Fortune telling online. Fortune telling with tarot cards online Horoscope with card reading

Tarot simply and clearly Lewis Anthony

"Horoscope" layout

"Horoscope" layout

The “Horoscope” layout is especially popular among astrologers. Since a horoscope is a mandala that symbolizes a person’s entire life, this layout is most suitable for seeing the situation as a whole. Starting with the first house of the horoscope, arrange the cards in a circle, placing one card in each of the twelve houses. Many people place the final card, the thirteenth, in the center of the circle: its meaning will serve as a kind of summary of the entire layout. Others begin their interpretation of the layout with the central card, which in this case indicates the main problem, and then consider the meanings of the remaining twelve cards of the layout.

Here is a schematic diagram of the Horoscope layout:

Each card symbolizes characteristic feature the house in which it is located. Below is a list of the characteristics of each home.

House Meaning

First house Physical body, “I”, self-determination, personal needs, appearance, health, vital energy, the beginning of a project, mother’s father, father’s mother.

Second house Money, income, finances, wealth, values, property, movable property, resources.

Third house Brothers and sisters, neighbors, close relatives, short trips, short trips, consciousness, records, elementary education, communication, letters, phone calls, exams, current affairs.

Fourth house Father, older family members, house, family, real estate, land, roots, foundation, internal needs? ness, emotional stability, grave.

Fifth house Children, reflections, risk, hobbies, gambling, self-expression, romance, hobby, pleasure, games, creative endeavors, vacation, love interest.

Sixth house Illness, work, duty, daily routine, pets, improvement, boredom, hard and tedious work, services, workers, father's brothers and sisters.

Seventh house Spouses, companions, partners, marriage, committed relationships, contracts, litigation, obvious enemies, opponents, personal consultants, those who are equal with us, father of father, mother of mother.

Eighth house Sex, death, taxes, other people's money, loans, inheritance, deceased property, other people's money, insurance, partner's money, research, personality changes, deep understanding, interest in the occult.

Ninth house Long-distance travel, religion, law, higher education, philosophy, religion, higher consciousness, interest in everything foreign, radio and television, publications, forecasts, siblings of spouse.

Tenth house Mother, career, profession, ambition, elders, leaders, success, social position, reputation, status, society, discipline, structure, purpose.

Eleventh house Friends, groups, clubs, social activity, society house, council, department, hopes and desires, humanitarian issues.

Twelfth House Loneliness, confinement, hospitalization, retreat, sacrifice, secret affairs, secret love affair, psychological problems, withdrawal, secrets, meditation, unconscious, subconscious, mother's siblings.

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"Horoscope" layout

"Horoscope" layout is another famous ancient divination technique, researched and popularized by the French occultist Cour de Gebelin. It is usually used if the fortuneteller does not have a specific thematic question, but is interested in the state of affairs in various areas of life and activity that correlate with the 12 houses of the astrological horoscope.

They are removed from the deck 13 cards. The meaning of card positions in the layout:
1 card (I house)- the personality of the fortuneteller;
2 card (II house)- finance, income, value system;
3rd card (III house)- brothers/sisters, contacts and communication, literary activity, travel, study, means of communication;
4 card (IV house)- home, home environment, parents;
5 card (V house)- personal affairs, love, extramarital affairs, children, gambling, sports, creativity;
6th card (VI house)- health, work, service sector, subordinate position;
7th card (VII house)- partnership (business and marriage), open hostility;
8 card (VIII house)- extreme circumstances, danger, violence;
9 card (IX house)- travel, contacts with foreigners, sphere higher education, court cases;
10 card (X house)- career, goals and intentions, social sphere, work in leadership positions;
11th card (XI house)- friends, fulfillment of hopes;
12th card (XII house)- secret affairs and influence, restrictions, isolation, hospital;
13 card (central) represents the overall result of fortune telling.

The same layout can be used at the beginning of each new year, in order to predict the main events of each of the 12 months. In this case, 1 card will symbolize January, 2 - February, etc.

