Norman runes. The world of Scandinavian mythology - the secrets of the runes - interpretation of the runes

Clay, wooden, silver, or even made from apricot, plum and persimmon kernels, Rune tablets are considered “little magical helpers” by fortune tellers. They not only predict the future, but also protect the house from invasions, and a person from unkind thoughts and the influence of someone else's will.

The word “rune” (from the Gothic “runa”) is translated as “secret meaning”, “ magic" The runic alphabet most often used for magical rituals is called Futhark and is divided into three groups of eight Runes - Freya, Heimdal and Tyr - with images of symbols. Each of the twenty-four Futhark elements has its own name, meaning and is a sign of a specific process or situation. The twenty-fifth and most controversial Rune of this magical alphabet - Verd stands for Fate and remains empty.

According to Old Norse legends, the Runes were given to people by Odin, who learned the mystery of predictions on the ninth day after he nailed himself to the Yggdrasil Tree with a spear. This is how the history of Runes began in the first century AD. But with the beginning of the formation of Christianity in the 13th century. runic alphabets were supplanted by Latin, and with them the technique of fortune telling was practically forgotten.

The Runes found their rebirth only four hundred years later, in the 17th century, in Iceland, where the last rune masters passed on the traditions of throwing Runes through the initiation rite.

Unlike cards, you won’t read from Runes that you will soon meet a beautiful stranger. This method of predicting the future will rather show the true intentions of the fortuneteller, his fears and doubts; will present the situation in the form of a tangle of cause-and-effect relationships. And even if sometimes the “words” of the Runes will be vague, they will still give an answer to exactly those questions that interest the doubter. You just need to learn how to set them correctly.

By concentrating all your attention on the problem, and having received a certain alignment of Futhark elements, you can find out why the matter in which you invested so much time and effort suddenly reached a dead end. And most importantly - how to correct the situation now? Although sometimes Runes advise to “let go” of the situation, to wait a little, since temporary difficulties may not be related to you or your actions and capabilities.

Runes are a card, following the instructions of which you can avoid serious mistakes and unjustified losses.

Mysterious Runes, their nature and meanings are the subject of constant debate between magicians and fortune tellers. But, perhaps, the hottest battles flare up around the mysterious twenty-fifth element of the alphabet - the empty Verd Rune.

Experts who practice communication with runes disagree about the proper number of elements. Those who adhere to the theory of the existence of 24 Runes rely on the fact that in the classical Futhark there were really only 24 symbols. Although, from the works of the famous researcher Nigel Pennick it follows that the number of runes was not constant. So, in 550 - 650. BC e. The Frisian people, who lived in the northeast of what is now Holland, formed a runic alphabet consisting of 28 characters. And the already Frisian Futhark was supplemented by the inhabitants of the British Isles and the inhabitants of Northumberland, until it included 33 letters.


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That is, the alphabet itself, which became the progenitor of rune fortune-telling, was much longer, and each of the rune elements intended for fortune-telling was the result of careful selection.

And the appearance of the twenty-fifth oracle can easily be explained by the attitude of the ancient Scandinavians to Fate. From their stories and legends it follows that the fate of a person is not always subject to his will.

The fabric of fate is created by the three Norna sisters, who weave into their yarn the deeds of mortals and gods, and it is on these interweavings that the next turn of Fate depends. This is rock. Strange, inexplicable interference. It prescribes not to waste energy, but to surrender yourself to the will of what will certainly lead you to the right decision. And the empty Rune, which advises remaining calm and courageous in the most difficult situation, is a symbol of precisely such higher powers.

