System of institutions in the social and cultural sphere. Abstract: “The state and ways to improve the organization of socio-cultural activities in the Pestovo MCD

Complex of socio-cultural sectors. Social and consumer complex

1. Complex of socio-cultural sectors

The complex of socio-cultural industries (socio-cultural complex) is a set of activities whose purpose is to provide socially significant services to the population: education, culture, healthcare, physical culture and sports, social services, etc. (in economic literature, similar but not identical concepts are used - social sphere, socio-cultural sphere, social infrastructure, etc.).

The role and importance of the complex in the national economy of Belarus is increasing. So, for 1991-2009. its share in the structure of gross domestic product increased from 4.9 to 11.0%, and the share of people employed in social and cultural sectors is relatively total number The population employed in the country's economy increased from 15 to 21.9%.

The development of the complex is determined, first of all, by the social policy pursued by the state aimed at ensuring the well-being of citizens.

The complex includes government institutions and enterprises, a departmental network of social cultural institutions, private sector organizations (culture and entertainment).

Currently, the management of the socio-cultural complex is carried out by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Information, and other ministries and departments of the republic.

Until the end of the 80s. XX century practically the only source of financing for socio-cultural institutions was the state budget. Organizations and institutions that, as a rule, do not have their own income and are financed from the budget are called budgetary. All their expenses are determined on the basis of a special planning document - an estimate, and the planning procedure is called an estimate.

In order to counteract the decrease in the volume of social services, it is necessary to continue to provide budgetary support to social facilities, both in cases where they remain in the structure of enterprises, and after they are transferred to the jurisdiction of local authorities.

1 Education

Education is the largest branch of the socio-cultural complex - a system of organizations and institutions carrying out educational activities.

The state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of education is based on the principles: priority of education, compulsory general basic education; implementation of the transition to compulsory general secondary education; accessibility of preschool, vocational and technical education and, on a competitive basis, secondary specialized and higher education education; continuity and continuity of levels and stages of education; national-cultural basis of education.

The share of education in the structure of GDP increased from 2.5% in 1990 to 4.1% in 2009. According to this indicator, education ranks first among the sectors of the socio-cultural complex.

Education is divided into basic and additional.

Basic education includes: preschool, general basic, general secondary, vocational, specialized secondary, higher and postgraduate.

Additional education can be carried out at all levels of basic education, as well as in institutions of out-of-school education and training, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Education management is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, other ministries and departments that have educational institutions, departments and education departments of local executive and administrative bodies. The main source of financing for educational institutions is the state budget. The dynamics of the share of education expenditures from GDP is characterized by the following figures: 1990 - 4.3%; 1995 - 5.5; 2000 - 6.2; 2009 - 10%.

Preschool education is the first stage whole system education.

There is a development of new forms of preschool education, strengthening of the material base of preschool institutions, and a transition to full coverage of children with preschool education and upbringing, starting from the age of five.

Institutions providing general secondary education include: Primary School, basic school, secondary school, evening (shift) school, gymnasium, lyceum, boarding school, sanatorium boarding school, as well as an educational and pedagogical complex. Obtaining general secondary education is also carried out in vocational and secondary specialized education institutions.

The primary tasks of the secondary secondary school are: further improvement of the material and technical base; transition to a single-shift operating mode; reducing class sizes to improve the quality of education.

The main goal of vocational education is to prepare young people for professional activities, as well as to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to qualify workers and employees.

Secondary specialized education is aimed at obtaining special theoretical and practical training, solves the problem of providing sectors of the country's national economy with qualified mid-level specialists.

Secondary specialized education is carried out in two directions: the first - providing special theoretical and practical training; the second is integrated with higher education and provides in-depth special training.

The following system of secondary specialized educational institutions has developed in the Republic of Belarus:

Technical schools (schools) provide specialized secondary education;

colleges - obtaining specialized secondary education integrated with higher education;

higher colleges - obtaining specialized secondary education, integrated with higher education, and in individual specialties - higher education first stage;

Higher vocational schools and vocational colleges - obtaining specialized secondary education in specialties integrated with the specialties (professions) of vocational education.

Secondary specialized educational institutions are subordinated to 14 republican government bodies, as well as local government bodies. The largest number of them is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education - 31%, the Ministry Agriculture and food - 14, Ministry of Culture - 10, Ministry of Health - 8, Ministry of Sports and Tourism - 5% of the total number.

The structure of higher education includes two levels, including a master's degree.

Institutions providing higher education include a classical university, a specialized university (academy), an institute, and a higher college.

Admission to state universities in 2004 amounted to 97.8 thousand. people, which is 2.2 times more than in 1990. In terms of the number of university students per 10 thousand population, which was equal to 445 people, Belarus surpassed many economically developed countries of the world.

State programs provide for qualitative renewal, development of information educational technologies and teaching methods, attraction of additional sources of financing and strengthening of the material and technical base of the industry, expansion of the market for educational services to the population.

2 Healthcare

Healthcare is a system of government, public and medical activities aimed at preserving and strengthening people’s health, preventing and treating diseases.

In the structure of GDP, the share of healthcare (including physical education and social security) is 3.2%; 7.2% of the total employed population is concentrated here; 4.5% investment in fixed assets.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus manages all medical, sanitary-epidemiological, pharmaceutical and other institutions under its jurisdiction, and also provides methodological guidance to medical institutions of other departments and public organizations, issues licenses and controls the activities of private medical institutions and doctors.

According to WHO estimates, beginning of XXI V. Belarus was in 51st place in terms of overall achievements of the healthcare system among 191 states.

Healthcare as an industry is developing in the following areas:

  • medical and preventive care;
  • maternal and child health;
  • Spa treatment;
  • sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • drug provision for the population;
  • medical examination;
  • medical science and education.
  • The new medical and economic model should provide an optimal combination of free medical care and paid medical services. The development of the industry in the future is aimed at providing every citizen with accessible and high-quality health care. It is planned to increase the share of industry financing to 10% of GDP by 2020. At the same time, state minimum standards must be brought into line with the standards for budgetary coverage of health care expenditures per capita.
  • 1.3 Physical culture and sports
  • Physical culture and sports are an independent branch of the national economy, uniting a network of specialized physical education, health and sports institutions, organizations and educational institutions. Physical culture and sports are integrated into other sectors of the socio-cultural complex; they have their own facilities, institutions, and personnel there.
  • For the “Physical Culture and Sports” sector, budget allocations are provided in the amount of 0.5% of budget expenditures. Along with this, the role of extrabudgetary funding is increasing. Physical education and sports work in the country is developing on the basis of the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” (1993). This activity is managed by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. In 1991, the National Olympic Committee of Belarus was formed.
  • Physical culture as a social institution includes the following forms: basic, sports, professionally applied, health and rehabilitation, recreational.
  • Sport is considered as an integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education and has three main interconnected organizational forms: mass amateur, reserve and elite sports.
  • On modern stage Tourism is developing in close connection with physical culture and sports - a large intersectoral system that provides recreation and health improvement for people, and is also a potential source of income for the state budget (the industry operates profitably).
  • 1.4 Culture and art
  • The sphere of culture and art usually includes a set of organizations, institutions and enterprises, as well as state and public bodies, creative unions directly related to the production, preservation, distribution and organization of consumption of goods and services for cultural, social, informational and decorative purposes. The contribution of culture and art to the country's national economy is determined by the following parameters: 0.5% in the GDP structure, 1.8% in the total employed population.
  • The impact of culture and art on the country's economy is that this industry creates specific jobs, has its own autonomous markets with significant investment potential, and makes a direct contribution to the development of the economy of a particular region.
  • The variety of types of cultural activities (some of them are considered as sub-sectors) can be divided into groups:
  • artistic creativity (literary, visual and applied creativity, art, performing arts);
  • cultural heritage (restoration and protection of historical and cultural monuments, museum, archival, library science, folk culture);
  • club and entertainment activities (club activities, attractions, show business, casinos);
  • mass creation and distribution of cultural goods - the cultural industry (press; book publishing; production of audiovisual products, including cinematography, radio, television; the Internet).
  • The leading link in the cultural management system is the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, which pursues state policy in the field of culture, art, historical and cultural heritage.
  • Currently, budget funding remains the basis of state guarantees for the preservation, development and dissemination of culture in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Organizations (institutions, enterprises) of culture are divided: according to the content of their activities - into cultural-educational and theatrical-entertainment; according to the main purpose of activity - commercial and non-commercial; by form of ownership - public and private. The traditions of dividing cultural organizations into state and departmental ones are preserved.
  • The “Art” sub-sector includes theaters, circuses, philharmonic societies and other concert organizations; cinematography organizations; creative workshops; organizations of folk arts and crafts; research, design and production restoration organizations; spectacular enterprises and institutions.
  • Library science is a branch of information, cultural, educational and educational activities, the task of which is the creation and development of a network of libraries, the formation and processing of library collections, the organization of library, information and reference bibliographic services to users, the training of library personnel, scientific and methodological services to libraries.
  • The main sources of funding for libraries are funds from the republican and local budgets, which ensure the development and implementation of library development programs, the construction and reconstruction of library buildings and premises, as well as the acquisition of library collections.
  • According to their significance, characteristics of functioning and territorial organization, national, republican, regional, city, district and rural libraries are distinguished.
  • Museums collect, store, study and popularize monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture - primary sources of knowledge about the development of nature and human society.
  • Club institutions are mass cultural and educational institutions that organize leisure time for the population and promote education, self-education, and development creativity personality.
  • More than 90% of club institutions are under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and are fully funded by the budget.
  • Theatrical and entertainment institutions in the Republic of Belarus are represented by 28 professional theatres, including 2 opera and ballet theatres, 18 drama theatres, 8 children's and young audience theatres, 13 state concert organizations and 2 state circuses.
  • Film art. The film industry as a whole is a complex economic complex, characterized by a combination of specialized film production with a developed sphere of circulation, promotion and exhibition of films.
  • A technical base for film production has been created in the republic, the national film studio “Belarusfilm” is functioning, and budget funding has been maintained.
  • Measures have been outlined to preserve and qualitatively expand the network of cultural institutions, strengthen and update its material and technical base, and ensure the accessibility and diversity of industry services for the entire population. The legally established amount of budget funding for the Culture and Art industry is set at up to 1% of GDP.
  • 1.5 Social services
  • Social services are the activities of the state, legal entities and individuals to provide social support, provide medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal services, material assistance, create conditions for social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens and families who find themselves in difficult life situations.
  • This category of the population includes: children, elderly people, disabled people, seriously ill people, homeless people, people in a state of severe depression.
  • Different kinds Social services can be divided into three groups: social care, social rehabilitation and social shelter.
  • The leading position in the management of social services is occupied by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, which actively cooperates with the ministries of education and health, and other republican government bodies.
  • The priority direction for the further development of the social service system is to meet the specific needs of the most vulnerable segments of the population: the disabled, the elderly, children, low-income families, etc.
  • 1.6 Social and consumer complex
  • The social-consumer complex unites production material goods and services for the population and includes trade and public catering, consumer services and housing and communal services.
  • The sectors of the social-consumer complex are closely interconnected with each other and the population, which determines their territorial organization.
  • Domestic trade and public catering, consumer services and housing and communal services produce 14.2% of the gross domestic product; their share in the total number of people employed in the Belarusian economy is almost 18.7%. The experience of foreign countries shows that without the successful development of these industries it is impossible to create a highly efficient market economy.
  • Trade is one of the major sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. In 2009, the total volume of retail trade turnover amounted to 54.7 trillion. R. at current prices, or approximately 5.5 million rubles. per capita. The number of people employed in retail trade and public catering reached 655.1 thousand people, which is 2 times more than in 1990.
  • Trade as an independent branch of the national economy makes it possible to free commodity-producing industries from the need to independently sell what they produce, which would lead to dispersal and uneconomical use of material, labor and financial resources.
  • Control state trade carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus, in consumer cooperation - the Belarusian Republican Union of Consumer Societies.
  • Trade is divided into domestic and foreign. Domestic trade covers wholesale and retail trade.
  • Public catering is a branch of the economy that produces and sells prepared food to the population through a network of special enterprises (canteens, cafes, restaurants, buffets, etc.).
  • Public catering is an important reserve for saving social labor. The current level of labor productivity in the industry makes it possible to reduce the time spent preparing culinary products by approximately 2-3 times compared to costs at home.
  • 1.7 Consumer services for the population
  • Consumer services for the population unite enterprises and organizations that fulfill individual orders from the population for the production of personal consumption products, repair of cultural, household and household items and providing other household services.
  • The industry management system is formed by the consumer services departments of the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.
  • In the national classifier of the Republic of Belarus 015-97 “Services to the public,” more than 600 types of activities are classified as household activities. They are performed by over 8 thousand enterprises.
  • The program for the further development of consumer services for the population of the Republic of Belarus provides as the main tasks: stabilization of the industry, saturation of the market with various types of household services, primarily socially significant, improving their quality based on the creation of legal, organizational and economic conditions.
  • 1.8 Housing and communal services
  • Housing and communal services (HCS) creates the necessary conditions for human life. The industry ensures the reproduction and maintenance of the housing stock, as well as the delivery of housing and communal services to direct consumers.
  • The housing and communal services sector includes the following sub-sectors: housing sector (housing sector); hotel industry; public utilities providing resources to the housing stock and other buildings and premises (water supply, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply), cleaning and improvement of the territories of settlements (maintenance of road and bridge facilities, landscaping, waste removal and disposal, sewerage), more than 30 types in total activities. Housing sector - part National economy, including the construction and reconstruction of housing, structures and elements of engineering infrastructure, management of the housing stock, its maintenance, and repairs.
  • Unlike other sectors of the social sphere, the volumes and quality of housing and communal services are not subject to reduction below a certain minimum. The level of development of housing and communal services determines the functioning of both the production sphere and the entire economic complex. In the structure of paid services provided to the population of Belarus in 2009, housing and communal services took first place (26.3%), which significantly exceeded the level of 1990 (13.3%).
  • The main directions of housing and communal services reform are:
  • development of the housing and utility payment system; increasing the level of payment from the population; differentiation of housing payment rates depending on its quality and location;
  • improving the social protection system for paying for housing and utilities by streamlining the existing system of benefits, strengthening the targeting of funds allocated for social protection of the population;
  • improvement of the management, maintenance and control system through the formation of specialized organizations for managing the housing stock, transition to contractual relations, demonopolization of housing and communal services, development of a competitive environment;
  • transfer of housing stock to the management of direct housing owners.

cultural economics social education


1. Vladimirova L.P. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at industry enterprises. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2009. - 348 p.

Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor. - M.: Norma, 2009. - 416 p.

Pashuto V.P. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise. - M.: Knorus, 2009. - 320 p.

Labor Economics / Ed. M.A. Vinokurova, N.A. Gorelova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 656 p.

Labor Economics: Social and Labor Relations / Ed. ON THE. Volgina, Yu.G. Odegova. - M.: Exam, 2010. - 736 p.


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By product type:

This feature is due to the variety of products (services) created and sold by organizations in the socio-cultural sphere. Using it, you can highlight organizations

A) producing material products, for example, the production of compact discs, art studios and workshops, handicraft factories, printing houses, film studios, etc.;

B) providing material services, for example, specialized restoration enterprises and workshops, audio and video recording studios, photo studios, housing and communal services enterprises;

C) providing services that have a possible material, including financial) result, for example, all organizations of the gambling and gaming business: casinos, sweepstakes, billiards halls, slot machines, computer games, etc.;

D) providing predominantly intangible services, for example, in this group three subgroups can be distinguished depending on the types of intangible services:

· Cultural – theaters, museums, philharmonic societies, exhibition halls, clubs, leisure centers, etc.;

· Educational – educational institutions, secondary and higher educational institutions;

E) engaged primarily in trade in objects and means of culture - art salons and shops, antique shops, shops selling musical equipment, discs, cassettes, book trade, etc.

