Admiring the beauty of nature. Admiring nature is a natural and necessary ritual


With what indomitable freedom
She scattered beauty everywhere
Like a painter, drawing a line with a brush.

All the valleys are dotted with flowers,
Meadows, fields, foothills, plains.
Especially to me the incense of spring
Extraordinarily - intoxicatingly tender.

During this period the soul becomes younger,
And the body also does not age.
And under the influence of the miracles seen,
Instantly shows interest in life.

Nature, where is the limit of charm,
When do I hear birds chirping?!
And how mysteriously the dragonfly chirps,
And the vine reaches towards the sun of the grapes!

I bow my head before you.
I fill my soul with your breath.
And, like your child, merging completely with you,
I fill my life with tender beauty.


Thank you for the poems, Tamara! I share your admiration for Russian nature!)
We are connected to her, both physically and spiritually. Her beauty heals and inspires!
Soulful and beautiful poems! All the best to you in life and work!
With warmth.)))

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The beauty of our nature is a miracle that fascinates us all with its splendor and diversity at different times of the year and at any time of the day. She gives us everything we need for life. Summer delights with a variety of colors, exciting smells and warmth. Autumn leaf fall can be described and drawn endlessly. Winter is snow-white, snowflakes swirling and falling. The comfort of home warmth after a cold street and frost patterns on the glass make you fantasize. Beginning to come to life spring nature. Everything rejoices and rejoices at its arrival. We are part of nature and a lot depends on us to preserve it.

We live on amazing planet. We are surrounded by plants, animals, seas, oceans, insects, birds and people. Everywhere we look we see stunning scenery. Who among us has not admired the sunset, a rainbow after the rain, or a butterfly on a flower collecting nectar? And how beautiful is the view of snow-capped mountains or blooming chamomile field. Every day brings something unusual and bright into our lives.

World of plants

It is impossible to even imagine how many plants and their species exist on our earth. Poppies burning brightly in the sun, delicate lilies, fluffy dandelions and sparkling snowdrops. Millions of beautiful flowers decorate our world. Makes it even more amazing.

Each of us walked through the forest. What did we see there?

  • slender birches;
  • spruce trees swaying in the wind;
  • cedar with a squirrel sitting on it;
  • beautiful rowan;

And how easy it is to breathe in the forest, the air is all saturated with freshness and morning dew. I want to stay and enjoy the sounds of singing birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.


It is very interesting to watch animals as they play with each other, store food for the winter and hunt for prey. Each animal has its own unique appearance, behavior, and habits. A fearless eagle soaring high in the sky and a little gray mouse sitting in its cozy hole are the complete opposite of each other. Have you observed the cat's behavior? She is independent, smart, moderately cunning, but at the same time, affectionate with her owner. If you dare to offend her, she is able to defend herself. People should treat animals with care and understanding, love them and protect them. They are residents of this world, just like you and me.

We are all very lucky, we can enjoy the beauty of our nature, every minute, at any time of the year. See the changing pictures of the seasons, golden autumn, snowy winter, awakening spring and colorful summer. Wake up early in the morning in a great mood and fall asleep late in the evening. Don’t forget to take care and make sure that everything that surrounds us always brings only happiness and positive emotions.

Nature holds a special place in the soul of every person. Good or evil, stingy or generous - none of us can remain indifferent to its beauty, the phenomena of which it consists.

Any season is amazing in its own way, and their phenomena are endowed with an unusual appearance, which sometimes lead to the right decisions and actions. Each of them inspires with its landscapes.

The long-awaited winter pleases the eye with snow-covered fields, coniferous branches bent under the weight of snow. Forest areas become mysterious, as the absence of greenery and the remaining black and white shades seem to lure you deeper into the thicket under the rare crunch of trees and the fluttering of a bird taking off. Unique frosty patterns on glass attract the eyes of artists and poets, evoking different emotions.

In spring, delicate primroses never cease to amaze. Against the backdrop of snowdrifts, they look as if a person was caught in fairy world. The swollen buds of the trees hint at the imminent arrival of the first warm days.

Summer seems like an endless, joyful period because of the lush greenery and colorful flowers in the fields and flower beds. The blue water in the springs energizes, gives a feeling of joy, attracts the eye, and allows you to find activities on the banks of rivers and lakes. And the bright sun sometimes makes it impossible to see the azure skies, scattering its joyful rays in different directions.

Endless leaf fall in the wind autumn weather amazes with its extraordinary range of colors. Red, yellow, brown leaves, softly covering the ground, form an inimitable carpet of natural materials.

Each person can become a true connoisseur of the beauty of a natural corner if he is more attentive to its details, has a desire and shows pity. In our usual surroundings, we can find a lot of unusually beautiful components of nature. At night, the starry sky becomes the world that opens your eyes to many things. And an empty autumn field can restore a person, lift his spirits, and provide an opportunity to collect his thoughts. In any case, the beauty of nature at any time of the year or location has an impact on a person. It evokes the brightest thoughts and emotions that can work wonders with a person. It was under its influence that writers, musicians and art lovers created and continue to create masterpieces.

2 essay

What is the beauty of nature? Each person understands this definition differently. After all, for each of us the very concept of beauty is very vague and imprecise.

Perhaps the beauty of nature lies in the internal perception of external factors. The nature of our planet is very diverse and multifaceted, so no two people would answer the same question about the beauty of nature. Only by visiting many countries and seeing different places on earth can you get a complete picture of the beauty of nature.

Some people like the discreet colors and gentle tones of Russian forests and fields, especially in autumn. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin confessed his love for autumn nature. Some people like the roar of a storm and bending trees during late autumn storms. You can love winter landscapes, with their purity and light whirling of snowflakes in the air or snow-white caps of snow on tree branches and roofs of houses. Lovers of peace and quiet will surely love quiet summer evenings when the dawn fades in the sky, and the aromas of flowers and herbs are in the air. In spring, when all living things in nature awaken, it is impossible to breathe in the spring air and you can spend a long time admiring the first blossoming buds and flocks of migratory birds returning to their homeland with joyful cries.

Very bright and lush vegetation southern countries, the exotic nature of the tropics is also beautiful and unique. The bright plumage of birds, huge flowers and amazing plants will not leave anyone indifferent. And the snow-white sandy beaches and magical colors of the seas and oceans remain forever in the memory and heart of people who have visited these distant countries at least once.

Even sands and desert dunes or ice fields and icebergs northern seas have their own special and unique beauty. It is not without reason that connoisseurs of the beautiful and unusual often come to these regions for interesting experiences that allow them to fully enjoy the sights of rare animals or plants.

But of course, all the beauty of nature lies in our hearts. After all, there is nothing more beautiful and sweeter for a person than the nature of his homeland, the place where he was born and raised, where he lives and raises children. Therefore, no matter how beautiful foreign and distant countries are, for each of us, the most beautiful place Our Russia will forever remain.

Option 3

The beauty of nature can have a profound effect on our senses, it is the gateway from the outer world to the inner world. The word "nature" means the universe with all its phenomena. Nature includes a common kingdom various types living plants and animals, as well as the processes associated with inanimate objects - the way a certain type of thing exists and changes at will, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, the matter and energy that makes up all these things.

The word "beauty" conjures up different meanings: " appearance, a sensation or sound that gives pleasure to the sight or aesthetic pleasure in general.”

Beauty in nature has long been common theme in life and in art. Nature is depicted and glorified in many works of art: in photography, in poetry and in other literature. Thus, showing the power with which people associate nature and beauty. Scientists who study nature in more concrete and organized ways share the belief that nature is beautiful; they study nature because they enjoy its beauty. Nature is beautiful; so it’s worth knowing, and therefore living.

The beauty in nature is that perfection is implied through symmetry, equal division and other perfect mathematical forms and concepts. There is so much beauty to see, touch and hear. Nature is so amazing because it does not stand still, but is constantly changing.

Nature is responsible for the sun, clouds, rain and snow. When it's sunny and bright outside, you feel cheerful inside; when it's cloudy and rainy, you often feel gloomy: but on a starry night, moonlight makes you feel light and romantic. Leaves blooming on a tree, a timid flower pushing through the frozen ground, the freshness of spring, singing birds, colorful butterflies, buzzing insects, a welcome sunrise, a gentle breeze, magnificent mountains, the splendor of the seas, twinkling stars and the cold moon at night, the earth renewing its beauty at any time of the year, roaring waterfalls, living plants and animals are all beautiful and amazing and truly reflect the wisdom and beauty of nature. The sky is sometimes very blue, white silvery clouds glide across it almost imperceptibly; clouds are never the same as they constantly change their shape. Sometimes, when the sky turns black with thick, heavy clouds, a distant curtain of falling rain can be seen; it seems as if some invisible hand is pouring water onto the earth to nourish it: a beautiful sight and makes you feel closer to the beauty of nature.

A person can enjoy the beauty of nature when he sees it, hears it and feels it quietly. Beauty is a sign that God has placed before virtue. Every natural action is graceful and magnificent. The beauty of nature is transformed in the mind; and not for fruitless contemplation, but for a new creation. The beauty of nature is so simple and unpretentious that people often cannot perceive it. Modern man inundated with artificial things that deprive him of his understanding of nature.

God, as a divine artist, created beautiful nature to live and enjoy.


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