Autumn paintings for schoolchildren. How to draw autumn

Unconventional drawing. Autumn

Master class on drawing. Autumn landscape

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, Municipal Educational Establishment Slavninskaya Secondary comprehensive school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose of work: master class on drawing in non-traditional drawing techniques is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, teachers primary classes and fine arts, teachers additional education. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.

Target: creating a drawing on the theme “Autumn” using an unconventional method of drawing: using a cotton swab.
1) open up space for children's imagination;
2) create a drawing using gouache, cotton swabs, and a painting brush with stiff bristles;
3) development creative thinking, interest in independent activity, fantasy and imagination.

Materials: gouache, painting brush (bristles No. 5 - No. 8), sippy cup water, a sheet of tinted cardboard, cotton swabs, black wax pencil.

Children, getting acquainted with the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Visual activity, in this regard, presents very rich possibilities. In order not to limit the children’s ability to express impressions of the world around them, a traditional set of visual means and materials is not enough. The more diverse the conditions in which visual activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they work, the more intensely children’s artistic abilities will develop.
Non-traditional drawing techniques are an impetus for the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. Applying and combining different ways images in one drawing, children learn to think, to independently decide which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

Blue sky, bright flowers,
Golden autumn wonderful beauty.
How much sun, light, gentle warmth,
Autumn gave us this Indian summer.
We are glad to see the last warm, clear days,
Honey mushrooms on stumps, cranes in the sky.
As if an artist with a bold hand
I painted the birch trees with gold paint,
And, adding red, he painted the bushes
Maples and aspens of wondrous beauty.
It turned out to be autumn—you can’t take your eyes off it!
Who else can draw like that? (Irina Butrimova)

Let's draw Autumn today. For work, we will take tinted blue cardboard - this way we will not have to set the color of the sky.
To begin, we will take a wide brush with coarse bristles and ocher gouache and paint the autumn grass: making broad strokes from the bottom up.

Let's take a cotton swab, white gouache and draw tree trunks. We draw the lines from bottom to top, placing them at different levels in height and width.

Guess what kind of tree we got: “Slim figure, white sundress” (Birch)
With another stick and yellow gouache, let's start drawing leaves on the birch trees. (For each paint, I suggest taking a new cotton swab, since cotton wool in water begins to spread and beautiful prints cannot be obtained.)

Now we use green gouache, but there will be few such dots, just to highlight the crown.

Add brown spots.

White-legged birches,
Tights with touches,
Curly, tall
Earrings with amber.
They sparkle like coins
polished leaves,
And they wave their branches,
Like girls with handkerchiefs. (F. Sokolova)
Let's draw the birch trunk and add black strokes. You can use black gouache. But this is a little difficult for preschoolers, so I suggest using a black wax pencil or black oil pastel. They easily leave a mark on white paint and do not bleed. To do this, draw along the contour of the white line and add small spots and branch lines. At the bottom we paint the trunk more densely.

For older children, you can use a black gel pen to draw the trunk. The outline will be brighter and more expressive.

Let's draw the grass using brown gouache.

Let's add foliage at the bottom of the birch crowns with yellow paint. We use the “poke” method.

Let's draw the second plan. To do this, take ocher and use the same “poke” method to fill the distance between the foliage of the trees and the grass with small spots.

Shade using black gouache.

Now let's add bright yellow spots.

The work is ready, you can insert it into a frame.

The autumn forest is again in golden decoration,
And the outfit was replaced by a sweet birch tree,
All its leaves were covered with gold,
On the top of the head towards the sky in a blue scarf.
You, white birch, are pretty,
And in winter and summer, in early spring,
A playful breeze braids your hair,
Gentle and cool, even playful.
Autumn does not spare either silver or gold,
Like an artist, autumn is rich in colors,
The autumn forest is again in golden decoration,
And the outfit was replaced by a cute birch tree.
(L. Bondarenko)

Autumn is one of the most enchanting times of the year. It was the golden autumn that inspired many poets and artists to write their most beautiful works. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a golden autumn, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the paintings of great painters. You can also take a walk in the park or just look at the beautiful autumn landscapes in high-quality photographs.
Before you draw golden autumn with a pencil step by step, you need to prepare the following stationery:
1). Pencil;
2). Liner (or black pen);
3). A piece of paper;
4). Eraser;
5). Multi-colored pencils in a set.