Feu- Rune of property. In the first, most common consideration - purely material property. However, working with this rune allows you to reveal its deeper properties, in particular, its connection with mental property (but not spiritual! - make a distinction). However, one should not consider its relationship with the material world as something belittled - this is its main content. In general, it can be characterized not only as a rune of property, but also as a rune of well-being, not spoiled by self-satisfaction. The magical use of the rune is very wide and is associated mainly with material assets. Inscribed on a ring or bracelet can help you get out of poverty by pushing you towards certain situations and pointing out opportunities. Protects against mistakes when purchasing real estate and helps to preserve and improve it. The same talisman can protect against troubles when transporting valuable cargo. It is necessary to take into account that, although this rune helps to maintain well-being, including financial well-being, it is not directly connected with money and is unlikely to help in speculation and usury. In addition, there is an opinion that the feu rune can provide some assistance in relationships between a man and a woman. This is apparently true, however, before applying this rune to this problem, it is necessary to remember the area of ​​​​its action - the manifest world and the most gross manifestations of the subtle world, i.e. the physical, etheric and vital bodies of a person. So there is something to think about.

Uruz- Rune of Power: Area of ​​action - physical and subtle worlds, causal (event) plane. This rune should not be understood as a rune of overwhelming power, but as a Force that is all-embracing and all-uniting. It inextricably merges, like “yin” and “yang,” male and female components, and this rune gives men masculinity, women - femininity, and confidence - to both. On the other hand, any connections can arise only where energy is present - a component of the Force; a powerless person is unable to love or be a friend. The second magical use of the Uruz rune is connected with this - it can help the creation and strengthening of love and friendship, marriage or a partnership agreement.

Turisaz- A powerful, but very heavy rune. Energy of Saturn; color - black, sometimes crimson or deep purple. Gives strength and ability to think, concentrate and make important decisions. Carved on a large obsidian ball, plate, etc., it is an ideal talisman for meditation.

Ansuz- One of the most sacred runes. Energy of Mercury. The scope is not limited. The rune is associated with Odin, as well as with his other side - with Loki, the insidious ace, dark and light at the same time. The magical use of the Ansuz rune is a complex matter, requiring experience and a certain amount of personal strength.

Raido- Rune of the path. The scope of action is wide, mainly the causal (event) plan. Bears the imprint of the energy of Mercury. Working with it is extremely effective for people who feel the beauty behind it and live by the principle “the road is life.” For these people, the Raido rune itself can serve as an excellent talisman. In addition, it is a rune of unification and harmonization, a rune of final synthesis - but not completion as such. The use of this rune for the purposes of practical magic can be described absolutely clearly - this, as already said, is the rune of the path. If you have a journey ahead, a talisman with the Raido rune depicted will straighten and shorten your path, make it pleasant and protect you from unnecessary troubles. If you are embarking on the path of some other plane, the Raido rune will also support your strength.

Kanyu- Rune of Incarnation. A very powerful rune; is capable of not only directing human activity (at any level) in the desired direction, but also giving it the necessary strength. Ralph Bloom characterizes the Kano rune as "rune of renewed clarity" The magical application of this rune is extremely wide, but with proper analysis it can be reduced to one thing - the Kano rune helps to concentrate the will and realize what is planned. Women use amulets with the Kano rune inscribed on them during conception and pregnancy to give the child the desired qualities. Artists, writers, poets and other people of art can use this rune for the clearest and highest quality embodiment of their plans. An amulet with this rune can be recommended to both treasure hunters and magicians. It should also be noted that this rune has a second aspect - it is also a rune of revelation. It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize a plan without revealing yourself to the world. This is very important point, which should be remembered when working with this rune.

Gebo- Rune of unity. Together with some other runes (for example, Ansuz), the Gebo rune is one of the most difficult Futhark signs to process. To understand it, it is necessary to clearly sense the world law of unity and struggle of opposites, which in this case are freedom and partnership. A sincere and fruitful union is impossible where its members do not have complete freedom. Thus, the bonds of true brotherhood always prove stronger than the forces that maintain the integrity of tyranny. But freedom - in the deepest sense of the word - is impossible where “everyone pulls the blanket over themselves" Associated with this content of the Gebo rune is its magical use, which consists in helping to establish partnerships, be it a marriage or a business venture. The rune will also help in making the right choice partner, and in maintaining good relationships.

