Standards and training of special forces around the world. Scout Physical Training - Luo Biming — LiveJournal

Surely anyone who goes in for sports at least a little and tries to keep himself in good physical shape is interested in the standards that contract servicemen are required to pass. Next, we bring to your attention the mandatory standards for physical training in the army, airborne forces and special forces.


Contractual service can be divided into several categories: by age groups and by gender. Yes, women also serve under the contract. By age, the standards are divided into two categories: up to 30 years old and over 30 - for men, up to 25 years and over 25 - for women. You must sign your first contract between the ages of 18 and 40. Fitness standards consist of three levels: strength training, speed data and your endurance level. Therefore, it includes such types as push-ups, pull-ups, running and cross-country skiing. Let's look at all this in more detail.

Men under 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 10 times
- push-ups: 45 times
- 60 meters run: 9.8 seconds
- running for 100 meters: 15.1 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 28.5 s.
- 3 km run: 14.4 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.2 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 28 minutes

Men over 30:

Pull-ups on the bar: 8 times
- push-ups: 40 times
- 60 meters run: 10 seconds
- 100 meters run: 15.8 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 29.5 s.
- 3 km run: 15.5 minutes
- 1 km run: 4.45 min.
- cross-country skiing (5km): 29 minutes

As you can see, the age standards differ, but not so much, so the older generation, with regular training, is quite tough. Now let's move on to the fair sex.

Women under 25:

Torso forward: 25 times
- push-ups: 12 times
- 60 meters run: 12.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 19.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 38 s.
- 1 km run: 5.20 min.

Women over 25:

Torso forward: 20 times
- push-ups: 10 times
- 60 meters run: 13.9 seconds
- 100 meters run: 20.5 s.
- shuttle run 10x10 meters: 39 s.
- 1 km run: 5.45 min.

Airborne troops have always been considered the elite Russian army, so their physical training standards are especially interesting. Paratroopers require an extremely high level of endurance. So, let's look and analyze:

Pull-ups on the bar: 13 times
- 100 meters run: 14.1 seconds
- 3 km run: 12.3 minutes
- 5K cross: 24 minutes
- 5 km ski race: 28 minutes
- ski march 10 km: 1 hour 15 minutes
- march throw as part of a unit: 56 minutes
- overcoming the obstacle course: 2 minutes 25 seconds
- swimming in uniform with weapons: 100 meters
- a special hand-to-hand combat complex: it is estimated by a point

In addition to everything, there are several power complexes and a number of tests to overcome the obstacle course.


And now, perhaps, the most delicious. To meet these requirements, you have to seriously sweat in the gym.

Pull-ups on the bar: 25 times
- push-ups: 90 times
- bench press: 10 times (weight not less than your own, but not more than 100 kg)
- press lying on the back: 100 times
- Shuttle run 10x10 meters: 25 seconds
- 100 meters run: 12.7 seconds
- cross 3 km: 11 minutes
- jumping up with a change of legs: 90 times

Also, this entire list is supplemented by the demonstration of the technique of punches and kicks and participation in various sparring fights. And the normative exercise, which we even decided to take out separately from all the others - CSU (complex strength exercise). This includes: 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 times the press lying on the back, 10 times the emphasis crouching - emphasis lying, 10 times the jump up from the stop crouching. And this complex must be performed 8 times in a row without a break!
As you can see, everyone's workload is different. For contract service, the standards are not so harsh, and most sports people they will do it without any problem. Further, of course, everything is no longer so simple - for the level of the Airborne Forces and special services you need to be a real athlete.

Organization, armament and tactics of actions of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of armies of the main foreign states. Tactical and technical characteristics the main samples of small arms of sabotage and reconnaissance groups. [download all notes]

Selection of a place for observation, its occupation, equipment and camouflage. Observation post equipment. Studying the terrain in the designated sector and areas for observation, determining distances to landmarks, local objects and targets by segments of the terrain, by degree of visibility and apparent magnitude. Drawing up a map of the area. Techniques for observing the enemy and the terrain, the actions of neighbors and the signals of the commander. Unmasking signs of various targets, their detection. Combination of observation with the naked eye and with the use of observation tools: optical sights, binoculars, reconnaissance tubes, stereo tubes (including against the sun). Observation at night, the order of illumination of the area, eavesdropping. Compliance with blackout. Target designation from landmarks and local items. Report on the results of observation. Change of observers. Studying the standards: "Drawing up a map of the terrain with determining distances to landmarks", "Detecting targets", "Determining the coordinates of targets (objects)", "Determining the direction (azimuth on the ground" and "Measuring distances (angles) on the ground using binoculars (rulers) with millimeter divisions). [download all notes]

Selection of a place for observation, its occupation, equipment and camouflage. Studying the terrain in the designated sector and areas for observation, determining distances to landmarks, local objects and targets by segments of the terrain, by degree of visibility and apparent magnitude. Drawing up a map of the area. Studying the standards: "Drawing up a map of the terrain with determining distances to landmarks" and "Occupation of a trench, trench, position (firing position), strong point or specified place." [download all notes]

Techniques for observing the enemy and the terrain. Unmasking signs of various targets, their detection. A combination of observation with the naked eye and with the use of observation devices. Observation at night, the order of illumination of the area, eavesdropping. Compliance with blackout. Target designation from landmarks and local items. Report on the results of observation. The study of the standards: "Drawing up a map of the terrain with determination of distances to landmarks", "Detection of targets" and "Occupation of a trench, trench, position (firing position), strong point or specified place." [download all notes]

Selection and equipment of a place for observation. Site inspection procedure. Drawing up a map of the area with the determination of distances to the landmark. Target detection. Exploration report. [download all notes]

Requirements for the location of the observation post (NP) and its selection on the ground. The composition and equipment of the NP. Equipment and camouflage NP. Occupation and organization of service on the NP. Studying the terrain in the designated sector and areas for observation. Determination of distances to landmarks and characteristic local objects. Study of the standard: "Target detection". [download all notes]

Occupation and organization of service on the NP. Studying the terrain in the designated sector and areas for observation. Determination of distances to landmarks and characteristic local objects. Study of the standard: "Target detection". Reconnaissance of the area and the enemy using observation devices, means of illuminating the area and eavesdropping. The order of actions of the observer and NP upon detection of the target. Report on the results of reconnaissance and drawing the target on a map (diagram). Determining the nature of the enemy's actions on various grounds. [download all notes]

Actions in combat reconnaissance patrol in an offensive against military equipment. Penetration of the combat reconnaissance patrol (BRD) into the depth of the enemy's defense. The actions of the BRD during reconnaissance of strong points and firepower of the enemy, gaps in the defense, weakly defended sectors, obstacles and obstacles. Study of the standard: "Compilation and transmission of intelligence reports." Conducting reconnaissance of the area and the enemy by inspection on the move, short stops and the expulsion of foot patrols. The actions of foot patrols when inspecting local objects, when meeting with small groups of the enemy, when the enemy attacks from an ambush and the order of exit from it. [download all notes]

Actions in a combat reconnaissance patrol in a mountainous wooded area on foot. BRD actions during reconnaissance of enemy strongholds and fire weapons, gaps in the defense, weakly defended sectors, obstacles and obstacles Reconnaissance of the terrain and the enemy by sending out patrols on foot. The actions of foot patrols when inspecting local objects, when meeting with small groups of the enemy, when the enemy attacks from an ambush and the order of exit from it. Study of the standard: "Compilation and transmission of intelligence reports." [

dexterous and hardy applicants. You can guess that the everyday life of a special forces soldier is quite tense. In order to survive and complete the task at 100%, standards and requirements for special squad soldiers have been developed around the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the requirements and regulations that apply in different countries Oh.

1. Alpha, Russia.

The Alpha squad is the elite of the Soviet and Russian special forces, known as one of the most effective and experienced power units in the world. The special unit is designed to conduct counter-terrorist operations using special tactics and means.


Prevention of terrorist acts.
Search, neutralization or liquidation of terrorists.
Release of the hostages.
Participation in special operations in "hot spots"

Requirements for candidates:

Active officers or cadets of military schools.
Recommendation from current or former employee"Alpha" or "Vympel".
Age limit: no older than 28 years.
Height: not less than 175 cm.


Cross-country run: 3 km in no more than 10 minutes 30 seconds.
Sprint run: 100 meters in no more than 12.7 seconds.
Pull-ups: 25 reps.
Push-ups: 90 times
Flexion and extension on the press: 90 times in no more than 2 minutes.
Barbell bench press with your own body weight: 10 times.
Complex strength exercise 7 cycles in a row, no more than 40 seconds each cycle:
15 push-ups from the floor;
15 flexion and extension of the torso in the prone position;
15 transitions from the “crouching emphasis” to “lying emphasis” and vice versa;
15 jumps from the "crouching" position.

Preparation features:

Three minutes after the physical test, hand-to-hand combat skills must be demonstrated. At the same time, the candidate speaks in a helmet, gloves and protective pads on the legs and in the groin. He is opposed by an instructor or an employee of the Center well trained in hand-to-hand combat. special purpose FSB. The fight continues for 3 rounds. Further: a medical commission, a special check to identify unwanted connections with the candidate himself or his relatives, an examination by psychologists and a polygraph. Based on the results of each study, the candidate is awarded points, which are then summed up and a final decision is made.

Yamam is an elite unit of the Israeli border police. "Yamam" has the highest level of shooting training among all Israeli special forces. The Yamam fighters have been taking individual and team prizes for years at all shooting competitions of the security forces. The Yamam snipers are far more high level than their military counterparts.


Release of the hostages.
Conducting rescue operations and raids in civilian areas.
Recruitment and undercover work.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 22 to 30 years.
Be an active member of the army, police or border troops.
Have at least three years of military service.


Pull-ups: 25 reps.
Push-ups on fists with weight on the back: 100 times.
Flexion and extension on the press: 300 times.
Cross-country run in equipment 15-20 kg: 8 km in no more than 38 minutes.
Climbing a 7-meter rope: no more than 7 seconds.
Freestyle swim: 50 meters in no more than 35 seconds.
Swim underwater: 50 meters.
Swim with hands and feet tied: 50 meters.

Preparation features:

The course includes running on rooftops, climbing a building through a drainpipe, escaping from captivity and survival, during which the reaction to stress is tested. Another exercise - a fight with guard dog from the canine division of the gendarmerie corps, specially trained to attack a person. Here they study the reaction of a fighter to an attack: whether he will be confused by how aggressive he himself will be.

3. SAS, UK.

As part of the special forces of Great Britain, the special airborne service of the ground forces - SAS occupies a special place. SAS is one of the oldest and most highly professional special forces units in the world. The rich experience of anti-partisan and counter-terrorist operations of the SAS forced the special forces of various states to copy its tactics. Including: American "Green Berets" and "Delta".


Conducting reconnaissance and carrying out sabotage and subversive actions deep behind enemy lines.
Antiterrorist operations both within the country and abroad.
Training of special forces soldiers from other countries.
Release of the hostages.
Security dignitaries and especially important state objects.

Requirements for candidates:

Required service experience in other military units.
Age from 25 to 30 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.


Cross-country run: 2.5 km in no more than 12 minutes.
Forced march with full gear: 64 km in no more than 20 hours.
Fire Training: Hit 6 targets at least twice each with 13 rounds.
Parachute training: 40 jumps day and night with a load of 50 kg.

Preparation features:

Instructors greet candidates with the words: “We will not select you. We will give you such a load that you will die. The one who survives will learn more.” And words do not diverge from deeds. Approximately one candidate out of ten survives. What is worth only a month's course of training to resist special methods interrogation. Each cadet, in addition, undergoes mandatory training in the jungle.

To date, included ground forces the Chinese army has seven groups ready to carry out special operations. Each military district has one such unit, which is directly subordinate to the chief of staff of the district.


Special Intelligence Activities.

Carrying out short, non-scale offensive operations behind enemy lines.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 18 to 32 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.
Passing a fitness aptitude test.


Climbing up brick wall building on the 5th floor without improvised means in 30 seconds.
Swim in full gear: 5 km in no more than 1 hour 20 minutes.
Rise on the crossbar and push-ups on parallel bars: at least 200 times a day.
Lifting a dumbbell weighing 35 kg: 60 times, no more than 60 seconds.
Front push: 100 reps, no more than 60 seconds.
Throwing a grenade: 100 times at a distance of at least 50 meters.

Preparation features:

The process of physical training of China's special forces is very often called "descent into hell." Every day in the morning and in the evening, cross-country running in full gear and an additional shoulder pack with ten bricks. At the same time, a distance of 5 kilometers must be completed in no more than 25 minutes. After passing the run, the fighters move on to the Iron Palm exercise. The fighter must inflict 300 blows on the bag, first with beans, then with iron filings. In exactly the same way, the standards for fists, elbows, knees and feet are further worked out.

GROM - Polish military unit special purpose. Prepared for special operations, including counter-terrorism, as in Peaceful time as well as during a crisis or war. Since its inception, the division has been completely professional.


Release of the hostages.
Antiterrorist operations.
Evacuation of civilians from the war zone.
Conducting reconnaissance operations.

Requirements for candidates:

Age from 24 to 30 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.
Stress tolerance.
Ability to drive a car.


Cross-country run: 3.5 km in no more than 12 minutes.
Climbing the rope without the help of legs: 5 meters twice in a row.
Bench press with your own body weight.
Pull-ups: 25 reps.
Push-ups: at least 30 times.
Swim: 200 meters in no more than 4 minutes.
Swim underwater: 25 meters.

Preparation features:

All candidates who have submitted applications first of all undergo a psychophysiological examination. After that, as a rule, no more than 10-15 percent of the total number of candidates are allowed to further pass the tests. People from both the country's police units and from civil structures. But civilians must first complete a basic police course before joining a special forces team.

According to official documents, the Delta group is intended for covert military operations outside the United States, on the territory of other countries. Tasks for Delta Force are to fight terrorism, popular uprisings, national intervention, although this group is also directed to carry out secret missions, including but not limited to saving civilians and invading.


Release of the hostages.
The release of American soldiers who were captured.
Fight against terrorists and partisans.
Capture or destroy military and political leaders hostile to the United States.
Capture of secret documents, samples of weapons, military and other secret equipment.

Requirements for candidates:

Only US citizenship.
Age from 22 to 35 years.
Service experience in the American armed forces at least 4 years.
Excellent physical and mental health.
Skydiving experience.
Highly qualified in two military specialties.


Push-ups: 40 times in 1 minute.
Squats: 40 times in 1 minute.
Cross-country run: 3.2 km in no more than 16 minutes.
Crawl on your back 20 meters feet first in 25 seconds.
Overcoming an obstacle course of 14.6 meters in 24 seconds.
Swimming in clothes and combat boots for 100 meters without time.

Preparation features:

Candidates march with backpacks weighing from 18 to 23 kg and a rifle in their hands. Their path lies through hills, forests and rivers, and the distance of this path varies between 29 and 64 km. On the way, every 8-12 km there are checkpoints where candidates must go and where observers sit. To successfully overcome this test, it is necessary to maintain an average speed of at least 4 km per hour and to navigate well in unfamiliar terrain. 10:40 pm - Scout physical training
Standards for physical training for personnel of reconnaissance units

Number and name of the exercise *



Changes to the regulations


2. Run for 3 km

3. Ski race 5 km

4. Cross for 5 km (for snowless areas)

6. Pull-ups on the bar

7. Complex strength exercise

10. 100m run

11. Jumping legs apart

12. Complex agility exercise

13. Flexion and extension of the arms in swing on the uneven bars

22. March on skis for 10 km as part of a unit

23. Forced march as part of a unit:

24. General control exercise on a single obstacle course

25. Special control exercise on the obstacle course

26. Overcoming a single obstacle course as part of a unit:

27. Running with overcoming the obstacle course as part of the unit:

up to 10 people:

up to 20 people:

28. Swimming:

in uniform with a weapon (mock-up of a machine gun)

in sportswear:


31. Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3)

Assessed according to Art. 275 NFP-87

Corrections to the regulations:

  1. - complication of standards when performing exercises in the form of clothing No. 1;

  2. -- facilitating the standards when performing exercises in the form of clothing No. 2;

  3. -- facilitating the standards when performing exercises at an altitude of 1500-2000 m above sea level, at an air temperature below minus 10 ° C; for cross-country skiing and marches on skis - below minus 20 ° C or above 1 ° C;

  4. -- facilitating the standards when performing exercises at an altitude of more than 2500 m above sea level, at air temperatures above 30 ° C, as well as in the regions of the Far North and the Arctic.

It remains to find out:

  1. what is a "complex strength exercise";
  2. what is a "complex agility exercise";
  3. what is a "general control exercise on a single obstacle course";
  4. How is it different from special?
  5. what is the "special set of hand-to-hand combat techniques."

And finally, what does Art. 275 NFP-87.


Intelligence service- the most important type of combat support. It is conducted in any situation in order to obtain reconnaissance information about the enemy and the terrain in the area of ​​upcoming operations.

intelligence target during the preparation and conduct of a battle is to obtain the necessary intelligence information to correctly determine the composition, position, capabilities, strengths and weak sides enemy, the likely nature of his actions.

The main requirements requirements for reconnaissance are: purposefulness, continuity, activity, timeliness and efficiency, secrecy, reliability and accuracy in determining the coordinates of reconnaissance objects (targets), especially means of nuclear and chemical attack.

The main methods of reconnaissance include: observation, search, raid, ambush, reconnaissance in force, eavesdropping, radio interception, photography, interrogation of prisoners and defectors.


Observation organized in all conditions of the situation by all subdivisions. Observation is carried out continuously and is the main method of reconnaissance.

Observation makes it possible to obtain information about: the movement of enemy troops; on the disposition of subunits and fire weapons in the enemy's defense; about the location and nature of defensive structures and obstacles of the enemy; about the nature of the enemy's behavior in defense; on the location of enemy command and observation posts; on the concentration of enemy infantry and tanks for an attack, as well as other information that determines the nature of the enemy's combat activity.

At night, as well as in conditions of limited visibility, observation is carried out using night vision devices, means of illumination of the area and is supplemented eavesdropping. By sound signs, the observer can determine: the nature of the enemy's actions and the work he is doing (the noise of the movement of vehicles, cutting trees, driving stakes, colloquial speech, etc.); approximate direction of fire from machine guns, mortars and artillery; the direction of movement of tanks and other combat and transport vehicles.

The personnel conducts observation on the move, from short stops and on the spot. When moving, each soldier must continuously observe in the sector indicated to him and report everything noticed to the commander (chief). The observation point must meet the following basic requirements: to provide the greatest view towards the enemy and complete secrecy of observation.

When occupying an observation point, it is necessary to act covertly. We must always remember that the enemy is also in disguise and is observing, and that the signs by which we establish the presence of the enemy are familiar to him. If it is impossible to covertly approach the observation point on vehicles, then one should, dismounting, advance on foot or by crawling. Upon reaching cover, the observer should avoid sudden movements, raise your head slowly, leaving your shoulders and arms behind cover (Fig. 49).

After a cursory examination of the area, its detailed study is carried out using binoculars in one of the following ways.

First way. First, roads going in the direction of travel are inspected, then transverse roads, the outskirts of settlements, bushes, forest edges, gardens, exits from hollows and ravines, etc.

The second way. First, the near zone is examined within the range of up to 400 m, then the middle zone - from 400 to 800 m, and, finally, the far zone - within visibility.

Particular attention and care should be taken in all suspicious places where the enemy can hide: ravines, hollows, forests, bushes, etc.

In some cases personnel squads may be assigned to conduct reconnaissance by observation at an observation post.

observation post- this is a designated group of military personnel performing reconnaissance tasks by observation from a place equipped in engineering terms

Observation posts are usually set aside in defense and in preparation for an offensive. On the march, in the course of an offensive battle, when disengaging and withdrawing, observers are appointed in the subunits, who continuously monitor the enemy and the position of their troops.

The number of observers and observation posts in a unit depends on the conditions of the situation and the task performed by this unit. So, in the defense and in the period of preparation for the offensive, they are usually appointed: in the squad - one, in the platoon - 1-2 and in the company 2-3 observers, and in the battalion - 1-2 observation posts. When subunits are deployed in concentration areas (on the spot), observation is also carried out by foot patrols (patrols) and secrets.

2-3 observers are appointed to the observation post from among the soldiers and sergeants most trained for this, one of them is appointed senior. The personnel are provided with observation devices, a large-scale coded map or terrain map, an observation log, a compass, a lantern, a clock, means of communication and alerting (Fig. 50), and the observer is provided with observation devices. To work at night, observation posts (observers) are provided with night vision devices, means of illuminating the area, and a ground reconnaissance radar station.

The task of the observer (observation post) is, as a rule, assigned on the ground by the commander organizing reconnaissance. When setting a task, the following are usually indicated: landmarks and conditional names of local objects; information about the enemy (where he is, what he is doing or where he is expected to appear) and his troops; the place of the observation post and the order of its equipment; sector (object) of observation, what to pay special attention to; the procedure for reporting the results of the observation (what, how and when to report); alert signals. The task assigned to the observation post is recorded in the observation log.

The observation post is located, as a rule, in the battle formations of the subunits. To increase visibility, a place for an observation post is chosen on a hill from which the enemy's disposition is clearly visible to the greatest possible depth. In addition, observers should be able to observe the actions of their troops.

For the convenience of observation, it is necessary to divide the sector (band) of observation into zones: near, middle and far, denoting them with conditional lines according to local objects (landmarks). The near zone includes a section of the terrain within the visibility of small objects, objects and targets with the naked eye. The middle zone is outlined within sight of prominent local objects. The far zone covers the rest of the space up to the limits of visibility (Fig. 51).

In most cases, ahead of the observation post there will be terrain elements, settlements, forests and other local objects that make it difficult to observe certain areas and create fields of invisibility. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately identify these fields, and then determine from what location these areas can be viewed.

Under these conditions, the unit commander must organize interaction between neighboring posts.

The place for observation, depending on the available time and the availability of building material, can be equipped in the form of an open trench or a trench with an anti-fragmentation roof and a viewing slot.

Outwardly, the place of the observation post should not differ in any way from the surrounding area. When located on the ground with big amount local objects, the place of the observation post can be equipped in the form of a characteristic local

object (bush, stump, bump, large stone, ruins, etc.) (Fig. 52).

Communication with the observation post is organized by order and means of the subunit commander.

The chief of the observation post directs the actions of the observers. He determines the procedure for continuous observation, organizes the equipment of the place for the observation post and its camouflage, checks the serviceability of observation devices, communications and warning devices, controls the actions of observers, personally conducts observation, records reconnaissance results in an observation log, puts them on a map (diagram) and in The set time is reported to the commander. The senior observer reports immediately on sudden changes in the position and actions of the enemy, on detected important objects (targets), and RCB contamination of the area.

The main documents of an observation post are a large-scale map or map of the area and an observation log.

The terrain map is the simplest drawing, on which the place of the observation post, landmarks, the observation sector, characteristics relief and some of the most important local items.

All information about the enemy is recorded in the observation log and a note is made to whom they are reported.

The observation post performs the task until the deadline set by the commander or until it is replaced by another composition of the observation post. In the first case, the senior observer reports to the commander on the completion of the assigned task and only with his permission stops the observation. In the second case, the observation post terminates observation after it is replaced by another composition of the observation post.

When changing the senior observer of the post to be replaced, he personally acquaints the senior observer of the changing post with the situation and the assigned task.


The patrol squad is sent out from units conducting reconnaissance, as well as from units performing other tasks, to inspect the terrain and local objects in order to identify the enemy.

The patrol squad performs its tasks by surveillance. It is sent for removal, providing the commander with observation of it and fire support. Communication with the patrol squad is usually maintained by radio and signals.

The methods of action of the sentinel squad are determined by the commander who sent him out and the conditions of the situation. He can conduct reconnaissance on the move, from short stops, or occupy a point advantageous for observation. The task for the commander of the sentinel squad is set orally or by radio by the commander of the squadron from which he is being sent. He is usually given: information about the enemy; direction of movement and task; deadlines for completing the task; communication procedures and signals. If necessary, the order of actions before the meeting and when meeting with the enemy can be indicated; what to pay special attention to.

The squad leader, having received the task, understands where the enemy is and what he is doing; chooses a hidden direction for movement or a point to be reached; outlines the order of actions and assigns tasks to subordinates.

The squad leader must first of all provide for the organization of observation and the procedure for dealing with a sudden encounter with the enemy. Observation is organized all-round, but the main attention is focused on the possible locations of the enemy and in the direction of movement. During the execution of the task, you must always be ready to repel an unexpected enemy attack.

When setting a mission, the squad leader usually indicates information about the enemy, the mission of the crew, signals, and a deputy. In this case, the driver-mechanic (driver) is indicated the direction and speed of movement or the observation point to be reached. In addition, the order of actions is indicated in case of a sudden meeting with the enemy, his unexpected attack, if the tank is damaged and it is necessary to leave it.

When performing a task, a patrol squad must operate covertly, off-road, moving from one point to another convenient for observation, without delaying the unit moving behind. For the purpose of camouflage while driving, do not use the light, abruptly switch to the maximum engine speed, etc.

When an encounter with the enemy is unlikely, the patrol squad moves in the direction indicated to it at the maximum possible or established speed ahead of the company or reconnaissance body in visual communication, observing on the move and from short stops. If it is necessary to make a short stop for observation, the squad leader selects a point in the direction of movement with the widest possible view of the terrain ahead.

At the turn of a probable meeting with the enemy, the patrol squad conducts reconnaissance by successively occupying points advantageous for observation, moving covertly, in jumps, on top speed from one shelter to another, usually off-road. Hollows, beams, bushes and other natural shelters are used to conceal movement.

Most comfortable places for observation are hills with shrubs and the edges of groves, as well as other elevated places with natural shelters. The place for observation should not stand out sharply against the general background of the area. When choosing a place for observation, it must be remembered that individual trees, bushes, and other prominent local objects always attract the attention of enemy observers.

Inspection of the forest starts when you get there. First, the edge of the forest is examined from a distance, if possible from an elevated place, and the presence of the enemy in the forest is determined by reconnaissance signs. Such signs can be frequent take-off and cries of birds, broken branches, bent trees, smoke from fires, the noise of motors, the shine of glass and metal parts of cars and military equipment, traces of people and cars. Finding no signs of the enemy, the commander of the patrol squad reports this to the commander who sent him and moves to the edge and deep into the forest. In the forest, movement is carried out, as a rule, along a road, path or clearing, with special attention being paid to the tops of trees, dense thickets, entrances and exits from ravines and hollows, bridges and other places where enemy ambushes are possible. Having come out to the opposite edge of the forest, the patrol squad inspects the area ahead and, not finding the enemy, continues reconnaissance in the indicated direction.

Locality inspected in the same sequence as the forest. In this case, special attention is paid to the roofs of buildings, individual buildings, plantings and thickets on the outskirts of the settlement and other places where the enemy can place guards and observers. Not detecting the enemy, the patrol squad advances at the maximum possible speed to the outskirts of the settlement, where the nearest buildings are quickly inspected and local residents are interrogated. A patrol squad passes through a small settlement without stopping, ready to repulse a surprise enemy attack.

In order to avoid a surprise attack by the enemy, one should not move close to the buildings. Places viewed and shot through the windows and doors of nearby buildings should be bypassed. When inspecting houses and non-residential buildings left by residents, care must be taken not to touch the items there, as they can be mined by the enemy.

Large city is inspected by several patrol squads that move along the main streets of the settlement. The personnel of the patrol squads primarily monitor the opposite side of the street and forward, paying special attention to the windows, balconies and attics of houses. sentinels combat vehicles follow a ledge at a distance of 25-35 m from one another. Each squad pays particular attention to the vehicle in front, being ready to support it at any time with its fire.

When looking at the ravine(hollows, beams) the sentinel squad usually moves along the edge of the ravine (hollows, beams) without entering it. If it is impossible to reconnoiter a ravine (gully), those sections of it that can be used by the enemy as shelters are inspected along its entire length.

Inspection of the river starts from a distance. Not detecting the enemy, the patrol squad advances directly to the bank of the water barrier and from a point convenient for observation, carefully examines the water surface and the opposite bank. If the river is not defended by the enemy, the commander of the patrol squad with foot patrol goes to the river bank and determines the nature of its banks, the presence of a ford, determines the width of the river and the speed of the current. The ford should be sought on broadened straight channels with gentle slopes to the water. Signs of a ford are roads, paths overgrown with grass, road ruts ending at one bank and continuing on the other, a small swell on the water surface, characteristic of river shallows, water level drops indicating a transition from shallow to deep places. When a ford is found, its depth, the nature of the bottom soil, the speed of the river flow are determined by direct measurement, and the most convenient direction for the crossing is indicated. The width of the river is determined by eye, using binoculars, a rangefinder or sounding (rope, wire). If the opposite bank is occupied by the enemy, the commander of the patrol squad reports this to the commander who sent him and establishes his forces and firepower by observation.

Having found the helicopter, the commander of the sentinel squad immediately takes the BMP (APC) to the shelter; when a patrol squad is detected by a helicopter, the personnel open fire on it. The commander of the sentinel squad immediately reports to the commander of the squadron about the appearance of helicopters and the direction of their flight.

When meeting with small groups (single vehicles) of the enemy, the sentinel squad, at the direction of the commander who sent him out, organizes a reconnaissance ambush in order to capture prisoners, documents, weapons, or, disguised, lets the enemy through and ensures the actions of his unit.

In case of a sudden encounter with the enemy, when it is impossible to evade him covertly, the sentinel squad destroys him and continues to carry out the assigned task. Having encountered obstacles (obstacles), the commander of the patrol squad reports to the commander who sent him about the location and nature of the obstacle (obstacle), determines whether it is being defended by the enemy, as well as the possibility of bypassing or overcoming it.

Squad in reconnaissance ambush

reconnaissance ambush- this is the advance and covert location of the unit on the enemy's movement routes for a surprise attack on him. Reconnaissance ambush is used in all types of combat operations, on any terrain, in various meteorological conditions and at any time of the day. It can be arranged by subunits conducting reconnaissance and by a subunit (group) specially assigned for this purpose.

The success of the squad in a reconnaissance ambush depends on the secrecy of its location and the correct determination of the moment of opening fire, endurance and skillful actions of the crew.

The objects of attack from a reconnaissance ambush can be single soldiers, officers or a group of military personnel on foot or on motorcycles, cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks, small reconnaissance patrols and march guard units, launchers of unguided and guided missiles, missile and nuclear delivery vehicles , command vehicles, helicopters on the routes of their flight.

Reconnaissance ambushes are arranged in places that provide a covert (camouflaged) location of a subunit (group), near roads, trails, near bridges, crossings and passages in barriers, near water sources and at other points where the appearance of single soldiers, vehicles or small groups is most likely enemy. The method of attack from a reconnaissance ambush depends on the purpose of the ambush, the conditions of the situation, and the forces of the enemy. It is possible to attack from a reconnaissance ambush silently, and also after inflicting a sudden fire defeat on the enemy, followed by the capture of prisoners, documents, weapons and military equipment. When operating from a reconnaissance ambush to capture prisoners from among single soldiers or small groups, one should strive to carry out the capture silently (without opening fire), so that the actions remain covert and do not attract the attention of the enemy.

When setting up reconnaissance ambushes against a superior enemy or armored objects, an attack is usually used after inflicting a sudden fire defeat.

If there is time, mines can be laid in the reconnaissance ambush area, bridges prepared to blow up, blockages placed on forest roads, etc. The ambush area should provide not only good cover (camouflage), but also hidden approaches to it from its side. In addition, it is necessary to have several convenient and hidden exits from a reconnaissance ambush, otherwise the shelter may turn out to be a trap.

A motorized rifle squad more often participates in a reconnaissance ambush as part of a platoon specially assigned to conduct an ambush, or a reconnaissance body to which it is assigned. Having received the task from the platoon commander to set up a reconnaissance ambush, the squad leader quickly and covertly places his combat vehicle in a specified or self-selected position, masks it and traces of tracks, organizes observation of the platoon commander and towards the enemy, prepares the initial data for firing from a place . In the future, all movement in the area of ​​​​reconnaissance ambush stops. Signals for attack, opening and cease-fire during reconnaissance ambush operations are given by the platoon commander.

Single soldiers, officers, as well as individual enemy vehicles are silently captured by a specially designated squad (group). When larger enemy groups appear, the platoon lets them get closer and destroys them with fire at close range. Documents and weapons are taken away from all captured officers and soldiers of the enemy. After that, the prisoners, documents and new samples of weapons are sent to the headquarters of the unit.

When setting up a reconnaissance ambush at night, combat vehicles should be deployed at reduced intervals on one side of the road in order to prevent the reconnaissance ambush participants from being hit by their fire. Night vision devices are used to monitor the enemy.

Having successfully carried out a reconnaissance ambush, the platoon continues to perform the main reconnaissance mission. If a platoon was tasked only with conducting a reconnaissance ambush, then, having completed the task, it secretly retreats to the location of its unit.