Now that all those things that are listed a little above are already nearby, you can begin to study the question of how to draw a golden autumn step by step:
1. On a sheet of paper, mark the location of the main objects - fir tree, oak tree, birch tree and fields in the distance;
2. Draw the oak tree, depicting its massive branches and hollow;
3. Draw a birch tree next to the oak tree. Mark the grass under the trees and draw a mushroom near the birch tree;
4. Draw fir branches and leaves lying on them. Draw the fields and the outlines of the forest in the distance. Draw grass, mushrooms and leaves falling on the ground;
5. Draw a field in the distance. In the sky, depict cranes flying away to warmer climes;
6. Now you understand how to draw a golden autumn with a pencil. Of course, the autumn landscape must be done in color, so don’t stop at this stage. Carefully outline the image with a liner;
7. Using an eraser, carefully clear the paper of pencil lines;
8. Use a black pencil to paint over the hollow of the oak tree. Use brown pencils to shade the trunk of the oak tree, as well as its branches;
9. Use yellow shades, as well as orange and swamp green, to paint over the oak foliage;
10. Paint the fir branches with green tones. Use yellow and orange pencils to color the leaves lying on the branches of the spruce tree, as well as on the grass and mushroom caps;
11. Shade the birch tree trunk a little with a gray pencil. Draw stripes on it with a black pencil. Color the birch foliage with yellow and orange pencils;
12. Color the mushroom legs with a black pencil, and their caps with red and burgundy pencils. Color the grass and forest in the distance with green pencils, as well as shades of yellow and brown;
13. Use brown and black pencils to color the field in the distance. Shade the cranes with gray and the sky with blue.
The drawing of the autumn landscape is ready! Now you know how to draw golden autumn.

Our video tutorial "How to draw a golden autumn"! Enjoy watching and see you at the next drawing lesson!

Master-class in drawing for children 5-6 years old: “Colorful autumn.”

Author: Matveeva Alla Valerievna, teacher of the MBDOU preschool education facility No. 18, Razvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
Description: Master class on drawing on the topic: “Colorful autumn” for older children preschool age using an unconventional painting technique: “poking” with a hard semi-dry brush. This work is an interesting material for preschool teachers and parents when teaching children creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques.
Purpose of work: The composition “Colorful Autumn” will be a wonderful decoration for the corner of the MBDOU “Our Vernissage”, a participant in the exhibition “Autumn Kaleidoscope”, and a decoration for the group’s dressing room.
Target: teaching children to create the composition “Colorful Autumn” using an unconventional drawing technique: “poking” with a hard semi-dry brush.
Tasks: Continue introducing children to the technique: “poking” with a hard, semi-dry brush. Learn to place the image across the entire sheet of paper. Develop thinking Creative skills, fine motor skills fingers Form aesthetic taste, sense of color and composition. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush: with the entire bristle and the end of the brush. Improve the ability to tint a sheet of paper using the technique: drawing “on wet”. Cultivate accuracy and independence.
Description of non-traditional drawing techniques used in this work:
- drawing “wet” - a technique in watercolors when paint is applied to paper generously moistened with water;
- “poke” with a hard semi-dry brush - dip a brush with hard bristles into the gouache and hit it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled.
Autumn is a beautiful time of year. It has always been sung by poets and inspired artists to create the most beautiful paintings.
How beautiful autumn is
In a colorful sundress,
Ask in the clear sky,
The maple burns like a flame.
Birch tree above the water
A golden candle.
And the leaves float
Down the quiet river.
T.A. Shorygina.

