Football player Roman Shirokov. History of the ascent

Roman Nikolaevich Shirokov - CSKA midfielder, Russian champion in 2010, 2012 and 2016, winner of the UEFA Cup and Super Cup (2008) and Russia (2008 and 2011). Bronze medalist at the 2008 European Championship and 2009 Russian Championship. Best player of the Champions League 2011. In July 2016 he announced his retirement from his career.

Childhood. Start of a football career

Roman Shirokov said that his first coach was his father, a factory worker who was fond of football. He taught the boy the basics of this exciting game. As a child, Roman was sent to a football school at the Torpedo club. After studying for about six months, Roman was injured and was forced to stop training.

Later, having recovered, he began to study at football club CSKA-2, and in 2001 he joined the reserve team of FC Torpedo-ZIL, only appearing on the field once as part of this team - in a match against Lokomotiv.

Until 2007, Shirokov was an infrequent guest in the major league (possibly due to frequent problems with alcohol), moving from one amateur club to another: Vidnoye, Saturn, Istra. A football player got into the second division FC Vidnoye Coach Vyacheslav Komarov helped, who said that in a year Shirokov would be in the Premier League. For a long time the team was in first place with a 15-point advantage, Shirokov played a leading role.

The best passes of Roman Shirokov (2011-2013)

After Vidnoye, the midfielder went to try out Dynamo (at that time the team was headed by Viktor Bondarenko) for a match with Krylia Sovetov. He entered the field when the score was 1:2 and took part in only three scoring situations. The match ended with the victory of the “blue and white” with a score of 4:2. Bondarenko began to insist on concluding a contract with Shirokov, but the team's head coach Oleg Romantsev did not rush to conclusions.

Roman Shirokov did not wait for the results and accepted Saturn’s offer. In 2005, under coach Alexander Tarkhanov, he had a good season - 3 goals in 18 matches, but with the advent of new coach Vladimir Shevchuk, Shirokov left the team.

In 2006, his career began to take off - he played 5 matches for Rubin, but was injured, and after recovery, he was not taken to the training camp during the 2006 World Cup, despite a valid three-year contract. Later, Roman Shirokov went to audition for “Wings,” but it didn’t work out there either. For the next six months he played in the amateur FC Istra.

The best goals of Roman Shirokov in the RFPL

In 2007, Shirokov began individual physical training classes with former track and field sprinter and honored coach Leonid Bartenev. Having played the end of the season for Istra, he signed a contract with the general director of FC Khimki, Mikhail Shcheglov, and he concluded the contract without viewing, and he was right - very quickly Shirokov became a solid player starting lineup the team that debuted in the Premier League that season. The promising player attracted the attention of Guus Hiddink - the coach sent him a call to the national team, but Shirokov never entered the field.

FC Zenit

Leaving Khimki, he thanked his team for all the opportunities, although he realized that he needed to reach a new level. Many leading clubs showed interest in Shirokov - Spartak, Saturn, Krylya Sovetov, even Rubin remembered him; There were also offers from Spanish clubs - Celta, Valladolid, Villarreal, but Zenit was ahead of everyone. On November 26, 2007, a four-year contract was signed with the football player. At the training camp, Roman Shirokov was retrained as a defender. According to head coach Dick Advocaat, the football player had one drawback - the lack of sprint speed, which he compensated for with quick reaction.

In September 2011, Roman was recognized as the best player in the Champions League after scoring two goals against Porto.

On February 15, 2012, the historic match between Zenit and Benfica took place in the 1/8 finals of the Champions League, which ended with a score of 3:2 in favor of the hosts. Shirokov scored two goals; the second, scored in the 88th minute of the game, broke the Portuguese club's winning streak. Shirokov broke the record for the number of goals scored in a season, set in the 1993/94 season by Spartak midfielder Valery Karpin and repeated in the 1995/96 season by Yuri Nikiforov, Spartak defender.

Roman Shirokov scored a goal in the 88th minute of the match

In 2013, Roman Shirokov periodically entered the field with a captain's armband on his arm. And in February 2014, he moved to Krasnodar by the decision of the new Zenit coach, Andre Villas-Boas.

