How to play solitaire on fortune-telling cards. Old Russian solitaire online for free

The basis of this layout was a very old Russian fortune-telling on special cards. Russian solitaire - fortune-telling, the online version of which you can find below, is very similar to similar layouts: Josephine Beauharnais, Indian solitaire and. All these layouts are carried out according to a similar scheme, only the interpretation of individual symbols and, in some cases, the layout order differ. But in this article we will get acquainted specifically with Russian Solitaire.

"Ancient Russian solitaire divination" - online will answer all your questions about love, relationships and the future for free!

Principles and rules of divination

Traditionally laid out during the Christmas and New Year holidays. At this point in time, he predicts the future for a rather long period, in addition, it is believed that it is at this time that all predictions have the maximum degree of certainty.

However, you have the opportunity to conduct online fortune-telling "Old Russian Solitaire" for free at any time of the year on our website, but in this case, you should think in advance about the period of time for which you are guessing - usually no more than 3-4 months.

Online version

Think of a question that interests you or imagine a situation for which you want to get advice from the cards, focus, and start fortune telling.

Layout scheme

  • All cards are laid out in 5 rows and 5 columns one under one picture up;
  • Among the pictures that are separated by a slash, you need to find two or more matching images;
  • You can turn each card in any direction in order to achieve the desired match;
  • Moving and swapping cards is prohibited;
  • To get a finished prediction, you need to read the interpretation of each symbol and “combine” them into one. Do it slowly and you will definitely succeed!
  • If not a single picture matches, you should conduct Russian solitaire online divination again.

Interpretation of the meaning of symbols

  • Drum. A symbol of the successful completion of the work begun, the completion of a task. It means victory over circumstances or an enemy. Everything that interfered will be defeated, and you will be on horseback.
  • Bow. A symbol of an upcoming love affair, the beginning of a romantic relationship, some kind of secret meetings that are carefully hidden from relatives and friends.
  • Scales. Hesitations, doubts, the inability to take a final or decisive step, the upcoming choice between something or someone. They can also mean a successful way out of the situation.
  • Hair. A symbol of strong relationships, family ties, long romantic relationships that led to marriage and finding a family.
  • Woman. A symbol of the appearance of a rival on your horizon, an unkind envious woman or a gossip who annoys you.
  • Coins. Gaining financial income and good luck, success in business with big profits, a good deal, good luck in a career, solving material problems.
  • Trees. A symbol of some change in your life, the appearance of a new person, a change in the environment around you.
  • Lock. A symbol of carefully hidden information, perhaps you don’t know something, some kind of secret, riddle, conspirators.
  • Coach. A symbol of an upcoming quick trip or a business trip, leaving your home, a long journey.
  • Dagger. A symbol of a warning about possible betrayal by your close friends or entourage, intrigues, conflicts with one of your relatives are possible, you need to be careful.
  • Key. A symbol of the speedy resolution of all problems, exit from stalemate, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects, the ability to sort out their affairs, a free path.
  • Book. Papers or documents, some kind of litigation associated with them, seeking help from officials.
  • Bell. A symbol of receiving good, long-awaited news, joyful and good events, boundless openness.
  • Quiver and arrows. Symbol of difficulties in love relationships, anxious mood, upcoming experiences, excitement, oppressive state, nervousness.
  • Rings. Love, upcoming quick marriage, matrimony, connection, inseparability.
  • Envelope. Symbol for receiving news from dear person good news, good news.
  • Bonfire. The emergence of a quarrel with a loved one, empty chores, useless and unnecessary conversations, chatter.
  • Crown. Perhaps you think too much of yourself? Solitaire recommends getting rid of her in as soon as possible to avoid trouble.
  • Cross. Protracted illness, laborious work, large exercise stress, heavy burden, guilt, unpaid debt, broken promise, shattered hope. Circumstances are stacked against you. Something oppresses you and prevents you from living a full life.
  • Swan. Selflessness, devotion, fidelity, mutual feelings, altruism, self-sacrifice. You give more than you receive.
  • Moon and stars. A symbol of an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting interlocutor, useful connections, patronage. Expect new and interesting events.
  • Man. A symbol of the appearance on the horizon of the second half of the male. Perhaps a rival for a man.
  • Horseshoe. A symbol of a successful combination of circumstances, a successful outcome of the case, a pleasant surprise. Luck looked into your house.
  • sailboat. A symbol of a fair wind, the beginning of a new path, travel, freedom, openness.
  • Rainbow. Symbol of happiness, joy, good meeting, love date.
  • Glass A cheerful mood, a meeting with guests, a rich feast, a holiday.
  • Candles. Sad mood, sadness and tears, unpleasant events, unsuccessful love, problems in business.
  • Heart. A symbol of a secret admirer, a confession of one's feelings, a romantic relationship.
  • Sun. The resolution of all problems, a clear horizon, a happy time, a joyful event, a white streak in life.
  • Arrow. A symbol of the upcoming surprise, receiving a gift or surprise, a combination of circumstances. Perhaps you have come to some point in your life, after which a lot can change.
  • Sultan. The appearance of a reliable and strong patron, guardianship, care. Someone wants to help you selflessly.
  • Snail. Your wish will be fulfilled very soon. Wait a little more.
  • Veil. A symbol of a happy wedding, the appearance of a second half, a successful marriage, matchmaking, a marriage proposal, a solemn holiday.
  • Flower. A symbol of bitter suffering, vain tears, love without reciprocity, futility of expectations, despondency. Your expectations will never come true.
  • Chains. A symbol of severe trials, the stiffness of your actions, the appearance of obstacles in your path, upcoming difficulties, difficult problems.
  • Church. A symbol of changes in your life, a change of environment, new interests.
  • Watch. A symbol of the transience of the life path, a reminder of the completion of long-deferred tasks.
  • Flag. A symbol of action, courage, a bold act, courage, heroism.
  • Crap. Losses, lies, deception of loved ones, fraudulent actions, court cases.
  • Scull. Illness, long-standing anxiety, hopelessness.
  • Anchor. Self-confidence, good intentions, manifestation best qualities, calmness.

