We will help you solve your problem. How to find an effective solution

A factory that produces tomatoes and potatoes on an industrial scale. Urban industrial production of vegetables. The first industrial-scale vertical farm opened in the city (Singapore), with the aim of reducing dependence on food. Actually, such a decision seems quite logical, local residents appreciated the freshness and quality of the home-grown product. Unlike a commodity, where it is difficult to monitor the safety of the growing technology, in the case of a vertical farm, it is only sunlight and water, and no pesticides. this has made them hugely popular with local consumers, and they sell out very quickly. As a result, the company produces two tons of vegetables per day. The rainwater stored in the upper sections, when flowing down, rotates the platforms, so that their orientation in space constantly changes and a uniform distribution of sunlight is achieved. At the same time, the yield is 5–10 times higher than with traditional cultivation of land on a similar plot. The concept of vertical farms is the only way to feed the population of the future, Singapore has pioneered and I'm sure many cities will follow suit, because the idea is worth it. So, a hybrid of tomato and potato is an independent plant, on which the British company Thompson & Morgan has been working for 15 years. Instead of tops, tomatoes grow on it, and potatoes instead of roots. Representatives of the company claim that more than 500 tomatoes can be harvested from above, which are sweeter than any other varieties. At the same time, wonderful white potato tubers will grow in the ground, which is suitable for boiling, frying and making chips. The new plant bears the patented name TomTato. The British claim that TomTato is not the result of genetic modification, but a natural and safe product.
How to grow them? This applies to both indoors and outdoors. Maybe even in a pot. TomTato loves compost and is afraid of frost, tomatoes can be harvested from July to October. But there will be only one potato crop - you can dig it out after the tomatoes run out. Production in vertical greenhouses, in the city. In about 50 years, 80% of the world's population will live in cities. And to the current 7-plus billion, another 3 billion will be added. In order to feed them all, agriculture should be transferred to the cities, the specific architecture of a farm in a high-rise building may vary, food production will not depend on the vagaries of the weather. Such a farm will produce several crops a year. Another advantage is that isolated plants will be protected from infections affecting the fields. The same is true for pests, the farm is able to provide nutritious food for 10 thousand people, inside the building it is much more convenient to organize the care of plants and animals, harvesting, control over the quality and biological safety of products. And this is with the current level of technology. Why "drag" the farm to the city and fence dozens of floors? Seemingly more advanced systems Agriculture it is quite possible to develop outside the city limits, and there are still lands free from fields. But Firstly, the cost of transportation: fuel, spare parts for machinery and fertilizers from industrial centers to remote agricultural areas and crops back, "to the center" - this is not only the cost of transportation, but also fuel for cars, the emission of harmful substances. And the additional growth of forests around cities will give the city an opportunity to breathe. Hydroponics, high-tech farms - all this is already there. People only need to take the next logical step - to condense such industries, "growing" them into high-rise buildings, expand the list of plants that will be grown, supplement them with animals, and move farms directly to where consumers are concentrated, that is, to megacities.

How well you handle problems often determines your success and happiness. If you cannot figure out how to solve a problem, try to analyze it and break it down into several small parts. Consider whether you should approach the solution of the problem logically or through sensations and feelings? Find a creative approach to this situation by consulting with other people and looking at this problem from different points of view.


Approach the problem

  1. Define the problem. Think about what the problem really is, don't just look at the "symptoms" of the problem. In such a case, it is important to pay attention to the main essence, and not to extraneous sensations that are associated with this problem. You can analyze the accompanying feelings and emotions later. So, get familiar with the main problem and try to fully understand it.

    • For example, if your room is always a mess, the problem may not be that you are dirty. Perhaps you just don’t have enough drawers and shelves to neatly organize and spread out all your belongings.
    • When identifying the underlying problem, be as careful as possible. If it's a personal issue, be honest with yourself to find out what's wrong. If this is a problem that lends itself to a logical explanation, try to understand where and when it first arose.
    • Think about whether this problem is real, or you made it up? Do you need to solve this problem, or is this something you want? Putting the situation into perspective will help you navigate the problem-solving process.
  2. Make big decisions first. Think about what decisions you need to make, how and why they are important to solving your problem. Making decisions will help you move forward in solving problems, so first think about what to focus on, what needs to be done, how you are going to do it.

    • For example, you may have several problems that need to be solved. Therefore, you first need to decide which of them to solve first. Solve problems as they come - it will be easier and you will not worry about other problems.
    • Once you make a decision, don't doubt yourself. From now on, be prepared to look to the future without thinking about how things might have been if you had chosen a different option.
  3. Simplify the problem. too complex and global problem difficult to resolve. If there are several similar problems, break them down into smaller components and deal with them individually. Break the problem into smaller parts so you can understand it and find a solution.

