Fortune telling at home on cards. A simple way to tell fortunes with cards

The mysterious world of magic attracts more and more people, especially the fair sex. And various fortune-telling, including using cards, be it Tarot or ordinary playing cards, is of particular interest. Understanding all the meanings of the former on your own is quite problematic and, as a rule, this method requires a lot of experience to correct interpretation. But learn to guess playing cards Anyone can do it, if only they have the desire, as they say. Although everything is not so simple here, you will need to be patient and learn some rules and recommendations.

Remember - you cannot guess on church holidays and on Sundays; it is better to do it on Fridays and the thirteenth. Fortune three times a day, but no more, and all for different people. Do not do this at night, it is fraught with negative consequences. And don't do it against your will. Even if you are sure of the layout, do not tell the person to whom the cards were dealt about the death of him or people close to him. Remember that cards can lie in rainy or foggy weather. If you decide to decompose them to fulfill a wish, and the result does not suit you, do not even think about repeating it, this may make the cards angry. For fortune telling, purchase a completely new deck (usually thirty-six cards) and never give it to others. Don't use it for gaming. There are many types of fortune telling on playing cards, as well as combinations of cards in various layouts; you will need time to memorize. You will quickly begin to understand what the cards are saying if you practice more often. By the way, from time to time they may fall out of the deck, in such cases pay close attention to them, it is believed that in this way they emphasize the importance of what they want to say. Establish an energetic connection with your cards before fortune telling; to do this, hold them in your hands, tune in to understand what they want to convey to you. In general, almost every fortune teller has a personal conspiracy that they whisper before laying out the cards. But you can do without it. Shuffle the deck with your left hand, towards your heart, remove a few cards from the top and move them down. Only after this can you start fortune telling. You will need to consider both the meaning of each card and the suit as a whole, as well as its position (reversed and upright), and various combinations of it with other cards that can enhance or weaken its importance. What will the card suits tell you?

Each of them is “responsible” for 1 of 4 elements, important areas of life:

  • ♠ Peaks represent Air; they show negative events, which you can associate with losses, deception, fiasco and other problems.
  • ♣ Crosses (Clubs) symbolize the element of Fire, speak of power, social status human, finance.
  • Hearts (Worms) - their element is Water, they are responsible for love, human relationships with other people.
  • ♦ Tambourines (Tambourines) - their element is Earth, associated with education, business, travel, and social life.

If you interpret the meaning of each card of a suit, for example, hearts, then remember the following: Ace is a house, a family hearth, King is a married or divorced man, Lady is mother, friend or lover, and Jack means problems, 10 is interest or hope, 9 is a date, 8 will tell you about a conversation, and 7 will tell you about a meeting, and 6 will tell you about a trip. You can find out more information about this on this website.

But here is one simple and very popular fortune telling for a loved one: focus on thoughts about him and shuffle the cards, move the top of the deck and take one card from the middle. Place face down. Shuffle again, take out another card and place it next to the first. Do this just six times and you will learn quite a lot about your loved one. In this layout, the first card will tell you what the person you are wondering about is thinking about. The second is about what is going on in his heart. The third will tell what should happen to him, and the fourth will reveal all his desires. The fifth card, on the contrary, will let you know what he doesn’t want. The sixth means what is currently happening in the life of your beloved. Do not forget that you need to decipher the meanings of cards in relation to a specific person, without generalizing. Indeed, for one, the same Queen of Hearts will mean the presence of a mother nearby, and for another, a mistress, that is, betrayal. You can learn many other layouts by looking at

Playing cards are one of the oldest predictive systems, which are still used by many today. This deck is simpler than the Tarot deck, however, fortune telling with playing cards is no less interesting and very effective. They make fortunes about love, career, and the future; You can ask them any question and receive a very specific, comprehensive answer.

