How to independently tell fortunes to yourself: ways of divination. The best ways to tell yourself for the future

Divination allows you to shed light on events that will happen in the near and distant future. You can turn to otherworldly forces with questions about the relationship between a guy and a girl: is there sympathy or is it better to leave? There are many options for divination for a betrothed: on cards, with the help of wax, a flower, a mirror, or strangers. Truthful methods will allow you to find true love and find happiness.

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    Love divination on the cards

    A deck of playing cards will help to make right choice. This method cannot be called simple, but it is very popular and truthful. The cards do not lie, so you need to take a playing deck and lay out four jacks. Assign each of them male name. It is recommended to write down the correspondence between the suit and the name, since they are easy to confuse, then fortune-telling will not bring the desired result. You should shuffle the jacks well and lay them face down. Then put one arbitrary card on them. Repeat the same steps with the entire deck. You should get 8 vertical rows. You need to select the resulting pairs of cards. Their meaning will be special meaning for each jack:

      • Sixes - a young man is looking for a meeting, wants to talk to a girl.
      • Sevens - the guy is very homesick and will arrive soon.
      • Eights - a serious conversation will take place with the object of adoration.
      • Nines - feelings are mutual.
      • Dozens - shows friendly sympathy for the girl.
      • Ladies - do not count on reciprocity, the guy has another lady of the heart.
      • Kings - the chosen one is very jealous and distrustful.
      • Aces - two halves merged together.

      How to find out the name of the betrothed and see his face?

      To find out the name of your soul mate and see his image, you need to resort to simple fortune-telling at home. They can be done with the help of improvised means.

      Before going to bed, you should write a few male names on separate pieces of paper and put them under the pillow. Go to bed, and in the morning pull out one of the scraps of paper. The written name will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

      Another option is divination with the help of passers-by men. You need to stop the first person you meet and ask him to introduce himself. The chosen one will be called the same.

      Simple methods of divination for a guy

      There are several options for divination for a betrothed.

      Fortune telling on chamomile

      You can also tell fortunes on a guy on a camomile. To do this, you need to take a flower and, tearing off the petals, say: "He loves, does not love, he will come, kiss, press him to his heart, or send him to hell." You should mentally pronounce the name of your beloved. The last flower petal will tell about upcoming events and the guy's feelings.

      With a mirror

      Such fortune-telling is one of the most ancient and truthful ways of foreseeing one's destiny. It must be done at night. There should be only one fortuneteller at home, so as not to violate the sacrament of the event. You will need two identical mirrors and a pair of long candles. They need to be placed opposite each other and put candles. The image will resemble a long tunnel, in which the face of the betrothed will surely appear. You need to carefully look in the mirror and wait. The chosen one will come sooner or later.

Girls are often interested in how to tell fortunes to themselves? Not everyone is able to entrust fate to an outside magician, so people try to master the art of divination on their own. Knowing the future is quite simple - it is important to correctly perform certain manipulations.

In the article:

How to tell yourself for the future?

To find out what upcoming events have prepared, you can use different ways. Divination at Christmas time is quite common. Each option is unique and allows you to look into the future, lift the veil of secrecy.

Before embarking on any such ritual, it is necessary to properly prepare the magical attribute and tune in yourself. It is advisable to clean the artifact with salt, water or fire.

It is enough to put a thing in a pre-prepared Thursday salt, hold it several times over a candle flame or hold it under running water. The negative energy that was on the magical attribute will go away. Before starting fortune-telling, you need to relax, get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You can meditate, use.

Rituals with attributes are not all common ways that will help you find out what fate has prepared for a person. No less popular, decryption, which will help you find out when to expect the most important events, what can be prevented and what to be afraid of. Divination by the hand - palmistry - remains popular.

How to tell fortunes on your hand?