    • For example, if you have many different assignments to complete in order to pass an exam, focus on how many assignments you need to complete and then start completing them one by one.
    • Whenever possible, try to combine the same type of problems and solve them together. For example, if you don't have time to study, try listening to a recorded lecture while you're driving to class (or take a quick look at your notes while you're waiting for lunch).
  4. Describe what you know and don't know. Review the information you already have. Then think about what information you still need. Find all necessary material and then properly organize it.

    • For example, if you are trying to take a test, find out what you already know and then decide what else you need to learn. First review what you already know, then start looking for and learning new information from your notes, notebooks and other sources that can help you.
  5. Try to predict the results. Come up with a plan B (maybe plan C will come in handy too) so you don't get caught up in just one option. When you come up with possible solutions, think about what each of them can lead to. Consider the possible outcomes and how they will affect you and those around you. Think about how things will play out in the best and worst case scenarios.

    • Pay attention to how these scenarios make you feel.
  6. Allocate resources. Resources include time, money, effort, travel, and so on. If solving a problem is a top priority for you, you may need to allocate more resources to solving this problem than if it were not a priority for you. Think about what resources you have and how you can use them to solve the problem.

    • For example, if you have a deadline, you might miss cooking dinner or working out a couple of times. gym to spend that time working on the project.
    • If possible, reduce those tasks that are not necessary. For example, you can save time by ordering groceries or meals online instead of going to the store. The time saved can be spent on other tasks.

    Approach problem solving creatively

    1. Have a brainstorm and come up with several solutions. Think of different ways to solve a problem. Knowing that you have several ways to solve this problem, you will have a choice. After thinking about alternative options, decide which ones are more realistic and which ones are best left out.

      • If you're making a difficult decision, write down a list alternative options. In this case, you will not forget any possible option and you can immediately cross out those options that seem unrealistic.
      • For example, let's say that you are hungry and therefore need something to eat. Think about whether you want to cook something for yourself, buy fast food, order food, or go to a restaurant or cafe.
    2. Try different approaches to the problem. If you are solving a specific problem, analytical and logical skills will help you the best. In other cases, you will have to rely on emotions to help you solve the problem. Often, solving a problem requires the ability to combine the skills of thinking, feeling, and even intuition. Don't be afraid to use all of these methods, try each one and see what works best for you.

      • For example, if you are considering a job offer that will pay well but leave you too little time for your family, you will need to approach this issue. different ways. Think about this sentence logically, but also pay attention to your feelings and thoughts, and also imagine how your decision will affect you and those around you.
    3. Ask for advice. If your problem is not solved overnight, seek advice from other people. Perhaps you know someone who has had a similar problem in the past and that person can give you some advice. It is not so important whether you follow his advice - it depends only on you. However, it can be helpful to get a different point of view.

      • For example, if you're buying a house or apartment and don't know how to make a final decision, talk to other homeowners, listen to their opinions about buying a house/apartment and their regrets.
    4. Track progress. If you are working towards a goal, keep track of how things are going. If you are moving forward and succeeding, keep going. If you find that you are not doing very well, consider solving the problem in a different way. You may need to come up with new strategies to solve your problem.

      • For example, if you are having financial difficulties, pay attention to how your efforts affect income and expenses. If the habit of budgeting helps you, keep going. If you don't know how to handle money, try something else.
      • Keep a diary, write in it about your progress, successes and problems. These entries can be read to increase motivation when you feel frustrated.

The black stripe can become a takeoff

We all face problems from time to time. Sometimes some situations and circumstances seem hopeless to us. I want to run away, close, forget everything that happened. But is it worth it?

After all, then the lesson will be repeated again. There is another way to get into a problem, think about it day and night, shed tears, pour it over, drink it or eat it, in general, disguise it with something. And find the culprit!

Complaining about the problem and looking for someone to blame will also only take away our strength and energy and lead us away from solving the problem.

It is also important to remember that the more we resist, the more the situation will escalate and become more complicated.

Need to find a way out! And it's better not to be alone. As the saying goes, There are at least three favorable exits from any hopeless situation..

What are the ways to solve problems, and how to choose the most suitable one, or maybe combine them?

1. View from the side.

This method involves an independent search for information. Throughout history, man has found solutions to a great many problems. And he recorded the results of his decisions on material media: papyrus, paper, stone, computer.

When solving a problem, it is advisable, first of all, to independently turn to sources of endless information.

2. Contact a specialist.

We live in a society, we are surrounded by thousands of people, each of whom is an expert in some field. Psychologist, tarot reader, astrologer, coach, psychic, there are even problem solvers.

