Organization of the social and cultural sphere as a legal entity. Abstract: “The state and ways to improve the organization of socio-cultural activities in the Pestovo MCD

Social policy is aimed at creating the most favorable, optimal conditions for recreation, for the development of spiritual and creativity of people. Social and cultural work with vacationers of health resorts (resorts, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers, dispensaries) and tourists (at tourist centers and ships, in tourist hotels and tours) is also subordinated to these goals.

Distinctive feature leisure activities in sanatorium-resort, sports and recreational and tourist excursion centers is the integration of recreation, health promotion, spiritual enrichment and diversified personal development.

Within the recreational, health-improving, medical period established by the voucher, vacationers are away from their permanent residence and are not directly related to their main profession.

(unrecognized area)

The recreational function maximally contributes to the complete rest of people, the restoration of their physical and spiritual strength, the organization of active leisure activities and entertainment, providing a variety of activities, a change of impressions, a positive emotional mood, and the release of tension and fatigue.

In leisure programs for vacationers, all these functions are closely interconnected and complement each other. There are a number of features in their implementation. Cultural and leisure activities in health resorts and tourist institutions are built in accordance with their main purpose - restoring the strength and health of people. That is why the recreational therapeutic function of leisure and leisure activities is of predominant importance here.

Due to the continuity and duration of the entire period of vacation or treatment of people, the leisure program in health resorts and tourist institutions is diverse, provides for the unity of information, development, communication and recreational elements, and is carried out at different times of the day, for example, not only in the evening, but also in the morning and daytime hours. The logic of leisure here involves a transition from the simplest leisure activities, when a person only needs to relieve tension and psychologically relax, to more intense, active, content-intensive forms.

In terms of its focus, the content of leisure in health resorts and tourist establishments includes: concert, entertainment and cinema services; library work; theatrical and sports events; organization of question and answer evenings, oral journals, theme evenings, public celebrations, taking into account significant dates calendar and in accordance with the profile of the health resort or tourist institution, literary, musical and local history, dance evenings, discos, gaming competitions, etc.

Among leisure forms, excursions have the greatest information and development content. According to survey data, the majority of vacationers in health resorts and tourists consider excursions to be their most favorite activities. The popularity of the excursion is due to a number of reasons.

This is, firstly, a wide variety of topics and content: excursions on historical topics, natural history (landscape, botanical, geological, hydrogeological, etc.), literary and art history, on architectural and urban planning topics, sightseeing (multifaceted), business, commercial, which introduce representatives of the business community to the activities of industrial agricultural trading enterprises. For vacationers, usually young people as tourists, among whom many will have to choose their path in life, such excursions are also career guidance.

Excursions attract a variety of elements of recreation and recreation in nature (swimming, picking berries and mushrooms, etc.) and methods of transportation, since walking tours and walking tours are complemented by transport (bus, boat, plane).

Balashikha, Moscow region, leisure part of the voluntary association of the Makeevka microdistrict);

interdepartmental club centers and studios for early aesthetic education of children, functioning in the system of aesthetic education;

interdepartmental centers and clubs technical creativity children and teenagers on the territory of a city or microdistrict, including workshops for the creation, maintenance and repair of amateur equipment, test benches, premises and sites for testing and demonstrating completed structures (leisure part of the educational production association "Children's Republic" in the city of Dukhovshchina, Smolensk region , club "Kinap" of Odessa, etc.).

A separate group consists of microdistrict preschool centers and developmental complexes. With the participation of teachers, parents, schools, clubs, enterprises, and public organizations, they implement developmental programs in areas that contribute to the spiritual and physical formation of the child.

Thus, each complex or center is a unique arena of socio-cultural (educational, developmental, creative, entertainment, health) activities of individuals and groups. In principle, opportunities for such activities exist in any type of socio-cultural leisure center: discotheque, video salon, folklore theater or fashion theater, family club, game library, etc.

The diversity of socio-cultural centers and complexes that actually exist in practice and in projects is due to many reasons. Their variability, in essence, is a natural reaction of society to emerging gaps and undeveloped “blank spots” in the socio-cultural sphere.

At the same time, the majority of state-public, departmental and interdepartmental, commercial and non-profit leisure centers are characterized by a number of common initial functional features. They are taken as a basis in the process of designing centers and leisure areas. Knowledge of them is necessary for everyone social worker, social educator, sociologist, culturologist, socio-cultural economist, who are equally responsible for both the development of projects and their implementation.

The basis for the creation of regional complexes and leisure centers is the intersection of three main parameters - the actual cultural one, reflecting the cultural situation in the region; social, characterizing the state and development trends of the social sphere; purely territorial (village), representing the economic-geographical, ethnic and other features of a given region. Almost each of the parameters in itself serves as the basis for searching for the most preferable structure of the socio-cultural complex and center, the priority directions of its activities.

The pronounced social openness of leisure centers is reflected in the creation of zones and sectors of free communication, love

craftsmanship, craftsmanship. Favorable conditions in them not only contribute to self-development and self-education of the individual, but also provide freedom of self-movement for children, adolescents, and adults to engage in truly creative leisure activities. The search for non-standard approaches and solutions is due to the fact that leisure activities of modern society, due to the differentiation of interests and demands of the population, no longer fit into the rigid framework of traditional forms.

Zones of amateurism and mastery, where every resident of society is guaranteed a choice of leisure activities, can also claim the status of an author’s school: adults engage children and adolescents in their favorite activities, and the leisure community that arises on this basis gets the opportunity for creative self-organization, self-expression and self-affirmation. It is logical to conclude that proprietary schools, which were previously associated mainly with the school educational process, today they are becoming a natural and necessary attribute of the socio-cultural sphere.