FC "Spartak"

In July 2014, Roman Shirokov joined the Spartak team, concluding a contract under the 2+1 scheme - for 2 years with the possibility of extension for a year. The footballer motivated his decision by the fact that his father and godfather, that is, the people who introduced him to the world of football, as well as most of his friends support the red and white club. In addition, according to Shirokov, playing for Spartak challenged his ambitions. The newcomer was assigned number nine - Shirokov gave him preference, since the famous Yegor Titov played under the same number.

In the first match in the new team, he came on as a substitute and scored a goal against Lokomotiv. However, this goal was the first and last for Spartak. Soon, the footballer’s affairs began to decline, he sat tightly on the bench, and then completely stopped being included in the match roster and was rented by Krasnodar for the second time.

Returning to Spartak, Shirokov again entered the main team and changed his number from 9 to 15. At the end of the season, Shirokov and the club management by mutual agreement terminated the contract, and Shirokov received the status of a free agent.

Roman Shirokov in the Russian national team

Shirokov's debut in the Russian national team took place on March 26, 2008 against the Romanian national team. The game ended in defeat with a score of 0:3.

During the match on June 10, 2008 between Russia and Spain in the group stage of Euro 2008, commentator Viktor Gusev said: “Shirokov is not a player of the national team level!”, Considering the defender guilty of conceding goals. Initially, many in the football community agreed with the commentator: the defeat (4:1 in favor of Spain) was a consequence of the disastrous play of central defenders Shirokov and Kolodin.

The second meeting of the Russian team with Spain took place in the semi-finals of the European Championship on June 26, 2008. This time the Russian team lost to Spain with a score of 0:3, but defenders Shirokov and Kolodin did not participate in the match. The opinion of experts regarding the guilt of the central defenders changed after the second defeat from the Spaniards. Most recognized the high skill and strength of the Spanish team. At the end of the Championship, Roman Shirokov gave an explanation for what happened at the match with the Spanish team, complaining about the “pseudo-specialists” who made the football player guilty. Commentator Gusev apologized to Roman, but Shirokov refused to accept them.

The qualifying round for the 2010 World Cup took place without Shirokov, since this time Hiddink did not call him to the national team. In 2010, Shirokov appeared on the field during a friendly match against the Bulgarian national team, where the player scored his debut goal for Russia.

At the match against Brazil in March 2013, he proudly displayed the captain's armband, which he subsequently wore in the final two qualifying matches for the 2014 World Cup. Previously, the team captain was Igor Denisov. Russia performed successfully in the qualifying round, and Shirokov took part in all 10 games. He was supposed to go to Brazil for the championship, but Fabio Capello replaced Roman with Pavel Mogilevets.


In August 2009, a conflict occurred between Roman Shirokov and Zenit team goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev - Shirokov accused the goalkeeper of missing goals. The conflict became known after an interview with the players, during which the players exchanged barbs against each other. Subsequently, it became clear to them that the conflict would not continue, and they declared that it had been settled.

Scandalous interview with Roman Shirokov

In 2011, the football player distinguished himself with a number of caustic statements published on his Twitter. After a drawn match with the Armenian national team, the journalist

After defeating Slovakia in the qualifying round of the 2012 European Championship on October 7, 2011, he attracted the attention of fans with harsh statements towards his opponents, calling the team a “collective farm”.

Personal life of Roman Shirokov

Roman Shirokov is married and has a son Igor (born in 2008) and a daughter, Victoria (born in 2012). The future spouses met during a difficult period for Shirokov, when he changed teams one after another. Ekaterina helped Roman go through all the trials, and now they have a happy and strong family.

Roman Shirokov now

Since February 2016, Roman Shirokov played for CSKA. He signed a contract with the army team until the end of the current season, but the contract included a clause on the possibility of its extension. “CSKA is my home club,” Shirokov told the press when asked about the reasons for his choice.

On May 21, CSKA, and with it Roman Shirokov, received the title of Russian champion - the third for Shirokov.

Shirokov also joined the Russian national team for the 2016 European Championship. His teammate, Alexander Golovin, also went to the World Cup.

In July 2016, Roman Shirokov announced that he was ending his football career. Perhaps the reason was Russia's defeat at Euro 2016; one way or another, the footballer did not renew his contract with CSKA, but noted that he wanted to join the coaching staff of the national team.