By method of economic activity:

This criterion allows us to classify specific organizations in the socio-cultural sphere as a specific type of economic activity, determined by the prevailing goals and objectives. The following types of economic activities are distinguished:

A) the commercial type of business is based on the principles of a market economy, the main thing being the extraction of profit from the production and sale of a specific service or product;

B) the non-profit type of business is determined by the predominance of the substantive aspect of activity in the hierarchy of goals: conservation artistic values and traditions, maintaining the prestige of the nation and state, city, aesthetic and moral education population, especially children and adolescents; development of art and other types of cultural activities as valuable areas in their own right public life. The non-commercial type of business is poorly linked to market interests, because implies maximum accessibility to the widest sections of the population (including the poor) to the results of its activities, which in practice means providing services to consumers either free of charge or on a preferential basis. The result is unprofitability, i.e. inability to compensate for existing costs at the expense of income received, and subsidies. These organizations of the socio-cultural sphere are either budgetary, i.e. receive part of their income from budgets different levels; or are supported by funds from various departments, public organizations, private donations and other sources.

B) mixed type of management

assumes that enterprises that are non-profit in their goals and objectives carry out entrepreneurial activities, and the income received from this activity is used for their development. Naturally, such enterprises are in a more favorable economic position compared to purely non-profit organizations. For example, educational schools- these are budgetary organizations, and state universities, mainly have a mixed type of farming.

Branch of culture.

The cultural sector, from an economic point of view, has a number of features:

Firstly, culture is a special industry, the product of which satisfies a specific group of human needs, i.e. cultural needs in a special way. For example, in the field of education, systematic activities are aimed at vocational training person. Activities in cultural sectors are also aimed at the comprehensive (intellectual, aesthetic, moral, etc.) education of a person, but they use special means, the perception of which is carried out voluntarily, taking into account the interests of the individual and free time. Moreover, such education is not systematic, because for example, a person may not go to the theater at all, much less attend it regularly; or read fiction.

Secondly, hallmark It also matters whether cultural activities are carried out by a person for himself or for other people.

In general, the cultural sector in economic aspect, from the point of view of its modern understanding, should be considered as functionally connected with all social production, especially with the reproduction of labor power and the intellectual development of the worker necessary for the implementation of professional productive labor, as well as as a means of entertainment and recreation.

Currently, culture itself has turned into a sphere of economic activity producing consumer goods, goods and services. In this regard, three groups of cultural institutions can be distinguished depending on the degree of their inclusion in the market economy.

The first group is objects of cultural heritage and science, for example, cultural monuments, museum and archival funds, folk art, experimental arts, etc., which cannot be the object of market relations due to their high social significance, irreproducibility and the need to preserve for subsequent generations.

The second group is organizations and institutions of culture and art that are included in the zone of limited action of market relations: performing arts organizations, cultural institutions (libraries, clubs, etc.). The services of these institutions provide state-guaranteed standards (norms) of cultural consumption and are therefore provided to the population free of charge or on a preferential basis. However, these organizations have the opportunity to generate additional income through entrepreneurial activity.

The third group is institutions that fall within the scope of commercial exploitation. Their income is entirely generated through commercial activities. These include: audiovisual enterprises, show business, print and screen media mass media And so on.

The boundaries between these groups of cultural and art organizations are fluid and can shift as a result of the state’s cultural policy and its economic potential, historical and national cultural traditions, consumer preferences of the population, standard of living and effective demand, etc.

The prerequisites for the introduction of market relations in the sphere of culture and art began to take shape during the period of restructuring of the national economy in 1985. At this time, a series of economic experiments were carried out in order to increase the efficiency of cultural services to the population by introducing new management methods and organizational and economic forms of cultural activity, strengthening the independence of state institutions, the creation of relatively independent economic organizations. As a result of these events, in the late 80s, many amateur associations, interest clubs, cultural centers, cooperatives, creative organizations (theater studios, self-supporting film studios), commercial structures in the field of production and marketing appeared. All these entities initially carried out their activities on contractual relations with basic government institutions, using their material resources.

At the same time, there was a strengthening of such principles of activity of cultural organizations as decentralization of management, democratization of the economic mechanism, differentiation of organizational and economic models of cultural services to the population, denationalization and demonopolization of the sphere of culture and art as the basis for the emergence of the non-state sector. The introduction of these principles led to increased independence in planning creative and economic activities, in choosing ways to receive and distribute income, and in setting prices (tariffs) for production services. Consequently, all the formal prerequisites for the work of cultural organizations, later enshrined in legislative and regulatory acts and industry instructions, have taken shape in market conditions.

However, the possibility of carrying out creative and economic activities on market principles for most organizations in the sphere of culture and art turned out to be very limited and problematic. Many independent organizations faced the problem of survival, which gave rise to a tendency to return them to the tutelage of the state or to seek state subsidies. This led to the adoption of a series of laws on state support for culture and its individual branches, for example, laws on culture, television, cinematography, media, etc.

The unstable financial situation of culture and art in market conditions is not a purely Russian phenomenon, although the peculiarities of market relations in Russia have significantly complicated the situation of culture. The historical experience of the development of culture and art in many countries in market conditions allows us to conclude that the action of market regulators in this area is limited.

The process of introducing market relations into the sphere of culture and art can be considered by analyzing two main elements of production relations: property relations on the one hand, and on the other - methods and sources of income.

There is quite a wide variety of economic mechanisms for activities in the cultural sector.

The components of the cultural sphere are extremely heterogeneous in terms of the management mechanisms used.

Archives, libraries, and monument conservation organizations are usually government agencies, and their work is supported almost entirely by government or philanthropic funding.

Museums and club organizations are mainly public non-profit organizations, but there are also private ones. In museum and club activities, a more prominent role is played by revenues from entrance tickets, sales of various services and souvenirs. But the main thing remains funding from the founders.

The activities of theatres, philharmonic and folk groups are supported by a combination of public funding, private donations, income from ticket sales, etc. Typically these organizations are non-profit, but there are also commercial theaters that receive income only from the sale of their main products (sales of tickets and reproduction rights created by performances, music in audiovisual products) and related goods and services (income from buffets, sales of souvenirs). These, in particular, are the theaters on Broadway in New York.

Circus business, folk crafts, cinema, the press, book publishing, radio and television are represented for the most part by commercial organizations that receive their main income from the sale of relevant goods and services to consumers or advertisers. But usually the state and private philanthropists support various forms creation and distribution of individual films, publication of individual books, construction and operation of circus buildings, broadcasting of individual radio stations and television channels, etc.

The restoration of monuments is carried out by organizations of various forms, with which government bodies and private owners or tenants of the relevant monuments interact on a contract basis.

Literary creativity, art, the entertainment sector (with the exception of club activities) operates entirely on a market basis. The service providers here are individuals and commercial organizations. State participation is limited to the purchase of individual works and the provision of tax benefits for artists.

To understand the specifics of economic relations in the cultural sphere, the key is to answer the following questions: why does the state finance and ensure the provision of certain types of cultural goods? And why are some activities supported by the state and private philanthropists more, others less, and others not at all?

Thus, market relations in Russia have led to the emergence of various forms of ownership in the field of culture, the formation of which occurs under the influence of both economic and non-economic factors, the main of which are:

The attitude of the state to the sphere of culture, which is implemented in the form of state cultural policy;

Claims of various classes, population groups, political parties, producer associations and individual consumers to cultural objects and their results;

The attitude of federal, regional and local authorities to the development of culture and art;

Interest on the part of commercial structures and capital in culture as a business area.

If we analyze organizations and types of cultural activities from only two perspectives - their social significance and commercial attractiveness, then the modern structure of ownership in the field of culture includes:

· organizations of state (federal, regional, municipal) and departmental property, which include libraries, clubs, museums, theatrical and entertainment enterprises, circuses, cultural heritage sites, electronic and print media;

· another group is formed by organizations and types of cultural activities that reflect the ideology of certain groups, parties and other associations of citizens, associations, etc., managing their property;

· next group- These are commercial cultural enterprises, which, as a rule, act in the form of private and mixed ownership. These include leisure centers, galleries, publishing, media, printing, audiovisual and others.


1.2. Industries and enterprises of the social and cultural sphere

A number of structures in the socio-cultural sphere have been identified in the economic literature.

By nature of activity stand out:

Branches of spiritual and creative activity (science, art);
- branches of performing activities (education, healthcare, physical education);
- branches of activity to create social conditions for the existence of society (political and public administration, law enforcement, defense) 8.

By the nature of the needs being satisfied distinguish:

Social sector (trade, catering, consumer services, housing and communal services, transport, communications, etc.);
- sector of social and cultural services (education, education, art, healthcare, physical education);
- business services sector (legal, information, financial, technical services, etc.).

