Treadmill training program for men. Treadmill workout program

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Among the many ways to make a figure slimmer, not last place takes a run. Modern conditions lives lead many to workout in the gym or at home with the help of a special simulator. The benefits of such exercises for weight loss are undeniable, so the question of how to lose weight on a treadmill is one of the most relevant when drawing up an individual training program. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account many factors and use different types running.

Can you lose weight on a treadmill

A good cardio load can not but affect the state of the body. It is a source of energy and health. It doesn't matter where you do it: on the street or in the room, it is important how you do it. If your treadmill workout left you sweaty and short of breath, then a certain amount of calories have been lost. The main thing is to train regularly and do it competently, that is, monitor the maximum heart rate (MHR) so as not to overstrain, but also not to be lazy, giving yourself a good load.

There are two opinions about losing weight with a track. Some people think that running alone is enough for it. Others believe that real weight loss begins when the right food is added to cardio training, which affects the basic metabolism and a certain exercise regimen. It is important that you eat nothing but carbs before your workout. When they are processed, energy will begin to flow from the consumable body fat.

What gives a treadmill for a figure

No matter what simulators and equipment we work with, everyone really wants to see a noticeable result on their figure. The treadmill strengthens the muscles of the whole body, because during the run all parts are actively working. The main focus is on the legs, the hips and calves work the most. If you do not hold on to the handrails, but energetically help yourself with your hands, then the shoulder girdle and arms are working just as actively. Thanks to this, you force the heart and lungs to work intensively.

How to do it right on the treadmill

A treadmill is a lightweight version of jogging. It is easier to train on it than on the street, because it helps a person through its own movement and the presence of handrails that you can hold on to. How to lose weight on a treadmill in such conditions? You need to train yourself to run without handrails and choose different degrees of incline. This will make your workouts look like a real street run. It is important to achieve as long as possible the duration of classes, do not forget about the warm-up, wear comfortable shoes, drink liquids in small quantities.

How much to run

The duration and frequency of treadmill workouts depend on what result you want to achieve. If the task is only to lose weight slightly, tighten muscles and tone yourself, then short 15-minute workouts are enough, preferably 5 times a week. You don’t need to drive yourself hard: keep a moderate rhythm, gradually bringing the time up to half an hour.

How to lose weight on a treadmill by a few pounds? In this case, the duration of the workout should be 40 minutes or more. Only during this time the body begins to burn fat. You can start with short runs with a constant increase in load and time. You can do this three times a week, on the other days the muscles need to be given a rest, because such a run should make you sweat well.

What muscles work

The treadmill makes all the muscles of the body more toned. They do not pump up, but "dry", that is, the excess fat around them goes away. Brought to tone muscle mass becomes more noticeable. Most of the load is received by:

  • The calf muscles, which are located from the knee and below. Exercises on them will make legs slimmer, increase too small calves or tighten large ones.
  • The quadriceps are the muscles that form the thighs. They are located at the top front of the leg. They are involved in the movement to the rise.
  • The biceps femoris is the back surface that pumps up during a fast run.
  • The gluteal muscles are involved in any type of running and the buttocks become elastic.
  • Shoulder girdle. It is activated by active hand swings.
  • Heart muscle. Increased breathing makes the heart work several times more intensively. Heart rate-dependent modes control the heartbeat and work out the endurance of the heart.
  • Intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles work due to intensive breathing.

How many calories are burned

Exercise programs may show various data, but those that reflect calories burned are not entirely correct. So, in the first minutes of training, not fat deposits are consumed, but water. Further indicators depend on the intensity of training. Brisk walking burns up to 300 calories - this pace is suitable for beginners. If we consider easy running, then it helps to waste up to 500 calories per hour. At this intensity, a person begins to lose weight. How to lose weight on a treadmill? Run with full dedication to achieve a loss of 800 kcal / hour.

Exercises on the treadmill

With a treadmill you can do a lot of different things. useful exercises. Thanks to him, they become many times more effective. Try executing:

  • lunges directly along the moving canvas forward and to the sides;
  • side step, which can be done at different speeds;
  • dynamic bar, that is, walking with your hands;
  • walking;
  • running with different slopes.


