How to choose a convenient and reliable reader. How to choose an e-book to read - expert opinion

The need to purchase an e-book confronts people who have never owned such devices with the problem of choosing the appropriate model. The reasons for purchasing an e-reader can be different. Someone discovers that they cannot find the book they need in paper form, someone has learned about the benefits of electronic reading and plans to evaluate them in practice, and someone simply wants to keep up with the times and wants to acquire a fashionable gadget. This article is for those who are planning to purchase an e-reader and want to learn more about what these devices are. We will try to list the parameters and capabilities as much as possible. e-books. Having decided on the characteristics and functions that are important to you, you can choose a specific model that suits you.

How to choose an e-book to read

Electronic books or e-books are compact specialized devices for reproducing digital files, mainly text. Files (that is, digital versions of paper books) can also be called e-books. To avoid this confusion, you can use the English terms “reader” to refer to the device, and “content” to name their contents, that is, digital books, magazines and documents. In Russian, these terms have long taken root and are actively used. You can download any content to readers (and not just from the reader manufacturer’s website, as some users mistakenly think) from your computer using a USB cable, in formats supported by your reader.

History of appearance

Prototypes of modern e-reader screens saw the light of day in the 1970s, when Nick Sheridon of the Xerox Research Center introduced his Gyricon e-paper technology. In 1997, this technology was improved by Joseph Jacobson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also became the founder of the E-Ink company, which today is the largest supplier of screens for manufacturers of electronic readers. The e-book market has experienced rapid growth since 2007, when the Sony Reader PRS-500 and Amazon Kindle models appeared. By 2012, the booming demand for electronic books led to the fact that among those reading books on mobile devices, readers with electronic ink screens became as popular as smartphones and tablet computers equipped with TFT displays.

Criterias of choice

First, decide on the requirements for your future e-book. You need to decide which of the following parameters you need:

    Screen using E-ink electronic ink;

    Long-term operation on one battery charge;


    Large screen;

    Small size and weight;

    Touch control;


    Russification of the interface;

    Large amount of internal memory;

    Support for flash memory cards;

    Availability of Wi-Fi/3G module;

    Convenient access to the Internet;

    Built-in dictionaries;

    Music player;

    Low price.

In any case, you will have to make a choice in favor of certain characteristics. A reader equipped with all the advantages does not yet exist. For example, low weight cannot be combined with a large screen. Readers that use E-ink technology naturally have less functionality. E-books with a touch screen are naturally more expensive than e-readers without a touch screen. Therefore, you will have to decide what is more important. But perhaps the most important thing is to decide on the type and size of the screen.

Types of screens

Most often, an e-reader is a device that uses an electronic ink screen from the American corporation E-ink. A competitor to E-ink is the company SiPix, which promotes its digital paper technology of the same name, the substrate of which is noticeably grayer, but the text, on the contrary, has greater contrast and clarity. E-ink screen is more popular and is used by most market leading manufacturers.

The display is the most expensive and most important part of an e-reader. Electronic ink forms an image in reflected light, like regular paper, which means the screen does not need backlighting. Thus, even long reading does not tire the user's eyes. The fundamentally different design compared to color TFT screens, in particular resulting in a lower image refresh rate, does not allow you to watch videos, play games or browse websites comfortably. The need for high-quality text reproduction overshadows various additional functions of these devices. Electronic readers are highly specialized devices on which priority is given to reading, and other functions are somehow presented on the readers in a truncated form.

The benefits of an E-ink screen are not only eye-safe, but also long duration work on one battery charge. The reader actually consumes battery power only when turning pages at those moments when you see black blinking. Only using a Wi-Fi/3G module and a music player can increase consumption. On one charge, E-ink e-readers can work for up to 3-4 weeks (!).

In addition to readers with E-ink screens, at one time devices with TFT displays called media readers were very common. Devices of this class are represented, for example, by models from the manufacturers Pocketbook and Digma. They are software-adapted for reading, but also offer various multimedia advantages typical of tablet computers (watching video, having a camera, convenient Internet access). However, thanks to the fact that tablet computers are rapidly becoming cheaper and becoming available to a wider range of users, it is they, and not media readers, that are now the main competitors of e-ink readers.

Most users agree that reading on a color screen for long periods of time is tiring, but for those who read little and want a more functional device, tablet computers are a worthy alternative. Samsung, one of the leading tablet manufacturers, has introduced variations of the popular 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 model, which are comparable in size to e-readers, but offer incomparably greater functionality. The advantages of tablet computers are the presence of a backlit screen (can be read in the dark), convenient access to the Internet, the ability to watch videos, and support for working in 3G networks. Cons: the screen is less comfortable for the eyes, the inability to read in bright sunlight and short operating time on a single battery charge (maximum 8-10 hours).

Selecting Screen Size

Before purchasing an e-book reader, think about what kind of literature you plan to read. This directly determines what file formats your future e-reader should reproduce and what screen diagonal you need. The most common e-book formats are FB2, EPUB and MOBI. We will talk about what they are and how they differ from each other later. For now, let us note that it is in these formats that literature is presented in electronic libraries on the Internet. Now you can easily find almost any book in them: from classics to modern pulp prose. If you plan to read fiction and you will carry the reader with you to read, for example, in transport, a reader with a 6-inch display will suit you.

This is the standard screen diagonal size for electronic readers. It represents a kind of compromise between the compact dimensions of the device and the digestible amount of text that fits on a screen of this size. All the most popular readers on the market are equipped with a 6-inch screen. There are e-readers with displays smaller than 5 inches; in particular, the one presented in our online store is equipped with them. This model is ultra-compact and is suitable for those who want to choose the smallest size.

After the 6-inch screen size, there is a 10-inch diagonal, or more precisely 9.7 inches. Readers with such screens are intended for those who plan to read specialized literature (instructions, technical books and textbooks, texts with numerous illustrations), as well as newspapers and magazines. Such content is most often presented in PDF or DJVU formats. In this case, the screen size approximately corresponds to the format of such a book or magazine. After all, it is necessary that when the page is reduced to fit the screen size, the text remains readable. A large screen is ideal for these purposes, although it increases the physical size of the device. But more often they buy for use at home. In addition, they are preferred by older people who are more comfortable using a reader big size(it is possible to enlarge the font as much as possible, but still fit an acceptable amount of text on the screen). E-readers with a 9.7-inch screen are available from manufacturers Pocketbook, Onyx and Amazon.