5 /5 (3 )

Antique solitaire online, fortune telling for free- a way to find out the answer to an exciting question. The method has replaced the paper version. But it also has its own subtleties and nuances. If you take into account all the subtleties, the prediction will be truthful and accurate.

Play old solitaire game online

Live in conscience, in harmony with yourself and nature - home commandments our ancestors. Due to life situations: lack of support, misunderstanding and elementary ignorance, it is not always possible to follow this simple and understandable mantra.

The simple and free solitaire game that we offer is not only about answering your questions and predicting the near future. This whole system, created by our ancestors, which absorbed the knowledge and power of the ancient peoples, which will give a hint, direct you on the right path and help you understand a difficult life situation.

READ ALSO: Love solitaire divination online for free.

Solitaire itself is so ancient that it is impossible to determine its exact time of appearance. It is also customary to call it Old Russian. His layout is resorted to at any time when you need to get advice or a hint. He, that thread from the ball, for which, if you pull, you can find the right path.

3 most original divination for the future

The essence of the layout is quite simple: the cards are laid out in four rows, each with five pieces. The task is to find a pair of identical signs. You can do this with the help of rotations and clicks on each card.

The most popular types of ancient solitaire games

To find out your fate, to understand the complex intricacies of life, the worldwide network offers many different layouts for every taste.

Of these, there are simple and understandable for an inexperienced spreader:

  1. "Russian Old" is a popular solitaire invented by the ancestors and deserving of maximum trust. It is based on special cards with printed signs. The layout scheme is such that you need to lay out 4 cards in 4 rows. Rotating them in a circle, unravel their correct meaning. The basis of the "old Russian" solitaire lies in many popular predictions. Among them: "Kievskaya Soothsayer", "Love", "Gothic", "Astrological", "House of the Sun", "Indian" and others.
  2. To play Swedenborg solitaire, you will need a special deck of cards.
  3. The Medici layout is done on ordinary playing cards. But to find out the correct answer, you need to understand a lot of subtleties and nuances.

Of particular importance in each layout are the rules, their knowledge and observance will help to find the right clue that can stabilize an important life balance and change fate.