But before moving directly to interactive fortune-telling, I strongly recommend that you carry out a preliminary verification to find out whether you can now lift the veil of the unknown, whether the fortune-telling will be correct.
The verification process is extremely simple: 10 cards will appear in front of you, which you will need to open one by one. If more than half of the cards will find themselves in the natural direct position - you can close the verification window and proceed to the selected fortune telling; if in upside down- fortune telling with Tarot cards is not recommended now; an erroneous answer may be received.
However, during the verification process, another situation may arise - the equal number of cards upright and upside down. This happens in the following cases:
1) most often the cards are “ostentatiously silent” in this way (they do not give the go-ahead for fortune-telling or refusal) when a person turns to fortune-telling by chance: out of boredom, for fun or out of curiosity (look at pictures of the deck, test different layouts, etc. .P.); when a question is born just for the sake of simply trying to tell fortunes, in fact there is no real need to get an answer to this question. In this case, you don’t even have to try to make a layout: virtual cards Tarot is not fun and not a subject for “testing”, except for contradictions (including repetitions of the same card in an upright and inverted position within the same layout) You will not get anything else from such a “toy fortune-telling” (!);
2) if you do not have experience in “live” (not computer) fortune telling with Tarot cards, but you are trying to virtually use this particular type of fortune telling and are in a difficult situation, experiencing a real need to get clarification (answer), the fact that you during verification, an equal number of upright and inverted cards constantly falls out, which can be an important signal - you cannot now guess on your own using Tarot cards, for correct interpretation Your situation requires the help of a professional fortuneteller.
note : Verification of fortune telling IS NOT the fortune telling itself, therefore, having opened all 10 cards, you can click on each of them again if you have doubts about the upright or inverted position of each card. After clicking on the card again, a window will open specifying the upright/inverted position of the card and its symbolic characteristics. But the characteristics of the cards in this case will not to have something to do with the issue you are interested in is just a test before starting real fortune-telling!

Fate, carefully guarding its secrets, hides future events from a person. But sometimes she, lifting the veil of the future, sends us her signs in the form of intuitive hints and tips. The main thing is to pay attention to them, notice them in the thick of things and interpret them correctly.

One of the ways to get such a hint from Fate is fortune-telling, which since ancient times has helped people not only receive forecasts for the future, but also mentally return to the past to find there the causes and prerequisites for events that are happening in the present. Man has been turning to predictions for many centuries, and, probably, fortune telling and forecasts will always be popular and in demand - even years later, people will tell fortunes on cards, throw dice and interpret symbols in a cup of coffee grounds, trying to look into the future and learn the secret wisdom.

They will be a good helper in answering questions about romantic relationships, about a loved one, about what awaits in love and what to do in a difficult situation, about the development of relationships in the future.

They will give a forecast for the near and distant future, tell you what is best to do to avoid problems and troubles, and help you analyze the situation in the present in order to improve your life.

Can be used to get answers to questions about love and relationships, about the future, about money and work, about luck, about a difficult situation.

They will give truthful and accurate answers to any questions, give advice in difficult situations, predict the future, and help you find out hidden information.

Fortune telling online using Lenormand cards - the French fortune teller Maria Lenormand can be used to answer any questions, to predict Fate and the future, to clarify relationships.

Fortune telling online using runes will help you understand the past, clarify the present, and get a forecast for the future. Vintage runic symbols answer questions truthfully and accurately.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards online is one of the most common methods of fortune telling. With the help of Tarot layouts you can learn everything about love and finance, about the future and Destiny. Online Tarot fortune telling will give truthful answers to any questions, help solve a problem, and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Online fortune telling on the Manara tarot - virtual layouts on cards created by the artist Milo Manara for fortune telling on love and relationships. Manara Tarot cards and fortune telling on this deck perfectly reveal all the subtleties love relationship between man and woman.

- these are all kinds of rare methods of divination: with cubes, with candles and a mirror, online fortune telling using a book, with numbers and cards, online fortune telling with coins, rings, the Wheel of Fortune and other free methods. All online fortune telling with interpretation of meanings is accessible to everyone and easy to use.

On our website you can tell fortunes online for free using dark Tarot cards, symbolizing the night and the Moon, and light ones, representing the day and the Sun.