You can start exercising on the simulator with a normal walk. A treadmill for weight loss is suitable if your physical fitness is very weak. It is chosen by people in old age or after illnesses. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is not as effective as running, but gradually it prepares the body for more serious stress, and with regular exercise, slowly but leads to weight loss. By doing this exercise, you are minimizing the threat of overload. The optimal speed for sports walking is up to 7 km / h, the duration is about an hour.

There is a type of walking called jogging - this is a movement close to running, which is performed at a speed of 7 to 10 km / h. During jogging, a person may experience short states of "flight" when both legs are in the air at the same time. Classes at this pace are more effective than simple walking, have a better effect on weight loss, and train the cardiovascular system. This exercise is perfect for those who want to get rid of cellulite and tighten the body.


Running on a treadmill for weight loss starts at a speed of 10 km / h. It is recommended to perform steps from the toe. You need to realistically assess your physical fitness and not drive yourself from the very first workouts. The recommended heart rate while running is 120 to 130 beats per minute. A heart rate monitor will help you calculate it. As soon as classes at the chosen pace cease to tire you, then it's time to increase the load, otherwise there will be no effect for losing weight. You need to move smoothly, keep your arms bent at the elbows, shoulders and chest straightened. Breathe deeply through your nose.

Incline walking

An incline on the treadmill is a way to make your workout harder and harder. It forces the body to lay out 100-200% more. During such classes, there is an intensive process of burning calories and losing weight. To get the most out of incline walking, alternate between all the levels on your machine from low to high and back again during one workout. When you get used to all the load that the simulator can give, use weights (backpack, armlets, belt).

Treadmill workout program for weight loss

The training program must be compiled individually, based on the capabilities of your body and on the tasks set. On a mechanical simulator, you will have to do the calculations manually; the built-in computer will facilitate this task. In any case, you need to determine several indicators for exercising on a treadmill for weight loss: duration, speed, angle of inclination of the track. The increase in load and duration should occur every 2 weeks by 5%, but you can increase one thing, and not both at the same time.

Whatever weight you want to lose and whatever program you choose, the result can be different: instead of 5, you can lose 1 kilogram, or you can lose 8. It depends on the initial weight (more overweight people lose weight faster), on the number and duration of training, from nutrition. If you want to lose weight, you can’t rely only on training, because a diet, a minimum of alcohol are the same necessary conditions. Here are two types of training programs for weight loss:

  • Long workouts. Practice for 40 to 60 minutes. Keep a moderate pace. If you chose walking to start, you can do both daily and twice a day to lose weight.
  • Interval training. They will look like a 1-minute brisk run and a 3-minute recovery walk. As time goes by, the task increases. Classes are held in the form of load and rest 1:1, then 2:1.

Warm up

You should always start a lesson with a warm-up. This rule applies to any kind of training, because it warms up the muscles and helps to avoid injuries and sudden overloads. The warm-up for running on the track should last 5 minutes. Bring to a speed of 5 - 6.5 kilometers without a slope. After running 2 minutes, increase your speed by 0.3 km per hour and do this every next 30 seconds until you reach 5.5 km. From time to time, grab onto the handrails and walk for a few seconds on your toes, then on your heels. It loosens the shin.

interval running

How to lose weight fast on a treadmill? This will help interval training, that is, the alternation of different running speeds. There are two types of classes: with time limits or lasting as long as there are strengths. The second variant has no clear gaps and is called fartlek (playing for speed). It involves running to failure, then recovery walking. You can repeat it until the onset of hollow fatigue. Clear intervals may look like this: a minute of sprint, 2 walks; 4 sprints, 7 walks. It has been proven that calories continue to burn even after the end of the interval run.