The problem solver differs from them only in that he works with problems that require not extensive knowledge and great experience in a narrow area, but only quick wit, accuracy, common sense, some basic ideas, general skill in working with problems. and, of course, inspiration.

Undoubtedly, someone has already encountered the problem that you have. Most likely, they have already been solved by someone, and many times.

The work of a professional saves you time and nerves, but a good professional is expensive, and dependence on a psychologist can develop when a person has not solved his problems, and does not solve them.

3. Ask for help from people close to you.

This way of solving problems is one of the most traditional. The method is quite reliable, since these are people with whom you enjoy communication. Often such communication can reassure, give support.

Tell your family, friends, people you really trust. They will always be ready to help - with advice, deed. This is much better than drowning in negative thoughts and experiences.

This is a good opportunity to get an "outside view". The main thing is not to be intrusive and always be ready to provide such assistance yourself.

4. Change focus.

Often we are too close and too emotionally involved in a problem to see and appreciate it from a good perspective. Try to look at the problem as an outside observer. With a wider view, you will see more possibilities.

Often we think about the problem, savor it in the brain, focus on it, but it is not solved. We try to decide with the mind, drowning out intuition. In order for it to be solved, it is necessary to remove attention from the problem, remove importance.

The contents of automatic writing are very often drawings, incomprehensible signs, circles and, of course, texts.

All you have to do is write down whatever comes to mind. This should be done from 20 minutes to an hour. The main meaning and purpose of the process of automatic writing is to surrender to the flow of sensations you perceive.

Understanding the problem and a way out of it will come in the letter itself.

6. Ho'oponopono.

Hooponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from the Hawaiian language, the word "hooponopono" means "correct a mistake" or "put everything in its place." There are four statements that you must repeat over and over again, non-stop:

"I'm really sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"I love you".

"Thank you".

If you don't like something in another person, then it is in you too. Your job is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also change.

When you use Ho'oponopono, you are not clearing a person, place, or event, but neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place, or event. The advantage of this method is that everything happens inside you, no intermediary is needed.

7. Constellations.

This method was developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. The breakdown is efficient method, which allows you to easily and visually identify the problem.

Using this method, it is possible to discover the reasons that bind a person to a certain system of relations, limit freedom of action and impede personal development, preventing him from building his own life.

With the help of the arrangement, you can analyze what is happening to you, find effective solution in your situation and

8. Reincarnation.

« If there is a problem, you need to dive deep into it. Then you will either find the treasure, if it is there at all, or you will find a single void there. In both cases, you will be rich.

Finding a treasure will naturally make you rich. Finding emptiness, you end it all”, - this is Osho as if about reincarnation.

It is immersion in oneself, in one's memories, that this method presupposes. There can be no other people's answers, ready-made solutions. Reincarnation is looking for the root of the problem, and through time and space. And then it's up to the small - the decision.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev:

If we have the strength to create a problem or illness in our lives, then we have the strength to solve that problem.

Remembering past lives , you will realize that you have dealt with a similar problem more than once, and if not, then you will realize what result the approach that you have already used has led to. Perhaps the recurring situation lasts for more than one life.

Often the problem is block store resource, creative potential, the very treasure, having discovered which, you will no longer be the same. And no matter where and when you left it, it is yours, and you can use it at any time.

All you need to use this problem-solving method is trust in yourself, a good guide, and the Internet.

Reincarnation also involves self-help, self-immersion, which means you yourself can become a problem solver and help others.

There is always a way out. And the most amazing thing is that you know it. You know how to solve the most difficult problem, how to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

It is possible and necessary to learn from problems, to create and discover those opportunities that otherwise would not be revealed.

Descartes square

An ideal method for solving any problems that scare you. The fact is that we too often get stuck on one single question: “What will happen if this happens?” This makes it difficult to find a solution, because you look at the problem from only one side. Descartes' square is the simplest technique that allows you to find a solution in a matter of minutes. So, draw a square on a piece of paper. Divide it into four parts. Write a question for each section.

What will happen if this happens?

What happens if this does NOT happen?

What will NOT happen if this happens?

What will NOT happen if this does NOT happen?

Answer all four questions, and the solution to the problems will come by itself. Simply because you will consider the situation from four sides.

automatic writing

A method that will require you time and patience, but the results can overwhelm you. The essence of the method is very simple: you just need to take a pen, paper (a lot of paper!) and start writing. There is no need to pre-formulate the questions to be answered. The essence of automatic writing is to turn off the consciousness and allow the subconscious to come out. So, you need to stay alone in a calm environment. Grab a pen and paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind. Do not stop. You will need a lot of time - from 20 minutes to an hour. At some point, you will really start to write completely automatically, that is, you will stop thinking about what exactly you are writing. Then all you have to do is read what you have written. Most likely, you will find the answer to all your questions. But the truth is, it might surprise you.

