Seeing in a dream a high-ranking person gives an autograph. Interpretation of sleep autograph in dream books

Why dream of an autograph

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To a promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex (if you give A.); to the probable deception of you by a person of considerable rank (if you take A.).

Why dream of an autograph

Spring dream book

Giving an autograph is a sign of negligence.

Why dream of an autograph

Summer dream book

Giving an autograph to someone in a dream or seeing how people unknown to you do it - to receive news from relatives.

Why dream of an autograph

Autumn dream book

Autograph - to receive a long-awaited letter.

Why dream of an autograph

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Trying to get an autograph in a dream means your perseverance and determination in achieving your goal.

Giving an autograph to someone - a pleasant surprise, a gift awaits you.

Trying to find out who owns the autograph indicates that you are not satisfied with the profession with which you earn your living.

Copying an autograph means your excessive impressionability and suspiciousness: you have nothing to suspect your other half of, since you are quite satisfied with it.

Why dream of an autograph

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that crowds of fans were reaching out to you to take your autograph, in real life you cannot satisfy your ambitions, which is why your pride suffers.

If in a dream you yourself take an autograph from someone, then in reality you need the support of an influential person.

Why dream of an autograph

Eastern dream book

In a dream, crowds of fans stretch their hands to take your autograph - which means that in real life you cannot satisfy your ambitions, which is why your pride suffers.

If you yourself take someone's autograph, then you need the support of an influential person.

Why dream of an autograph

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You give someone an autograph, there are a lot of people in front of you who would like to get your autograph - in the very near future success awaits you, and with it some fame. This is very good, and you can rejoice in the morning, remembering this good dream. However, do not forget that success and fame for some people is not an easy test; some people can’t stand it. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of a pleasant surprise: for example, a long-awaited meeting with a person; this dream can also be a gift. If you dream, on the contrary, that you ask someone for an autograph and finally get it, then you can be absolutely sure that in the coming days you will reach the goal to which everyone last days sought. Your best qualities: perseverance, purposefulness, confidence, self-discipline, the ability to organize themselves did not turn out to be unclaimed. Do you dream that in notebook or you find an autograph on a piece of paper and you can’t remember whose it is and you remember it intensely, you make out the graceful curls of letters - a dream indicates that you would not mind changing the type of your activity; you believe that you are capable of much more than you do every day without much desire, and the society in which you live can be of great benefit. Nothing prevents you from trying your hand at a new field, and the dream you saw should only strengthen your faith in success.

Why dream of an autograph

Combined dream book

If in a dream you yourself take an autograph from someone, in reality you really need the support of an authoritative and influential person.

In the event that you dreamed that crowds of fans wanted to take your autograph, in real life you cannot satisfy your own ambitions, which is why your pride suffers greatly.

Why dream of an autograph

Christian dream book

Autograph - If in a dream you yourself take an autograph from someone, in reality you really need the support of an authoritative and influential person. In the event that you dreamed that crowds of fans wanted to take your autograph, in real life you cannot satisfy your own ambitions, which is why your pride suffers greatly. If you give an autograph in a dream, and you see a lot of people in front of you who want to get it too, success awaits you in life. This is very good dream. It can also mean that you are waiting for a gift or a long-awaited meeting with your loved one. If in a dream, on the contrary, you receive a long-awaited autograph from someone - in real life this means that you will finally achieve what you have been going for so long, patiently and stubbornly. Take someone's autograph - in life you need the support of an influential person. It is a dream that you found an unknown autograph in your diary or notebook - in reality, you would not mind changing your occupation, because you think that by doing what you love, you can bring considerable benefit to society. Sleep should only strengthen your faith in success.

Why dream of an autograph

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing an autograph unknown to you in a dream means your inner dissatisfaction with your profession or position in society.

Collecting autographs in a dream is a dream symbolizing your desire to take an example from famous and famous people.

Get an autograph in a dream famous person or your idol is a good sign. It symbolizes your perseverance and perseverance in striving to achieve more.

Giving someone an autograph means that you will be able to achieve your goals.

To put a signature in a document in a dream, to sign for receiving something is a sign of self-confidence, good luck and success.

Why dream of an autograph

Dream Interpretation Longo

To dream about how girls and young people take your autograph means that in real life you rely too much on your own strength. You can not do it this way. Higher powers may prevent your further development; it is always better to underestimate yourself than to overestimate yourself, otherwise you can get very burned. You should seek help from someone from your environment, and then things will go much faster and more successfully - if you choose the right person.

A dream in which you yourself take an autograph from some celebrity means that you do not trust your abilities at all. Modesty adorns a person, but nothing should be exaggerated. You are afraid of responsibility, constantly shifting it to someone who takes it more calmly. Try to at least partly take it upon yourself, and you will see for yourself in your abilities.