Fortune telling online using light Tarot cards of Angels

The well-known and popular online fortune-telling using the Tarot of Angels, the Card of the Day, will describe upcoming events and the direction of the day with one card.

Free online fortune telling for the year using the Major Arcana Tarot cards will give a long-term annual forecast and describe events in the distant future.

By turning to this online fortune telling, you will receive a prediction for the near future and find out what will happen in your life over the next seven days.

This Tarot card spread is suitable for those who want to receive general forecast for the near future, a hint of what you need to pay special attention to in life.

This online schedule on the Tarot of Angels deck is suitable if you want to get a general forecast for the future and find out what awaits you in the coming four weeks.

This online love fortune telling will predict how your personal life and relationship with your loved one will develop in the near future.

The layout of the “12 houses of Tarot” or as it is also called “Horoscope” is a universal astrological layout that can be used to get answers to all occasions.

But this alignment reveals a person most fully, just like a horoscope in astrology - it is a portrait of a person. The “12 houses” layout works very well for determining the image of another person or for self-knowledge. You lay out the cards in a circle across the 12 houses and study how a person manifests in the sphere of “I”.

The Major Arcana are used for fortune telling. This is convenient when considering global aspects of life or when performing a layout for a long time. In this situation, it is good to study Tarot combinations in oppositions, crosses and trines.

Sometimes all the cards in the deck are used: the Minor and Major Arcana. Studying the layout this way has its advantages. Looking through the houses in which the Major Arcana are located, you will immediately understand which moments will be more significant for you for the selected period. The layout on a full deck will be more practical, and in it you can easily highlight the main events and upcoming moments when.

The layout of the “12 houses of Tarot” on the Minor and Major Arcana simultaneously is very convenient when you are telling fortunes to someone and the person cannot accurately formulate the question. Then, having laid out this layout, pay attention only to those positions where the Major Arcana lay. Moreover, details and individual houses are not important here. To continue considering the situation, it is necessary to identify only those houses in which the Major Arcana are located. These houses will determine the areas of the fortuneteller’s life that are most significant to him, and it is worth starting a conversation with the questioner from them. Moreover, the Major Arcana, located in houses 2-6-8-12, immediately speak about illnesses and health conditions; if they fall in 2-6-10 at home, then this indicates that career and career guidance issues are topical for the fortuneteller; in houses 1-5-7 - these are love affairs and marriage; The Major Arcana in houses 1-4-9 symbolize moving.

Astrological reading

To make it easier for you to work with this astrological alignment, let’s look at the basics of astrology and the main properties of its internal structure. According to tradition, astrologers, when working, divide the firmament into 12 sectors, each of which is assigned the value of one of the zodiac constellations. Each sector is called a “house”, and it represents different aspects of the life of a fortuneteller. The picture that you can see in the reading will be in many ways similar to a personal horoscope and will describe in sufficient detail the personality and motives of behavior. Thus, in an astrological reading, each card is correlated with one of the 12 astrological houses.

What is a house in an astrological chart? House is the binding of zodiac signs to a specific place in the sky. At the moment of birth of each person, some sign rises above the horizon, and at the same time some sign sets.

The earth rotates, and thus all the Zodiac Signs appear and disappear within a day. The point that will be more attached to a person will be the ecliptic point. This point is called the Ascendant, it corresponds to the point ascending at the moment of birth of a person. It reflects his self-awareness, and it is she who determines our first impression of this person. This is the point that influences the first glance of others at a person, at which he shows himself most clearly. The rising point of the zodiac sign is the person himself, his personality and his “I”. Opposite this point is the point of the sign going beyond the horizon - the “you” point or the Descendant. This is the opposite oppositional point, it shows how a person understands the world how he reacts to all its manifestations and what he expects from it. IN astrological horoscope these two points mark the beginning of the first and seventh houses respectively.

Now let’s look at the horizontal and vertical axes; they each characterize different aspects of a person’s life in their own way. These two axes play a major role in drawing up horoscopes and form the basis in the system of astrological houses of the horoscope. They divide the entire picture of the horoscope into four sectors, each of them in turn is divided into three parts, after which 12 houses of the horoscope are formed. The vertical axis divides the horoscope from top to bottom into two hemispheres, which are called eastern and western. The horizontal axis from left to right divides the horoscope into lower and upper hemispheres.

The vertical axis is the axis of the celestial meridian, corresponding to the projection onto the sky of the meridian the person on which he is located in this moment. The vertical axis characterizes a person’s individuality, his lowest point - the “roots” and his “peak”, which shows what he strives for and how he manifests himself in the world around him. The vertical axis answers the question “Where from?” and “Where?”, its lower point is IC and its upper point is MC. The lowest point of the vertical axis characterizes in the horoscope clan ties, traditions and family, everything that a person receives for life from his family, what was given to him “with his mother’s milk,” as well as the mother and home itself.

The horizontal axis is the axis of partings and meetings - the “I” - “You” axis, it answers the questions “Who am I with?” and “Who am I?” Its highest point shows how a person can manifest himself most fully, his aspirations and goals. The lowest point of the horizontal axis is the beginning of the fourth house, and its highest point is the beginning of the tenth house.

The vertical axis in the eastern hemisphere has six houses adjacent to the Ascendant point, characterizing what is associated with the person’s personality. In the western hemisphere there are houses associated with society, characterizing how a person communicates with other people and how he reacts to the environment.

In the lower hemisphere of the horizontal axis there are houses that characterize human impulses and instincts. They are more connected with the unconscious reactions and subconscious of a person, with his behavioral stereotypes that he developed in childhood or laid down by his parents. The upper hemisphere of the horizontal axis, adjacent to the MC point, is associated with conscious human actions.

The vertical and horizontal axis, when intersecting, form four quadrants, which are responsible for some houses that characterize each person in their own way in the horoscope.

The first quadrant is impulses and reactions that manifest themselves depending on the character of a person and come from the very “I” of the individual.

The second quadrant is instincts and unconscious reactions to society, received in childhood, developed in the family and immediate environment.

The third quadrant is conscious knowledge of the world, this is thinking that determines priorities, one’s worldview and a conscious reaction to society.

And the fourth is a conscious attitude towards oneself. These can be your own ideas of personal transformation, and a passion for some occult practices, and solitude, and meditation, and the processes of self-education and self-improvement.

"12 Houses of Tarot" layout or "Horoscope" layout

Let us now consider how the basic “12 houses” or “Horoscope” layout is made and what the cards in each of the houses mean.

After you shuffle the deck, it is supposed to be read by the fortune teller, and then given to the person to whom you are telling fortunes, with the hand with which he does not write, most often this left hand. Then you pull out 12 cards and arrange them in a circle according to the 12 houses of the horoscope. Place the cards face down clockwise, six cards on top, six on the bottom.

Now consider the meaning of the card and interpret it taking into account its position in the house. Each house represents the personal qualities of the questioner, one aspect of life, a way of living and acting. At the end of the interpretation of the “12 Houses of Tarot” layout, you will summarize the astrological “Horoscope” layout.

Houses in the astrological chart “12 houses” or “Horoscope”

Each house is associated with some zodiac constellation, therefore, it is easy to imagine, knowing the meaning of the Zodiac Signs, the sphere of interests of each house. So the 1st house corresponds to the 1st Zodiac Sign - Aries, the 2nd house - Taurus, and so on until the 12th house, which corresponds to Pisces. The nature of the Sign corresponding to the house, and also its ruler, is very strongly reflected in the interpretation of the meaning of the card in the house. Only the house in the “12 Houses of Tarot” layout, in contrast to the Zodiac Sign, is a kind of decoration for the meaning of the card, in which its action is played out, the sphere of a person’s life, and not a mood and feeling.

1 house(Aries, ruled by Mars) - characterizes the person himself, his character and personal qualities, adjacent to the “I” point. This house shows what idea he has about himself, how he sees himself. It also characterizes the characteristics of his body and behavioral stereotypes. The qualities that are revealed in situations when he becomes a leader or when he meets are all bright manifestations of Mars.

