Briefly about uranium - dustkhimkhabrprom. d

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system and the third gas giant. The planet is the third largest and fourth largest in mass, and received its name in honor of the father of the Roman god Saturn.

Exactly Uranus had the honor of being the first planet discovered in modern history. However, in reality, his initial discovery of it as a planet did not actually happen. In 1781, the astronomer William Herschel while observing stars in the constellation Gemini, he noticed a certain disk-shaped object, which he initially recorded as a comet, which he reported to the Royal Scientific Society of England. However, later Herschel himself was puzzled by the fact that the object’s orbit turned out to be practically circular, and not elliptical, as is the case with comets. It was only when this observation was confirmed by other astronomers that Herschel came to the conclusion that he had actually discovered a planet, not a comet, and the discovery was finally widely accepted.

After confirming the data that the discovered object was a planet, Herschel received the extraordinary privilege of giving it his name. Without hesitation, the astronomer chose the name of King George III of England and named the planet Georgium Sidus, which translated means “George’s Star.” However, the name never received scientific recognition and scientists, for the most part, came to the conclusion that it is better to adhere to a certain tradition in naming the planets solar system, namely, to name them in honor of the ancient Roman gods. This is how Uranus got his modern name.

Currently, the only planetary mission that has managed to collect information about Uranus is Voyager 2.

This meeting, which took place in 1986, allowed scientists to obtain enough a large number of data about the planet and make many discoveries. Spaceship transmitted thousands of photographs of Uranus, its moons and rings. Although many photographs of the planet showed little more than the blue-green color that could be seen from ground-based telescopes, other images showed the presence of ten previously unknown moons and two new rings. No new missions to Uranus are planned for the near future.

Due to the dark blue color of Uranus, it turned out to be much more difficult to create an atmospheric model of the planet than models of the same or even . Fortunately, images from the Hubble Space Telescope have provided a broader picture. More modern technologies The telescope's visualizations made it possible to obtain much more detailed images than those of Voyager 2. Thus, thanks to Hubble photographs, it was possible to find out that there are latitudinal bands on Uranus, just like on other gas giants. In addition, wind speeds on the planet can reach more than 576 km/hour.

It is believed that the reason for the appearance of a monotonous atmosphere is the composition of its uppermost layer. The visible layers of clouds are composed primarily of methane, which absorbs these observed wavelengths corresponding to the color red. Thus, the reflected waves are represented as blue and green colors.

Beneath this outer layer of methane, the atmosphere consists of approximately 83% hydrogen (H2) and 15% helium, with some methane and acetylene present. This composition is similar to other gas giants in the Solar System. However, Uranus's atmosphere is strikingly different in another way. While the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn are mostly gaseous, the atmosphere of Uranus contains much more ice. Evidence of this is the extremely low temperatures on the surface. Considering the fact that the temperature of the atmosphere of Uranus reaches -224 ° C, it can be called the coldest atmosphere in the solar system. In addition, available data indicate that such extremely low temperatures are present around almost the entire surface of Uranus, even on the side that is not illuminated by the Sun.

Uranus, according to planetary scientists, consists of two layers: the core and the mantle. Current models suggest that the core is mainly composed of rock and ice and is about 55 times the mass. The planet's mantle weighs 8.01 x 10 to the power of 24 kg, or about 13.4 Earth masses. In addition, the mantle consists of water, ammonia and other volatile elements. The main difference between the mantle of Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn is that it is icy, albeit not in the traditional sense of the word. The fact is that the ice is very hot and thick, and the thickness of the mantle is 5.111 km.

What is most surprising about the composition of Uranus, and what distinguishes it from the other gas giants of our star system, is that it does not radiate more energy than it receives from the Sun. Given the fact that even , which is very close in size to Uranus, produces about 2.6 times more heat than it receives from the Sun, scientists today are very intrigued by such a weak power generated by Uranus. On this moment There are two explanations for this phenomenon. The first indicates that Uranus was exposed to a massive space object in the past, causing the planet to lose much of its internal heat (gained during formation) into space. The second theory states that there is some kind of barrier inside the planet that does not allow the internal heat of the planet to escape to the surface.

