Fortune telling with cards for your betrothed with playing cards. Fortune telling with cards for a guy, fortune telling with playing cards for a betrothed

Girls have been casting spells on their betrothed for a long time. Fortune telling on the betrothed on cards will help you find out whether the betrothed is really nearby - the other “half” appointed by fate.

How to get the right answer?

Traditionally, for fortune telling, a fresh deck of cards is taken, which has not been used for games or fortune telling.

It is better to ask questions to fate alone, in peace and quiet. They take the deck in both hands, focusing on important questions: is this person really the betrothed? Is it possible to create a happy family with this man? and so on.

Fortune telling for several fans

If it is difficult for a girl to choose one of several suitors, fortune telling on the cards will indicate the betrothed; will outline the character of each chosen one; will tell you what to expect from life together.

  1. Jacks are selected from a deck of 36 cards. Each of them is one of the contenders.
  2. Jacks are stacked face down one underneath the other. The remaining cards are shuffled and laid out one after another, face down, near the jacks. You will get 4 piles of 8 cards.
  3. Now open the cards and lay them out in 4 rows. A jack opens each row, then the cards from the adjacent pack follow in order.
  4. Each row is studied. Whether a person is suitable is judged by the suit that predominates in the row:
  • clubs - misfortunes, sorrowful experiences;
  • peaks - children;
  • tambourines - security, prosperity;
  • hearts - love, feelings.
  • 1 jack is removed - the one whose layout is the most unfavorable in the girl’s opinion - along with all the cards from the row.
  • The cards are laid out again in the same sequence with 3 and 2 jacks. The last jack remaining is the betrothed.
  • Next, they tell fortunes directly about the betrothed. Lay out the remaining 8 cards side by side and look at the meaning of each card. Their totality will give an idea of future life with your chosen one.
  • The result of fortune telling on cards for the betrothed


    • hearts – serious relationship will begin with romantic correspondence;
    • clubs - you may become a victim of an attacker;
    • tambourines - news from afar;
    • peaks - you have stepped on the wrong path, which threatens with many troubles.


    • hearts - passionate feelings;
    • clubs - married suitor;
    • tambourines - a strange young man will appear in your life;
    • spades are an enemy who will try to use your own words and actions against you.


    • hearts - rival;
    • clubs - a dangerous intriguer will appear in your environment;
    • tambourines - a woman living contrary to public morality;
    • spades - a person from your circle is spreading unpleasant rumors and gossip about you.


    • hearts - good news;
    • clubs - unexpected profit;
    • tambourines are an unforgettable gift;
    • peaks are a simple disease.


    • hearts - it’s time to open up to new feelings;
    • clubs - a monetary gift from loved ones;
    • tambourines are an obstacle that you can easily overcome;
    • spades - betrayal of a person who was previously a support in life.


    • hearts - upcoming pleasures;
    • clubs - desires and dreams will not come true;
    • tambourines - anger, hatred, moral or physical violence;
    • peaks - fading of feelings, betrayal.


    • hearts - there will be no place for sadness in life;
    • clubs - try to put things in order - problems with the authorities are possible;
    • tambourines - treason loved one, in which there is also your fault;
    • spades - any careless word can lead to a quarrel with loved ones, which will change your whole life for the worse.


    • hearts - an unforgettable journey awaits;
    • clubs - a fruitless trip;
    • tambourines - a wonderful vacation, relaxation;
    • peaks are a dangerous ride.

    Polish fortune telling “Queen and 17 cards”

    For fortune telling, take 4 cards of each suit: “sevens”, “eights”, “nines” and “tens”.

    Then a suitable lady is selected:

    • for a girl under 30 years old - diamonds;
    • for a woman over 30 years old – red gold;
    • for a lady over 50 – a cross.

    Fortune telling 1

    A deck of 17 cards is shuffled well and laid out in 1 row, face down. Then they open the cards - for fortune telling, the one that comes next to the lady is important: it is by her suit that the betrothed is judged. If the queen in the row is the last one, the result of the divination is determined by the suit of the previous card.

    • Club is a selfish person, but his feelings will be constant.
    • Tambourines - youth, fun.
    • Peaks – strong man who lives life to the fullest.
    • Hearts - maturity; perhaps remarriage.

    Fortune telling 2

    They tell fortunes with a deck of 16 cards without a queen.

    The shuffled cards are laid out in 2 circles of 8 cards, one below the other. The upper circle symbolizes relationships in the distant future, the lower circle symbolizes relationships in the present or in the near future.

    A lady is placed under the circles.

    You will need a ring that has just been removed from your hand. It is thrown first into the center of the upper circle, then into the lower one. They select 2 cards on which the ring will fall - 1 from each circle - and place them, without looking, above and below the queen.

    The card below indicates a man with whom the relationship will be short and unstable. The top card will indicate the qualities of the chosen one, who will occupy an important place in a woman’s life for a long time. The meanings of the cards are the same as in the first fortune telling.

    It is important to remember that the result of fortune telling may be controversial - you should not take it as an unconditional guide in your relationship with a loved one.

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    Most grandmothers and mothers tell their young daughters or granddaughters stories of how fortune telling with cards for their betrothed helped them find their destiny. The stories sound like incredible or even fictitious stories, but it’s rare that a girl doesn’t use different magical rituals to look into the prospects of a love relationship. Popular or, some or, but all girls find a quick answer in card layouts.

