Wives of Russian football players before and after plastic surgery. Gossip Man's rating: the hottest wives of Russian national team footballers Celebrity continuation

Inna Zhirkova was born in Kazan on May 15, 1989. Inna grew up in a full-fledged family with her parents and older brother. Inna Zhirkova's parents were very responsible in raising their children. My father ran a construction company, my mother raised children. Inna Zhirkova's maiden name is Gracheva.

IN school years Inna was engaged in choreography. She worked in this direction for about two years. Later, Inna began to attend a cutting and sewing club. Hours of hard work passed unnoticed by the girl. IN at a young age she could sew her own outfits. It was this hobby that Inna Zhirkova turned into a business in the future.

Model business

While still at school, Inna Zhirkova’s family moved to Kaliningrad. It was there that Inna's career as a model began. While in 10th grade, Inna decided to participate in the Miss Kaliningrad beauty contest, where she managed to win.
Afterwards, Inna Zhirkova moved to Moscow, where she planned to continue her modeling career and take part in the large-scale Miss Russia competition. But, unfortunately, for some reasons Inna was unable to participate.

After marriage, the wife of a promising football player, Inna Zhirkova, returned to the modeling business. This was not surprising, because even after giving birth to two children, the girl remained in amazing shape. Inna Zhirkova's height is 173 centimeters, weight is 60 kilograms.
Afterwards, the girl participated more than once in various beauty contests. Inna Zhirkova has a fairly striking appearance, so receiving many titles was not difficult for her, but brought pleasure.

Personal life

Almost immediately after the move, Inna Zhirkova met her future husband, football player Yuri Zhirkov. The young people met through mutual friends. After a year of relationship, in 2008, Yuri Zhirkov and Inna got married.
The newlyweds were unable to have a wedding due to Yuri's preparations. However, after his return, in one of the Moscow restaurants Inna and Yuri played magnificent wedding. Later, Yuri and Inna had amazing children: son Dmitry and daughter Milana. And then, in 2015, Inna Zhirkova gave birth to her third child.
Now the young family is happily married with three children. Inna Zhirkova and Yuri are considered an ideal couple. Many girls strive to have a relationship like Inna Zhirkova’s.

Project “Team of Footballers’ Wives”

Inna Zhirkova, together with her husband Yuri, decided to take part in the television project “Team of Footballers’ Wives” in 2018. Together with Inna, other wives of Russian football players also took part:, and.

In the TV project, the girls talk about their lives with the players of the Russian national team. Girls don't just show their luxurious life, but also talk about their problems and difficulties.
Inna Zhirkova is the youngest participant in the television project. However, it is Inna, according to TV viewers, who is the main character of the project. Many fans were glad to see Inna on television, and even her real life.

Atelier of Inna Zhirkova

Inna Zhirkova is a popular celebrity stylist. Not long ago, Inna opened her own studio in the city of Kaliningrad. Inna's dresses are worn by many popular girls. In addition to women's clothes, Inna began to sew men's collections.
In one of the episodes of the TV project “Team of Footballers’ Wives,” Inna’s husband, Yuri Zhirkov, helped her with fitting men’s tracksuit. The girl plans to open several more chains of her atelier.

Popularity on Instagram

Inna Zhirkova is very popular on Instagram. More than 200 thousand people have subscribed to the girl. Inna regularly shares her family photos with your subscribers. Also, on Inna Zhirkova’s Instagram you can often see outfits from her atelier; the girl, together with her famous friends, takes beautiful photographs of her dresses and suits.

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As you know, every family has its own “recipe” for happiness. The families of famous Russian football players are no exception.

The guiding force, the unique cement that holds their relationship together, are the wives, in appearance they are glamorous girls and spoiled by luxury, but in essence they are thrifty and purposeful businesswomen, good wives and mothers.

Among them there are those who follow their husbands to all cities, together with their children, trying to see their father and husband, even for five minutes. It is precisely such wives that the talented and very grasping by nature Inna Zhirkova belongs to, world champion's wife, famous football player, player of the Russian national team, midfielder of the Zenit club Yuri Zhirkov.

Little Innochka Gracheva (this is the maiden name of the future businesswoman) was born in a very small provincial town, which cannot be found on the map of our vast country, on May 15, 1989.

The little girl grew up in a full-fledged family, where her father was engaged in the construction business and was constantly busy, trying in the name of the family. Mom was busy raising two children and arranging her home. It has always been this way, and Inna adopted the same model as soon as she got married, becoming her husband’s true friend, support and beloved woman.