It is believed that fortune telling on a playing deck is quite simple. This is both true and false... Indeed, anyone can master it. However, firstly, in order to correctly interpret the layouts, you need to master a whole layer of information, and of a rather special nature, and secondly, working with playing cards, as with the Tarot, requires compliance with a number of conventions plus developed intuition. Meanwhile, online fortune telling with playing cards allows you to get the same result, but with a minimum of effort and time. Here you will find a whole section of such fortune-telling, and you can use them for free and at any convenient or desired moment. Here they are…

Fortune telling with playing cards

Fortune telling on playing cards by a person's name allows you to understand what exactly the person you have in mind feels towards you or thinks about you at the present time.

Fortune telling on a wish using playing cards is an opportunity to figure out how realistic it is to fulfill what you would really like, but what are you in this moment you doubt it. Fortune telling is free, it works in on-line mode, so you can use it completely freely and at any time convenient for you.

Having a problem? Has the present raised questions for the future? We invite you to resolve all your doubts and get all the answers right now, online, using this fortune telling for the near future. Moreover - pay attention! - absolutely free. The layout is done on playing cards. It allows you to cover a time period from the recent past to the near future, and also shows slightly more distant prospects. With its help, you will see the full picture of the situation and be able to draw the necessary conclusions for yourself.

Free online fortune telling with playing cards for love is an ideal way to sort out problematic relationships with your loved one. In 6 positions of the layout you will find answers to key questions that usually arise in such a situation: what are his thoughts, what does this person want and what, on the contrary, is unpleasant for him, what could happen in the near future, etc.

This free schedule ideal for cases when doubts do not allow you to choose between several candidates for your heart. By the way, with its help you can identify sympathies that you don’t even know about. After all, it may be that someone from your environment is secretly in love with you, but is afraid, hesitant, or for some reason does not want to admit his feelings...

This online Yes-No fortune telling with playing cards will help you get answers to any questions. Moreover, very specific answers. This is convenient because we don’t always need long discussions “on a given topic”; more often we need a clear and accurate forecast - will it come true or not, will it happen or not, should we start or wait...

Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free relationship fortune-telling will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

You can guess with playing cards for any situation. They, like the Tarot deck, can be asked any questions. But correctly understanding the answer we receive from them is not the easiest task. And that is why we offer you a set of detailed meanings for each of the playing cards in the deck. With their help, you can interpret any layout, regardless of its complexity or the essence of the issue.

For fortune telling with cards, you should not take those that you have played repeatedly. Buy a new deck, or even better, several, with different backs. For each layout, select a specific deck of cards and do not confuse them.

Do not let anyone touch fortune telling decks of cards and treat them with respect, keep them separate from any junk. Let's give them a rest, that is. do not use them often and for trifles.

For predictions, choose special days: your birthday, full moon, Friday the 13th, Christmastide, New Year, Christmas. It is not recommended to guess on Sunday, especially if you - Orthodox Christian, and on Monday (it is believed that on this day the cards can lie).

Before fortune telling on ordinary cards, formulate a question that interests you. If you want to know the fate of another person, then mentally imagine his face or look at a photograph.

Layout "Three"

This simple fortune telling on cards is suitable for elementary (not global) questions, for example, how will today go or where is a certain person now. Shuffle the deck and place any 3 cards in front of you. Then take out the other 3 and, if the answer is not clear, take out another three of cards.

"Fan" layout

For this method, you can ask any question: about love, career - or find out your fate. Think of a specific card for the person you are telling fortunes about. For example, the king of hearts is your husband, and you are the queen of hearts (you can guess on both at once).

Place the first 3 cards from the deck in a fan in front of you, the next 3 below them, etc., until the hidden card appears, then place 3 cards below. Those cards that are next to the key card are the present, below are the past, and above are the future.

Layout "15"

Place any 15 cards from the deck on the table, placing them in 5 piles of 3 cards each. 1st pile - the person's present; 2nd - family, personal life; 3rd - friendly and friendly relations; 4th - goals, dreams; 5th - future (warnings or advice).

Card meanings

Hearts - love suit:
- 6 - road;
- 7 - conversations;
- 8 - meetings;
- 9 - love;
- 10 - goals, hopes, dreams;
- Jack - troubles, problems;
- Lady - married woman or not married man;
- The king is a married or divorced man;
- Ace is the hearth.