By functions performed stand out:

Industries influencing the formation and development of personality (education, science);
- industries that ensure the preservation of health and increase life expectancy (health care, social security);
- industries providing leisure and recreation (tourism, health resort services);
- industries producing material services (utilities, household services, trade, etc.).9

There is no unity in understanding the composition and structure of the socio-cultural sphere. Its theoretical definitions in a number of cases do not coincide with statistical calculations on the sectoral structure of the economy.

Below is one of the options for the sectoral structure of the socio-cultural sphere, indicating the main types of enterprises in each industry. In this case, the broadest approach is used to the boundaries of the socio-cultural sphere and the structure of its industries.

Education and upbringing: institutions general education(schools and boarding schools); vocational education institutions; higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; institutions for retraining and advanced training of personnel; schools that teach information processing; libraries; preschool education institutions.

Healthcare: clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, consultations, clinics, outpatient clinics, first aid stations, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, hospices.

Tourism industry: travel agencies; national tourism administrations; accommodation establishments; recreational facilities; transport companies specializing in serving tourists; enterprises producing goods for tourism.

Entertainment industry: cultural and art institutions (theatres, museums, orchestras, musical groups, entrepreneurial and concert organizations), discos, game libraries, exhibitions and fairs, botanical gardens and zoos, recreation clubs, club-type organizations.

Food industry: restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars.

Physical Culture and sport: sports facilities, gymnastics and sports clubs, sports associations.

Domestic services: enterprises for repair and individual tailoring of clothing and shoes, repair of household appliances, manufacturing of metal products, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, repair and manufacture of furniture, dry cleaning and dyeing, repair and construction of housing and other buildings, enterprises of transport and forwarding services, laundries, photography, baths and showers, hairdressing salons, rental companies, funeral services.

Housing and communal services: housing enterprises (housing and communal services, housing and communal services, etc.); public utilities; passenger transport enterprises (motor depots, transport cooperatives, etc.).

Legal services: legal consultations, courts, law firms.

Research services: research organizations, design bureaus, design and survey organizations, pilot plants, universities.

Consulting services: consulting firms, technology parks.

Financial services: banks, currency exchange offices, insurance organizations, audit firms.

Radio and television broadcasting: television studios, radio broadcasting committees, recording studios.

Publishing, journalism: printing houses, publishing houses, newspapers.

Social service: vocational rehabilitation services, educational homes, social security, shelters.

Connection: communications institutions and their divisions serving the population.

Military police apparatus: commissariats, law enforcement agencies and services, correctional labor institutions.

There are no detailed publicly available statistics on the production volumes of these industries. There is data on individual industries and individual aspects of the socio-cultural sphere and the size of production. One of the aspects is the structure of paid services in the most important sectors of the socio-cultural sphere. In the mid-90s. it was characterized by the following data (Table 3).

Table 3

Structure of the volume of paid services to the population of Russia in 1994, in% 10

In the Tomsk region in 1998, 11 the structure of paid services was characterized by the following data: household services amounted to 25.7% of the volume of all services provided; passenger - 25.1%; communication services - 10.4%; housing and communal services - 17.7%; regarding the maintenance of children in preschool institutions - 4.6%; cultural institutions - 1.0%; tourist and excursion - 0.8%; physical culture and sports - 0.2%; medical - 2.2%; health resorts - 0.8%; legal nature and banking institutions- 7.5%; others - 4.0%.

The absolute volume of paid services to the Russian population in the 90s. fell sharply. In 1994, it amounted to 22.4 billion rubles, or 30%, in relation to the volume of 1990. This is primarily due to the fact that the fall in income levels primarily affects the population’s demand for services. A similar index for the same years for food products was 84%, for non-food products - 102%, for alcoholic beverages - 118% 12 . In 1996, the volume of paid services to the population of Russia decreased even more and amounted to 20.0 billion rubles. 13 In the Tomsk region in 1998, the volume of paid services to the population amounted to 33.5% compared to 1991. 14

Philosophy understands an institution as an element of social structure, historical forms of organization and regulation of social life, the transfer of cultural experience, the development of cultural forms of social life, the acquisition of cultural knowledge.

The term “socio-cultural institution” means:

State and municipal structures

Industrial associations and enterprises

Non-governmental public organizations

Systems public education

Mass media

Special institutions of social and cultural profile: theaters, museums, libraries.

A socio-cultural institute brings people together for joint activities to meet the socio-cultural needs of a person or solve specific socio-cultural problems.

Network of cultural and leisure institutions.

A network is understood as an association (a network of libraries, a network of clubs...), which is based on a territorial or departmental basis.

The territorial attribute takes into account the number of institutions at their location on the scale of a district, city, region, region.

The departmental indicator takes into account the number of institutions by their subordination and by financing:


Municipal (local budget)

Public (trade unions, various societies).



Until 1917 The KDU network was poorly developed. Its development was carried out not by the government, but by Russian educators (Radishchev, Fonvizin at the end of the 18th century). These were libraries, museums, theaters as forms of extracurricular education:

1830-public libraries

1834 libraries in 18 cities of Russia

mid-19th century - Sunday schools and folk theaters were created on the initiative of revolutionary-minded intelligentsia.

70s - rural, city libraries and public professional theaters.

80s - Sunday evening schools for workers.

90s - folk houses and folk theater, a network of schools for adults is growing.

People's houses were built at the expense of the owners of factories and factories and housed a library, a reading room, an auditorium and a teahouse.

By 1903, there were about 10 thousand free libraries in rural areas.

Thus, by 1917, a network of schools and courses for adults, people's universities, and public libraries had been created. The network was small, the control centers were located in large cities as far as the Urals.


IN modern world One of the most important social issues is the question of interaction between the individual and society. It is no secret that our civilization is now developing at an extremely high pace, which leads to political, economic, social and moral instability. In such conditions, it becomes important not only how society influences a person and what happens as a result of this influence, but also how the person himself influences society, transforming it and creating the most favorable situation for his own development. This process is long and continuous, and one of its most important parts is the cultural component, since a person is the object of socio-cultural activity throughout his entire life.

Relevance of the topic: In my opinion, this topic is relevant at any time. The organization of socio-cultural activities has a pronounced developmental character, which has a significant impact on the formation of a holistic personality, stimulates social activity and ensures the spiritual enrichment of a person. And also this is the high social significance of socio-cultural activities in modern society, continuous development and improving its technologies.

Purpose of the study: to identify and analyze the specifics of organizing socio-cultural activities, as individual methods in the cultural sphere, as well as to characterize and identify problems of socio-cultural activities using the example of an enterprise

Research objectives: To study the essence and specifics of the organization of socio-cultural activities and to identify, using the example of organization, its problems and ways to solve them.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of socio-cultural activities

1 Basic concepts of socio-cultural activities

Social and cultural activities are activities aimed at creating conditions for the most complete development, self-affirmation and self-realization of individuals and groups (studios, clubs, amateur associations) in the field of leisure. It includes all the variety of problems in organizing free time: communication, production and assimilation of cultural values, etc. Teacher-organizers have to participate in solving problems of the family, children, in solving problems in historical, cultural, environmental, religious, etc. areas, in creating a favorable environment for SKD and initiatives of the population in the field of leisure. KDA (cultural and leisure activities) is an integral part of SKD, helps in solving many social problems with its unique means, forms, methods (art, folklore, holidays, rituals, etc.) CPR (cultural and educational work) is also part of the CCD, but, unfortunately, is ineffectively used in the activities of cultural institutions (there are no lectures, lecture halls, folk universities and other previously proven forms of educational work.

The importance of socio-cultural activity is that it is not just the organization of leisure, but an organization for socially significant purposes: the satisfaction and development of the cultural needs and interests of both the individual and society as a whole. The activities of KDU (institutions) are currently organized on the basis of a document published in 1992 - “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture.” It clearly defines “cultural activities”, “cultural values”, “cultural goods”, “creative activities”, etc., the main areas of state activity in the field of culture (protection of monuments, folk art, arts and crafts, fiction, cinematography, etc.), as well as the fundamental rights of citizens in the field of cultural activities.

Subject and object of socio-cultural activity.

Socio-cultural institutions, institutions and organizations as subjects of socio-cultural activities. Leading social institutions and communities - family, microsociety, church, state and non-state institutions, organizations and associations: educational (educational), socio-cultural, industrial, social protection, charitable, artistic and creative, sports and others. Their special appointment as subjects of socio-cultural activities.