Surely most people at least once thought about how to know their future and check the past. Someone does it for fun, and someone from the last despair. In this case, you do not need to go to a fortune teller. In order to get a glimpse of what awaits behind the veil of the future, you can use a simple solitaire game.

READ ALSO: Solitaire online divination for free on a wish.

This game has come to us since the middle of the 19th century. The court ladies of France very often guessed themselves using this method. Today, this activity is popular not only among ladies of retirement age. Most young people are increasingly resorting to this method, especially to resolve love issues. The essence is simple: purchase a special deck of cards, learn the meanings and rules of each layout.

According to women, a proven and reliable way is "Old Russian Solitaire". He gives precise answers to the questions asked. Also popular is the layout on the Tarot cards, on the Archangel Michael and the Medici, for which ordinary cards are used for the game.

Especially for suspicious people with a fine mental organization, it is better not to resort to solitaire layout. Sometimes cards interpret not at all pleasant things. Some of them can greatly upset a person.


Before embarking on card fortune telling, you need to learn a number of important rules.

READ ALSO: Fortune telling solitaire Madame Recamier online for free.

Their observance is the basis for obtaining a reliable result:

  1. internal concentration. It is very important to tune yourself in the right way and discard all extraneous thoughts.
  2. A clear statement of the question. A well-posed question is the first step in reaching the right answer.
  3. Following instructions. It is important to act according to the rules when it comes to paper layout. Fortune telling online is often automated, and all that is required is to click on the cards provided.
  4. No rush. Solitaire is a monotonous affair and does not tolerate fuss.
  5. Selecting the correct value. From the proposed answers, you need to choose the one that best answers the task you set.
  6. Frequent remapping. Do not use the layout more than once for the same question. This hello only to the fact that the prediction will turn out to be untrue.

Watch the video. Fortune telling on the old solitaire.


Missing special cards for Russian solitaire? No problem. You can easily make them yourself. To do this, you need to cut out 40 square cards in the middle of which a symbol is drawn. Next, the squares are cut diagonally to make triangles with half a symbol on each. Having formulated the question, make a layout. 5 cards are laid out in 5 rows. Each card is rotated around its axis, but not swapped. It is important that these symbols match together, thereby making up a complete drawing. Then guess the meaning of each matched pattern.

Sometimes symbols go one after another, forming a certain relationship. This is also important to consider when unraveling the meanings. Thus, with the help of this divination, one can learn about the past, the future and the present.

Fortune telling on the old solitaire

To find out what secrets your life hides, those who know are advised to turn to the old solitaire online for help - a method that was used by our ancestors is now available to everyone who has the Internet. To date, this is the most popular and method of predicting fate.

An experienced virtual magician will make a layout for you that will answer all your questions. You can also do it yourself if there are special cards with symbols. When laying out the cards, you need to carefully study which of the symbols matched together. After that, the matching drawings are unraveled, thereby obtaining a complete designation. The value is the answer to the question that is asked only once, otherwise the future picture will turn out to be blurry.

READ ALSO: Divination gothic solitaire online for free.


According to legend, when Marie Antoinette was in prison, a fortune teller advised her to lay out the cards. If the solitaire matches, she will be able to avoid execution. But no matter how much the condemned queen scattered the deck, he never got along.

Watch the video. Fortune-telling on solitaire "Kiev fortune teller".

Also, this type of layout is quite popular with nomadic gypsies. They use it as an entertainment, as well as divination for desire or love. Gypsies have complicated this layout a little. If during the period of the French queen a 32 card deck was used, without the "6", romals use all 36 cards.

Gypsy solitaire layout method:

A deck of 36 cards is shuffled well. Next, lay out 8 cards in 4 rows, face down. The remaining 4 cards are laid aside. Each row is numbered as follows: 1st card - "king", the last - "6".

READ ALSO: Decompose solitaire divination online for free.

Rows also have their own name:

  • 1 row - tambourines are located;
  • 2 row - worms;
  • 3 row - clubs;
  • 4 row - peaks.

Next, 1 card is taken from the 4 set aside and placed in its proper place. For example, if it was "7 clubs", it is located in the second row from the bottom, the second card from the end. The suit received from that place is also put in the place assigned to it, if the "jack of hearts" is caught, put it in the second row, the third card first. If an “ace” is caught in the place of the shifted card, it is put aside and the next of 4 cards is taken. Solitaire is considered stacked if you have all your cards open and 4 aces are on the side.