Cross - suit, except nine:
- 6 - trip;
- 7 and 8 - business meetings, conversations;
- 9 - love, strong attachment to someone;
- 10 - profit, money;
- Jack - troubles, problems;
- Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor or colleague (depending on the question asked and nearby cards);
- The king is a partner, boss or colleague. For the unemployed - a person who is much older than the fortuneteller (father, father-in-law, father-in-law);
- Ace is the deal.

- 6 - close road;
- 7 and 8 - conversations, meetings;
- 9 - love between a couple who is not married to anyone;
- 10 - plans, hopes;
- Jack - troubles, problems;
- Lady - single woman, daughter, girlfriend, mistress of a married man (king of hearts);
- The king is an unmarried man, a son;
- Ace - letter, news, significant documents.

- 6 - long road;
- 7 - sadness, tears, disappointment;
- 8 - visiting, drinking;
- 9 - severe illness, next to many peak cards - death is possible;
- 10 - unfulfilled dreams, destroyed plans and hopes;
- Jack - empty chores;
- Lady - enemy, anger;
- The king is a colleague, an honorable figure, a noble person;
- Ace - if the peak lies with the tip up in the form of a glass, then drink, if down - defeat, failure, blow.

A playing deck of cards appeared for entertainment more than for... It is unknown who and when began to tell fortunes on cards, but despite this, today this is the most common type of fortune telling. Moreover, guessing classic maps convenient and also affordable, because you don’t need to contact specialists who charge money for it. You can study the principles of fortune telling on cards yourself.

There are several principles that you need to pay attention to before sitting down to the fortune telling process:

- if a woman decides to tell fortunes, then she needs to choose a day for this - most of all favorable days weeks with a female name, but if a man is guessing - with a male name. It is not recommended to start this process on Sunday. It is also forbidden to guess on church holidays.

- the deck of cards must be new or intended only for fortune telling, if the cards have already been played at least once gambling, then this deck is unsuitable for use in fortune telling.

- the cards should belong to only one person, you should not even give them to a stranger to support. Supposedly, the cards lose their magical connection with the card owner and begin to tell lies.

- if fortune telling occurs with lit candles, you should know that when the candle goes out during fortune telling, you need to stop right away.

- before fortune telling, you need to hold a deck of cards in your hands for a couple of minutes while asking a question of interest, then shuffle it with your left hand to the heart. Usually the top cards from the deck are removed and they must be placed at the bottom of the deck. If, when shuffling the cards, a card accidentally falls out, it must be deciphered with the rest of the cards from the layout, it is trying to convey something important to the fortuneteller.

— you need to clearly and correctly formulate the question, because this determines how accurate its interpretation will be. You should not ask the same question, changing the arrangement of words, if in the first layout the cards fell out that did not present the essence of the question as the fortuneteller would like.

— it is worth carefully examining and deciphering the cards that appear in the layout, while also paying attention to their combination. Combinations of cards can reveal a question in more detail or give advice.

- the right mood and environment contribute to the truthfulness of fortune telling. The room should not be bright, there should be no extraneous noise, the mood should be good. Don't be forced to guess.

Methods of fortune telling on cards

There is a wide variety of layouts of ordinary cards, with the help of which you can find out about your dreams, about work, about wealth, find answers to questions, find out whether a wish will come true, etc.

Layout for your loved one

With the help of this layout of cards, you can find out about the person you are guessing about, his intentions, feelings.

1. Take a deck of cards, shuffle them and think about your loved one.

2. With your left hand, remove the top cards, place them under the bottom of the deck, then reveal the first card - these are the thoughts of your loved one.

3. Then the deck should be shuffled again and a card should be drawn again - these will be the feelings, experiences, fears of your loved one.

— 3rd card- near future young man

— 4th card- desires, aspirations, hopes

— 5th card– unexpected events

— 6th card- distant future.

Fortune telling by wish

If you have a cherished desire in your soul and at the same time can’t wait to find out whether it will come true, you can spend a very easy wish. To do this, you need to take a deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle them, and make a wish. Without looking at the deck, pull any card from it at random - this will answer the question. A dark suit speaks of some impossibility of fulfilling a desire or some obstacles, a red suit speaks of the likelihood of a desire being fulfilled.