But that was later, and in childhood the girl developed with pleasure, and in several directions. She sang, danced and did choreography beautifully.

And, having matured a little, Inna became seriously interested in sewing and clothing design. Even in high school, a girl could afford to come to a party in her own, exclusive dress. The envy of all my classmates.

In addition, given by nature natural beauty The girl did not leave the young people around her indifferent. However, the girl herself, raised in the right family, did not inspire any of them with much hope, taking their attention and admiration for granted.

Her beauty was also noticed by the organizers of various beauty contests. Inna actively took part in these events and won first places and titles almost without much difficulty.

So, for example, Inna, then still Gracheva, easily became “Miss Kaliningrad” at one time, and then “Mrs. Russia - 2012”.

The girl’s modeling career took off and her mother, who decided to support her daughter, moved with her to the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. Modeling agencies were almost hunting for Inna Gracheva, who was smart, beautiful and friendly, ready to work day and night.

It's no secret that girls who come from the provinces are more hardworking and efficient. They are not at all afraid of various everyday hardships or difficulties. Inna was one of those people - a purposeful fighter in everything and always. She knew how to set goals and achieve them with maximum effort.

In addition, the girl found time and, most importantly, the desire to get higher education at the International Humanitarian Institute with a degree in “Socio-cultural service and tourism.”

The Zhirkov couple are sure of this now, because this is exactly what happened to them. How did the young people meet?

Yuri Zhirkov himself is also not a native Muscovite. He comes from Tambov, where he grew up in a not very wealthy family. His only outlet was football. It was this sport that Yuri devoted all his free time, improving his skills.

He didn’t want to go home; he was more attracted to the sports ground. And it didn’t matter what it was: a modern stadium with a professional football field, or just a small area with bricks instead of goals.

If anyone had ever told Yuri that football would become his main source of livelihood, he would never have believed it! After all, the guy played football just for himself, for his soul.

Interesting notes:

But he was noticed, and the guy’s sports career took off sharply! Quite unexpectedly for himself, Yuri found himself in the capital as a famous football player, who is already recognized on the streets of Moscow!

Almost at the same time, a very young beauty Inna arrives in Moscow. True, she fell ill on the road... Therefore, when she new girlfriend invited me to relax at the club and play bowling, the girl decided to agree. The friend came not alone, but with her boyfriend, who, in turn, also came with a friend - the already famous football player Yuri Zhirkov.

As soon as Inna and Yuri saw each other, they both realized that they didn’t want to be apart anymore. During all this time, the young people were not distracted from each other, told everything about their lives and realized that they had found their soul mate and they did not need anyone else.

From that time on, Inna and Yuri simply never parted. And if they separated, they were very sad in their separation. It seemed like they had known each other all their lives and understood each other perfectly.

Although the young people, and then they admitted this, absolutely did not realize that both were stars in their own field, so the real discovery for them was when Inna saw Yura on TV, and Yuri was stunned by the billboard with her image.

What to hide, fate itself brought the guys together, therefore, when the already famous and titled model Inna was faced with the question of choosing: career or family, she without a doubt chose the second.

I immediately rearranged my schedule and devoted myself entirely to my lover. Since then she has always been by his side. If not physically, then mentally for sure.

And not once did Inna regret that she sacrificed her career in the name of love. Yuri also appreciated this. He adored his girlfriend, just as he now continues to adore her, only this time his wife, the mother of his children!

Yuri Zhirkov proposed in the most unusual way, namely via SMS. At that time, the famous football player was at a training camp in Turkey, the time was very tense - the 2008 European Football Championship was at stake.

Naturally, preparatory training was in full swing, and the team’s travel schedule was very busy. Yuri made declarations of love and the proposal itself over the phone, sending Inna an SMS.

Realizing that the entire burden of responsibility and the preparation for the wedding itself depended only on her, the girl rushed to Turkey, where her chosen one was finally able to put an engagement ring on her thin finger.

The couple signed at the Russian Consulate General, where the entire team of the Russian national team, in which Yuri played, became witnesses!

The celebration itself took place in Moscow, upon the footballer’s arrival in his homeland. And this event became unusual, Inna tried very hard.

To the surprise of the guests, in addition to the impeccable preparation of the wedding itself, they were treated to a real Brazilian carnival! This is where it was fun and memorable! No one could have imagined that Inna organized all this in just a week.

So, in 2008, a strong and loving Zhirkov family appeared. Where in the same year a little happiness appeared - son Dmitry. And two years later, Princess Milanochka appeared.