For the future

Fortune telling has always been popular, even our ancestors used this method to get answers to questions and open the veil of the future. Ancient solitaire is one of the methods of "fortune telling". It is used if special cards with drawings are available. However, creating these cards yourself is not difficult. We have previously described how to make them.

More than 5 types of layout using playing cards

The layout of the cards is pretty simple. The main thing here is that the halves of the characters match. The leaves themselves can be rotated to the right or left. Particular attention is paid to unraveling the complete drawings that have fallen out.

Arrangement "Archangel"

This solitaire is usually used after a difficult conversation, quarrel, when making an important decision or getting an answer to an exciting question. You can make a layout online by typing "Council of the Archangel Michael" in the search engine. The woman who turned to this type of solitaire for help was especially lucky. After all, God's adviser, in everything else, is the protector and patron of the weaker sex. You can turn to the Archangel for advice every day. All you need is to mentally ask Michael for help or advice. The dropped out card with the answer, at the end, contains a small prayer that will help achieve inner harmony.

Image interpretation

Below we offer you a complete and most accurate decoding of the symbols that are used for the layout of the "Old Russian Solitaire".

Transcriptions can be used both for the home method and for online divination:

  • scales - you cannot make any decision or are indecisive;
  • a wreath of laurel - to a surprise;
  • road - a long journey awaits you;
  • tree - to loneliness;
  • spruce - rely only on yourself, you should not wait for outside help;
  • castle - you should not take any action, hide;
  • a snake - to failures and a bad incident;
  • an umbrella is a symbol of your cherished desires;
  • key - the situation requires urgent resolution;
  • the book is a symbol of a state institution;
  • bell - a bad omen, betrayal;
  • ring - to imminent marriage or a declaration of love;
  • the ship is a very kind and positive symbol that brings happiness and joy;
  • crown - success awaits you;
  • penny - expect profit;

Watch the video. The meanings of the symbols of solitaire "Kiev fortune teller".

  • fire - a symbol of the father's house, family;
  • a cat is a symbol of sympathy and flirting;
  • the cross is a difficult fate, the situation cannot be changed;
  • swan - good news;
  • girl's face - acquaintance, meeting;
  • mill - bad rumor, conspiracies;
  • month - receipt of important news within 30 days;
  • swords - disputes, quarrel;
  • lightning - in this situation it is better to act spontaneously, and most importantly not to delay its resolution;
  • glasses - you will see something new, notice something important, this will affect the decision already made;
  • letter - news, news;
  • horseshoe - happiness and prosperity await you;
  • a glass - you may be invited to a meeting where you will sit at a table and drink alcohol;
  • candle - humility and appeasement, acceptance of the situation;
  • a heart pierced by an arrow - everything that concerns a couple: separation, quarrel, divorce;
  • sun - new opportunities await you, a declaration of love;
  • arrows with plumage - to fulfill a cherished desire;
  • forked arrows - you will be seized by passion and desire for a certain person;
  • duck - someone misleads you;
  • flag - career changes await you;
  • flower - a symbol of feelings;
  • chains - a symbol of an obstacle, someone's interference from the side;
  • hours - new opportunities await you in life;
  • the skull is a serious ailment;
  • the anchor is a symbol of stability.

In each divination online, their own drawings and transcripts are used. It is also important to monitor the decency of the loss of symbols that can indicate the past, present and future.

As you know, the ideal time for divination and predictions is on the night of Ivan Kupala and the week from Christmas to Epiphany. It is then, according to experts, that there is a chance to get a reliable answer. But often there are complex life situations when outside help is simply indispensable.

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards, the article will describe several varieties of the game and give the rules for how to play solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire is a great way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also layouts. Although in this way you can only get yes / no answers from cards to very simple questions.

How to play 36-card Klondike Solitaire

Klondike is one of the most popular and well-known solitaire games around the world. This type layout was included in the standard set of games in the widely used operating system. The layout rules are extremely simple.