    In the article:

    Simple fortune telling on cards for your betrothed

    The most basic way to see the next changes in your personal life is to read cards for your betrothed using a standard playing deck of 36 images. This is a well-known and reliable method, which is often used by gypsy Shuvans, Slavic sorcerers, sorcerers and magicians. To find out the prospects for the development of a relationship with a specific young man, the layout “ Solitaire for a name" will give a comprehensive answer.

    In the layout, the highest cards from aces to jacks are used - the number series from sixes to tens does not take part in fortune telling. The selected sixteen cards are thoroughly mixed for several minutes in order to have time to make a wish. full name chosen one and tune in to the magical wave. There are as many columns in the layout as there are letters containing the guy's full name.

    Sixteen cards are laid out in several rows from left to right. A stack is formed under each letter. Starting with the one that lies under the last letter of the name, the stack is laid out under the previous letters in the same sequence, from left to right. When the first two columns remain, the cards from the second are moved on top of the first pile.

    The resulting deck should be laid out in pairs with the pattern facing up, setting aside pairs of the same value. Pairs will be a characteristic of the relationship of the chosen one to the fortune-telling person.

    If among the pairs there are aces, there will be hot sexual encounters, but nothing more. Physiological interest in young man to a girl when it falls out pair of jacks. The prospect of deep spiritual intimacy is unlikely. Opposite predictions arise when the same couple of ladies. The chosen one is fascinated not only by her appearance, but also does not mind delving into the girl’s inner world. Pair of Kings, guarantees the further development of relationships and the creation of a family.

    Expanded layout

    A broader perspective on relationships is provided by fortune telling on cards for the betrothed, called "Twelve cards » . One of I'll give is designated as the image of a fortune-telling girl. Of the 36 playing cards, every third one is put into a separate pile, for a total of twelve pieces. If the hidden lady is among those selected, the ritual continues; if she is absent, the deck is shuffled and the selection is repeated.

    When among the twelve pictures there will be lady-significator, the selected cards are distributed into four fans of three images. Top three describes the girl's state of mind, second- displays upcoming events in a concise form, which are discussed in detail in. Next three shows the circumstances of today that help or hinder the development of a relationship with a young man. Fourth fan contains obstacles that arise on the path to a harmonious union.

    The layout determines predominant suit. Majority diamonds pictures prophesies an ideal resolution of material issues, a cloudless, prosperous life. Abundance hearts suit guarantees the presence of real, sincere friends who are ready to help at any moment. Predominance spades suit interpreted as the success and popularity of a girl among men, excellent opportunities when finding a partner. A large number of club suit is regarded as a problematic, unfavorable prospect for the present and future.

    Three or more cards of the same name have a serious impact on the layout. Three Aces predict the fulfillment of a secret desire, and kings- the appearance of an influential and wealthy admirer. Dozens predict monetary gains nines- unexpected joy, sixes- travel, and jacks And ladies- meeting with a warm male or female friend.

    Of particular importance in the scenario is king of clubs- a symbol of meeting a person destined by fate. When there are no cards in fortune telling, the fateful acquaintance is still hidden by the veil of time and is not expected in the near future.

    In the context of the layout, individual denominations have a certain meaning. Aces symbolize the news red suit- positive, dark- sad or false. For male fortune telling ladies represent lovers, for women kings act in the meaning of lovers. Diamonds warn about treason peak hide secret evil intent, hearts inspire with sincere feeling, and clubs conquer with loyalty.

    Bubnovy series describes the relationship with a trusted person using jack, receiving a gift from ten, a possible obstacle from nines, hatred coming from eights, a frivolous attitude that signals seven, and a fun trip if you get a chance six.

    Hearts talk about deep, sincere love emotions. Sh esterka predicts a date seven- joy, good mood, eight- getting pleasure, nine warns of a possible marriage proposal, and ten And jack- news or meeting.

    Peak images signal problems with health, money, relationships. Jack of Clubs describes minor troubles, A ten- deception when appearing eight of clubs Even tears are possible. Nine gives hope and seven- success.

    How to perform the ritual correctly

    If you use it, no special magical actions or conditions are required. When doing fortune telling at home, follow the rules.

    You must use a deck that did not take part in card games. You cannot guess during Orthodox holidays, except for January. Any religious attributes are removed away from the place of fortune telling.

    Fortune telling for fate and betrothed

    The days from Christmas to Epiphany in Rus' were festive, and were called Svyatki. It was a ritual of summing up the results and casting spells for all 12 months of the coming year. Notable events during this idle period were caroling and fortune telling. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that the holidays occurred at the time of the winter solstice and were interpreted as a border period between the old and new economic year; and secondly, a complex of ideas about the arrival on the first day of Christmastide to earth from the other world of the souls of the dead. The invisible presence of spirits among living people, according to our ancestors, made it possible to look into the future.

    Christmas fortune-telling was passed down from generation to generation. It is impossible to accurately determine the moment of the appearance of fortune telling on Christmastide.

    According to folk customs, fortune telling was New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1, according to the old style, and according to the new style on the night of January 12 to 13, as well as during the holy week, that is, the week after Christmas, celebrated on January 7, and on Epiphany (January 19).

    Today we have selected several interesting layouts that cannot be called everyday. This is fortune telling about a person's destined fate. There is an opinion that the Tarot does not provide predictions for a period of more than 1-2 years. This is due to the fact that every day we choose one of many possible options. And the Tarot can only show one of the most likely paths for a given moment. But at the same time, there are many examples when a fortune teller predicts a person only once in his life and fully names its main events. Let's not argue how possible this is or not. Instead, we will offer several layouts. We hope that they will help in practice to verify the truth of statements about the presence of fate. Good luck with your predictions!