Fortune telling “What happened and what will happen?”

This layout will show the past, present and future of the fortuneteller.

1. We take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle them well, say the question, remove the top of the deck with our left hand, take out five cards, and arrange them one by one in a row.

2. Again, remove the top of the cards, draw out 5 cards one at a time and arrange them in a row. Repeat this one more time.

3. Then draw another card and set it aside separately. As a result, there will be 15 cards on the table (3 rows of 5 pieces each) + 1 card separately.

4. Explanation of the layout:

first the column will tell about the fortuneteller, character traits

second– will talk about fears and experiences

third– interprets about the environment

fourth- the past will show

fifth- will talk about the future

separate card will sum up the fortune telling, she will be the main one and give advice.

Of course, you need to put a lot of effort into deciphering each layout correctly, because this is the key to success; it takes time to remember everything, since there are many combinations of cards and they are different. But if you devote time to this, everything can work out, and it’s not even bad. A simple way to tell fortunes with cards

The question “How to tell fortunes with playing cards?” arises when we are just learning to guess with playing cards. Therefore, we will first give some simple recommendations on how to learn to tell fortunes with playing cards. Only constant practice of fortune telling with playing cards will give you the necessary skill in correctly interpreting layouts, but believe me, it’s worth it. It will open before you interesting world in various ways fortune telling on playing cards, and your intuition will always help in interpreting the meanings of the layouts.

There are many various types, and there can be a great many combinations of cards in layouts, but with constant practice you will begin to intuitively understand the meaning of playing cards in fortune telling.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards? For fortune telling with playing cards, take a new deck of regular playing cards consisting of 36 sheets. To get the most truthful and accurate prediction, it is better to use a new deck for fortune telling that has never been played on before. Real fortune tellers prefer not to even give their fortune telling deck to anyone; it is believed that this can disrupt the energy connection with the deck. Allowed only to select a few cards from the deck to the person being told the fortune. Regardless of whether the person telling fortunes with cards believes or does not believe in the power of fortune telling, fortune telling always gives some kind of consolation and always serves as an excitingly interesting pastime.

Sometimes during fortune telling, cards may fall out of the deck. These cards are usually interpreted together with cards from the layout; it is believed that they want to say something to the fortuneteller. By the way, it is believed that cards lie on Sundays and Mondays; these are the most inappropriate days for fortune telling with playing cards. Most favorable days For fortune telling on cards, Friday and the thirteenth of any month are considered, and, of course, Christmastide.

When you start telling fortunes with playing cards, first hold them in your hands for a short time to establish an energetic connection. Before fortune telling, it is better to whisper a special spell onto the cards so that no one hears:

“Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades.

Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship.

Thirty-six cards of four suits, tell me the whole true truth:

What to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on.

I call on you all, name you and reprimand you: my word is strong and fits the cards. Amen."

Then the deck is shuffled with the left hand, towards the heart, several cards are removed from the top and moved to the bottom of the deck. Only after all the procedures have been completed can you begin to guess with playing cards. Next, we present several methods of fortune telling with playing cards and tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards.

Regardless of what deck of cards you use and what layout you prefer to tell fortunes with playing cards, the main thing you need to know is the meaning of playing cards when telling fortunes in the layout. You will learn the general meaning of playing cards when fortune telling by suit on a separate page, and you will learn the meanings of cards characteristic of a particular layout along with a description of the layout itself.

It is also important to consider not only the meaning of each card, but also the suit as a whole, the upright or inverted position of the dropped card and its combination with other cards. As a rule, a combination of cards enhances each other’s meaning, and the inverted position of a card is interpreted as negative by all fortune tellers. We will not dwell on the detailed meanings of playing cards in combinations, but will only touch on the most important of them.