For the layout, decks of 36 and 52 cards are used. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game, you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large layout for 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing one deck in 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards), the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid out face down. The first row is laid out 1 card in each column, in the 2nd row they are laid out on a card only in 5 columns, in the third - in 4 and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout are over. You can turn over a deck of three cards. The last one in the top three is considered active, you can take the middle one only after the one closest to the player. IN Big deal you can turn over the deck only once; in the layout of 36 cards, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the coupon.

Rules of the game (36 cards), how to play solitaire "Kerchief":

  1. Aces serve as the basis for collecting a deck by suit. When opening an ace, it is laid out separately, further collection of the suit is carried out in ascending order, from smaller to larger.
  2. After moving the active column card, the next one must be turned face up.
  3. You can only stack cards of different colors on top of each other in playing columns, for example, spades on hearts or diamonds on clubs.
  4. The layout of the cards in columns is carried out in a downward direction - from the king to the sixes.
  5. The king of any suit can be moved with the whole pile to the place of the vacated column.

That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered laid out when all the cards are collected on aces relevant suits.

How to play Spider Solitaire in 36 cards

For Spider Solitaire, a playing deck is rarely used. It can be laid out with one, two or four suits. For the game, they take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards on how to play Spider Solitaire:

  1. Lay out cards of 6 pieces in the first 4 rows and 5 pieces in the rest. In total, there should be 54 cards on the playing table.
  2. Lay out the last row face up - these are active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded into a deck - coupon, or can be laid out to the side in 8 lines of 10 cards, face down.
  4. The cards are stacked on top of each other in order from the highest to the lowest of the same suit. Ace is considered the lowest card!
  5. If there are no more options for moving cards, you must take one of the set aside lines and place one card face up on each row in the game.
  6. In place of an empty column, you can move any card or a continuous combination of them, starting with the highest.
  7. If in a column it is possible to collect a sequence from king to ace of the same suit, such a combination is removed in a pile away from the layout. The goal of the game is to clear the field of cards.

You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards), you need to make 8 columns, one half of which has 7 cards each and the second - 6 pieces each. Playing with fewer decks is not that fun.

"Grandma's arrangement"

Very basic but interesting option 36 card solitaire. The deck is laid out in 3 identical columns of fans of 3 cards, as shown in the photo below. The goal of the game is to collect sequences of each suit from ace to six.

The top card in each fan is considered the active card. Dropped aces are immediately laid out on the sidelines. You can only stack cards of the same rank on top of each other, but their number in a fan should not exceed four. In a deadlock situation, the deck is collected, interfered with and again laid out in triplets. Solitaire is considered completed if the combinations are completed in three hands.

Pyramid Solitaire

"Pyramid" - a very simple way to play solitaire (36 cards). You need to shuffle the deck and lay out 9 rows of 4 cards, the last ones in the column with the suit up. Next, you need to look for pairs of the same value of cards, such pairs are eliminated from the layout, and the cards under them are opened. Nothing can be done with empty column spaces. The spread is considered folded if all the cards are eliminated.

Rules for divination on cards

It's no secret that cards can open up the future. How to play solitaire - divination from 36 cards? There are several simple signs and requirements for a fortune-telling deck. You can't guess with playing cards. Strangers should not touch the deck. It is better to keep several sets of cards, one for personal use, the second for divination by outsiders. Do not ask questions to cards in a bad or depressed mood.

Each fortune-telling deck should have its own storage place, for example, a beautiful velvet bag. You should not ask all the questions in one scenario, many answers will not even be approximately correct. Also, do not seek the help of cards for nothing and ask the same question twice. The most accurate layouts are made for a period of time no more than 3 months.

Spread of desire

There are very simple fortune-telling solitaire games (36 cards) for wish. How to lay out one of them is described below. Before starting the layout, it is worth holding the deck in your hands, thinking about your desire. Next, it is worth shuffling the deck well and laying out two cards face down next to each other. The remaining cards are equally laid out in 2 rows with the suit up, it is necessary to start the alignment from the last ones laid out.

The first four are considered, if in each column there are cards of the same denomination, they are put aside, attention moves to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second a nine of clubs, they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. The end result should be two cards up and two cards up. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the alignment comes to a standstill earlier or cards of the same face value end up in different columns, you should not expect the fulfillment of your plan.