Vunyo- A bright, joyful rune. It bears the imprint of the energy of Jupiter and Venus, the scope of action is too wide for a clear definition. The magical purpose is to cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood, which is much more important than many tend to think. For some people, it can cause beneficial cleansing of the astral body, removal of energy blocks and improvement of well-being.

Hagalaz- Rune of destruction. The scope of action is wide, mainly the Subtle World and the causal (event) plane. Energy of Uranus and Mars; the color is pure scarlet, crimson, sometimes black. Associated with by natural forces destruction, destruction, with the energies of the elements. During mass disasters, as well as during floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, sharp and significant bursts of energy occur, similar to the energy of this rune. The main magical use of this rune is to promote the exit from “vicious circle». The simplest example- a painfully pleasant feeling of self-pity, familiar to almost everyone. Often a person spends hours and days savoring his own troubles, causing the latter to grow and obscure the light. The state is energetically stable and therefore even more pathological. Realizing that you have found yourself in such a “vicious circle” and are captive of endless internal reflections of your own negative energy is a good three-quarters of liberation. And then, if you are not able to go out on your own, draw the Hagalaz rune - it will produce the necessary “explosion” and open the circle. By the way, if you see that another person is in a similar position, draw a rune for him: it will help him both realize the situation and get out of it.

Nautiz- Energy of Saturn. Complex rune. It supports a person in difficult times - this is its main purpose, but at the same time it requires a certain restraint in emotions and actions and contributes to the manifestation of this restraint. Like most runes, it can be applied not only to any amulet specially created for it, but also to any suitable object (for example, a fountain pen) or, as Sigrdriva advises in Codex Regius 2365, to a hand or nail.

Isa- Rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The scope of action is wide and covers all human bodies from the physical to the mental, and also extends to the causal (event) plane. The main magical purpose of the Isa rune is “freezing"whatever it is. With its help, you can stop (but not eliminate!) a negative process, an illness (physical or mental), an outburst of anger (not only your own), some phenomenon in public life etc. In some situations, it allows you to get the necessary respite.

Yer- Rune of completion. The names of the runes are obviously interconnected, both etymologically and in their meaning: it is the change of seasons, including the harvest period, that makes possible the very existence of the term “year" On the other hand, the concept of the year here symbolizes the full cycle of development, ending with its “harvest" The rune contributes to the successful completion of any important matter; you can draw it before starting this business, cut it on an amulet or on an object directly involved in the business. In addition, this rune can also help if, already in the middle of the matter, unexpected obstacles appear that interfere with its favorable outcome. It is necessary, however, to mention that the use of the Yer rune requires a person to apply personal strength and a certain expenditure of energy.

Eyvaz- One of the most complex Futhark runes. Magical use is based on its ability to assist in overcoming obstacles, both purely physical (for example, in sports), and mental or related to any activity. In addition, you can draw it when you want to provide support and protection to someone.

Perth- Rune of initiation. Energy of Pluto and Mars; the symbol of the internal content of this rune is the phoenix, i.e. rebirth through death in one’s own fire. The energy contained in this rune is often possessed by people natal chart whose Sun is in Scorpio. The Perth rune pushes and facilitates the process of qualitative change in consciousness (inner initiation) - at any level. In certain situations, it can act like the Hagalaz rune, breaking the closed chain of thoughts and the events they bring to life. Using the Perth rune for magical purposes can lead to an act of mental death - a severance of causal and astral connections between a person’s past and future. In some situations this may be beneficial, in others it will lead to aggravation of the situations it causes. Therefore, this rune must be used with reasonable caution.

Algiz- Rune of protection. Some authors define it with the word “security,” which has a slightly different meaning. With any definition, however, it should be noted that the protection here is passive in nature, although the rune requires a certain amount of personal strength from the defender. The use of the Algiz rune creates certain astral and causal (event) conditions that prevent the invasion of external harmful forces - be it someone else's witchcraft or a brick falling from the roof. In this regard, the definition of "rune of protection” actually turns out to be somewhat more accurate. In addition, the Algiz rune acts like “big-eyed” stones (cat’s eye, tiger’s eye), enhancing a person’s ability to anticipate danger or someone’s attack, and sometimes warning him in one way or another.