Despite the differences in content and approaches, diverse socio-cultural centers are distinguished by a common feature for all - their integrative function in the public education of children and adolescents. Based on study environment they contribute to the socialization of their leisure time through strengthening and enriching the connections and relationships of the child, adolescent with family and society. This is precisely the important role of leisure centers as intermediaries between the social environment and the microcosm of the individual. The centers introduce into the practice of working in society a variety of alternative, traditional and non-traditional, mass and group forms with a pronounced leisure orientation and communication mechanisms: “family - children”, “family - family”, “children - children” and “children - teenagers - adults." Here you can highlight various options for children's and family holidays and festivals: Mother's Days, Father's Days, Grandparents' Days, gaming family competitions "Sports Family", "Musical Family", "Erudic Family", etc., family competitions, parent newspapers, fairs and sales of family crafts, reading conferences such as “Family Reading Circle”, etc. On the basis of the centers, invariant models of children's, adolescent and mixed family clubs and amateur associations, folklore groups, amateur ensembles, ethnographic expeditions, and family workshops of applied arts function.

Many forms of social and psychological rehabilitation of children, adolescents, adults are being tested, primarily from single-parent, difficult, low-income, young, large families: helplines, open telephones, consultations with psychologists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, social living rooms, communication groups and clubs family education, etc. In these and other forms, children, adolescents, and adults comprehend the complex, multifaceted experience of social cultural activities, overcome internal conflicts, lack of mutual trust in families and in society, and gain opportunities to implement creative ideas.

In working with the population, open-type leisure centers follow the principles of competition, mutual respect, trust and attention of participants to each other, an individual approach and unity of interests of the individual and the team.

The structure of a socio-cultural complex or center is based on the interaction of professional or semi-professional work of organizers represented by full-time social workers, teachers, directors on the one hand, and on the other - developmental, creative, gaming, entertainment, recreational activities of all participants: children, adolescents, youth , adults.

Individual social institutions (club, library, park, museum, school, cinema, etc.) cease to be autonomous sources of culture for residents of the region, but become, within the framework of the complex, a structure that provides full cultural services to the population.

Socio-cultural complexes and leisure centers are single- or multidisciplinary organizations of a free, entrepreneurial, initiative nature. They are created on the basis of a voluntary association of state, public, private, cooperative, departmental institutions of culture, sports, public education, information, advertising, services, etc. and have the status of a legal entity. Their opening is carried out according to the territorial production principle by uniting on a contractual basis certain socio-cultural, leisure and related formations that retain the status of an independent legal entity. The purpose of their creation is the integration of socio-cultural objects related in their tasks, the use of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative leisure potential of those included in it structural units and formations, organization of joint large-scale regional events, development and implementation of socio-cultural programs.

The economic basis of the centers’ activities is an economic mechanism, including the use of budgetary and extra-budgetary allocations, subsidies and revenues from the equity participation of various departments, enterprises, institutions, public organizations, income from the provision of paid services, self-supporting groups, rent, etc.

Even today, the centers provide ample opportunities for developing practical skills and abilities. various types a modern social worker - organizer of children's, adolescent, family and other leisure communities.

Chapter Four


Characteristics of social and cultural institutions

In the late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century, a new sociocultural direction called sociocultural activity took shape functionally and legally in Russia. In accordance with the structure of this direction, the activities of cultural and leisure institutions (formerly cultural and educational) and additional education institutions are being reorganized, new institutions for our country are being formed and developed: social services for the population (mainly adults) and social education of children and adolescents. During this period, new types of professions appeared: social work (social worker), social pedagogy (social teacher) and instead of cultural and educational work - “social and cultural activities” and “folk artistic creativity” with a corresponding set of organizational, managerial and artistic qualifications. creative nature. During the same period, a regulatory and legal framework for the activities of sociocultural institutions was created.

Since at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. questions social development occupied and continue to occupy a leading place in Russian reality, it seems logical to begin consideration of the stated topic with the characteristics of social service institutions for the least protected categories of the population. Moreover, the social orientation is quite acutely felt in the activities of cultural and leisure institutions that are traditional for our country.

Social service institutions of various categoriespopulation

The foundations of the social service system for various categories of the population in our country are laid down in a number of laws, federal and regional programs. First of all, in the law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population” Russian Federation"(1995) and the law "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens" (1995), in the federal programs "Children of Russia", "Disabled Children", "Development of Social Services for Families and Children" and others.

Now we can already state that new professions have been established in our country - social work and social pedagogy, and a new system of social service institutions. The main place among social service institutions is occupied by institutions of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation:

Family social service institutions;

Social service institutions for the elderly and disabled;

Social assistance departments at home;

Emergency social assistance services;

Territorial social centers.

Among the listed institutions, in terms of their importance (not in number), territorial social centers come first as comprehensive institutions for providing assistance to those in need (primarily pensioners, disabled people, low-income families). Moreover, there is a tendency that is expressed in the desire of each primary territorial-administrative unit (district, small city) to have its own social service center.

The actual number of such centers depends, first of all, on the material and financial capabilities of local authorities. The peculiarity of territorial social service centers is that by the nature of their activities they are complex institutions; they can organize various types of services and departments that perform specific functions. Thus, according to the Model Regulations on the Social Service Center, approved by the Ministry of Social Security of Russia (1993), the following departments and services can be opened in the social service center:

Branch day stay(created to serve at least 30 people);

Department of social assistance at home (created to serve at least 60 pensioners and disabled people living in rural areas, and at least 120 pensioners and disabled people living in urban areas);

Emergency social assistance service (designed to provide emergency assistance of a one-time nature).

In the day care department, the following positions are provided: head of the department, nurse, cultural organizer (with the duties of a librarian), occupational therapy instructor (if there are workshops or a subsidiary farm), sister-housekeeper, bartender and others.

In the department of social assistance at home - the head of the department, a social worker (social work specialist) - 1.0 rate for 8 people served in urban areas and 1.0 for 4 people. - in rural areas, a car driver (if there is a vehicle).

In the emergency social assistance service - the head of the service, a psychologist, a lawyer, a social work specialist (2 units), a social worker (1 unit), a car driver (if a vehicle is available).

Of course, specialized departments or services can be created in addition to social service centers directly by social protection authorities. Many of these types of services or branches were opened even before territorial social service centers began to function in a particular area.