Stadium "Wings of the Soviets" in Setun. An ordinary amateur league match. To find the arena, you have to go around half-abandoned garages. A large “football” sign saves the day. Apparently, the men at the house got tired of giving directions long ago - so they hanged him.

You come to this Moscow wilderness (by football standards, of course), and then - bam! Shirokov. Real. And next to him is Sychev. The same one. Although the ex-“railroad worker” is not so surprising. Many have already forgotten about him. But Shirokov is another matter. He recently played for our team at Euro 2016. This means, according to the coach, he was among the best football players in the country. This is just a month and a half ago! And here you have an amateur league. I can’t believe it, even despite being 35 years old.

Photo: Grigory Telingater, “Championship”

10 things by which we will remember Roman Shirokov

Roman Shirokov announced his retirement from his playing career. How we will remember one of the brightest modern players in Russia.

If anyone didn’t know, the LFL plays eight on eight, the field is much smaller, two halves of 30 minutes each. Atlantis plays in two shifts. Without Shirokov on the field, most corners are taken on horseback. The ex-captain decided to play low, and this immediately led to a goal.

All the game is on mainly through Shirokov. Free kicks and corners while he is on the field are left to him by his teammates. Another standard performed by Roman was a goal again.

Not to say that Shirokov ran a lot or made tackles. This definitely wasn’t the case. But against the general background, he sailed across the field with ease. It was clear to the naked eye that its level was higher.

There were exactly two moments that amused us during the match. Firstly, a boy who was not at a loss and, right during the match, went up to the Atlantis bench and took a selfie with Shirokov. This has probably never happened before in his career.

And secondly, live video broadcast of the match via phone. The girl walked near the field and talked about the game in the first person. She even approached the Atlantis bench during the meeting, but the players ignored her.

Shirokov, perhaps for the first time in his career, wore number 77. He acted as if he had no position on the field. He played literally in all areas of the field in turn: now on the left, now on the right, now in attack. Roman scored two goals in the match, which the small audience noted with particular joy.

Atlantis won against ILARAVTO with a score of 5:3. It was difficult for Shirokov to leave the field and stadium - almost all the spectators wanted to take pictures with one of the most famous Russian football players the last decade. The footballer did not refuse anyone a photo.

Already on the way to the car, Shirokov answered several questions in his characteristic manner.

– Judging by the game, did you end your career early?
- Or it's too late. You know better. This is Sychev - early.

– What is it like to play in the LFL after the Euro?
– It’s basically like the Champions League.

– Are you sure you’re done with big-time football yet?
– Yes, especially since all the teams are complete.

– Has the contract become smaller?
- More.

– Do you have a verbal agreement with Atlantis?
– Are there others?

– You always had written ones.
– I always have oral ones.

– When will you play for Atlantis again?
- Hard to tell.

Roman Nikolaevich Shirokov was born on July 6, 1981 in Moscow. Roman is a student of the CSKA Sports School. From 1998 to 2001, Shirokov played for the reserve army team, playing 54 matches in which Roman scored 3 goals.

In the summer of 2001, Shirokov was sent on loan to Torpedo-ZIL, but for the rest of the year he played only one meeting on the field. After moving to Istra, which played in the amateur football league, it seemed that Roman would never be able to reach the top of football in Russia, but the player managed to pick up his head and start playing. In 2004, the footballer played for Vidnoye, where he scored 14 goals in 17 matches. This was followed by a move to Saturn, which was a big breakthrough and a return to the Russian Premier League.

The transition to Rubin Kazan in 2006 was unsuccessful, where, due to disagreements with the coaching staff, Roman managed to play in only 4 matches. In 2007, Roman played for Khimki, for which he played 27 games and scored 7 goals, thereby catching the eye of Zenit St. Petersburg scouts. Roman moved to the club from the banks of the Neva on November 26, 2007, when the contract was officially signed.

On March 26, 2008, Roman made his debut for the Russian national team in a friendly match against the Romanian national team, where the Russians lost with a score of 0:3. On June 10 of the same year, the first high-profile conflict occurred in Shirokov’s life. During the group stage match between the Russian and Spanish national teams, Channel One commentator Viktor Gusev said about the football player: “Shirokov is not a player of the national team level,” blaming Roman for all the goals conceded by the Spaniards. After the second defeat from Spain, the arrows stopped flying towards Shirokov and Kolodin, who were considered in the press to be the main culprits of the defeats. Viktor Gusev apologized to the Russian national team player, but Roman did not accept them.