Soulu- Rune of integrity. Bears the imprint of the energy of the Sun. Some authors tend to define the Soulu rune as the rune of the result, and in a certain sense this makes sense - indeed, integrity, the synthesis of opposites, is the result of any movement. This is the basis for the magical use of this rune, which can direct a person or a created situation towards achieving integrity. In addition, the Soulu rune can help you clarify an unclear situation and push you to the right decision.

Teyvaz- Rune of the Warrior. The energy of Mars in its purest manifestation, often with a hint of the Sun, Jupiter or Pluto. The scope of action is extremely wide and covers almost all worlds, from the physical to the fiery. Dedicated to Tyr (Tiv) - the god of war. Legends tell about one act of this ace, which remarkably characterizes both himself and his rune. One day the gods managed to catch Fenrir, the World Wolf - the cause of the coming Ragnarok (End of the World). In order to restrain the destructive power of the Wolf, it was necessary to put specially made strong fetters on him. But the Wolf, of course, did not give in, and then Tyr put his hand in his mouth as a guarantee that the bonds would be removed. And when the Wolf was chained, he bit off Tyr's hand - but victory over Chaos was achieved. As if in memory of this act of Tyr, the Teyvaz rune retains the ability to help people in any of their struggles, but above all - in their struggle against the forces of their own Chaos "I" In ancient times, warriors drew this rune on shields and sword hilts, drawing it before battle in order to strengthen their resolve.

Berkana- Rune of growth. The energy of Venus, with many shades and overlays; Green colour. The scope of the Berkan rune is extremely wide; the growth symbolized by it can be both purely physical and spiritual. This is the rune of fertile movement, leading to blossoming and maturation. The magical use of this rune is based on this. It can serve as both a fertility stimulant in general and a growth stimulator in particular. Promotes birth and rebirth. It can help in solving problems related to raising children, as well as ease childbirth and heal from infertility. Do not forget about the purely physical manifestations of the action of this rune.

Evaz- Rune of change (movement, progress, progress). The scope of action is the astral and causal (event) plans. Bears a strong imprint of the energy of Mercury; Green colour. The magical use follows from the definition itself - the rune is used to change, to “stir up” something that has entered a phase of stagnation. This something can be some kind of situation, a stuck business, a chronic illness, and, finally, a person who has fallen into mental lethargy or is fixated on some unsolvable problem. In this regard, we can say that the Evaz rune works exactly opposite to the Isa rune. Another aspect of its action is to facilitate the path of travelers (as they say, especially those traveling by water).

Mannaz- Not an easy rune. Ralph Bloom defines it as the rune of one's own "I" Bears the imprint of Saturn's energy. The use of the Mannaz rune for magical purposes is controversial and requires the application of a significant amount of energy.

Laguz- Complex, but wonderful rune. Classic translation of the name (“water") does not quite accurately define its content. The name of this rune implies not just water, but flowing water, moving water - the one that forms a stream and carries along with it. The rune bears the imprint of the energy of Mercury. The Laguz rune is the rune of intuition, and its magical use is connected with this. Its use sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, helps in the study of the occult sciences and in penetrating the secret - this is one aspect of its action. On the other hand, the rune promotes marriage, the formation of new friendships and the restoration of old ones, ending a disagreement or quarrel.

Inguz- One of the most beautiful and most powerful Futhark runes. The rune of fertility in its reproductive aspect. The scope of action is wide, covering the physical and subtle worlds and the causal (event) plane. The energy of Venus with many shades and variations; Green colour. The rune is dedicated to the bright Frey, the god of fertility (his other name is Ing or Ingvi). The magical use of the Inguz rune is associated with the forces of light Freyr; in fact, the use of this rune is a direct appeal to this god. The rune can be used wherever there is a lack of natural forces of fertility: in the case female infertility or male impotence, the barrenness of the land, or the unfruitfulness of work. Also, the Inguz rune is able to relieve excess tension and restore the balance (equilibrium) of a person’s vital forces.