2nd house(Taurus, ruled by Venus) - financial situation, savings and finances. His supply of vital energy, nutrition and comfort. Shows the ability to make money, its material and energy values.

3rd house(Gemini, ruled by Mercury) - connections and communications. A person’s sources of information, his training, not long trips. It also symbolizes a person’s not-so-close environment—friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Reveals his ability to obtain and assimilate information. In this house one can see all sorts of empty chores, running around, and vaudeville situations.

4th house(Cancer, ruled by the Moon) - home and family, human roots. Relatives and loved ones, the house in which he grew up and was brought up. The card in this house speaks about family and personal aspects of life, about the person who raised him from childhood and ensured his survival, often about his mother.

This is a water sign, therefore the house is associated with the water element and depth, there are many reactions here on the emotional and subconscious level. These may be complexes that arise from childhood, hidden subconscious processes and a person’s ability to stand on his own. Traditions. Pregnancy. The deepest house.

5th house
(Leo, ruled by the Sun) - pleasure and creativity. House creative potential, self-expression, excitement and all kinds of games. If the second house characterizes comfort for the body, then look for happiness and comfort for the soul in the fifth house. Pleasures and hobbies, feelings and emotions in this house. Free, impulsive creativity and childlike spontaneity. Love. Here are children, as an element of creativity and what a person leaves behind. This is one of the nicest houses.

6th house(Virgo) – work and responsibilities. Scope of activity and daily responsibilities. Degree of responsibility, subordination, work, service and business qualities of a person. Health prevention, various diets, healthy image life, treatment - everything that forces you to follow instructions, a certain regime and routine.

Moments of clarification of relationships are considered in the sixth house, which is adjacent to the “you” point. Here you can determine who owes whom, who is the master, who is the subordinate, and determine the regulation of relations.

7th house(Libra) - Love and intimacy. Relationships with a partner are already organized - these are marriages and contracts. Love is in the fifth house, in the sixth house - responsibilities, and in the seventh - this is marriage. The presence and depth of relationships that must be legally formalized. The seventh house indicates partners in in a broad sense, these can be business partners, and obvious enemies, and obvious opponents with whom relationships have been built for a long time.

In the seventh house, opposition to the first house is clearly noticeable - this could be the difference in gender between a man and a woman, or the difference between business partners, or open hostility between opponents.

8th house(Scorpio, ruled by Pluto) - Death or transformation. Moments of birth or death, global changes. One of the most difficult and unpleasant houses in the horoscope. All disasters, crises, unjustified desires, everything that we desire and present to the world, what we expect from it and what will be denied to us.

But the eighth house also has a deeper meaning, because it is not only a blow, but also a transformation and rebirth. Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. These are the events after which transformation and rebirth occur in a different capacity. These include medical operations and psychological training. This is the house of sex and everything that generates strong emotional experiences and shocks a person, transforms him. This house includes the inheritance and money of other people associated with some kind of tragedy.

9th house(Sagittarius) - new horizons and experience. Sphere of interests leading to new knowledge. Travel, religion, going beyond, expansion, expansion of all kinds. Everything helps to understand the world around us: long trips, understanding other cultures, contacts with representatives different countries. This house is located in the conscious area of ​​the horoscope; here one develops one’s worldview and attitude, one’s interests and credo.

10th house(Capricorn) - Goals and aspirations. The direction in which a person is moving, the goals he strives for. This highest point of the horoscope shows what he is trying to achieve in life. Ambitions and human career. Shows the social position in life to which he strives.

11th house(Aquarius) - Social status and ideals. Like-minded people, groups and ideas united by a common direction and goals. Spiritual kinship. Friends who are closer than relatives, their support and relationships with them. What a person dreams of and what he considers ideal in life, his plans for the future.

12th house(Pisces) - Spirituality and intuition. Restrictions are usually voluntary, self-sacrifice. Asceticism, meditation, solitude. Jail. Secrets and mysticism. But there are also hospitals, insane asylums, and diseases that leave you bedridden. They usually arise when life leaves you on your own, when it's time to rethink something in your life.

