern? The fact is that computers, fiber optics and the Internet have leveled the field economic game, creating a global platform that many players can connect to. Capitals are now moving faster and faster, seeking to attract the most effective talent wherever they are, so each country seeks to raise the level of talent in its population. When everyone has access to the same technology, the "single long-term advantage" is a person's talent, say business researchers John Hagel III and John Seely Brown.

So, I found out that India is aiming to quickly transition from business process outsourcing (B.P.O.), which consists of doing clerical work and writing programs for the benefit of American companies, to knowledge process outsourcing (K.P.O.), that is, to offer more independent designs and products.
“Are we creative as a nation?” asked Azim Premji, Chairman of Wipro, one of India's leading technology companies. “Judging by the richness of our cultural heritage, our art and our literature are among the greatest in the world. We must bring them to spirit into the economic sphere and into the business sphere.

But in order to take this step, according to Indian entrepreneurs, it will be necessary to make big changes in the inert education system, which assumes the unquestioning authority of the teacher. "If we don't allow our students to ask why, but just keep telling them how, we will continue to be outsourcing, non-leadership, which requires complex relationships and reasoning, understanding the needs of other people," said Nirmala Sankaran, CEO of Indian education company HeyMath.

I can assume that the process of global convergence of education is beginning. China and India will strive to instill more creativity in their students. America will be more careful in teaching mathematics and other exact sciences. This convergence will strongly spur global development. But some win more and others less. Those who will create the right balance earlier and in most schools will win more.

Reprinted with permission from The New York Times News Service and Syndicate Co.