Palmistry is a complex science that cannot be learned quickly. It takes experience and constant practice to continually improve skills. You can learn some basics that will help you know the future. For example, looking at the hand, you can determine the size of the palm and fingers, which will help you recognize the patronizing element.

If the palm and fingers are equally short, the patron is Earth, if the length of the palm is greater than the length of the fingers, the assistant is Fire, if vice versa - Air. If the fingers and palm are the same length, the patron is Water.

Brief general characteristics:

  1. People who are patronized Earth, usually have a clear framework, stubborn, do not deviate from priorities and are full of energy. Practical, responsible, like to work with their hands.
  2. For Air characterized by sociability, wit, talkativeness. Often people are vicious, cold and even petty. Representatives of the air are able to cope equally well with mental work and physical. Often a person uses radical methods.
  3. Representatives Water introverts, creative, responsive, empathetic and insightful. Quite emotional, but can be closed, capricious. To find out what is happening in their soul, you need to rub yourself into trust for a long time. They rely only on intuition.
  4. Representatives fire spontaneous, optimistic, extroverted. They take up the work boldly and listen to instincts. Often a person can be selfish, but his conscience gnaws at him. They are often accused of impulsiveness and insensitivity, but in their hearts they are quite vulnerable.

After that, you need to determine which hand to guess. In a woman, the right hand means the skills and events that were laid at birth, and the left tells what was acquired during life. For a man, it's the opposite. You should pay attention to the dominant hand, which will tell about the past and present, and the second hand - about the future.

After determining with the hand, you need to find the main lines. Not every person has deep and clear contours, sometimes they are short and intermittent. On any palm there are at least three main lines:

  • hearts;
  • heads;
  • life.

The line of fate is not visible to everyone.

heart line

It is usually located from the little finger and goes to the index finger, is responsible for stress resistance, love relationship, depression, heart disease. A beginner needs to know that if the line starts below the index finger, a lot of romantic relationships await the person.

Other meanings of the heart line:

  1. If it starts on the middle finger, the person is probably an egoist in love, an owner, often a despot in the family.
  2. If it starts in the middle of the palm, the person is amorous, windy.
  3. Straight and short - lack of romance.
  4. In contact with the life line - it is easy for the owner to hurt.
  5. If it is long and crooked, it is difficult for a person to restrain emotions and feelings, perhaps this will interfere with the achievement of goals.
  6. Straight and placed parallel to the line of the head - a person is able to control emotions, control the situation and influence other people.
  7. Wavy - a large number of romantic relationships that do not end in marriage.
  8. The presence of circles - emotional breakdowns, depression. The closer the circles are to the index finger, the more likely it is to happen in adulthood.
  9. Line breaks speak of emotional trauma.
  10. Perpendicular small dashes will tell about emotional upheavals.

head line

Responsible for intelligence, thirst for knowledge, the ability to learn, communicate with other people.

Head Line Values:

  1. Short line - a person believes that physical achievements are more important than mental ones.
  2. Curved - achievements in the creative field are possible.
  3. Standing far from the line of life - a thirst for adventure, optimism.
  4. Merges with the line of life - strong connection with relatives.
  5. Wavy - the inability to concentrate and control behavior.
  6. A deep long line speaks of a clear and sharp mind, the ability to focus, to achieve goals.
  7. Direct - realist.
  8. The presence of circles, crosses - emotional crises.
  9. A large number of perpendicular lines - making spontaneous decisions.

life line

It is located near the thumb and creates an arc that usually ends near the wrist. Responsible for physical health, changes in life. Often people believe that the longer the line, the more years a person will live.

In some interpretations, information can be found regarding another line, which is located next to the life line, closer to the thumb. It is believed that this line appears on the palms of the lucky ones, the favorites of fortune, is characterized as another line of life that helps to overcome any troubles.

If the life line is too close to the thumb, this indicates possible problems with health, psychological disorders, fatigue.