Treadmill for beginners

Unprepared people should adequately assess their capabilities. How to lose weight on a treadmill if you have never exercised before? Start by simply walking for about 15 minutes a day. Breathing may become slightly rapid, but without the appearance of shortness of breath and other uncomfortable sensations. The first 2-4 weeks you should develop the endurance of the body. For the first three months, there should not be any intense loads, and especially interval ones.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for weight loss

Movement brings great benefits to our body, and intense movement can literally revive the body and breathe into it new life. So classes on a treadmill for weight loss lead to numerous positive results. Among them are:

  • increased endurance;
  • strengthening all the muscles of the body, due to which the figure is tightened;
  • burning fat deposits and the disappearance of cellulite;
  • improving metabolism and increasing metabolism;
  • acceleration of blood flow, which provides a better enrichment of cells with oxygen;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Video: How to run on a treadmill to lose weight

On the treadmill, you can not only run, but also do lunges, side steps, dynamic bar and much more. So bad weather is no reason to cancel a workout! Yulia Korzh, an ultramarathon runner, ambassador of adidas and the Energy Running campaign, tells how to train on a treadmill.

Julia Korzh

When I first started running, I did not set any big goals for myself, I started with small distances and duration. After all, if you run without a coach - and I didn’t have a coach then - you need to reasonably calculate the load and not set yourself any global goals like a marathon. It is very difficult to prepare for a marathon on your own if you do not know anything about running. So I can give all beginners this advice: do not rush to run a certain number of kilometers, let it be 10-15 minutes without a break. And not at the highest speed - breathing should be a little quickened, but not so much that you will suffocate, and it will prick in your side. And you don't have to run every day.

During my first runs, I decided that I wanted to take part in some kind of competition. I registered for the spring half marathon and then, quite by chance, I met the RRUNS running club, which helped me create a training plan, and in general, I learned a lot about running from them, from sneakers to foot placement. My first official race was successful, so I decided not to stop and six months later I ran the Moscow Marathon, six months later - the Cape Town Ultramarathon, and this fall - the Chicago Marathon. It's really amazing how running opens up boundaries, makes you act, despite any limits and restrictions.

I could not even imagine that a year after my first run, I would have a marathon behind me, and adidas would offer to become the leader of the area in the running campaign. I took this proposal as a declaration of mutual love. There were many bright moments during this running season - meeting the guys who ran their first kilometers in training, bright joint starts in the series of races of the Moscow Marathon, new routes around Moscow. I can’t help but tell you about the #energyrunning global project. This is an explosion of energy, running challenges in an urban environment, a challenge to bad weather. For example, in London we competed against other runner teams in a very trendy up-and-coming area and the finish line was on top of a building with great panoramic views. It was very unusual. Moreover, coordination, by the way, was taught to us by a football player from Chelsea, and track and field star Jody Williams told us how to quickly deal with obstacles on the way. It was cool!

Julia Korzh

marathon runner, ultramarathon runner, adidas running ambassador, RRUNS member

Now my training directly depends on whether I am preparing for the distance or recovering. If I have a race ahead, running should be 3-5 times a week, plus general training and strength exercises to develop other muscle groups. If the weather is terrible - ice, rain or strong wind - you should not train on the street, because you can fall and get injured. It is better to go to the gym and work out on the treadmill. That is, not just to run, but with its help to perform a series of exercises. All of them will tighten the muscles and make the body work even better, as well as help develop balance and coordination - they are extremely important in running.

Lunges on the treadmill

Set the treadmill to the lowest speed and start lunging, alternating legs. Increase the speed to what you feel comfortable exercising.

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Lunges to the side

Walk on the treadmill at a moderate pace. Stand sideways and do side lunges. Make sure that the speed is low - so you can squat deeper and work out the back of the thighs. Repeat on the other side.

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Side step

Begin the exercise at a brisk pace. You can increase the speed to your desired speed during the workout.

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dynamic bar

Set the minimum speed, stand in front of the treadmill. Get into a push-up position with your hands resting on the non-moving parts of the treadmill. Gently move your hands and start stepping your hands on the treadmill. If you are training with a friend or trainer, ask for help to turn the treadmill on/off in time.

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If possible, use a jagged rhythm on the treadmill. This will provide the maximum load on the . If this is not provided, change it manually. First, set the slow mode, then medium, switch to fast for five to ten minutes, and then back to medium. Switch between medium and fast pace in order to achieve the maximum result of endurance gains and weight loss.

