Cardio in the gym. Cardio workouts to burn fat and promote health

Weight loss is based on one law - eat less and exercise more. You can effectively burn fat only in the presence of intense loads, which is achieved by regular cardio training. Cardio workouts for weight loss are the main and recommended specialists for the presented process. With the help of a specially designed program and proper nutrition it is possible to achieve the desired results in the maximum short time.

Fat burning cardio workout at home or at gym has incomparable advantages over ordinary sports - cardio load allows you to strengthen the heart muscle, which is sometimes necessary for patients with heart disease. The main advantageous aspects of cardio training also include the improvement of endurance, which is manifested in the further improvement of the habitual life of a person. To burn fat, it is important to do the workouts correctly so as not to face a deterioration in overall health and achieve results in the shortest possible time. Surprisingly, with correct technique breathing during exercise can cure some diseases respiratory system.

It is strictly forbidden to start cardio training without consulting a doctor. The loads for cardio training are determined by the gym coach, who "tests" the beginner's abilities and studies the medical record in the presence of serious diseases.

The main benefits of cardio training have already been mentioned, but in addition to the above facts, there are also the following positive points:

  • cardio workouts are best because they are effective for working with hard-to-reach places;
  • with the help of training you can get rid of - there is an improvement in blood circulation, which evens out the subcutaneous layers;
  • there is a strengthening of the muscles of respiration, as a result of which a person will not experience problems with the occurrence of shortness of breath and other ailments;
  • cardio workouts involve maximum amount muscles, so they must be used to tighten the whole body and form the treasured relief;
  • cardio training contributes - this has a positive effect on the absorption of food and the prevention of weight gain;
  • cardio training is recommended for people with a predisposition to developing diabetes;
  • cardio workouts even have a positive effect on the psychological state.

Despite a large number of Of the positive aspects of cardio training, classes also have a drawback, which includes excessive stress on the ligaments and joints. Therefore, if you have a lot of excess weight, it is forbidden to start cardio training. First, you should burn fat in the possible way, and only then proceed to intense training.


Cardio for weight loss on a treadmill first starts with. Walking is also suitable for beginners with a lot of extra pounds. Such cardio workouts do not entail a large load on the joints, but they develop endurance. An hour of walking on a treadmill can burn up to 400 calories. Walking is not an effective workout to burn fat, since other low-dangerous ways for the condition of the joints can burn much more calories. For example, up to 600 calories are dropped in an hour of swimming, but swimming also does not apply to effective weight loss workouts.

Walking is designed for cardio warm-up, as well as for a full and quick recovery in the postoperative period. With the help of the presented cardio programs, you can lose weight up to 10 kg per month, if you do it right. Here, cardio workouts are recommended 3 days a week with a heart rate of up to 50-70%. The duration of the workout is at least 20 minutes, but not more than 45 - depending on the time, the calorie consumption depends.


After walking, they resort to cardio training using. In an hour of classes, you can burn up to 600 calories, which allows you to achieve more quick results. With the help of running, the muscles of the legs are involved, which individually need to be tightened and the volume of the hips reduced. Among other things, running improves metabolism, starting it in action - this provokes the body to burn fat.

The optimal loads are presented as follows:

  • average running speed;
  • frequency - at least 3 times a week;
  • the duration of the cardio workout is no more than 30 minutes.

Running is contraindicated for cardio training for people with diseases of the joints of the legs. Also run around with having heavy weight prohibited - you may be injured. First you need to lose weight, reducing, and only then proceed to intense training.

exercise bike

Cardio training using running can be diversified with classes on. An hour of training also allows you to burn 600 calories. Thanks to such cardio exercises, you can burn calories, improve endurance, “dry” your legs, giving them harmony and reducing volume.

The optimal loads on an exercise bike for beginners are as follows:

  • they resort to classes 3 times a week;
  • duration of classes - no more than 45 minutes;
  • the intensity of exercise for fat burning is 65-85% of heart rate.

Cardio training on an exercise bike is best done at intervals - the first 5 minutes to ride at an average pace and a minute at an accelerated pace. Such an alternation will quickly lead to a positive result for weight loss. Classes on a stationary bike or should be chosen according to individual preferences, as well as physical condition and health status. Beginners should not combine both options for cardio training - it is better to choose one workout and do it in compliance with all recommendations.