Meaning of card suits

To tell fortunes with playing cards, you need to decide on a “blank” card, which will represent the person you are telling fortunes about. Each suit matters. All suits are “responsible” for one of the four elements, the most important areas of life:

♠ Peaks - Air (misfortune), signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The suit shows all events associated with problems, losses, lies, failures. Element - Air.

♣ Crosses (Clubs) - Fire (power), its signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The suit is associated with financial status and position in society, power. Element - Fire.

Hearts (Worms) - Water (love), signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The suit symbolizes sensual and romantic emotions, relationships with people around you. Element - Water.

♦ Diamonds (Tambourines) - Earth ( material goods), signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The suit is associated with business situations and issues, any active activity, education, travel. Element - Earth.

Often, a person’s suit during fortune telling is also determined in this way:

if in front of you is a dexterous, crafty, adventurous person, then his suit is clubs;

if in front of you is a loving, open, cheerful person, then his suit is worms;

if in front of you is a rich, business or military person, then his suit is diamonds;

if the person in front of you is sick, aged, gloomy or gloomy, then his suit is spades.

Methods of fortune telling with playing cards

On our website there are simple and not very simple ways fortune telling with playing cards. You will learn how to learn to tell fortunes on playing cards for a wish, for tomorrow, for the future, for fate and for a name. We will also tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards for love and how to tell fortunes with playing cards for your beloved man.

- this is the layout “What happened, what will happen, how the heart will calm down.” Simple fortune telling for the future and one of the most popular methods of fortune telling using playing cards allows you to answer difficult questions: “What will happen?” or “What awaits me?” In this fortune telling, three pairs of cards in front of “your” card and paired cards at the top of the “portrait” symbolize the near future, and pairs of cards at the bottom of “your” card mean minor events.

- a simple way of fortune telling on playing cards “Fortune telling for an event” or for the near future will help you find out what event is possible soon and how it will happen. This is a way of telling fortunes using playing cards for the future that awaits you soon. One random card is drawn from several parts of the deck, and the meaning of these cards is determined, which symbolize the near future and the events awaiting you.

It is used on playing cards at certain moments in life; it cannot be called everyday. The mystery of the coming future that awaits us in next month, the coming season or the coming year, will be revealed in this fortune telling. Without the help of fortune tellers, you can look at your destiny with one eye and find out what will happen tomorrow, in a month and in a year.

- also a simple method of fortune telling on playing cards “Fortune telling for the betrothed”, it is recognized by experienced and hereditary fortune tellers as one of the most reliable and in demand, because the king is the desired betrothed of the still single representative of the fair sex. The king card that appears on the saying indicates the feelings, intentions and events of the present or very near future object of this fortune telling.

- another simple way of fortune telling on playing cards for four jacks; it has been known to girls for a long time as simple and very informative. Fortune telling by 4 jacks is a fortune telling for the love of several men at once, which allows you to determine your beloved from several men. Fortune telling about your beloved man will help you find out the feelings of all the men you care about.

— a simple “Fortune telling on 21 cards” will help you open up to your intuition, get the necessary answers, predict your future, and make the right decisions. In this method of fortune telling with playing cards, they remove three cards from above and see if among them there are cards of the same suit or the same value, then they put aside the one that differs from the others in the three to “their” card.

Simple and accessible fortune telling with playing cards for everyone. Focus and make a wish on the suit of one card. This method of fortune telling will predict whether it will come true. If there are cards of the same suit left, this will mean the fulfillment of your desire.

Playing cards will tell you about your destiny and future. In this method, you need to guess with the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove the cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit named are set aside. After there are at least ten cards set aside, the fortune telling is completed; the meaning of these cards, which will tell about your fate, is determined.

- a fairly well-known and at the same time truthful fortune telling about a person’s attitude. This method of fortune telling is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it allows you to consider the situation in love from different points of view, from different angles. The cards in this method of fortune telling are laid out several times in different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and destiny, and you can always change your life for the better.

A simple and truthful fortune telling to determine the prospects for cash receipts in the near future on nine cards of a regular playing deck. Nine cards are randomly taken out of the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your question will be the drawn suits and meanings of the cards, the interpretation of which we will suggest.