In 2008, Roman Shirokov received the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. A year later, Shirokov himself became the instigator of the scandal, publicly accusing Zenit goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev of one of the missed goals. The event took place on August 2 after the match “Saturn” - “Zenith”. The next day Roman received a response from Malafeev. Although the press tried to let the scandal flare up, passions subsided a few days later when the players reconciled. In general, Roman Shirokov is the main scandalist of Russian football in recent years. After he opened a Twitter account, people began to call him "Mr. Twitter."

Despite all the scandals, the 2011/12 season became truly stellar for Roman Shirokov. He finally moved to midfield, becoming Zenit's key player in this position. Together with the St. Petersburg team, he won the country's championship medals. In addition, he was recognized as the best player in one of the Champions League rounds and became the top scorer of the Russian club in the most prestigious club tournament. Thanks to this performance, Roman returned to the Russian national team again, but in the position of a midfielder. Before EURO 2012, Shirokov scored a double against the Italian national team.

Roman Shirokov: I'm done playing. Starting to study (Exclusive)

The ex-midfielder of Zenit, Spartak and CSKA gave exclusive interview weekly "Soviet Sport-Football"

The recent captain of the Russian national team announced his retirement from his playing career shortly after Euro 2016. But he is not going to part with football, as he said in an interview with SSF.


- Sorry, but I don’t believe it. Has Roman Shirokov really retired after all: after all, the summer transfer market is still in full swing and you have enough time to find a new team?
– I forgive you, but I urge you to believe me: I have completed my career. Yes, I could have played for another two years, fortunately I have the strength, but I decided to end it right now. 35 is a good age to start a new one professional life. And be with your family more often!

– Was this decision difficult for you?
“It didn’t come in one minute, but it turned out natural and painless.” An intense phase of my life, which lasted 13–14 years, has ended. It's time to do something new. And leaving with the rank of champion of Russia and captain of the national team is an acceptable point in my career. Of course, it’s a shame that everything ended so poorly for us at Euro 2016, but life is life.

– You already had to make a choice in the early 2000s?
- Yes, then a similar situation happened in my life: I had to choose - either stay at the KFC and LFL level, that is, finish with big football without really starting, or focus completely on football and try to make a decent career in it. I chose the second and moved from Istra, which played in the LFL, to the second league - to the Vidnoye team. Then there were Ramenskoye “Saturn”, “Rubin”, and finally I ended up in “Khimki”, where my ascent began. You see, then I chose football, which I don’t regret. And now I choose to study. And I don’t plan to regret it either.


– And what are you going to study?
– First, I signed up for courses in English. Actually, I want to major in sports management. But he definitely doesn’t want to work as a club coach. If only they invite you to be an assistant in the Russian national team, but who would risk it?! (Laughs.)

– Isn’t he considering the option of television? You know how to speak and love it, your face is recognizable, you have enough regalia.
– I won’t lie, it would be interesting to try myself in one or another role on the other side of the screen. But my interest alone is not enough - it must be mutual. Who knows, maybe right now such interest is emerging...

– What about the rumors that you can become a football advisor to the Minister of Sports of the Moscow Region?
- These are not rumors. I had meetings on this topic. I live in the Moscow region, it is native to me. And there are thoughts on how to develop youth football in such a large and important region. The region has considerable potential for progress.

– Is there any desire at the federal level to try your hand at this?
– Do you mean working in the RFU or RFPL system? If there are specific proposals, why not consider them? Football has given me a lot, and it’s time to do something to help it myself. I believe that we have enough talent and that we can perform at international arena better than we perform. But for this it is necessary to build a competent talent selection system that would cover the entire country and produce results. It seems to me that we should learn this from the Germans, Belgians, and Dutch. The same Austrians and Swiss in last years have made very significant progress in this direction. Don’t be shy to learn from those who are ahead of you in some respects!