You do not need to go on a rowing trip for rafting - just visit the gym, where the necessary equipment is present. The simulator is a canoe rowing simulator using oars. For an hour of training, you can burn 840 calories.

The benefits of such cardio training include the following positive aspects:

  • much more calories are burned, but the load on the joints of the legs is less;
  • during classes, all muscles are involved - back, arms, abdomen, legs;
  • such cardio training is recommended to use to improve endurance.

There is no need to “fight” on a rowing machine for an hour - half an intense cardio workout is enough to lose about 500 calories. The optimal load for weight loss is no more than 65-85% of the heart rate. It is possible to lose weight with rowing in an extremely short time, if the beginner's endurance has increased significantly, and he can practice three times a week for a maximum of 30 minutes.

jumping rope

- effective cardio exercises for burning fat at home, since it requires only one very affordable tool. For an hour of cardio training, you can lose up to 1000 calories, which is half the daily requirement of a person for normal human life.

The benefits of exercising include additional involvement of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, so such exercises are recommended to reduce the volume and strengthen the muscles of the arms. But there are also negative aspects of such cardio training - long-term cardio training with a jump rope increases the risk of injury to the legs and knees. Moreover, jumping rope is allowed only for people with already strengthened leg muscles - this will help to avoid pain after exercise. Strengthening and endurance don't have to come from other forms of cardio. Here it is enough to regularly engage in fitness, which can also be done at home with special programs.

This is interesting: Fitness is cardio gymnastics, for which you can spend 500 calories per hour. The presented type of cardio training can be done even by people with a lot of weight - the intensity and load are significantly reduced.

Jumping rope is recommended as an effective warm-up before more challenging cardio workouts. Such a warm-up should be carried out for no more than 5 minutes - this is enough to warm up all the muscles for more intense workouts. But for home exercises, you can only use them - in 15 minutes of training, you can burn 200-250 calories, which, if you follow a diet, will help you quickly lose weight and tighten all your muscles. Cardio workouts solve a large number of problems in matters of weight loss - they are designed to burn fat even from the most inaccessible places, when the usual exercises or gymnastics do not help at all. In the future, cardio training significantly strengthens the muscles and tightens them, as a result of which the body becomes more slender and chiseled. In addition, with the help of cardio training, you can improve skin condition and get rid of cellulite, as well as speed up metabolism - this has a positive effect on preventing new fat deposits. Cardio is a great way to burn fat, have fun, increase performance, and connect with people.

Often, classes in fitness halls become ineffective if you do not include a good cardio load at the beginning and at the end, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your intentions to lose weight or gain weight. muscle mass

Cardio - training is cardio training vascular system and the whole body as a whole, all experts say that cardio training improves the quality of life, and its duration.

Often, classes in fitness rooms become ineffective if you do not include a good cardio load at the beginning and at the end, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your intentions to lose weight or gain muscle mass.

Exist different types cardio we present you a list of the most interesting according to our experts.

1. Running. This is the best cardio workout. Running is effective in every sense, and also very accessible. All you need is a pair of good running shoes: thick-soled for winter and thin-soled for summer. With the obligatory supinator! If the shoes are not suitable, then you will experience pain in the knees and lower legs and there is also the possibility of injuring the amyl tendon. Choose the right shoes with a specialist or consultant.

2. Cycling. Great workout! Of course, the best is outdoors. But in winter or in rainy weather, you can also use an exercise bike. A very good workout - riding in hilly terrain, riding uphill is a great workout for the heart muscle. Try to vary the load.

3. Elliptical trainer. If you go to the gym, be sure to devote some time to this wonderful simulator, which allows you to distribute the load on all parts of the body at once. Now it is one of the most popular simulators, it imitates running, walking uphill, running uphill, and in general it perfectly strengthens the heart. Many wealthy people now buy home not an exercise bike, but just such “machines” The advantage of this simulator is that there is no shock load on the knee joint, which distinguishes this simulator in its functionality.