Along with social service institutions of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, there are institutions of other departments (industry, trade union, youth, etc.). For example, in every region of Russia there are social services for youth.

Various specialized (non-profit) social service centers are organized on the territory of local authorities. These can be centers for the provision of social and legal services for employment (founders: a municipal (territorial) body and several commercial organizations), and rehabilitation centers for the disabled and orphans (founders: a territorial body, a committee for family and youth affairs, public and commercial organizations) and etc.

It should be emphasized that permission to conduct social protection activities on their territory by various departments and commercial structures is given by the relevant social protection and local government authorities. Wherein municipal body as a legal entity that gives permission for social protective activities on its territory, it can act in several persons: both as one of the co-founders of a social institution organized on the initiative of various departments and public associations, and as the initiator and coordinator of most socio-cultural actions in its jurisdiction territories.

Cultural and leisure institutions

Institutions in the cultural and leisure sphere are traditional for Russian reality. By 1985, a fairly developed network of cultural and educational institutions had been created in the country. During the years of perestroika and the transition to market relations, this network has undergone major changes. The number of main types of institutions (clubs, libraries, cultural and recreation parks) has decreased. The departmental affiliation of a significant number of institutions has changed. For example, former trade union clubs and libraries almost completely changed their ownership. Some of these institutions either ceased to exist or came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. During this period, the network of film installations and cinemas was almost completely destroyed. There is a slow and difficult process of building a new system of cinema services for the population.

But there are also positive trends. Over the years, the number of museums and theaters in our country has increased. Cultural and leisure institutions have become more responsive to the needs of the population and satisfy them to the best of their ability. New types of institutions have appeared (information centers, media libraries, etc.).

Single-profile institutions have taken a course towards versatility and multifunctionality (along with educational tasks, more attention has been paid to solving recreational problems). It should be noted that multifunctionality as a trend originated in the West and its introduction into Russian reality should only be welcomed.

The process of reorganizing the network of cultural and leisure institutions has not yet ended. They continue to search for their specificity and their place in the new conditions of Russian reality.

Club establishments

One of the most popular cultural institutions currently remains club-type institutions (clubs, houses and palaces of culture). By their nature, club institutions are multifunctional integrated cultural institutions. Their purpose is to provide maximum services for various categories of the population in the field of leisure and recreation, education and creativity.

The main directions in the activities of club institutions are: information and education; artistic and journalistic; promoting the development of social initiatives, preserving and developing traditional folk culture, holding holidays and rituals; development of artistic and technical creativity; cultural and entertainment; physical education and health work, tourism activities; excursion services, etc.

Currently in Russia there are 55 thousand club institutions, with 357,328 amateur associations operating. The number of people involved in club associations is 6,074,821 people.

Since 1980, the number of club institutions has decreased by 22.5 thousand. The reduction has been especially strong since 1991 - by 15.6 thousand. From 1998 to 2001. the reduction is insignificant. Over three years, the number of clubs has decreased by 1.1 thousand. It can be assumed that in the coming years the number of club institutions will stabilize.

Another trend is also observed. A new type of club institutions are emerging in the country: leisure and creativity centers, craft houses, national cultural centers, etc.

In large cities, leisure centers are emerging, organized on a commercial basis. We are talking, first of all, about elite nightclubs. Due to the nature of their activities (inclination towards entertainment and inaccessibility to wide sections of the population due to the high cost of services provided), leisure establishments of this type still do not fit well into the traditional network of cultural and leisure institutions.

Park institutions

Culture and recreation parks are among the most popular leisure institutions. Like clubs, parks are complex multifunctional cultural institutions. But, unlike clubs, parks organize their activities in open-air wildlife conditions. The specifics of the parks allow them to carry out a wide variety of forms of work, satisfy the needs of a wide variety of audiences: from playgrounds for children and quiet corners for older people, to dance halls and a wide variety of attractions for young people, etc.

Unfortunately, the number of cultural parks in Russia decreases every year. If in 1990 there were 730 of them, then by the end of 1999 there were 554. The reduction in the number of parks is mainly due to difficulties of a logistical and financial nature. Maintenance of park facilities, incl. expensive attractions, it is a very, very labor-intensive task. It turned out to be beyond the capabilities of regional and local authorities. The Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography today does not have a department in charge of parks. They are transferred to the jurisdiction of local authorities.

We can only hope that as the economic situation in our country improves, the number of parks will increase. New types of park institutions will also emerge: recreational, amusement parks, etc.

Currently, the Association of Cultural Parks of the Russian Federation has been created. Through her efforts, competitions are held for the best park in Russia.


The main purpose of museums is to collect, study and exhibit material and spiritual values. A large place in the activities of museums is occupied by cultural, educational and scientific research work.

Museums in the Russian Federation

The table shows that over the past 20 years the number of museums in our country has increased by more than 2.5 times. This increase is mainly due to the lifting of various types of prohibitions on initiative activities that existed before 1985.

Of the total number of museums in the system of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, 100 are museums of federal jurisdiction, including museums and branches. The rest of the museums in this system are regional and municipal.

All museums can be divided into 10 main profiles: comprehensive (mainly local history), historical, artistic, literary, memorial, art history, natural science, industrial, technical and architectural.

It can be assumed that the number of museums will increase in the near future. This is evidenced by the following data. Private museums began to appear in Russia (a museum dedicated to the work of Yuri Nikulin in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, the Museum of the Diplomatic Corps in Vologda). Archaeological and historical museum-parks and eco-museums are emerging. Thus, among the plans of museum workers in the Kemerovo region is the organization of museums: “Russian volost village” (tavern, blacksmith shop, village church), pagan temple “Slavic mythological forest”, etc.

Original museums also appear (the Rooster Museum in the town of Petushki, Vladimir Region, the Mouse Museum in the town of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region). Museums of this kind play an important role in preserving local cultural traditions, and in particular local place names.

Libraries and information centers

The main purpose of libraries is the collection, storage and distribution of books. IN last years The information direction is becoming one of the first places in the activities of libraries.