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class that will help you create an autumn composition on the theme: “Colorful autumn”.
For work we will need material:
1. Watercolor paper (A4 size)
2. A simple pencil.
3. Oilcloth for drawing.
4. Watercolor paints.
5. Gouache paints.
6. Pile brushes No. 5, No. 3.
7. Flat brush with hard bristles No. 12.
8. Glass - sippy cup.
Preliminary work with children: conversations about autumn, looking at illustrations, paintings, learning poems, reading works, asking riddles, drawing trees, conducting educational activities on the topic: “Autumn”.

Execution sequence:

Let's prepare all required material for work

Using a simple pencil, draw a horizon line (divide a sheet of paper into two parts: sky and earth).

Using a bristle brush (No. 5), we tint a sheet of paper with blue and brown watercolors, using the “wet” technique.

The background is ready (see note).

Next we continue the work with gouache paints.
We draw birch tree trunks with white color, starting with the end of the brush and gradually pressing on the entire pile.

We draw the maple tree trunks with brown using the same drawing technique.

Using the end of the brush, paint the bushes with brown color.

We continue the work using the “poke” technique with a hard semi-dry brush
In yellow we denote the contours of the crowns of birch trees.

Paint the crowns yellow.

Add some green spots in the middle.

In red we denote the outline of the maple crowns.

Paint the crowns red

Add spots of orange and yellow.

We draw foliage on the bushes in orange and red.

The most inspiring time of the year is autumn. It is multifaceted, awakens very contradictory feelings, and has become the culprit for the emergence of many beautiful works in literature, music and the visual arts.

It is not always comfortable to introduce a child to this time of year directly on the street, in a park, in a forest; the view from the window is sometimes limited, but they can help you if you just get an album with reproductions. In addition, this way you will hit two targets with one shot, introducing your child to autumn and the arts.

What pictures of autumn will be the most interesting and educational for children?

"Golden Autumn" - I. Levitan

The most famous landscape of this time of year. The picture is perfect for a child's first acquaintance with autumn, because it depicts its beginning. Despite the fact that the main color scheme of the picture is yellow, autumn, the fields in the distance are still green, here and there there is unfaded grass, and the grove on the right bank waves its green foliage welcomingly. The sky is clear, the weather is calm and pleasant.

This wonderful canvas will help the child recognize her first qualities and highlight her positive qualities. You can have a fascinating conversation about Russian fields and birch trees.

"Golden Autumn" - V. Polenov

This is no less a wonderful representative. Looking at the picture, you will be able to consolidate with your child knowledge about the early, first signs of autumn, and form pleasant associations.

You can try to introduce your baby to the concept of “Indian summer”. If he is not ready for this yet, do not insist.

in the fall" - I. Brodsky

Looking at the selected autumn pictures for children, we find ourselves in a garden where golden autumn already reigns. What does it mean? Look for the answer with your child in the thinning tree crowns, in the fallen leaves on the garden paths. Note that the day can be pleasant, clear and sunny even in mid-autumn.

How did we guess that the sun was shining brightly? The artist makes us understand this by depicting bright shadows from trees on the ground. The figures of numerous passers-by in the garden also speak of a wonderful day. Who would go for a walk in bad weather?

"Autumn. Veranda" - S. Zhukovsky

A slightly unusual view for us (young researchers) - this is no longer a forest or a park, but still - autumn. Many autumn landscapes, paintings show us houses, roads and villages in a golden natural frame, and here is a veranda. Table, vase, flowers... Speaking of flowers. Which ones bloom in autumn?

It is noteworthy that there is also a lot of light, warmth and sun. You can also clearly see the Christmas trees, which for some reason remained green. Why?