They gave an autograph in a dream - you should be extremely careful in reality in signing any documents and business papers.

Seeing someone's autograph and trying to make it out - to receive a letter or other news that you have long been waiting for from someone.

Trying to fake someone's autograph in a dream with the aim of selling it to fans of this person - a dream warns of an illegal act, which you will very likely be tempted to do soon.

If someone else did this in your presence, then you will commit some illegal act, perhaps out of ignorance, but the law does not allow for this.

If you took an autograph from a friend or relative in a dream, they will ask you for something in debt.

Why dream of autographs, Longo's dream book

A dream in which unfamiliar young people and girls ask you for an autograph warns of an excessive overestimation of one's own strengths. You are really capable of a lot, but, relying on this, you will stop in your further development. Having seen such a dream, it is better to turn to someone from your environment with a request for help, since in this situation underestimating your capabilities is preferable to overestimating them.

A dream in which you happened to take an autograph from a famous person should be regarded as distrust in your strengths and capabilities and fear of responsibility. Even modesty is good in moderation. Stop shifting responsible tasks onto the shoulders of others who are more calm about them, you can handle it yourself.

Seeing familiar people asking you for an autograph - this dream warns that you are proud of yourself more than you should. From this, your soul becomes stale and loses the highest help. Look critically at the object of your pride, and you will see that the reason for this is negligible. For example, you are beautiful and talented, but is this really your merit?

If in a dream you are looking at the autograph of a person you know, this means your inner dissatisfaction with yourself, with your achievements. It seems to you that during this time you could achieve a higher position in society, acquire a more prestigious profession. But after all, life is not over, many have achieved success even at sunset, remember this.

Collecting autographs, seeing your own collection - such a dream speaks of your desire to be like someone you admire. This is not bad, but do not lose your own individuality, otherwise you will not be noticed.

Why dream of an autograph - a modern dream book

If in a dream you take an autograph from a person who is unknown to you in reality, a very profitable business or a tempting position may turn up for you, but for successful promotion you will have to flatter someone or even give a bribe. Moreover, with your character, the second would be easier for you.

If you dreamed about how a celebrity gives an autograph, the dream warns that envy often interferes with your friendship. Take the success of friends easier, even if you consider yourself more worthy of the favorable look of Fortune.

Taking an autograph from a famous face - such a dream warns that you can become addicted, which will be difficult to get rid of. Perhaps it is a question of taking a large amount of debt. Now is not a good time for that.

If you dreamed that crowds of fans were reaching out to you to take your autograph- in real life, you cannot satisfy your ambitions, which is why your self-esteem suffers.

Eastern female dream book

In a dream, crowds of fans reach out to take your autograph.- it means that in real life you cannot satisfy your ambitions, which is why your pride suffers.

If you yourself take someone's autograph- so you need the support of an influential person.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Giving an autograph is not for a public figure- a reflection of the desire to be perceived (also the need and / or possibility of this).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Giving an autograph to someone in a dream or seeing people unknown to you do it- to receive news from relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Autograph- to receive the long-awaited letter.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Giving an autograph- be careless.

General dream book

Trying to get an autograph in a dream- means your perseverance and determination in achieving your goal.

Giving someone an autograph- A pleasant surprise awaits you, a gift.

Trying to figure out who owns the autograph- says that you are not satisfied with the profession with which you earn your living.

Copying an autograph- means your excessive impressionability and suspiciousness: you have nothing to suspect your other half, since you are quite satisfied with it.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing an autograph unknown to you in a dream- means your internal dissatisfaction with the profession or position in society.

Collect autographs in a dream- a dream symbolizing your desire to take an example from famous and famous people.

Get an autograph from a famous person or your idol in a dream- good sign . It symbolizes your perseverance and perseverance in striving to achieve more.

Giving someone an autograph- means that you will be able to achieve your goals.

Put a signature in a document in a dream, sign for receiving something- a sign of self-confidence, good luck and success.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

To dream about how girls and young people take your autograph- means that in real life you rely too much on your own strength. You can not do it this way. Higher powers may prevent your further development; it is always better to underestimate yourself than to overestimate yourself, otherwise you can get very burned. You should seek help from someone from your environment, and then things will go much faster and more successfully - if you choose the right person.

A dream in which you yourself take an autograph from some celebrity- means that you do not trust your abilities at all. Modesty adorns a person, but nothing should be exaggerated. You are afraid of responsibility, constantly shifting it to someone who takes it more calmly. Try to at least partly take it upon yourself, and you will see for yourself in your abilities.