Be sure to observe correct mode nutrition: give up heavy and fatty foods, try to limit yourself in meat and sweets. Drink as much water as possible to compensate for fluid loss during training. Do not eat anything one and a half hours before and one and a half hours after training. Do not eat anything after six in the evening; in case of severe hunger, get by with dried fruits or vegetables. It is advisable to exercise on the treadmill in the evening in order to burn all the calories accumulated during the day, minimizing the amount in the body.


To really lose weight, you need to eat carbohydrate-rich foods (cereals, vegetables, fruits) an hour before exercising in the gym. However, classes cannot be carried out on a full and empty stomach, it is necessary to eat moderately. In order for the training to give the desired results, it is necessary to run on a treadmill every day. There should be a minimum of five lessons per week.

Helpful advice

If you have chosen for yourself such a method as running for weight loss, but want to work out at home, a treadmill is a must. How to lose weight with a treadmill? First of all, you really have to want to lose weight and put a lot of effort into it. To do this, you need to practice regularly, and not occasionally. If you started walking on the track, then, getting used to the load and speed, you should start running.


  • how to exercise on a treadmill

The treadmill is perhaps the most popular exercise machine that is purchased for use at home. However, it has been noticed that in gyms Many people prefer and love treadmills. Everyone understands that running is efficient and versatile exercise and even outperforms cycling and swimming in terms of positive effects on fitness and well-being.


In the first 5-7 days of training, pay increased attention to walking, not running. Running should be 1/10 of the whole. And the time should not exceed 20-25 minutes. So you protect your body from overload. Of course, a lot depends on physical fitness. Listen to yourself: if you are ready to give your body a big load in the very first days, this is your business, but this approach threatens with muscle and joint pain and even tachycardia. In any case, the lesson should begin with a step warm-up and end with an easy walk.
From the second week, the load can be increased by bringing the ratio of running to walking to equal segments (for example, walking for 10 minutes and the same amount of running). Despite the fact that in the second week you are already more enduring than at the beginning of classes, it is still worth choosing a training program wisely, without bringing yourself to exhaustion. Fatigue should be pleasant.

The running speed should be set so that it allows you to maintain the heart rate within acceptable limits. The pulse can be controlled based on the readings that are on the instrument panel. And the legal limit is 200 minus your age. Do not stop training abruptly, this will negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, because they are not able to rebuild in a short period of time. Failure can even cause loss of consciousness.

Think about clothes and shoes in advance. Usually these are special sneakers designed for running (they significantly reduce the shock load on the musculoskeletal system), a T-shirt and light trousers. Not made from synthetic materials. Remember that running on the treadmill in sneakers or other flat shoes is bad for the joints, increasing the possibility of injury.

Many choose a treadmill as the main simulator for weight loss, but this requires the right training program - without it, it will be impossible to achieve the desired result. Starting to work out on a treadmill, you need to draw up an individual training program. Getting started on the treadmill, you need to clearly understand what results you want to achieve. This will determine what the plan of your classes will be, how the load will be distributed, which speed and slope of the canvas to choose.

Any program must be compiled individually, taking into account anthropometric data, age, health status and endurance level. It is also necessary to measure the pulse, since there is an effective pulse zone in which the most intense fat burning occurs.

Why do women choose a treadmill?

In a wide variety of fitness workouts for women, the treadmill occupies a special place. With the help of classes on it, you can get rid of extra pounds and correct those areas that are considered classically problematic in women.

Treadmill results

What results can be achieved by programmatically doing on a treadmill?

  1. First of all, the general condition of the body improves, work is getting better. of cardio-vascular system and respiratory organs, pressure and water-salt balance are normalized.
  2. The figure becomes toned, and the muscles are elastic.
  3. As a result of improved blood circulation, the skin is rejuvenated, metabolic processes are accelerated.
  4. Regular jogging strengthens the joints and spine
  5. There is a fight against cellulite, which mainly affects the fair sex.
  6. Maintains toned abdominal muscles.
  7. It is also an opportunity to tighten the calf muscles and strengthen the back of the thigh.
  8. And getting rid of stress, cheerfulness and good mood due to the production of endorphins will be a pleasant bonus.

