“Description of the evening” essay. Analysis of the poem "Summer Evening" by Blok Description of the evening in nature

An essay about " Summer evening

In the summer, my parents and I often go to nature, where we have picnics. And this time we decided to spend the night in the forest, it was a very exciting adventure. It was then that I realized how beautiful and amazing an ordinary summer evening.

The hot summer sun slowly descends behind the high tops of forest trees, and the air is filled with sounds unusual for the city. In the ringing forest silence, the trills of birds sounded louder, the chirping of grasshoppers was supplemented by the singing of crickets. Flowers decorating a large forest glade close their buds and hide in the shade of foliage. The sun is no longer visible at all, and the long shadows of the trees create bizarre patterns on the ground, similar to an unusual ornament. After the heat of the day, the summer evening brings the long-awaited freshness, but the warm air does not want to cool down quickly.

The glade adjoins directly to the shore of a forest lake, the water of which seems to be completely dark from the shadow of the trees surrounding it. You can see how crimson stains appear on a smooth surface, this setting sun is reflected in a natural mirror. The air slowly cools down and forest smells are even more pronounced in it, especially the smell of water. Steam rises from the cooling lake, and in this haze the forest turns into a fairy-tale kingdom where queen nature rules. The frog's first croaking is picked up by her friends in a discordant chorus, and now nothing can be heard in the neighborhood from the standing rumble. Just as it started, this noise stops abruptly, it seems that the sound of nature sounds was simply turned off on the included recording. A deafening silence hangs immediately over the clearing, into which various sounds gradually creep in.

Summer evening under the open sky

In the bright, evening sky, you can see the first stars. As soon as the last rays of the sun disappear behind the horizon, the sky explodes with a bright gunpowder of starlight. If you look at it for a long time, the cold lights of the stars will stand before your eyes for a long time. Mysterious rustlings are heard from the forest, dying away at the sounds of the hooting of owls. From the side of the lake, you can hear rare splashes of water, and one can only guess who publishes them.

From a diluted fire it breathes warmth, the crackling of dry branches lulls. Bright flames illuminate the side wall of the tent, and the faces of the parents who tell interesting stories and cases from life. I like to listen to them and look at the fire, watch the rising sparks that seem to turn into a star. The fire goes out, and the clearing is flooded with cold, bright moonlight, everything can be seen very well and the stars do not stop shining in the night sky.

I remember very well that summer evening in the forest, next to a clear lake. It is good that there are still places where tourists do not get and you can admire nature untouched by man.

"Good in summer!" Short story about summer

Good summer! The golden rays of the sun are generously pouring onto the earth. The river runs like a blue ribbon into the distance. The forest is in festive, summer decoration. Flowers - purple, yellow, blue scattered across the clearings, edges.

All sorts of miracles happen in the summer. There is a forest in a green attire, underfoot - a green grass-ant, completely strewn with dew. But what is it? Yesterday there was nothing in this clearing, but today it is completely littered with small, red, as if precious, pebbles. This is a strawberry. Isn't it a miracle?

Puffs, rejoicing in delicious provisions, a hedgehog. Hedgehog - he is omnivorous. Therefore, glorious days have come for him. And for other animals too. All living things rejoice. Birds joyfully flood, they are now in their homeland, they don’t have to rush to distant, warm lands yet, they enjoy warm, sunny days.

Summer is loved by children and adults. For long, sunny days and short warm nights. For the rich harvest of the summer garden. For generous fields full of rye, wheat.

All living things sing and triumph in the summer.

"Summer morning". Short story about summer
Summer is the time when nature wakes up early. Summer mornings are amazing. Light clouds float high in the sky, the air is clean and fresh, it is filled with the aromas of herbs. The forest river throws off a haze of fog. A golden ray of the sun skillfully makes its way through the dense foliage, it illuminates the forest. A nimble dragonfly, moving from place to place, looks attentively, as if looking for something.

It's good to wander through the summer forest. Among the trees above all are pines. The spruces are also not small, but they do not know how to pull their top so high towards the sun. You gently step on the emerald moss. What is there in the forest: mushrooms-berries, mosquitoes-grasshoppers, mountains-slopes. summer forest- this is the pantry of nature.

And here is the first meeting - a big, prickly hedgehog. Seeing people, he gets lost, stands on a forest path, probably wondering where he should go next?

« Summer evening". Short story about summer
The summer day is drawing to a close. The sky gradually darkens, the air becomes cooler. It looks like it might rain now, but inclement weather is a rarity in summer. It gets quieter in the forest, but the sounds do not disappear completely. Some animals hunt at night, the dark time of the day is the most favorable time for them. Their eyesight is poorly developed, but their sense of smell and hearing are excellent. Such animals include, for example, a hedgehog. Sometimes you can hear how the turtledove groans.