Libraries of the Russian Federation (thousands)

Libraries of all types

Mass libraries

* - no information available

The table shows that the number of libraries of all types has decreased by 36.5 thousand since 1980, the number of public libraries has decreased by almost 13 thousand during this time. At the same time, it should be noted that in general the library network in our country has been preserved. And libraries play an important role in the cultural life of the main categories of the population. Thus, the library network of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation is a multi-level system consisting of federal, regional and municipal units.

The top link includes 9 largest federal libraries (Russian State Library - Moscow; Russian National Library - St. Petersburg; Russian State Youth Library; Russian State Children's Library - Moscow, etc.)

The middle regional link consists of universal libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the so-called regional and regional universal scientific libraries (UNB).

In addition to the UNL, the regional level also includes regional universal children's libraries (UDB), youth libraries (YUB) and libraries for the blind. Since the beginning of the 1990s, a merger of universal children's and youth libraries has occurred in a number of regions.

The lower level of libraries in the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation consists of municipal libraries - city, district, rural, etc.

In recent years, there has been a trend towards the formation of a new type of information institutions on the basis of libraries. Thus, media libraries have appeared that unite various, and, above all, electronic media of information about works of art. The reality of our days is the emergence of Internet Centers, Internet salons and Internet cafes. For example, on the basis of the Central City Public Library named after. Nekrasov (Moscow) a new library and information complex of the capital was created. Public libraries pay great attention to holding cultural and leisure events for various categories of the population, increasingly using various forms of club work.

Institutions of social and pedagogical orientation

To date, a system of institutions has been created in Russia to carry out the social education of the younger generation in new conditions. In turn, this system branches into a number of directions with specific tasks inherent in them.

The traditional place in this system is occupied by institutions of additional education for children and adolescents, conducting their work mainly at their place of residence and study. Over the past 10-15 years, it has been possible to generally preserve this system, adapting it as much as possible to the new conditions of Russian reality. Institutions of this type play an important role both in social education and in organizing leisure time for children and adolescents at their place of residence. The main curator of this system is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is assisted by the Ministry of Culture, the State Youth Committee and the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation.

The second area that has emerged over the years is a network of territorial institutions that deal with low-income families with children. This is a relatively new direction for Russia, aimed at providing low-income families, primarily with social assistance. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is responsible for this area.

The third direction includes a network of specialized institutions engaged, on the one hand, in organizing the educational process in closed institutions, primarily boarding schools, and, on the other hand, in targeted preventive and rehabilitation work among children and adolescents. When carrying out preventive work, special attention is paid to the prevention of crime among children and adolescents, as well as child neglect and homelessness. Rehabilitation work involves educational influence on children with deviant behavior and children who find themselves in difficult life situations. It is difficult to single out one of the supervising ministries here. Responsibility is distributed depending on the specifics of the problem being solved between such ministries as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Development, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the State Committee for Youth Affairs.

Institutions of additional education for children and adolescents

These institutions provide additional opportunities for the comprehensive development of children, incl. to develop their individual interests and abilities.

In 1999, there were 16 thousand additional education institutions of various departmental affiliations. Moreover, the number of institutions of this kind is increasing every year. So, for example, for 1997-1999. the number of additional education institutions increased by 2.9 thousand.

In the system of the Ministry of Education in 1999. There were 3,579 centers, palaces, children's art centers and other institutions implementing a variety of additional education programs. There were 4.3 million children in these institutions. More than 54% of students are covered in artistic and aesthetic education.

The Ministry of Education has 397 artistic institutions, 443 ecological and biological centers, and stations for young naturalists.

Children's and youth sports schools and physical training clubs occupy a large place in the system of additional education. In 1999, there were about 3,000 such schools in the system of the Ministry of Education. 1.9 million children attended them. 790.2 thousand children and adolescents attended 1,632 children’s and youth sports schools of the State Sports Committee of Russia, trade unions and other organizations.

The system of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation includes 5.8 thousand children's art schools of various profiles and 4,499 specialized children's libraries. To support especially gifted children, the Presidential Gifted Children Program operates.

System of social service institutions for families and children at the place of residence

As already noted, over the six years (until 2000), the number of territorial institutions for social services for families and children increased 21 times and at the beginning of 2000 amounted to 2,240 institutions operating in the system of social protection authorities (Ministry of Health and Social Development). Among them, three groups of institutions can be distinguished:

Centers for social services for families and children, providing a range of social services (territorial centers for social assistance to families and children, centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population, centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone, crisis centers for women, etc.);

Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, including social shelters for children and adolescents;

Rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities.

Most of these institutions operate, as a rule, at the place of residence of the family and children. On average, there are 25.8 institutions of this kind per subject of the Russian Federation.

Among territorial institutions for social services for families and children, social assistance centers for families and children come first ( various types) - 656. Further: social shelters for children and adolescents - 412, social rehabilitation centers for minors - 276, rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities - 182, etc.

Specialized institutions for working with difficult children and adolescents

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” (1999), there are two types of specialized educational institutions in the country: open and closed.

Special open-type educational institutions of educational authorities include:

Specialized secondary schools;

Special vocational schools;

Other types of open-type educational institutions for minors in need special conditions education,

Special closed-type educational institutions include, first of all, boarding-type institutions for orphans, disabled children and children left without parental care (children's homes, orphanages, boarding schools for orphans, boarding schools for children with disabilities, etc.) - the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

A special group is formed by specialized institutions for the prevention of neglect and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents. These are the so-called temporary detention institutions for minors (temporary isolation centers for juvenile offenders) - the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation - the system of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

The total number of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, social protection bodies as of 01/01/2000 was 701, incl. 276 social rehabilitation centers, 412 social shelters, 13 centers for helping children without parental care. There are 61 such institutions in the education system.

In November 2000, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved approximate provisions on specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation (on a social rehabilitation center, on a social shelter for children, on a center for helping children without parental care). The regulations state that rehabilitation centers carry out their activities in cooperation with bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, internal affairs, public and other organizations.