The effectiveness of running on a treadmill

To achieve the maximum effect when training on a treadmill, you need to follow simple rules:

  • It is necessary to engage in daily or with minimal interruptions;
  • Training is more effective in the morning;
  • The load should increase gradually;
  • The duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes;
  • Do not use handrails when running, as this reduces the amount of calories burned, leads to poor posture and increases the load on the spine.

Benefits of a treadmill

One of the most important advantages of a treadmill is the ability to train at any time, regardless of weather conditions, and good cushioning will make running a pleasure.

On modern tracks there are indicators of heart rate and load intensity, which allows you to adjust the training program directly during the exercise.

The simulator is universal - you can not only run on it, but also walk if there are contraindications to running. (Cm. )
Train on treadmills and you will ensure your well-being and excellent physical shape.

The provided program for the formation of a beautiful muscular relief of the legs on the treadmill

Our body can be considered a unique creation of nature. The ideal shape of the muscles makes our body attractive and proportional. Nature also gave us the opportunity and does not limit our desire to make the body even more beautiful. Therefore, some correction is subject to each of us.

Such a method in training as stretching contributes well to muscle warm-up and makes the muscles stronger and more elongated. But first, you should understand in more detail what is it worth starting the training process, and what will our actions be during the training itself?

Professional runners can become an excellent guide for a beautiful leg relief. They have an excellent "outlined" muscular relief of the legs and all this is due to constant training. Therefore, in order to have an attractive hamstring, as well as glutes and calves, you should give preference to classes on the treadmill, programs such as "cross country" or try the "hills" type program. They successfully combine running, alternating the slope of the track from “hills” to descents, which allows you to use all leg muscles without exception in the training process.

Beginner treadmill runners should avoid heavy loads at first and prefer running in a straight line.

More trained runners can experience a whole range of complex programs such as (1-3-1-5-1-7-1-5-3-1). In such programs, every minute is a new obstacle, where there is an alternation of a climb with a straight line with a large slope to climb, when the straight line is only 3.5 and 7 minutes. Such an alternation of loads on the whole body strengthens the cardiac system well, teaches you how to breathe correctly and at the same time a beautiful relief is acquired.

A set of workouts for weight loss on a treadmill

Achieving weight loss on a treadmill with running is not an easy decision. There are two justified ways to lose weight on this machine and get the attractive figure that you dream of, these are ways such as:

1. Fast walking
2. Interval training

As for fast walking, the duration of such a workout should be at least 40 minutes. With such regular practice and correct technique execution, you can quickly lose your weight.

Interval training helps to involve the mechanisms of our body for the active consumption of calories. Such training consists of running. They alternate with a moderate pace of running with a fast one, in a ratio of 3 to 1.

This method applies to beginners, and for trained athletes, the ratio will be 1 to 1. Interval training on the treadmill is effective ways getting rid of excess weight.

But I want to note that such training is permissible only 3-4 times a week. The intensity of such loads can harm health, which most often leads to injuries and a state of overwork.

It is best to dilute workouts with others active species, such as strength training or cardio training, which should be 60-70% of the upper limit of the heart rate allowed for training.

A set of training for the development of speed on the treadmill

Each person has his own limitations and possibilities for the development of permissible speed. Although even this is not impossible, when there is a strong desire and desire to achieve a good result.

To develop speed and achieve endurance on the treadmill will help the same methods as in training with weight loss. The difference is only in the indicators of permissible loads, which do not exceed the limit of 80-90% of the possible pulse.

The existing scheme of training sessions for the development of speed is as follows:

1. Do a 7-10 minute warm-up, this can be brisk walking or jogging. Here you should try your best at the speed of movement for 25 seconds, and then continue walking or light jogging, which will quickly restore normal breathing and bring the pulse back to normal.
2. You can do several of these repetitions, depending on how you feel. If you think for yourself that such a breakthrough is no longer possible, you should finish the workout. Please wait...

Morning jogging, according to experts, is one of the most effective ways weight loss. But not everyone has the opportunity to practice outdoors. Some people don’t have a suitable area for running, some don’t like the weather outside, or maybe they just feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the same experts suggested replacing jogging on the street with classes at home on a treadmill. How to use this simulator correctly and is it possible to overcome excess weight solely by training on it?