The audience of cultural and leisure institutions, institutions and organizations as an object of socio-cultural activity. Socio-psychological and pedagogical principles of typologizing the object of socio-cultural activity. Mass, group and individual objects of cultural and leisure activities. Differentiation of the object of cultural and leisure activities, taking into account specifically expressed interests, needs, value orientations as an important condition for its typology.

The concept of open and closed, organized and unorganized, permanent and occasional audience. Real and potential object of cultural and leisure activities.

ACS features:

· carried out in free time;

· characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, etc.;

· characterized by a variety of species;

· The Russian Federation has big amount institutions that create conditions for SKD (museum, library, club, etc.)

Distinctive features SKD:

· humanistic character;

· cultural character;

· developmental character.

The totality of social functions of activities in the field of culture, education, and leisure is historically the result of many years of social and pedagogical experience accumulated by cultural and educational institutions, democratic institutions, public organizations and movements. This experience is largely based on a socially-oriented approach to the analysis of the traditional activities of objects in the socio-cultural sphere.

2 Functions of socio-cultural activities

The functions of socio-cultural activities presuppose the maximum development of independence, initiative, and entrepreneurship of the population. Functions undergo changes over time - from emergence to formation to full maturity. Depending on the duration of certain stages of development of socio-cultural activity, its functions are divided into:

Permanent, 2main, (inherent in most socio-cultural institutions), 3auxiliary, 4temporary, (arising and disappearing in certain time periods).

As one of the main grounds for classifying functions, one should take, first of all, the developing nature of the socio-cultural activities themselves, carried out by cultural and artistic figures on a professional and non-professional basis, in their free or work time. Each of them, having its own goal and direction, is, in one way or another, subordinate to the development and self-development of the individual, his social self-affirmation.

The creative beginning of socio-cultural activity includes many basic supporting elements - cinema, television, technical creativity, sports, applied labor and artistic creativity. The developing range of culture and leisure is truly limitless. Since ancient times, people have associated culture and leisure with freedom of activity and a creative state. Everything that people are interested in doing can and should be classified as their leisure activity.

Each of the functions must be considered from the point of view of how this activity affects the development of the individual. Each of the functions of socio-cultural activity orients a person towards a specific, given way of socio-cultural activities: passive (spectator, listener); active (activity); pedagogically organized (using free time pedagogically expediently) and, conversely, spontaneous (spontaneously occurring process of using free time).

The main functions of socio-cultural activities include:

communicative, 2 informational and educational, 3 culturally creative, 4 recreational and recreational.

One of the characteristics of socio-cultural activity is its communicative function. It involves the realization of a person’s need for communication (club work, creative associations, holidays, debates, parties, etc.), in continuous informational intersubjective interaction in various spheres of public socio-cultural practice. The content of this function in relation to the socio-cultural sphere consists of the production, exchange, consumption and use of huge amounts of information from the world of science, art, religion and other areas. The levels and scales of implementation of this function are also different: interpersonal, group, organizational (institutional) and mass.

The information and educational function is characterized by consistency and universality. This function is not related to specific regulations established and mandatory in educational institutions, and is based on voluntariness, initiative, and independence of the people themselves, it ensures more complete satisfaction of a variety of individual leisure interests, requests and preferences of people of various ages and professions.

cultural-creative function - associated with the development of spiritual forces and abilities, with active creative activity (labor, sports and games, artistic and theatrical), aimed at creative educational activities children (festivals, Olympics, competitions, hiking trips). The cultural creative activity of people solves a number of important social problems. It largely compensates for the lack of opportunities for a more complete realization of the versatile creative abilities of a child, teenager, and adult. Such a shortage is very common among workers in enterprises.

recreational and health function - consists of the development and implementation of a variety of entertainment, gaming, health-improving leisure programs for various groups of the population, with the aim of restoring the strength expended in the labor process, relieving production stress and at the same time having a developmental impact. This function, in content and nature, is focused on active and passive leisure, organized (programmed) and unorganized, collective (including family) and individual. Essentially, the function promotes the physical and spiritual recovery of a child and an adult (outdoor walks, sports, evenings of relaxation, games, fun, entertainment, etc.), and in many cases it is aimed at the socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities, both physical and mental. The implementation of the recreational and health function requires the establishment of close contacts and interaction with creative, excursion, tourist, and medical institutions, and the ability to take into account the most unexpected everyday situations.

Socio-cultural functions have been developed on the basis of many years of experience. It is they, in their totality, that form the very concept of socio-cultural activity, neighboring and complementing each other, they basically remain constant values ​​in the process of designing and implementing socio-cultural activities in the field of leisure. Interacting, these functions form a system of content and technologies of socio-cultural activities.

One of the priority functions is the economic function - participation in the creation of the necessary socio-economic conditions for development and recreation in various forms of leisure and creativity for residents of society. It is this function that is quite in demand for specialists in the socio-cultural sphere. Workers of culture and art, the organizer of socio-cultural activities, regardless of the institution, must be sociable, capable of forecasting, developing constructive solutions, empathy, effective interaction with other people, as objects of the socio-cultural sphere, to have the skills of leading small groups, informal communities that spontaneously develop in the sphere of organized and unorganized leisure.

function of regulatory support and protection of constitutional freedoms of the individual in leisure conditions. Various forms of social initiatives and artistic amateurism of the population should ideally become for each person a condition for the free implementation of his constitutional guarantees, a school of political culture and democracy. A specialist in the socio-cultural sphere needs to know the normative and legal acts related to the sphere of free time, have information in the field of legal regulation of the activities of public organizations, voluntary societies and amateur associations, navigate social structure region, etc.

The function of financial and economic support for leisure institutions is associated with the possession of a mechanism for material support of amateur initiatives, in which the educational essence of leisure activities is not lost. The future of leisure organization is a focus on those types of leisure activities that do not require large material costs and contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual.

The function of providing leisure forms of artistic amateurism for the population is to develop amateur activities of the population, since this is the strategic line and condition for the democratization of public life.

The special role function of a specialist in the socio-cultural sphere can be defined as the organization of group, family or personal leisure services in society. It is based on traditional humanism, respect for the dignity of a person, regardless of his age, and is aimed at making it easier for people in conditions of a socio-economic crisis to rationally use their free time, and, if possible, radically solve their leisure problems.

Each of the functions of socio-cultural activity is imbued with socially protective, rehabilitative content, aimed at stimulating social activity, spiritual rehabilitation and adaptation of the individual, ensuring continuous education and spiritual enrichment, developing the creative abilities of the individual, creating maximum conditions for the full socio-cultural creativity of people.

1.3 Social-voluntary formations, foundations, movements and institutions and their role in the development of the socio-cultural sphere

Public organizations, foundations and movements as subjects of socio-cultural activities. The connection between mass social formations and the political, economic and spiritual life of people.

Forms of interaction public organizations, foundations and movements at the regional level: joint socio-cultural initiatives for the rational use of free time, holding joint events; representation in state, municipal structures, management bodies in the socio-cultural sphere; assistance to public formations from government bodies and institutions in the implementation of their socio-cultural functions.

Levels of relationship between state and public structures in the socio-cultural sphere. Typology of public foundations and movements. Social and cultural activities of trade unions; government and public services social protection and social assistance to family, motherhood, childhood; centers and services for social and medical rehabilitation and psychological assistance; state-public system of maintenance and education of orphans; informal groups and unification of various social and age categories of the population; societies and associations of workers in the field of social assistance and protection; various educational and developmental and social-educational centers and institutes, their main tasks, propaganda, educational and socio-cultural activities of societies for nature conservation, protection of historical and cultural monuments, sports clubs and societies and other public formations of a socio-cultural profile.

Club structures (state club institutions, public, commercial, private club enterprises) as socio-cultural institutions where professional activity specialists in the field of leisure activities. Purpose, nature of the work performed, composition of library book collections.

Institutions of the socio-cultural sphere play a big role in organizing leisure time for the population. Mass (public), educational, scientific, technical and special libraries. Parks are a socio-cultural institution, the function of which is expressed in recreation, organizing mass recreation and entertainment, conducting informational, educational and physical education work.

1.4 Features of the socialization of children and adolescents in the cultural and leisure sphere

socialization cultural leisure cultural

The essence and genesis of socialization of children, adolescents and youth. The role of environment and heredity in the socialization of the individual. Pedagogy of co-creation as a tool for social integration of children, adolescents and youth. Free time of the younger generation and tasks of leisure organizers. Strategy and tactics of leisure social institutions. Interaction of academic, extracurricular and free time; the informal nature of schoolchildren's activities; variety of activities; game as a method of socialization of children, adolescents and youth.

A differentiated approach to organizing children's leisure time. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of groups. Possibilities of SCS in the development of memory, mental activity, voluntary attention, observation, development of interests, identification of abilities, leisure communication of children and adolescents. Features of organizing leisure activities at the place of residence. Pedagogical tasks and content of cultural and leisure activities for difficult teenagers and children with disabilities deviant behavior, orphans, disabled people and other categories of children and adolescents. Amateur associations, interest clubs, leisure programs as leading forms of identifying, developing and shaping the interests of children and adolescents. Methodology for organizing games and gaming activities.

Socio-psychological conditions and mechanism of leisure. The role of social psychology in the process of forming leisure programs. Socio-psychological parameters characterizing the composition of participants in socio-cultural activities. The essence and content of its social attitudes and value orientations. Methodology for studying and taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of children and adolescents, participants in socio-cultural processes. The main stages of forming the cohesion of a teenage team. Interrelation and interaction between team members: “primary” and “secondary” groups, “formal” and “informal” associations. Problems of interpersonal interaction of children and adolescents in various forms of leisure: clubs, small leisure groups, studios, ensembles, amateur associations and interest clubs, etc.

5 Organization of socio-cultural activities

Technology for organizing youth leisure in social and cultural institutions

Leisure activities for students are organized. Management and self-government of youth leisure. Organization of leisure time for rural youth. Organization of leisure time for urban youth. Methods of preparing and conducting youth cultural and leisure programs: evening, ball, holiday, competition, debates, sports competitions, festival, etc.

The clubs organize work with teenagers and young people throughout the year. Classes are conducted according to a comprehensive program reflecting various areas of activity of teenage and youth clubs.

Goals of the clubs:

Creating favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of youth in areas of public life;

Implementation creative potential youth in the interests of social development and the development of youth themselves;

Inclusion of youth in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society;

Empowerment young man in choosing your life path, achieving personal success.

The organizational principles of the clubs are:

Free visit and freedom to choose the activities of the child’s personality based on his interest.

Indirect educational impact on the individual through an organized team, reliance on traditional Russian values, moral principles and principles

healthy lifestyle, non-acceptance of antisocial manifestations.

Building a multi-age educational team based on respect for the individuality of minors and adults.

Involving adult social activists from among parents and residents in the work, working on the basis of community and interaction between youth and older generations, veterans.

Participation in improving the surrounding life in the region and city based on the targeted formation of the civic position of adolescents and youth.

An opportunity for informal communication and relief of psychological stress for young people.

Family leisure technology.

The pedagogical potential of socio-cultural institutions in working with families. Study of socio-cultural problems of the institute modern family in the system of recreational activities. Leisure work techniques. Psychological justification of the techniques: teaching communication skills, teaching socially necessary rules of behavior, the formation of disturbed social and family roles of spouses, a positive perception of the situation and the individual in a crisis situation, analysis of the reproduction of infantile conflicts in a married family, teaching methods of relaxation and restoring mental balance, creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of family functions, manifestation and consolidation of empathy, etc.

The importance of socio-cultural activities in organizing family leisure. Forms of leisure activities: family clubs, leisure evenings “For those over 30”, etc. Types of families. The main shortcomings in solving socio-cultural problems of the family.

Family functions are a set of historically determined forms of activity. The connection between family functions and society’s need for the institution of family and with the individual’s need to belong to a family group. Classification of family functions: reproductive function, child-rearing function, sexual function, economic and household functions, educational function, communicative function, emotional function, leisure and recreational function.

Chapter 2. Study of the organization of socio-cultural activities at an enterprise, using the example of the Gornozavodsky municipal district Perm region

1 Characteristics of the Gornozavodsky municipal district of the Perm Territory

Gornozavodsky district was formed on November 4, 1965. The area of ​​the Gornozavodsky district is 7057.0 sq. km, which is 4.3% of the total area of ​​the Perm region. Gornozavodsky district is located in the eastern part of the Perm region, has borders with Lysvensky, Chusovsky districts, the city of Gremyachinsky, Sverdlovsk region. Gornozavodsky district has good preconditions for economic and social development. The economic and geographical position of the central part of the region is quite favorable: it is located between two highly developed industrial regions - the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region of the Urals. An important railway runs through the region, connecting these regions. No less important For communication between the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region, there is also a highway between Gornozavodsk and the border of the Sverdlovsk Region. The Gornozavodsky district is connected by road with the leading cities of the Perm Territory (Chusovoy, Lysva, Kungur, Berezniki, Solikamsk), with the Sverdlovsk region (Kachkanar, Nizhny Tagil, etc.). The Gornozavodsky district occupies a unique geographical position on the border of Europe and Asia, at the intersection of many transport routes and is a major hub for gas transportation to the center of the European part of Russia and many European countries.


The permanent population in the region as of January 1, 2009 was 27.5 thousand people. (Gornozavodsk - 12.5 thousand people), including those under working age - 5872 thousand people, working age - 17088 thousand people, over working age - 4491 thousand people.

Composition of municipalities of the district

No. Name of municipal district 1 Gornozavodskoye urban settlement 2 Pashiyskoye rural settlement 3 Teplogorskoye rural settlement 4 Kusye-Aleksandrovskoye rural settlement 5 Saranovskoye rural settlement 6 Biserskoye rural settlement 7 Medvedkinskoye rural settlement 8 Inter-settlement territory


There are 16 cultural and art institutions operating on the territory of the Gornozavodsky district: cultural and leisure institutions - 8; libraries - 6; museum - 1; Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Educational Institution "DMSh" - 1. (Appendix No. 1).

In order to realize creative potential, there are 112 club formations, whose members are 2023 people. In the system of additional education for children in the field of culture, 273 children study on a permanent basis. There are 108 managers and specialists working in the field of culture, of which 62 are people with higher and secondary education. vocational education. 17 thousand people are library readers, of which 5.3 thousand are children under 14 years of age. There is a gradual computerization of the region's libraries, centers of legal and socially significant information are functioning, and library collections are being steadily updated with periodicals and book publications.

2 Directions of socio-cultural activities of cultural and art institutions in the Gornozavodsky municipal district of the Perm Territory

Today, cultural leisure and entertainment have become an integral part of our lives. Television, radio, theaters, cinemas, palaces of culture, sports and entertainment complexes - all these are important components of the domestic entertainment industry. The quality and variety of entertainment products offered are directly the responsibility of cultural institutions.

In order to develop cultural institutions of the Gornozavodsky district and provide socio-cultural services to the population of the Gornozavodsky district, the district administration provides:

· creation of organizational, socio-economic conditions for the education and development of cultural institutions in the region;

· creating conditions for universal aesthetic education and art education through the support and development of a network of institutions of additional education, cultural, leisure and educational activities, etc.;

· creating conditions for the support and development of amateur art (creative associations in accordance with the interests and abilities of area residents: interest clubs, amateur clubs artistic creativity);

· creating conditions for investing funds in the activities of cultural organizations;

· formation and placement of municipal orders;

· creating conditions for preserving the integrity of museum and other funds and their functioning that are in municipal ownership;

· holding holidays, competitions, festivals, evenings.

The district administration entrusts the implementation of these powers to the department of social development and interaction with territories. The main activities of the department are aimed at preserving the cultural heritage and developing the creative potential of the region's residents.

The main activities of club-type institutions are:

· creation and organization of work of groups, studios and circles of amateur artistic creativity, folk theaters, philharmonic societies, museums, amateur associations and clubs for cultural and educational historical, local history, scientific and technical, natural and environmental, cultural, everyday, collecting and other interests , other club formations;

· organizing and holding festivals, shows, competitions, exhibitions and other forms of displaying results creative activity club formations;

· holding performances, concerts, other theatrical, entertainment and exhibition events, including with the participation of professional groups of performers and authors;

· demonstration of films and video programs;

· organizing various consultations and lectures, public universities, schools and courses of applied knowledge and skills, holding theme evenings, oral journals, cycles of creative meetings, and other forms of educational activities, including on a subscription basis;

· holding mass theatrical celebrations and performances, folk festivals, ceremonies and rituals in accordance with regional and local customs and traditions;

· organizing leisure activities for various groups of the population, including holding evenings of relaxation and dancing, discos, youth balls, carnivals, children's matinees, games and other cultural and entertainment programs;

· creating favorable conditions for informal communication between visitors (organizing the work of various kinds of club lounges, salons, cafes, corners of wildlife, game libraries, reading rooms, etc.);

· organization in the established order of work, sports and health clubs and sections, tourism and health groups, organization of work gyms, holding sports performances, physical education and mass competitions, other sports, physical education, recreation and tourism programs;

· providing, within the limits of possibilities, a variety of paid services of a socio-cultural nature to the population, taking into account their requests and needs;

· providing, under social and creative orders, other agreements with legal entities and individuals, advisory, methodological, organizational and creative assistance in the preparation and conduct of various cultural and leisure events, as well as the provision of related services: rental of musical instruments, props, sale of repertoire methodological material and so on.;

· implementation of other types of cultural-creative, cultural-cognitive, leisure and other activities that correspond to the basic principles and goals.

The main activities of libraries are:

· ensuring accessibility of library services and library collections to the population;

· formation of a resource library fund, taking into account the educational needs and cultural demands of the population, ensuring its preservation;

· ensuring prompt access to information educational cultural resources of other libraries and information systems;

· expanding the number of library users, improving methods of working with various categories of the population;

· ensuring continuous education of the population;

· formation of information culture of the population.

· formation, accounting, ensuring the safety and security of library collections;

· providing users with information about the composition of library collections through a catalog system and other forms of library information;

· providing advisory assistance in searching and selecting sources of information;

· issuing for temporary use any document from the library collection;

· collaboration with other libraries;

· participation in the implementation of federal, regional and municipal programs for the development of library science;

· computerization and informatization of library processes;

· providing users with access to corporate and global information networks, servicing users in local and remote access modes;

· monitoring user needs;

· introduction of modern forms of user service (organization of legal, family and other information centers, reading centers, media libraries, etc.);

· conducting cultural, educational and educational events: organization of literary evenings, meetings, conferences, lectures, festivals, competitions and other cultural events, organization of reading amateur clubs and associations of interests;

· implementation of exhibition and publishing activities;

· provision of additional library and service services to legal entities and individuals;

· other, not prohibited by law Russian Federation, activity.

The main directions and types of research work at the Municipal Cultural Institution “Gornozavodsky Museum of Local Lore named after M.P. Starostin”:

Museological research is designed to generate new knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of collecting, storing, processing and using museum objects. The following areas are highlighted in this area research activities museums: development of a scientific concept for a museum; research in the field of acquisition of funds; study of museum objects and collections; research in the field of protection and storage of funds; scientific design of expositions and exhibitions; research in museum communication; studying the history of museum affairs; study of the historiography of museology.

Types of activities of the Children's Music School of Gornozavodsk:

Children are trained in piano, button accordion and accordion, choreography, and vocals. In addition, classes for piano (Pashiya village), vocal classes (Kusye-Alexandrovsky village) have been operating in the villages of the region for many years. Children are taught according to the full program.

The team of teachers and students of the Children's Music School conducts active educational and concert work. Every year about 100 concerts are given to the city's population. Permanent concert venues outside the walls of the Children's Musical School - in the Children's Home, kindergartens of the city, the L.I. Bere Palace of Culture, organizations and enterprises of the city and towns.

For many years, there have been partnerships between children's music schools and kindergartens No. 1, 10. School teachers at these preschool institutions work on the musical development of children. The accumulated experience allowed us to develop a program for the musical development of older children preschool age.

The result of such activities was the assignment of the Children's Music School in 2009 to the status of an experimental pedagogical platform for a period of 3 years to organize work on the implementation of a comprehensive educational program"Musical development of children of senior preschool age." This will allow us to raise partnership relations with the teams of children's music schools in Chusovoy, Lysva and other territories to a new level.

2.3 Entrepreneurial activities of cultural and leisure institutions of the Gornozavodsky municipal district of the Perm Territory

Paid services to the population are useful results of production activities that satisfy certain needs of citizens for a fee, but are not embodied in material form. They are the object of purchase and sale and are sold at prices that fully or largely cover the manufacturer’s costs (from sales proceeds) and provide him with a profit.

Budgetary institutions of culture and art of the Gornozavodsky municipal district, in addition to their statutory ones, also carry out other income-generating activities.

Municipal cultural institutions provide paid services to both individuals and legal entities for the purpose of:

· expanding the range of services provided to consumers of different ages and social status;

· increasing the effectiveness and comfort of events;

· increasing the efficiency of using existing and attracting additional resource potential;

· strengthening the material and technical base of cultural institutions;

· economic interest of employees.

The activities of municipal cultural institutions are carried out in accordance with their Charters.

The provision of paid services is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The list of paid services is compiled taking into account consumer demand and the capabilities of cultural institutions; systematically adjusted in the context of current market conditions.

Paid services by cultural institutions are provided in accordance with the needs of the population on the basis of an order from the head of the institution. He coordinates the activities of all services that provide and produce paid services, and also resolves issues beyond the competence of a single unit. Approval of the list of paid services, as a rule, is also made by the manager and agreed with local authorities.

The head of the institution is responsible for:

selection of specialists;

distribution of time for provision of paid services;

monitoring the quality of services provided;

resolution of conflict situations with persons who paid for the service.

Specialists who directly provide paid services bear personal responsibility for the completeness and quality of its implementation.

Paid services are provided only according to the types provided for in the institution’s charter.

The institution is obliged to provide citizens with free, accessible and reliable information:

· about the operating hours of the institution;

· about the types of services provided free of charge;

· about the conditions for providing and receiving free services;

· about the types of paid services with an indication of their cost;

· about controlling organizations.

When providing paid services, the established operating mode of the institution is maintained; services provided free of charge should not be reduced or their quality deteriorate.

The provision of paid services is carried out within the framework of contracts, which can be oral or written.

The oral form of the agreement in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 159 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is provided for in cases of provision of services immediately. One of these services and the most common is the sale of entrance tickets. By purchasing entrance tickets, the population pays for these events. To calculate the ticket price, accounting specialists make a calculation of each service separately, taking into account the specifics of the costs. This price must include all collected costs so that the institution remains profitable. At the same time, the tariff should not be increased, since there is a possibility of a decrease in the population’s demand for services of this type.

However, there are also services for which a written contract is required. prerequisite. This form of agreement (social and creative order) Art. 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is established in cases where the provision of services is of a long-term nature (rental of musical equipment, rental of premises, organization of concert programs). At the same time, the contract specifies the conditions and terms for receiving paid services, the payment procedure, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties.

The population of the Gornozavodsky municipal district is ready to pay for:

Paid forms of serving visitors in club-type cultural institutions

Payable service

Organization and holding of relaxation evenings

Conducting concerts, performances, competition programs

Organization of corporate and private events

Organization and holding of discos for youth and teenagers

Holding arts and crafts exhibitions

Work of paid clubs

Carrying out family events (anniversaries, weddings,…)

Providing premises to enterprises, individuals, private entrepreneurs, organizations for recreational evenings, special events, trade, etc.

Providing rental services: costumes, teaching materials, props, equipment

Copying services

Paid forms of servicing visitors in libraries:

Payable service

Internet services;

Execution of complex information and reference bibliographic requests

Issuance of valuable publications from reading rooms and book storage departments at night and on weekends;

Photocopying, scanning

Searching for information using electronic databases

Subscriptions for non-paper media (video subscription, etc.);

Searching for information on electronic databases, cidiroms;

Hourly work on a general purpose computer;

Typing texts on a computer;

Individual express training and group training on working on the Internet;

Operations with the user's floppy disk (copying, checking for viruses, copying from full-text databases);

Electronic delivery of documents;

Video collections on art (group);

Watching a video;

Watching satellite television;

Listening to an audio cassette;

Watching an educational videotape;

Working with cidir;

Deposit subscription for audiovisual and electronic publications;

Sound recording services.