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    1.2. Industries and enterprises of the social and cultural sphere

    A number of structures in the socio-cultural sphere have been identified in the economic literature.

    By nature of activity stand out:

    Branches of spiritual and creative activity (science, art);
    - branches of performing activities (education, healthcare, physical education);
    - branches of activity to create social conditions for the existence of society (political and public administration, law enforcement, defense) 8.

    By the nature of the needs being satisfied distinguish:

    Social sector (trade, catering, consumer services, housing and communal services, transport, communications, etc.);
    - sector of social and cultural services (education, education, art, healthcare, physical education);
    - business services sector (legal, information, financial, technical services, etc.).

    By functions performed stand out:

    Industries influencing the formation and development of personality (education, science);
    - industries that ensure the preservation of health and increase life expectancy (health care, social security);
    - industries providing leisure and recreation (tourism, health resort services);
    - industries producing material services (utilities, household services, trade, etc.).9

    There is no unity in understanding the composition and structure of the socio-cultural sphere. Its theoretical definitions in a number of cases do not coincide with statistical calculations on the sectoral structure of the economy.

    Below is one of the options for the sectoral structure of the socio-cultural sphere, indicating the main types of enterprises in each industry. In this case, the broadest approach is used to the boundaries of the socio-cultural sphere and the structure of its industries.

    Education and upbringing: institutions general education(schools and boarding schools); vocational education institutions; higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; institutions for retraining and advanced training of personnel; schools that teach information processing; libraries; preschool education institutions.

    Healthcare: clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, consultations, clinics, outpatient clinics, first aid stations, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, hospices.

    Tourism industry: travel agencies; national tourism administrations; accommodation establishments; recreational facilities; transport companies specializing in serving tourists; enterprises producing goods for tourism.

    Entertainment industry: cultural and art institutions (theatres, museums, orchestras, musical groups, entrepreneurial and concert organizations), discos, game libraries, exhibitions and fairs, botanical gardens and zoos, recreation clubs, club-type organizations.

    Food industry: restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars.

    Physical Culture and sport: sports centers, gymnastics and sports clubs, sports associations.

    Domestic services: enterprises for repair and individual tailoring of clothing and shoes, repair of household appliances, manufacturing of metal products, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, repair and manufacture of furniture, dry cleaning and dyeing, repair and construction of housing and other buildings, enterprises of transport and forwarding services, laundries, photography, baths and showers, hairdressing salons, rental companies, funeral services.

    Housing and communal services: housing enterprises (housing and communal services, housing and communal services, etc.); public utilities; passenger transport enterprises (motor depots, transport cooperatives, etc.).

    Legal services: legal consultations, courts, law firms.

    Research services: research organizations, design bureaus, design and survey organizations, pilot plants, universities.

    Consulting services: consulting firms, technology parks.

    Financial services: banks, currency exchange offices, insurance organizations, audit firms.

    Radio and television broadcasting: television studios, radio broadcasting committees, recording studios.

    Publishing, journalism: printing houses, publishing houses, newspapers.

    Social service: vocational rehabilitation services, educational homes, social security, shelters.

    Connection: communications institutions and their divisions serving the population.

    Military police apparatus: commissariats, law enforcement agencies and services, correctional labor institutions.

    There are no detailed publicly available statistics on the production volumes of these industries. There is data on individual industries and individual aspects of the socio-cultural sphere and the size of production. One of the aspects is the structure of paid services in the most important sectors of the socio-cultural sphere. In the mid-90s. it was characterized by the following data (Table 3).

    Table 3

    Structure of the volume of paid services to the population of Russia in 1994, in% 10

    In the Tomsk region in 1998, 11 the structure of paid services was characterized by the following data: household services amounted to 25.7% of the volume of all services provided; passenger - 25.1%; communication services - 10.4%; housing and communal services - 17.7%; regarding the maintenance of children in preschool institutions - 4.6%; cultural institutions - 1.0%; tourist and excursion - 0.8%; physical culture and sports - 0.2%; medical - 2.2%; health resorts - 0.8%; legal nature and banking institutions- 7.5%; others - 4.0%.

    The absolute volume of paid services to the Russian population in the 90s. fell sharply. In 1994, it amounted to 22.4 billion rubles, or 30%, in relation to the volume of 1990. This is primarily due to the fact that the fall in income levels primarily affects the population’s demand for services. A similar index for the same years for food products was 84%, for non-food products - 102%, for alcoholic beverages - 118% 12 . In 1996, the volume of paid services to the population of Russia decreased even more and amounted to 20.0 billion rubles. 13 In the Tomsk region in 1998, the volume of paid services to the population amounted to 33.5% compared to 1991. 14

    Branch of the federal state educational

    institutions of higher professional education

    "St. Petersburg State University culture and arts"

    in Veliky Novgorod

    Coursework No. 1

    “State and ways to improve the organization

    socio-cultural activities

    at the International Children's Clinical Center in the city of Pestovo."


    2nd year student of SKD:

    Kolzakova A.V.

    Checked by: Doctor of Cultural Studies,

    Professor - Ariarsky M.A. .

    Velikiy Novgorod

    1. Introduction………………3

    2. I. The essence of SKD and the main characteristic features of managing an institution in the socio-cultural sphere……………………………………

    3. 1.1 Concept and functions of “SKD”.

    4. 1.2 The concept and functions of leisure.

    5. 1.3 Institutions and organizations of the socio-cultural sphere in the Russian Federation and regions

    6. 1.4 Institutions mass media.

    71.5 Cultural and leisure institutions.

    1.6. The essence of managing ACS centers

    Chapter II. The state of SKD in the regional inter-settlement cultural leisure center of Pestovo

    2.1. Characteristics of the regional inter-settlement cultural leisure center of Pestovo.

    2.2 Analysis of the content of the SKD mass events, group, circle and other types of work for 2009.

    2.2.1 Main directions and objectives of the “Intersettlement Cultural and Leisure Center” for 2009.

    2.2.2 Development of amateur performances and holding regional holidays and festivals.

    2.2.3 Estimated development in the infrastructure of the International Clinical Center for 2009.

    Chapter III. Ways to improve SKD in the regional inter-settlement cultural and leisure center of Pestovo.