Otal- Very conditionally, this rune can be defined as a rune of retreat (separation). The energy of Saturn, sometimes with the imprint of Mercury or Uranus. Magical use is ambiguous and requires a lot from the actor.

Dagaz- A very light rune. The scope is extremely wide. Bears the imprint of the energy of the Sun and Jupiter; the color is often golden (not yellow!). Combines two global interrelated concepts. In terms of the first of them, the Dagaz rune can be defined as a transformation rune. In terms of the second - as a rune of prosperity. Both concepts are combined in the magical use of the rune - approaching the end of the period of darkness (“night”) and the beginning of the period of light and prosperity (“day”), making a breakthrough in any matter or moving it from a dead point. This rune can also be used in the treatment of lingering illnesses.

Scandinavian legend says that the supreme god Odin hung upside down on the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days to gain mystical knowledge of runes. Mysterious squiggles excited the imagination of many peoples and generations until they reached us. Runes were used in magical rituals shamans, were applied to weapons, clothes and objects as amulets. Only dedicated priests knew the true meaning of all symbols. Knowing the Scandinavian runes - meaning, description and their interpretation - is necessary for fortune telling and creating strong amulets. The wisdom of centuries lies in these ancient strange letters.

Scandinavian runes and their meaning

Scandinavian runes: how to understand the meaning of mysterious signs

Symbols left over from ancient times are difficult to understand without prior preparation. Here are only approximate symbols and methods of using Scandinavian runes. By turning to the subconscious, a person will touch the wisdom of his ancestors and choose for himself exactly the combination of symbols that can help him at the moment.

Rune fortune telling is a fun way to pass the time. However, caution should be exercised. You may not want to know the verdict of fate. Interpretation of runes is not a simple process. Their meaning depends on the position of the symbol: inverted icons change their meaning or lose it altogether.

It took God Odin nine days and nine nights to gain wisdom. How much mere mortals need depends only on their choice. Will you start studying runes now or put it off until better times? Your future depends on it. But if you believe the Scandinavian myths and legends, the cycle will end in any case, only to begin again. The question is, can you change the known order of things in your favor? Scandinavian runes - meaning, description and their interpretation - are not learned in an instant. It will take many years of practice and...

Scandinavian runes

Runic inscriptions are special symbols (letters) of the Germanic script that arose during the 1st–2nd centuries AD. e. The alphabet consisted of 24 runic signs that had names and embodied certain concepts. Most often, inscriptions were reproduced on weapons, jewelry, stones and rings. Most of them contained personal names and specific form spells.

Later (in the 6th–8th centuries) another form of writing arose, which was applied to memorial steles. It was a dedication to individual historical figures, significant events or everyday episodes. This is how the division into full-branched (solemn writing) and short-branched (everyday writing) runes arose. Archaeological excavations of recent decades indicate that such an alphabet was used by representatives of all walks of life: merchants, artisans, religious figures, monks, noble people and ordinary people.

Initially, runes were not letters of the alphabet, but sounds associated with natural forces and means of communication. Gradually, certain graphic symbols and concepts became attached to them. Knowledge and ability to handle runes have been honed over centuries, until this system has not become one of the oldest methods of fortune telling. Each of the 24 runes had several meanings that extended to all spheres of human life, including everyday, intellectual and spiritual organization.

For runic fortune telling, it was ideally necessary to have extensive knowledge of the system and the ability to clairvoyance. Banal surgery traditional meanings runes and keywords did not lead to the expected result. It was assumed that when working with Scandinavian runes, it was necessary to first establish astral contact with them and only after the feeling that they had “spoken” appeared, to perceive the information provided. Moreover, runic fortune telling denied interference in the process of any elements of consciousness, including inferences. The one who told fortunes made a connection between the person who wanted to get an answer to his question and the runes, and also interpreted the messages received from them. The fortuneteller was in this case a medium. If any person endowed with the ability to foresight by nature could achieve an average level of skill when working with runes, then only those who were involved in the national substance called the northern collective soul were able to comprehend the wisdom of runic fortune-telling. Each magician made his own runes from suitable wood. Some breeds were suitable for women, and others for men, some were intended for magic, and others for ordinary fortune telling.

