Lineage II Salvation: Update Brief. Lineage II Salvation: Update Brief Lineage 2 Salvation Update

Famous MMORPGs with a long history on the market for a long time, however, how do they hold up so far? The recipe for longevity is simple - make a name for yourself, then release quality content. Actually, the developers of Lineage 2 do just that. For the period of 2018, a big update was released - Salvation, which will be discussed below.

Lineage 2: Salvation official website

Start playing Lineage 2: Salvation on the game website:

Lineage 2 Update Overview - Salvation

Plot twists

waiting for you last fight against Embryo. The only hope for salvation is the knowledge of Is, as well as his adherents - Exorcists, Despots and others. The Knights of Sigel will also come to the rescue.

Game process

Of course, there is no need to wait for any global processing in terms of gameplay, because the scheme is already knurled and convenient. But the balance changes associated with the Isa Spellcasters and Sigel Knights branches are impressive. So, many have lost their abilities, and besides, all the skills have changed.

The video below will give you an idea of ​​which class to play in Salvation.

Speaking of the rest of the branches, there were bug fixes and a small rebalance. Accordingly, the developers tried to bring the game for each class to stability.

In addition, a new server has appeared, but let's take a closer look.


The weight of the patch was added by all the changes to class spells. Many of them have been fixed in use, and many have had their damage dealt fixed, etc. For example, Sigel's Phoenix Knight lost such skills - Phoenix Spirit, Sacrifice, Phoenix Soul, Mass Shackles. Changes:
  1. Classes– Changes to Isa and Sigel branches, removal of some abilities, changed damage and reload numbers. In addition, the cubes began to work a little differently.
  2. Hunting Zones– The level of locations has changed slightly. Now you can hunt monsters earlier or later in level - depending on the location.
  3. Items– The system of Agathions that summon pets has changed. Now the summon requires two items instead of one - the left bracelet and the Agathion itself.
  4. Clan– there are no more clan skills, because a clan profile has appeared, in which reputation points are stored. The maximum clan level has been raised to 15.
  5. Quest– a number of old quests have been removed from the game, but new quests have appeared at level 95.
Traveler Assistant now accepts donations from 10 to 10,000,000 adena, and you get some kind of buff thanks to this.

Graphic arts

The graphics have not been redesigned, but some monsters have been moved or improved in design. Especially near Aden.

Summing up

With the advent of Salvation, classes have changed in the game, and many abilities have been removed, but in general the game has not changed in any way. The clan will now have something to do, but all this will not last long. Developers need really massive updates to breathe new life. And so - Lineage 2 remains the same, no matter what.

In November 2017, the next update was released on the Russian Lineage 2 servers: Lineage 2: Epic Tales of Aden Episode 05: Salvation. Consider information about changes in the game.

Official site official website of Lineage 2: Salvation.

How to download and start playing Lineage 2: Salvation. System requirements, overview, how to get to RuOff

Training system from level 1 to 95

Completely added new system learning in the game, which consists of the following stages:
  1. Path of the Knights of Balthus accelerated system pumping characters up to level 85 for players with a premium account. This system is a chain of quests, consisting of 7 tasks, after which the player is fully acquainted with the current game content.
  2. A series of training quests "The Best Choice", which will provide an opportunity to quickly deal with the main components gameplay.
  3. The Adventurers Guild faction is a new faction created to speed up character leveling from level 85 to level 95. 10 Days of Adventure and Dimensional Exploration - Expedition (30 Days) quests have been adapted to work together with faction quests.
  4. In-game help system - the in-game help system has been almost completely changed, thanks to which you can visually familiarize yourself with any information about the game in text form.
  5. Buffs for beginners are now available up to level 94 inclusive, and you can get them not only for 10 million adena, but also for Freya's Fresh Wind.

hunting zones

Some open and temporary hunting zones have been changed:
  • Temple of the Spirits. The zone after the changes is intended for players above level 102. The parameters of the monsters, the difficulty of passing and the rewards correspond to the required level.
  • Shadow of the Tree of Life. The zone is located near the Elf Village (reworking of the entry-level location). You can go through it both solo and in groups of players of level 103 and above.
  • Labyrinth of Kartia - Reduced the time it takes to complete this zone.
  • Dimensional Barrier - added new floors (from 36th to 45th), the ability to skip a number of floors if quests are completed, which makes it possible not to go through all the floors again.
  • Salvation (Extreme) - Now only players who have reached level 103 will be able to fight the Salvation boss in extreme mode. You can also enter this level as part of a command channel of 14-21 people. Scrolls are no longer required to enter the boss.
  • Tauti - to enter the boss, you must complete a new task, and penetrations are no longer needed.
  • Mystery Tavern - The balance of all zones of the Mystery Tavern has been corrected to simplify and improve the comfort of passage.