How effective is the treadmill for weight loss?

The main question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight with a treadmill is how many calories can be burned and how quickly this happens. It is important to understand here that the amount of energy consumed by each person is different. It depends on weight, physical fitness, regularity and duration of training, diet, and many other indicators. And also it should be noted that the calorie counter located on the simulator does not give a 100% correct result, it “averages” it. This is especially true for the first 10 minutes of training, when the body manages with glucose and glycogen, without using fat.

Calculating calorie burn during exercise

Calorie consumption when exercising on a treadmill depends on the pace and mode of training. Burning kilocalories on average is:

  • with fast walking - 200-300 kcal per hour;
  • with light running, about 400–500 kcal are burned per hour, which already allows you to lose weight;
  • at a high pace of running per hour, from 600 to 800 kcal are lost.

Starting to exercise on a treadmill (magnetic, electric or mechanical), do not get hung up on calories. The main thing you should strive for is to improve your health. Remember to get good sleep. And in order to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health, exercise regularly and for as long as possible, but do not overload and monitor your heart rate. The recommended zone of this indicator for those who want to lose weight is 119-139 beats per minute. Running speed, calories lost, time, modes, heart rate and other indicators are visible on the computer screen built into the treadmill.


Treadmill workouts are high intensity. In this regard, it is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • problems with the bronchi;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • heart disease, etc.

In order for treadmill training to be effective and safe for health, follow the recommendations:

  1. Choose comfortable shoes that will provide correct location foot, its depreciation and ventilation. It is best to consult with an orthopedist, who will give professional advice on choosing shoes for your feet.
  2. Start your workout with an easy walk - 7-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and do a few squats, bends, swings, and calf raises. Muscles should be warmed up.
  3. When running, keep your arms at an angle of about 90 degrees, let them move freely. Do not hold on to the handrails so as not to shift the center of gravity.
  4. Don't slouch. With incorrect posture (and when running on a treadmill, and in Everyday life) you will have problems with the spine.
  5. While running, look at the finish line. You can not bend down and look at your legs, as you can lose balance or stretch your back, neck.
  6. Land correctly to avoid injury to your knee or ankle. If your running speed is about 8 km / h, it is best to land on your toe, distributing the load further on the entire foot.
  7. Do not jump off the track at full speed to avoid injury. Better lose a few seconds, slow down and get off the track safely.
  8. Do not take very large steps, choose the optimal width. Ideally, this is 3 steps per second.
  9. Skip a workout if you don't feel well. A cold, high blood pressure, or a racing heart gives you a reason to take a day off today.
  10. To burn more calories and keep the concentration of movements will help the change of running modes. Don't always work at the same pace. It is better to switch to a lighter mode, then to a more intense one.
  11. If you run in the morning, don't do it on an empty stomach. A few spoons of oatmeal, an apple and a glass of water before training is what you need. And immediately after training, it is better to refrain from eating.
  12. Do not immediately take too high a pace. The load should be increased gradually.

2 ways to lose weight on a treadmill

In three months, you can lose 4 to 8 kg of weight if you use the following exercises:

  1. Long but effective. Every day or even twice a day, train for an hour, light jogging or walking. In particular this applies fat people. Do not forget about the correct diet and proper sleep. Carbohydrates and proteins - that's what should be in your diet in sufficient quantities. Fatty and fried foods are best avoided. It is also important to eat according to the regime, 5 times a day, in small portions.
  2. Not slowly, but surely. Interval training allows you to lose weight quickly. After the warm-up - a moderate run for three minutes, then a minute of accelerated mode. Slowly increase the difficulty of the workout by increasing the intervals in the direction of speed. You will end up with a 1:1 ratio and finish your workout at 2:1 intervals (where 1 is your recovery time). Be careful not to overwork. The session lasts 20-25 minutes. This method of losing weight should be applied 3-4 times a week for three weeks. Then you should switch to a lighter course (also for 3-4 weeks).