4. Swimming. It is enough to come to the pool or to the beach and swim. The best technique for cardio training - one of the more mobile types of breaststroke, besides, it gives the highest adrenaline rush. But other techniques can be quite effective, especially if you do not forget about your legs and work hard enough. Now many clubs have swimming pools, so starting a workout with swimming is very cool, you are guaranteed lightness and a lift in your mood!

5. Step aerobics. Such activities can be done both at home and in nature, in the country house and in many other places, it is enough to include a ready-made set of exercises on a DVD or audio recording where you will be specifically told what to do and how to do it. This is a very interesting way to train the heart. Maybe only dancing can give a similar effect. In addition, training in nature or in the country will help save a lot of time, so you are going to rest and, having included in the rest, will spend time with benefit! Although training in the gym, in a good company, with a professional instructor is much more effective, since the topic of the training process is strongly revealed and conveyed.

6. Rowing. The type of training, of course, is rare, although it should not be underestimated. The fact is that now the exercises in the rowing club are becoming prestigious, as in the West. The difficulty is that you cannot do without special equipment. But if you live near a body of water where there is such a club, then it’s worth signing up there. Or try to start with a simulator that imitates the movements of a rower. This is a very good source of adrenaline, the hands get excellent development of all muscles. There are machines where the legs also move along with the arms, and this becomes a very useful cardio load.

7. Walking. This cardio workout can be taken up anytime and almost anywhere. The only thing to consider is sufficient hand work, which is sometimes neglected. Be sure to bend and unbend your arms while walking and then this will become your favorite cardio load, because nothing else is required, and you will notice the result immediately, in the form of excellent digestion, good mood and energy.

8. Badminton, Handball or Racketball. It can be a couple, or it can be one. There are rooms equipped for such training. Now you can safely try these activities, because you know that it is not only fun and interesting, but also incredibly useful. And it's not boring to hit the wall with a ball! Just be sure to stock up on goggles, otherwise these little blue balls bounce so quickly at first that it can be difficult to keep track.

9. Boxing. Excellent training of the heart and coordination of movement. And good way lose weight. Both boxing and kickboxing provide a good workout for the heart muscle. Kickboxing, among other things, will strengthen the legs a little more. And if there are problems in coordination and balance, then simple classic boxing is best. Training is very fashionable now, especially for business girls.

10. Yoga. Believe it or not, some yoga practices offer high enough energy to keep your heart beating hard enough. For example, Ashtanga yoga (ashtanga) is a great combination of yoga postures and aerobics. These activities do not require fashion clothes not even shoes. Try it, consult with an instructor, perhaps they will tell you a few simple exercises.

But even if you don't have enough time for only cardio exercises, remember that doing a very short workout is still better for you than doing nothing. Do not be afraid of intensive classes, they will save your heart!

Be sure to consult with a specialist before any physical activity.

Cardio is for jocks? No, although there is some truth about cardio training in the words of people who are little aware of this type of physical activity. Probably, those who do not like simulators, jogging and jumping rope say so.

What about cardio tennis and yoga? After all, it is not important what to do for the sake of a healthy, trained heart and blood vessels, a toned figure and a good mood. The main thing is the principle of building the training itself. Next, we will talk about all options cardio workouts to burn fat.

Aerobic cardio workout

Many believe that subcutaneous fat gives fullness to the figure. But the volume of the body is greatly increased by fat accumulations that lie between the muscles. Aerobics, which became the "first sign" of cardio training, provided strong evidence for this statement.

Fans of bodybuilding and powerlifting "dry" the muscles, giving a magnificent relief to the muscles.

With an aerobic type of exercise, the source of energy is not glucose, which is necessary for the brain, but internal body reserves and fats.

In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, cardio training is a systematic physical activity that develops endurance and strength, focused on strengthening the cardiovascular system. At the same time, the muscles themselves are not injured under the influence of lactic acid or peak loads.

Types of aerobic cardio loads

These programs are optimal for burning fat and training all the muscles in the body:

    Interval training. Will force, regardless of the level of physical fitness. Short periods of intense exercise with a rapid heartbeat are systematically replaced by light exercises for recovery. For example: running for 40 minutes alternating pace from 12 km per hour for 2 minutes to a gentle jog at a speed of 6 km per hour for 3 minutes.

