What are the benefits of yoga for women. The benefits of yoga for women: features of practice, exercises


Health 30.10.2017

Dear readers, in our time there are few people who have not heard about the benefits of yoga. The beneficial effect of yoga on the body and figure is recognized by amateurs healthy lifestyle life. World stars, journalists, TV presenters from the screens and pages of the media share the results, sing the practice as an effective tool for working with the body and mind.

But is yoga really that good? Is there any real benefit or is it harmful to do it? How does exercise affect health and fitness? Elena Krasovskaya will help us deal with all these issues. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers, Irina! Yoga is an amazing and mysterious practice. She has both supporters and opponents. Some say categorically no, others cannot imagine their existence without it and practice for several hours a day. The rest either do not dare to practice, evaluating the benefits and harms, or are completely indifferent.

It is known that the philosophy of yoga in the acceptance of any choice. So a real guru would say that everyone is right. I suggest that we also accept this right of choice for each of us and just learn a little more about yoga, its types, how it is useful and what harm it can do. And I'll start with real history which took my life in a different direction.

Introduction to yoga

After several years of care and concern, I was lucky to visit a sanatorium. During a short vacation, the first acquaintance with yoga happened by chance.

In the gym, I met a woman who stood out for her beauty, body and smoothness of movements. She offered to hold several yoga classes, show the basic exercises. Nelly was preparing to become an instructor and was delighted with the mutually beneficial partnership - we studied, she gained experience.

The practice made a strong impression - slowness, focus on internal sensations, calm study of muscles, joints and the ability to alternate load with relaxation.

Watch a video about how yoga affects the female body and figure, about its features, benefits and harms. About hormonal yoga.

The chiseled figure of the instructor, the flexibility of the body, coupled with the soft timbre of the voice, served as an incentive for a long-term relationship with yoga. When I returned home, the first thing I did was find the time, place and continue training. Classes helped to survive difficult life moments, kept the body in good shape, and thoughts in order.

Mastering the first asanas - special exercises in yoga, along the way, I searched and found information about the ancient practice. What is yoga, what benefits does it bring, what is its main secret? The questions are not easy. I suggest looking for answers to them.

Yoga - what is it?

Yoga is a cumulative complex of spiritual, mental and physical practices. Their main goal is to bring the body into a state of balance, calmness and relaxation.

While practicing, a person gradually learns to listen to his body, control it, control emotions and remain calm in any situation. This is achieved through a system of exercises, breathing, meditation, spiritual development personality.

India is considered the birthplace of yoga. They say that if you want to achieve enlightenment and an elevated spiritual state, you must definitely visit the cradle of practice - feel the spirit of the country, change your attitude.

But yoga at a simple philistine level does not always imply such a deep acquaintance with it. Often people go into practice "for health."

Many are attracted by the variety of exercises, adjusting to the level of the practitioner, the ability to help the body become more resilient, strong and strong.

Popular types of yoga

Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of yoga. New directions appear with enviable constancy, which is explained by the popularity of the system. Exist different schools and currents. It does not make sense to list them all, I will name only the most famous and accessible to the majority.

Hatha yoga

This type of yoga is most suitable for beginners. Emphasis on exercise, breathing and meditation. Helps to relax the body, leads to calmness.

Kundalini yoga

Classes are aimed at awakening the creative and energy potential of a person. Mandatory concentration on the positions of the body, hands, breathing, attention inward. Asanas are quite difficult and require effort. But the effect of the exercises lasts all day and fills the student with strength.

Ashtanga yoga

A type of power yoga with a fast rhythm of movement and breathing. Develops endurance, physical strength. It's kind of like aerobics. Particularly suitable for people with good physical fitness.

Iyengar yoga

A practice aimed at healing and relieving pain in muscles, joints and ligaments. Suitable for those who move little, avoid power loads. Asanas are performed in a calm, slow rhythm, often with additional devices that facilitate the process. Systematic exercises lead to the flexibility of the body, a surge of energy.


A symbiosis of yoga and Pilates. Consists of exercises and meditations. Classes develop body flexibility, strength, improve stretching. Suitable for people with different physical fitness.

Women's yoga or yin yoga

A set of exercises, compiled taking into account the features female body. Classes are held to meditative music, at a slow pace. The main goal is relaxation and a gentle effect on the body.

Aero yoga or yoga in hammocks

A modern, fast-growing type of yoga. To perform, you need special devices - long elastic bands with fasteners. Quite a dynamic type of yoga that requires physical endurance. Perfectly opens the respiratory centers, develops flexibility and stretching of the body.

To understand which practice is right for you, it is best to visit different classes and make a choice based on how you feel.

But before choosing a direction, let's look at how yoga is useful, what are the contraindications and what harm can be from it.

The benefits of yoga

Certainly not in vain. With the competent and systematic performance of asanas, breathing practices and relaxing yoga meditations:

  • helps to restore and maintain health;
  • normalizes the work of all internal systems;
  • aligns the spine and strengthens posture;
  • develops and gives elasticity to muscles;
  • trains the flexibility of the body;
  • improves coordination of movements, reaction, motor memory;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relaxes and reduces the impact of stress loads;
  • forms a positive outlook on life situations;
  • provides accelerated healing and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • affects the choice of diet, normalizes appetite, improves metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss, tightening the contours of the body;
  • tones the skin and helps to look younger;
  • has a healing effect in the treatment of arthritis, type II diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • promotes self-knowledge and self-realization.

Yoga is useful and shown to everyone: men and women, children and people of age.

In a video about the dangers and benefits of yoga for those over forty and older, a woman shares her impressions of restoring the health of the spine. Having experienced acute pain, she did not despair. Started exercising and chose the path of health.

When performing exercises, breathing and meditation practices, a good coach takes into account the age, gender, level of physical fitness and health of those involved.

The benefits of yoga are manifested as a result of regular training under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Thanks to integrated approach, work with the body and mind, breathing practices, singing mantras, yoga meditation has a beneficial effect on the entire body and figure.

But let's not forget that it, like any other system, has a number of contraindications and can harm the body.

Harm of yoga and contraindications to classes

Remember the pretty pictures in magazines where the experienced yogi is depicted in a graceful headstand or with a strangely twisted leg around the body?

If an unprepared person suddenly decides to repeat an unusual pose, there is a high risk of finishing the session in the emergency room with a sprain or dislocation of the limb.

You should not immediately try to repeat what you need to learn for many years. Operate by gradually increasing the load.

Yoga classes can be harmful in the following cases of improper organization of classes:

  • the level of training of a person is not taken into account;
  • exercises are performed incorrectly;
  • classes are held in a stuffy, cramped room;
  • the trainer is underqualified;
  • there are a lot of people doing the training, there is no way to check the correctness of the asanas;
  • the practitioner performs movements in a hurry, without warming up the muscles;
  • classes are held irregularly, with long breaks;
  • breathing practices are performed incorrectly or too intensively;
  • there are contraindications.

There are some types of diseases in which yoga cannot be practiced or a consultation with the attending physician is required for resolution.

These are all diseases in the acute stage, oncology, brain infections, the period after a stroke or heart attack, inguinal hernia, serious mental disorders, etc.

Pregnant women should practice yoga with caution. But we must remember that pregnancy is not a contraindication. Especially if the expectant mother is an experienced yogi.

The benefits of yoga for the female body are invaluable. But it is important to listen to the needs of the body, once again not to take risks.

The basic rule of yoga is: do not compare with others. Compare yourself today with yourself yesterday.

You won't know without trying

Yoga can be considered as an effective method of healing the body, restructuring the mind and achieving peace of mind. All the disadvantages of practice are overcome by a competent approach.

If classes bring pleasure, are devoid of pain, help you relax, fill up with energy, then the practice will only benefit you.

The woman who introduced me to yoga said a phrase that is amazing in its simplicity: “To understand whether it suits you or not, you need to try.”

With yoga, it works one hundred percent. You can read a lot, look at pictures, but only real actions will help you appreciate the benefits of a complex discipline, feel the philosophy and draw conclusions.

Nevertheless, in fairness, it should be noted that now I am engaged in a different system. I practiced yoga for several years, but I found out about another practice, tried it and settled on it. Life changes, preferences change. In future articles, I may talk about my new experience.

Choose the right practices, be flexible and healthy for years to come!

Wishing you good luck, love and good health
Elena Krasovskaya

Thank you Elena for sharing her experience and all the information. Yoga is really very popular lately, and even if someone has not tried it yet, they probably thought about whether to try it. And, perhaps, it’s really worth a try, because this is the only way to understand whether yoga will be useful to us or not.

For the soul, I suggest listening to relaxing music that is suitable for yoga and meditation.

see also


From time to time, books and forums devoted to yoga and yoga classes literally take off on the Internet.

Also, many patients ask me if it is worth doing yoga to improve health, to reduce overweight and so on.

I always answer categorically to everyone - no, it’s not worth it. Why am I so adamant about my beliefs?

This question is similar in meaning, for example, to this one - is it worth going to a circus school? Or - is it worth taking the veil as a monk? Why do I think these questions are similar? Because yoga is just akin to circus art or monasticism. Or rather, both of them together.

First, yoga is a way of life. It takes a person all 24 hours a day. It is a kind of religion, a school, as I said, a way of life. Yoga unites the body, thoughts and soul, and therefore, it will need to give both the body, and the soul, and thoughts. Are you ready for this? Something I doubt. Otherwise, you shouldn't fence the garden. Just as one should not go to the monks who is not going to completely part with worldly life.

You can say that yoga is all you need is exercise. Let's assume that this is so. Although asanas without a soul are just a kind of gymnastic exercises, nothing more. There will be little sense from them. However, you want to try. Does it even make any sense?

And I'll say no again. Because yoga "exercises" are extremely difficult to perform and with great injury risk. Some exercises, such as the one-legged stand, cause people to lose their balance and fall. The second most common is damage to the ligaments when performing various asanas (yogic postures). When trying to sit in the lotus position or some other position, do not press hard and tighten your legs. Otherwise, you risk straining your muscles and/or tendons.

If you want to stretch, do better stretching. From my point of view, it is much more efficient. Or if you have already scheduled yourself training for the rest of your life, go to a circus school. There is plenty of this. Just remember that the "circus" has a completely different life. Keep this in mind.

But let's say that you have a lot of free time and money by inheritance. And you want to surrender to yoga entirely. To make yoga your way of life. What could I say in such a case? - Yes, the same no!

Since you are reading my article, it means that you know Russian. And I can assume that you were not born in Delhi or Calcutta, but most likely in Samara or Zhytomyr, am I right?

When I was little, everyone wondered why only Caucasians traded in the market? Why don't the Russians go there? Yes, because in order to trade WELL, you need to be born in the Caucasus.

The same is true with yoga. In order to become a full-fledged yogi, you had to be born in India and have roots from there. Otherwise, all your undertakings with yoga are doomed to failure. Here is just a small example.

The same external influence can cause a deep shock in an Indian (Indian), a bad mood in a Russian, but an African American will pass by and never even sneeze. Feel the difference in the psyche and mentality?

Good afternoon my readers! We continue our conversations together again. Today we will continue our conversation about women and yoga. Does she need this hobby? Simply necessary! Yoga brings us, and especially women, back home to our nature. What does yoga give a woman?

A woman is a radiant of beauty, positive and inspiration for everyone around. But the modern race of life has driven many women into a corner, closed this flower and it stopped producing nectar.

Neither doctors nor pills can return a woman to the state in which she should be by nature. Only herself and special women's practices can help in this. What is the female magical power and health? A woman is made of love.

Initially endowed with the ability to inspire everyone, she spreads warmth and care around herself, and everything, like butterflies, fly into her light. What is the strength of a woman I wrote. Her beauty and health depend on the proper functioning of the systems of her special organism. An important role is played by the endocrine system, which creates a hormonal background.

Types of yoga

There are many types of yoga and complexes specially created for women. Each species has its own characteristics. This is first of all, about which we have repeatedly spoken with you, dear readers of my blog.

Yoga will strengthen your nerves and ligaments, improve the whole body as a whole. Where else have you seen such a unique remedy for all diseases?

Have you heard of the Iyengar technique? Yoga complexes for women named after its founder are modified depending on the characteristics of the female body, they can be practiced both during pregnancy and during critical days, we will consider these topics in the next article.

Iyengar was helped to develop yoga for women by his assistant and follower Gita Iyengar, which made it possible for her to take into account all the subtleties of the female body when compiling sets of exercises for health.

If you start practicing yoga, then most of the problems inherent in the female body will bypass you. Whether you are just starting in adulthood or have been practicing for a long time, the main thing is that you are on the right track.

What can you change in yourself with the help of yoga?

Yoga exercises for women help to restore the circulation of energy in the pelvic area. It is believed that a lot of stress and clamps accumulate in the lumbar region, which inhibit important health processes in the female body.

The peculiarity of female asanas is that they help to reveal the internal reserves of the practitioner's body. naturally. Even beginners feel the result almost from the first lesson.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the yoga complex helps to properly go through this important period and recover. Completely improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Programs develop flexibility and stretching.

There are many different female asanas, we have already talked about some of them on the pages of my blog. Today we will continue and I will teach you a few more exercises for women.

Asanas are aimed at normalizing the work of the joints of the hip region and pelvic receptors. Try to hold each pose for 60 - 120 seconds and perform 8 - 12 times daily or every other day.

  1. Virabhadrasana (warrior pose)

We stand up straight, feet about a meter apart from each other.

The right leg should be rotated 90 degrees outward. The left leg is turned 45 degrees inward. Make sure that the feet are completely pressed to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides so that the shoulders and palms are in a single line and hold them in this position.

If you get too tired after maintaining this posture at the end, you can rest in Savasana for a short time.

  1. Trikonasana (triangle pose)

Take the same stance as for the pose of a war, i.e.:

Let's stand up straight, legs about a meter wide apart and deployed in a certain way: right

th leg 90 degrees out. The left leg should be rotated 45 degrees inward. Make sure that the feet are completely pressed to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides so that the shoulders and palms are in a single line and hold them in this position.

Then we straighten the legs, tighten the kneecaps.

We pull the right hip joint down and stretch it parallel to the floor, while trying not to squeeze the side.

Let's tilt to the right. The right hand should be lowered to the right shin or to the floor, and the left hand should be raised up.

Try to open and turn up the chest as much as possible. Left hand can contribute to this, but do not move back.

When performing this asana, the body should be directed back, and the shoulder blades, back of the head, sacrum and left heel should be in the same plane. The neck should be extended. Look back. After maintaining the pose, repeat on the other side.

  1. The favorite pose of many women is the Vrikshasana tree pose.

We will rise like a slender, even tree. We connect the palms in front of us. thumbs hand touch chest as if lifting it up. And then you can straighten your arms up without opening your palms.

To make the support more stable, expand the toes of the left foot, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. Now press the right foot very tightly against the inner surface of the left thigh so that the foot does not slide down! Do not squat on the hip, stretch up, hold the pose and then repeat with the other leg.

  1. Crescent Moon Pose Ardha Chandrasana.

In Trikonasana, lean to the left and bend your left arm. Place your palm on the floor at a distance of 30 cm from the little toe of the foot. The left leg should be straight. Your torso and right leg are extended parallel to the floor. Raise your right hand up. Try to keep your balance and look at your right palm.

Imagine that you need to stretch out in one line, touching the wall with the back of your head, buttocks, shoulders and shoulder blades. Make sure that the right side does not shrink and turn the thigh outward. Pull the abdominal muscles up, and push the sacrum forward. After a pause in this asana, repeat the complex on the other side.

Today, my dear friends, we have considered a few more female asanas that are easy to perform for both beginners and already practicing.

We all know that over the years, both men and women lose some of their energy, attractiveness, etc. Some women naturally have powerful energy, sexuality and magnetism. Unfortunately, even the most powerful reserves deplete over time.

A woman is such a creature by nature who shares her energy with a man, children, aging parents, and she, like no one else, needs to make up for these losses. Otherwise, she will lose her feminine power. That's when the loss of energy, attractiveness, health begins.

Just to save your natural force a woman is given these techniques that will bring harmony to the body and restore youth and beauty. In the next article, we will look at the topic of yoga and menstruation, how to practice during this period.

I think that today's topic will be interesting for your friends too, invite them to your in social networks join our conversations. See you again soon! See you soon!

Update: October 2018

Everyone knows about yoga: for some, this is a whole philosophy, others consider the direction to be the lot of extraordinary people and a waste of time on uncomfortable and incomprehensible twists. Media personalities, stars and actors prefer this particular “art”. Let's see what yoga is - a fashion trend or a unique practice for health and longevity, helping to strengthen the spirit.

Yoga is a direction that helps to develop what each of us already has and what we do not even suspect. Simple exercises available at home allow you to achieve internal and external harmony, both physical and spiritual. If you say in simple words, the doctrine is based on three "pillars":

  • exercises or asanas: postures of varying difficulty with proper breathing;
  • spiritual practice, emotional cleansing and harmonization of the aura;
  • proper nutrition. In the classical concept of yoga, these are vegetarians.

Yoga is neither a sport nor a fitness. However, in the modern realities of life, yoga has successfully adapted to human needs, is represented by a huge number of directions for any wishes and possibilities (see).

A bit of history

The birthplace of the direction is colorful India. The widespread art of appeasement and self-control was previously a matter accessible only to a select few: Buddhists and wealthy men. Women in this regard were limited in their rights - even rich Indian ladies had a limited list of exercises available.

Interesting fact. On the walls of ancient Indian temples, more than 400 interesting poses were depicted that yogis took. But for reasons unknown to us, these postures were misunderstood, resulting in the famous Kama Sutra.

The ancient teaching, which has existed for more than 5000 years, gained worldwide distribution relatively recently, two centuries ago. The fact is that yoga was carefully kept and was banned for other countries. Today, art (namely, as it is called in the homeland) is available to everyone, and in India they welcome tourists who want to join the great secrets of yoga.

Eight limbs of yoga

The ancient treatise "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" describes 8 steps of teaching that a person has to learn:

  • Pit. Ethical and moral foundations.
  • Niyama. Self-discipline and perseverance.
  • Asana. Physical exercise.
  • Pranayama. Breathing techniques.
  • Pratyahara. The practice of curbing one's own senses.
  • Dharana. Deep concentration on a particular object.
  • Dhyana. Meditation, which is a continuation of Dharana, involves calming the mind.
  • Samadhi. Deep meditation that leads to a special state of consciousness. The bonds of the human ego are weakened, the inner microcosm merges with the outer "cosmic Absolute".

Modern practitioners do not dive so deeply, limiting themselves to proper breathing, asanas and control over emotions.

Goals of Yoga

The main goal is to achieve mukti or moksha: the state of absolute nirvana, liberation from the cycle of birth and death. According to alternative opinions, the goal of yoga is to achieve Buddhahood, which cannot be described in words.

The goals of the exercises that people who practiced asanas set for themselves were to achieve a characteristic stable position (sitting cross-legged, straight back) and the ability to be in it long time. The positions are called meditative asanas (lotus position, sidhasana, vajrasana, etc.).

IN modern world For yogis living a social life, the highest goals of the teaching are also important, since without spiritual purification and balancing of consciousness it is impossible to achieve harmony. All steps are learned gradually, but are not an obligatory task and an end in itself - everyone chooses yoga for their own reasons, finds in it what was missing in life.

Health Benefits of Yoga

  • The joints are strengthened. Asanas (exercises) involve many movements in which the joints are involved, including the smallest ones. As such, there is no mechanical load on the anatomical structures, but Better conditions to nourish the articular cartilage, i.e. to prevent wear.
  • Bones are strengthened. Many exercises are aimed at maintaining your own weight, but are performed without jerky movements. Weight exercises are the best prevention of osteoporosis. Decreased levels of the hormone cortisol causing stress, which is observed after exercise, helps to maintain calcium in the bones.
  • Eliminates digestive problems. Classes help to relax, strengthen the abdominal wall, and breathing practices are a kind of massage for internal organs. After a couple of weeks of classes, such phenomena as digestive dysfunction, diarrhea or constipation, causeless pains that often accompany irritable bowel syndrome will disappear.
  • Improves blood circulation. Almost all exercises improve blood circulation in the limbs, and twisting poses stimulate the internal organs, improving blood circulation in them. Inverted postures promote the movement of venous blood and outflow from the legs to the pelvis and above, due to which the lungs work more intensively, saturating with oxygen. large quantity blood. The level of hemoglobin and the erythrocytes themselves rises, the blood becomes more liquid, the risk of heart attacks and strokes decreases. The bonus effect is the elimination of edema.
  • Strengthens cardiovascular and respiratory system. Proper breathing during exercise is the best aerobic exercise for the body. The endurance of the heart, blood vessels and lungs increases, the absorption of oxygen by the body improves and blood pressure decreases.
  • Strengthens the nervous system. Yoga - The best way get rid of stress, depression, cope with the most serious psychological stress. More on this below.
  • Improves cognitive function. Already after six months of classes, memory and intelligence indicators are significantly improved. In comparative experiments with people practicing classes, the latter show the best results in solving problems, memorizing and reproducing information.
  • Strengthens immunity. Stimulation of lymph drainage helps the lymphatic system fight infections, destroy abnormal cells, including cancer cells, and remove toxic metabolic products from the body. Contributes to this and a decrease in the level of cortisol, which adversely affects the immune system.
  • Eliminates pain, including chronic pain. People with migraine, constant pain in the joints and spine can forget about their problems forever. Many pregnant women resort to special exercises during contractions to alleviate their condition.
  • Increases physical strength and endurance. Regular exercise improves reaction time, coordination, and muscle strength. Strong muscles are not only beautiful, but also important for health: they hold the bones in the right position, reduce the likelihood of fractures when falling. Of course yoga is not best technique for those who dream of a Schwarzenegger body: muscle and strength growth is very slow. But to find a healthy and flexible body is more than real.

In general, talking about the benefits of yoga and asanas for health is endless. Moreover, yoga is a direction that knows no boundaries and will give more and more: energetically, physically, spiritually. There is no limit to perfection - this is exactly what can be said about yoga practitioners, since the possibilities for them are truly endless.

Yoga for Women's Health

It is no secret that the majority of yoga fans are women. There are special women's practices that are maximally focused on the female body. Regular classes give excellent posture, good health and spiritual harmony, which is so lacking in modern life. But the benefits of yoga for women are not limited to this only:

In the body of a woman - more than 60 hormones. Dysfunction of at least one of them causes an imbalance in the work of the endocrine system. Yoga allows you to regulate the hormonal system without the use of medications. Special asanas and relaxation techniques simultaneously affect the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries, allow you to normalize the endocrine regulation system. This has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle, hormonal background and emotional state.

  • Ease menstrual pain.

Menstruation is a taboo for most physical activities. Yoga classes are a kind of compromise that is acceptable these days. Removal of pain syndrome occurs with repeated repetition of "safe" postures, allowing you to relieve muscle tension and relax.

  • Relieves symptoms of PMS.

During classes, antidepressant hormones are actively produced, which helps to improve the condition. Special asanas eliminate stagnation of blood and lymph and help to establish the menstrual cycle.

  • Slows down the aging process.

Majority Hollywood stars over 45 years old practice yoga, and this is no accident. Classes help to easily survive the period of menopause and slow down aging by improving blood supply and nutrition of tissues and organs. This has a positive effect on their work and the condition of the skin, joints, and overall tone.

The practice has a stimulating effect on the metabolism, which will slow down with age. An increase in the level of hormones, which decrease during menopause, allows you to stay young for a long time.

  • Improved libido.

Regular yoga classes will make sex life brighter and richer. This is confirmed in a study by the American Journal of Sexual Medicine. It has been proven that after 12 weeks of practice, sexual activity increases and orgasms become brighter and longer. The “blame” for everything is proper breathing, improved blood circulation in the pelvic organs and normalization of hormonal levels.

  • Increasing the likelihood of conception.

Improved libido, normalization of hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle, harmonization internal state increase the chance of successful conception.

  • Decreased blood sugar in pregnant women.

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is a serious and actual problem, which occurs in many expectant mothers. Doctors working at the London Yoga Therapy Center claim that 30-minute yoga sessions for 1 month help lower blood sugar levels.

  • Rapid body recovery after childbirth.

There are special complexes for women after childbirth (postnatal yoga), which can be started as early as 6 weeks after the birth of a child. In addition to overall weight loss, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened.

Yoga for men's health

A yogi man is not a circus performer at all. Yoga has been a male practice for centuries, but today it is more preferred by women, and the stronger sex will have a better time in the gym than on a special rug. In fact, yoga classes can give the body much more than pumped up muscles.

  • Development of strength, endurance, flexibility. We have already written about this above.
  • Potency increase.

Save and return male power without the use of drugs - the natural desire of every man. Complexes of asanas contribute to the normalization of hormonal balance, the elimination of excess tension in the pelvic area, the improvement of blood circulation and the normalization of the reproductive system.

During yoga, nerve endings are activated, there is a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength, which also helps to improve potency.

Benefit for the soul

Yoga practitioners say that it is possible to achieve true enlightenment, change the worldview and cognize the highest spiritual state only in the homeland of the doctrine - India. Even many years of practice cannot be compared with a few days spent in this country. But at the philistine level, it is not necessary to penetrate so deeply into the philosophy of teaching, since often people go into practice precisely “for health”.

  • Getting rid of stress and the formation of resistance to the action of psychotraumatic factors. During exercise, levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease. A person acquires psychological balance and self-control in any situation. You can forever forget about outbursts of anger, become really happy man and easier to bear the loss of life.
  • Sound, restful sleep. Certain techniques help calm the central nervous system and prepare for sleep, which is very important to do after a busy day. Many are faced with such a problem when you dream about bed all day, you literally fall from fatigue, but if you go to bed, you can’t fall asleep. Therefore, you need to relax and relieve the load of worries even before sleep.
  • Inner strength, determination and self-confidence. People “cook” in their problems, dream of starting life from scratch, but do not have enough willpower and motivation to do it. Plus to this - uncertainty, stress, poor health. Do not rely on the fact that yoga will solve your problems. However, practice will give a powerful impetus to changes within oneself and development in all directions.

The teaching is characterized by slowness, orientation to internal sensations, which in itself calms and harmonizes, makes a real philosopher out of an eccentric person. A person first learns to listen to his body, and then gets a unique opportunity to easily possess it, including his emotions, remaining calm in any situation.

For beauty

  • Development of flexibility. None of us can even bend double or gently sit on the twine. Yoga classes contribute to the gradual development of flexibility without pain.
  • Posture improvement. Few people can boast of perfect posture. Strengthening muscles, bones, eliminating tone, flexibility, special postures - all this helps to straighten up in the literal sense.
  • Weight loss. A great opportunity to get in shape and get rid of extra kilos is to join yoga!

Types and styles of yoga

In addition to steps and practices yoga has several types and directions:

  • Karma yoga. It implies compliance with all requirements, but taking into account abilities and skills. The main task is non-attachment to the fruits of one's own actions. Even if they bring good, but are done with selfish goals, this is seen as slavery that keeps a person in his world.
  • Bhakti yoga. The cultivation of devotion and love for God, the offering of all actions and thoughts of higher matter.
  • Jnana yoga. The practice of self-knowledge, the main goal of which is the elimination of ignorance through the cultivation of the mind different ways(knowledge, introspection, meditation).
  • Raja yoga or classical yoga. It is aimed at curbing the mind through various asanas, pranayamas and meditations.

In the 20th century, yoga began to become popular all over the world: many styles and directions appeared, of which there are more than 40. The most popular of them are:

  • Ashtanga Vinyasa. Dynamic practice with asanas, between which connecting exercises with breath control are performed. During classes, the emphasis is on energy locks - bandhas, concentration of attention on a part of space or body. Gradually, different levels of complexity of asanas are learned.
  • Iyengar yoga. Gradual learning of each asana, starting from the simple and moving to the complex. During classes, auxiliary elements are used: pillows, straps, rollers. Each exercise is given a large number of time.
  • Yogalates. Combines yoga and Pilates and is suitable for people with different levels of physical fitness. Includes exercises and meditations. In the course of classes, strength develops, flexibility and stretching improve.
  • Yin yoga. A set of exercises designed with the female body in mind. Almost all exercises are performed at a slow pace, allowing you to relax the body as much as possible.
  • Aero yoga. Modern direction, requiring the presence of special devices - long elastic bands with fasteners. Dynamic activities that require good physical endurance. Opens the respiratory centers, promotes the development of flexibility and stretching of the body.
  • Hatha yoga. The most popular and common direction available to beginners, which we will talk about in more detail.

Hatha yoga is a universal direction that is suitable for beginners.

Far from a new direction, the history of which goes back 1000 years. In translation, "hatha" means effort, tension, intensity, and yoga is unity. To achieve this very unity, some effort will be required. It is based on the adoption by the body of certain static postures or positions, which can be simple and natural or complex, unusual for the body. The direction does not require strict vegetarianism.

The emphasis is on the development of the body:

  • static postures are useful for strengthening the spine, joints, improving the functioning of internal organs and self-education;
  • breathing exercises are used to normalize metabolism and improve emotional state. Proper breathing enhances the healing effect, helps to quickly achieve progress, relieve discomfort during deep stretching, cheer up at the beginning of classes and relax at the end;
  • concentration exercises - to increase concentration and improve vision;
  • proper nutrition. You should eat a couple of hours before practice;
  • meditation is aimed at spiritual enlightenment, but there is not much emphasis on it.

Classes begin with a warm-up and intensive breathing with slight delays; in the process of doing the exercises, breathing should be calm, without interruptions. The basis of Hatka yoga is dynamic complexes of asanas and holding static postures.

  • Even breathing is important when performing asanas for balance and strength exercises - the tissues receive the proper amount of oxygen and improve the adaptation of the body to stress.
  • When performing stretching asanas, calm breathing with full breaths and long exhalations reduces pain.
  • Exercises with backbends and twists are performed on inspiration when the body is collected.
  • Relaxing asanas and inclinations are recommended to be performed on the exhale. When performing sivasana, which involves maximum relaxation of the body, breathing slows down gradually, with involuntary delays, but without discomfort.

A few words about nutrition, which is very important for a real yogi: life-giving energy comes with food, and prana comes with water. The main thing is not to overeat, only as much as the body can absorb and only when there is a feeling of hunger. It is also important to stick to the rhythm, and not only in food. The body begins to secrete digestive enzymes at a certain time, at the same time the gastrointestinal tract is activated and ready to eat. Chewing food is a special philosophy: the more thoroughly the food is chewed, the less it will be required to saturate and the easier digestive system digest it.

The priority is vegetarian food, and even more - not subjected to heat treatment: fruits, vegetables, bran and grain bread, milk, nuts, honey. Most yogis have enough of these products. If it is difficult to switch to full vegetarianism, you should reduce the amount of food consumed and fried, salted, smoked, and canned. Meat can be eaten 2-3 times a week in boiled or steam form.

Contraindications and restrictions

Absolute contraindications include:

  • complicated arterial hypertension;
  • injuries of the spine, arms, legs;
  • hernias (intervertebral, inguinal);
  • oncopathology;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • infectious, inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • the period after a stroke, heart attack;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • taking psychoactive drugs.

Many exercises require good stretching, which not everyone has. You can gradually complicate the poses, if the physical form allows it.

As for pregnant women, some postures can be practiced during this wonderful period, but only after prior consultation with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

Harm yoga

Can this practice be harmful? Yes, but in the vast majority of cases it is the fault of the people themselves.

  • Ignoring contraindications. A huge mistake is to start classes, having contraindications to them.
  • Non-compliance with the principle of gradualism. Everyone remembers pictures from magazines and the Internet, where yogis calmly throw their legs over their heads. Attempts by an unprepared person to repeat the same thing end in injury - it will take years to achieve such perfection and flexibility.
  • Not correct execution exercises. Reading or watching a video is not enough, only an experienced trainer is able to teach the correct technique.

Remember! The basic rule of yoga - do not compare yourself with others! No need to strive for someone else's ideal, set your own goals, and if you compare, compare yourself, today and yesterday. This is the best demonstration of how yoga improves a person.

medical look

In the Soviet and early post-Soviet times, official medicine did not accept yoga, calling the teachings charlatan. Today, many doctors themselves have joined the practice and advise it to patients, especially those who are contraindicated in other physical activities. The practice is officially used in many health institutions as activities to strengthen and maintain health. But doctors do not attribute any miraculous properties to yoga and never recommend it as a medical direction.

Summing up

  • Yoga is an ideal practice for self-improvement, which is suitable for people of all ages, even those suffering from serious diseases with contraindications for classical sports.
  • During classes, a person does not overstrain either physically or psychologically.
  • You do not need special conditions for classes - all exercises can be done at home, but after preliminary training. Finding a master in small towns is quite difficult, but you can also join the philosophy of life on the Internet: there are many resources and online training to help beginners.
  • The positive effect is noticeable after the first session.
  • Many exercises are available to pregnant women and young mothers.
  • People who have joined yoga never give up the practice - this is a part of life that helps to stay healthy, happy and successful.
  • Statistical results: people who practice 1.5-2 hours a week live 8 years longer than others.

As for the opinion of inveterate skeptics who consider practicing yogis to be eccentric people who “eat air” and, by their abstraction from the mundane, simply close themselves from everyday problems - this is an established stereotype that is completely unfounded. You will be surprised, but most of the major businessmen, executives, directors and producers have been practicing yoga for many years and owe much of their success to constant practice. A person who practices yoga is less prone to stressful situations, makes balanced, reasonable decisions, is able to tune out the little things and focus on what is really important. Plus, good physical shape good health and energy. All together creates a real guarantee of success in any business.

Yoga is a deep system of self-improvement - focusing on the present, which gives harmony in the future. The philosophy of practice wisely says - you need to accept any choice. We do not in any way impose this direction and do not put it above any sport, but we advise you to consider it to improve your health.

Yoga is a series of asanas (postures) that improve flexibility, achieve spiritual and physical harmony. But it is not a cure for all problems and, despite the numerous "pluses", it has its drawbacks. Yoga: benefits and harms for women - what more?

In order to get the maximum benefit from the classes, you need to follow some rules.

All classes are based on breathing. Breathing exercises in yoga is called pranayama. First, exhale to let the stale air out of your lungs. During breathing, the abdominal muscles and diaphragm are involved in the process. Through proper breathing, the body relaxes, oxygen enters the brain, and well-being improves.

In no case do not fuss during classes. Each asana is performed at a measured pace. Focus on your breath and the exercise you are doing.

Ideally, for classes, you need to allocate a special bright room where street noise does not penetrate.

Listen to your body. Yoga should bring only positive feelings. If you experience pain while performing an asana, then the exercise should be replaced.

Varieties of yoga

There are several interesting views yoga. If you read this list, you will definitely find something for yourself.


The journal Psychosomatic Medicine did the study. It turned out that women who practice hatha yoga cope with stress faster than others.

You can start with the classic version: asanas - even breathing - delay - exit from the asana.

Ashtanga Vinyasa

This type yoga is especially loved by teenagers, as it is similar to aerobics. Ashtanga vinyasa includes nine vinyasas (dynamic asanas using a special breathing technique) that flow out of each other without stopping. At the same time, it is important to concentrate on breathing, do not forget about relaxation and perform asanas in the prescribed sequence. With this type of yoga, about five hundred calories are burned per hour (equivalent to a bar of chocolate). So those who think yoga is boring, ashtanga will surprise.

Yin yoga

The name of yoga comes from the word "Yin". It symbolizes peace feminine. Each asana requires a delay of three to five minutes. For yin yoga, a trainer is not needed, because the main thing here is not the correct execution, but personal comfort.

power yoga

Power in translation from English means "strength". This type of yoga is similar to Ashtanga in its dynamism. The difference is that power yoga does not require following the order of asanas - you can do different exercises each time.


This type of yoga is useful for people recovering from injuries. The asanas included in it are aimed at the harmonious development of the body and its perfection in terms of anatomy. In each asana, you need to linger for three to four minutes.

The journal JAMA Internal Medicine conducted a study and proved that Iyengar yoga relieves chronic back pain in four months.


The so-called "hot yoga". The room is heated to a temperature of forty degrees. Such conditions improve muscle elasticity, remove toxins, toxins and extra pounds from the body.


This is a partial synthesis of yoga (asanas that develop flexibility) and Pilates (strength exercises). This alternation leads to muscle strengthening, a beautiful relief and a slender body.

Pros of Yoga

So why is yoga good for women?


One of the first things that is associated with yoga. And not in vain. All asanas are aimed at developing flexibility and strengthening muscles. Due to this, the tone of the body increases.

In some cases, a person's height can increase by a centimeter or two after systematic yoga classes.


Yoga classes contribute to the healing of joints and bones, alleviate the situation with sprains, dislocations, and fractures. It happens because when exercising, blood circulation improves and provides damaged cells. nutrients. This relieves pain and promotes accelerated healing.

Moreover, yoga can prevent all these damages.

weight loss

Asanas do not carry a strong physical activity so you won't be able to lose weight quickly. But yoga can affect the diet, make it healthier, due to which weight loss will occur. Yoga also reduces appetite and normalizes metabolism.


Unlike weight loss, here the result is unambiguous - after regular yoga classes, the body will become slim and toned, and the posture will be admirable.


The skin is toned, it becomes elastic and tightened, the risk of early wrinkles is reduced.

Impact on the brain

Yoga strengthens motor memory, improves coordination, concentration and reaction.

The cardiovascular system

All asanas help to improve the state of the cardiovascular system and increase endurance. The heart processes a larger volume of blood, because of this, the body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Treatment of diseases

Hatha yoga succeeds in treating asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure, improves the general condition in rheumatism, epilepsy and hysteria.

Before taking the medicine, make sure that you have no contraindications to it. The situation is the same with yoga. Here is what is not compatible with it:

  • diseases of internal organs in the acute stage (appendicitis, pancreatitis, etc.)
  • blood diseases
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system
  • oncological diseases
  • inguinal hernia
  • the first six months after a heart attack or stroke
  • infections in the brain or spinal cord
  • high blood pressure or body temperature
  • serious mental disorders (schizophrenia)
  • SARS, influenza, tonsillitis
  • back problems

Yoga should not be practiced by pregnant women who have a period of more than three months and within four months after childbirth.

Many girls (but not all) say that yoga during menstruation leads to severe pain.

Some girls, having seen enough pictures of professional yogis doing unthinkable poses, try to repeat it. In vain. Often this only leads to injuries: sprains of muscles and ligaments, spinal injuries and joint damage.

A beginner can exaggerate the concept of "pranayama" and breathe too actively. This will lead to an imbalance in nervous system, loss of concentration.

The ideal option is to contact a trainer. Now there are a lot of unqualified people who teach yoga, so before you pay money, make sure the trainer is reliable.