    3.1 Prospective programs to improve the activities of the International Clinical Center.




    Currently, the sociocultural situation is characterized by a number of negative processes that have emerged in the sphere of spiritual life - the loss of spiritual and moral guidelines, alienation from culture and art of children, youth and adults, a significant reduction in the financial security of cultural institutions, including the activities of modern cultural and leisure centers.

    The transition to market relations necessitates the constant enrichment of the content of the activities of cultural institutions, methods of its implementation and the search for new leisure technologies.

    The main task of cultural institutions, as a social institution, is to develop social activity and creative potential personality. Organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, creation of conditions for complete self-realization in the field of leisure.

    The infrastructure of the Social Sphere is large. The main development, which occurs mainly in large cities and megapolises. When in small towns and villages the main source of information and entertainment is television. The main reason for the lack of development in rural areas is not so much the difficult financial situation as the lack of professional personnel and support for methodological centers.

    Relevance of this study lies in the need to develop and improve the work of District Methodological Centers in order to increase the professional approach to decisions sociocultural problems in leisure institutions of the Pestovsky district. The regional inter-settlement cultural and leisure center is not only a base for providing methodological workshops to workers of rural cultural centers, but also a leisure center for the city of Pestovo and the Pestovo district. In order to improve, develop and even simply prevent many rural cultural centers from disappearing, it is necessary to look for solutions that will facilitate the introduction of innovative methods of work in clubs and leisure institutions.

    Purpose given course work is to clarify the state of social and cultural activities in the city of Pestovo and the Pestovo region, as well as justify ways to improve it.

    Coursework objectives :

    To study the state of the access control system in the Pestovsky Intersettlement Cultural and Leisure Center.

    Identify the state of scientific understanding of the problem

    Identify the problems facing such a social institution.

    To formulate proposals on ways to improve the access control system at the Pestovsky inter-settlement cultural and leisure center.

    Object research is the socio-cultural activities of the Pestovsky inter-settlement cultural and leisure center.

    Subject research is pedagogical process improvements in the inter-settlement cultural and leisure center.

    Research base Pestovsky Intersettlement Cultural and Leisure Center.

    Research hypothesis. The development of the Novgorod region can be ensured mainly through the rapid development of culture, which, along with the implementation of its traditional functions, can take on the role of a locomotive of social economic development region.

    The research methodology was based on the perception of man as the highest value of society and culture, as a unique means of comprehensive development of a person, society, region, and country.

    The research methodology was based on the study of objective documents: certificates, reports, scenarios, plans, reports and other documents reflecting the real state of affairs, on the study of statistical data on the material base of personnel and the content of activities. A special role was played by the methods of direct and indirect observation and expert assessment.

    Practical significance manifested itself in the fact that the recommendations formulated can be used by the Interregional Children's Clinical Center and other similar institutions, which will help improve the work of all substructures of this institution and increase the level of SKD in the Pestovsky district.

    The following are submitted for defense:

    Consideration of the regional medical and cultural center not as a unit of community of similar institutions, but as a separate object that differs in a number of characteristics.

    I . The essence of SKD and the characteristic main features of managing an institution in the socio-cultural sphere.

    1.1 Concept and functions of “SKD”.

    SKD is based on independent, amateur types of human cultural activity. SCD arises simultaneously with the release of free time in a person. Only after freeing himself from the vital time spent on obtaining and preparing food, arranging his home and everyday life, did primitive man begin to engage in art, applied creativity, and decorating his own tools, hunting, and household utensils in his free time. The first rock paintings, relief images of animals, people, and hunting scenes can be considered the first manifestations of cultural activity. Thus, the formation of SKD took place in the form of a free manifestation of the amateur creativity of primitive man.

    Regarding Russia initial stage The development of SKD management as a profession can be considered Peter's transformations and reforms in the cultural life of the state. During the years of his reign (1682-1725), following the example of developed European countries, Peter I introduces new holidays, state rituals, traditions, assemblies, etc. into public life. Peter I, by his decrees, appointed officials to government positions who were supposed to organize the work of new types of cultural institutions. During this period, the first state theaters, museums, libraries, and parks appeared.

    The second stage in the development of ACS management should be considered the appearance in the 18th-19th centuries. profile educational institutions who specialized mainly in certain types art. The generally modest number of educational institutions is partly compensated by high level training of specialists. The Academy of Arts was opened in St. Petersburg (1757), which later received the status of Imperial (1764). Count S.G. Stroganov acts as the founder of the art and industrial school (Moscow, 1825). In the second half of the 19th century, professional musicians and composers were trained at the St. Petersburg (1862) and Moscow (1866) conservatories.

    The third stage in the development of ACS management is associated with October Revolution 1917. After 1917, a new network of cultural institutions and educational institutions was created in Russia, which trained personnel for the new socialist system cultural enlightenment work. The creation of this system was reflected in the name of the first professional SKD managers of the Russian state. Under the general name “political education workers” the organizers of library work, club work, museum work, etc. were identified. This period lasted until the early 1930s.

    The fourth stage in the development of SKD as a profession is associated with the loss of ideological and political burden on cultural institutions, the acquisition of new production functions, and the emergence of new types of educational institutions and specialties in the sociocultural sphere. A network of cultural universities is actively developing, providing comprehensive training for specialists required by practice.

    The fifth stage is the final stage of development of ACS management (mid-1990 - to the present). It is characterized by a generalization of the previous experience of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere.

    Modern SKD consists of many components: educational, political, creative, leisure, artistic and other types of social activities. Consequently, modern SKD is a synthetic type of professional cultural activity that has gone through a long historical path of formation and development, based on centuries-old national, educational and spiritual traditions, requiring from a specialist the knowledge and skills of research, teaching, production, practical, scientific methodological, expert and consulting work in the socio-cultural sphere.

    SKD has a number of social characteristics, in particular:

    "SKD is an integral part of the state and public life, its national and cultural basis.