    Plot layout for your betrothed on Christmas night

    This arrangement seemed magical. And although Christmas night has passed, you can check his functionality during the Christmastide period. The layout and the author's description text were found on the LiveJournal page called “Tarot Mysteries”.

    It was not invented by her by chance, when she was a little girl visiting her grandmother in the village, the girls, following tradition, on the night before Christmas, went out into the street in the evening. And, turning to the first rising star, they read this conspiracy. There was a belief that whoever reads it that night will definitely meet his betrothed.

    This arrangement is done on the night before Christmas. When laying out the cards, you need to read the line of the spell before you lay out the card in the position.

    It is good to do the layout with lit candles; it can be done in the company of unmarried girls. If you make a layout for someone else, the plot is read by the person for whom the layout is made.

    Before the start of the layout, figure cards are selected separately, excluding Pages. The pages are shuffled into the deck with the Minor Arcana. From the stack of face cards, only one card is drawn, for the first point. Then this pile is put aside and is no longer involved in the layout. The Major Arcana are also postponed; they also do not participate in the layout. It is better to do the layout with straight cards, especially for those who find it difficult to interpret inverted cards.

    The alignment is somewhat unusual, it does not seem serious, but it was he who “told fortunes” for her daughter’s husband. And now, her daughter, is firmly convinced that he is magical :) Let us also believe in miracles, because what doesn’t happen on the night before Christmas.

    1. Betrothed, my betrothed, appear. A card is drawn from shuffled and selected separately figure cards, excluding Pages. From it you can determine the character, and sometimes the zodiac sign, of the one with whom fate may bring you together. If a Queen is rolled, then the MCH will be henpecked, with character traits corresponding to the Queen that was dropped.

    2. I look pretty, take a look. The first impression you will make on the future MCH.

    3. And there’s a star in the sky, high up. Will his personality correspond to the ideals that are fundamental to you? We look at what values ​​the card drawn in this position shows and compare how we feel about such qualities in men.

    4. Where are you, my clear falcon, are you close or far? When can an acquaintance occur? Here we take into account the suit of the card. The fallen Wands are the most dynamic suit; acquaintance will happen soon. Cups are also fast, but not as fast as with Wands. The slowest suit is Pentacles. If someone is working with time values ​​based on astrology, then they can be used as a guide. And by using your imagination, you can try to determine where and how the acquaintance will take place.

    5. Let me be desired for you. How he will treat you.

    6. And she will be happy, my little one. What kind of relationship can there be between you?

    7. So that the homewrecker does not stand between us. His attitude towards fidelity.

    8. So that everything comes true in good hour. How significant will this acquaintance be for you, what place will he take in your life?

    The cards are laid out in order in the form of a rainbow in the sky, or a scattering of stars, as you prefer.

    Consider an example made on Waite.

    1.Queen of Cups. A very emotional guy, raised in love, where his mother had great influence in the family. The appearance is very sweet, somewhat feminine. He will not be a leader in the family, but he will be able to surround you with love, sympathy, and understanding. Such men very often love their children in a purely feminine way, dad and mom. Possibly belonging to a water sign.

    2.5 swords. The first impression was negative. She seemed to him aggressive, arrogant, hiding behind these qualities her fear caused by betrayal from loved ones.

    3.Ace of Pentacles. This card corresponds to such qualities as reliability, thoroughness, love of material values, attraction to family traditions, hoarding. Love of digging in the ground, desire to buy real estate, a dacha.

    4.8 of Pentacles. According to astrological time correspondence, this is mid-to-late August. Year of the Monkey. If you don’t work with astrological cycles, then just look at how dynamic the suit of the drawn card is. In this case, the card suit is the “slowest”. It can also be assumed that the above-described acquaintance occurred at work. (In fact, we met at work, in May, almost a year and a half after the prediction, and there was a wedding in August, the year did not coincide).

    5.Page of Swords. He is jealous of her, often on this basis they have disagreements, exchange barbs, he can eavesdrop on telephone conversations, check his mobile phone to see who she called, check SMS messages.

    6.3 Cups. And yet, each of them believes that the marriage was a success, feels happy, comfortable in it, they are interested and have fun together, there are common successes and joys.

    7.7 of Wands. Even if he enjoys success with women, he will try in every possible way to remain on top in these matters and resist the onslaught of those women who will actively seek him.

    8. Page of Cups. They will have a child together. The card shows an emotional chance, but not fully manifested. Attempt at writing. Early marriage. And it is not known whether the marriage of two children, which this couple is, will withstand the tests of time, difficulties and temptations

    Fate plans

    I don’t know if it’s possible to predict a person’s fate for life, but who’s stopping us from trying. Maybe it will work out :)

    Layout for a complete description of a person’s life


    Psychological description of personality:

    1 - personality of a person as a whole (taken from the Major Arcana)

    2 - the purpose for which a person came into this world

    3 - energy power

    4 - health

    5 - intuition

    6 - talents that a person is endowed with by nature

    7 - mental abilities

    8 - degree of decency of a person

    9 - person’s reliability (punctuality, responsibility, can one be trusted)

    10 - a person’s attitude towards people around him

    11 - attitude of others towards a person

    12 - dreams, desires, aspirations

    13 - fears, concerns

    14 - thinking (predominance of positive or negative)

    15 - attitude towards nature

    16 - degree of human aggressiveness

    17 - the degree of human kindness (goodwill)

    18 - worldview in general)

    Description of the initial period of life:

    19 - childhood

    22 - environment, friends

    Description of middle life:

    23 - work

    24 - personal life

    26 - environment during this period of life

    Description of life in old age:

    27 - old age

    28 - environment

    29 - (summarizing) is life worthy; what have you done in this life?

    30 - (summarizing) life mistakes; what I didn’t manage to do in this life

    31 - death (reasons, circumstances)

    Biographical schedule for life

    Source: http ://www. tarotpassages. com/ june2001 spread. htm

    Diana Wilkes

    The cards should be divided into three separate piles: the Major Arcana, the Court Cards and the Minor Arcana. Next, you need to shuffle each pile and take one cartridge according to the layout given below.

    1 card: The main theme of your life? (Major Arcana)

    2 card: What is the main problem in your life? (Major Arcana)

    3 card: The main meaning of your life? (Major Arcana)

    Map 4 and 5: Childhood - who a person was as a child and what he learned from this period (Court Card + Minor Arcana)

    Maps 6 and 7: Youth - who the person was and what he learned from this period (Court Card + Minor Arcana)

    Cards 8 and 9: Adulthood 21-40 - who was the person and what lesson did he learn from this period (Court Card + Minor Arcana)

    Map 10 and 11: By old age 40 - ? - who the person was or will be at this age, and what lessons should be learned (Court Card + Minor Arcana)

    Card 12: The main achievement of a person’s life at its end. Karma that he worked out or not. (Major Arcana)

    Etteila's Great Divide of Fate

    (given unchanged)

    Etteila summarized his knowledge of fortune telling through cards into the method of fortune telling described below, known as the "Great Spread of Fate." It can be used either independently or in combination with the method described in the section “Tarot Fortune telling and the Meaning of Cards,” thus supplementing the picture of the questioner’s fate with new details.

    First of all, carefully shuffle all seventy-eight cards and have the questioner remove them three times with his left hand. Lay them face down and ask him to choose one card to represent himself. Place this card face up in the middle of the table (you can even lay it on the floor, since the “Great Spread of Fate” requires a significant amount of space).

    Collect all the remaining cards, shuffle them and let them be removed again three times, then spread them out front side up around the central card of the querent, as shown in the figure; lay out one card at a time from the top of the deck and strictly according to the indicated numbers.

    Here it should be clearly understood that the numbers indicate the order in which the cards are laid out and have nothing to do with the numbers on the cards themselves; if any card falls on the number that appears on its image, then it will be a pure coincidence.

    For example, the place at number five does not have to be occupied by the five of cups, denarii, staves or swords or the fifth card of the major arcana (Pope); this number just means that the fifth card from the beginning of the deck should be put here, which, of course, can be anything.

    We paid special attention to this clarification because omissions and misunderstood rules for laying out cards often lead to confusion in the answers to questions asked.

    Now everything is ready to read the instructions of fate, following the following rules:

    The present is indicated by the top two rows; each card should be considered in pairs with a card from another row - for example, the twenty-third with the forty-fifth, the twenty-four with the forty-sixth, and so on.

    The past corresponds to the two rows of cards on the right side; their meanings should also be read simultaneously: the first with the thirty-fourth, the second with the thirty-fifth, and so on.

    The future is predicted by the two left rows of cards, which are also taken in pairs. Please note that in this segment of the circle, the order of reading paired cards follows in the opposite direction from the order in which they are laid out (twelfth from sixty-sixth, thirteenth from sixty-fifth, etc.).

    When determining the meanings of groups of cards, you should, if possible, also take into account the meaning of the questioner’s card

    "YEAR FORECAST" layout

    http ://tarot. my1. ru/ forum/30-285-227575-16-1290618415

    (given unchanged)

    The method we offer you is based on the ancient knowledge contained in Tarot cards. The true origin of Tarot cards is hidden in the darkness of centuries, but the knowledge embedded in them helps a person to understand himself and the world around him. In my practice, I have more than once combined the capabilities of astrology and Tarot cards, making an astrological chart and a Tarot layout for the same situation. Never! they did not contradict each other. They clarified and supplemented, but the result was the same.

    The method of predictions outlined below using Tarot cards is good because it simultaneously shows us the reversal of our lives both forward and backward for any number of years that interest us. We can see the picture in development. Despite the fact that this method of fortune telling is known to specialists, it has not been replicated like the others, and this is already interesting.

    For fortune telling, cards of the so-called Major Arcana are used. They symbolically describe the stages of the spiral of our development, one turn - 22 cards. Moreover, the movement can go either one way or the other. Cards in the direction from 1 to 21 describe our path of ascent to God. Cards in the direction from 21st to 1st show the path of the soul embodied in matter. And since the movement proceeds in a spiral, we, following one or another path, either approach God or move away from him in order to come to him again, because all paths lead to the temple. Today we will not delve into the secrets of the Tarot, but simply try out its methods and test their effectiveness in our own lives.

    I want to give just one piece of advice. If you find that a particular year does not match what is written, do not dismiss it out of hand. Think, analyze, look inside yourself, try to hear the echo in your soul. After all, Tarot cards do not skim the surface, but guide us into the depths of our soul. This is a delicate and delicate matter, there is nothing to do with a “crowbar” and categoricalness in the soul.

    Don’t be confused by the fact that seemingly the same events happen to us in the same years. Firstly, all people are subject to different cycles, one of which is universal. After all, we cannot give birth to a child until some instincts awaken in us. Secondly, the meaning of cards, even in the aspect in which they are presented, is multifaceted. Therefore, everything described below should be taken as an impulse for reflection, as an indication of the prevailing energies acting on us in a given year. Thinking people will be able to see much more here than is written. This, in fact, is the task of the “secret” sciences, because for us what is valuable is not what we were taught, but what we were able to understand through this study. Thirdly, the size of the article does not allow us to describe some of the nuances associated with the interpretation of cards; for example, the meanings of inverted cards were not taken into account here. Therefore, if what is written is happening in your life, but exactly the opposite, this is a sign for you that you have “deviated from the course.”

    So, here is a small table in which Roman numerals indicate the numbers of Tarot cards, and Arabic numerals indicate the number of full years of life. If desired, the table can be supplemented by years, for example, you turned 23 years old in 2002, which means in 2006 you will be 27. This will be your personal plate. Remember also that your personal year begins on your birthday.


    0 --1---2 -3 --4 --5 -6 ---7 --8-- 9 -10 11 12 --13 --14 --15 16 --17 ---18 -19 -20 -21

    22 -23 24 25 26 -27 28- 29 -30 -31 32 33 34 --35 --36 --37 38 --39 ---40--41 -42 -43

    44 -45 46 47 48 -49 50 -51 -52 -53 54 55 56 --57 --58 --59 60 --61 ---62 -63 -64 -65

    I (Mage). A year of achievements, the beginning of a cycle, the opening of potential. The year cannot be missed; it is necessary to lay the foundation for the next twenty-something years. It is necessary to make your own efforts and use all accumulated resources. The goal can be achieved through dedication and focus. Look for a way out yourself. Make the decision yourself. A strong will and self-confidence, guided by love and reason, will lead to the intended goal and protect against dangers along the way. Remember that it is not what is in front of you that matters, but what you are able to do with it.

    II (High Priestess). This year you cannot take sudden, rash actions. You should be careful because you have reached a fork in the road. You must call on all your experience and wisdom to make a choice. This is a time of in-depth introspection. Improvements should be achieved through reflection, careful planning, and not rash action. Obey your feeling, your inner voice, do not try to embrace the immensity. Don't jump over your head, limit yourself to what is clear to you.

    III (Empress). A year of emotional and financial prosperity. Stabilization in household chores. Good year for marriage. You are able to cope with any problem if you are ready to cooperate. If you look at what is happening sensibly and resolve any issues peacefully, then a successful outcome awaits you. Women can play a decisive role. Perhaps what you lost will return to you. A good year to buy land (real estate).

    IV (Emperor). A year of work and practical implementation of plans. Laying the foundation. You have enough strength for fruitful work. You will need prudence, a clear analysis of the situation, action according to plan and within the law. The year to take responsibility. Life requires you to make your own decisions and “be in charge.”

    V (Hierophant). The year will require from you an extraordinary approach to business, the ability to take risks and a fair amount of adventurism. Old methods are no longer effective, new ones have not been tested and, it turns out, not everything depends on you. The result, most likely, will not be exactly what you planned, but you can’t stop or wait it out. Only forward. You need to relate your desires to the desires and hopes of others and think about how your actions resonate in the world.

    VI (Lovers). A traveler at a crossroads. It's time to make life choices and determine where you want to move next and with whom. Opposite forces will act on you, equally tempting you. In the end, you have to make a choice and make it yourself. Other people will not help you because it will be their choice, not yours. Moreover, you will have to take responsibility for it.

    VII (Chariot). A year of realizing what you have been preparing for a long time. You can’t hesitate, it’s time to hit the road. The time has come to show both the world and yourself what you are practically capable of. The state of affairs will require control over the situation; you will have to take it into your own hands in order to be able to manage it. This year you will need endurance, diplomacy, the art of maneuver, and the ability to use any opportunities, even mutually exclusive ones. Forward without fear or doubt.

    VIII (Justice). The year is psychologically difficult. You will be rewarded according to your deserts. He who sows good will also reap it, but let him who sows evil and discord take offense at himself. Heaven can neither be deceived nor bribed. The year will require an honest and impartial approach to life and people. If you experience adversity or illness this year, think about what you have done wrong so far; you still have time to repent and change.

    IX (The Hermit). A year of temporary suspension from active actions, summing up and correcting mistakes. You need to think about where you are going and what your end goal is. In order to achieve it, you will have to give up something, discard something as outdated, and look at something with different eyes. There is a need to turn to your inner spiritual teacher and really evaluate what you have managed to achieve and determine the step to which you have managed to reach.

    X (Wheel of Fortune). A turning point year. Something in your life will change radically. Moreover, this does not always depend on your efforts. This is His Majesty's case. Therefore, we can expect unexpected events this year. In any case, this is a change for the better, even if it doesn’t seem so to you now. The time has come for change, so we must not resist it, but accept it as a gift from heaven. Your future is at stake, so boldly take what life offers you. Take advantage of the chance given to you.

    XI (Strength). This year you will need to collect all your internal resources and contrast them with rough external force. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your spiritual power, for this you will have to call on patience, endurance and wisdom for help. If your thoughts are pure, then by acting with determination, without fear or doubt, you will win. This is the year of perseverance and testing for lice.