World Boss Etis Van Etina/Kain Van Halter

Salvation has added a cross-server zone Great Temple of Etina, where the main boss fight takes place with Etis Van Etina/Kain Van Halter.

The battle with the world boss takes place during the victory week in the Defense of the Alliance Base of Keucerus and is held from Saturday 21.00 to Monday 00.00. To enter this zone, players will need a command channel of 70-120 people, and each participant must have a rank of at least rank 4 of the Blackbird Clan and Imperial Guard factions. Entry is via the NPC Edra at the Alliance Base of Keucerus.

The battle in the Great Temple of Etina takes place in 2 phases:

  • Phase 1: Siege of the Great Temple of Etina. Duration: 90 minutes. It is the speed of this phase that affects which server will get the right to fight with Etis Van Etina, and which one with Kain Van Holter.
  • Phase 2: Battle with Etis Van Etina/Kain Van Halter.

Raid bosses

A number of changes have been made in the battles with raid bosses in the game:
  1. Raid bosses. Added 16 new raid bosses lvl 101-105 to Wasteland, Forest of the Dead, Swamp of Screams.
  2. Changing the level of raid bosses. Raid bosses in Atelia Fortress and Temple of Spirits have been leveled up to 105.
  3. After killing a raid boss, with some chance, an additional boss Death Harvester may appear, the rewards for killing which will be the same. If he is not killed within 60 minutes, he will disappear.
  4. Barrier limit. This is a skill that has been added to enable more players to fight raid bosses:
    • At 90%/60%/30% of the raid boss's HP, the Barrier Limit skill is activated.
    • For 15 seconds, the boss becomes immune to damage taken, and during this time it is necessary to land a certain number of hits in order to remove the Barrier Limit.
    • If in 15 seconds the players did not manage to inflict a certain number of hits on the boss, then he restores his HP level to 100%.

Class changes

As part of the update, 2 class groups were reworked: Isa Spellcasters and Sigel Knights.

Isa Spellcasters

The developers found a number of problems with these classes, namely:
  • A certain imbalance between the specialized skills of each Isa Spellcaster class.
  • Too simple use of classes in PvE battles. It is enough to use them through macros.
  • Too simple buffs / debuffs, for the use of which there are almost no penalties.
  • Too many active skills.
  • Low level protection in PvP. In fact, there are only a few skills aimed at invulnerability of the character for a short time.

Isa Spellbinder Reorganization
  • Improving the fighting style of Isa Spellcasters: each of the classes has unique attack skills, improved the ability of classes when fighting at close range, added the ability to use a large number buffs in a short time.
  • Skill Integration/Segmentation: Basic passive skills and Harmonies are distributed across classes, a number of skills with similar functions are merged.
  • Skill balance: some skills lost their fixed characteristics and began to depend on the equipment worn by the character, some skills increased or reduced the casting time, slightly changed the functionality of each class in battle.

Knights of Sigel

The following issues were found with these classes:
  • Class Identity: The characteristics of each class are quite weak and in fact they only have functional differences in their auras.
  • Unequal combat abilities: defensive abilities do not depend on the equipment used, it is possible to strengthen defensive abilities only temporarily due to skills, there are few opportunities to attack various targets.
  • Fighting style: in fact, tanks are used in the game for the sake of aggression against various monsters.

Reorganization of Sigel's Knights focuses on the following class changes:
  • Class Augmentation: Each tank is a defensive warrior that uses magical abilities based on its archetype: Phoenix, Black Panther, Ocelot, Shilen.
  • Improving the properties of using shield skills: self-defense, defense, attack. Shields can block, hit, reflect, throw. Also increased their effectiveness in solo play.
  • Improved combat style: through the use of aggression skills, chains and shields, the need to constantly move is minimized, and it is possible to use a defensive skill once over a large area.
  • Dice Upgrades: Each class of tank die has unique abilities and visual effects.
  • Increased protection against attacks from a long distance, due to the reorganization of mages that took place in the last update.

clan system

Most of the changes affected the clan system.

Changing the clan structure

  • The maximum clan level has been increased from level 11 to level 15.
  • Removed all clan squads and clan academy.

Clan characteristics

All clan skills have been removed, and instead of them there will now be clan characteristics.
  • Characteristics are divided into 3 specializations: Clan/PvP/PvE.
  • You can learn the characteristics of a clan for special Clan Development Points, which are available at 1 for each clan level, starting from level 5.
  • Characteristics can be either permanent or temporary.

Clan missions

Various missions are available in the clan management window, completing which players will be able to earn personal and clan reputation.
  1. Missions are divided by specialization and difficulty. There are also achievements and event missions.
  2. There are 16 missions available for regular players, 18 for nobles, and 20 missions per week for honorary nobles. All missions take a little time to complete.
  3. Missions increased complexity have no restrictions, but require much more time to complete.
  4. Achievement missions are one-time tasks consisting of several stages of completion, and event missions are available at certain intervals.

clan shop

A clan store has been added, where each clan member can purchase various goods for personal reputation and other resources.
  • The ability to access the Clan Shop depends on the privileges available to the character.
  • Goods are classified according to regularly sold and registered items.
  • Registered items are available if they meet the item registration conditions.
  • Registered items require a specific clan specialization and can be activated via the Manage Clan Store button.

Throne of Heroes

Added a temporary rating raid zone for clans called Throne of Heroes.
  1. Clan level 5 or higher is required to enter the raid zone. The command channel should consist of 14-100 people of 99 levels and above.
  2. After teleporting, some buffs will be removed, and the raid zone will be assigned to the clan for 45 minutes from the moment of entry.
  3. The resurrection skills in the Throne of Heroes do not work, but you can use the Blessed Feather, the Emblem of Salvation skill.
  4. Each zone ranking season lasts 1 week. The time zone reset happens every Wednesday at 6:30 am.

Fortress Battle Changes

The Salvation update also made changes to fortress battles:
  • The conditions for participation in battles for fortresses, the cost of registration and other parameters for owning fortresses have been changed:
    1. The minimum clan level has been increased from 5 to 6.
    2. The cost of registration is 1 million adena (instead of 250 thousand).
    3. Compensation cycle increased from 6 to 26 hours.
    4. The deposit paid to the castle for the contract with the fortress has been increased by 10 times.
  • Changed the balance of fortress NPCs.
  • The balance of monsters in the temporary zones of fortresses and castles has been adjusted to the current realities of the server.
  • Support NPC rewards changed:
    1. Suspicious Merchant no longer sells goods.
    2. If the clan owns the fortress, then you can purchase the Talismans of the fortress from the support NPC.
    3. If the clan owns the castle, then the Talismans of the Fortress can be purchased from the Court Magician in the castle.
    4. Royal Mage no longer sells bracelets, shirts, and class talismans.
  • Added Stronghold Talismans, which can be obtained randomly from their respective boxes.

Agathion System Changes

In the Salvation update, major changes were made to the agathion system.
  1. The properties of Zodiacal Agathions are kept unchanged. They can still be upgraded up to level 12.
  2. At the maximum upgrade level, the agathion can be taken to NPC Ferris in Aden to exchange for improved summoning bracelets.
  3. Advanced summoning bracelets can be synthesized up to level 5.
  4. When synthesizing an improved summoning bracelet, additional slots are opened for installing various Agathion Trinkets.
  5. Agathion trinkets can be enchanted up to level 10 with special enchant scrolls.
  6. Agathion trinkets have a main ability and a special ability (enhance various combat abilities of the character).
  7. Agathion Keychains can be obtained by exchanging Zodiac Agathions of any level through the Vitamin Manager.


The Salvation update brought the following changes to the faction system:
  • New quests. New quests have been added to the Hunters Guild, Imperial Guards and Dimensional Aliens factions.
  • New level of fractions. The factions Giant Slayers and Guardians of the Tree of Life have been expanded to level 10 with the addition of new quests.


To start playing Lineage 2: Salvation, go to link and register an account in 4Game. If you have previously played other projects from 4Game and you have an account, then just log in to the system.

Let's summarize
As you can see, the Salvation update brought us a lot of changes, which are only changes to classes, clan systems and agathions. And beginners will be very pleased with the new training system, thanks to which it is very easy and comfortable to start in Lineage 2: Salvation.

In November 2017, the next update will be released on Lineage II Russian servers: Lineage II Epic Tales of Aden Episode 05: Salvation. We are starting to publish information about upcoming changes in the game.

The information is based on a build that is being tested at the time of writing. The release is subject to change. Changes to the localization of some names are possible.

First, let's take a quick look at what is expected:


The new in-game learning system consists of several stages:

  1. 1. Path of the Knights of Balthus- an accelerated system for leveling characters up to level 85 for owners of premium accounts. This system consists of 7 quests and is designed to bring the player closer to the current content as quickly as possible.
  2. 2. A series of educational quests “The Best Choice”- this series of quests allows you to quickly learn the basics of the gameplay.
  3. 3. Faction Guild of Adventurers- a new faction, specially created for the accelerated pumping of characters to level 95. The quests of the “10 Days of Adventure” and “Dimensional Exploration - Expedition (30 days)” systems have been adapted for co-execution with faction tasks.
  4. 4. In-Game Help System- the in-game help system has been seriously redesigned, where you can get acquainted in text form with the basics of the gameplay in a more visual form
  5. 5. Buffs for beginners. Available at level 94 and can now be taken for either 10,000,000 adena or Freya's Fresh Wind


A number of open and temporary hunting zones have undergone various changes:

1. Temple of the Spirits. The zone has become intended for players of level 102 and above. Monster characteristics, zone difficulty, and rewards have been adjusted for the above level.

2. Shadow of the Tree of Life. The zone is located near the Elf Village (reworking of the entry-level location). Designed for solo and group hunting of players of level 103 and above.

3. Labyrinth of Kartia- now this zone can be passed even faster than before

4. Spatial Barrier- added floors 36-45, the ability to skip a number of floors subject to completing quests, new quests for killing monsters on additional floors

5. Salvation (Extreme)- Extreme mode boss fight moved to level 103. You can enter at level 103 and higher as part of a command channel of 14-21 people. You no longer need to get passes to enter the boss (in any mode).

6. Tauti- To enter the boss, just complete a new quest. It is no longer necessary to receive penetrations

7. Mystery tavern- a small balance of all zones of the Mysterious tavern was made for a more comfortable and easy passage


A cross-server zone Great Temple of Etina has been added to the game, where the battle with the main boss of the update takes place:

  1. The battle with the world boss takes place during the victory week in the Defense of the Alliance Base of Kaetserus. Allocated time from 21.00 Saturday to 00.00 Monday
  2. To enter the zone, a command channel of 70-120 people is required, each of which must be rank 4 or higher of the Blackbird Clan and Imperial Guard factions. Entrance is through the NPC Edra at the Keucerus Alliance Base.
  3. The battle in the Great Temple of Etina takes place in 2 phases:

ü Phase 1: Siege of the Great Temple of Etina. Duration: 90 minutes. It is the speed of this phase that affects which server will get the right to fight with Etis Van Etina, and which one with Kain Van Holter

ü Phase 2: Battle with Etis Van Etina/Kayn Van Holter


A number of changes have been made in the battles with raid bosses in the game:

  1. 1. New raid bosses. Added 16 level 101-105 raid bosses to Wasteland, Forest of the Dead, Swamp of Screams.
  2. 2. Changing the level of raid bosses. Raid bosses in Atelia Fortress and Temple of Spirits have been leveled up to 105.
  3. 3. Death Knight. After killing a raid boss, an additional Death Knight boss may spawn with some chance. It has the same rewards as the killed raid boss. If he is not killed within 60 minutes, he disappears.
  4. 4. Barrier limit. This is a skill that was added to allow more players to fight raid bosses:

ü At 90%/60%/30% of the raid boss's HP, the Barrier Limit skill is activated

ü For 15s, the boss becomes immune to damage taken, and during this time, it is necessary to land a certain number of hits to remove the Barrier Limit

ü If in 15s the players did not manage to deal a certain number of hits on the boss, then he restores his HP level to 100%


As part of the update, 2 class groups were reworked: Isa Spellcasters and Sigel Knights.

  1. 1. Isa conjurers.

ü A certain imbalance between the specialized skills of each Isa Spellcaster class

ü Too simple use of classes in PVE battles. It is enough to use them through macros

ü Too simple buffs / debuffs, for which there are almost no penalties

ü Too many active skills

ü Low level of protection in PVP. In fact, there are only various skills aimed at invulnerability of the character for some time.

The Ys Spellcasters reorganization focuses on the following class changes:

ü Isa Spellbinders fighting style improvements: each class has unique offensive skills, improved class capabilities when fighting at close range, added the ability to apply a large number of buffs in a short time

ü Skill integration/segmentation: Basic passive skills and Harmonies are distributed by class, a number of skills with similar functions are merged

ü Skill balance: some skills lost their fixed characteristics and began to depend on the equipment worn by the character, some skills increased or reduced the casting time, slightly changed the functionality of each class in battle

  1. 2. Knights of Siegel. The developers have identified the following problems with these classes:

ü Class Identity: The characteristics of each class are quite weak and in fact they only have functional differences in their auras.

ü Unequal combat abilities: defensive abilities do not depend on the equipment used, it is possible to increase defensive abilities only temporarily due to skills, there are few opportunities to attack various targets

ü Fighting style: in fact, tanks are used in the game for the sake of aggression against various monsters

Sigel's Knights reorganization focuses on the following class changes:

ü Class Attribute Upgrades: Each tank is a defensive warrior that uses magical abilities based on its archetype: Phoenix, Black Panther, Ocelot, Shilen

ü Improving the properties of using shield skills: self-defense, defense, attack. Shields can block, hit, reflect, throw. Also increased their effectiveness in solo play.

ü Improved combat style: through the use of aggression skills, chains and shields, the need to constantly move is minimized and it is possible to use a defensive skill once over a large area

ü Dice Upgrades: Each tank class has unique abilities and visual effects.

ü Increased protection against attacks from a long distance due to the recent reorganization of mages

For more information on class changes, please see the patch notes for the update.


The most global changes in the update took place in the clan system. In connection with the upcoming clan changes, I recommend that you follow the news in the corresponding section of the forum.

  1. Changing the clan structure

ü The maximum clan level has been increased from level 11 to level 15

ü Removed all clan squads and clan academy

ü The structure and privileges of clans are as follows:

clan level

















Max number of clan members

The maximum number of elite

clan members

Clan privileges

Clan missions

Using the characteristics of the clan, participation in the Throne

Heroes, Purchasing items in the clan store

Participation in clan hall auctions

Participation in Fortress Sieges and Battles for Capturable

clan halls

  1. 2. Clan characteristics. Clan skills have been removed and clan stats will now be used instead.

ü Characteristics are divided into 3 specializations: Clan/PVP/PVE.

ü The characteristics of the clan are studied for special Clan Development Points, which are available at 1 for each clan level starting from level 5.

ü Characteristics can also be permanent and temporary

  1. 3. clan missions. Various missions are available in the clan management window, completing which players will be able to earn personal and clan reputation.

ü Missions are divided into specializations, as well as normal, difficult, achievements and event

ü Normal missions are available 16 (for ordinary players), 18 (for nobles), 20 (for honorary nobles) per week and they require a little time to complete;

ü Difficult missions have no restrictions, but at the same time require a lot of time to complete;

ü Achievement missions are one-time Tasks, but they consist of several stages of completion;

ü Event missions are available at certain intervals and you can get additional rewards.

  1. 4. clan store. Added a clan store where a clan member can purchase various goods for personal reputation and other resources

ü The ability to access the Clan Shop depends on the privileges available to the character;

ü Goods are classified according to regularly sold and registered items;

ü Registered items are available if they meet the conditions for registering the item;

ü Registered items require specific clan specialization and can be activated via the Manage Clan Store button

  1. 5. Throne of Heroes. Added a temporary rating raid zone for Throne of Heroes clans.

ü To enter, you need a Clan level of 5 and above, a character of level 99+, as part of a command channel of 14-100 people

ü When teleporting inside, some buffs are removed;

ü The zone is assigned to the clan for 45 minutes from the moment of entry;

ü Resurrection skills do not work in the zone, but you can use Blessed Feather, Salvation Emblem skill.


The update also made changes in battles for fortresses:

  1. The conditions for participation in battles for fortresses, the cost of registration and other parameters for owning fortresses have been changed:


Before update

After update

clan level

Registration fee

250.000 adena

1.000.000 adena

Compensation cycle

Fortress Citizenship

25.000 adena

250.000 adena

Deposit paid out

castle, for a contract with a fortress

12.500 adena

125.000 adena

Decreased clan reputation

for a fortress contract

2 Clan Reputation Points

35 Clan Reputation Points

2. Changed the balance of fortress NPCs

3. The balance of monsters in the temporary zones of fortresses and castles has been adjusted to the current realities of the server

4. Changed rewards for support NPCs:

ü Suspicious Merchant no longer sells goods

ü If the clan owns the fortress, then you can purchase the Talismans of the fortress from the support NPC

ü If the clan owns the castle, then the Talismans of the Fortress can be purchased from the Court Magician in the castle

ü Royal Mage no longer sells bracelets, shirts, and class talismans

  1. Added Stronghold Talismans, which can be obtained randomly from their respective boxes


The game has undergone a major overhaul of the agathion system.

  1. 1. The properties of the Zodiacal Agathions are kept unchanged. They can still be upgraded by 12 levels.
  2. 2. At the maximum upgrade level, the agathion can be taken to NPC Ferris in Aden to exchange for improved summoning bracelets.
  3. 3. Advanced summoning bracelets can be synthesized up to level 5.
  4. 4. When synthesizing an improved summoning bracelet, additional slots are opened for installing various Agathion Trinkets
  5. 5. These Agathion Keychains can be enchanted up to level 10 with special scrolls
  6. 6. Agathion keychains have a main ability and a special ability (strengthen various combat abilities of the character)
  7. 7. Agathion Keychains can be obtained by exchanging Zodiac Agathions of any level through the Vitamin Manager.


The following changes have been made to factions:

  1. 1. New quests. New quests have been added to the Hunters Guild, Imperial Guards and Dimensional Aliens factions.
  2. 2. New level of fractions. The factions Giant Slayers and Guardians of the Tree of Life have been expanded to level 10 with the addition of new quests.

A detailed description of each change can be found in the following materials.

Let's talk more about class changes with the new Lineage 2: Salvation update.

This class is the classic and oldest in the Isa line that works with the power of Einhasad. The class changes were due to an increase in the effectiveness of his buffs. Also, with the help of the Divine Meditation skill, the class can now use the Prophecy of Might without recharging.

  1. Divine Meditation- Adds 10% to MP for 5 seconds, and also resets the cooldown of the Prophecy of Might for all party members.

  2. Guardian Harmony– for 1 hour you will be given: physical defense + 45%, magical defense + 35%, chance of magical or physical critical hit + 100%, critical attack power + 35%, shield block chance + 50%, chance of receiving any damage -25 %.

  3. dazzle- for 5 minutes you are given: physical and magical attack + 15%. Canceled if Prophecy of Might is cast.

  4. Dazzle Level 2 Now cancels blindness instead of stacking with it.

  5. Divine Strike- Inflicts an additional 50 points of damage to the enemy with a magic attack.

  6. ringing halo– physical attack +550, attack speed +5%. Also activates a skill that works at a certain point. Meteor Destruction or Decisive Strike. Mana cost when activating one of the skills + 35%.

  7. Sonata Trio- Imposes immediately Sonatas of battle, sonatas of movement and sonatas of relaxation.
This class has useful buffs that increase elemental power and magical attacks. Gives mana to friends during battle. Works very well in groups with multiple casters.

Rush Throw gives allies haste and weakens enemies. A quick dash back will give you time to think about your strategy.
  1. lonely note- For 4 seconds, physical and magical attack and its speed + 3%.

  2. Paired notes- For 4 seconds, physical and magical attack and its speed + 5%.

  3. Triad- For 12 seconds, physical and magical attack and its speed + 10%. When used, it becomes possible to activate - A series of somersaults, Beckoning, Melody of Restoration of forces. If you activate one of the skills, the current one will be canceled.

  4. Praising- for 4 seconds, a buff is placed on all members of the group, giving a multiplier of 1.5, acting on physical attack, magic attack and its speed. Reload time 8 seconds.

  5. A series of somersaults- attack the enemy with a power of 37188 damage. For 8 seconds, the enemy's magical and physical defense -20%. Speed ​​+150, move back 400. Can be used with Triad. The spell requires - a sword, a blunt weapon, dual sword, a dual blunt weapon.

  6. Melody of Restoration- restores all health to the hero, and 786 points to those around him. Makes the cooldown of Beckoning 5 seconds. Can be used with Triad.

  7. Mage's Harmony Level 2– magic attack + 45%, attack speed + 15%. Attack element +100, magic critical attack chance +100%, magic critical attack power +10%, skill recharge time -20%. Mana cost for all skills -15%.

  8. Spirit Choir- Applies Songs of Battle, Movement, and Relaxation at the same time.
This class has a powerful arsenal of debuffs and combat abilities that are similar to full-fledged attacking classes. Thanks to this, the class can enter a group of warriors or a group with two spellcasters.

Ghost swords that appear during a normal attack weaken the enemy.
  1. Ghost Slash Level 1- A shadow blade is added to the basic attack, which deals an additional 100 damage. damage. For 10 seconds, the enemy's physical and magical defense is -20.

  2. Ghost Slash Level 2- similar to the first, only the physical and magical protection of the enemy is -50.

  3. Ghost Slash Level 3- similarly, only the physical and magical protection of the enemy is 100.

  4. Ghost Slash Level 4- similarly, only the physical and magical protection of the enemy is -150, the speed is -80. Take off this effect impossible.

  5. Ghost Slash Level 5- similarly, only the physical and magical protection of the enemy is 250, the speed is -80. The effect cannot be removed.

  6. Dancing Phantom Blade- attack the target and nearby enemies with 49068 power and remove the scope from the hero. All Speed ​​-50%. Cancels the effect of Spirit Slash level 3 or higher. Requires - Sword, Mace, Dual Sword, Dual Mace.

  7. Level 2 Berserker's Harmony– physical attack + 25%, physical critical attack chance + 100%, physical critical attack power + 70%, attack speed + 10%, speed +10. There is a chance for an extra hit.

  8. Shadow Wound– Strikes an enemy with a shadow blade, dealing an additional 100 damage. damage.

  9. Triumph dance- imposes Dances of battle, movement and relaxation.
War drums and a horn strengthen the group, raising the mood for battle. The class will fit into many types of groups due to its buffs that increase both magical and physical attack.

Class buffs are especially good because they can be extended.

  1. ringing halo– physical attack +550, attack speed +5%. Activate a skill that acts at a certain point. Meteor Destruction or Decisive Strike. Mana cost +35%.

  2. The harmony of the earth's cry– for 30 minutes, physical attack + 22%, magic attack + 40%, chance of physical and magical critical hit + 100%. Physical Critical Hit Power +70%, Magic Attack Speed ​​+15%.

  3. triple interruption- Skill cooldown -20%, mana cost for all spells -15%. Imposes Drumbeat of battle, movement and relaxation.
The strongest Isa class. Can summon a flag that extends buffs to allies and debuffs to enemies.

Buffs now only affect group members.
  1. ringing halo– physical attack +550, attack speed +5%. Activate a skill that acts at a certain point. Meteor Destruction or Decisive Strike. Mana cost to activate +35%.

  2. Grandeur of the Baelor Vanguard- Summons the Despot's Flag. When Despot's Flag is near, it grants Poem, Drumbeat, Melody, and Rhapsody to allies. Adds pull immunity.

Phoenix Knight Siegel

This class has a feature - when death is close, its protection is stronger. The skills of the knight are similar to the mythological power of the Phoenix.

  1. king of beasts- Requires a shield. Summons the Beast King, dealing 47711 Power damage to an enemy and nearby enemies. damage.

  2. Soaring Phoenix- attack power of 21799 units. damage. Deals to enemies and in a radius. Also causes enemies to attack only themselves for 5 seconds. Consumes 6 units. Soul ores. Need swords or blunt weapons. There is a chance to deal a critical hit.

  3. Chain Hydra- Requires a shield. Pulls the selected target and everyone near it to the character, after which it provokes everyone to attack.

  4. fire feather– Inflicts 47771 Phoenix Fire damage to nearby enemies. damage. Causes enemies to attack you for 5 seconds. Need swords or blunt weapons. There is a chance to deal a critical hit.
Cubes have been changed as follows
  1. Summon Revitalizing Cube- Summons a cube that magically restores the health of the owner and the whole group. The call requires Spirit Ore in the amount of 11 pieces.

  2. Summon the Phoenix Cube- The cube restores 6000 health to its owner every 15 seconds. If debuffs are removed, then resistance to them becomes 60%. Additional effect - does not allow the character to die.

  3. Blessing of the Flame Cube- removes all negative effects, adds 6000 health, debuff resistance becomes 60% for 20 seconds, and saves the character from death for 30 minutes.

  4. Rebirth from the ashes- Grants invulnerability for 5 seconds.
With the update, the knight has lost the following skills:
  1. Spirit of the Phoenix.
  2. Sacrifice.
  3. Phoenix Soul.
  4. Mass shackles.

Siegel Hell Knight

The Dark Knight uses Damage Reflection. The debuffs and Panther give the class an edge in 1v1 fights.
  1. king of beasts- Requires a shield. Inflicts 47771 Power damage to enemies in front of you and in a radius. damage.

  2. Thorns of revenge– Deals 40289 Physical damage to nearby enemies, also adds 5% health from the base amount. You need a sword or blunt weapon, there is also a chance to inflict a critical hit.

  3. Dark Thorns of Vengeance– Deals 47771 physical damage around enemies, also adds 10% of health from the main amount. You need a sword or blunt weapon, there is also a chance to inflict a critical hit.

  4. chain hydra– draws the target and everyone nearby to the character, provoking them to attack. Requires a shield.

  5. Chain Shot with Dark Spikes– Pulls enemies in, inflicting 16349 Shadow damage. damage, also adds 10% to health. You need a sword or blunt weapon.

With the update, the class lost the skill - Spirit of Vengeance.

Eva Siegel Templar

The class can apply its debuffs in waves.

  1. king of beasts

  2. whirlwind– pulls you towards you, inflicting 47771 Shadow damage. damage. You need a sword or blunt weapon, and there is a chance to inflict a critical hit.

  3. chain hydra- Attracts all nearby enemies. Need a shield.

  4. updraft circle- Pulls in enemies, reducing attack speed by 80%, overall speed by 80. Needs a sword or blunt weapon available.

The cubes have been changed as follows.

  1. ocelot cube- Summons a cube that restores 10% of health and mana every 10 seconds.

  2. Hawk Spirit Cube– for 15 seconds, physical and magical attack +400, speed +30, protection with shields +20%, also grants immunity to debuffs.

  3. Healing Wave Cube- removes all debuffs, restores health and mana.

  4. Hawk Defense Cube– for 7 seconds, physical and magical defense +400, speed +30, protection with shields +20%, also grants immunity to debuffs.
  1. Eve's spirit.
  2. Templar's will.
And the last class that has undergone significant changes is Sigel's Shilen Templar.

Templar Shilen Sigel

In fact, this is a tank that owns the art of Death and Shadow. Instead of defending, it attacks from cover, and also does not pay attention to death.
  1. king of beasts Summons the Beast King, dealing 47771 damage to nearby enemies. Requires a shield.

  2. Soul deprivation– attacks with darkness, pulling enemies, attack power 47771 pts. damage. Need a sword or blunt weapon, there is a chance to deal critical damage.

  3. chain hydra- Pulls nearby enemies, provoking them to attack. Need a shield.

  4. Chained Death Scythe- Summons a Death Scythe that pulls enemies in, inflicting 16439 Shadow damage. damage. Requires a sword or blunt weapon.

Dice have been changed as follows:

    Doom Cube- The cube restores 3950 HP every 13 seconds. health. If debuffs are removed, then resistance to them becomes 66%.
  1. Spiritual Power Growth Die- removes all debuffs, +3950 pts. health. For 6 seconds, resistance to debuffs is 66%.

With the update, the class lost skills:

  1. Light strike.
  2. Spirit of Shilen.

Such changes affected classes with the arrival of a new large-scale update in Lineage 2 called Salvation. Learn, gain experience, and just enjoy the game!