    “In addition to the spiritual sphere, SCD manifests itself in all leading spheres of life of the state and society.

    “SKD is characterized by mass participation, dictated by the fact that this activity covers all groups and segments of the population without exception.

    "The main carriers of SKD are:

    Professional workers in the social sphere, including the cultural and tourism sectors.

    The majority of the Russian population is engaged in SKD on an amateur basis.

    The importance of SKD is that it is not just an organization of leisure, but an organization for socially significant purposes: the satisfaction and development of the cultural needs and interests of both the individual and society as a whole.

    Functions of socio-cultural activity as a form of social practice that ensures the implementation of the mechanism of cultural assimilation:

    Adaptive-normative - primarily associated with the hominization of the individual, the development by the emerging individual of the basics of sanitary and hygienic culture, speech culture and other elementary human qualities, adaptation to society and its culture, acquisition of the ability to self-control and self-regulation of behavior;

    Educational and developmental – ensuring the development of cultural values, a consistent process of socialization, inculturation and individualization of the individual;

    Transformative-creative, which assumes the involvement of the individual in the process of creating cultural values, in various shapes artistic, technical, social creativity;

    Ecological and protective, concentrating on the formation of environmental culture, preservation of cultural heritage, natural and cultural environment;

    Information and educational, expressed in the accumulation, storage and dissemination of information, in cultural and educational activities, in the formation of intellectual and other qualities, necessary for a person information society XXI century;

    Integrative and communicative, implementing a dialogue of cultures, mutual influence of local civilizations, revealing the achievements of national and regional cultures, ensuring an adequate and humane perception of subcultures, creating a culture of business and informal relations;

    Recreational and gaming, providing for the formation of a festive, ritual and gaming culture, providing spectacular and entertaining leisure and psychological relaxation.

    Each direction, each form of socio-cultural activity is based on its own technologies and has certain, sometimes unique, features. However, there are factors that unite everyone who is associated with this area of ​​spiritual life. These are the principles of socio-cultural activity as the most general provisions, which reflect objectively existing, internally determined, necessary and stable connections and relationships that develop in the process of creation, development, preservation and dissemination of cultural values, and predetermining its direction, character, content and forms:

    Voluntariness and general accessibility of socio-cultural activities;

    Development of initiative and initiative;

    The complexity of using the culture-creating potential of nature and society;

    Differentiation of ideological and emotional impact on different groups of the population;

    Continuity and consistency of an individual’s involvement in the world of culture;

    Mutual influence and complementary impact of the implementation of adaptive-normative, educational-developmental, transformative-creative, environmental-protective, informational-educational, integrative-communicative and recreational-game functions;

    Unity of information-logical and emotional-figurative influence on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of people;

    Aestheticization of public life.

    Socio-cultural activity is an extremely capacious and complex concept. It integrates the work of an architect, writer or artist who creates cultural values, the work of a restorer, archivist or museum specialist who preserves the cultural heritage of humanity, the creative work of a teacher, leader of an amateur association or organizer of leisure, disseminating these values ​​and involving more and more people in the world of culture . These activities can be institutional or non-institutional, professional or amateur in nature, carried out individually or within a team.

    CDA (cultural and leisure activities) is an integral part of CDA, helps in solving many social problems with its own unique means, forms, methods (art, folklore, holidays, rituals, etc.)

    CPR (cultural and educational work) is also part of the CDS, but, unfortunately, is ineffectively used in the activities of cultural institutions (there are no lectures, lecture halls, public universities and other previously proven forms of educational work.

    1.2 Concept and functions of leisure.

    Knowledge of SKD is necessary to improve and improve the cultural and leisure sphere.

    Leisure is an activity that fills a person’s free time. There are two forms of organizing leisure time: public and individual.

    Types of leisure activities:


    · Social activity

    · Consumption of cultural values

    · Sports activities

    · Tourism and travel

    · Entertainment

    · Communication with people

    · Communication with nature

    · Passive rest

    · Antisocial leisure activities

    Rational leisure is carefully planned leisure, including a large number of useful activities: entertaining, educational, creative and festive leisure activities. It is not difficult to form a culture of leisure using the example of other people. The main objectives of the CDU are to satisfy the cultural needs of people, elevate them and expand their range.

    Leisure as part of free time has two functions:

    Recreational, allowing you to relieve stress and restore strength through active rest;

    Developmental, allowing you to develop, self-affirm, self-realize and show your personal qualities.

    1.3 Institutions and organizations of the socio-cultural sphere in the Russian Federation and regions

    Philosophy understands an institution as an element social structure, historical forms of organization and regulation of social life. Socio-cultural institutions include numerous institutions and organizations through which the accumulation and transmission of cultural experience, the development of cultural forms of social life, and the acquisition of cultural knowledge are carried out.

    The term “socio-cultural institution” means:

    Family, state and municipal structures, industrial associations and enterprises, non-governmental public organizations, public education systems, the media, special socio-cultural institutions: theaters, museums, libraries, etc.

    A socio-cultural institute brings people together for joint activities to meet the socio-cultural needs of a person or solve specific socio-cultural problems.

    Network of cultural and leisure institutions

    A network is understood as an association (a network of libraries, a network of clubs...), which is based on a territorial or departmental basis.

    Territorial feature takes into account the number of institutions at their location on the scale of a district, city, region, region, etc.

    Departmental attribute takes into account the number of institutions by their subordination, by financing:






    1.4 Mass media institutions.

    Information institutions are an indispensable assistant in the implementation of socio-cultural activities. The media is a channel for the dissemination of cultural knowledge, norms and values, an instrument for the development of mass consciousness in society.

    Journalism as a productive activity based on subject-subject relationships. Its product is the organization of continuous mass information for the population. The media audience (readers, viewers, listeners) is not only an object, but also a subject who independently decides whether or not to consume information products.