    Cross training. It includes a change not only in intensity, but also in the types of cardio loads themselves. Depending on the alternation of time intervals, the following training options are distinguished:

    Change cardio equipment every 10 minutes during one workout.

    Alternation of equipment by day of the week. For example: today - , tomorrow - treadmill.

    Seasonal change of the program. For example: in winter - skiing, in spring - running in the park, in summer - hiking or swimming.

Anaerobic cardio training

It uses oxygen-free sources of energy and primarily serves to increase muscle endurance and strength. Depending on the sport and type of load calorie consumption can be up to 800 kcal / hour, and following a rational diet also helps to burn excess fat.

    Continuous cardio training. Accompanied by a constant load for a long time. It does not depend on the level of training, and the duration ranges from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the goal of training and well-being. For example: jogging in nature or on a treadmill at a speed of 11 km per hour.

    Shaping can be a prime example. This system of exercises was developed as a counterbalance to gymnastics, which is useless for the figure. It is the least traumatic and does not require special shells, and spares the joints. Iconic moments:

  • Suitable for body shaping.
  • The pace is average, but the intensity is calculated individually.
  • Training goes continuously to music with a rhythm of 120-130 beats / min.

Fitness. Performing basic (multi-joint) exercises will also help with quick weight correction. Full body circuit training of vigorous, varied movements is suitable for everyone. The body speeds up the metabolism in order to supply energy to the main muscle groups, and in particular to the energy-intensive fast-twitch fibers.

The fat burning effect is maintained after training during the recovery period.

Behind an exotic name "fartlek" hiding interval training with a ragged rhythm of loads. The unstructured pace of movement is focused on well-being. High intensity, accompanied by anaerobic muscle work, alternates with periods of low intensity. Requires high level physical training.

Super scheme for men

Short periods of anaerobic exercise with resistance to some extent contribute to the growth of muscle mass and consolidate the previously achieved volume. Just as short aerobic training, which replaces peak efforts, burns fat and gives definition to the muscle pattern.

Based on this scheme, you can create an original complex for any muscle group: - 3 minutes, - 1 minute, - 3 minutes, bench press - 1 minute. Developing muscles lower extremities, you can alternate between jogging on a treadmill and leg press.

Video of fat burning workouts:

Cardio for women

It is unlikely that women, demonstrating their attractiveness, will "play with relief muscles." Therefore, cardio workouts designed for them, along with getting rid of body fat, are distinguished by the development of flexibility, grace and a sense of rhythm:

    Cardioyoga. Alternating dynamic vinyasas with special rhythm breathing and static asanas will make the heart muscle work properly. Turns, tilts and original fixed poses will burn calories, and breathing with a special technique trains the heart.

    Dance. Popular Latin American dances cumbia, salsa, reggaeton and merengue formed the basis of the Zumba fitness program. By adjusting the intensity of this dance, you can get a cardio workout for weight loss. Suitable for everyone without exception. And besides, it will make all muscle groups work, gently develop the mobility of the spine and joints, improve coordination and mood.

Video cardio exercises for weight loss at home:

Intensive set of exercises for burning fat

Modern gyms and fitness rooms boast a wide range of exercise equipment:

    Exercise bike. The total work of the quadriceps and biceps of the thighs, calf and gluteal muscles consumes much more calories than the muscle load on. Maximum range of motion knee joints develops their mobility without the traumatic shock load of running.

    Classes on an exercise bike stimulate breathing, the work of the heart and blood vessels, blood circulation in the pelvic area.

    It involves both the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and the muscle groups of the lower extremities with imitation of running up the stairs.


    Diversify the training and other original sports equipment: exercises with training ropes or on, jumps on plyometric platforms and pull-ups on suspension loops.

But even at home, you can not deny yourself the pleasure of taking care of your own figure. So, home super workout in just 24 minutes:

    Squat jumps - 30 s and pause - 15 s.

    Moving forward and backward with 4-point support on arms and legs - 30 s and rest - 15 s.