By exercising on a treadmill, you can lose weight from 4 to 8 kg

Watch your breath. Breathe deeply through your nose. Each inhalation and exhalation should be equal in time to two steps. If this breathing becomes difficult, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The occurrence of shortness of breath indicates that you have chosen too high a pace of running.

Walking at a fast pace is great for burning excess fat. Such training makes it possible not only to lose weight, but also to achieve the elasticity of the muscles of the whole body. Start walking briskly for 30 minutes a day, increasing your daily time until you reach 60 minutes or more. Listen to your body - it will tell you when it's time to stop walking.

Switching the speed will help you get a charge of vivacity from your workout. From monotony, time drags on long and boring. By changing the pace, you will not only lose weight faster, but you can also get real pleasure from exercising on the simulator.

Whether you walk or run, it doesn't matter. Increase the angle of incline and thereby you will increase the load, which means you can burn more calories. Set the angle of the track so that you are comfortable.

Training in the maximum acceleration mode is most effective for losing weight, but you have to work to the limit, because sprinting is a super-fast running mode. However, calories are burned at full capacity. To begin with, we do a sprint for 30 seconds, then a calm step for 2-3 minutes. So we repeat 4 times. Over time, gradually increase the sprint to 10 visits.

Treadmill workout programs

For beginners, training with different speed modes is most suitable: from low to high. It is also called "fartlek" (Swedish).

  1. Easy run - speed 4, time - 1 minute.
  2. Moderate run - speed 5, time - 1 minute.
  3. Fast run - speed 7, time 1 minute.

The cycle must be repeated without stopping 7-10 times (in time - about 30 minutes). Switching to easy running, you rest. If you want to increase the load, change the incline of the treadmill or add speed. Beginners are recommended to do such runs 3 times a week for a month.

When exercising on a treadmill, it is important to choose the right training mode.

After you pass the beginner level, you move on to the intermediate level, where the running methods are more dynamic and there is a more complex interval load.

  • Fast run - speed 8.0, time - 90 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.2, time - 80 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.4, time - 70 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.6, time - 60 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 8.8, time - 50 seconds.
  • Fast run - speed 9.0, time - 40 seconds.

After each "step" you need to take a rest - 1 minute of brisk walking. Having passed all this “ladder”, go back in reverse order (from bottom to top), only do not change the speed, stay at the maximum all the time - 9.0. If you feel that you can take an even greater load, add an acceptable angle of inclination for yourself.

Experienced runners always use interval running, raising their level of training even higher. Check out one of the toughest treadmill programs out there:

  • 1 minute fast (10) + 1 minute rest (7).
  • 1 minute fast (9.8) + 1 minute rest (7.3).
  • 1 minute fast (9.6) + 1 minute rest (7.6).
  • 1 minute fast (9.4) + 1 minute rest (7.9).
  • 1 minute fast (9.2) + 1 minute rest (8.2).
  • 1 minute fast (9.0) + 1 minute rest (8.5).
  • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8).
  • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1).

Using this 8-cycle training scheme, you will lose calories as quickly as possible. This technique is used if you want to lose weight in a month. However, do not forget that before moving on to the third level, you must complete the previous two.

Video: running for weight loss

Mistakes when running on a treadmill

Mistakes in training are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced people who at one time were inattentive to the rules of training on a treadmill. But if you make mistakes, you can not only not achieve the desired results, but also harm your health. We list the most common:

  1. You lean on the handrails, thereby shifting the center of gravity and transferring the load intended for the legs to the hands. The skeletal system and joints of the hands suffer from this error.
  2. You do not increase the load from workout to workout. All body systems should feel an increase in the intensity and pace of running - then they tune in to active correct work.
  3. Wrong breathing. Breathe through your nose, calmly and evenly.
  4. You are a beginner on the treadmill, and already take the maximum start. Loads should increase slowly and gradually, from day to day.
  5. You don't feel well, but you still train. Your willpower is, of course, a plus. But experts strongly recommend resting while at least some discomfort is felt.
  6. Wrong landing. At high speed, to avoid injury, you should put your foot on the toe.

This is just a small list of mistakes that can be made while running on the treadmill. To avoid these and other blunders, it is best to have a few runs with a professional trainer or at least consult with him.