Other interpretations of the life line:

  1. Winding - great energy potential.
  2. Deep - vitality.
  3. Short and barely visible - a person is easy to control.
  4. Located in a semicircle - the personality is very strong, full of enthusiasm.
  5. Straight and as if crossing the palm - a person is careful in relationships.
  6. The presence of circles indicates serious diseases and injuries.
  7. Dashed line - change of lifestyle, shock.

fate line

The future has always fascinated man. Thousands of systems were created to help spy on the future. The secret of how to guess by your own hand has long occupied the minds of many girls. This is a very popular way, with the help of which the "relief" of the palm recognizes the future, determines the qualities of the soul, talents, successes that await a person. This system long before today it was called palmistry. What are the signs and what do each line mean?

What is palmistry

How to guess by hand correctly, palmistry will help you learn. Previously, it was a science taught in higher educational institutions. The literal translation of the word "chiromancy" from Greek means "fortune telling, prediction by hand." The first study books appeared in German cities in the middle of the 15th century. Science does not require special knowledge in the medical field; age does not matter for palmistry.

Divination by hand

Since the face receives a certain expression depending on emotional experiences, such unrest is reflected on the hands. Any manifestation of emotions is accompanied by movements that make you work. muscular system, which leads to the formation of wrinkles on the palms. Palmistry on the hand is one of the most confusing ways to find out your destiny. Guessing the future is not easy, it requires special knowledge.

How to guess for beginner palmists by the hand of another person? Character is determined by deduction and careful observation. It is not at all necessary to go into the depths of palmistry for this. Just look at the hand that is the leading person. Some roughness of the skin is a sign of a straightforward character, cool and thin limbs will tell about the refinement of nature. The shape of the palm adds clarity to the interpretation: square - a person is very practical, and elongated - impressionable, suspicious.

To get a little more information, pay attention to the length of all the fingers of a person. Superficial people with a huge supply of energy generally have short fingers. Owners of long are distinguished by a stubborn character, they are very pedantic. The average length of the fingers indicates that everything is in moderation in a person - perseverance and superficiality. If they are more than average, then it is better to stay away from this.

For what to guess a man and a woman

Before you start fortune telling along the lines on your hand, decide on the leading palm. In this science, it is believed that left hand- this is the "book" of fate, which is bestowed by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is "built" by the person himself. How to guess by the hand of a woman? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one, what she acquired during her life. The same principle applies to men, only in reverse.

Main lines

After a superficial examination of the palms, figure out how to guess by the human hand, its main elements. Each hand has its own picture, any person is the owner of a unique image. There are only 4 main lines:

  1. Life - determines the character of a person and features that distinguish him from other people;
  2. fate;
  3. hearts;
  4. heads.

The study of palmistry comes down to deciphering various signs, letters in the palm of your hand. What does the letter m in the palm of your hand or another name for the Rune mean? For the owner, this is a favorable sign indicating changes in better side in those areas from which lines this letter is created. This is the sign of a master who knows exactly what he wants from life. It is found in many people and indicates the material world.

Hearts (of love)

What does line mean? She determines how to guess at marriage by hand. The strip of the heart gives information about all the emotions of a person. According to it, a palmist or fortune teller will read about the characteristics of character and temperament, determine the ability to sympathize and compassion. This element indicates the general condition of the heart. The unexpressed line characterizes a very sensitive human nature.

Palmists distinguish people along the lines of the heart of the physical and spiritual kind. The first type is characterized by an ending between the middle and index fingers. The spiritual is located parallel to the line of the base of the fingers. The physical personifies love and the ability to express yourself, resistance to depression. The spiritual line is a symbol of sensitivity.

The line of the heart, which runs too high, characterizes a person who is very jealous and demanding of his partner. Well pronounced - means generosity, the absence of branches indicates dryness, ruthlessness. If the element bifurcates, then the owner will be a very devoted spouse. Crossing with other lines promises deceptive actions in love. With the help of this element, fortune-telling takes place on the hand for marriage.