    Lunges with the right and left legs on the four cardinal points - 40 s and a break - 15 s.

    Tilts that turn into push-ups - 30 s.

    Another 15 seconds to restore and repeat the complex.

The number of calories and fat cells burned depends not so much on the type of cardio load, but on the parameters of each workout:

Cardio training is an independent exercise, which increases the efficiency of the body and increases the intensity of fat burning. Cardio machines have the same type of load, their difference lies in the technique of movement. You can choose to train one simulator or several. The greatest effect of training will be with long and intense training.

If the training is aimed at burning fat, then its duration can be from 25 minutes to an hour. When it passes after a workout in the gym, then from 15 minutes. Intensive fat burning occurs only after 15 minutes from the start of the workout.

Best option for cardio is a load shift. You need to start with a warm-up and a minimum load, then smoothly switch to intense exercises, and then again carry out a gentle load.

To lose weight faster and get the benefits of training, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can't eat before a workout.
  2. You can't exercise on an empty stomach.
  3. If there is discomfort in the muscles, it is necessary to take a break in training.
  4. Choose comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural materials for classes.

Exercise bikes

Load the work of the muscles of the legs and abdomen. Classes favorably affect the cardiovascular system and develop endurance in a person. For 40 minutes of training on an exercise bike, you can burn up to 1500 kilocalories.


They are the easiest and most effective to use. When training on a treadmill, metabolic processes in the body occur faster, as a result of which a lot of fat is burned. On this cardio machine, there is a load on the legs, muscles of the back and chest girdle. Also, with constant exercises, the muscles of the thighs and lower legs are loaded.

Elliptical Trainers

They combine all types of simulators, are universal. When training, all muscle groups are involved in them. Before starting classes in the cardio hall, you must first go to the doctor and get permission to play sports. Then the trainer, in accordance with these recommendations, will select the necessary simulator and load level.

When training on cardio, the work of the cardiovascular system improves and there is an effective fight against fat.

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A cardio room is a room equipped with cardio equipment. Now any sports club must have a cardio hall or a cardio zone, since classes in it are a mandatory element for athletes.

Cardio equipment includes:

  • bicycles;
  • Treadmills;
  • staplers;
  • elliptical trainers.

They should have pulse and heart rate sensors.

There is a 10-minute warm-up before exercise in the cardio room. It helps to warm up the muscles and prepares the heart for training. Cardio training builds endurance and burns fat stores. It can be carried out as a full-fledged workout, as well as an addition after work in the gym. Cardio machines differ in the technique of performing movements, and the type of load is exactly the same. You can choose one simulator for a lesson or alternate using different ones. The result will bring intense and long workouts.

After the gym, the duration of classes will be from 15 to 45 minutes. If you practice only in the cardio hall, then you need to start with 25 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. The breakdown of fat occurs only after 15 minutes of exercise on the simulators.

  1. Exercise bikes. Suitable for people who have varicose veins, diseases of the back and joints. On exercise bikes, the hips and buttocks are worked out, and the back, stomach, chest and shoulders are left without attention.
  2. Treadmills. Walking and running on trails is the safest form of exercise.
  3. Steppers. On this simulator, the chest, back and shoulders are well pumped.
  4. Elliptical trainers. They combine all types of simulators. With their help, you can work out the following zones: hips, buttocks, back, chest, shoulders, shins. On this unit, the load is evenly distributed to all zones, so there are no restrictions for training on it.

Restrictions for classes in the cardio hall

  1. With varicose veins, you can not use horizontal simulators.
  2. If there is flat feet and problems with the spine, running is replaced by walking.
  3. If discomfort occurs during training, then you need to take a break.

Systematic training on cardio simulators will help not only protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases, but also lose weight.

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Tip 3: What is cardio training? The usefulness of cardio

There are a lot of cardio machines in sports equipment stores, but few people know why and for what they are needed.

First of all, such simulators are aimed at strengthening and maintaining health: the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Moreover, such training improves the entire tone of the body, so it is very important to monitor breathing and pulse during cardio loads. The pulse should be increased several times depending on the desired result. If the goal is to lose weight, then the pulse should be increased by 60 percent of its usual frequency, and if the goal is to increase muscle mass, then by 80 percent. It's easy to follow your pulse. Moreover, all modern simulators are equipped with special sensors and screens, on which you can see not only the change in heart rate, but also the speed of running or walking, the time that has passed since the start of the workout, kilometers and calories. All this counts special program, which is configured according to a certain formula.

In cardio training, as in any other, the result depends directly on the regularity of classes. If you need to lose weight or lose a certain amount of kilograms, then you need to exercise on such simulators every day. If the goal of your training is to maintain muscle tone, then two, three or four times a week is enough. In addition, you should not achieve the desired results only with the help of cardio training. In addition, you need to monitor nutrition and include strength training and stretching exercises in your workouts. It is very important to monitor not only nutrition, but also sleep. Starting the exercises, you need to be sure that the body is rested and ready to start working on itself. You need to start such classes only after consulting with the appropriate doctor, because there are heart diseases that a person cannot diagnose on his own.

Training time can vary from forty to sixty minutes, depending on the physical fitness of the person. First you need to do a little warm-up to warm up the muscles, and at the end it’s good to stretch.

In conclusion, we can say that you can buy such a simulator at any sports store or on the Internet. In each company of such a plan, they will advise and help you choose the one that satisfies all your desires. If there is not sufficient finance, then you can do without a simulator. Just running or walking on the spot is a great replacement for any simulator, because all this can be done in the fresh air, in the bosom of nature.

Many people know about the benefits of cardio. Thanks to intensive physical activity manages to burn as many calories as possible and lose weight. But, making mistakes while exercising on the simulator, it is difficult to achieve a good result.

Don't hold on to the railings

If your goal is to lose weight, then while spending time on the simulator, do not hold on to the handrails. Often such a mistake is made by those who are engaged in elliptical shells. The load on the main muscle group is reduced and there is little benefit from exercise.

Bring variety

The human body quickly adapts to monotonous cardio workouts, the “plateau” effect appears. To prevent this from happening, try to change the angle of inclination more often and increase the intensity of your run.

Do not wear a weight loss belt for training

If the body is deprived of normal heat transfer, cardio training will go into a negative plane. When we are physically active, the body generates much more heat and in order for the body to cool, the brain gives the command to sweat profusely. To lower body temperature, sweat must evaporate from the surface of the skin. And slimming belts and rubberized pants interfere with this process, as a result of which the body temperature rises, nausea appears, and even fainting is possible.

Individual program

You will achieve good results from cardio training if you work out according to an individual program with an experienced trainer who will take into account the characteristics of your figure, weight and age.

Diet cannot be ruled out

Many people think that intensive training is enough to lose weight. You don’t need to stick to mono-diets and starve yourself, but you still have to count calories.

Tip 5: How to do cardio workouts: helpful information for newbies

Cardio training allows you to tone muscles in a matter of weeks, improve the state of the cardiovascular system, and reduce body fat in problem areas. For a month of intense exercise, it is possible to burn up to 5-6 kg. What are the best cardio exercises to do at home?

Cardio is one of effective ways bring the body into shape. A month of daily 30-minute aerobic exercise will allow you to get rid of 3 to 9 kg, depending on the initial body weight. In addition to reducing volume, cardio exercises also bring health benefits, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, restoring work. nervous system, reducing breathlessness. After 3-4 weeks, you will feel that climbing the stairs has become easier, and the route from home to work does not seem so insurmountable.

Cardio training program

The cardio training program is selected individually. The duration and frequency of classes, the intensity of the loads are influenced by such factors as the initial body weight, the presence or absence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, and contraindications from the cardiovascular system.

Before starting classes, you should consult with a cardiologist if you are registered with him and have recently undergone surgery. People suffering from diseases of the joints will not be superfluous to talk with an orthopedist, traumatologist or therapist. Consultation with a specialist will also be required for patients who have been diagnosed with obesity - due to the large weight, the load on the knee and ankle joints increases, and the risk of injury increases.

Cardio training at home is dancing, aerobics, jumping rope, exercises on the orbit track and exercise bike. If buying sports equipment is an expensive pleasure, then it is better to give preference to dance aerobics. On the net you can find dozens of courses for both beginner sports fans and trained people.

It is better to choose circular complexes with minimal rest between exercises. The movements are fast, intense - jumps, lunges, squats, swings with legs and arms. The duration of such cardio workouts for burning fat is 30-40 minutes. During this time, it is possible to get rid of 200-400 kcal.

If there are health restrictions, then programs with a low impact load are chosen. The movements are smoother, slower - stretching, walking, alternately raising the legs, turning the torso. The duration of the training also varies between 30-40 minutes. Such a program of cardio training allows you to burn up to 150-200 kcal.

Heart rate during cardio

During cardio training, it is important to monitor the heart rate - pulse. The higher this indicator, the more effective the process of fat burning. However, driving heart rate into the "red zone" is not recommended - this is fraught with serious health problems.

The norm is 60-75 beats / min. Such a pulse is observed in men and women of middle age at rest - after waking up, but before getting out of bed. It should be remembered that the heart rate at rest is affected by age, a number of diseases.

During cardio training at home, tracking heart rate is quite difficult. You will have to interrupt the training and calculate the heart beats by placing the index and middle fingers on the vein on the wrist or carotid artery. In the heart rate hall, any simulator will show - an orbit track, a treadmill, a bicycle. It is enough to hold on to the handles with sensors for 4-7 seconds.

For effective fat burning, the heart rate should be 65-80% of the maximum heart rate (MHR). This indicator is calculated by the formula: 220 - age = MCHP. For example, for a 30-year-old woman, the maximum heart rate should vary around 190 beats / min. Accordingly, the most effective fat burning will be observed with a pulse of 140 to 155 beats / min.

Music for cardio training

Cardio training at home is best done with energetic and rhythmic music. Especially if you combine cardio with strength training. Otherwise, you will be distracted by extraneous matters, take too long breaks between sets.

Music for cardio training is selected in accordance with the intensity of the exercises. Take the time to spend 30-40 minutes to put together a playlist. It is advisable to try to perform several exercises to the music. If the movements are easy, bring pleasure, and the breath does not go astray, then such a track should definitely be present in your selection.

Home cardio workouts for weight loss can be used by both beginners and advanced athletes. Such classes will be an excellent alternative to a gym located in an inconvenient area of ​​​​the city or with an expensive subscription. In a few months of regular exercise 3-4 times a week, you will be able to get rid of 8-10 kg. Don't forget to take the time to do some strength training so you don't run into sagging skin.

Cardio exercises - aerobic exercise, in which the muscles are supplied with oxygen, the endurance of the body increases, the cardiovascular system trains, the volume of the lungs increases.

A typical example of cardio training: running, biking, swimming.

Goals of cardio training, their effectiveness

Usually the main goal of cardio training is burning excess fat or "drying".

With aerobic exercise, a large number of calories are consumed, the metabolism accelerates, so regular aerobic exercise leads to weight loss.

The relief of the muscles becomes more pronounced, which is important for bodybuilders before the competition.

Another equally important goal of aerobic exercise is development of body endurance. Thanks to cardio loads, the heart increases in volume, the vessels strengthen. This is important for athletes who aim to gain muscle mass. With the growth of muscle mass, the amount of blood in the body also increases, which means that the load on the heart and blood vessels increases significantly.

From cardio exercises, the volume of the lungs increases, the muscles are more actively supplied with oxygen and recover faster after strength training.

Aerobic sessions have a general strengthening effect on the body: immunity increases, the production of hormones accelerates. After intensive cardio training, the level of growth hormone and testosterone in the blood increases, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

The most effective cardio workouts for fast weight loss

The most effective cardio exercises for burning fat are considered running, cycling, elliptical, rowing machine, jump rope, swimming. It is important to correctly calculate the load and intensity of classes, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

Attention! Fat burning begins after 30 minutes of training. Exercise less than this time is pointless .

Dependence of weight loss on training intensity

There are two types of cardio training in intensity: high-intensity and low-intensity aerobic session.

More effective for burning fat is considered high intensity cardio workout. During such classes, the fast pace of exercises is alternated with the average.