The theory and practice of runic fortune-telling was transmitted at the genetic level, so a person of another ethnic group (not Scandinavian) could become familiar with this substance by marrying or fraternizing with a representative of one of the indigenous Scandinavian peoples.

The most common method of fortune telling was an astrological chart made up of the meanings of the 12 zodiac signs. It made it possible to return to the past and find out the causes of the problem that manifested itself in the present, as well as make a forecast of the development of events in the future.

Scandinavian runes could be reversible (they took on a different appearance when turned upside down) and rotary (they changed their shape when turned from left to right). An inverted rune was a negation of its original meaning, and a rotary one testified to the passivity or self-absorption of the original meaning.

The fortune telling technique seemed very simple at first glance. The fortuneteller spread the canvas, uttered a question, took a bag of runes, turned his face to the north, turned to the ancient gods with a spell, then poured the runes onto the canvas, pronounced 3 names (Urd, Verdandi, Skuld), turned the runes over with the symbols down, and mixed them with his right hand clockwise and stopped, listening to his intuition. After which he again turned to the gods, placed his palms over the runes, closed his eyes and focused on the sensations in his palms of cold, tingling or warmth, which indicated the appearance of contact with the runes. Next, the fortuneteller slowly passed his right palm over the runes, feeling the greatest activity of an individual rune, selected it and placed it in the appropriate position in the layout used in the position in which it was during selection. In conclusion, the fortuneteller turned over the selected runes one after another in the same sequence in which they were laid out, and announced the interpretation.

There were several options for fortune telling: using one and three runes, the “rune lot” and “witch doctor’s wheel” layouts, as well as fortune telling using a rune cloth. The difference between them was the essence of the questions asked and the number of runes selected: in the first case - 1 or 3 runes, in the second - 4, and in the last two - 5.

Quite often the Laguz rune fell out.

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Elder Futhark (24 runes). According to F. Asvinn. Interpretation of the meanings of the runes according to Freya Asvinn, “Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples.” Fehu Its traditional meaning, according to various sources, is “cattle” or “wealth” (primarily movable property). Nowadays

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6. The runes speak! When the Self was born, about which wisdom does not speak, the creation also bowed in humility, full of reverence: Ur-light-Self, the sublime, which shows us as the spirit of Gotos the Direction of thoughts in the changes of all things. This is I, the incomprehensible, called by Toit Got–Hari This

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The runes whisper... 1. Tihsal - I command salvation! (deichsel - “rod, beam, arrow”). 2. Gabal - I give salvation! (G?pel - a device for lifting ropes).3. Orientation key for Stafa (St. Stephen).4. Hagal - I protect! (protect, surround with a fence) Al!5. tel - perceiver.6. ge–Rune - farm signs

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Scandinavian talismans Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir). This is the hammer of the Scandinavian god of thunder, which when thrown always returned back to him. Thor rides in a chariot across the sky and is benevolent towards people. The talisman in the form of Mjolnir allows you to destroy barriers to

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Protective runes

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Runes on the palm Finding runes on a person’s hand is not so easy. To see them, you need to train for a long time. If you easily “read” the main lines (branches), then very soon the runes will begin to catch your eye. On some types of hands, runic symbols look clear and

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Basic runes Rune EvazRune Evaz on the palm (Fig. 139) is created by the branches of Siv (life line), Mimir (Head line) and Freya (Heart line). The rune symbolizes successful changes in life and therefore is a very successful sign. Favorable changes occur in those areas beyond

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Minor Runes Minor runes can be found between the main lines of the palm, as well as on the hills. A rune located on a hill enhances or changes the energy concentrated in that hill. Freya's Eight Rune of Fehu This rune, wherever it is located, is

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Compound Runes Compound runes are another way to use runes when creating a talisman. The main difference between a runescript and compound runes is that instead of writing runes into a line, which is used in a runescript, compound runes are formed

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Runes Runes are signs of the Old Scandinavian alphabet called Futhark, which existed in the distant past. According to legend, runes were given to people by the god Odin. The art of fortune telling with runes "Runemal" disappeared along with the last rune masters who lived in Iceland in the 17th century.

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Scandinavian runes and their meaning Clay, wooden, silver, or even made from apricot, plum and persimmon kernels, Rune tablets are considered “little magical helpers” by fortune tellers. They not only predict the future, but also protect the house from intruders, and

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Runes Runes are signs consisting of straight lines. The alphabet of the ancient peoples of Northern Europe consisted of them and were carved into wood. In the most ancient alphabet there were only 24 runes. Runes were widely used by the Germanic peoples and several languages ​​arose from them

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Tarot and Runes My two favorite divination tools are Tarot cards and Norse runes. True, they are not very suitable for obtaining clear “yes”/“no” answers, but they help to assess the situation at a deep level. Before using Tarot or runes, I advise you to first

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Runes Runes are a Scandinavian magical symbol system used for divination and spells. Runes were usually carved on tools, weapons and talismans to bless them. The images of runes shown in this book can be used for protection. Rice. 10.

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Scandinavian talismans, amulets and agiskjalmas The symbolism of the Scandinavian magical tradition of Asatru is based on runic writing, namely the Elder Futhark, which modern researchers attribute to the Germanic system of signs. Followers of Asatru

Scandinavian magic was of two types: permitted magic and forbidden magic, or rather, disapproved.

Permitted magic primarily included runes, that is, magical signs carved on amulets and talismans. Their invention was attributed to the ancient Hrimthursar or Jotuns. And the word “rune” itself comes from a root meaning “secret”.

The runes were credited with limitless power. According to the sagas, with their help you can direct the movement of the Sun and maintain order in nature. However, using them by people unfamiliar with magical art is extremely dangerous. Thus, the saga of Egil Skallengrimsen tells how, during his travels, Egil visited a peasant whose daughter was sick. Runes were used as a remedy against the disease; the son of one of the neighbors cut them out, but after that the patient became even worse. Egil examined her bed and found a fish bone with runes, which he read. He scraped them off, burned the shavings and cut out new runes, which the patient placed under his pillow. Then she woke up, as if from a dream, and said that she was better now, although she still felt a loss of strength. Egil explained that false runes had been carved earlier, which were the cause of her illness.

Runes were often used together with magical spells. The same saga tells how during a feast at Baard, where King Erich and Queen Gungilda were present, the queen and Baard mixed various potions into the drink and ordered the horn to be given to Egil. Then Egil grabbed his knife, pricked his hand with it, took the horn, carved runes on it and painted them with his blood. At the same time, he sang a magic spell formula. He had barely finished when the horn broke and the drink spilled onto the straw.

Runes were often supplemented with a magic wand, which was in the arsenal of the peoples of all countries. The Icelandic soothsayer and sorceress Thordis possessed a wand that, if touched on a person’s right cheek, deprived him of his memory and restored his memory when touched on his left cheek.

The Scandinavian sorcerers also had in their arsenal a witchcraft drink and a love potion that inspired desire, indifference or hatred.

By injecting the witch with a needle, they would induce a wonderful sleep that could last indefinitely. The sorcerers themselves could plunge into complete stupor, while their spirit wandered, taking on some other form. Moreover, sorcerers could, at their discretion, take on the image of one or another living creature.

Enchanted swords that nothing could resist, enchanted clothes that no weapon could pierce, invisibility hats that hid those who wore them - all this is often found in the “historical” legends of the Scandinavians.

But if this was more or less permitted witchcraft, then along with it there was forbidden magic, based on knowledge evil forces nature and on the invocation of evil spirits, and known as zeid.