Inna followed her husband everywhere. At the time of the birth of their daughter, the Zhirkov couple was in London, where Yuri represented the Chelsea sports club. Thanks to the fact that the family travels all over the world together, the children speak two languages, and in English no worse than in native Russian.

But Inna, despite the enormous difficulties with various moves and problems associated with everyday life, did not abandon her dream. She managed to continue her modeling career.

By 2012, Inna was able to recover and return to the ranks of the most beautiful and attractive girls on the planet. Thanks to her enormous efforts and hard work, Inna Zhirkova successfully took part in the competition for the most beautiful mothers “Mrs. Russia 2012”, held in Malta.

It was Inna Zhirkova who took home to Russia the winner’s crown, made in the USA and studded with precious stones.

A year later, restless in every sense and very active, Inna took part in the reality show “Island” and spent several weeks in a very extreme conditions, once again proving to herself and those around her that she is not just a glamorous person, but a real Russian woman.

And literally a couple of years later, in 2015, an addition appeared in the Zhirkov family! Another baby was born, another son. Inna's husband, Yuri, then played for Dynamo Moscow. It is difficult to imagine a more active representative of the fairer sex than Inna Zhirkova.

In addition to everything else, Inna has perfectly realized herself as a fashion designer. Almost immediately after the birth of her third baby, the girl began her debut personal collection of clothes, made in her personal MiloMilo atelier for the whole family.

And she coped with this task simply brilliantly! Her outfits were demonstrated with great pleasure by famous people, also mothers: Yulia Baranovskaya, Nadya Ruchka, Nastya Zadorozhnaya and others.

But not everything in her life is so rosy. There were also very tangible falls that the family experienced together. One day, almost immediately after winning the Mrs. Russia 2012 contest, a scandalous interview took place, which the businesswoman practically failed. A huge scandal broke out.

Boris Sobolev, a VGTRK correspondent, interviewed the winner, where he asked her a number of questions. Inna's answers amazed and made everyone laugh. Surprisingly, a very smart and reasonable person was simply confused by the aggressive presentation of the journalist and stupidly answered the simplest questions.

For example, to the question “Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or vice versa?”, Zhirokva gave the wrong answer. This was the case with subsequent questions about “Oginsky’s Polonaise” and about Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak. The video was immediately posted on YouTube.

One can only imagine how many caustic comments about the girl’s intelligence were written and expressed. My husband actually suggested throwing the crown off the balcony.

But the winner herself wanted to pass it along with the title to the second contender for victory, Maria Padiarova from Cheboksary, a mother of six children. But that mommy refused, not wanting to win this way.

An interview with the wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov, Inna, created a lot of noise in blogs and in the media. In 2012, Inna won the title "Mrs. Russia", and VGTRK journalist Boris Sobolev decided to ask her about the competition. The interview was included in a major film about beauty pageant fraud called "". "Mrs. Russia 2012" not only failed to talk about her talents, but also failed even to answer simple questions.

During the interview, the journalist cited the provisions of the Mrs. Russia competition, which, in particular, say that the main goal of this competition is “to identify the most active, educated, spiritually developed and beautiful woman-mother.” In response to this, Zhirkova admitted: “I don’t have much social activity.” When asked about work, the football player’s wife stated that she had never worked and does not work now.

When asked why she managed to win the competition, Zhirkova found it difficult to answer. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what I took,” she said. "Perhaps erudition?" - Sobolev suggested. “Maybe. Because every day I tried to look beautiful,” Zhirkova continued. “I got ready for breakfast every morning - a long dress, made up, styled...”

Inna Zhirkova could not cope with the question of whether the Earth rotates around the Sun or vice versa. She found it difficult to answer who Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak were. But she honestly admitted that there was no competition for erudition among the “Mrs. Russia” participants.

A fragment from Boris Sobolev’s film with the participation of Inna Zhirkova was watched on YouTube by more than 870 thousand Internet users. In numerous comments, users spoke about the intelligence of beauty queens and fashion models. And TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak rather sharply commented on this interview on Twitter: “Inna Zhirkova, the wife of football player Zhirkov, is burning. Sveta from Ivanovo has a serious competitor.”

There were also those who thought that Sobolev acted “unmanly” by asking a woman questions that were obviously difficult for her. In her microblog, Sobchak posted a post by her husband, Maxim Vitorgan, who said that in this interview, “what bothers him the most is the journalist sleek with a sense of superiority.” He advised Sobolev to communicate in the same tone with the head of state.