It is important to monitor the pulse: when performing the fast phase, it should be 85% of maximum, and during the middle 65%.

With low-intensity training, fat is not burned as quickly, but the athlete is able to perform exercises longer. Pulse is kept on track 65% of maximum, and the session usually lasts 40 minutes. The advantage of low-intensity exercises is that they are suitable for people with severe overweight, the elderly, athletes after injuries.

From concomitant diet

Without dietary adjustments, even with regular cardio exercises, weight loss will not occur. Behind 30 minutes walk on the treadmill the athlete loses about 300 kcal, while in order to burn one kg of fat mass, it is necessary to use 7 thousand kcal.

Without a doubt, cardio equipment is useful and effective, but The main thing for weight loss is diet. Aerobics can also lead to an increase in appetite, in which case you can also gain fat mass by exercising in the gym every day.

Important! To lose weight, calorie consumption must exceed their number coming with food.

When losing weight, it is useful to have a food diary that keeps track of all the calories received per day.

Adult men usually consume 2200-2500 kcal per day, women 2000—2200 Kcal. To burn fat, this number is reduced by 200-300 kcal, but no more, otherwise stress will be created for the body and metabolism will decrease.

It is enough to exclude sweet, starchy, carbonated water from the diet and the result will not be long in coming. Preference is given protein products, vegetables and fruits.

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Interval cardio

The interval type of loads has gained popularity. During this training the pace changes from very high to medium. Opponents of the method claim that all the calories expended on exercise come from glycogen, not fatty acids. This is correct, however, a calorie deficit is the main condition for losing weight, it is created anyway.

Studies show that when alternating the pace of exercise, fat loss is faster compared to traditional endurance training. In addition, after exercise, the body continues to burn fat even more. for two or three hours, metabolism increases.

Intense cardio training helps not only to maintain, but even build muscle mass because a high degree of exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone.

High-intensity training also affects testosterone in the blood, the level of this hormone rises and remains high. 2-3 hours after the end of class.

Exercises with a high degree of load have a limit on the number of repetitions, if they are performed too often, then the opposite effect occurs: testosterone decreases, the body's consumption of amino acids increases. It is important to repeat such sessions no more than 2-3 times a week.


Running is considered effective for burning excess fat. However, this the method is quite aggressive and has contraindications. Running is not recommended for overweight people, athletes with problems with the spine and joints.

However, this method is the most accessible type of cardio exercise. For beginners, walking at a fast pace is suitable for a start.

It is important to develop a training plan and monitor your heart rate while running. Experienced athletes keep a diary, which records data on the distance traveled, speed, calories burned and pulse fluctuations.

Photo 1. Outdoor jogging. Training should take place in a sportswear that does not restrict movement.

For achievement positive result, spend 2-3 workouts per week. run around at least 30 minutes so that energy begins to flow from fat cells. As the body gets used to the loads, the duration and intensity of training increase.

There is no difference when to go jogging, both morning and evening are suitable. Instructors recommend ending strength training 20 minute run to supply the muscles with oxygen.

Attention! Before a run doing a workout. The load is increased smoothly, otherwise there is a high risk of injury.

For running It is important to choose the right shoes and clothes. Sneakers should be well cushioned, protecting the joints and tendons and reducing the load on them. Clothing is chosen comfortable, not restricting movement.

Which cardio machine is best for weight loss

There are many exercise machines to help you get rid of excess weight.

Rowing machine

This projectile allows you to burn the largest number of calories compared to others. In half an hour sportsman weight training 80 kg spends about 350 kcal. When exercising on a rowing machine, all muscle groups are involved, injuries are almost excluded, however, such a session is not suitable for everyone.

Photo 2. A man exercising on a rowing machine. When exercising on it, all muscle groups are involved.

Performing exercises on this simulator requires technology, for beginners, such training will be difficult.


When working on an orbit track, almost as many calories are consumed as on a rowing machine: about 350 kcal. During exercise, all muscle groups work. Orbitrek is a great option for those who are contraindicated to exercise on a treadmill. This simulator does not put a load on the joints and tendons, it is not traumatic. But for beginners, it is quite difficult to fully train on an ellipsoid.