– What did football teach you?
– I’m a graduate of CSKA. This is a great brand for all of our sports, not just football. And this fact seems to initially give you an advantage over others. But in reality this is an illusion! A young football player must understand: being a bright player in the youth team of a club such as CSKA, Zenit or Spartak, even winning the European or World Youth Championship, is not some great achievement, but just the beginning of an adult career. Showing promise and winning at the children's and youth level is one thing, but becoming a big-time football star is quite another. Youth and adult football – two different worlds. To avoid getting lost in the adult world, talent alone is not enough. You also need character and work. Only all these components, put together, can make you a player in the national team, which is considered the pinnacle of any footballer’s career. The path from the bottom of football to the national team is very thorny, and there are plenty of problems along the way. On the way from the CSKA double team and the KFC team to the Russian national team, I made a lot of mistakes, but everything that is mine is mine!

– I foresee ironic smiles on the faces of many readers here: where is labor, and where is Shirokov?
- For God's sake! Whoever doesn't believe it is his business. But do you really think that all my clubs and coaches kept me on salary and put me in the squad without regular involvement in the training process?! No, guys, in order to stay in the main team of leading teams for many years, you need to constantly work on yourself, otherwise you will simply fall out of it. This is an objective thing.


– Let’s say I personally believe you, but what about the army of our fans, who curse the Russian national team after Euro 2016? How does failure fit in with your words about the unity of character and hard work?
– We failed at Euro 2016, no doubt about it. A lot has already been said on this topic. But do not rush to hysterically accuse the players of lack of patriotism and unwillingness to fight for the country. Do you think we prepared for three weeks just to go out and lose?! Or do you think that professional athletes of this level come to such tournaments without motivation and without the desire to play honorably for their country?! Our team went to France with the desire to perform well. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. But don’t forget that the core of this team will also play at the home world championship, so there’s no need to destroy the guys. It is necessary to criticize, but it is not necessary to mix it with impurities.

– So the team itself did the latter, repenting to the head coach after the match with Wales, didn’t it?
– As far as I understand, 3-4 players came to the head coach. Do you think this is the whole team? If the guys decided to utter the words that later became so resonant, it is their own business. Self-criticism is a good thing, but you shouldn’t get carried away with self-destruction or self-humiliation. I hope that the new head coach of the Russian national team will not deal with this. And so do his players. Euro 2016 is already history. Yes, it’s a sad story for us, but the Confederations Cup and the World Cup are ahead, that is, two tournaments that will be held in our stadiums at large quantities our fans. We need to rally around our team and support it. And for the guys themselves to realize what responsibility they have before home tournaments.

– It’s easy to say: we need to unite, but how can our people do this against the backdrop of a disastrous performance at the Euro and famous story with Kokorin and Mamaev?
– Everything passes... I repeat, Euro 2016 is already history. Some apologized, others discussed mistakes, and others unanimously insulted the team. So what, are we going to continue being hysterical?! Understand: the current composition will not have time to change radically before the 2018 World Cup; objectively there is no time for this. Yes, new guys will appear, but the core will remain the same. The sooner there is clarity with the new head coach, the faster he will be able to start building a team for home tournaments. Two club seasons is not that short a period. There is time to decide which of the guys to keep and which to add to them based on the results of their performances in the Russian Championship and European Cups. As for Kokorin and Mamaev... Yes, the story is unpleasant, although greatly exaggerated. I agree that the players themselves need to work on the image of the national team players. But perhaps it makes sense for clubs and the national team to develop, as they do abroad, a certain code of conduct for their players, setting certain ethical boundaries. I understand that this sounds a little naive for now, but you have to start sometime, no? We need to work and work on the positive image of Russian football within our country; nothing appears on its own.


– Kurban Berdyev, Alexander Borodyuk, Sergei Semak, Stanislav Cherchesov. These four names are mentioned as candidates for the position of head coach of the Russian national team: which of them would you personally choose?
– As far as I understand, the favorites are the last two. At the same time, it seems to me that the potential appointment of Cherchesov does not negate the appearance of Bogdanich (Semak. - Ed.) in the coaching staff of the national team. Semak is a unique phenomenon in our football, and I am sure that the national team needs him, be it as a head coach or his assistant. It would be logical if Semak leads the Russian national team - right now or in the near future.