Focus change

It is impossible to objectively consider the problem, being inside. Asking outside observers for advice is also pointless, because they have not been inside the problem and have no idea what it really is. Actually, there is only one way out - you yourself need to become an "outsider". There is only one way to do this, literally running away from the problem. Feet. The next step is to relax! The thing is, if you just walk away, you won't stop thinking about the difficult situation. Time can help here (which you most likely do not have) or strong impressions - better positive ones, of course. You need to repress your emotions. After you have removed yourself from the problem both physically and emotionally for a while, you can return to it as an “outside observer”. This will help to look at the situation with different eyes and find ways to solve problems.

Contacting a specialist

If you are completely confused, relatives will most likely suggest that you contact a psychologist. And you probably won't go to him. Because who knows how to look for it a good specialist. And then, it takes time and money, which also may not be available. What is really important to understand is this: you need to look at the problem through someone else's eyes. That is why a friend who knows about the problem will not help you; mother who knows you perfectly will not help; and even more so, the person who is inside the same problem will not help. There is no need to be afraid of psychologists. No need to look for the best specialist in the world - it is likely that you will only need a couple of sessions. And you need to be prepared for the fact that the specialist will not give you any advice, but this is not necessary. The very opportunity to state the essence of the problem to an outsider helps to look at it as if through the eyes of others.


The good old way of solving problems - you probably turned to it more than once. “Consult a friend” is it. But in fact, the more "brains" will be involved, the better. You need a group of people willing to help you, a place where you can gather, and time to go through all the options. This method is not very suitable for solving deeply personal problems. But if it's a situation where you feel stuck, brainstorming is the perfect method. Because none of your friends will offer you a suitable solution right away. It will be born by itself, in the process.

mammoth eating

“You can even eat a mammoth if you eat it in parts” - this is, in fact, the whole essence of the method. You don’t even need to butcher this “mammoth”, because you will be mired in new problem- how best to do it. Imagine that you are a predator, in front of you is the carcass of a mammoth. Come and bite. That is, do not look for some single right way to solve the problem, try to approach it from different angles and “bite off” a little. That is, to make a small effort, one that does not strain you too much and does not frighten you. In this way, you will feel the problem from all sides - this is the first thing. And secondly, an understanding will gradually come, from which side it is still better to solve it.

Many people are accustomed to constantly complaining about their lives and do not even look for ways to improve it, although in fact life success depends only on the person himself. All people have problems in life, so instead of suffering from constant depression and wasting your time, it is better to start solving your problems with your own strength. After some time after solving some problems, you will notice that life has become much better. Learning to solve life's problems is not difficult, you just need to really want it and then everything will work out.

To learn how to solve certain problems in your life, you must first of all believe in yourself and your own strengths, without this you will not be able to cope with problems. People who do not believe in themselves and their strengths usually, on the contrary, only create many problems for themselves and make their lives worse by constant depression and bad mood. But in fact, everything is much simpler, a person just needs to learn, not be afraid, and finally begin to act. Then no problem will be able to drive him into a depressive state, because he will be able to quickly deal with it.

In order to learn how to solve your problems, you need to stop constantly, hope or count on someone's help, because by and large, many people simply don't give a damn about other people's life circumstances. If a person really wants to solve his problems, and not create new ones for himself, then he needs to become strong and learn to rely only on his own strength. Now is such a time, and you need to help yourself only on your own, waiting for help from other people is stupid, because they have a lot of their own problems. So it's time to stop being a whiner in life, such people are rarely lucky in life.

You can start solving your problems with some small problems that are easy to solve. Then moving on will be much easier and easier. After a person is able to solve one problem, he will feel a surge of strength and understand that he is actually not as weak as he always thought. Then it will be much easier to move on, and in the future it will be possible to find a solution even difficult problems, after all, it’s not without reason that they say that a way out can be found in almost any situation if you don’t sit back and look for it. Such strong people they will not be able to scare even serious problems in life, because they can always find a solution.

Of course, sitting constantly whining and complaining about your life can be much easier than taking action, but such behavior will definitely not bring any benefit to any person. First of all, a person must stop feeling sorry for himself, and he must understand that someone has even more serious problems in life, but they do not prevent them from moving forward. Perhaps, after such reflection, it will be possible to look at your problems with different eyes, and find a solution. After a person begins to solve his own problems, then he will surely wake up to a real respect for himself. And self-respecting people will never allow themselves to show weakness, and will emerge victorious from any situation in their lives.