Uma (heads)

This element is very important, and a person wondering how to guess by hand must definitely take it into account. It indicates the power of thinking, intellectual development. If this part of the palm drawing is too short, then the person is unable to analyze information, a large length indicates versatility, large-scale thinking.

Branches determine the creativity of a person. If the line of the mind connects or touches others, then the owner is careful. Intermittent pattern characterizes underdeveloped intelligence, poor memory, inattention. A thin, long line indicates frivolity, a wide line indicates imprudence and irascibility. The color of the line has its own meaning: red - cruelty, pink - high level intellectual development.


How to read the lines on the hand? The better the streak of life is expressed, the more vigor and vitality a person has. A small line does not mean that the days are numbered, such people are less physically resilient. The intersection with small dashes indicates the presence of stress and anxiety in life. good sign- a strip running parallel to the main line, the owner of such a pattern has a guardian angel.

Health is at stake when the lines of the head and heart merge. If the stripes are connected only at the very beginning, people with such a palm relief are cautious and unsure of themselves. If there are no mergers of these lines, a person develops early, has determination. Such people are gifted and creative.


This is another basic element of the science of palmistry. He is responsible for information about career and labor success. Not everyone has this line, but its presence will allow the owner to make the right decisions. To interpret the line, you first need to find it: above the wrist, tending to the middle finger. A large length speaks of a person's independence. The trait may be good or weak. Discontinuity means frequent changes professional activity, branching - the ability to enjoy life.


This line will help you find out if a person will have a child. The line on the hand is small, located between the root of the little finger and the strip of the heart. In this place, the marriage line originates, from which the dashes indicating the number of children are counted. Long and strong lines are deciphered as the expectation of a boy, and short and thin - girls.

Young girls are often interested in their future and who it will be associated with. The more clues they have about the betrothed, than more information they have about him, the greater the chance that they will recognize him when they meet and their life will turn out, at least - like in a fairy tale. So it will be! The main thing is to believe. And it is necessary to believe not only in a bright future, but also in fortune-telling itself, since you have decided to conduct it.

It has many variations. Just as situations, questions, and people differ from each other, so do magical rituals. Thus, you can choose magic for girls built on simple rituals. Or tell fortunes on the former, as well as your beloved guy on wax, cards, a sheet of paper. The main thing is to choose the most truthful and effective sacrament, action, spell. But what are we talking about, let's proceed directly to fortune-telling and their types, because you are interested in this particular information ...

Divination by name

Take a deck of playing cards. Shuffle them and divide them into as many piles as there are letters in the name of the hidden young man. So, in the name Pavel, there are five letters. By placing the cards in piles one after the other, you will get four piles with seven cards and one with eight.

Now take the pile on the right and spread the cards from it into the remaining four decks, again one at a time, starting with the first deck. Take the field again and lay out the deck. Which one? The one on which the last card lay.

Repeat the steps until you have two stacks left. After that, the pile on which the last card lay down is completely shifted to the second foot. Now lay out four cards in turn from the resulting deck, taking from above. If in the process cards of the same value come across, they must be put aside - it is from them that you will learn that the object of your adoration noticed in you or what attracts him.

  • Sixes - young man impresses your attitude to life and warms your sincere smile.
  • Sevens - the guy is subdued by your eyes and mind.
  • Eights - a man admires your ability to present yourself, and he also could not help but notice your breasts.
  • Nines - legs and a sense of taste - that's what distinguishes you from other women.
  • Dozens - arms and shoulders - your trump card.
  • Jacks - interests and character.
  • Ladies - gait and figure.
  • Kings are habits and facial features.
  • Aces - you conquered the heart of the betrothed to everyone and to the very depths of the soul.

Divination for the king

Think of a king of a specific suit. If the object of sighing is young, it is king of diamonds, not free - hearts, senior or important - clubs, unfamiliar - peak.