– Coach is coach, but who, in your opinion, will play for the Russian national team at the home world championship? You have just finished your career, Ignashevich said that he no longer plans to play for the national team...
– Let's start from the beginning, that is, with the goalkeepers. Akinfeev was and remains the number one goalkeeper. But at the same time, such a strong goalkeeper as Kritsyuk stepped up. Defense? Of course, we are all so used to Ignashevich that we can no longer imagine the team without him, but time is ticking for everyone... Vasya and Lesha (Berezutsky - Ed.) still remain in the mix. Shchennikov is still quite young. Smolnikov was criticized by many for his performance at Euro 2016, but in my understanding he is an ironclad player for the national team, it’s just that this tournament was probably affected by the consequences of a serious injury and overload in training. In any case, he is no weaker than Mario Fernandez, who was recently naturalized! Among the young talents, I would note Kutepov from Spartak, who has a good chance in these two years to break into the national team and even gain a foothold in it. If, of course, he has regular playing experience at the club. Midfield? Let's remember that Dzagoev missed Euro 2016, and he is in his prime. Glushakov, Shatov, Yusupov - everyone is in place. Young Golovin has gained invaluable experience, Miranchuk and Mogilevets may well prove themselves in the next two years. Mamaev is a full-fledged candidate for the national team. The same applies to Kokorin. Dzyuba and Smolov also haven’t disappeared. So, as you can see, the backbone can still be seen. But there are two full club seasons ahead, so the new head coach will have the opportunity to choose and fine-tune the squad through friendly matches.

– You did not mention such veterans as Denisov and Zhirkov, as well as foreign players – Cheryshev and Neustadter.
– Denisov and Zhirkov are experienced masters who can benefit the national team if they are in shape and avoid injuries. Legionnaires will also remain in the sights of the new mentor. There are also interesting guys in Rostov, Rubin, and not only there. I have painted a general picture for you, which is not as bad as some people try to make it out to be. I am sure that we will have good competition in the fight for a place in the national team, especially since playing at a home World Cup is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Both veterans and young guys have a double incentive!


– How can we make sure that our young players painlessly pass the stage of transition from youth football to adult football and do not leave the country?
– I think, in particular, the introduction of a salary cap for players under the age of 23 would help. If all clubs agree not to pay young people more than certain amounts per month and per year, taking into account bonuses, then a certain system will appear in the form of official regulations. Those guys who strive to make it to the top will do it at their workplace, knowing that in another Russian club they will, at best, not be given much more. Well, whoever wants to go abroad, let him go, anyway, you can’t forcefully stop him. If you can ultimately prove in this way that you are fit for the national team, why not? And those who do not strive to get into the national team at all and do not have serious incentives for their own professional growth, then let them play wherever they want. We need to change something in the mentality of young football players, otherwise we will not make progress. It’s clear that this won’t happen right away, but you have to start somewhere!

– I see, Roman Nikolaevich, you are in good shape, have more than enough energy and thoughts! Well, do you find time to play football – now at the amateur level?
- Necessarily! You need to maintain your physical shape, without it you can’t go anywhere.

– You got to our meeting first by train, and then by metro. Is it for the sake of maintaining physical fitness? Or are you saving in connection with, sorry, a football retirement?
– I appreciate your irony. This is primarily about saving time.

– Do passengers and passers-by recognize you, do they ask for autographs?
– Sometimes they ask to take a photo. So I’m not against it! As long as people still recognize me, it means it’s not so bad. And in general, I'm an optimist!

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Roman Shirokov, a Russian football star, a favorite of millions of women and football fans, was born on July 6, 1981 in the town of Dedovsk near Moscow.


Shirokov spent virtually his entire childhood on the football field. Having barely learned to walk properly, Roman went to see him together with his father, a passionate Spartak fan who dreamed of a football career for his son and that one day he would play a match as part of his favorite team. By the way, this is what happened later.

In the meantime, the little boy excitedly beat his father’s passes and studied theoretical basis and rules of the game. Already in preschool age Roman began to easily score goals against his father and godfather, who also often kept him company. And then they decided to send the boy to serious training.

His first club was the children's sports school at Torpedo. But Roman’s career did not work out there - during one of the training sessions he broke his leg, and a serious injury forced him to forget about training for almost six months.