Orbit and rotation of Uranus

The very discovery of Uranus allowed scientists to almost double the radius of the known Solar System. This means that on average the orbit of Uranus is about 2.87 x 10 to the power of 9 km. The reason for such a huge distance is the duration of passage of solar radiation from the Sun to the planet. It takes about two hours and forty minutes for sunlight to reach Uranus, which is almost twenty times longer than it takes for sunlight to reach Earth. The enormous distance also affects the length of the year on Uranus; it lasts almost 84 Earth years.

The orbital eccentricity of Uranus is 0.0473, which is only slightly less than that of Jupiter - 0.0484. This factor makes Uranus the fourth of all the planets in the Solar System in terms of circular orbit. The reason for such a small eccentricity of Uranus's orbit is that the difference between its perihelion of 2.74 x 10 to the power of 9 km and its aphelion of 3.01 x 109 km is only 2.71 x 10 to the power of 8 km.

The most interesting point about the rotation of Uranus is the position of the axis. The fact is that the axis of rotation for every planet except Uranus is approximately perpendicular to their orbital plane, but Uranus' axis is tilted almost 98°, which effectively means that Uranus rotates on its side. The result of this position of the planet's axis is that the north pole of Uranus is on the Sun for half of the planetary year, and the other half is on the south pole of the planet. In other words, daytime on one hemisphere of Uranus lasts 42 Earth years, and nighttime on the other hemisphere lasts the same amount. Scientists again cite a collision with a huge cosmic body as the reason why Uranus “turned on its side.”

Considering the fact that the most popular of the rings in our solar system long time The rings of Saturn remained; the rings of Uranus could not be discovered until 1977. However, this is not the only reason; there are two more reasons for such a late detection: the distance of the planet from the Earth and the low reflectivity of the rings themselves. In 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was able to determine the presence of two more rings on the planet, in addition to those known at that time. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted two more. Today, planetary scientists know of 13 rings of Uranus, the brightest of which is the Epsilon ring.

The rings of Uranus differ from Saturn's in almost every way - from particle size to composition. First, the particles that make up the rings of Saturn are small, little more than a few meters in diameter, while the rings of Uranus contain many bodies up to twenty meters in diameter. Second, the particles in Saturn's rings are mostly made of ice. The rings of Uranus, however, are composed of both ice and significant dust and debris.

William Herschel only discovered Uranus in 1781 because the planet was too dim to be seen by ancient civilizations. Herschel himself initially believed that Uranus was a comet, but later revised his opinion and science confirmed the planetary status of the object. Thus, Uranus became the first planet discovered in modern history. The original name proposed by Herschel was "George's Star" - in honor of King George III, but the scientific community did not accept it. The name "Uranus" was proposed by astronomer Johann Bode, in honor of the ancient Roman god Uranus.
Uranus rotates on its axis once every 17 hours and 14 minutes. Like , the planet rotates in a retrograde direction, opposite to the direction of the Earth and the other six planets.
It is believed that the unusual tilt of Uranus's axis could cause a huge collision with another cosmic body. The theory is that a planet supposedly the size of Earth collided sharply with Uranus, which shifted its axis by almost 90 degrees.
Wind speeds on Uranus can reach up to 900 km per hour.
Uranus has a mass of about 14.5 times the mass of Earth, making it the lightest of the four gas giants of our solar system.
Uranus is often referred to as the "ice giant". In addition to hydrogen and helium in its upper layer (like other gas giants), Uranus also has an icy mantle that surrounds its iron core. The upper atmosphere consists of ammonia and icy methane crystals, which gives Uranus its characteristic pale blue color.
Uranus is the second least dense planet in the solar system, after Saturn.

Uranus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates on its side. And, like Venus, Uranus rotates in the opposite direction.

This dissimilarity of Uranus is very symbolic for astrologers. Uranus in astrology is a symbol of everything unusual, eccentric, innovative. Uranus personifies revolutions, riots, coups - in general, everything that destroys the familiar and brings novelty. At the same time, Uranus symbolizes freedom, independence, independence, equality, friendship, ideals, social life, teamwork, and like-minded people. In addition, Uranus is the patron of astrology, and for many astrologers it stands out prominently in the horoscope.

Uranus' professions are everything related to electronics, electricity, aviation, and astronautics. The global Internet network is also under the influence of Uranus.

In medical astrology, Uranus is responsible for nervous system, vascular system. Also, this planet anatomically corresponds to the lower leg.

Favorable Uranus - in the signs of Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio;

Disharmonious Uranus - in the signs Taurus, Cancer, Leo.

Uranus in Zodiac Signs

Since Uranus moves very slowly, one revolution around the Sun is 84 years, its position in the Sun affects entire generations of people. And the aspects he commits with others higher planets are called “generational” aspects.

Uranus in Aries

Gives its owner a strong desire for freedom and independence. This is very independent person with modern revolutionary thinking.

At the same time, he is a man of explosive temper and adventurous character. His sometimes crazy ideas can lead to the most tragic consequences. People from Uranus in Aries are distinguished by their ardor, determination and tendency to rash, impulsive actions. You need to be careful when driving or operating machinery, as well as when working with electrical appliances.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus indicates a person’s determination and perseverance. He has enough patience and strength to finish any job he starts. A person is interested not only in material, but also in spiritual issues. The ideas and goals of such a person will certainly come true if the ways to achieve them are original and unusual. There is a possibility of achieving success in the political economy, financial, and economic spheres. The financial situation during life can be unstable - sharp declines and rises. A person is haunted by the fear of poverty.

Uranus in Gemini

Such Uranus indicates the high intellectual abilities of the native. A person can achieve a lot in science, literature, journalism, and applied arts. Such people are fluent in the art of speech and beautiful style. They are interested in the field of government, but they can achieve great success in the field of commerce. Studying metaphysics, philosophy, and practicing yoga will be beneficial. The job may involve frequent travel. With bad aspects, this position of Uranus can indicate excessive frivolity, difficulty concentrating on one subject, and optionality.

Uranus in Cancer

Gives a person impressionability, sensitivity, and emotionality. The native may exhibit extrasensory abilities and well-developed intuition. Interests may include the culture and civilizations of antiquity, archaeological excavations, and the occult. The owner of Uranus in Cancer is interested in alternative medicine, yoga, philosophy, religion, vegetarianism. Their passion for nature and animals can often help them achieve success in the field of agriculture.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo gives the native ambition, the desire to rule, the desire to be the main one in his environment. In addition, a person is not indifferent to issues of love relationships and experiences a strong craving for the opposite sex. Appearance and actions are characterized by extravagance. This position of Uranus gives a person intolerance to any forms of conventions, rejection of conservatism, lack of education in people; they strive with all their hearts to make the life of society better, more correct from their point of view. These desires often push them to political career. Family will always come second. The owner of Uranus in Leo wants to live social life, appear more often at social events, be a bright, noticeable personality. Family life and his responsibilities only weigh him down.

Uranus in Virgo

Original Thinking always sets this person apart from others. He comes to everything in his own, experienced way. Their inquisitive mind wants to know as much as possible, and often the owners of Uranus in Virgo are successfully engaged in scientific and research activities. They will make excellent teachers, professors, doctors, scientists, and engineers. Any scientific discipline is easy for them. On the other hand, their practicality does not in the least prevent them from engaging in the occult. Metaphysical questions interest them no less. A successful career is possible in the field of art (as artists, writers, musicians), journalism, in the civil service, and in religion.