    XII (The Hanged Man). A year when you will not be able to express yourself in the world, because if you do not distance yourself from the world, it will do it for you. This is the year of sacrifice. You may have to give up your idea or dream for the sake of a debt or someone else's idea. Do this voluntarily, because now you are not able to change the course of events. Do not enter into disputes or altercations. This will be your payment for the future. In order to understand what is happening, you need to change your point of view and completely disconnect from the world. Do not interfere with what is happening, but simply observe. And look for a solution to the problem within yourself.

    XIII (Death). A year of radical changes and irrevocable losses. You are entering the next stage. Something, perhaps very expensive, will have to be given up. This cannot be avoided, nothing can be changed. You will have to take a decisive step - the way back is closed to you. It doesn't matter what the result turns out to be from your point of view, what matters is that you cross a certain threshold. We must gather all our courage and move forward without looking back. Only after this will the true meaning of what is happening to you now be revealed to you.

    XIV (Moderation). A year of summing up, reviewing what remains after the past destructive year. The past cannot be returned, but everything that was in it will serve in the future. There is no need to rush, you need to think, weigh, wait, since your actions now have fateful consequences. The most important thing now for you is to divide your aspirations and desires into important and truly important. Play your game, not someone else's. More than ever, you need to maintain external equanimity and internal peace; vanity is detrimental this year.

    XV (Devil). A year of passions and temptations. Can offer you incredible opportunities. The devil-tempter is dexterous, smart and resourceful, it will not be possible to outwit him, so you will need the experience of equanimity of the past year in order not to succumb to the temptation to get what you want at any cost. Be careful because you don't know what the price is for this. And the price will be your freedom, your will, your life. Isn’t it better to give up something now, so as not to shed bitter tears later? Don’t be sad if some relationships are destroyed and there is no return to something, this is the price to pay for illusions.

    XVI (Tower). A year of radical change and change. But above all, it is the collapse of the illusions that you have stubbornly held on to until now. What will be destroyed this year or stubbornly not given into your hands is not yours, and you just need to give it up, because you really don’t need it anymore. You are forcibly released from something that you did not want to get rid of voluntarily. Go where your soul calls you, without regretting the past, because in order to build a new building, you must first clear the place on which it will stand.

    XVII (Star). A fateful year that can ultimately turn your life around. A year of hope and unusual opportunities. Luck will spread its wings over those who trust in life. This year, the heavens are revealing to you some of their secrets related to your destiny and purpose, so what is important is not what happens around you, but what is important is what is inside you. Be able to discern in the everyday bustle the signs that fate gives. Your strength is faith. Don't fuss, listen to the quiet voice of wisdom that usually sleeps inside you. This is the wisdom of eternity.

    XVIII (Moon). This year you may lose your bearings. Anxiety, premonitions that come true and, to a greater extent, do not come true. Separation from reality, illusion. desire to hide from problems. Targeting the wrong people who are really needed, lies and betrayal are possible. Don't be afraid of mistakes, because they are not a reason to give up on life and the future. Find your inner strength and go towards the light. The most difficult hour is before dawn.

    XIX (Sun). A year of maximum opportunities. Whatever happens this year, everything will be for your benefit. Allow yourself what you have limited yourself to until now, including freedom of expression. Just don't get blinded by the bright rays of the Sun.

    XX (Court). The beginning of a new life. Rebirth. Changes awaited with impatience and some fear. Whether you managed to complete the work you started or not, the bell has rung and it’s time to keep an account of what has been done. Examination and “assignment”, in the language of students. Accept the changes that await you, because only with them is a breakthrough into the future possible.

    XXI (World). The year of the final completion of the cycle. Dot over "i". You finally move into a different quality. A situation somewhat similar to card XVI, but in this case you are freeing yourself from past attachments with a feeling of gratitude and relief. You are free. A change of place of residence or work is possible.

    0 (Jester).A year of preparation for a new stage. Crossroads, choice of path. Completely new circumstances and opportunities. Don't give up anything this year has to offer. From these possibilities you will choose what will be important to you in the next stage. Your soul knows, but you haven’t understood it yet, so you take on one thing or another. You need a pen sample. At this stage, only faith will help you: faith in the idea, faith in yourself, faith in a guardian angel who will not allow timid sprouts to perish for the time being. You have to take a step into the unknown.

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    Fortune telling about the groom is very in demand and popular, especially among young girls. And this is quite understandable, because what girl does not want to find out what her chosen one will be like. There are a huge number of ways to clarify this using various rituals.

    Simple folk methods

    For example, you can perform the following simple rituals:

    • Place a copper and gold ring in a cup of water and then close your eyes. Next, you should pull out one of the rings. Gold will be a harbinger of a rich groom, and copper will predict a poor chosen one.
    • You need to close your eyes and enter the chicken coop. You should catch a chicken there. The white one indicates that the groom will be fair-haired, the black one will predict a brunette, and the pockmarked one will predict a pockmarked chosen one.
    • You should place an empty glass on the window overnight and place a spoon of water on top of it. In the morning you need to see if any water has spilled from the spoon. If this is so, then the groom will be a housekeeper, and if water is spilled, then he will walk and drink.

    You can also use fortune telling to understand whether you will be able to get married in the near future.

    This can be done in the following ways:

    • The night before national holiday Ivan Kupala, which falls on July 7, requires picking wildflowers and putting them under the pillow. When you wake up, you should count them. If there are 12 of them, then marriage will happen in the coming year, otherwise you will have to wait a little.
    • You need to weave a wreath from birch branches and throw it into the river. If he drowns, then this portends trouble; if he floats with the flow, then marriage will soon happen; if he is washed ashore, marriage should not be expected in the coming year.