He did not return, but immediately transferred to a specialized football youth sports school at CSKA. Things got better there. The boy's efforts were immediately noticed by the coaches, and very soon he was already part of the main team of CSKA-2.


Playing in the CSKA-2 team did not have much impact on his football career. And the reason for this was not only the rather ordinary abilities of the athlete. His ambitions were simply off the charts. He believed that he had the right to argue with coaches and express his opinion without appeal.

And already at a young age he began to have problems with alcohol - Shirokov was too fond of picnics and gatherings in restaurants after matches.

He never made it into the main team of the army club, and in 2001 he was asked to give up his place to another athlete. After this, for several years Shirokov was forced to play in minor clubs, which only aggravated his personal problems.

He did not see any opportunities to express himself brightly and was already beginning to think about retiring from his career. In addition, injuries began to haunt Roman.

Fortunately, the coach of Khimki near Moscow believed in him, and in 2007 he offered Roman a contract. The team then debuted in the Russian Premier League and was in dire need of experienced athletes. Shirokov realized that this was his chance to turn his career around and made the best of himself. The result is a beautiful goal in the debut match, leadership in the team and an invitation to the Russian national team.

A little later, more lucrative contracts from leading European clubs appear. Most interesting conditions offered the athlete Zenit, for which Shirokov left Khimki. From the very first season, Shirokov constantly entered the field in the first team and immediately received two prestigious team trophies - the UEFA Cup and the UEFA Super Cup.

But very soon Shirokov is transferred to the bench, where he spends more and more time with each game. And again the reason is high competition, which is difficult for Shirokov to fight. He always played good quality football, but was never an extreme athlete who stood out among others.

The situation did not change even after the change of coach. Anatoly Davydov also didn’t have much faith in Roman’s strength and kept him as a spare cog for the team. But when Luciano Spalletti began to lead the team, he saw something in Shirokov and reintroduced him to the main team.

A clear, well-thought-out scheme of play, Roman’s ability to quickly assess the situation and play for the team did their job. The footballer found himself clearly in his place, where he could work as efficiently as possible. He again shone on the field and again received an invitation to play as part of the Russian national team. So 2013 became another peak in Shirokov’s football career, but this time it was the last.

The athlete was again seized by an attack of star fever, and he began to show the bad sides of his character. For some time, the club's management turned a blind eye to this, but when on the field, right during the game, Shirokov showed an unambiguously indecent gesture to the fans, he was immediately loaned to the Krasnodar club.

He spent several months in a kind of exile until the end of the 2014 season. And then Shirokov signed a contract with his father’s favorite team, Moscow Spartak. But he didn’t stay there for long either. Just a year later, the athlete was again loaned to Krasnodar for the entire season. The club was even ready to buy the player for a million euros, but Shirokov himself rebelled against this.

Roman played for Spartak until the beginning of 2016. And although he showed very good results, the management refused to renew his contract. Then he returned to CSKA, with whom he played only two serious matches. When this club also refused to extend the contract, Shirokov officially announced that he was ending his career.

Today Shirokov holds the post of adviser to the Minister of Physical Education and Sports and is involved in the development of football in Moscow and the region. When asked whether he is going to return to big-time sports, Roman unequivocally answers that only if he receives a lucrative offer from one of the leading clubs. But given the player's age, this is unlikely.

Personal life

Despite his hot-tempered and conflictual nature, Shirokov is an excellent father and husband. He met his wife Ekaterina just when he was in the most difficult period of his football career. He changed minor clubs one after another and could not break into the Premier League.

Catherine then became for him the support and support that remains to this day. They went through all the difficulties together and today they are a strong and happy family. A special joy is two children - a son and a daughter. Roman tries to spend all his free time with his loved ones, which after finishing his career did not become much more due to his high commitment at work.

With wife and son

It’s interesting that Shirokov’s son is not interested in football, but in hockey. The father is surprised by this choice, but supports his son just as his own dad supported him in his time. Now even Shirokov himself often goes out with friends to amateur ice tournaments.

Shirokov is a lover of modern gadgets and an active user of social networks. There are already more than 10 thousand messages on his Twitter account. But this is not the only function of gadgets. The family loves music, and it plays in the house almost constantly. And children enjoy playing games and watching cartoons.