Uranus in Libra

Uranus in Libra will give its owner a rich imagination, acting abilities, diplomacy, the gift of eloquence, and the ability to correctly present oneself. A person in such Uranus is distinguished by a sharp mind, research, good analytical and rationalization abilities. Hobbies include astrology, occult sciences, fortune telling, the study of magic, dream analysis, and telepathy. Most often, the profession of these people is related to the fashion industry, art, architecture, design, or legal sphere. A native with Uranus in Libra has an increased desire for the opposite sex, an interest in issues of relationships and sex, and often early marriage that ends in divorce.

Uranus in Scorpio

Strong Uranus. A native with such Uranus has great willpower, perseverance, determination, survival, and resistance to stress. These people never give up, they take any troubles with dignity and are ready to cope with any problem. In relationships with other people, they often manifest themselves as harsh, rude, aggressive interlocutors. They go their own way, without regard to those around them. They are ready for change and even strive for it themselves. Any changes are perceived from a positive point of view. These are people of strong passions, for the sake of loved one ready to make many sacrifices. For the opposite sex they are attractive and attractive. They are interested in scientific issues, occult sciences, and are inclined to research and study technical disciplines. The native with Uranus in Scorpio is very perceptive, has a good understanding of people, and they are often endowed with the gift of prediction.

Uranus in Sagittarius

A person has a very developed desire to be free from everyone and everything; he tries to destroy any framework and restrictions. The native does not want to depend on anyone; it is extremely important for them to feel freedom of spirit. Such a person has a philosophical mindset and is interested in issues of morality, ethics, religion, and spirituality. In general, this is an inquisitive person, interested in everything that happens around him. He takes any laws and rules with hostility; he wants to establish his own rules everywhere. However, the beliefs of a person with Uranus in Sagittarius can change to diametrically opposed ones throughout life. Such people strive to get higher education and I often connect my life with teaching or professorial activities. They innovate wherever they are and whatever they do. They are keenly interested in the culture and history of other countries and travel a lot for educational purposes. A person can achieve high results in the field of occult sciences, in which they can show their incredible talent of foresight. Such people often have prophetic dreams.

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in Capricorn gives a person deep-thinking, insight, a reasonable mind, perseverance, perseverance, determination, managerial and organizational abilities, and the desire not to depend on anyone. The native is distinguished by originality and can achieve success in the field of science, research, politics, and civil service. In addition, abilities in architecture, construction, agriculture, commerce will allow you to achieve high results in these professions. It is not uncommon to change professions in adulthood.

Uranus in Aquarius

The strongest Uranus, giving a person the desire to know the unknown, the secret. These people bring everything that is most progressive, modern, and extravagant to society. A native with Uranus in Aquarius usually has many loyal friends and enjoys being in the company of like-minded people. Such people have an entrepreneurial spirit, an organizational gift, and breakthrough abilities. The original, innovative ideas of these people can often be sponsored by wealthy patrons and brought to life. A sharp mind will not leave any interlocutor indifferent. Rationalization, inventive abilities and passion for science can help achieve success in professions that require this knowledge and skills. These people can achieve the best results by working in large teams or in a community of like-minded people.

Uranus in Pisces

The native has an unusual, original character, a sense of intuition, and insight. He often has psychic abilities, the gift of clairvoyance, and has prophetic dreams at night. These people are interested in mysticism, the occult, and fortune telling. They are romantics at heart. They often study other cultures, oriental practices, and travel with the goal of exploring the world and finding themselves. The moral and religious views of these people can be very original. They get carried away traditional medicine, unconventional practices, yoga, homeopathy. A career can develop in the field of chemistry, pharmacology, art, government controlled, politicians.

Uranus in the houses of the horoscope

Uranus in the 1st house

An eccentric, unpredictable personality, capable of dramatically changing his life. Changes often occur in a person’s destiny, and on his initiative. A person is open to everything new, thirsts for new ideas, and cannot live without change. Uranus will manifest itself unexpectedly - in an unusual environment or an unusual situation, it seems to dawn on a person new idea, new Creative skills. The native does not accept pressure or power over himself. He tries with all his might to free himself from everything that fetters him. Tendency to change point of view. Loves a varied life. In childhood, at a young age may not be accepted by peers, be an outcast, but in later life he becomes a bright, talented person. He achieves a lot. Clairvoyant abilities. Nervousness, irritability. Intuitive understanding of the world around you.

Uranus in the 2nd house

Finance comes to the native in the most non-trivial way. The financial situation is unstable, sometimes thick, sometimes empty. Possibility of unexpected cash flows. A person loves to surround his life with unusual things. Often - unexpected expenses, unexpected loss of property, robbery, inability to save money.

Uranus in the 3rd house

The person is popular among his close friends due to his unconventional thinking and manner of communication. Good relationships with a narrow circle of people. Information that comes unexpectedly. Human thinking is free from all sorts of frameworks and rules. Abilities in creativity and science. Interest in new ideas, concepts, trends. Unexpected trips over short distances.

Uranus in the 4th house

The furnishings in the house are unusual, family relationships- non-standard. MAYBE one of the parents is an extravagant person. There is also often an unstable situation in the family; one of the parents could leave the family or have a negative influence. In the life of the native, frequent changes of place of residence are possible. Detachment from home.

Uranus in the 5th house

In love relationships, unexpected, unpredictable situations are common. There may be a sudden start and end to the romance. Partners are original people. The native does not recognize the framework of morality in love. When raising children, a person follows new methods and does not accept conservatism. They give children complete freedom and little supervision. It is extremely undesirable for women with this situation to have an abortion - it can have a negative impact on their health. Ability in art, especially electronic. Great sense of humor, cheerful disposition. Inconstancy in love.

Uranus in the 6th house

A person’s work can be related to electronics, electricity, computers, and new technologies. Work can give the native new friends and like-minded people. In work, it is difficult to concentrate on one thing, as a result - scatteredness, it is difficult to complete the task. A person is interested in time-based treatment methods (sound therapy, color therapy, homeopathy, etc.). He often turns to healers and uses alternative methods of treatment.

Uranus in the 7th house

It can threaten divorces, courts, and many enemies (if Uranus is damaged). In a harmonious situation - unexpected popularity in society, unexpected marriage, a tendency towards open relationships, a marriage partner - a friend. To avoid divorce, it is better not to register the relationship with official bodies. Lawsuits should also be avoided.

Uranus in the 8th house

Strong position - indicates clairvoyant abilities and interest in the occult sciences. Prophetic dreams, prophetic talent, foresight. When Uranus is affected, there are catastrophes in life, the likelihood of unexpected death from electricity, lightning, or a bullet wound. Events in the life of the native are characterized by unexpected ups and downs and instability. A person with a complex nature, emotional.

Uranus in the 9th house

Unexpected trips abroad original dating and travel connections. The person denies traditional religious postulates. A person will find himself and express himself away from home. Only by moving far from home can he become happy and free. Easy-going. When Uranus is defeated, the person is a black sheep, an outcast. Travel associated with the difficulty of finding your place and common language with people. Travel dangers.

Uranus in the 10th house

The native's career is characterized by sharp ups and downs. A person can be unexpectedly promoted to a high position, and just as unexpectedly overthrown from there. An unusual rise to a leadership position, and to the profession in general, is possible. The set goal is achieved with varying degrees of success; today everything works out, but tomorrow everything falls through the cracks. The native knows how not to obey anyone, without spoiling relations with his superiors. With bad aspects, Uranus can indicate rebellion, eccentricity, instability in career, social status. Propensity for career adventures.

Uranus in the 11th house

Strong position of Uranus. A person’s views and thoughts are directed far into the future. Personality - original, eccentric, unusual, attention-grabbing. These are reformers going towards the goal in their own special way. The creation of new schools and interest groups can be a very successful undertaking. The native's friends are great originals. Such a person likes to hang out in the company of unusual, extravagant people. Abilities in occult sciences. When Uranus is defeated, the native's friends may betray him.

Uranus in the 12th house

In the life of the native, accidental revelations of secrets and unexpected insights often occur. Abilities in occultism, psychology. Unexpected insights are possible. Tendency to search for a solution to a mystery, conducting secret research. Affected Uranus speaks of the emergence of secret enemies, the danger of isolation, violence, restriction of freedom, and exposure of the native’s secrets. In addition - phobias, sleep problems, nervousness, hysteria.

The fifth house is associated with creativity, sex, entertainment, any joys of life, children. A native with an afflicted Fifth House in the natal is a typical playmaker, for whom the whole point of being on Earth comes down to the search for pleasure and fun. Or the situation may be diametrically opposite - the native does not like to have fun, considers it a waste of time and avoids all parties. By the way, to complete the picture, such a person’s chart should also include a completely “killed” Venus. If the Fifth in the house is generally harmonious, then its owner is, as a rule, a very creative and creative person. Of course, this division is conditional, and it means that when defeated, the house shows its worst features. The defeat of this particular house in the chart can cause difficulties in relationships with children and problems with conception. To understand whether a house is harmonious or not, it is necessary to evaluate the Ruler of the Fifth House, its aspects and the planets in it.

Among other things, the Fifth House is associated with excitement. However, this is rather a risk just to tickle one’s nerves; the real risk is in the Eighth House. You need to be very careful when letting the “five-housers” near the casino; there is a possibility that they will not be able to stop in time and will spend all the money they have.

“Pentyadomniki” are very passionate, sexy, amorous people. For them, love is a holiday, so such people do not accept tears and hysterics in relationships. Sex is seen as a performance where they play main role, so to speak, “a one-man show,” so it is very important for them that sex is beautifully presented. Eg, role-playing games in stewardess and passenger, nurse and patient, as well as other types of representations, relate exclusively to the Fifth House. The eighth house, as you probably already know, is also responsible for sex. But there it is more of a physical act with the aim of obtaining satisfaction (which is why, in particular, all the rapes take place in this house). "Eight-dom" sex involves violence, submission, in general, any sadomasochistic tendencies during sexual intercourse. "Pentuple" sex is more peaceful, so to speak.

As for children, the presence of planets in the Fifth House does not at all imply the native’s love for the “colors of life.” It may well be that a person actively hates children and has absolutely no intention of having them. I had a consultation with a girl who has an incredible stellium of planets in the Fifth House, and she herself is Cancer according to the Sun and Ascendant. However, she calls the children “human cubs” and views them as “an investment that should pay off once they reach a certain age.” The Fifth House itself in her chart was two and a half signs long and contained Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto. The aspects that these planets made were extremely tense, both with the Ruler of the house itself and with other planets of the chart.

>> Uranus in the 5th house

A person born in Uranus in the 5th house, this is a romantic nature, prone to new love interests and connections.

Such extraordinary acquaintances end as mysteriously and quickly as they began. Very original, eccentric and inventive in the role of a lover. Constantly in search of impressions, pleasure and crazy experiments. Does not recognize established principles and morals. There are frequent promiscuous relationships that lead to illegitimate offspring.

Communication with a person with Uranus in the 5th house

He is characterized by antisocial behavior and reckless behavior. love relationship, lacking stability. In an intimate sense, such a person is far from accepting generally accepted rules. Fills his life with secrets and secret love affairs. When they are revealed, big troubles and quarrels arise. Absolute freedom in love is important to them, and therefore they are often very disorderly and negligent. Sometimes their love desires are very unbridled and unhealthy.

Such people usually have gifted and unique children with unusual behavior. In their upbringing, they are capable of adopting innovative methods and can sometimes give complete freedom with no parental controls. This leads to great difficulties and misunderstanding on the part of children. It happens that such a person gives his children to others to raise, or looks after strangers.

Character of a person with Uranus in the 5th house

He is a creative person with good physical characteristics. Thanks to this, he can prove himself in sports. Sometimes he is subject to excessive courage in order to show his strength. Incapable of obeying, demonstratively refusing accepted norms. Strives for guidance and leadership, praising his virtues.

Very partial to speculation and excitement. Although endowed with incredible intuition, he loses more than he has. He should restrain himself in risky situations, because this craving for fraud and gambling leads to negative consequences.

In the life of such a person there are interesting hobbies and unusual entertainment. It is important for him to engage in the creative process. Thanks to his mystical and mysterious nature, such a person puts all his strength into the knowledge of esotericism. There are intentions to engage in avant-garde art. Knowledgeable in electronic music. All these characteristics contribute to the formation famous person in the role of a pop star, a famous journalist, or a film actor.

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Definition of uranium

Uranium (obsolete version - uranium) is a chemical element with atomic number 92 in the periodic table, atomic mass 238.029; denoted by the symbol U (lat. Uranium), belongs to the actinide family.

History of uranium

Even in ancient times (1st century BC), natural uranium oxide was used to make yellow glaze for ceramics. Research on uranium developed like a chain reaction generated by it. At first, information about its properties, like the first impulses of a chain reaction, arrived with long interruptions, from case to case. The first important date in the history of uranium is 1789, when the German natural philosopher and chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth restored the golden-yellow “earth” extracted from Saxon tar ore to a black metal-like substance. In honor of the most distant planet known at that time (discovered by Herschel eight years earlier), Klaproth, considering the new substance an element, named it uranium (with this he wanted to support Johann Bode’s proposal to name the new planet “Uranus” instead of “George’s Star,” as Herschel proposed). For fifty years, Klaproth's uranium was considered a metal. Only in 1841, the French chemist Eugene Melchior Péligot (1811-1890) proved that, despite the characteristic metallic luster, Klaproth's uranium is not an element, but an oxide UO 2. In 1840, Peligo managed to obtain real uranium - a heavy metal of a steel-gray color - and determine its atomic weight. The next important step in the study of uranium was made in 1874 by D. I. Mendeleev. Based on the periodic system he developed, he placed uranium in the farthest cell of his table. Previously, the atomic weight of uranium was considered to be 120. The great chemist doubled this value. 12 years later, Mendeleev’s prediction was confirmed by the experiments of the German chemist Zimmermann. The study of uranium began in 1896: the French chemist Antoine Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered Becquerel's rays, which Marie Curie later renamed radioactivity. At the same time, the French chemist Henri Moissan managed to develop a method for producing pure uranium metal. In 1899, Rutherford discovered that the radiation of uranium preparations is inhomogeneous, that there are two types of radiation - alpha and beta rays. They carry different electrical charges; Their range in matter and ionizing ability are far from the same. A little later, in May 1900, Paul Villar discovered a third type of radiation - gamma rays. Ernest Rutherford conducted the first experiments in 1907 to determine the age of minerals in the study of radioactive uranium and thorium based on the theory of radioactivity he created together with Frederick Soddy (Soddy, Frederick, 1877-1956; Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1921). In 1913, F. Soddy introduced the concept of isotopes (from ancient Greek ἴσος - “equal”, “identical”, and τόπος - “place”), and in 1920 predicted that isotopes could be used to determine the geological age of rocks. In 1928, Niggot implemented, and in 1939, A. O. K. Nier (Nier, Alfred Otto Carl, 1911 - 1994) created the first equations for calculating age and used a mass spectrometer to separate isotopes. In 1938, German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered an unexpected phenomenon that occurs with a uranium nucleus when it is irradiated with neutrons. Capturing a free neutron, the nucleus of the uranium isotope 235 U is divided, and quite a lot of energy is released (per one uranium nucleus), mainly due to the kinetic energy of fragments and radiation. Later, the theory of this phenomenon was substantiated by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch. This discovery was the source of both peaceful and military use of intra-atomic energy. In 1939-1940 Yu. B. Khariton and Ya. B. Zeldovich were the first to theoretically show that with a small enrichment of natural uranium with uranium-235, it is possible to create conditions for the continuous fission of atomic nuclei, that is, to give the process a chain character.

Isotopes of uranium

Isotopes of uranium are varieties of atoms (and nuclei) of the chemical element uranium, having different contents of neutrons in the nucleus. At the moment, 26 isotopes of uranium and another 6 excited isomeric states of some of its nuclides are known. Three isotopes of uranium are found in nature: 234 U (isotopic abundance 0.0055%), 235 U (0.7200%), 238 U (99.2745%). Nuclides 235 U and 238 U are the ancestors of radioactive series - the actinium series and the radium series, respectively. Nuclide 235 U is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, as well as in nuclear weapons(due to the fact that a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is possible in it). The nuclide 238U is used to produce plutonium239, which is also extremely important both as a fuel for nuclear reactors and in the production of nuclear weapons.

Physical properties

Uranium is a very heavy, silvery-white, shiny metal. IN pure form it is slightly softer than steel, malleable, flexible, and has slight paramagnetic properties. Uranium has three allotropic forms: alpha (prismatic, stable up to 667.7 °C), beta (tetragonal, stable from 667.7 °C to 774.8 °C), gamma (with a body-centered cubic structure, existing from 774. 8 °C to melting point).

Chemical properties

Chemically, uranium is very active metal. Quickly oxidizing in air, it becomes covered with a rainbow film of oxide. Fine uranium powder spontaneously ignites in air; it ignites at a temperature of 150-175 °C, forming U3O8. At 1000 °C, uranium combines with nitrogen to form yellow uranium nitride. Water can corrode metal, slowly at low temperatures and quickly at high temperatures, as well as when uranium powder is finely ground. Uranium dissolves in hydrochloric, nitric and other acids, forming tetravalent salts, but does not interact with alkalis. Uranium displaces hydrogen from inorganic acids and salt solutions of metals such as mercury, silver, copper, tin, platinum and gold. When shaken vigorously, the metal particles of uranium begin to glow.


Nuclear fuel. The most widely used isotope of uranium is 235U, in which a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is possible. Therefore, this isotope is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, as well as in nuclear weapons. Isolation of the U235 isotope from natural uranium is a complex technological problem. The U238 isotope is capable of fission under the influence of bombardment by high-energy neutrons; this feature is used to increase the power of thermonuclear weapons (neutrons generated by a thermonuclear reaction are used).

Uranium-233, artificially produced in reactors from thorium (thorium-232 captures a neutron and turns into thorium-233, which decays into protactinium-233 and then into uranium-233), may in the future become a common nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants (already now there are reactors that use this nuclide as fuel, for example KAMINI in India) and the production of atomic bombs (critical mass of about 16 kg). Uranium-233 is also the most promising fuel for gas-phase nuclear rocket engines.

Geology. The main use of uranium in Geology is determining the age of minerals and rocks in order to determine the sequence of geological processes. This is what Geochronology does.

Solving the problem of mixing and sources of matter is also essential. Due to the fact that rocks contain different concentrations of uranium, they have different radioactivity. This property is used when identifying rocks using geophysical methods. This method is most widely used in petroleum geology during geophysical surveys of wells; this complex includes, in particular, γ - logging or neutron gamma logging, gamma-gamma logging, etc. With their help, reservoirs and seals are identified.

Other Applications

    A small addition of uranium gives the glass a beautiful yellow-green fluorescence (see Uranium glass).

    Sodium uranate Na 2 U 2 O 7 was used as a yellow pigment in painting.

    Uranium compounds were used as paints for painting on porcelain and for ceramic glazes and enamels (painted in colors: yellow, brown, green and black, depending on the degree of oxidation).

    Some uranium compounds are photosensitive.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, uranyl nitrate was widely used to enhance negatives and color (tint) positives (photographic prints) brown.

    Uranium-235 carbide alloyed with niobium carbide and zirconium carbide is used as fuel for nuclear jet engines(working fluid - hydrogen + hexane). Alloys of iron and depleted uranium (uranium-238) are used as powerful magnetostrictive materials.