Touch screen

The touch screen on the e-book allows you to minimize the number of buttons on the body and makes operating the device more ergonomic. Pocketbook 612 and 912 electronic books, as well as all Onyx readers with 9.7-inch displays, are equipped with an inductive touch screen. They come with a stylus, touch control is carried out only with its help. You won't be able to control these readers with your finger, but the stylus is more convenient when working with dictionaries and in the browser. The advantage of these models is that they can also be controlled by buttons, which means the user can choose from two control methods. Readers with screens that use E-ink technology are most often equipped with infrared touch displays (or displays with an infrared frame), and support for multi-touch functions. In the case of them, the user controls the reader using his fingers using gestures typical for working with tablet computers and mobile phones. Infrared touch e-readers are models, and Onyx i62m.

Buying a reader with or without a touch screen is a personal choice. In our opinion, the main thing in an e-reader is not the presence of a touch screen or its absence, but thoughtful ergonomics of control. For example, it does not suffer at all from the lack of a touch screen - it is perfectly controlled by a few buttons. The Sony PRS-T1 model, on the contrary, is completely impossible to imagine without a sensor. Of course, it is advisable to try out the e-book before purchasing. In any case, choose the option that is convenient for you personally.

Other Screen Options

E-ink displays may vary slightly in whiteness. The generally accepted opinion is that it is better to choose the most White background, since it increases the contrast. However, some users complain that the white background is blinding and annoying. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a grayish substrate, especially since manufacturers have not yet been able to achieve the maximum degree of whiteness of coated paper. Almost all models with liquid ink screens in our online store have, that is, these are screens not just of the same generation, but also from the same manufacturer, the differences between which are minimal.

Most 6-inch e-readers with an E-ink Pearl screen are equipped with a resolution of 600x800. Not long ago, models with a higher resolution of 758x1024 appeared on the market. They are positioned as “e-readers with an HD screen.” Readers are models , Duncun and . You can also find many similar devices on the market from other brands, most often Chinese. There is an opinion that the declared advantage is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers and high resolution does not really improve image quality. This is also supported by the fact that the world market leading manufacturers have not yet released models with HD screens.

If the listed points are fundamentally important to you, it makes sense to compare models from different manufacturers “live.”

Weight and dimensions

As we already said, the weight of the device is directly related to the screen size. If you prefer to read at home, that dimensions and grams will not be decisive when choosing a model, you can use special stands or simply lean and lay the device down comfortably. However, if you plan to carry the reader with you and read on public transport, these parameters will be important to you. Let's say right away that readers with E-ink screens are lighter than tablets with TFT displays. The minimum possible weight of the reader now is 170-200 grams. , Kindle 4, are among the most. Such models can be held in one hand for a long time without any problems, but these are e-readers with a minimal set of functions. More functionality automatically increases weight.

Leading manufacturers dictate the fashion for reducing the size of models. Even 6-inch readers can easily fit not only into briefcases and bags, but even into many clothing pockets. For those who, on the contrary, want a larger reader, we advise you to pay attention to the “honored veterans” Pocketbook 612 and Kindle 3.

Formats and conversion

Electronic content of readers is text files specially designed for their screens, containing formatting, tags, information about the author and publication, as well as illustrations. Those who first encounter the concept of “e-book formats” will be surprised to learn that PDF, DOC, RTF or DOCX are not the main types of digital content files for readers. Perhaps the most popular format today is FB2. Two other common formats are EPUB and MOBI. The most important part of files with these extensions is the text. They are open e-book formats, meaning they can be freely converted from one to another.

The world's leading e-reader manufacturers Amazon, Sony and Barnes&Noble maintain a clear commitment to one of the listed formats. The Amazon Kindle format is MOBI, Sony e-books, as well as Barnes & Noble readers support files with the .EPUB extension. In addition to one of the proprietary formats, all models from these manufacturers necessarily support TXT and PDF. The presence of support for a limited set of formats is due to the fact that in Europe and the USA, readers serve as devices for purchasing content, and all manufacturers have developed online bookstores in which the user is offered to purchase e-books. Naturally, companies are not interested in the fact that a user, having purchased a branded device, purchases content from competitors. Therefore, the owners of the reader find themselves “tied” to the services of the manufacturer of this or that electronic device, including using the format. Particularly characteristic here is the example of Amazon, which, by consistently reducing the prices of its devices and selling them almost at cost, places its main emphasis on sales of digital content for readers in its own MOBI format.

In Russia, purchasing digital content from paid libraries is only gaining popularity. Western services are not at all focused on Russian market(there are no Russian-language literature on, and the scheme of strict binding to a specific brand of reader and its proprietary service is not yet widespread. Typically, the user buys a reader from some manufacturer and independently selects the sites from which to download books. Online libraries in RuNet offer electronic content in all popular file extensions at once. In this regard, manufacturers focusing on the Russian market equip their models with the maximum number of supported formats. These companies include Pocketbook and Onyx - their e-books have always been multi-format. Sony, which officially released the Sony PRS-T1 model on the Russian market in December last year, took into account the popularity of the FB2 format among Russian users and quickly released a software update with support for this file type.

Whether support for all formats is needed or three can be used is a matter of debate between users. In our opinion, choosing a reader with mandatory support for all file types makes sense if you already have a library in different formats and switching to any one format will add serious hassle. If you are choosing your first e-book, it may make sense to opt for one of the listed formats and upload content of only a certain type of file to your reader. There is nothing wrong with this, as we have already said, it is not a problem to find Russian-language books in FB2, in EPUB and even in MOBI in RuNet.

But if the book you need is still in the wrong format, you can convert it into the desired file type using a special converter program. For example, you can download the Caliber converter, which allows you to convert a file from one format to another in minutes.


All electronic readers support the Cyrillic font. However, some devices have a non-Russian menu interface. For example, this is the Nook Tablet model. Even with an English-language menu, it is an extremely interesting reading device, and therefore is deservedly popular among buyers. For any Kindle model, you can choose whether to prefer the original menu interface in English or buy a device with Russification. For Kindle devices, Russification adds the added benefit of a virtual Cyrillic keyboard, which you may need in the browser, searching your library, or writing the titles of your book collections.

Additional features

When choosing an e-book, you will be faced with the need to give priority to certain secondary functions and characteristics that may also be present in readers. As we have already said, readers with E-ink screens have limited functionality. In addition to text playback, depending on the model, you may find that they have a WiFi module (3G on some models), a music player, a speech synthesizer (playing text by voice), built-in dictionaries, typing capabilities (entering notes), support for flash. memory cards, Bluetooth module.

Amazon Kindle 3 models even offer a 3G module. These readers generally stand apart, since the 3G Internet on them is free and accessible from anywhere in the world. Sitting on the beach in Tunisia, you can go to and check your email for free! These devices are equipped with non-removable SIM cards, which in Russia are automatically connected to BeeLine 3G networks, and all traffic is paid for by the manufacturer.

The range of capabilities for working with text varies depending on the model. All readers remember the page on which you closed the book, all allow you to make bookmarks with the ability to view them later, or go to a specific page. Some readers allow you to save quotes and pieces of text for later editing. Sony and Onyx models have handwriting input functions (drawing on the screen with a stylus). On these devices you can also typewrite your own notes using the virtual keyboard.

The ability to use dictionaries is offered by Pocketbook, Onyx and Amazon readers. Pocketbook has professional licensed ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries installed on all models. When reading a book in a foreign language, you can simply select the word you want to translate with the stylus (or in the case of push-button models, you need to place the cursor in front of it), and you will receive a translation in a pop-up window. The user installs dictionaries on Onyx readers independently by downloading free dictionary databases from the Internet (instructions on the manufacturer’s website). Amazon Kindle dictionaries can be found on forum. Translation is carried out using a method similar to Pocketbook's when working with a dictionary.

The player on e-readers is more focused on listening to audiobooks, so playing music tracks may not seem very convenient to the user. In addition, the presence of support for mp3 files usually increases the cost of the model. Some readers also offer a speech synthesizer - voicing text information or, in other words, reading text out loud. This feature is available on some Pocketbook and Amazon models (only on English language). Currently, the functionality of the function is still far from ideal (books are read by a robot that does not always place stress correctly and choose the right intonation), but apparently, manufacturers will try to improve this feature on future models.

The internal memory capacity of the readers is 2 or 4 gigabytes. Even a reader with a minimum memory capacity of 2 GB is capable of storing 1000-1500 books. The vast majority of readers are equipped with support for flash memory cards. To read books from a card, you just need to insert it into the slot - there is no need to transfer files to the internal memory. Thus, you can not only increase the memory of an e-book, but also share libraries on removable media with friends.

We do not recommend turning the reader into a repository for as many books as possible, and we do not recommend loading thousands of them. Such extremes will inevitably affect the speed of the device, in addition, software updates may lead to the loss of this data. Manufacturers recommend storing digital content on alternative media and loading it into the reader as needed.

Among the devices offered in our online store, only Amazon Kindle models do not have slots for an additional memory card. Amazon offers to store books on a server (each registered user is allocated 5 GB to store personal content). If you download books to your Kindle wirelessly, then all your content will be saved on the Amazon server. Even after deleting these books, you can still view their titles from the reader and download these books back via Wi-Fi/3G module as needed.


Reader configurations vary. On this moment There is a trend on the market to minimize the set of accessories included with the device. In the packaging box of the most popular e-readers you will find only the device itself and a cable for connecting to a computer, through which files are transferred and charged. The Sony PRS-T1, Kindle Touch, Kindle 4, Nook Simple Touch, Pocketbook Touch, Pocketbook 611 and 612 models are offered in this form. The main accessories, which are sold separately, are, from an electrical outlet and those already mentioned by us. There are readers that are already offered complete with a cover and charger. These are models from Onyx, Gmini and Digma.

The cover is really necessary - it protects the device screen, its most fragile part, from damage when carried. Replacing the screen of an e-reader is comparable to the full cost of the e-reader, and therefore does not make much sense - it’s easier to buy a new reader. You will only need a charger from the mains if your reader is away from the computer for a long time, for example, on a trip out of town, to the country, or on a trip abroad. Think about the situations in which you plan to use the e-reader - and decide on the accessories you need.

Where to download books

As you know, e-readers are chosen for the availability of content at any time of the day or night, as well as for the opportunity to save money. Electronic texts are cheaper than paper books, and most often are completely free. There are many online libraries on the RuNet, characterized by a variety of selection and excellent quality of electronic content. In paid libraries, new items often appear immediately after publication paper version books. Now some specialized publishing houses are switching to digital content and offering to purchase literature on their websites, even with a very narrow thematic focus. There are sites on the RuNet that specialize in distributing newspapers and magazines in electronic form. For users who are interested in literature in foreign languages, we recommend that you evaluate the capabilities and services of Amazon, perhaps the best online store of digital content, the catalog of which includes literature on a wide variety of topics, as well as the most full list the world's leading periodicals.

So how to choose the right e-reader?

Of course, any buyer wants to do right choice so as not to be disappointed in the purchase after a while. We advise you to purchase a reader based on your own feelings and impressions of a particular model. We are always ready to help you make a successful purchase to the best of our ability. A high degree of satisfaction for our customers is our priority. Therefore, we will always be glad to see you in our store, where all models of devices and accessories are presented that you can touch, test and compare with each other. We are also ready to provide detailed advice by phone. Come and call.

We'll be happy to help!

Thanks to the following article, you will become more familiar with e-reader devices, their main characteristics and functions. You will also find out which reader to choose for reading e-books.

E-book reader - advantages of the reader

When should you buy a reader? Here are some examples of its practical application:

  1. How often do you travel. Enjoy a book anywhere and anytime. One convenient gadget that fits in your purse or backpack allows you to keep the entire contents of your home library with you. In addition, you don't have to remember where you finished reading. The reader will open the book in the desired location.
  2. If you are not going to create a home library. You don't have enough space in your home or you just don't want to fill your shelves with dusty books. Traditional books require a lot of space. If you read science fiction, you know what we're talking about.
  3. When you can't or don't want to carry heavy objects. As above - some books are very large and heavy. They are uncomfortable to hold, especially when reading while lying down. If you also like to read several books at the same time, the reader will solve the problem - you can take everything with you.
  4. If you want to read cheaper. E-books cost less than paper books. Reader manufacturers often offer bonuses in the form of free e-books. There are also dedicated subscription platforms available. This way, you will have access to a large reading library.
  5. When you need to have your documents at hand. Don't have enough space in your bag for notes from school? Save them to your reader. Organize them into several folders and create electronic bookmarks.
  6. If you have a difficult reading taste. Lesser-known books are often difficult to obtain in traditional form. In the case of an e-book, the search process itself is much more convenient. You don't need to go to the bookstore, because you can find the book on the Internet while sitting with a cup of tea.
  7. When you don't have enough light. If you are a night owl by nature or a night trip awaits you. Some reader models have built-in backlighting. Thanks to this, you can read without turning on the light bulbs or waking up the person sleeping next to you.
  8. If you want to limit contact with items used by many people. Of course, you know what books from a public library can look like. Yellowed, stained pages or even torn pages... It's better to buy yourself a reader, right?
  9. It’s convenient to please yourself with any excerpts. You can easily add bookmarks in the reader. You will find them in one place. And you can always return to your favorite places in the book.
  10. If you don't like knowing how the book ends. Still fighting yourself not to read the description on the back cover? The reader will practically save you from this problem.
  11. If you don't like to wait. Dreaming of spending a relaxing evening with a book? Want to quickly return to a specific part of a book? No more scrolling from start to finish. Enter a search phrase in search engine. All places where it is mentioned will be found. This feature will also be useful during lessons or lectures. Just a few clicks and you will immediately find the answer to your question.
  12. If you have vision problems. In the e-reader you can configure the appropriate font size, style and margin width. Forget the magnifying glass. You can also give the reader to your grandfather or grandmother. They will be delighted.
  13. If you like to know how much time is left until the end of reading. The reader, based on your actual pace, calculates the time required to read the current chapter and the entire book. You'll find this feature on the Amazon All New Kindle Paperwhite 3 and Amazon All New Kindle Touch 8, among others.
  14. If you want to motivate yourself to read. You used to read a lot, but now you can’t find time for it? The reader will certainly help you with this. Take it with you and read it while waiting in line or while riding the bus to work. If you purchase a subscription, your motivation will increase even more. Over time, you will notice that you cannot live without reading.

Does at least one of these statements apply to you? In this case, an e-book reader will really come in handy.

E-book reader - application

E-book readers typically use MOBI or EPUB formats. You can also open PDF documents. We can assume that the reader is able to replace not only traditional books, but also several other devices.

There is also software, which allows you to convert text files (DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT) and PDF into electronic book formats (EPUB, MOBI). Thanks to this, you can view invoices or proposals on the reader screen.

Which reader to choose - characteristics of e-readers

There are many models of e-book readers available in the market. They differ in technical parameters, size or ability to use the network.

Before you buy a reader, check:

Reader size

Standard readers have screens with a diagonal of 6" or 8". The 6-inch display has a diagonal of about 15 centimeters; 8 inches is about 20 centimeters. The larger the screen, the greater the reading comfort, but also the larger the device.

If you travel a lot, choose a more compact device. If you mostly read at home, choose a model with a larger screen, such as the InkBook 8. Note that even the 8-inch reader is thinner and lighter than a regular A5 book.

Reader screen parameters and type

The main parameters of the display are its resolution, contrast and number of gray levels. How to choose a reader with the best screen? The principle is very simple - the higher the value, the better.

Most readers display monochrome images using e-ink technology. The structure of the screen contains microscopic, electrically charged ink balls that form pixels. They do not require an additional light source, which is necessary in the case of LCD displays, which are familiar to you from smartphones and tablets. Some readers, however, have additional backlighting, which makes it possible to read at night.

E-ink is a great choice. The current page of an e-book looks almost the same as a page in a traditional book. The screen does not produce or reflect light. It does not tire the eyes during prolonged use and is easy to read even in bright sunlight. Thanks to this, you can comfortably sit on a park bench and delve into your favorite book.

Reader screen backlight

Only some readers are equipped with this option. At the top of the screen there are LEDs that illuminate the reader screen.

It is important that the lighting is uniform and has several levels of adjustment. This makes it convenient to read at any time of the day or night.

The backlight function can be found in some reader models, for example, in the Amazon All New Kindle Paperwhite 3 or InkBOOK 8.

Possibility to use Wi-Fi

If easy book downloading and smooth synchronization are important to you, choose a reading device with a built-in Wi-Fi module. Add to your bookcase anywhere you have internet access. If necessary, you can also launch your Internet browser and book a ticket or check your email.

Reader management

Readers have touch screens: capacitive or resistive. This display is suitable for most cases. Remember, however, that it gets dirty easily. If you like to read while you eat, choose a manual device or find a suitable stylus.

Reader technical parameters

In the case of readers, technical parameters are of secondary importance. True, the processor and RAM affect the speed of the device, but this is not the most important feature of the reader.

Much higher value has internal memory and the ability to expand it. The system and installed applications occupy approximately 1 GB. If you read a lot, choose a model with more internal memory and a micro SD card slot.

You need more space when you plan to listen to audiobooks. One MP3 file with a recorded book takes up several tens or even several hundred MB. Make sure that the device has a built-in headphone output - it will come in handy on a bus or tram.

Reader battery

Readers are devices that can work for months without recharging. If you read several books a week, you will certainly need a more powerful battery. In this case, choose the model with the largest capacity.

  • Screen size
  • display brightness level
  • using Wi-Fi
  • MP3 file playback
  • use of additional lighting and other additional functions

Do you want your device to work longer? Install low level brightness and turn off the Wi-Fi module when you are not using it on the network.

Reader operating system

Readers usually work on platforms created for specific models. In some you will find the famous Android system in a modified version. Before you make a purchase, make sure that the reader you choose supports the reading services you plan to use.

Additional reader functions

E-book reading devices are often equipped with additional features. The most common are:

Most reading programs have a dictionary available. When you read a book in a foreign language, you can quickly translate unfamiliar words.

Some models also have a TTS function (Text To Speech, that is, a speech synthesizer). This option will allow you to listen to e-books, for example, while driving a car.

Devices with a built-in MP3 player are also available. With it, you can listen to an audiobook or play music in the background while reading.

The ability to install additional applications will allow you to further expand the functionality of the reader.

E-book reader accessories

In addition to the devices themselves, you can find useful accessories in the store's assortment. You will certainly find among them several gadgets for your reader.

Popular reader models

Amazon All New Kindle Paperwhite 3 Equipped with a 6-inch e-ink screen with backlight. Thanks to this, you can read both in bright sunlight and at night.
Amazon All New Kindle Touch 8 Lightweight and more convenient than a traditional book. Using Wi-Fi, you can easily replenish your King stock or download the desired fonts.
InkBook Classic 2 Easy to use reader with menu in Russian. 4 GB of internal memory and a microSD card slot allow you to store hundreds of e-books on the device.
InkBook 8 Reader with an 8-inch e-ink Pearl display that accommodates more text. Great for large format books and magazines.
Kruger&Matz Library The bright and clear e-ink screen allows you to read both at home and outdoors. 8 GB of internal memory allows you to store up to 6 thousand books.

Or suggest a good reader in the comments!

For lovers of reading modern world you can refuse to visit libraries and buy expensive books, for which there is not enough space in the apartment. Today everything is much simpler. The best option will be for book lovers.

This gadget will be able to accommodate a whole collection of your favorite books that you can always carry with you. In addition, you can find any publication on the Internet, and you no longer have to travel to all the bookstores in the city in search of a rare copy.

All this is undoubtedly wonderful. But how to choose a good e-reader among the huge variety of models and functions if you are not an expert, but just an amateur?

First, let's look at why e-books attract consumers and why they so quickly replaced paper media (reference books, novels and other books), and then let's talk about how to choose an e-book and what you need to pay special attention to.

Pros of e-books.

  1. Size. Thanks to its compact size, you can always carry this device with you, enjoying reading at any convenient time.
  2. Ability to store large amounts of information. A small enough gadget can hold an entire library. You can always have with you important information, documents, books, encyclopedias and so on.
  3. Weight. In addition to its small size, the e-book weighs quite little. If you find it inconvenient and difficult to carry books with you, then this reading device is an ideal option.
  4. Practicality. For ease of reading, you can always choose the font and image scale. That is, each person will be able to adjust any book to suit themselves.

What should you pay attention to?

To choose an e-book for reading your favorite works, you should pay attention to a few important points.

  • Screen type— There are two types of screens: electronic ink and LCD monitor. The first type of screen is closest to paper media. Thanks to the use of innovative electronic ink and paper, the effect of reading a regular book is achieved. It should be noted that this type does not damage vision at all and is very convenient to use. An LCD monitor is a liquid crystal display. It is most often found on sale. Although they are not similar to paper media, they are nevertheless no less popular. They are cheaper, have a color and bright display.
  • Charger. When choosing a reading device, you should pay attention to how long the battery charge lasts. In e-ink readers, charging lasts much longer, unlike an LCD display.
  • Internet. One of the important indicators of the quality of e-books is the availability of Internet access. Almost all readers have this function, but not all can use it conveniently, and many devices are not designed for downloading books from the Internet. Therefore, such points should always be clarified with sellers.
  • Gadget sizes. Typically, in any store you can find e-books of the following sizes: 5 inches (considered a “pocket” reader, convenient to take with you, but not intended for long-term reading), 6 inches (the most common book format), from 7 to 10 inches (“home "books, since carrying them with you is not very convenient. But if there is a need to view drawings, then this format is ideal), 13 inches (this format of e-books has not yet gone on sale, but their models can be seen on the Internet).
  • Control. Initially, all books were equipped with regular buttons for turning on and turning pages. Now you can also meet sensory generations. The choice of device should be based on personal priorities and ease of use.
  • Playable file format. The main reader formats are EPUB, TXT, HTML, CHM, PDF, FB2, DOC, RTF. If the downloaded file is of a different format and the book does not see it, then you should download and install additional software or look for an e-book with advanced functions.
  • Memory. Any e-book is equipped with built-in memory, which can reach 8 GB. In principle, this is enough for your own mini-library. If this indicator is not enough, you can always purchase an additional memory card.

The best e-book models

If you still don’t know which company to choose an e-reader, you are lost in the range and characteristics of these devices, then below is given for you short review basic and fairly popular models of e-readers for all occasions.

After studying these brands, everyone will be able to have an idea of ​​how to choose the right gadget.

Top 10 best e-books:

  1. Reader Book 1.
  2. Reader Book 2.
  3. Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2015.
  4. Tesla Crypto TFL6.0.
  5. PocketBook 631 Touch HD.
  6. Amazon Kindle Voyage.

This is one of the simplest types of e-books. The resolution allows you to clearly draw any fonts. The device operates on the basis of electronic ink, so reading will be convenient and as close as possible to paper media.

The buttons are located at the bottom; they are convenient for turning pages and selecting the necessary files. The e-book does not have Internet access. This is not necessary, since the built-in memory makes it possible to load the required amount of information.

Pros of the device:

  • clear electronic ink does not damage vision;
  • built-in memory;
  • The battery holds a charge for a long time.


  • no backlight;
  • no wireless connection.

Customer reviews are not bad. For example, some write: “I liked the book, it turns the pages very quickly and the battery lasts a long time. The price corresponds to the quality."

Still wondering how to choose an e-book that suits your budget and so that the quality doesn’t let you down? The Korean company Ritmix brings to your attention a budget option RBK-615.

This device also works on the basis of electronic ink, has 4 GB of its own memory and a slot for additional memory, if this does not seem enough.

The device supports all major file formats, and its hardware buttons respond quickly to scrolling and selecting information.

If you need backlighting, then you should pay attention to the more advanced model RBK-675FL. It has customizable backlighting and all other features are similar to the first one. The price range varies from 4.5 to 5.5 thousand rubles.

The only drawback of this model is that there are no wireless communications. But this doesn’t matter, because the reader’s memory allows you to store all the necessary information.

The Reader Book 1 and Reader Book 2 models are the brainchild of the PocketBook company, which became famous for their quality characteristics and good reviews buyers. The first model is a little simpler: equipped with electronic ink, built-in memory and a good battery; It does not have backlighting or wireless communications.

These disadvantages are insignificant and do not affect the quality of the product. The second model has become an innovative solution, as it has a touch screen, an additional memory card and is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, which allows you to access the Internet and download files directly from there.

From The following disadvantages should be highlighted:

  • plastic screen covering;
  • low contrast;
  • The plastic of the case is hard and not very comfortable.

The e-reader is similar to all other models. The only difference is the infrared sensor.

This allows you to get rid of any distortions and additional layers on the screen.

However, buyers have different opinions about this device, as it has its own features and disadvantages: there is no slot for a memory card, it does not support the fb2 format, and the built-in programs are not easy to use.

Amazon Kindle e-reader

This is one of the best touch readers of its kind. It is equipped with a touch screen, backlight, and an aluminum case that protects it from dust and moisture.

Unfortunately, the device does not support memory cards, limiting itself to the built-in one, and only reads two file formats. Therefore, other formats will have to be converted.

Even twenty years ago there was an opinion that a book is the best gift. The fast pace of life and the development of technology have quietly relegated paper media to insignificant roles. Books weigh a lot, and you can’t take your entire library of several hundred copies on the road.

An electronic reader is the best companion for a reading person, and electronic copies are several times cheaper than their counterparts in a bookstore. Surely, more than once, when packing for vacation, you were faced with a choice: to put in your suitcase several favorite books or additional things that you cannot do without.

10 best e-books according to buyers.

This top includes only the best of the best, according to buyers, models. E-books vary in size, ease of functionality and quality. An important factor is also the battery capacity, especially if you often take the device on a trip, and it is not always possible to recharge it.

Our TOP includes models from the following manufacturers:

  • Digma;
  • PocketBook;
  • Amazon;
  • Gmini.

A good and inexpensive e-reader with a 6-inch E-Ink screen. Supports many formats, including not only text, but also graphic, so there is no need to convert from one type to another.

8 GB of built-in memory is enough to store even a large library of your favorite works; according to the manufacturer, there is enough space for 5,000 books. In case of shortage, the volume can always be expanded using a memory card.

According to reviews from owners, the device has a fast response, does not freeze, and generally works well. A charge lasts for several days of reading. Reliable and lightweight model with the latest generation screen with Carta matrix.

  • Supports all necessary file types.
  • The charge lasts a long time.
  • It's nice to hold in your hands, all the buttons are located in their place.
  • High speed.
  • The catalog is not sorted alphabetically.

A small-sized e-book reader, available in black and white. The anti-glare screen protects your eyesight, so your eyes don’t get tired or overstrained. Recognizes 17 common e-book formats and 4 graphic ones. It is possible to download books through the DropBox application. Built-in dictionaries will help you with the translation of foreign literature.

The 1300 mAh battery can allow you to use the device for up to 1 month. Built-in memory is 8 GB, expandable up to 32 GB using a standard memory card. By default, 500 works are already loaded in 10 different languages, 290 of them in Russian.

  • Reliable.
  • The charge lasts a long time.
  • Nice looking screen.
  • Large amount of memory.
  • Good performance.
  • The buttons are a little tight.

A simple e-book is suitable for those who need it only for reading and are not looking for additional functions. A large memory capacity (8 GB) makes it possible to store an entire library in one pocket; if necessary, you can purchase additional memory in the form of a microSD card.

The soft, adjustable backlight of the MOON Light display is gentle on the eyes without causing eye fatigue. Opens electronic copies of books in all common formats. You can change the font size and set bookmarks. Has built-in Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries, allowing you to translate words with just one tap of your finger.

  • There is a backlight that does not strain the eyes.
  • Convenient buttons.
  • Good battery capacity 3000 mAh.
  • Android OS.
  • There is no cover included.
  • Inconvenient transition to the desired page.

A popular electronic reader with a touch screen and backlight. The high-quality E-ink HD Carta screen does not strain your eyes and does not cause fatigue after several hours of reading. Electronic ink with good rendering and contrast creates the effect of reading a real paper book.

Supports various shapes texts and images. The memory capacity is not as large as its predecessors - 4 GB, but it can be expanded up to 32 GB with a memory card. One of the features worth noting is the presence of built-in games, which can come in handy on a long trip if you suddenly get bored with reading books.

  • Low price for such functionality.
  • Supports multiple formats.
  • High resolution display.
  • Large number of shades of gray.
  • Lightweight and compact.
  • Not enough memory.

New among e-books 2019. Stylish design of the case made of matte black plastic. Equipped with a touch screen, there are no mechanical control buttons. The latest generation E-Ink Carta display with a resolution of 1080x1440 makes text a pleasure to read.

Convenient file sorting of the library by collections, authors, etc., which can be edited as you need. There is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but there is no slot for memory cards, so you will have to be content with the built-in 8 GB, which, however, will be quite enough for almost any library.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite book

  • Excellent quality display with high contrast.
  • "Smart" lighting.
  • Long operating time.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Built-in dictionaries.
  • There are no control keys for scrolling.
  • Does not recognize fb2 format.
  • Does not support memory cards.

An excellent e-book model for Android with a 6-inch touch screen. A newly developed display that imitates the surface of paper. The built-in browser and Wi-fi will allow you to view website pages and even use social networks.

Recognizes common text formats and image files. Large selection of font style and size settings. Thanks to the presence of 512 MB random access memory and a 1000 MHz processor works quickly and without freezes. Thanks to the 3000 mAh battery, it does not require frequent charging. The kit includes a “smart” cover, when closed, the device goes into sleep mode.

  • Battery life.
  • Convenient touch control.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Cover included.
  • Slightly uneven illumination from below.

A miniature and lightweight e-book reader, one of the company's latest innovations. Housing with rounded corners, made of matte plastic High Quality. Easily fits even in a trouser or jacket pocket. In addition to the touch screen, it is equipped with additional control buttons. A convenient carrying case is included.

It runs on the Android operating system, it is possible to connect headphones and listen to audiobooks when traveling, for example, on the subway, when your hands are full. The 2-core Rockchip RK3026 Dual Core processor and 512 MB of RAM are responsible for the performance, this allows you to use the “gadget” not only for reading books, but surfing the Internet.

  • Duplicate controls – sensor and buttons.
  • Android OS with the ability to install applications.
  • Nice case.
  • Audio jack.
  • Long work in offline mode.
  • Not detected.

One of the best electronic readers with a touch screen, adjustable backlight and the ability to access the Internet via Wi-fi. The control buttons are duplicated - you can use touch control, or you can use the buttons as usual. Supports major book and file formats. It is possible to synchronize your library with your phone through a cloud service.

It has a wide range of options for customizing text: fonts, size, alignment, colors, etc. There is also additional functionality: games, a calculator, a browser for accessing the Internet.

  • Wide screen.
  • Fast response.
  • The backlight can be adjusted for comfortable reading.
  • Possibility of synchronization.
  • Long battery life.
  • High price.

The best e-book according to owner reviews, which is practically free of flaws. The body is made of matte plastic, which is pleasant to touch. Only one color is available upon purchase – brown. In addition to touch controls, you can scroll through pages using buttons. Which is undoubtedly convenient for those who are accustomed to button controls.

The display size is a record among all model line manufacturer - 7.8 inches, resolution 1872x1404. The screen supports the ability to rotate text by 90 0. The backlight is adjustable according to color. The font size is adjustable and the text style can be customized.

1024 MB RAM guarantees fast operation of the device. And 8 GB of built-in storage will be enough to store your favorite collection of works.

  • Big screen.
  • Good performance.
  • Recognizes all text formats.
  • Light weight.
  • 3 years warranty.
  • Case not included.

The flagship model of the reader, which has not received as much popularity as the previous model, primarily due to the high price. The screen size is the largest among all e-books in our rating – 10.3 inches. Resolution 1872×1404 px.

It runs on the Android 6.0 operating system and has a Wi-Fi module for Internet access. Performance is ensured by a 4-core 1600 MHz processor and 2 GB of RAM. The built-in memory is 32 GB, which will not be so easy to fill with books.

Dual touch control makes it possible, in addition to reading, to leave notes in the margins using a stylus, sketch sketches, and then process them in a graphic editor on the computer. Recognizes all types of text files.

The display does not flicker, the image is formed using the “electronic ink” principle, which does not cause such eye fatigue as when reading from a smartphone or a regular tablet.

  • Stylus included.
  • Long battery life.
  • Large screen with excellent quality.
  • Excellent operating speed.
  • Multifunctionality.
  • Price.

Comparison table and prices

ModelScreen diagonal, inchesRAM/built-in memory, MBBattery capacity, mAhBacklightPrice, rub
6 n/a/40961500 No4799-5050
6 256/8192 1300 No6400-6999
6 512/8196 3000 Eat5590-6990
6 n/a/40961500 Eat6350-7218
6 n/a/8192n/aEat12590-13990
6 512/8192 3000 Eat7190-8990
6 512/8000 2800 Eat5800-10809
6 512/8000 1500 Eat9470-10990
7 1024/8196 1900 Eat14990-155990
10 2048/32000 4100 Eat38780-39990

How to choose the best?

With the variety that stores provide us, it is easy for an inexperienced buyer to get confused. Choosing faithful companion When traveling, consider several parameters:

Screen. A modern reader is equipped with an E-Ink screen using “electronic ink” technology, which brings the displayed text as close as possible to its paper counterpart. When reading this tap from the screen, your eyes do not get tired. Saves battery power.

Those models that are sold with TFT screens are just a variant of a tablet and in reality have nothing in common with high-quality e-books. And these “readers” are much cheaper.

Black and white or color? For comfortable reading, black and white and shades of gray are sufficient. Colored ones are currently almost never found on sale. These are mainly the tablets with a TFT screen described above.

Backlight. Models in the mid-price category are sold without backlighting. Lighting is produced along the contour of the screen, eliminating large eye strain. If you don't read in the dark, then you have absolutely no use for it.

Touch control or push button? If a book is purchased for the purpose of reading only, then there is no point in purchasing a sophisticated model with an Internet connection function. Using the buttons it is very easy and convenient to scroll through pages, manage lists and catalogs. If you plan to browse websites, it is better to purchase a reader with touch controls.

Display size. The most common devices are those with a screen diagonal of 6''. It is convenient to carry it in a small purse, outerwear pocket or in the back pocket of trousers.

Memory. Typically, as standard, most models have 4GB of built-in memory, which is enough for 1-2 thousand books. If necessary, you can purchase a memory card if you need more space.

Recognized formats. Read carefully how many formats are supported; the more, the better. The most common is fb2.

For more details about all the intricacies of choosing a good e-reader, watch the video:

Where can I buy?

Every major city has stores selling electrical equipment, which are usually located in large shopping centers. Or go to the website and order home delivery by selecting the desired reader model, without having to go to the other end of the city.

If you live in a small town, you can arrange delivery in the suppliers’ online stores (or on the manufacturer’s official website). Some devices are not available for sale in Russia, then you will have to order the desired model on the Internet through well-known platforms (Amazon, etc.).

For those who consume the printed word exclusively on the scale of Twitter messages, a reasonable question arises: “Why are they even needed on the computer, these same reader programs?”

Indeed, you can open small texts in any operating system without problems - there are enough standard applications for this. But there are simply no tools that allow you to work normally with larger sizes in a “clean” system. But doing this with regular ones is very inconvenient, and your eyes get very tired.

So if you have to read fairly large texts from the screen, and you want to do it with maximum comfort, and at the same time still want to preserve your vision, without specialized programs- electronic readers - you just can't get by.

There are quite a lot of programs for reading e-books. Each has its own pros and cons. But it is impossible to cover them all in one article. Therefore, I will limit myself to only those that have “taken root” on my computers over the years. Or periodically, as needed, they appear on them.

Easy and convenient program. And although it is not updated very often, all versions are still functional. Designed for Windows, but on Linux it usually works well under Wine. There is also an official version running Windows Mobile.

On mobile platforms, IMHO, it has no serious competitors at all, neither in terms of capabilities nor in terms of convenience.

It has a large number of all sorts of settings that you don’t have to look into if you don’t want to - most of the options are set quite reasonably and by default.

It has a large list of supported formats, including the currently mega-popular FB2. One of the few that works with ODT files (Open Document, used in, Microsoft Office and LibreOffice) without prior conversion.

The default interface resembles an open book, the yellowish background of the pages is more comfortable for the eyes and is very convenient when long reading. As a bonus, AlReader does not require installation and can work from any mobile media. For me personally, this is the most convenient and favorite program for reading files in FB2 and EPUB format.

The program is cross-platform and exists for almost all popular operating systems. It has a large list of supported formats and a large number of various settings. I recommend delving deeply into the settings and adjusting everything to your liking. It is not difficult.

It comes with something like a library - a simple cataloguer in which books are sorted by genre, author, etc. In this case, the book files themselves are not imported into the library, but only links are created to their location in the file system.

In general, the program is quite serious and, if properly adjusted, is very convenient. Of the minuses, over the years I have noticed only one - there is no “book” mode with two pages on the screen. On large widescreen monitors, lines of text may be too long, making them difficult to read. Although this is just a matter of habit.

The program is cross-platform and not only free (which is quite natural), but also open - its sources are available. So you can find its version on the Internet not only for any PC operating system, but I have also more than once come across packages compiled by craftsmen for a variety of mobile platforms. So, if you understand, you can do some magic with the raw materials yourself, or search on the Internet for a ready-made package specifically for your mobile device.

There is also a large selection of supported formats, a good set of settings, a choice between one-page and two-page reading modes, etc.

And although CoolReader 3 does not differ in anything extraordinary, it fulfills its main task “with 5 points” - reading with the help of this program is very convenient (with the correct settings “for yourself”). Over the years of use, no particular disadvantages have been noticed.

The word “Professional” is in the name for a reason - today, IMHO, this is the most powerful and multifunctional program for reading e-books. Moreover, the Russian version is free to use.

In fact, it consists of two equivalent modules - the reader itself and the library.

The reader can operate in two modes - scrolling mode (one page on the screen) and book mode (two pages on the screen). Moreover, each mode can be configured separately - background, font, flipping, etc.

It is necessary to dwell a little more on scrolling. In ICE Book Reader Professional you can turn pages both manually (and in several ways) and automatically. In this case, you can either set the scrolling speed yourself or set it to full automatic. When fully automatic, the program will automatically adjust to the user’s reading pace.

Library mode is a full-fledged cataloguer in which you can sort added books by genre, author, series, etc. Moreover, the program can take the data for sorting itself, directly from the added files, or you can easily change everything or set it manually.

It should be noted that books are “imported” into the library - links to them are not simply created, but the book file itself is copied to a special storage (at the same time, the compression level can be adjusted to save disk space). Therefore, after import there is no need for the original file.

When installing, I recommend that you carefully consider the option of choosing a directory for storing the library - a conveniently located directory with books (your personal settings are also stored in it - next time you won’t have to configure everything again) can be easily copied to simplify your task during possible system reinstallations or transferring the program to another PC.

The list of supported formats is more than impressive - almost all common formats. At the same time, ICE Book Reader can import books directly from archives, without any need to first unpack them. A variety of archives are also supported, including exotic and outdated ones, which no modern archiver works with anymore.

The abundance of settings can confuse inexperienced users. And it’s completely in vain - everything is very simple there. All it takes is a little attention and time spent on setup, and everything will pay off. Because ICE Book Reader is not only the most powerful reader today, but also the most customizable for a specific user. It can be perfectly adjusted to suit you in order to read in comfort and enjoy the process.

Programs for viewing PDF, DjVu and other formats

In addition to all kinds of text formats, there are a number of others that, strictly speaking, are not text. But nevertheless, e-books in such formats are found all over the Internet. At the same time, if almost any Linux distribution contains tools for viewing “anything and everything” right out of the box, then in a freshly installed Windows tools for opening such files are completely absent as a class. You will have to install them yourself.

Of these formats, the first one is PDF. It is where you most often find pirated copies of books on the Internet - scanned textbooks, encyclopedias, tutorials, magazines, etc. (however, not only pirated ones). Therefore, software for working with such files is “vital”.

Original program from the format developer. And that says it all - everything that can be supported and worked in PDF is supported and works. On the one hand, this is a plus. On the other hand, all kinds of scripts embedded in the book file itself also work. And among them now there may be malicious ones.

After downloading a pirated version of a tutorial or the latest version of a computer magazine in PDF from the Internet, do not be lazy to run it properly with an antivirus.

As a result, Adobe is forced to constantly release patches and patch security holes. However, this problem affects not only Adobe Reader, but also any other software for working with PDF. As for Adobe Reader itself, the disadvantages include the significant size it takes up on the disk and its heaviness.

Also designed for PDF viewing, but an order of magnitude easier than the program described above. Lighter, faster and less gluttonous. At the same time, Foxit Reader is also not deprived of its capabilities. It has Russian localization (if you are connected to the Internet, select Russian in the settings - the localization file will be automatically downloaded and moved where needed). There are a bunch of versions - old, new, portable (working without installation)... - all cope perfectly with their main function - viewing PDF, without any need for an Adobe reader. So I recommend it.

There is a version for Linux. And although it has been in beta for many years, it works without any serious glitches.

In addition to PDF, another common e-book format on the Internet is DjVu. It is ideal for scans of educational, scientific and engineering literature - one-color text containing drawings, formulas and graphs with very good quality is compressed into relatively small files. But among the Windows programs for viewing this format, IMHO, only one is worthy of attention (Linux users are a little better with this issue).

The program is small, fast and convenient. It does not differ in particularly “sophisticated” functionality. But all she needs to do is rip DjVu files normally, which she does “with five points.” In general, it is highly recommended for use.