An easy way to predict what will happen

Mentally focus on your beloved, shuffle the deck, slowly lay out the cards one by one on the table, saying a phrase for each card:

  • “Such and such a king (name the chosen one)”;
  • "tell me dear";
  • "do you love me?";
  • "I very love you";
  • "with all my heart";
  • "with all my heart";
  • "But there is a better one than you."

When you lay out the last image and at the same time the hidden king does not fall out, repeat the action from the beginning with the same deck of cards, without shuffling or adding the dropped cards. You just need to repeat the action in a circle until the hidden man falls out, even if he is the last card in the deck, because you need to find out what connects you with him and what to do with your feelings.

Those words that will fall on your king and will be a clue, as well as a prediction. The fact that your feelings are mutual can only be judged if the hidden king falls out on the first phrase.

Split for four guys

If you are looking for simple divination on guys or a guy, then this is not such. On the contrary, it can be classified as complex. But after all, the situation is not easy - to choose from four young people.

Four jacks will act as contenders for the hand and heart, each of which must be assigned the name of the designated person. In order not to forget who denotes whom, write down the information on paper, since in the process of the layout you can forget about it and then it will be a pity for the time and effort spent, because as a result you will not be able to understand what and who the cards tell you about.

Such fortune-telling perfectly puts thoughts in order.

Remove the jacks from the deck and shuffle them, then lay them out in a horizontal row, face down. Now you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck itself and lay out one card under each jack at the bottom so that in the end you get eight rows.

The layout is interpreted not horizontally, as usual, but vertically. Each vertical is responsible for a specific jack. It is necessary to interpret from top to bottom, putting aside pairs of cards of the same value on the jack. After selecting all the pairs, the deck is laid out three more times, while pairs are again selected, since it is them that will have to be deciphered. As a result, the ritual is performed four times.

  • Six - the guy is already on his way to you, an ambulance is waiting for him.
  • Seven - waiting to meet you, yearning for longing.
  • Eight - wait for an important conversation.
  • Nine - loves you dearly and hopes for reciprocity.
  • Ten - shows a lively and genuine interest in your person.
  • Lady - he has a lady of the heart, he is not interested in you.
  • The king is jealousy, jealousy and more jealousy. He is jealous of you for everyone and everything.
  • Ace - you cause a storm of passion and emotions in him.

On paper

We have already tried fortune-telling on playing cards, but on paper we did not guess at the guy. Shall we try? Then let's get started.

Take a sheet of paper in a cage. Draw a heart on the sheet with your left hand, if left-handed - with your right. After that, along the contour of the drawing, it is necessary to shade the whole cells in the center of the drawing and cross out four of them. Now, having counted the number of remaining cells, find out how the object of adoration treats you.

If there are three cells left - you are nice to the guy, two - in love with another girl, one - indifferent. With all the crossed out cells, you can count on mutual love.

Guessing a guy is not just fun. You must take seriously the ritual being performed, as well as the advice and warnings received during it. You should also not take to heart information that is not particularly pleasant to you. We ourselves decide our own destiny, the main thing is to really decide it, and not go with the flow. Believe in yourself, your strengths and divination, which will surely give you hope!

Fortune telling for the future is one of the effective methods to lift the veil of secrecy and get clues of fate.

At the same time, you need to ask questions as accurately as possible and focus on the main problem.

In this way, you will be able to get the exact answer to your request and find the right solution with the help of hints.

We have already talked about how to guess at relationships and how to guess at love.

Let's find out today how you can tell fortunes for the future to find out what lies ahead for us.

Divination for the future by the book

Divination by the book is one of the fascinating ways that has been familiar to mankind since ancient times.

Its essence is as simple as possible - you need to take a closed book in your hands, ask an exciting question, name the page and line number in this book. Open it on a given page and read the answer. This will be the forecast regarding your question.