Watching your friends take someone's autograph- you began to be too proud of yourself. This can lead to hardening and cooling of your soul, which is hardly what you are trying to achieve. Take a look around you, and you will understand that in general you don’t have so many reasons to be proud of yourself. The source of your narcissism doesn't really deserve to be thought about.

Collection of dream books

If in a dream you yourself take someone's autograph- in reality, you really need the support of an authoritative and influential person.

In the event that you dreamed that crowds of fans wanted to take your autograph- in real life, you cannot satisfy your own ambitions, which is why your self-esteem suffers greatly.

Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of sleep Autograph.

What if you dreamed of an Autograph, crowds of fans want to take your autograph - you cannot satisfy your ambitions .;

A dream in which you see an autograph. A dream in which you take an autograph from someone - you need the support of an influential person.,

Interpretation of sleep Autograph.

To dream about how your friends take an autograph from someone - you are too proud, this will not lead to good .;

If you dream of an unknown Autograph, it means your inner dissatisfaction with your profession or position in society. ;

What does it mean to see an autograph in a dream. Getting an autograph from a famous person or your idol in a dream is a good sign. It symbolizes your perseverance and perseverance in striving to achieve more.;

Why dream of getting an autograph from an idol is a good sign. It symbolizes your perseverance and perseverance in striving to achieve more.;

What is the dream of the Autograph, the interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation Longo

The dream in which you give young people and girls an autograph indicates that you overestimate your own strengths. m you can’t rely on them like that, because higher forces can stop your further development. It is always better to underestimate than to overestimate yourself, otherwise you can get burned. If you seek help from the right person from your environment, then the course of affairs will be faster and more successful.

Famous people always attract the eyes of fans and just curious. Even if we are not very interested in, for example, cinema, we still know what famous Hollywood and domestic actors look like. After all, their photographs are printed in a mass of publications and posted on thousands of sites on the World Wide Web. But what if you dreamed of a celebrity during your night dreams? Dream Interpretations on this subject give several different interpretations. We propose to consider some of them.

dream book of David Loff

Facilities mass media today they create idealized images of famous actors, singers, etc. And they often become the heroes of our nightly dreams, because it seems to us that we know them and are familiar with them. So, according to David Loff, the appearance in a dream, for example, of a pop star is a reflection of the desire to make a new acquaintance or even a romance. It is also possible that such a vision is a reflection of the desire to prove to everyone that you, as they say, are not born out of thin air. But what if you dreamed that you yourself are a celebrity. The dream book contains an interpretation on this matter. So, if you dreamed that you are a popular artist, you have a lot of fans and admirers, and you are happy to go on stage, then you may have some kind of talent that needs to be revealed. Also, such a vision may indicate your desire to achieve higher goals, which in no case should be abandoned.

Modern dream book

A celebrity to see and talk to her in dreams - to a serious conversation with the boss about your career prospects. It is likely that you will soon expect a promotion. If you are having a frank conversation with a famous person, then in real life you are for the most part a closed and lonely person who does not want to trust anyone. Because of this, in difficult times, you will have no one to ask for help. Therefore, try to become a more open person for other people, do not be afraid to make contact with others. What other interpretations does the Modern Dream Book contain? A celebrity (singer, for example), to whom you came to the rescue in one situation or another, indicates your lack of confidence in your own abilities and doubts that you are able to benefit someone. Try to think about this state of affairs. Perhaps you seriously underestimate yourself, which can interfere with your happiness and success in life. What if you dreamed of a date with a celebrity? The compilers of this collection of interpretations claim that in this case you are ready to do everything to achieve success, and do not waste your time on trifles.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The compilers of this collection claim that the vision in which you communicate with a famous person indicates the need to devote yourself to fruitless chores in the near future. A dream in which you take an autograph or take a photo with famous actor or a singer, predicts career. Also, you might be very interested influential person. However, at the same time, you can expect What else can you learn by picking up this dream book? If at night you dreamed that you yourself are a celebrity, in real life in the near future you risk suffering from an overestimation of your own capabilities. Therefore, try to adequately look at things.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

According to the authors of this collection, a famous person in night dreams can promise you a speedy advancement in career ladder or move to another higher paying job. What else can you expect if you have a celebrity in your vision? The 21st century dream book contains information that if you dreamed of a famous scientist, then in real life, when making important decisions, you should exercise maximum caution. If you communicate with a pop star, then you will expect an improvement in the financial situation. If you take an autograph from a famous person and at the same time you are surrounded by others famous people, then this is a very promising sign! So, most likely, in real life you can build brilliant career or without special problems get a promising and well-paid job. Therefore, do not miss the chances that appear on your way.