    The role of the media in creating a panorama of specific events and problems characteristic of the modern socio-cultural sphere. Functions of the media as a socio-cultural institution:

    Planning and broadcasting mass information flows with the participation of representatives from various fields of culture and art

    Mutual cooperation with specialists in initiating and conducting various types of socio-cultural activities

    Reproduction, interchange and mutual enrichment of sociocultural technologies in the environment of cultural objects, art, leisure, and sports.

    Newspaper. Advantages: massive readership (everyone reads the newspaper), high selectivity (different groups of the population read different newspapers), the possibility of prompt and frequent publications. Disadvantages: short life of the newspaper, limited newspaper space.

    Magazine. Advantages: high selectivity, good quality reproduction of material, long life, the prestige of many publications, including the desire to maintain a high image, the ability to read slowly Disadvantages: high financial costs for production, a long process of preparing products for publication.

    Radio. Advantages: high mobility of response to events, relative cheapness for consumption, high selectivity for the consumer of information, the ability to quickly make adjustments to transmissions. Disadvantages: few stations operating throughout the country, short life of the information message, relatively low prestige among consumers.

    A television. Advantages: reaching a large, often multimillion-dollar audience, low production costs per viewer, high prestige (especially of individual channels and sections), geographic and economic selectivity Disadvantages: high financial costs for product production, short life of individual programs, unguaranteed size audience, limited ability to buy the most popular time.

    Technological progress acts as a source of economic impact on print and electronic media. Possibility of choosing TV programs, especially cable ones. Expansion of the television market. Participation of television studios and compact cable television centers in choosing their audience.

    Use of the Internet in the dissemination of socio-cultural information. The advantages of this source: targeting certain levels of users and fame in global computer circles.

    1.5 Cultural and leisure institutions.

    All CDUs operating in Russia are divided into several types, each of which includes a group of homogeneous institutions with characteristic features.

    1. Art institutions - Hermitage, Art Gallery, Tretyakov Gallery, Puppet and Mask Theater Opera and Ballet Theater Drama Theater, Philharmonic Hall, Concert Hall, etc.

    2. Cultural and leisure institutions and tourism enterprises - Circus, travel agency, local history museum, memorial and museum complex, sailor club, Teacher's House, city museum, recreation center, community clubs, concert and dance hall, children's creativity center, Actor's House , zoo, planetarium,

    3. Cultural institutions - Palace of Culture and Technology, city House of Culture, theatrical and entertainment enterprise, district House of Culture, regional library, children's library, socio-cultural institution.

    4. Virtual cultural institutions (Internet salons, Internet clubs) are becoming widespread these days.

    Over the past 10 years, there have been huge changes in the CDU system. Nowadays, citizens are provided with a large choice; CDUs have appeared, designed for certain segments of the population based on work experience in the West (clubs for businessmen, clubs for leader-ladies). The negative thing is that the network of rural community centers (clubs, recreation centers, libraries) has been reduced, because the state is not able to maintain this network.

    Since cultural institutions are currently financed by negligibly small amounts compared to those required for the normal functioning of cultural and leisure activities, the administration of cultural and recreational institutions is forced to look for their own ways to solve the material problem.

    The management of an institution in the socio-cultural sphere is understood as a system of management activities that ensures the successful functioning of a wide variety of social institutions– organizations designed to carry out some socially significant activities.

    The socio-cultural sphere is a complex, ambiguous concept. Some authors define the socio-cultural sphere as a set of enterprises that produce a product related to people’s life activities, and in this case, the socio-cultural sphere includes many sectors of the economy, such as the automotive industry, the production of household appliances, etc. Others understand the concept of social cultural sphere - a set of enterprises performing socio-cultural functions that are important for cultural level of the entire society, in this case a fairly narrow list of enterprises falls into the socio-cultural sphere - theaters, libraries, clubs, museums.

    Activities in the socio-cultural sphere are carried out by organizations, institutions, enterprises of various departmental affiliations (state, municipal, private, public organizations) and forms of ownership, as well as by private individuals.

    Management in the socio-cultural sphere is of particular interest.

    Firstly, because its technological content reveals all the wealth of management in general - as already mentioned, a wide variety of companies operate in the cultural sphere.

    Secondly, the prospects of such consideration are important for understanding the possibilities of cooperation with the cultural sphere of other areas of business activity. main feature management in the socio-cultural sphere is that money in this area is earned primarily not on the basis of simple commerce, but on the basis of attracting funds from interested donors: sponsorship, patronage, charity.

    Thirdly, another circumstance is even more obvious - the increasing requirements for the managerial competence of specialists and workers in the socio-cultural sphere. The transition from a purely administrative and distribution technology of managing the sphere to the increasingly widespread use of economic methods, from purely subsidized budgetary financing of structures to the financing of programs, to competition for budgetary funds, the need for widespread attraction of extra-budgetary funds, ideological and political pluralism, economic independence - all this is radical changes the requirements for the professionalism of a manager in the socio-cultural sphere. If earlier he saw himself primarily as an employee of the “ideological front”, as a teacher, now he must be practically oriented in marketing technology in commercial and non-profit activities, be an economically and legally competent specialist, in short, be fully competent in management issues, without any discounts on the notorious “specifics” of the sphere.

    Moreover, this specificity itself does not lie in the “truncated” nature of management, but, on the contrary, in its expanded application. The socio-cultural sphere includes activities both purely non-commercial and commercial (paid services), both local and (including in relation to the same type of activity) international scale.

    This paper described social activities Government institution culture of the “Inter-settlement cultural and leisure center”, its development and activities carried out today. Having analyzed the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

    The International Cultural Center, despite the difficult financial situation in the country, does not lose its strength in the field of culture and is rushing in full sail towards fuller and more perfect development.

    On this moment cannot cover all areas of activity in the field of culture, but is purposefully moving towards this.

    The center’s staff carries out a large and varied ideological, educational and cultural work with visitors through the means of art.

    The full implementation of planned plans and ideas is hampered by low funding, which does not allow inviting more famous people from other regions and the acquisition of new technologies.

    Strong competition comes from the presence of private entertainment clubs in the city, which provide a variety of gaming, entertainment and entertainment activities, which the IKDC cannot provide to city residents.

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