Divination Solitaire

"Divination" is another way to play solitaire (36 cards) for a wish. Make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid out face down in 5 piles of 7 pieces, the last one is opened. The exposed card becomes the intended suit.

Next, the stacks must be sequentially opened one card at a time. A suit that does not match the intended one, and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from solitaire. For example, the last card was a cross, the pile is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king or ace of clubs is found. The action is repeated for each column. Found and not open cards are collected from the end - from the last to the open one, the deck is already decomposed into 4 columns without mixing. The whole sequence of moves is repeated until 5 cards remain in the hands. Solitaire converged if all five cards of the hidden suit and value are higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to fulfilling the desire.

Solitaire "Loves - does not love": layout

When the deck ends, the remaining cards are collected in order from the last laid out to the first. Then the layout is carried out for 5 cards in two rows, without interfering. Actions are repeated sequentially, reducing the number of cards in a row to two.

Solitaire "Loves - does not love": interpretation of the result

The result of fortune-telling depends on the number of remaining pairs on the table. If there are two cards left, you can order a dress and look for comfortable wedding shoes. Two non-eliminated couples indicate a strong feeling, three indicate interest, four indicate longing young man according to a fortuneteller, five pairs mean easy interest, six - treason. If there are seven or more pairs left on the table - the solitaire has not converged, you must try to decompose it again.

The word "pasians" in French means "patience". Divination solitaire is, as a rule, a single ritual in which there are certain rules of alignment, as well as a certain goal. Upon reaching this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer is given to the question posed. In such layouts, chance and fate play a decisive role, because this is not a classic card game, where everything depends on the level of skills and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online solitaire divination games that can give you a prediction about love, the future, relationships, or simply give advice on the current situation!


Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the divination based on it still remains unclear. Someone believes that Scandinavia is his homeland and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his deck. Although it is only known for certain that it was a favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the captives of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

This is interesting: According to one of the legends, Mary Stuart played solitaire the night before her execution. Rumor has it that she was promised a pardon if the alignment converged. However, what kind of alignment it was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. Most likely, this story is nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online divination

Modern online solitaire - fortune-telling, is a kind of prediction of the future, which uses cards with symbols. Symbolic divination is very ancient: Tarot cards and even more ordinary Playing cards arose much later. However, in some types of solitaire, a standard deck of 36 sheets is still used.

Advice: if you wish, you can make cards yourself and carry out fortune-telling in reality. In some cases, such as on New Year, Christmas time, Christmas - predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in conducting such fortune-telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is laid out for a specific situation in order to determine the possible directions for its development.

The most popular types

The exact number of existing types of solitaire is unknown. Approximately, there are several hundred of them. These fortune-telling captivate, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their predictions is comparable to that of any other type of divination! Most of all in Russia the following layouts are known:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the near future;
  • On playing cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost completely performed by a computer. Online fortune-telling is carried out both on special cards and on ordinary decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Diamonds - money, finance, luck and failure;
  • Peaks - physical effort, power, violence;


How to relate to fortune-telling is solely your business. It is best to perceive any online fortune-telling as free and harmless entertainment. Don't take them too seriously, they're just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

Finally, don't get too upset about what the cards will tell you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. As long as a person is alive, he can change his fate. The main thing here is faith in yourself!


fortune telling

Do not flip previously aligned characters
Flip all characters

This is solitaire from the artist Alexander Itchenko!
The interpretation is taken from the website
Solitaire is played with 5 cards in 4 rows.

Symbol meanings:

SCALES- fluctuations. A symbol can be an answer to a question or an addition to other symbols.

WREATH- a gift, one of the very complex symbols.
Initially, it means "gift", but as practice shows, not everything is so straightforward.
Likes to appear with cross like a gift of fate.
It looks pretty when you think of a potential, desired pregnancy, and wreath falls out with skull(such a present).
WITH face- means a meeting that will bring a surprise.
So hat promises fulfillment of desire.
But with mill- gross flattery.

ROAD- it is also expensive in Africa.
Together with broken hearted And key means that you will be "sent",
what if plus scull or cross, then further than just in FIG.
WITH hours can mean "a new way in life".

TREE- loneliness.
Unlike a candle, this is real life loneliness.
Or you have to deal with something alone.

LOCK- closed way. Bad sign. This is a dead end - nothing will work. Dead end of business, dead end of relationships.
If together with chains, then the path may be closed due to removable obstacles.
The path may be closed for a time (month).
It matters to hide something, or to protect.

SNAKE- trouble. disease.

KEY- open path.
But here strictly according to the situation - if you ask "will I be fired from my job?",
and the answer is the key to you, it means that the path to the labor market is open to you (that is, you are free, calculation and goodbye!),
and if we are talking about a new opportunity, a new business, then this is a favorable sign,
indicating the absence of obstacles.
In love, an open path to the heart can also mean, for example, you can ask:
"does Vasya have a girlfriend?", and by the key to understand that no.
In short, the task of the key is to open.

BOOK- government House. Any institution where you will have something going on.
And educational establishments And labor organization.
Well, if suddenly skull then the hospital.

BELL- hit. Something will shake.
No, not necessarily bad, sometimes joy also hits hard.
The shock will be unambiguous, but from good or from bad it is necessary to judge by the accompanying symbols.
Bell and road could mean an accident.
But together with coins it can also mean a good deal - a lot of money will suddenly roll in.
Well, and so on. If the bell is all alone, then most likely, unfortunately, it speaks of the bad.

RING- explanation. The ring means that there will be some serious conversation.
Together with heart is the breakup of a relationship
and here with flower- recognition if the flower is joined hearth, then it will probably be about marriage.
WITH flag- business conversation.
Most often, this symbol indicates a conversation about relationships between people.

- boundless happiness. It falls out when you have a really tangible happiness.
A bright splash, a sea of ​​emotions, the seventh sky.
If the symbol fell out along with hat is the promise of real magic.

CROWN- success. This is a kind of positive answer to all your questions.
This is both success in the business that you have in mind, and success in love.
Success in everything. Can neutralize bad signs.

BONFIRE- a family hearth, a symbol of the family, home.
In principle, the symbol is positive, but experience shows that although we are talking about a family,
but not necessarily about family joys, sometimes about family problems.
Can mean "stay at home".
For young people, the hearth symbolizes the parental family, even if they have their own.

CAT- flirt.
The cat goes well with the rest of the characters and is always easy to interpret:
cat with bowl- intimate relationships through drinking,
cat with face- casual relationship
cat with skull- sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy.

CUP- a feast, a symbol, in theory, pleasant and cheerful.
Drinking, party. Be careful if combined with skull- there may be poisoning or pregnancy, if it still connects cat.
WITH tree- drink alone.

CROSS- fate, fatality, nothing can be changed.
In company with skull- serious illness,
WITH by letter- fatal news
WITH bowl- tough booze, and if with bowl And skull that terrible hangover.
In general, everything to which the cross is added takes on the color of inevitability and vivid manifestation.

SWAN- good news.
Good news, favorable outcome. Good sign.
If it falls out during divination, you can no longer worry about anything,
if he is the last, everything will end well, no matter what is in front of him.

FACE- acquaintance.
new acquaintance, new person, or a meeting with a person not new, but, on the contrary, old acquaintances.
In other senses, it is "the truth in the face", "the result in the face" and the like.
When fortune-telling for pregnancy, it can mean its presence (a new face is a newborn).

LUTE- hobby.
Most often, this is a passion for people, falling in love or a new interesting friendship that will capture. It could also be a hobby. In general, some kind of strong passion.

MILL- gossip, empty.
In fact, it turns out that this sign appears with some futility, nothing will work, everything will be in vain.
vain dream ( hat), fruitless road ( road), useless activity ( flag).
If this symbol fell out in the layout, all other symbols become empty and useless.
The children are crying. But! Bad characters are also smoothed out - needless worry ( spider),
petty quarrel ( swords). Well, the value of gossip and rumors has not been canceled.

COINS- money. Well, everyone knows this: coins for money.
But not only! Sometimes they can just as well mean valuable information or profitable business connections.
If coins from wreath, then this is a gift, and if with raven, then for money, for example, they will throw it.

MONTH- news on the way, news within a month.
Your question, your goals are either delayed for a month, or will be resolved within a month, depending on the accompanying signs.

SWORD- argument. If a sword falls out, a quarrel is inevitable, hide sharp objects and keep quiet.
Sword with skull - looks like a fight. Sword with broken hearted- it seems that the quarrel will lead to parting.
If still fell out and watch, then the quarrel will have global implications.

LIGHTNING- a lightning-fast solution, a sign of sudden insight, a quick and accurate solution to the problem.
Together with month- this is a direct indication to postpone the problem for 21-28 days.

SPIDER- anxiety, an unpleasant sign, but what is pleasant in a spider?
A spider is all kinds of anxiety of a very nasty nature when you sit and worry,
vague and dreary, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Other symbols may explain what the spider refers to.
It may be that the spider comes first, and then good symbol- means anxiety in vain, and everything will work out.
And if after good signs, then not everything is so good and you still have to worry.

LETTER- notice.
This news is fast and mostly official, often very informative and long-awaited.
Good news or bad can be judged by the rest of the symbols, but as practice shows, most often these are facts, just facts.

HORSESHOE- happiness. The talking symbol - a horseshoe - a sign of happiness.
And this sign is very simple. There is no need to think and invent anything for him, happiness is simple, clear and very true.
Definitely a good sign!

SPYGLASS- thoughtfulness. Or it will be a reflection on the news (swan, clock, letter),
Or is it a reflection after some events. Or just a call to think.

CANDLE- peace, a sign of peace and relaxation, which is not always soothing.
You told him: "How will I pass the exam?" - and he - "calm down", you tell him "Vasya loves me?" - and he - "calm down, fool."
Imagine: winter, snow, blizzard howls "uuuu ... uuuu ...",
You are sitting in your hut, with your legs tucked in, and there is a candle on the table, and the tongue of its flame flutters so miserably - this is the candle!

HEART (pierced by an arrow)- broken heart, unhappy love, mental suffering.
If it falls out with raven- cruel betrayal.
Together with skull- severe mental anguish, despair.

SUN- good luck, a sign of dawn, well-being in life.
Everything that was before in the alignment of the bad, everything is neutralized.
The sign promises that in the end everything will be fine, no matter how bad it is now.
This sign is always directed to the future, even if it answers a question about the past.

CROW- betrayal, and very painful. Set up.
Together with skull or heart- that's really bad.
So hat means the collapse of a dream, with tree- You will be completely alone without help.

ARROW- goal achievement. A wonderful sign.

FLAG- new activity.
A sign always means only talking about business.
A new activity will be more interesting than troublesome if this sign falls alone.
With all other signs it will characterize the essence of this activity.

CHAIN- a sign of obstacles. These obstacles are small and annoying, but always tangible.


WATCH- changes. Do not be afraid of this sign, it is very fair.
Even if it seems that the changes are for the worse, then it turns out that this is not so.
Good or bad, but these changes are always strong.

SCULL- disease, painful.
Pain and disease. Physical and spiritual.
Well, it behaves accordingly - it rarely drops out with good symbols, but if this happens, it turns out to be a very fat "fly in the ointment".

HAT- dream.
You have a dream, so think about what and how it relates to it in your scenario.
It is clear that good signs will bring its implementation closer (quiver, watch, swan, key),
bad ones destroy and alienate it (skull, raven, castle, chains).

ANCHOR- sustainability, stability. Nothing will change, everything will be fine.

Comments (23 ) Read messages first

08.09.2018 21:12

She asked the question "What will be our relationship with the young person in the near future?" dropped out; Clock-Road-Cup-Mill-Swan. Watch-Road - New way in life, Swan - good news. And how to combine the Cup and the Mill with these symbols?

18.08.2017 16:18

If the shooter is 100%, but the mill is embarrassing, for me the mill is always an empty fortune-telling, maybe empty experiences for you, share later whether it came true or not

18.08.2017 09:33

Help decipher. The question was: will they hire me? dropped out: anchor, letter, hat, windmill, sun, shooter.

16.05.2017 17:42

If a "tree" turns into a "cat"... what does that mean? Help me please!

12.05.2017 12:59

to the question "how does he treat me?" fell out: "coins, month, spyglass, letter, hat, cat." What means?