The word "zeid" apparently comes from the words "to boil", "to bubble", which indicates that one of the components of the magic was a drink brewed in a cauldron. What this most powerful type of magic consisted of is unknown. To perform it, singing was required, a zeid rod, which was held in the hands of a female sorceress, and a zeid stage on which she stood. Only women practiced zeid; men considered this business dishonorable and unworthy for themselves.

The power of the sorcerers familiar with the zeyd was almost limitless in the eyes of those around him. One of their most common actions is to raise and tame storms. The power of the sorcerers was so great that they could imprison storms or calm weather in bags.

In addition, sorcerers knew how to cause false visions, kill their enemy with one glance and destroy everything. One of the sagas tells of Gungilda, the wife of King Eric Bloodaxe, and of two Lappish sorceresses who showed her their art: “When they are angry, even the earth retreats in fear, and everything living that their gaze falls upon falls dead " When Gungilda decided to hand over the sorceresses to Eric, she put them into a deep sleep and threw sealskin bags over their heads so that Eric and his warriors could kill them safely. In the same way, Olaf Pa in another saga, finding the sorcerer Stigandi sleeping, threw a skin over his head. There was a small hole in the skin, through which Stigandi looked at the green slope of the neighboring mountain; Immediately this place was destroyed by a hurricane and not a single blade of grass ever grew on it again.

But the most terrible thing that was attributed to witches was cannibalism. This belief existed not only among the Scandinavians, but also among other peoples. In addition, the usual occupation of witches was nightly meetings - the Sabbath, at which they danced, sang and cooked hellish stew in a cauldron. The most important holiday of witches in the pagan world was considered the night of May 1 - the so-called Walpurgis Night.

It is noteworthy that in the north there was no division between black and white magic. Magic was good if it was intended to benefit, and bad if it was intended to cause harm. Therefore, a simple accusation of witchcraft was not considered a crime and did not entail punishment if it did not cause harm or property damage to anyone. In exceptional cases, when a person died due to witchcraft, the people themselves apparently punished the culprit by stoning. Such was the fate of the three famous sorcerers, Katla, Kotkel and Grima, after proof of guilt. However written laws pagans were never prescribed death penalty; the usual atonement for the crime was simply a fine.

Nevertheless, one can also find cases of personal persecution, which, for example, was undertaken by Harald Harfager. This leader hated all sorcery. One of his sons, Regnvald Rettilbein, received control of Hadeland from him, learned magic there and gained fame as a sorcerer. One day Harald ordered Witgeir, a famous sorcerer of Hadeland, to give up his criminal occupation, but the latter replied that a humble sorcerer could not be very dangerous when the king's son himself openly practiced sorcery in Hadeland. Having thus learned of Regnvald's activities, Harald hastily sent there his son by another wife, Erik Bloodaxe. Eric set fire to the house where his brother was staying along with eighty other sorcerers. It is known that this “punitive act” was accepted by the whole world with delight.

Scandinavian runes are one of the most advanced systems used in fortune-telling practice. At the same time, they are quite accessible to comprehension, because this runic alphabet reflects the basic archetypes. Scandinavian runes and their meanings can be used to answer completely earthly, pressing questions that worry every person every day.

Scandinavian runes are used to tell fortunes about love and the future, and with their help one can learn about prospects career growth and analyze problem situations... At the same time, runic layouts, like card games, can be both simple and complex. And the runes in them are considered in an upright and inverted position. By the way, the last aspect is very interesting and important, because it allows you to have not 25 options for meanings for the Futhark runes, but much more, specifically 42. Why not 50, you ask? But because some of the runes look the same both in the upright position and inverted and, therefore, do not have a separate interpretation for the latter.

We offer you a detailed and comprehensive description for each rune. Here you will find all the Scandinavian runes: meaning, description and their interpretation, as well as interpretations for alignments on relationships and careers, and some characteristic or most interesting combinations of them, in a word, everything you need for a detailed analysis of any alignment on any topic.

Scandinavian runes and their meaning