Paid forms of service for visitors to the Municipal Cultural Institution “Gornozavodsky Museum of Local Lore named after M.P. Starostin”

Payable service

Excursion service

Oral consultations in the selection of material, reports, abstracts

Use of archival materials in reports, abstracts (via scanning)

Photographing and video filming of exhibits and expositions

Granting the right to (television) video filming for amateur purposes

Historical and local history events with students (excursions, etc.)

Paid forms of visitor services at the Municipal educational institution of additional education for children "Children's Music School"

Piano, guitar, choreography

Violin, theatrical, accordion

Domra, balalaika

Choir with instrument

Choir department without instrument

Preparatory class without an instrument - for an instrument

Prices for paid services provided vary depending on the cost of work, planned profitability, the value of the facilities and equipment used, the uniqueness of the services, special conditions(urgency, complexity, priority, serviceability, etc.).

Cultural institutions of the Gornozavodsky municipal district submit draft tariffs for the provision of paid services for approval to the Administration of the Gornozavodsky district. Draft tariffs are reviewed by the Economics and Planning Committee and prepare a conclusion on the validity and feasibility of changing prices and tariffs.

To justify and approve draft tariffs for paid services, municipal cultural institutions submit the following documents:

· letter of appeal;

· an explanatory note in which it is necessary to indicate the reasons for changing the level of tariffs and/or agreeing on tariffs for new types of services;

· calculation of the cost of one paid service (costing) with justification for each expense item and with documents attached to them.

After consideration by the Economics and Planning Committee, the materials are submitted for approval to the head of the Gornozavodsky District Administration.

Changes in current tariffs for paid services are made no more than once a year.

Payment for paid services provided is made by the consumer:

· in cash (with the execution of relevant documents);

· by bank transfer (in accordance with the agreement and invoice).

According to statistics, the process of pricing paid services in cultural institutions occurs differently depending on the direction of activity of these institutions.

4 Procedure for planning and distribution of received funds

Income received from paid services is recorded in the account for accounting for funds received from business and other income-generating activities, and is spent according to the income and expense budget approved for each calendar year. Accounting for paid services is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for Budget Accounting. Main areas of spending Money received from paid services are:

· calculations for wages full-time employees, according to wage accruals - up to 20%;

· material incentives for employees (additional payments, allowances, bonuses, financial assistance) - up to 15%:

· holding cultural and leisure events - up to 20%;

· payment for communication services, transport services, electricity, fuel and lubricants, other services - up to 10%;

· purchase of material supplies (office, household and other goods) - up to 10%;

· strengthening the material and technical base of institutions (purchase of musical equipment, shoes, props, tailoring of costumes, etc.) - at least 25%.

Culture and its important component - cultural and leisure activities - are experiencing significant difficulties these days. In the activities of cultural centers there are not only dead ends that force us to completely abandon yesterday’s management practices and the implementation of customary cultural and leisure activities, but also problems that await their immediate solution.

Optimizing the activities of cultural and leisure institutions lies at the intersection of several areas:

· critical analysis of the experience of our predecessors and the need to take from it everything that can still work in modern conditions and contribute to solving today's challenges;

creative use foreign experience(the experience of both near and far abroad is equally valid) in organizing leisure time for the population and, finally, the own tireless searches of every cultural and leisure institution, every creative team and every creatively thinking cultural worker. The main goal of entrepreneurial activity of cultural institutions is to obtain profit, net profit, i.e. profit after taxes. The greater the amount of net profit, the greater the institution’s ability to purchase the necessary equipment, expand and improve its work, and solve social problems.

5 Proposals for improving the efficiency of cultural institutions

The growth of economic indicators is not an end in itself for cultural institutions. A significant part of the functions assigned to them must be provided with stable budget funding. However, the degree of budgetary support needed may vary among different types institutions. Many of them are able to attract and earn significant funds for their development. This work needs to be improved and expanded. Tasks within this direction: - increasing the level of income of cultural workers; - creating conditions for career and professional growth in the field of culture; - strengthening ties and expanding interaction between cultural organizations and educational institutions, forming management personnel for the cultural sector; - introduction of advanced European and world experience in managing cultural processes; - formation of a modern system of advanced training for cultural workers; - increasing the income of cultural institutions from the provision of paid and additional services; - attracting non-state sources of financing to the cultural sphere: funds from investors, entrepreneurs, charitable foundations and individuals. One of the means to increase the efficiency of providing cultural services, allowing one to predict expected results and evaluate achieved results, is the introduction of a system of performance indicators at all levels.

It is proposed to use the following indicators of the effectiveness of the development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of culture:

demand; availability; status; dynamism; sustainability; efficiency.

The tasks corresponding to these guidelines are formulated as follows:

Increasing attention to the interests of the population in the process of forming and providing services in the field of culture.

Increasing the availability of cultural services for all categories and groups of the population of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory.

Increasing the prestige of culture and cultural activities.

Supporting the diversity and richness of creative processes in the cultural space of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region.

Preservation of unique cultural resources of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region and their development taking into account traditional characteristics and typical features.

Increasing the efficiency of process management in the field of culture.

Taking into account the tasks set, the following main directions for the development of the cultural sphere of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory are proposed.

Modernization of cultural services in the interests of all groups and segments of the population of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory.

Increasing the educational role of culture.

Ensuring accessibility of cultural services and creative activities for persons with disabilities and low-income groups of the population.

Improving the cultural information space of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region.

Supporting processes that contribute to the growth of the prestige of culture among the population of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory, in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Promoting the diversity and richness of creative processes.

Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory supporting the sustainable development of the cultural sphere.

Improving the management and financial and economic activities of cultural institutions.

Performance indicators

As measurable indicators of the social efficiency of cultural institutions of the Gornozavodsky district, it seems possible to use the conclusions from the research results (proposals):

· Increase in the number of visitors and participants compared to last year;

· Coverage of the population with the services of the institution, % of participants, visitors of the total number of residents of the serviced territory;

· Replenishment rate of services, repertoire updates;

· Number of organizational and creative events per year (exhibitions, lectures, excursions, theme evenings) and their average attendance;

· The share of events designed to serve socially less protected age groups: children, adolescents, pensioners, as a percentage of the total number of events held.

Performance indicators must have a numerical expression and be justified by both strategic goals and tactical objectives arising from long-term comprehensive and targeted programs, and also be expressed through the achievement of economic and social results:

· From economic criteria it should follow how many services are provided per ruble of costs;

· From social criteria, the social significance of services should be obvious (for example, the dynamics of demand, as well as their availability).

Compilation of particular indicators taking into account the predictive effect of external and internal environmental factors according to the degree of their influence (based on the use of SWOT analysis techniques) will represent an “ideal” development model. Combining the results of comprehensive accounting, the results of the activities of cultural institutions with incremental and relative indicators, as well as the use of correlation and factor methods will allow us to talk about a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of cultural institutions. Thus, systems approach to the organization of the institution’s activities and multi-aspect monitoring of work results ensure the functioning of cultural organizations in accordance with the requirements of our time.


The organization of cultural activities is currently acquiring particular relevance and coming to the fore, since one of the most important areas of its work is creating conditions to meet the growing spiritual and moral needs of people, preserving and transmitting the cultural heritage of the country and a particular region, as well as the formation of motives behavior and promoting the formation and socialization of a person’s personality.

In addition, in addition to meeting the cultural and information needs of the population, cultural institutions perform another important function - creating a comfortable space for people to spend their leisure time. And leisure, as we know, is important for stabilization, relieving tension, preventing social conflicts, strengthening the relationship between generations, and satisfying the individual’s need for pleasure, entertainment and relaxation. And all these functions are encompassed by socio-cultural activities.

Among the modern functions and principles of all socio-cultural activities, there are such functions and principles of cultural conformity technological process. They are used in socio-cultural technologies based on national traditions, moral and aesthetic standards of behavior, national-ethnic rituals, features of folk art, folklore, national crafts and crafts, etc.; the principle of priority of universal human interests in the content of socio-cultural projects and programs; unity and continuity of cultural-historical, socio-pedagogical and national-ethnic experience, traditions and innovations. At the present stage, they should contain attempts to formulate and substantiate concepts related to the strategy and tactics of cultural development in modern society. Their essence and meaning is the need for governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations to show the same interested attitude towards culture as towards economic development and the social well-being of society as a whole.

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