Each card represents a certain aspect of a person's life. Considering the layout as a whole, you are, as it were, building a personal horoscope of the life of the person you are guessing about, in all its aspects. Those cards that turned out to be difficult to interpret or showed negative or contradictory meanings need to be focused on. It is these cards that can mean an “obstacle” that a person needs to overcome in order to further move forward towards the intended goal.

A more experienced fortune teller may consider the relationship between the various houses. Opposite each house is another house, in the so-called opposition. The first house is opposite the seventh, the second is opposite the eighth, the third is opposite the ninth, and so on. By considering the oppositions between opposing houses a line of interpretation can be developed. Here the oppositions are considered as follows: 1st and 7th houses - desires and deeds; 2nd and 8th houses – what is stable in the querent’s life and what is changeable; 3 and 9 – information and its perception; 4 and 10 – where the querent comes from and where he is going; 5 and 11 – personal and public interests; 6th and 12th houses - everyday life and spirituality.

Example and interpretation of the “12 Houses of Tarot” or “Horoscope” layout

Looking at the layout, you make up, as in any other horoscope, psychological picture person, highlight his main problems and important points at this moment in life, in his current state. You can use it as an objective portrait of your partner or as a look at your partner from the outside, to get answers to the questions, what kind of person is this and why did he appear in my life?

Let's look at an example of a "12 Houses of Tarot" or "Horoscope" spread on the Major Arcana, briefly interpreting the cards to identify favorable aspects from which the querent can draw strength, energy and purpose, and critical aspects of life that will indicate the problems a person faces today. needs some work. Let our hero, for whom we made the layout, be called Mikhail.

1 house. Force. Mikhail perceives himself as outwardly attractive, strong and physically developed. He is disciplined, energetic and has a strict disposition.

2nd house. Fool. Mikhail has an occasional income, most likely treats money with disdain and even recklessness, he is not attentive in managing his finances.

3rd house Mag. He is sociable, but knows how to hide his true intentions. Perhaps he sometimes uses this for personal interests, which can arouse the distrust of others who are afraid of being deceived.

4th house Emperor. In his family, Mikhail sets clear rules and makes the final decisions himself. He likes the role of a father or strives for it.

5th house Justice. Mikhail’s attitude towards pleasure is quite reasonable; he lives by the principle “time for business, time for fun.” But perhaps he is strict with himself in choosing pleasures and hides his emotions, or perhaps he consciously saves on pleasures (which is due to the presence of the Emperor in the 4th house and the Fool in the 2nd house).

6th house Moderation. He combines professional and personal life so well that it is difficult to determine where the first ends and the second begins. In any case, these two aspects are in harmony with each other.

7th house High Priestess. This card speaks of isolation, which can result in some coldness and restraint in relations with the opposite sex. For a man, such restraint can indicate excessive concentration on yourself and your interests. For a woman, such restraint is only commendable.

8th house Devil. In a house associated with change, passion and sexual attraction were registered. Perhaps our hero is about to unleash his pent-up passions. The card can also indicate internal conflict or hidden anger.

9th house World. Mikhail has a wide range of interests; he may not yet have decided on his preferences, which can lead to a lack of concentration on one thing and useless experience.

10th house Death. He's determined to bury old life and start a new one, completely focused on new goals. This phase of his life ends and a new one begins, in which, he hopes, everything will be different.

11th house Hermit. Closedness, and most likely, excessive touchiness and inadequate reaction alienates Mikhail from friends and acquaintances. His social role is very limited or unnoticeable.

12th house Moon. In his dreams, Mikhail paints fantastic pictures of the changes that will come in his life. The Moon indicates that he, having a very developed imagination, prefers to live in dreams so as not to face the difficulties of the real world.

As a result of the interpretation of the “12 Houses of Tarot” or “Horoscope” layout, we can conclude that Michael may be spending too much time on himself and his problems. The reasons for his problems may lie in relationships with loved ones and in the intimate sphere. You can see that he strives for change and he has such opportunities for a favorable development of the situation. You can continue to consider these issues in detail by making the following arrangement to clarify and receive advice, in this case related to the sphere of intimate relationships.