Nightingale sings at night. During the day, he also performs a solo part, but among the polyphony it is difficult to hear and make out it. Another thing at night. Someone sings, someone groans. But in general, the forest freezes. Nature rests in order to please everyone again in the morning.

A summer evening is like a calm sea after a wave. As a rule, a summer day consists of many bright situations and even if nothing happens, then such a day is characterized by a rich experience. We see many bright colors, birds chirp in the morning, various living creatures begin to move.

Therefore, a summer evening is like a safe harbor, where the ship of your feelings arrives after a rich and even a little stressful voyage. In the summer evening there is relaxation and pleasant peace, it stays with you for many years, it is saturated with warmth and kindness. You feel this especially in the suburbs, where the various phases of nature are much more noticeable, and when the summer evening begins, nature, as it were, settles down to rest after a hard and fulfilling day.

It is so nice and calm to stay in the space of a summer evening. In fact, it does not matter where exactly to be on such an evening: on the shore of a reservoir and watch the water striders or listen to the light hum of the river; in a water meadow, looking into a fire or listening to cicadas; walk through the forest and fields; watch the sunset in a comfortable armchair or on a folding bed; wander along the road to meet friends. There is always a feeling of warmth and it is not only about the warmth that comes from the temperature, it is about the subtle feeling of warmth that the earth and space gives all day long, heated by the caring sun.

These summer evenings are almost always filled with their own special music and it's so nice when nothing interferes with listening. It is best when there is an opportunity to enjoy the silence and various rare sounds that can be heard from fields and trees. Summer music creates its own sensations, which are also remembered for many years.

In my opinion, the best addition to such natural music may be a flute or other similar instrument. Something that conveys high tones and has a high melody. A simple pipe will perfectly complement the atmosphere of a summer evening.

Unlike the city, there is no closeness in the suburbs and the evening is easily and calmly tolerated. You do not need to look for opportunities to stay somewhere cool, drink a refreshing drink. A summer evening in nature, as it were, feeds itself with various delicious drinks, the juices of these joyful moments, and it seems as if only peace always reigns on earth, and the world is as harmonious as it can only be imagined and quiet joy lasts forever.

Essay 2

A summer evening is always gentle and pleasant, it is best manifested during the sunset itself, when a warm heavenly body, as it were, covers the earth with a blanket of darkness, which does not absorb, but wraps up as if warmly. In the sunset glow, there is often some kind of sadness, a special sunset sadness. In Egyptian mythology, it was expressed as the regular death of Osiris, who is eternally reborn.

Only in summer this sadness is felt in a special way, it is lighter, as it is shrouded in summer itself - the most life-affirming (except for spring) period of the year, when you want to do so much, when the prospects seem limitless like fields flooded with juicy herbs. This is the charm of a summer evening in the suburbs, it inspires hope, it creates a feeling of some kind of eternity and joyful eternity.

I especially like the summer evening stuffiness, which probably changes the density and humidity of the air and creates the feeling of a domed sky. Sometimes on a summer evening, when it gets quite dark, the sky feels not even like a dome, but like a ceiling, although quite high. You feel in such a cozy palace or just a big warm house.

These thoughts and feelings unite and this comfort creates closeness between people, increases empathy. After all, it is much more pleasant to truly feel with oneself on a warm summer evening oneself just a part of big house, cozy and general, in which everything is so calm and pleasant. Sometimes you even want to ask someone: “Don’t you feel it, don’t you feel like a warm and cozy dome of water, as if in a tidy house?”

Probably, others also feel the same, and then in an invisible way in the hearts of many people, pleasant fires-candles of this tender and warm feeling, this bright feeling, are lit. This inner fire really, like a soft candle, sanctifies the space, and many, many of these candles burn in the house on an evening summer or a summer evening. It no longer matters, it is not essential how to describe these sensations in words, only they themselves remain.

A summer evening creates excellent conditions for a contemplative end of the day. Let everyone at least try to feel these pleasant moments for themselves.

One day my parents and I went out into the countryside with tents. We really wanted to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, so we decided to spend the weekend in the forest. There I noticed something that I had not noticed before - how beautiful a summer evening can be.

Exhausting midday

The heat finally subsides, leaving behind a pleasant warmth. As the sun approaches the horizon, its bright light softens and its shadows lengthen. A light breeze touches the pine branches and bird voices are heard everywhere.

The sky is clear, there is not a cloud on it. Grasshoppers do not stop in the grass, and butterflies flutter through the flowers. Everyone breathes easier, even plants, tired of the heat of a summer day, cheer up, feeling the approach of evening coolness.

As it approaches the horizon, the sun becomes orange tint and the sky is soft pink. The sunset becomes a real decoration of a summer evening. He gives inexpressible

A range of emotions that are difficult to describe in words. The world It is painted in various and rich colors from flaming red to purple. It should be noted that not only the sky is transformed, but also the tops of the trees, even the grass acquires a warmer shade. And purple reflections appear on the surface of the lake.

The air gradually becomes cooler, smells are felt brighter. The wind subsides, and, preparing for sleep, the birds fall silent. Unfortunately, the evening does not last long, soon the night comes into its own, imperceptibly pushing its predecessor. The night dwellers wake up. Crickets begin their concert, which will last until late at night, you can hear the rustle of voles that have come out in search of food, and the hoot of an owl.

I am glad that at this time I was alone with nature and was able to feel and feel all the beauty and depth of the moment. After all, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often miss the simple pleasures of life.

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Landscapes of A. Blok delight bright colors and emotional content. No exception and "Summer Evening", which is studied in the 6th grade. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis"Summer Evening" according to the plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work appeared in 1898 under the impression of a summer spent in an estate near Moscow.

Theme of the poem- a summer evening descending on the countryside.

Composition- Conventionally, the poem can be divided into two parts: an evening landscape and an appeal to the reader. Formally, it consists of three quatrains.

Genre- elegy.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter, cross rhyme ABAB.

Metaphors“the rays of the sunset lie on a field of compressed rye”, “the grass is embraced by a pink slumber”, “the red disk of the moon”, “rush off ... towards the night and the moon”.

epithets"last rays", "pink slumber", "uncut grass", "evening silence".

History of creation

"Summer Evening" refers to the early period of A. Blok's work. The history of the creation of the poem is connected with the poet's stay in the family estate near Moscow. Alexander Alexandrovich wrote the work in December 1898, a few months after entering St. Petersburg University. The young man spent the summer of this year at the Shakhmatovo estate. The serene warm days remained in his memory for a long time, and later embodied in a poem.


The work develops traditional summer motifs for literature. They are closely intertwined with the emotions of the lyrical hero. Through the prism of his perception, the author reveals the theme of a summer village evening.

The background for creating a landscape is a field of rye. And this is not surprising, because for many it is associated with the Russian village. The field is basking in the last rays of the sun, and the grass is already “embraced in a pink slumber”. This color hints at the carefree, cheerful mood of the lyrical hero.

The landscape reproduced by Blok is static, so it perfectly conveys the evening atmosphere. Even the breeze does not disturb nature. Silence reigns around: both the birds and the reapers are silent. Details landscape sketch suggest to the reader that the lyrical hero is watching the August evening.

The last quatrain of the poem is addressed to an invisible listener. It is impossible to understand who is its addressee: the reader or the lyrical hero himself. In these lines, the lyrical "I" calls to forget about their sorrows and completely surrender to nature. He seeks to escape from everyday dullness, routine. To do this, you need to forget for a moment about your goals and disturbing thoughts. The last lines suggest that under the mask of a lyrical hero, a carefree young man is hiding, who wants freedom and adventure. Thus, two problems are raised in the third quatrain: spiritual freedom from the vain human life and the unity of man and nature.

In "Summer Evening" the idea is realized that nature gives a person peace and tranquility, and also helps him feel free.


The composition of the poem is simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into two parts: evening summer landscape and an appeal to the reader. The first part takes up more lines than the second. Formally, the poem consists of three quatrains, each of which continues the previous one in meaning.


The genre of the poem is elegy. Despite the fact that the work is based on a landscape, philosophical notes are felt. The first quatrains have a pronounced contemplative character. The last lines push you to think about real freedom. The poetic size is iambic tetrameter. A. Blok used the cross rhyme ABAB. The work has both male and female rhymes.

means of expression

The set of expressive means used in the poem is limited. Nevertheless, they are the author's main assistant in reproducing pictures of nature and conveying the mood of the lyrical hero. The text has metaphors- “the rays of the sunset lie on a field of compressed rye”, “grass is embraced by a pink slumber”, “the red disk of the moon”, “rush off ... towards the night and the moon” and epithets- “last rays”, “pink slumber”, “uncut grass”, “evening silence”. The paths are striking in their simplicity, some in their banality. However, this feature does not impoverish the artistic design of the poems. It helps the reader get closer to nature.

The poem is dominated by a calm, smooth intonation. It corresponds to the content, emphasizes the serenity of the surrounding hero of the world. Only the last quatrain is framed as an exclamatory sentence. Such intonation is required by its content and form.

In some lines the poet used alliteration"g", "s", "h", "h": "the last rays of sunset lie on a field of compressed rye". It seems that nature in a whisper reveals some secrets to the lyrical hero.

Poem Test

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