However, there were also those who did not believe that “a person could be so shamefully stupid” and suspected that “something was wrong here.” Zhirkova’s PR manager Daria Arslanova also announced “something was wrong.” According to her, Sobolev was trying to find out how much Inna Zhirkova paid for the title “Mrs. Russia.”

“For obvious reasons, he did not succeed - the competition was won fairly. Without any evidence to the contrary, Sobolev in his program stoops to dirty slander,” Arslanova wrote on your social network page. According to Arslanova, Zhirkova’s correct answers were simply cut out of the interview. She added that she wants to give this story wide publicity, regardless of whether the Anzhi midfielder and his wife sue.

Boris Sobolev, in turn, is perplexed why everyone jumped into the interview with Zhirkova. According to him, this is far from the most interesting thing in his film. He is also surprised that someone attributes to him attempts to portray Zhirkova in an unfavorable light. Especially with the help of installation.

“This is all complete nonsense! Well, who will be there to falsify anything?! There was no trace of purposefully making material about this Inna! All this is part of a big investigative film that we have been preparing for more than a year. It is dedicated to the mafia, which organizes competitions beauty, - the journalist said in an interview with the radio station "". - And besides this Inna, we have several dozen characters there. We talk there about the ten largest competitions, including world ones. We show all this fraudulent underbelly. And we ask similar questions to four more or five participants in competitions - at the level of “Why did Gerasim drown Mu-mu?” I must tell you that all the other young ladies answer no better than Inna.”

According to Sobolev, after the film aired in the PR service that works with football players and members of their families, someone “got into trouble,” and now the PR people are “pretending to be vigorously active.” As for Inna Zhirkova herself, according to the journalist, he is sorry that after this interview the beauty queen got the boot from the Internet community.

Sobolev added that all the original video materials on the basis of which the film was created are stored in his editorial office. And he is ready to confirm in court that there was no editing and no attempt to slander the football player’s wife. The journalist added that he asked questions from the field of general erudition not only to participants in beauty contests, but also to their peers - students of Moscow universities. And not all of them were able to give the correct answers. According to Sobolev, the educational problem of an entire generation can already be traced here.

Participant name: Inna Zhirkova

Age (birthday): 15.05.1989

City: Kazan, St. Petersburg

Education: International Humanitarian Institute

Family: married to football player Yuri Zhirkov

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Inna Zhirkova, maiden name Gracheva, was born in Kazan on May 15, 1989 in the family of the head of a construction company and a housewife. The eldest son, Dima, also grew up in the family. The mother made every effort to ensure that comfort reigned in the house and that the children grew up in prosperity.

Inna grew up as a simple girl. She was almost no different from girls the same age. One of Zhirkova’s hobbies as a child was dancing. Her parents enrolled her in a choreography club.

Inna also loved to sing, and therefore often gave concerts at home. Plus, she showed a talent for sewing, and therefore the girl sewed unique dresses for herself without the help of adults and even went to school in them.

As she got older, she began attending modeling castings. The thing is that her bright appearance was noted by representatives of organizations. Subsequently, the family moved to Kaliningrad, where Zhirkova made her first successes in the modeling business.

Mom always supported her daughter in competitions. Together they went to Moscow so that Inna could take part in the competition for the title of Miss Russia. On the way, the unexpected happened, Zhirkova became seriously ill, and therefore it was decided not to take part in the casting.

After graduating from school, Inna entered the International Humanitarian Institute to study. She became a student at the Faculty of Tourism and received a diploma in “Socio-cultural service and tourism.”

In 2007, Inna moved to live in Moscow. Her plans were to continue to improve in the modeling field. One day, sitting in a cafe with a friend, she met Yuri Zhirkov. Mutual sympathy immediately arose between them, which grew into a family.

A year later the couple got married. It was not possible to throw a big celebration, because Yuri had to go to an urgent training camp. Only upon returning home did the couple get married and loudly celebrate the event in one of the Moscow restaurants.

Inna decided to devote her life to her family, leaving plans for a modeling career in the past. In 2008, in September, she gave birth to a son, who was named Dima.

In 2010, the family was replenished again with a girl, Milana. At that time, the Zhirkovs lived in London, where Yuri played for Chelsea FC. In 2015, Inna gave birth to her third child in a Moscow clinic.

In 2012, Inna decided to continue climbing the modeling ladder. She won the status of “Mission Russia 2012”, representing Kaliningrad, there she was presented with a crown with Swarovski stones made in the United States of America.

In 2013, Inna became a participant in the television project “Island”. Together with other heroes, she survived in extreme conditions under the surveillance of video cameras. Viewers of the NTV channel followed everything that happened. In 2015, Zhirkova released her first collection of clothing for the whole family. Popular Russian pop stars took part in the show.

In 2016, the Zhirkov family moved to live in St. Petersburg, as Yuri began playing for Zenit. Inna has been married to her husband for more than 10 years. During this time they became family. The woman puts children first and has said more than once that she is capable of much for their well-being.

Inna is producing her own clothing line, which is known as MiloMilo by Inna Zhirkova. It is popular in the capital of the Russian Federation and Kaliningrad. She is also the owner of a karaoke club called “Euphoria”.

In 2018, she became one of the participants in the new reality project “,” which airs on the Yu TV channel. Its essence boils down to illuminating the real lives of the wives of popular Russian football players, without hiding the truth from the audience.

Inna leads an active lifestyle. He plays sports and maintains his figure in perfect shape.

Photo by Inna

Zhirkova posts her photos and videos from her personal life and career on her personal account in social network Instagram.

From June 17 to July 2 in Russia will take place The Confederations Cup is a football tournament among the national teams of eight countries. Before the start of important competitions, Teleprogramma magazine met with the wives of the football players. Women told how they provide reliable support for their husbands.

Yuri Zhirkov. Photo: RFU

Russian national team midfielder Yuri Zhirkov and his wife Inna have three children: 8-year-old Dima, 6-year-old Milana and Daniil, who will turn 2 in September.

— Inna, will you and your children be in Moscow for the Confederations Cup matches?

— Yes, we flew from Kaliningrad. I hope that the children and I will be able to see dad at least an hour a day and come to his hotel. Of course, we will go to matches.

- The whole family?

- Yes, all together. I thought that Dana would be scared - there was noise in the stadium. And he always watches the game with pleasure and claps. When I ask: “Where is dad?”, Danya tries to guess, to show.

- Do they miss dad?

— When he is at training camp, constantly. Yura and I have been together for ten years, so I know when he needs to talk it out and when not to bother him. If he has free time, he always calls himself.

— Does Yura worry if the game is criticized?

— Reacts, sometimes accepts criticism, sometimes gets offended. Not everyone knows, for example, that Yura played on injections. And if they don’t do it for him, it’s difficult to walk—he limps and groans. But he takes the field to help the team win. Despite his injuries, my husband always tries his best. Yura is a hard worker. He doesn’t have thoughts: “Oh, my leg hurts, I’ll run half-heartedly.” But injuries sometimes make themselves felt.

- What shape is he in now?

“He’s trying to recover faster, but his leg still bothers him.” Now they are training with the national team, and he is feeling better. It happens that after training there is pain. But they have a wonderful doctor Eduard on their team, he is doing everything possible for Yura to recover. So my husband is in good hands.

— You said that in Kaliningrad the Baltic Sea is helping Yura to recover.

“I always asked the question: “Yura, the sea is cold, how can you be in the water for so long?” He says that sea ​​water helps treat injuries better than ice.

— You have a house in Kaliningrad. Have you ever thought about moving to the sea?

— We were built in Kaliningrad on the coast - it’s a 15-minute walk to the sea, we spend the summer there with our children. The kids love it - we have garden beds and hens with rabbits. When we are away, my parents, my brother and Yura’s brother look after the house - they live in Kaliningrad. Now we are building a house in the Moscow region, renting an apartment in St. Petersburg, since my husband plays for Zenit. So for now we live in three cities.

- You have your own studio, you. Is your husband proud?

- Yura supports me when he has time, helps - he can go with me to buy fabrics. When I post a new photo on Instagram, my husband asks: “Is this dress from your brand?” He's pleased. And now I don’t go shopping, I wear my clothes all the time and get compliments. When I gave birth to my third child, my husband gave me a new spacious studio space.

- Why work? After all, the husband could provide for the family himself.

“I can’t imagine myself being idle—I have a lot of plans and ideas in my head.” And Yura is pleased when his wife has a successful business. I had no need to work - my husband understood that I was busy raising children. But I was able to combine work and caring for my family.

— Are the footballers’ wives friendly?

— We have a group of girls with whom we have been friends for a long time. We constantly communicate on WhatsApp: we know who flew where, news about each other. We often meet with children - at children's parties, we go for walks together.