"Late Autumn" - K. Korovin

Now we have reached the last picture of autumn. It is important for children to see that late fall- this is not a sad end to a beautiful, warm, rich bright colors season, but the beginning of a new one. After all, despite the fact that all the leaves have fallen, the grass has withered, the air is already filled with milky fog, and there is snow on the remaining rare leaves and blades of grass. We are on the threshold of winter.

When choosing autumn pictures for children, try to make them light, bright and bring positive emotions. Just like in the examples given in this article. Even if the theme of autumn is not very pleasant for you, an adult, you should not pass on your negative thoughts and stereotypes to your child. Even if the autumn paintings and photos you find are unknown to the whole world, and the authors are provincial landscape painters, the main thing is the quality of the work and the feelings it will evoke in a tender child’s soul.

On the eve of the “golden leaf fall” and cool autumn weather, almost all educational preschool institutions and primary schools organize inspirational lessons for children on the theme “Autumn”. Crafts made from cardboard and colored paper, chestnuts, plasticine and fabric are only part of what can be obtained as homework. After all, the basis of the autumn season is drawings. Moreover, the most diverse, and not at all similar friend on a friend. As ideas for reproduction, teachers offer examples of work as inspiration for the child’s creativity.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and schools 2018 proposed in the article below - as a little hint for children and their parents at the beginning creative work. Bright colors, interesting ideas, various representations of nature and details of autumn are only part of what can be seen in the photo by comparing the children’s sketches and drawings with the nature of the “golden autumn”.

What is the beauty of autumn?

Autumn is a wonderful time of year, representing calm and preparation of the surrounding weather for winter. Fall of colorful leaves, the ground covered with old robes of trees, a rich harvest of ripe berries, fruits and vegetables, a warm, but no longer scorching sun - real autumn weather, painted with rich and noble colors.

And if the autumn season inspires adults with peace of mind, pleasant chores of harvesting and active recreation in nature, then a playful form will help to attract the child to complete the task. As an option: collecting leaves to create a herbarium, leisure, sport games(football, basketball), competition for the best drawing.

Drawing on the theme “Autumn” in kindergarten

Autumn drawings for kindergarten 2018 represent elementary work in the eyes of adults. However, if you look at the task through the eyes of a child, it will seem as difficult to him as painting a still life for an adult. Therefore, it is very important to show support for your child’s homework, helping him with difficult creativity.

For children (child) 3-4 years old

At all to the young artist unable to reproduce masterpieces. But this does not mean that this frees him from completing the task. Teachers in preschool institutions (kindergarten, additional education and development courses) encourage parents to engage in motor skills and creative potential child: draw leaves, rowan berries, raindrops and other drawings with your fingers.

In the photo below you can find various autumn drawings for kindergarten made with your fingers, which are suitable as an example for completing the given work in 2018.

For children (child) 5-6 years old

Kindergarten graduates can create fall pictures using fresh leaves, a white wax candle, and watercolors. The essence of the work is as follows:

1) place a large maple leaf under a sheet of paper and hold it with a candle;
2) this is repeated with each leaf of the tree until the sketch is ready;
3) watercolor paint in the autumn color palette (yellow, orange, red) is applied on top.

Autumn drawings appropriate for kindergarten and school 2018

There are also crafts that are suitable not only for kindergarten, but also primary school. These include: painting fresh leaves with gouache, drawings drawn with crayons, drawing based on templates.

Below are several master classes with photos, distinguished by their versatility. This is because they are suitable for children of different ages.

Animals and autumn

You can convey autumn motifs on a sheet of paper not only with the help of nature, but also with animals. A hedgehog in the leaves or with an apple on needles running through a clearing of mushrooms, a squirrel on deciduous tree, a bear preparing a den for the winter, a red cat against the backdrop of “golden autumn” - once again they prove that absolutely any design can be depicted on paper.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 are an interesting task for both children and their parents. It unites the family over a seemingly “simple” work, helping to find common ground and ideas for drawing for children of different ages: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 9 years old.

Finished works on the theme “Autumn Landscape” photo:
