How to make a wireless alarm. How to make a burglar alarm for your home with your own hands

The article provides a diagram of a simple burglar alarm, a description of the work, resident software (firmware). The device is not difficult to assemble with your own hands. All the information you need for this is in the article.

General description of the device.

The security alarm is assembled on the PIC controller PIC12F629. This is a microcontroller with 8 pins and the price is only 0.5$. Despite its simplicity and low cost, the device provides control of two standard alarm loops. The alarm system can be used to protect large enough objects. The device is controlled by a remote control with two buttons and one LED.

Our company has moved to a new building. From the previous owners there was an old burglar alarm. It was an iron box with red LEDs and a siren above the front door and a broken electronic unit.

I installed a small circuit board in the alarm unit and turned this junk into a modern, reliable burglar alarm. IN this moment it is used to protect a two-story building with total area 250 m2.

So, the alarm provides:

  • Control of two standard security loops with measurement of their resistance and digital filtering of signals.
  • Remote control (two buttons and one LED):
    • turning on the alarm;
    • disabling the alarm through a secret code
    • setting a secret code (the code is stored in the internal non-volatile memory of the controller);
    • operation mode indication by remote control LED.
  • The device generates the time delays necessary for dialing the secret code, closing the doors of the room, etc.
  • When the alarm is triggered, the device turns on the sound annunciator (siren).
  • The operating mode of the device is also displayed by an external light source.

The block diagram of the security alarm looks like this.

Connected to the main security alarm unit:

  • 2 security loops with
    • NC - normally closed sensors;
    • NR - normally open sensors;
    • Rok - terminating resistors.
  • External block of the sound notification and mode indication.
  • Backup power source.
  • Power supply 12 V.

Loops of the security alarm system and connection of sensors.

To control sensors (detectors), the device uses standard security loops. Loop resistance is controlled. If the circuit resistance is greater than the upper or less than the lower threshold, an alarm is generated. Normal is the loop resistance equal to the terminating resistor (2 kOhm). Thus, if an intruder breaks the wires of the loops or closes them, the alarm will go off. In this way, it will not work to disable security sensors.

IN this device the following threshold values ​​of the loop resistance are selected.

Those. loop resistance in the range of 540 ... 5900 ohms is considered normal. If the resistance value goes out of this range, an alarm will be triggered.

Scheme of connecting sensors (detectors) to the security loop.

Both normally closed security sensors (NC) and normally open (NO) can be connected to one loop. The main thing is that in the normal state the circuit has a resistance of 2 kOhm, and when any sensor is triggered, it causes an open or short circuit.

To increase the noise immunity of the system, the device digitally filters the loop signals.

In principle, everything should be clear. Connected to the PIC12F629 microcontroller:

  • Two loops through RC chains R1-R6, C1, C2, providing
    • formation of power supply of the loop;
    • analog signal filtering;
    • matching with the input levels of the PIC controller inputs.

To determine the resistance of the loops, a microcontroller comparator is used. An internal reference voltage source is connected to the second input of the comparator. The values ​​of the reference voltage source (RH) for comparison with the upper and lower threshold resistance values ​​are set by software.

  • Through the RC chains R7-R10, C3, C4, two remote control buttons and an LED are connected through a current-limiting resistor R11. The device provides digital filtering of button signals to eliminate chatter and improve noise immunity.

It is worth explaining the purpose of the resistor R17. The GP3 input of the microcontroller has an alternative function - a 12 V supply for programming the microcircuit. Therefore, it does not have a protective diode limiting the voltage at the level of the supply voltage. At a voltage of 12 V at this pin, the microcontroller enters the programming mode. Resistor R17 reduces the voltage at the GP3 input.

  • Through two transistor switches VT1, VT2, the microcontroller controls the siren and external LED indication. Because these elements can be connected with a long cable, the transistors are protected from line surges by VD4-VD7 diodes. Transistor switches allow switching current up to 2 A.
  • A voltage of 5 V to power the PIC controller is generated by the stabilizer D2. Do not ignore the VD8 LED. Its functions include not only power indication, but also the creation of a minimum load for the microcontroller. If the PIC controller consumes current less than 2-3 mA (for example, in reset mode), then the voltage of 12 V through resistors R8, R10 can raise the microcontroller supply voltage above the allowable one.
  • The inputs for the 12 V power supply and the backup power supply are separated by diodes VD2, VD3. A Schottky diode is used as a VD2 diode in order to provide priority to the power supply when the voltages are equal to the backup power source.

I assembled the device on a 54 x 45 mm board.

Installed it in the body of the old alarm. Left only the power supply.

The remote control is made in a plastic case with dimensions of 65 x 40 mm.


The resident software is developed in assembler. The program cyclically resets all variables and registers. The program cannot hang.

You can download firmware for PIC12F629 in HEX format.

Management of the security alarm system from the panel.

The remote control is a small box with two buttons and an LED.

It is better to install it indoors near the front door. With the help of the remote control, the alarm is turned on and off, the secret code is changed.

Modes and control.

When power is first applied, the device enters ALARM OFF mode. The LED is not lit. In this mode, the device is during the working day.

To turn on the alarm (ARMED mode), you must press two buttons at once. The LED will begin to blink rapidly, and after 20 seconds the device will switch to ARMED mode, i.e. will start monitoring the state of the sensors. This is the time it takes to leave the room and close the front door.

If during this period of time (20 seconds) any button is pressed, the device will cancel the armed mode and return to the ALARM DISABLED mode. Often people remember something just before leaving the building.

20 seconds after switching on, the device will switch to the ARMED mode. In this mode, the LEDs of the remote control and the external indication unit blink approximately once per second. In the ARMED mode, the state of the sensors is monitored.

When any security sensor is triggered, the LEDs begin to flash frequently, and the alarm counts down the time after which the siren will sound. This time (30 seconds) is necessary in order to have time to turn off the alarm by typing the secret code on the remote control buttons.

There are 2 buttons on the remote control. Therefore, the code looks like a number of numbers 1 and 2. For example, the code 121112 means that you need to press buttons 1, 2, three times 1 and 2 in sequence. The code can have from 1 to 8 digits.

If the code is entered incorrectly or incompletely, you can press two buttons at the same time and repeat the code entry.

If the correct code is entered, the device switches to the ALARM OFF mode.

If within 30 seconds after the sensor was triggered, the correct code was not dialed, then the siren turns on. You can disable it by typing the correct code. Otherwise, the siren will sound for 33 seconds and then the unit will turn off (go to ALARM OFF mode).

It remains to explain how to set the secret code. This can only be done from the ALARM OFF mode.

Both buttons must be held down for 6 seconds. Release when the remote control LED lights up. This will mean that the device has entered the passcode setting mode.

Then wait until the LED goes out (5 sec). The device will enter the ALARM OFF mode, and the new code will be stored in the internal non-volatile memory of the microcontroller.

Because Since the microcontroller of the device is clocked from an internal generator of low accuracy, the specified time parameters may differ by ±10%.

Alarm states.

Mode State
Jump condition Change to mode
ALARM DISABLED Does not glow Short press of two buttons Waiting for GUARD (20 sec).
Holding two buttons pressed for 6 seconds Setting the passcode
Waiting for security

You need to get out and close the front door.

Flashing fast Time 20 sec SECURITY
Pressing any button (cancel) ALARM DISABLED
SECURITY Flashes once per second Sensor trips
Time to turn off the alarm code (30 sec)

Necessary in order to deactivate the alarm by dialing the code

Flashing fast Correct code dialed ALARM DISABLED
Correct code not dialed within 30 seconds Siren sound
Siren sound (alarm) Flashing fast Correct code dialed ALARM DISABLED
Setting the passcode Constantly lit Code set ALARM DISABLED

In practice, work with signaling comes down to actions.

  • Leaving the room. Press two buttons at the same time and close the door within 20 seconds.
  • Upon entering the room. Within 30 seconds, dial the secret code.

Drawbacks, possible improvements.

The device can be easily modified for its specific conditions. All improvements relate only to the hardware. They do not affect software.

  • It is advisable to install two sirens. One in the outdoor indication and warning block, the other in a hard-to-reach place. The current of the transistor key (2 A) allows this to be done.
  • It would be necessary to protect the siren wires from short circuit with a transistor current stabilizer. In the presented version of the scheme, an attacker can close the wires of the siren and, when the alarm is triggered, a short circuit of the power source will occur.
  • If desired, you can connect powerful and high-voltage sources of light, sound, etc. through electromagnetic relays. The allowable current of the keys allows this, and the keys are protected against surges when switching the relay winding.
  • A battery can be used as a backup power by adding a simple charge circuit to the circuit.

Appearance of the installed alarm system.

Now only the front door sensor is connected to the device. I plan, over time, to add security sensors. Two loops are quite enough to guard our two-story building.

By the way, if only one loop is used, then a 2 kΩ resistor must be connected to the second.

There are other options on the site's forum software devices. There you can discuss, ask questions about this project.

IN modern world it is almost impossible to do without security equipment - this is especially true for protecting your real estate from robbers who are constantly improving ways to enter a house, apartment, cottage or garage. For such cases, electronic security systems in the form of alarms are effective. These security barriers minimize the likelihood of theft and allow the property owner to respond in time to a dangerous situation. Today, many companies offer a wide range of multifunctional alarms, as well as their installation and maintenance. Depending on the complexity of the security kit used, its cost will also depend, which can sometimes be quite large. If the owner of the house does not have the opportunity to purchase and install an expensive security kit, he thinks about how to make an alarm system with his own hands. It turns out that this is not so difficult process- it is important to understand at least a little about electronics and electrical work, and it will not be difficult to make an alarm.

Advantages of a homemade alarm

Despite the fact that a homemade alarm system is created at home, it has a number of advantages that allow it to compete with factory security systems.

Firstly, the simplest do-it-yourself home alarm system can be implemented even from improvised means that are available in household. Almost every house has an unused mobile phone, elements of executive devices for various household equipment, etc. If something is missing, then it can be bought for a penny on any radio market. The financial costs of a security system created at home are minimal.

Secondly, a home-made alarm can be easily changed structurally and upgraded to the changed operating conditions at the facility at any time. Not every factory security system will be able to do this.


No matter how good your burglar alarm design would be, it is not without flaws. The main ones include the following:

  • lack of built-in protection systems against various devices that are used by intruders to turn off alarms;
  • the impossibility of connecting such devices to the security systems of security companies;
  • it is difficult to independently implement complex security configurations, which include a wide range of security and functional sensors, actuators;
  • home-made simple alarm does not support the ability to conduct audio and video monitoring from a protected facility;
  • without basic knowledge of electronics, it will not work to make your own security system.

What types of alarms can be done with your own hands?

At home, you can independently implement several options for security systems that will solve specific problems of protecting real estate.

  • Motion sensor alarm

A simple do-it-yourself alarm system for an apartment can be created on the basis of a conventional motion sensor, which is equipped with lighting systems installed in entrances and landings. If you connect a siren to such a sensor instead of a lighting element, you get an elementary security system that will warn you with a sound signal that someone is in the protected area.

  • Alarm based on ready-made kits

For those who do not want to “puzzle” how to make a homemade alarm and which devices to use for this device, you can use ready-made kits that are sold on every radio market. It will only be necessary to draw up a diagram of protected areas and purchase the appropriate sensors and actuators for this. In the future, you will have to install the purchased elements and configure them to perform the appropriate security functions.

  • Alarm based on magnetic contact sensors

For those who are thinking about how to make an alarm at home, which will respond to the opening of doors and windows, the option on magnetic contact sensors will be the best solution. Distinctive feature of such sensors is that they include two elements in their composition - the actual basis of the sensor and the magnet, which must be in direct contact. As soon as this contact is broken, the light and sound device connected to the sensor will be triggered.

Using an old, unused mobile phone, a highly effective homemade burglar alarm can be created using the capabilities of GSM communication. With the help of such a security system, it will be possible not only to activate the executive devices connected to it, but also to notify the owner of the house about the danger through a mobile communication channel, sending to him mobile device SMS message or dialing.

For those who do not know how to make an alarm system with their own hands and temporarily cannot afford to purchase a ready-made one, they can install a simulator for the presence of a security system. To implement an elementary alarm simulator circuit, you only need an LED indicator, two AA batteries, a current-limiting resistor and a housing for locating the listed elements. The glow of the LED will indicate that the object is on guard - this should scare away thieves. But long time relying on security with the help of such a dummy is not worth it - it’s better to figure out how to make an alarm with your own hands or buy it in a store.

Equipment for collecting alarms at home

A simple home alarm system can be built using the following set of devices:

  • a set of sensors - for a simple security system, these can be motion control devices at the facility, as well as opening sensors;
  • siren and light-emitting devices - they will signal the triggering of a security sensor;
  • conventional switch - used to turn off the alarm;
  • autonomous power sources - these can be accumulators or batteries that will support the functioning of the alarm in the absence of power in the external network;
  • mobile phone - needed in the case when a burglar alarm is created for the house with the function of notifying the owner on his mobile devices;
  • a set of tools for installation work, conductors, mounting elements - they will be used to assemble and install the alarm at home.

The process of creating an alarm

The beginning of work on the development of your own security system should begin with the creation of a project for a future alarm system. It will depend on him how to make an alarm at home so that it provides protection for all potentially dangerous areas. After drawing up a detailed plan, you should take care of the availability of the required devices and parts, some of them may be at home, and some will have to be purchased.

On initial stage appropriate sensors are being installed along the perimeter of the facility, as planned in the project.


In order for the burglar alarm to perform its functions when they are triggered, actuators and mechanisms are connected to the sensors.

They can be connected through a specially prepared circuit, which includes an electronic turn-on delay timer and switching relays. In this case, the do-it-yourself security system will not work immediately, but after a set period of time, which is necessary so that the owner of the apartment can disarm it. For this procedure, you need to install a conventional push-button switch, which must be located in a hidden place so that the thief cannot independently disarm the security before the siren turns on.

One option for creating an alarm with your own hands:

If a do-it-yourself alarm is created to alert via a cellular network, then the sensors must be connected via a mobile phone, which, in parallel with the siren triggering, will send an alarm to the owner.

Why is it beneficial to use a homemade alarm system?

By designing and creating an alarm system with your own hands, the user adapts it as much as possible to the specific operating conditions in his home, as well as to the tasks solved by the security system. Not every ready-made alarm system from the kit can be optimally suited to specific conditions, and it is not always possible to upgrade it.


The simplest do-it-yourself alarm can be created in a fairly short time with minimal financial costs. But the protective effect that it provides is quite high. This guarantees the owner the confidence that nothing threatens his property.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to install a simple and not expensive burglar alarm. Without unnecessary bells and whistles that manufacturers add to it in order to expand the functionality of their system and somehow distinguish it from other competitors. Dacha, garage, household extension or even a greenhouse, in such places it is not always advisable and profitable to install a full-fledged security system.

Security alarm for home, cottage, garage, greenhouse: how to install a simple alarm system with your own hands

In this article, we will consider several devices that claim to be simple and accessible to anyone who wants to protect their property from the encroachment of uninvited guests.

What should such an alarm be able to do?
  • respond to an intrusion (some external influence - movement, the door was opened, hit, etc.);
  • give a sound signal to frighten off the intruder;
  • be able to arm and disarm;
  • It is desirable to consume a little electricity.

This device aims not so much to close access to the house, but only to scare away the thief. Hearing a loud signal, he does not want to take risks and will not climb into the room, in addition to the psychological impact, she can also attract the attention of neighbors.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to install a simple and inexpensive burglar alarm.

The simplest burglar alarm for the home can be made by hand on the basis of a conventional household motion sensor for lighting, which are installed in entrances to save electricity. But instead of a lighting lamp, you can install a siren.

What will be needed for this?
  • Motion Sensor- you can buy at any hardware store, such as OBI or Leroy Merlin. It is necessary to pay attention to the voltage of the sensor - we need it to work from a 220V network, the viewing angle - depends on the external design of the sensor (wall or ceiling) and the lens used (can be 180 degrees wide or corridor type). The average cost is from 400 to 800 rubles;
  • Siren powered by 220V. For example, PKI-3 "Ivolga-220", the average price is 250 rubles. Can be bought at radio stores;
  • Ordinary switch, to disable the alarm. Anyone will do, from 100 rubles. and higher.

The connection diagram is shown below:

Wiring diagram for a simple security alarm

Motion Sensor you need to choose one that has at least two types of adjustments - time setting (TIME) and sensor sensitivity (SENS). With the help of the first one, it will be possible to set the time for the triggering of our alarm, i.e. siren sound time. This value is usually set for five minutes. The second adjustment changes the sensitivity of the sensor, for example, if it does not respond to you or to reduce the so-called "false alarms".

Motion Sensor you need to choose one that has at least two types of adjustments

The switch will be needed in order to turn off the device when you are in its field of view and turn it on when you leave this room. It is advisable to install the switch discreetly, so that after activating the security alarm, you would not fall into its radius of action. In addition to the siren, you can also connect a regular light bulb for a double effect on the intruder.

The main disadvantages of such an implementation will be that after switching on, some models of motion sensors require from 1 to 10 seconds to “stabilize” and switch to standby mode. If you come across such a sensor, you need to add a time relay to the general circuit that will keep the siren turned off for the time it is turned on.

Do-it-yourself non-volatile burglar alarm system

There are still miniature motion sensors on sale that operate on 12V, for example, model DD-03. You can also create a simple alarm on them, but you need to connect it to a 12 volt power source or a battery. Thanks to this, the system will be non-volatile and work even if there are power outages.

A simple burglar alarm from a ready-made kit

The simplest security device based on autonomous signaling can work without wires.

In shops for radio amateurs you can find two options:

  • based on an infrared sensor (aka motion) or
  • magnetic contact sensor that reacts to the opening.

True, the choice is not large enough and often you have to go shopping to find the goods "in stock". Therefore, the easiest way to purchase this product is to order it in one of the major online stores.


based on infrared sensor

An example is the Chinese alarm system under the loud name "Alarm mini". It consists of the IR sensor itself, an installation bracket and one or two key fobs. Included is clear instructions for installation and operation. Separately, 4 AA batteries are purchased separately, but can also be operated from a 6V power adapter (sold separately). Doing the installation yourself is not difficult.

based on infrared sensor "Alarm mini"

After inserting the batteries into the device, you need to install the unit itself in such a place that its lens is directed to the protected area. There is an infrared receiver window on the front panel to control the alarm from remotes. A lens that "captures movement" in the controlled area, operation lights and a siren.

We press the button on the remote control - the green LED lights up, which means that the report went to the exit (15-20 seconds) in order to have time to leave the apartment. Then the green eye goes out - the device has started to work. Now, as soon as there is any movement in the room, a person will pass, a dog or a cat will run, the red LED will light up and after 15-20 seconds a very loud siren will sound. The device is working!

The price of the device is about 500 rubles and depends on the current dollar exchange rate and the place of purchase. You can find various options, you just have to look.

Set simple burglar alarm

based on magnetic contact sensor

Simple Burglar Alarm Kit
based on magnetic contact sensor

An opening sensor-based burglar alarm is a basic unit that has a sensor with open contacts and a magnet to close these contacts. You need to set them against each other so that there is direct contact between them. If a thief entered the house, when the door or window is opened, these elements move away from each other and an alarm siren sounds.

Such an alarm can be used mainly to scare off intruders, and its main advantage is its low price, about 100 rubles per sensor. And very easy installation, there is adhesive tape on each part, just peel off the protective layer and stick the sensor on the front door or window.

Often such kits are used to protect the perimeter of the house at the moment when you are inside, for example, sleep at night. The sound of the siren will wake you up and you will be able to take any action to protect yourself.

In urban high-rise buildings, it is becoming popular to set the apartment on guard, in this case, expensive equipment is bought to protect against intrusion, and the signals are transmitted to the control panel of the security company. But not every owner can afford this, and it is not always justified.

Remember on cars such a device, under the windshield, usually near the steering wheel, there is a red LED that blinks or constantly glows? He warns that the car is guarded. So for an apartment or a summer house, there are similar designs or in a different way - burglar alarm simulators . They are designed to frighten away unprepared and unprofessional thieves or burglars.

To make such a simulator, you need to buy a red LED (for example, such an AL307), a mounting box for its placement, a 100 Ohm resistor, a switch and a compartment for two batteries. For the whole set, you will need to pay about 100 - 200 rubles. Depending on the characteristics of the LED, a current-limiting resistor must be connected to it in series. The radio store will help you choose the right resistor (unless, of course, you have the Soviet AL307 LED, as in our example).

When leaving the house, we turn on the constantly glowing LED, when we return, we turn it off. Strangers will think that the apartment is on an alarm.

If there is no opportunity or time to assemble such a simulator yourself, then you can install fake security signaling. This ready-made device combines a light and sound annunciator, can operate from a 220V network or be autonomous, i.e. be powered by batteries. When the apartment or cottage is allegedly guarded, the indicator light is red or blue. If the thief tries to open the door, then the sound howler will work - a siren.

Quite often you can see that in shops, in offices, on street kiosks stickers of various security companies are pasted. You can also use this by sticking such a sticker over your door. No one will check whether the apartment is really connected to the private security panel.

The alarm system is intended for protection of various objects of apartments, offices, dachas, cars and bicycles. And also to warn and inform people in case of emergencies.

With the opening of the dacha season, the question of the protection of dacha property brought for the season is particularly acute. Home-made and purchased systems for detecting and hacking based on wireless sensors and gsm modules for signaling an alarm or operation have gained the greatest popularity among gardeners. Many of the alarms and designs considered are perfect for do-it-yourself repetition. In addition to typical security sensors, these systems can use other optional equipment such as smoke, flood and carbon monoxide detectors, gsm sockets, etc. Within the framework of this article, we will consider a burglar alarm for a summer residence and a private house, which you can assemble with your own hands.

The principle of operation of laser signaling is as follows: when an object enters the beam coverage area, the laser stops illuminating the photodetector. The resistance of the latter increases sharply and the relay turns off. The relay contacts also turn off the laser. This is a variant of the simplest scheme.

When a laser beam hits a photoresistor, its resistance tends to zero, and when the laser is turned off, its resistance increases dramatically and greatly. The photoresistor must be placed in a closed case.

In the role of a laser in this alarm, a ready-made module with a red emitter from a cheap Chinese pointer is used, which is easily removed from the case with your own hands.

Compilation simple circuits do-it-yourself alarm systems mainly for premises. Using a reed switch or a microswitch with normally closed contacts as a sensor, the circuit also has a delay in turning on the alarm when leaving the controlled room, and a slight delay in triggering the alarm when entering.

A selection of simple sensor alarm circuits for the protection of various objects, recommended for self-assembly with your own hands. The principle of its operation is based on direct sensory contact and the triggering of one or another type of alarm indicator from it.

Ready-made types of alarm systems for cars are given, as well as methods for their installation, refinement and modernization. In addition, a selection of various home-made alarm options for do-it-yourself manufacturing is considered.

In the first signaling scheme, a simple autoguard is considered, which successfully worked on a VAZ car, in the second part, a similar design is considered, but with a minimum set of radio components

As observations of the operational reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs show, the largest number of thefts from closed premises are committed through opening the door. Even the presence of a safe door with English locks will not provide full protection. Therefore, to reduce the risk of theft, I recommend installing a homemade alarm on the door, which will play the role of active protection. Yes, and experienced thieves, seeing a homemade product, cannot know what it is capable of and will choose another object for attack.

The principle of operation of the first two self-assembled circuits is very simple, you just need to monitor the integrity of a thin wire secretly stretched across the territory of a protected facility or in it. The attacker does not notice and tears it, thereby triggering an alarm that is transmitted by a mobile phone call to a pre-set number. The article discusses two options for the device - simple on electromagnetic relays and more complex on transistors and microcircuits of the K561 series

A bicycle alarm for your iron horse will work if you apply some kind of vibration effect to it, that is, it is easy enough to touch the bike and the alarm will work. The disturbing sound signal of the alarm lasts 30 seconds, and after a few seconds, it repeats and so on until the bike alarm is turned off.

When leaving your home for a long time you need protection from thieves - an alarm with a motion sensor is a great option. The sensor can be mounted on the wall next to or above the door, on the ceiling or anywhere else. The principle of operation of the device is as follows: when motion is detected at a certain distance, an audible alarm is triggered.

This burglar alarm is a simplified version of the army analogue, which is used when it is necessary to ensure the protection of the camp or any other object in the field. The disadvantage of this design is one false positives, which may be due to a fallen branch, forest animal or similar breakage of the motion sensor, which is a thin copper wire

The sensor responds to an increase in air temperature to a certain value and to a certain level of smoke. The level of smoke is determined by the dimming of the gap between the infrared light and photodiode. The temperature is controlled by a thermistor, the sensor is triggered at 45 °C, but this temperature can be easily changed within +20 °C. The home-made radio is powered by the main 9 V signaling unit and consumes a current of 10-11 mA.




Here we will consider the structure of emergency equipment for a private house, which is used as a place of permanent residence.

Choose from three options:

  • autonomous security system;
  • GSM alarm;
  • centralized protection with remote control (PCO).

I will immediately point out that the last point in the country is not important, because the distance group will not be more than ten kilometers apart.

Moreover, the backbone of any security system can be signaled autonomously, which can be converted to GSM and console security versions with relatively few changes.

So, - offline burglary.

The composition of such a system for a private house is mandatory:

  • security sensors;
  • sound and light warning devices;
  • power unit.

This is the so-called subject part of the alarm system, which is part of any system.

Add a GSM module and you can monitor your home's security status from your mobile phone. By connecting this equipment to a notification system (SIS), you can protect your property with CCS.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that many SPI modules and equipment can act as control devices and boards. In this regard, it is better to immediately decide how you will use your alarm system - to reduce costs.

However, this is not mandatory, you can use the standalone version for some time and you can equip it with the necessary devices if necessary.


Regardless of the size of your home property and the type of alarm without sensors (detectors) you cannot do. First, they will have to block windows and doors. Sometimes, detectors protect walls and ceilings from potential demolition attempts or otherwise destruction.

In general, it is better not to be thirsty and install security sensors on all windows on the ground floor of the house and, of course, on the front door. Windows must be locked for both opening and breaking.

The first of these is achieved by installing magnetic contact detectors in the second case of sound (sound detectors).

The same goes for upper floor windows if there is less convenient access from the outside: canopies, stairs, slanted roof slopes, etc.

Now about motion sensors. Their installation is unequivocally necessary for possible intruder intrusion methods, when the external building objects of the house penetrate through unprotected signal systems, for example, through walls or roofs by breaking or dismantling.

Believe me, if you additionally place such detectors in rooms with window openings, it will not be redundant.

The next step is to select a control device for receiving (control panel). If we are talking about a wired alarm, its sensors are combined into an electrical circuit called loop (AL).

On the other hand, one of the main functions of the control panel is its information capacity, that is, the number of connected signaling lines. Their number usually ranges from 1 to 20.

A simple stand-alone do-it-yourself alarm system

No matter how many safety sensors the alarm circuit has when the system is triggered, you can learn the most from the loop number of the serial cycle.

This does not apply to addressing systems, but for the moment we are looking at the cheapest hardware options for home devices - a system that cannot be solved.

There are several cycles - the higher the level of detection of detectors. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the entire safety net to the following areas (AL):

  • the perimeter of each floor;
  • sensors for the volume of the first floor;
  • front door.

Thus, for private home alarms, the minimum is a four-wire device (one cycle reserved).

If the house has big size or a complex configuration, it makes sense to divide each of these loops into more, for example, on the front and behind. That's why you need a device with more information capacity.

Audible and visual warning devices must be selected. The main thing to pay attention to is the design (installation on the road or indoors) and the operating voltage (as agreed with the receiving device).

It's all quite simple, and at the end of this home security kit article, we get special hardware models that can be used for our purposes.

to come back to the beginning


Where it is technically or aesthetically practicable, installation of wired lines in a house (or part of it) is not possible or unwanted wireless security equipment is used. Let's see what are its obvious advantages over traditional systems.

  • low performance and fast installation;
  • the ability to measure the system;
  • Wireless alarms are also being considered.

In the first paragraph, everything is clear and does not need explanation, so we start right away.

System scaling.

Simply, it is an opportunity to expand (install additional sensors) during operation. In addition, the wireless system simplifies configuration changes.

Here we mean the transfer of equipment to another location and its integration across regions. The first approximation can be considered as a signal loop.

Because each wireless sensor has (and needs to) be able to assign a unique address within the same system, information about this can be recorded in different parts receiving device.

Likewise, when installing a new sensor, you only need to reprogram the hardware to reflect the changes.

Signaling address principle.

The main thing that I have already mentioned is that each sensor in the signal has its own unique address, which makes the system (processed) uniquely identified and controlled according to a specific algorithm.

Targeted alarms can be:

  • wireless;
  • the wire.

In the second case, only one two-wire line is used to connect all sensors.

Power is supplied separately and can be distributed in different configurations. Wireless detectors are powered by built-in batteries.

Keep in mind - the number of sensors associated with one device in addressable systems is not limited, but for a private house, most likely, it is enough.

Consider this when choosing an addressable wireless system. Although in a private house most types of equipment are enough for you. For example, "Astra 812" allows you to connect up to 192 wireless radio sensors.

In addition, there are a number of organizational and technical solutions that allow increasing the information capabilities of wireless systems.

A few words about defects.

There are few of them, and some of them may be important.

So, what are the disadvantages when installing a wireless alarm:

  • expenses;
  • lack of continuous monitoring of the communication channel;
  • the need for accidental battery replacement.

I won't talk much about the price - if there is no choice, you need to buy one way or another. If there is an alternative, the wired option for the equipment will be cheaper anyway.

As for the installation, it should be considered in every case, if you do not set the alarm clock at home with your own hands.

The lack of channel monitoring is due to the fact that it is impossible to determine the status and operation of the radio channel sensor at any time. Likewise, with 100% certainty, we cannot say that in the event of an alarm situation, we will receive a corresponding notification.

This does not mean that wireless systems are unreliable, but this factor must be taken into account in case of strong electromagnetic interference.

Battery replacement is not required, on average once a year.

It is true that they have a decent price - a few hundred rubles, but you do not need to save money by buying cheap counterparts. Most detectors have a low power warning capability so you don't need to measure the voltage separately.

to come back to the beginning


As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can change each alarm to GSM (cell) by installing the appropriate module.

The requirements for home equipment with security sensors are the same for each protection version selected. If we are talking about receiving a control unit, it is in all respects more practical to immediately install the device with the appropriate transmitter.

This eliminates the need for additional settings, switching, etc. The requirements for GSM devices are similar to those for other devices.

First of all, it is information capacity.

The choice of GSM alarm even for a private house is discussed in more detail on this page. There is also an overview of some popular systems.

If we are talking about the performance of the wireless network of cellular systems, they have the same advantages and disadvantages that are typical for the "classic" options. The only thing that picks up the GSM wireless signal isn't as rich as you'd like, but the systems themselves won't always look solid.

If there was no choice of the right option between the manufacturer's solutions offered by the manufacturers, then every other radio channel system, consisting of:

  • wireless sensors;
  • receiver;
  • relay block.

The relay unit is connected to a conventional wired GSM device.

Of course, you cannot control any sensor in this case, but 8 areas for a house will be enough, in which the detectors must be combined according to the above principle.

Depending on country houses, especially for frequent absences, useful hosts acquire a GSM alarm device that has the ability to connect various sensor control parameters: temperature, water or gas leakage, lack of light and related control methods and technical systems.

The basic principles of organizing such protection are suitable for a private home.

to come back to the beginning


I will tell you right away: the assembly of alarm equipment for each house is very individual, so the kit will be difficult to pick up. I have never come across such offers other than GSM dialing. Therefore, devices and sensors in the correct number must be selected independently.

We will need:

  • movement, opening and opening of sensors;
  • receiving and control device;
  • power unit;
  • sound and light transmitters;
  • cables, wires and other consumables.

The number and type of burglar alarms required in the kit depends on the number of buildings and rooms that you will block (see the chapter on choosing an alarm for your home). There is also a rule for determining the information capacity of a device.

Now about nutrition. It must provide a working (rated) current sufficient for the operation of all detectors. Therefore, we accept and summarize the consumption flow of all detectors taken from their passport data. Choose the right power supply. In general, our alarm clock is formed.

Finally, there are some special models of burglar alarm equipment that you can use in your kits. I will never advertise them, I have just worked at various times with the equipment listed below and I have no major complaints about it.

Wired alarm sensors:

  • movements - Aster, Rapid, Photon;
  • breaks - Astra, Harp, Glass;
  • opening — detectors of the IO 102 series — ***.

Receiving control devices: VERS (very rich choice of modifications), granite, quartz, note.

Power supplies: Scat, Reserve, RIP, Sail, BBP.

This applies to the configuration of wired non-address signaling - the simplest and most budgetary system.

Such equipment is fully compatible with each other in different variants and combinations.

It is better to choose a set of wireless alarms from the director of one manufacturer, in addition - one model line.

The Astra RI-M radio station is very popular.

One of its advantages is a large set of sensors various types work and purpose: security, fire, leaks, etc. In general, it is very rich in terms of creating alarms of various configurations and system capabilities.

If we are talking about wired systems, we can pay attention to the range of Orion equipment manufactured by NPO Bolide.

Wide range of tools, good interface, customizable programs and settings.

to come back to the beginning

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The materials on the website are for informational purposes only and should not be used as recommendations or normative documents.

Do-it-yourself alarm for an apartment - autonomous power supply and a reed contact intrusion sensor. The device described in the article is designed to sound an alarm about entering an apartment through the front door.

The alarm starts sounding a few seconds after the door is opened, and if it is not closed during this time, it will sound for as long as you like.

An attempt to close the door in the hope of turning off the alarm will not be successful - it will still sound for a few more minutes even after the door is closed.

The circuit contains two electronic keys on transistors VT2 and VT3 and an alarm turn-on delay unit on transistor VT1, the collector circuit of which includes a magnetoelectric sound emitter with a built-in AF generator BF1.

The door opening sensor - reed switch SF1 - is included in the gate circuit of the transistor VT2.

How to make a burglar alarm for your home with your own hands

While the front door of the apartment is closed, the reed switch installed on its lintel is opened under the action of a permanent magnet fixed on the door and located in the immediate vicinity. The voltage at the gate of the transistor VT2 (relative to the source) is zero, so it is closed. Closed and transistors VT1, VT3.

When the front door is opened, the magnet moves away from the reed switch, it closes and the capacitor C2 is quickly charged through the resistor R1.

As a result, the transistor VT2 opens, the R7VD3 circuit is connected to the power source and the transistor VT3 opens, which closes the power circuit of the node on the transistor VT1. Charging begins (through resistor R2) of capacitor C1. When the voltage on it reaches a value of approximately 0.7 V (this will happen after 5 ... 10 s), the transistor VT1 will open and an alarm will sound.

It will sound indefinitely if the door is not closed. However, even after closing it, the alarm signal will not stop immediately - it will take about four more minutes before it turns off. This delay depends on the capacitance of the capacitor C2.

Capacitor C3 shunts the sound emitter BF1, which increases the stability of the node on the transistor VT1. The R5C4 chain contributes fast discharge capacitor C1 through the diode VD1 after closing the transistor VT2.

About the details.

Resistors - any small-sized, all capacitors - imported oxide. To connect the sensor and power supply, screw terminals DG306-5.0-02P are installed with a distance between contacts of 6.3 mm.

You can use any other connectors or do without them altogether by soldering the wires from the sensor and power source directly to the corresponding pads on the board.

You can power the alarm for the apartment from any 9 V source - a galvanic battery 6F22, a battery made up of six AA cells, or a power supply unit.

Since the security device does not consume current in the standby mode, it can be operated with the power always on. A more complex scheme of a security device, but with a mobile phone, is here.



It is obvious that the security alarm system is designed to detect unauthorized entry of the intruder into the facility that is equipped with it.

Conventionally, it can be divided into two parts:

  • object (equipment installed at the protected object),
  • console (equipment located on the centralized security console).

The main characteristic of any security system is its effectiveness.

The following methods of ensuring it should be noted:

  1. Reliability - the probability of failure-free operation, which is provided by the equipment manufacturer and the quality of installation.
  2. Reliability of intrusion detection, achieved by minimizing false alarms (determined by the use of competent design solutions).
  3. The probability of detecting an intruder. It is achieved by the completeness of blocking by technical means of vulnerabilities, the paths of the probable movement of the intruder.

In addition, to increase the effectiveness of the security alarm, the principle of boundary, as well as early detection tools, is used.

For example, blocking walls with vibration detectors makes it possible to detect an attempt to breach the wall before its final destruction.

Measures to increase the fortification of the object by engineering and technical means should not be neglected. These include metal doors, grilles, protective glazing. Of course, by "shackling" the entire object in armor, the signaling can be abandoned. But we are talking about a reasonable combination of engineering and technical means and security equipment.

Let me explain with a specific example.

With an external deaf metal shutter 10 mm thick, a criminal can be transported for half a night, but the alarm will only work after the window is broken.

As practice shows, after that, a few minutes are enough to penetrate the object, steal valuables and hide.

The detention group will not physically have time to arrive at the scene of the crime. Access to a much weaker structure, installed on the inside of the premises, is possible only after a violation of the security alarm loop.

10-15 minutes spent on overcoming it significantly increase the chances of detention.

The psychological factor should also be taken into account - a competent criminal always evaluates the quality of the object's protection. If it is equipped properly, then the risk will simply not be justified.


It should be said right away that a typical scheme for constructing an intruder alarm system will be given here - something between structural and fundamental.

Connection of specific devices and detectors is carried out according to the scheme given in their technical documentation. However, general principles signaling loop organizations exist and are described, for example, on this page.

So, the classic version of the burglar alarm circuit for a summer house, house or apartment is shown in Figure 1.

  1. control device (panel),
  2. power unit,
  3. optoelectronic detectors,
  4. acoustic detectors,
  5. magnetic contact sensors,
  6. sound and light alarms.

The alarm loop of the 1st security line (perimeter) blocks windows (for breaking - with acoustic, for opening - with magnetic contact detectors), as well as emergency exit doors, hatches.

If necessary, vibration sensors can also be included (conditionally not shown in the diagram) to detect wall breaks.

The second frontier of the security system contains optical electronic devices(volume, surface and radiation principle of action).

Instead of them or together, radio wave and ultrasonic detectors can be installed. Again, in order not to clutter up the diagram, I did not indicate them.

The entrance (working) door is connected separately. This is due to the fact that in order to prevent the alarm from triggering when the object is closed and opened, a response delay is set on this loop. If the capture - removal of equipment under protection is carried out with outside premises, for example, with Touch Memory keys (position No. 7 on the connection diagram), the front door can be connected to the perimeter of the object.

It is worth noting that for a small cottage or apartment, the above option is quite acceptable. However, for a private house with a large number of rooms and windows, it is better to break each security loop into several (Fig. 2).

This is explained by the following reasons:

  • convenience of localization of the place of possible penetration,
  • simplifying troubleshooting.

Of course, when using an addressable signaling system, these problems disappear - everything is determined there up to the detector.


The composition of the burglar alarm equipment includes at least:

  • detectors;
  • receiving and control devices;
  • power supplies;
  • annunciators;
  • the object part of the notification transmission system (SPI).

Burglar alarm detectors are designed to detect unauthorized entry to a protected facility. This equipment differs in the principle of operation, respectively, in the purpose and ability to solve the problems of controlling the internal volume of premises, destroying various building structures, opening windows, doors, etc.

The next, no less important component of the equipment is the control panels that process the information received from the detectors and control other alarm devices. They are classified according to many different parameters, more about this is written here.

The power supply performs two main functions:

  • provides signaling equipment with the voltage necessary for its operation from the 220 V network;
  • in the event of a power outage, it acts as a backup source.

For reliable operation of the security system, it is necessary to correctly perform all calculations of the voltage source.

This cannot be neglected. See about it here.

Annunciators inform about the status of devices and detectors.

They are acoustic, light and combined. Their information content can be different, for example, light indication blocks can simultaneously reflect the state of dozens of alarm loops, and sound ones can broadcast quite complex speech messages.

How to make a burglar alarm for a private house with your own hands from a cell phone?

However, the latter is more related to the equipment of fire systems.

SPI are used for console protection. For autonomous alarm systems, they are not needed. The type of this equipment is determined by the security company. The transmission of notices is carried out by wire or wireless. Radio channel and GSM systems are used more and more often.

Apparently, in the near future they can take a leading position in the field of transmitting information about the state of security systems.

Installation of security alarm equipment.

If we talk about regulations, then the main document that determines the procedure for the installation and installation of technical means of security alarms is RD 78.145-93. This normative act private security. On the one hand, if the alarm is not sent to the OBO remote control, then it can be neglected.

On the other hand, this document is intended to ensure the reliability and completeness of blocking vulnerabilities. Thus, it can be useful in any case.

In addition, the technical passport of any security equipment contains general recommendations for its assembly and installation. As an additional source of information, the documentation for the detector or device can be very helpful.

As for the connection diagram, here deviations from the manufacturer's recommended option are unacceptable.

There are considered quite a lot of issues related to the installation of various types of equipment.


The main requirement for a security alarm is its reliability.

It is achieved by a whole range of organizational and technical measures, namely:

  • most full definition places vulnerable to penetration into the object;
  • a competent choice of technical solutions for their blocking;
  • achieving maximum fault tolerance of the security alarm system.

The first issue should be resolved at the stages of drawing up the terms of reference and designing the system.

Here an important role is played by the experience of the developer and his good knowledge of regulatory and technical documentation. Each object has its own characteristics, so it makes no sense to give correspondence recommendations here.

The second point involves the choice of equipment that is most appropriate in its technical specifications tasks solved in each specific case by the security alarm system. Often, reliability is increased by the simultaneous use of detectors with different operating principles, as an option, it is possible to use combined (combined) sensors.

Fault tolerance, by and large, implies high requirements for the time between failures of all components of the system. In addition, the quality of installation plays an important role here. Electrical contacts have always been weak point electrical circuits, in addition, they have the ability to deteriorate over time.

Therefore, proper maintenance is a prerequisite for the reliable operation of the security system.

There are two more points to note:

  • exclusion of interference in the operation of the alarm by unauthorized persons in order to disable individual sensors or the system as a whole;
  • the presence of the function of self-diagnostics of equipment for the timely detection of possible malfunctions.

The complex fulfillment of the above requirements can significantly increase the reliability and efficiency of the security alarm and its trouble-free operation for a long time.

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The materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidance documents.



Modern security systems are increasingly installed by the owners of private houses, in an attempt to increase the level general security and prevent intruders from entering.

At the same time, each owner independently chooses a system, guided by his own ideas about the organization of the protection of his property.

Therefore, it is very important to study the principle of operation of the equipment on the market, taking into account its effectiveness specifically for private homes.

IN general system security for the private sector can be divided into two broad categories:

The best option is considered to be a combination of the listed equipment - round-the-clock video surveillance + burglar alarm with different types of sensors and a feedback function.

The difficulty of choice lies in the fact that both burglar alarms and video surveillance can have several options at once. For example, wired and wireless, with and without remote access, as well as with the possibility of full integration into modern Smart Home systems.

For private houses, wireless devices are mainly used, since their installation is simpler and can be done independently. In addition, during the installation process there is no need to lay communications, violating the aesthetic characteristics of housing.

However, some experts consider wired systems to be more reliable, since the radio signal can be jammed or distorted, disrupting the performance of burglar alarms and video surveillance.

As far as remote access is concerned, here the technical means of security are divided according to the possibilities of control through the global Internet network and through GSM standard mobile communication channels.

The first option is characterized by almost unlimited access (you can track the status of devices from anywhere in the world where there is access to the network).

The GSM standard is distinguished by its ease of use - all notifications are sent to the owner's mobile phone. Through calls and SMS, you can also remotely control the equipment.

But taking into account accelerated development mobile networks of the LTE standard, Internet video surveillance systems are becoming increasingly popular among buyers.

Most manufacturers are already releasing special software for smartphones that allows you to realize intuitive control and provide convenient viewing of video in real time.

Given the variety of existing security systems, detailed information will be provided below, both on security alarms and video surveillance.


One of the "disadvantages" of private households in terms of security is a large number of places where intruders can penetrate - windows, doors, attic.

It is also worth considering that valuables can be located in the local area, so it is necessary to additionally ensure the protection of the perimeter.

A similar situation is negatively reflected in the final cost of a home alarm set, but neglecting to install even one sensor drastically reduces the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Fire safety deserves special attention. Available models of smoke detectors and temperature sensors have appeared on the market. Therefore, more and more specialized companies offer complex solutions, when both security and fire sensors are connected to one central unit.

Installing the latter allows you to fix the fire at an early stage and minimize possible damage from a fire. And in the Smart Home kits that are gaining popularity, they additionally mount gas leakage and water leakage sensors.

When choosing a suitable configuration of a fire and security alarm, its type is taken into account:

  • autonomous;
  • with connection to the centralized security console;

The first option is low cost.

Perhaps this is the only advantage in comparison with other options. When the sensor is triggered, the signal is transmitted to the control panel, which triggers a light and sound alert. A sufficiently loud siren and a bright glow of the lamp can scare off the intruder, as well as attract the attention of neighbors.

At the same time, an indication of the operation of the equipment in the operating mode is provided, which additionally has a psychological impact on the attacker.

The main disadvantage of an autonomous burglar alarm is low information content, limited by the light and sound signal zone. This feature is critical for fire alarms. If the owner is absent, and the neighbors do not respond to the siren, then the fire will have time to cause significant damage to the building and property.

If an autonomous alarm system is already installed, it is recommended to supplement it with a GSM unit. This will expand its functionality and increase the level of security.

The alarm connected to the centralized security console is the most effective option, since the information about the operation of the sensors is transmitted to the employees of the private security company, who promptly arrive at the address of the facility and independently carry out the necessary actions to prevent theft and detain the offender.

The disadvantages of console security include the need for a monthly payment, as well as the impossibility of connecting the system if the house is located at a considerable distance from the city and is not included in the zone of activity of the private security company.

Another option for remote protection is possible if the object is located on the territory of a cottage town.

As a rule, organized cottage settlements have a developed infrastructure and their own security service. In this case, the alarm connected to the centralized security console - The best decision in terms of cost and implemented level of security.

DIY simple burglar alarm

To date, this is the most affordable option, with sufficient functionality. Of course, in terms of overall efficiency, GSM technologies are inferior to console security, but if the latter option is not available for a number of reasons, then an alarm system that transmits information to the owner’s mobile phone is the best choice.

The most common variant of GSM security alarms is wireless systems. They allow you to connect a large number of security and fire sensors (about 200, possibly more, depending on the brand of equipment).

Thus, it is possible to completely close possible penetration zones and ensure high level fire safety.

A good example of a wireless GSM alarm system is the equipment of the Chasovoy brands.

The disadvantages of wireless GSM signaling include the need for careful monitoring of the state of power sources (each sensor is equipped with a built-in battery or accumulator), as well as a possible vulnerability to various "jammers".

The last drawback is typical for cheap "no name" kits manufactured in China and operating at a fixed frequency (usually 433 MHz).

Sensors and central GSM remotes from well-known companies usually operate at variable frequencies that change in a chaotic manner, so their hacking or jamming is beyond the power of an ordinary attacker.

It is worth taking into account the dependence of GSM alarms on the signal level of the mobile network. If the GSM connection is intermittent, you should take care of strengthening the cellular connection and choose a central unit with a network outage notification function.


Even 20 years ago, video surveillance was classified as an elite system, with a very high cost, inaccessible to most owners of individual houses. But over time, the cost of video cameras and recorders has dropped significantly, and the proliferation of personal computers and the increase in Internet coverage has allowed companies to launch affordable private video surveillance solutions on the market.

The following video surveillance systems are most popular:

  • autonomous;
  • with remote viewing.
  • The first option is a set of video cameras connected to the recorder.

    Video files from cameras are stored on the hard disk of the recorder for further viewing. Also, such complexes are often equipped with a monitor, for example, for monitoring the perimeter.

    That is, the autonomous system will simply record the fact of intruder penetration, which will help in the further investigation of the crime.

    In detached houses, low-cost stand-alone video surveillance is often used, using cheap IP or analog cameras and a PC with a video capture card as a recorder. In the future, such a system can be upgraded for remote viewing.

    More modern Internet video surveillance systems allow you to view the image from the cameras in real time.

    For remote video surveillance, popular online services are often used, offering various tariffs, as well as their own sets of IP equipment (for example, the Ivideon service). This is the easiest solution to set up, allowing you to install and configure an effective remote video surveillance system in a few minutes.

    The cost of classic IP video surveillance is usually less than the use of cloud services, especially if the provider initially provides a static (white) IP address.

    However, in order to independently connect and configure IP video surveillance in a private home, it is advisable for the user to learn the basics of building computer networks and specific terminology.

    The most advanced and easy-to-use remote video surveillance system is based on P2P technology, commonly used for exchanging large amounts of data. P2P cameras do not require a static IP address, and connecting to a WIFI network takes just a few minutes.

    At the same time, most online video surveillance services also offer the use of P2P standard equipment.

    With all the advantages of remote video surveillance via the Internet, such options for a private house have a significant drawback - the vulnerability of the communication channel. For example, if a potential attacker knows that IP video surveillance is used in the house, he can simply cut the incoming network cable.

    To ensure the proper level of reliability, it is recommended to duplicate the communication channel.

    For example, install one more expensive, but stable P2P camera connected to a 3G modem.

    It is also necessary to provide backup power (it is no secret that before penetration, criminals usually de-energize the entire house, in the hope that video surveillance will simply turn off).

    A plus will be the option of notifying your phone or smartphone about the transition of equipment to a backup power source.

    If you objectively evaluate the above methods for organizing protection, the best result is shown by combinations of different solutions.

    For example, GSM security and fire alarm + P2P video surveillance. Budget option there will be an autonomous alarm system, and the same video surveillance.

    But, regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommended rules for installing and operating the equipment. The best option would be to contact specialists who will help you choose a place for installing cameras and sensors according to the building plan.

    © 2014-2018 All rights reserved.




    Since the number of proposals for GSM security systems can puzzle even a trained person, let's learn how to choose the right parameters and options.

    Having decided on this, you can proceed to the choice of a specific model of the GSM system. In doing so, you must pay attention to:

    • number and type of inputs for (loop) sensors;
    • the possibility of remote control (the presence of feedback from the facility equipment);
    • availability and type of outputs for controlling external devices;
    • way to power the GSM module (device);
    • programming and setup procedure;
    • additional options such as the ability to connect temperature sensors, etc.

    First of all, we decide what kind of wired or wireless system we need.

    This way we filter out a huge number of offers and save our time.

    Please note - the wired or wireless data transmission method for GSM alarms applies only to the sensor-device (module) connection.

    The transfer to your phone is always carried out wirelessly - this is obvious.

    Now in more detail about the choice of the characteristics and parameters listed above.

    Number of inputs.

    For wired systems, this value characterizes the number of loops that can be connected to a wired device.

    A loop is an electrical circuit that combines several alarm sensors (detectors). Since the GSM module transmits a notification about the state of the loop as a whole, we will not receive information about a specific triggered sensor in its circuit.

    If such localization is fundamental, then only one detector should be included in one loop.

    And vice versa, if you need to receive a message only about an alarm situation that has arisen without specifying the place of penetration, then you can combine all the sensors into one loop.

    This makes it possible to choose a GSM signaling module with a small information capacity, which will cost less.

    • for summer cottages, apartments - 1-4;
    • private (country house) - 4-8;
    • garage - 1-2.

    The presence of feedback and the ability to control additional devices.

    Some GSM systems allow, by sending SMS messages, to request the status of devices and perform certain actions.

    For example:

    • arm/disarm the object;
    • control the on/off of the executive relays.

    The first option is relevant for objects of any category, the second is worth paying attention to when choosing a system for a private house or apartment.

    The fact is that it is convenient for controlling heating and water supply systems.

    For a summer residence, this is most likely superfluous, but if there is a desire to heat the house with an electric heater before your arrival, then this option can be purchased.

    Do not forget about the electrical safety rules and pay attention to the current (power) switched by the contacts of the GSM relay of the device.

    By the way, let's return to the first point concerning the types of inputs for sensors. If you choose an alarm with the ability to control engineering and technical equipment such as heating and plumbing, then it will be useful to automate these processes if the GSM module allows you to connect temperature sensors, water leakage, etc.

    • firstly, you can control these parameters or their thresholds online;
    • secondly, you can program the device to automatically control various external systems.

    GSM alarm power supply.

    It is optimal to use a mains voltage of 220 V.

    This is especially true if you use an alarm system with a large set of additional options. For a house or apartment, no problems are expected here.

    Security and fire alarm in the house

    Most of the dachas are also electrified.

    Keep in mind, in addition to the alarm unit, you need to provide power to the sensors. With a significant number of them, the self-powered option will be technically difficult and expensive to implement.

    Programming and setting.

    The Plug and Play principle is applicable only for simple GSM signaling devices. For more or less "serious" systems that we just talked about, you will have to install the necessary operating modes. Therefore, the way in which this can be done is of no small importance.

    The best option is the ability to configure using special utilities through a personal computer.

    Therefore, ceteris paribus, preference should be given to GSM alarm devices with similar functionality.

    Climatic performance.

    Assess the conditions in which the alarm you choose will be operated. Even when installing in a room where a high degree of climatic protection of the equipment is not needed, the operating temperature range must be taken into account.

    When choosing a specific model, pay attention to the presence of a detailed and competent manual. If it is absent or indistinct descriptions of the possibilities and the setup process, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.


    I bring to your attention short review some GSM signaling systems, their capabilities, as well as brief comments on possible applications.

    I want to note that all the systems considered here have a full-fledged manul (description), so they won’t sell you a pig in a poke.

    Xital GSM system.

    The manufacturer rightly positions it as a cellular control and warning system.

    The model board contains devices with a set of all the necessary options for a private country house - from a burglar alarm to the ability to control heating and other equipment.

    I see no reason to list the functionality, since the system has everything you need and almost nothing more.

    Quite professional and reliable for its price range (from 7500 rubles).

    Line of GSM equipment "Sapsan".

    Similar to the previous system, it has a wide range of features. Supports work with radio channel sensors. In addition, this manufacturer offers wireless video intercoms, as well as MMS modules that can connect video surveillance cameras with instant image transmission and support for video calls.

    In principle, there is something to pick up both for home and for giving. The order of prices is comparable to the Ksital system - not an economy class, but worth the money.

    GSM alarm "Taurus".

    Simple security system, no frills. Suitable for a small cottage. Able to protect and additionally transmit information about the temperature in the protected area. May be of interest to those who need a self-powered alarm system.

    The manufacturer claims a year of operation from a set of built-in batteries.

    Somewhat alarming is the lower limit of operating temperatures -200C. Even for the middle lane, I would like to have a larger "minus" margin.

    Sets of GSM alarms "Karkam".

    The minimum security alarm set contains:

    • GSM module;
    • wireless opening sensor;
    • control panels;
    • wireless motion sensor;
    • siren and power supply.

    All this costs about 5000 rubles.

    In addition, for certain models, an additional connection of wired sensors is provided. For many summer residents, this may be an interesting option.

    Signaling devices of the Express GSM series.

    The manufacturer of this equipment is NPO Siberian Arsenal - a manufacturer with a stable positive reputation.

    Range model range GSM may not be very wide, but it is quite interesting for owners of small objects, which include dachas.

    The most popular and well-known are the following devices, which, by the way, have autonomous power supply:

    1. Express GSM - a device that combines a transmitting module and a motion sensor;
    2. Photo Express GSM - in addition to the previous device, it has a built-in video camera that transmits an image of a protected area when a motion sensor is triggered.

    Despite the presence of additional devices that can be integrated with each other and the specified equipment, all this is inherently a small burglar alarm system and nothing more.

    By the way, Express GSM is ideal for a garage.

    In this review, I do not claim to be complete information. There are other GSM alarm systems, I know them, but those listed in this article are the most attractive to me. All data are taken from open sources, are for informational purposes only, are not guaranteed to be reliable and can only be considered as an expression of the personal opinion of the author of the material.

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    The site materials are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines and normative documents.

    Modern society is simply unthinkable without burglar alarms. Security alarms can be both fire and conventional, working against intruders. It all depends on where it is installed, and what functionality it should carry. Do-it-yourself GSM alarm system - relatively inexpensive and enough effective solution to protect the garage or home.

    Now there are a large number of companies that are ready to install an alarm system, including GSM. The scheme of such systems is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to understand some of the nuances and it is quite possible not to resort to the help of third parties, but to make an alarm with your own hands. It will cost much less, and its constant maintenance will depend only on you. That is, you yourself will be able to repair it and carry out the service.

    If you want to do it right - do it yourself

    The widest distribution of such an alarm is in the garage. The simplest homemade GSM alarm system will help solve a number of problems, add confidence in the safety of the car.

    What do you need to have to make an alarm with your own hands?

    If you look closely at the above list, you can conclude that the cost of the future system is low. Such a do-it-yourself burglar alarm will last a long time if you follow all the following steps correctly.

    Installation work

    A good do-it-yourself GSM alarm system will work for a long time and work correctly if you follow these steps step by step:

    • In cases where shutdown and hang-up are the same, you need to solder the wire to this button. The second wire is soldered to the number key, which corresponds to the shortcut function. It is from him that your phone number is dialed. As for the hermecon, you need to use one that has a standard closure circuit.
    • In cases where the shutdown and release do not match, it is necessary to solder one more wire to another button. In this case, one of the wires will be common. As for the hermecon, the one that has three contacts is used.
    1. Proceed with the installation of a closed circuit, working with the circuit. It is necessary to install a magnet on the garage door, and then adjust the reed switch so that contact with it means an open circuit.

    The resulting burglar alarm works quite simply. If the garage door begins to open, then the contacts are closed using a reed switch. As a result, your phone receives a call. This serves as a wake-up call.

    It is important to note that before starting installation, you should consider how to do the work so that the burglar alarm is the least noticeable to prying eyes. In addition, all elements must be protected from moisture.

    In the list necessary for arranging the alarm, there is a switch. It just serves to turn the system on or off. Everything is very simple and functional.

    You will immediately be able to appreciate the main advantage of arranging such an alarm. The fact is that it does not depend on the mains electricity. You will only need to timely charge the mobile phone that is used in the system. There are batteries that can hold a charge for more than two weeks. By the way, such mobile phones with batteries cost from 890 rubles and more.

    In garages that have an electrical network, you can mount the adapter directly into the network. Then you will need to ensure that there are no power outages.

    Nuance that is important to know

    If thieves get inside your garage, which is equipped with an alarm, they can quickly find it and turn it off. At the same time, the alarm has a certain time for it to work. It only lasts a couple of seconds. At this time, the process of establishing a connection with the phone number of your mobile phone is in progress.

    When the door is quickly closed, the call is immediately dropped. In order to prevent this, you can install another device to the magnet. It will have to prevent the magnet from opening the circuit.

    The easiest option is to build a system in which, when opening the garage doors, the magnet will move slightly to the side. In this case, the magnet and the reed switch will not touch, and the circuit will not be open. You can return the system to its normal state if you simply move the magnet to its original position.

    Currently, it is also recommended to install a video surveillance system. But this is an additional expense. In most cases, it is enough to have a do-it-yourself GSM alarm system that will help you find out in time that a stranger has entered the garage.