    Card fortune telling for the groom

    There are a huge number of fortune telling about the groom using cards. The most simple prediction A method involving the use of four jacks is considered.

    To do this, in privacy in a separate room, you should draw a cross on white paper, in the center of which a wax candle is placed, which is lit with a match from a new box. Four jacks are then selected from a deck of playing cards. They are laid out on the sides of the cross, face down.

    After this, the jacks are randomly swapped nine times, and each time the words are pronounced:

    “My clear falcon, my desired betrothed, facing me, the Servant of God ( given name) turn around and show yourself."

    After this, one card is randomly selected, which will describe the groom:

    • The Jack of Diamonds denotes a fair-haired, light-eyed guy with a gentle and accommodating character.
    • The jack of hearts denotes an intelligent and dexterous light-eyed brown-haired man.
    • The jack of clubs denotes a spiritually and physically strong, light-eyed brunette or dark-eyed brown-haired man.
    • The jack of spades denotes a rich and capricious dark-eyed brunette.

    There is also a more complex fortune telling using jacks. Usually, this method suitable for cases when a girl cannot decide on the choice of a candidate. In it you will need to use the entire deck of cards to complete the layout. First, all the jacks are selected, and a specific guy is chosen for each of them.

    Next, the four cards are shuffled and placed face down on the table in random order. After this, the deck of cards is shuffled and a layout is performed in the form of horizontal rows from left to right. As a result, a column of 8 cards should be formed under each jack. From each of them, pairs of cards of the same value should be selected and placed on top of the corresponding jacks. Then the cards are moved to fill the empty spaces and the paired cards are again removed onto the jacks. The steps are repeated until no suitable option remains.

    Decoding fortune telling is carried out as follows:

    • Aces symbolize the guy's passionate feelings towards you.
    • Kings foretell attacks of jealousy.
    • Ladies indicate the presence of rivals.
    • Dozens focus on the guy’s strong feelings, which he is embarrassed to express openly.
    • Nines - sincere love.
    • Eights indicate that the guy is afraid to show his feelings, because he is afraid of rejection on your part.
    • Sevens indicate that the guy dreams of a romantic date.
    • Sixes foretell that the guy will soon begin to court you.

    Of course, every girl wants to know the name of the groom. And this can be done with the help of ancient fortune telling. Any such ritual must be performed in complete privacy. First, you should concentrate as much as possible and imagine the image of the person you would like to see next to you in life. Such fortune telling is best done with lit candles.

    For one of the methods you will need to use a book. Preference should be given to a romance novel.

    The following manipulations are carried out with it:

    • The page corresponding to the birthday is opened and the first letter of the text on it is written down.
    • The page corresponding to the month of your birth opens and the first letter of the text on it is also written down.
    • The page corresponding to your father's birthday is opened and the first letter of the text on it is written down again.

    These letters will become your groom's initials. There is another ancient way of determining the name of your betrothed. It is believed that the girl prefers men who are similar to her father. Psychologists say: ancestral instincts contribute to the fact that very often the main factor in choosing a loved one on a subconscious level is even the name of the closest relative. Therefore, if you want to find out the name of the groom, then analyze male names his father's relatives. Most likely, the most common of them will be the name of your groom.

    There is one more ancient fortune telling, which will allow you to find out the name of your betrothed. It is recommended to hold it on one of the Christmas Eve evenings. For the ceremony you will need to first prepare a candle and a container of water. You need to light a candle and, concentrating on the desire to find out the name of your loved one, sit in silence for a few minutes. After this, you need to drop a few drops of melted wax into a container of water. When the wax hardens, you should try to recognize the letters in the resulting image. They will become a clue in order to find out the name of your future groom.

    If you happen to sleep in a new place, you should definitely use fortune telling, which will allow you to see the groom.

    So from Thursday to Friday, when going to bed, you need to say the following words:

    “Thursday always comes next to Wednesday, and Monday is followed by Tuesday. Saturday and Friday are nearby, and Sunday is friends with Saturday. Only Friday alone, like me. I will lie down on the holy mountains of Zion, three angels will fly over my head: the first will see everything, the second will tell me about it, and the third will show my fate.”

    On Wednesday you need to cast another spell before going to bed. But before that, you should place a glass of spring water next to the bed.

    The magic words are as follows:

    “I call you into my dream, mummer, my betrothed, come, show yourself to me and ask me for a drink.”

    On any other day, you can cast a traditional spell known to everyone since childhood:

    “I’m going to bed in a new place, I dream about the bride and groom.”

    It is important to remember that you can only see your future groom in a dream if you sincerely believe in magic.

    Since ancient times, many girls have wanted to look into the future. Young beauties were especially interested in when the meeting with their betrothed would take place, what the chosen one would be like, and whether it was possible to find out his name. The most popular method used by the fair sex is fortune telling for the betrothed. The variety of fortune telling is impressive, most of them can be performed at home.

    Since ancient times, many girls have wanted to look into the future.

    By fortune-telling your betrothed on cards you can find out about his attitude towards you

    With the help of “name solitaire”, you can find out how your lover treats you. Take a piece of paper and write the full name of the guy you're interested in. For the layout, you need to choose from playing cards related to the major lasso: jacks, queens, aces, kings. Under each letter in turn, lay out one card until they run out. Afterwards, arrange the resulting stack on the last letter of the name exactly in this way.

    The layout is carried out until one column remains under the first letter. Next, you need to turn over the cards in pairs and see if there are any matches.

    • Two Aces - he wants intimacy with you.
    • Two Kings - he constantly thinks about you and wants to build a long-term relationship.
    • Two ladies - he is delighted with your appearance.
    • Two Jacks - considers you very attractive.

    With the help of “name solitaire”, you can find out how your lover treats you

    Using fortune telling on the mirror, you can see the image of your betrothed

    Fortune telling on a mirror is the most common way to help you recognize your chosen one. For the ceremony you will need two mirrors and two candles. The ritual on the mirror is best performed at midnight, in complete solitude and silence. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor. And on the sides there are candlesticks with candles. When lighting candles, you need to say the following words:

    “My betrothed, the mummer, come and have tea,” “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner,” “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.”

    Take a close look at the end of the mirrored corridor, and you will definitely see the image of the groom there. Having created such a corridor, you should say the words of the amulet: “Cheer out of this place!” Lower the mirrors with the mirror surface down. With this action, you seem to close the door between dimensions.

    Anyone can use a comb to tell their betrothed

    At home, you can perform a fairly simple ancient ritual on your betrothed using a comb. With the help of this ritual, you can not only see your future chosen one in a dream, but also find out his name.

    Fortune telling by comb for the betrothed

    The night before you go to bed, take a comb that only you use. Let your hair down while combing it and say the following words:

    “Betrothed mummer, I’m dressing up for you, good for you. Come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we will meet. I will wait for you and we can be together. With almighty powers I conjure you: appear in my dream. Amen".

    In this way, in a dream, you can find out the name of your lover. It is important to remember that only your comb is used in fortune telling; no one else should use it.

    Available fortune telling for your betrothed from Thursday to Friday

    Fortune telling for the betrothed from Thursday to Friday

    Particularly popular are fortune telling for the betrothed, which is carried out from Thursday to Friday. You can use any version of this type of ritual. Each of them is carried out before bedtime.

    • On Friday night, before you fall asleep, you say the words:

      “Friday-Friday, help me dream about who is striving for me.”

    • In the second option, say:

      “From Thursday to Friday I lie down on the mat. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves you will dream.”

    • From Thursday to Friday you can also apply the ritual with the following words:

      “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone, and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, another will tell, the third will show fate.”

    Young girls especially often turn to Christmas fortune-telling for their betrothed.

    Christmas fortune telling is very popular

    Christmas fortune telling is very popular among young girls. Because with their help you can determine who will become the husband. This fortune telling ritual is performed before going to bed. You need to eat some very salty food at night and try not to drink water, even if you are very thirsty. At night you need to say the following words:

    “Betrothed, mummer, come and give me a drink.” A young man who will give you water in a dream and become your lover.

    Christmas fortune-telling using cards is widespread. You should choose 4 kings from a deck of playing cards and put them under your pillow at night, saying the following words:

    “Betrothed, mummer, dream about me in a dream.”

    You need to remember what color the king is in your dream. The king of diamonds means that the guy will be very desirable, the king of hearts - to a young and wealthy groom, the king of clubs - the future husband will be a military man or businessman, the king of spades - to a jealous elderly spouse.

    Fortune telling for your betrothed using cards

    Christmas fortune telling for marriage. Every girl is interested in how soon she will get married. On the night before Christmas, every girl needs to take a ring and throw it down the hallway. The girl whose ring travels farthest will soon get married.

    Christmas fortune telling for the name. Using this simple ritual, you can find out the name of your betrothed. Men's names must be written on small pieces of paper. After Christmas night, roll up the leaves and put them in a container. Mix the papers well and remove one of them. The name of the future chosen one will be exactly the one that comes across to you on the piece of paper.

    With accessible tarot fortune telling you can find out when you will meet your betrothed

    You can guess about your betrothed not only by playing cards, but on such mystical cards as tarot. The ritual of tarot fortune telling is quite simple. Reading the layout is accessible even for beginners. Best time for the ceremony - the night before Christmas. You can perform fortune telling at home, create a special environment and completely focus on tarot fortune telling. It is important to remember that when laying out each tarot card, you need to say one line of the spell. The person to whom the fortune is told must pronounce the words.

    Fortune telling with tarot cards

    For a tarot reading, you will need figure cards without Pages and minor arcana cards. Layout:

    • When choosing a card from the figured cards, you need to say: “Betrothed, my mummer, appear!” This card will tell you what the character and essence of the chosen one is.
    • The next choice is from the Minor Arcana with the Pages and say: “Look at my pretty face!” The card helps determine what kind of impression you will make on your lover.
    • Next, choose a tarot with these words: “And there’s a star high in the sky!” The card will indicate whether your image matches ideal man with his personality.
    • An important card that predicts when the acquaintance will occur: “Where are you, my clear falcon, close or far?”
    • When choosing a tarot, say: “May I be desirable to you!” you will learn about his future attitude towards you.
    • The next card: “And my share will be happy!”, talking about relationships.
    • “So that the homewrecker does not stand between us!” An opportunity to find out if a similar situation will arise in the future.
    • The final card: “May everything come true, good luck!”, which determines the significance of the upcoming acquaintance.

    Lay out the taro in a semicircle. The ritual must be treated with the utmost care. It is important not only to pay attention to decoding the meanings of the tarot, but also to see the relationship. The tarot reading is attractive because it can be done at home alone or with close friends. The ideal time for carrying out any version of rituals - fortune-telling for the betrothed is at night.