Divination for the future on buttons

An interesting way to find out your future is button divination. To do this, place 2 large and several small buttons in a cup, make a wish or a question. Shake the cup thoroughly and pour its contents onto the table. Based on the resulting picture, you can judge the future.

It should be said that when this method you need a good enough imagination to be able to make out some kind of image among a mountain of buttons.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Brew a cup of natural ground bean coffee and drink it slowly.

During the brewing and drinking process, mentally focus on your future and the issues that concern you.

After drinking your coffee, study the remaining coffee grounds drawings on the sides of the cup. In guessing outlines, you can see your future.

Divination by a coin

This is the simplest divination that allows you to know the future.

This type of divination has been preserved unchanged since the time of ancient Rome.

You need to guess with the help of a coin like this:

  • Take a coin of any denomination.
  • Ask a question and guess "heads" or "tails".
  • Flip a coin up. If the side of the coin that turned out to be at the top matches yours, then the answer to the question is “yes”. If it doesn't match, then no.

For example, if you guessed “tails” and “tails” fell out, then the answer to the question is yes. If you guessed "tails", and "heads" fell out - negative.

Card reading

It's very simple but efficient method divination for the future in simple playing cards. For it you will need a deck of 36 cards.

Choose from them a lady of any suit that best suits you (if you are a woman) or a king (if you are a man). Place the card in the center on the table.

Shuffle the rest of the deck and draw three cards in turn, placing them next to the queen (or king) that you drew first.

The first card will mean obvious events, the second - secretive, and the third - what will happen to you in the near future.

Divination card meaning:

6 - a person will appear in your life who can gain trust and bring benefits;
7 - an important message and positive emotions;
8 - do not offend loved ones and those who are dear to you, otherwise it will be worse;
9 - the heart is torn from feelings, be careful not to take some steps;
10 - do not worry, you are thinking about the same thing;
Jack - you think a lot about a person who is far from you, an unexpected meeting;
Lady - one of the wishes will come true this month, do not tell others about it;
King - do not worry, you will be appreciated;
Ace - you have an open heart and your thoughts are pure, expect good luck.

6 - you create difficulties for yourself, listen to the advice of elders;
7 - complications are likely, put your ideas aside for a while;
8 - bad news, a minor problem will help solve close person(girlfriend or friend);
9 - a loved one is capable of meanness and deceit, be careful;
10 - do not get upset over trifles, happiness is nearby;
Jack - be indifferent to the offender, for him - this is the highest measure of punishment;
Lady - a close person skillfully hides indifference behind imaginary warmth and caresses, take a closer look at him;
The king is a good deed that will bring success, but can bring damage or disappointment to others, think about what you say;
Ace - there is someone nearby whom you do not notice, pay attention to him, it will be useful.

6 - do not trust this person, rely only on yourself;
7 - your kindness is brazenly used by others, soon your eyes will be opened to this;
8 - be vigilant, there is a chance to fall into love networks, keep a secret;
9 - you did everything right on the way to your dream, everything will get better soon;
10 - the card promises quiet peace and change for the better, you should not be sad in vain;
Jack - your most cherished desire will come true, even if you do not believe in it, you only need patience and time;
Lady - great luck and happy love, do not stop there;
King - stay away from the person with whom you spend all the time, this is the only way you can understand how dear he is;
Ace - help your neighbors, you will be repaid in the same coin, small troubles will soon pass, do not despair.

6 - listen to the opinion of independent people, it will be beneficial and help to draw the right conclusions;
7 - you devote too much time to others, think about yourself;
8 - good news, do not rely on words and empty promises, wait for action;
9 - do not open up to people, they will not understand you, it's not time yet;
10 - allocate time for what you have long wanted to do, this will bring tangible results;
Jack - your feelings are mutual, there is no reason for doubt;
Lady - you are on the right path to success, it remains to prioritize;
The king is a deception of a close friend, be careful and a lie will bypass you;
Ace - do not rush things, everything has its time.

Next time we'll find out
