Why do flowers grow in a dream. Why dream of flowers

This dream is very interesting. All sources interpret it differently, but for correct interpretation all the details and nuances of this dream should be taken into account.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation: why the flower is dreaming

When a person dreams that he picks flowers to collect a bouquet from them, this means understanding the world around him and familiarizing himself with some knowledge. If a dreamer pricked himself about a presented bouquet in a dream, in real life he will have to endure a strong one due to the fact that his loved one will change. A dream in which someone trampled flower plantations in the sleeping area is a warning about the intrigues of enemies. They will try to do everything to prevent a person from accessing the necessary information. A bunch of indoor plants- it is a symbol of secrecy of feelings. full of beautiful flowers, the aroma of which the sleeping person inhales, indicates that an unusual romantic date awaits him in reality. Withered bouquet - to separation and health problems. Planting flowers in a dream is a noble act in reality. If the sleeping person is showered with them, his spiritual loneliness may last, and inflated ambitions will remain empty dreams. Weave a wreath - to great love and the creation of a family. A flower pot received as a gift means that the dreamer will receive news of the deceased.

Icelandic dream book

Seeing flowers in a dream or tearing them - to loss, damage and all sorts of troubles.

What is the dream of a flower according to the Gypsy dream book

This dream is a symbol of hope, especially in love. Color portends the onset of calm and peace in the family. However, they won't last long.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A lot of bouquets in a dream portends joy. White flowers come in dreams for an imminent wedding.

Eastern dream book will tell you why white flowers dream

Beautiful and fresh flowers in a dream portend joy and various pleasures. Whites dream of death (especially chrysanthemums).

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

When a person shares flowers with someone, this is a harbinger of an imminent parting with this person. If the buds bloom in a dream on someone's grave - to great happiness. Crumpled flowers - the chosen one or the chosen one plans to cheat on the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Azar: why do fresh flowers dream

This dream is very interesting. Fresh flowers symbolize good luck and vitality. If there is a whole basket of them - great happiness in love. If they are yellow - a loved one will change. Blue or purple - to Framed with flowers to happiness in the house.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

Why is the flower dreaming? This is a dream that symbolizes the feelings of the sleeping person and the aspirations and plans associated with them. A good dream are those that grow in the garden. It says that a person's life and hopes are not in vain. If they have fragile petals (for example, poppy, wild rose, tulip) - this is a sign of empty illusions. After such a dream, a person should not be completely trusted own feelings. To give or receive a beautiful bouquet - to friendship and mutual understanding. For lovers, this dream portends a reciprocal feeling from the chosen one. A bouquet with a spicy aroma is a sign of passion and temptation. The dream suggests that a person is able to lose his head because of love, which can end for him in sadness, pain and the collapse of hopes.

First of all, a distinction should be made between a dream in which you simply dream of flowers, from one in which you see a bouquet. For example, if you are holding a presented bouquet of flowers in a dream or you yourself gave a bouquet of flowers to someone, then in this case the flowers themselves act in a certain abstract meaning, focusing on the fact that this is a decorated composition (the interpretation of the bouquet in this case may differ in its meaning and given separately). Thus, giving a bouquet of flowers in a dream and giving flowers are not the same thing.

If a young girl in a dream happened to receive flowers from a stranger as a gift, then a new romantic relationship awaits her. At the same time, the smaller the number of donated flowers, the faster this event will happen, and their number should be odd.

If in a dream someone gives you flowers in an even number, separation is ahead.

Parting with a loved one is also predicted by a dream in which the sleeping young man I had a chance to give flowers to a girl who was unfamiliar to him in reality.

If a sick person dreamed of a dead man who gives fresh flowers, he will recover soon.

A dream is considered unfavorable when a same-sex friend or girlfriend gives flowers. Such a dream suggests that this person has a secret sympathy for your partner (partner).

To see flowers, beautiful, but with a color completely unusual for them - to jealousy, envy.

I dreamed of inanimate flowers, paper ones - a very bad sign for lovers, their love will be very short-lived.

Dried flowers dream of a long illness.

Well, if you dream of flowers blooming in a garden, in a flower bed, this gives hope for personal success.

For a young girl, a dream is beautiful in which she sees flowers bloom before her eyes.

If you dream of various flowers whose petals look loose on the stem (such as iris flowers, tulips or poppies), then your dreams are just false illusions. You should not trust your feelings in reality.

And vice versa, if you dream of flowers with petals that create a feeling of their strength, this speaks of friendship, mutual understanding and fidelity. In this case, your feelings do not deceive you. Especially indicative in this regard are the dreaming calla flowers.

However, giving a calla flower in a dream is a bad sign, portending the death of feelings, and in some cases, the death of the person receiving this flower.

Dreams in which the flowering of flowers is accompanied by a smell are very vivid. Smell flowers in a dream and feel their aroma - to positive changes.

But, if the smell of flowers in a dream was unusually strong, even cloying, then you can be destroyed by a strong passion, temptation. Dreaming of exotic magnolia flowers are very characteristic in this regard.

If you dreamed that blooming flower has a completely unusual aroma, all the more unpleasant (for example, dreaming flowers in your hand smell like herring or acetone), then you can be cruelly mistaken in your feelings.

In many ways, the interpretation of a dream about flowers depends on the color of its petals.

A white flower is an ambiguous symbol in a dream. Picking white flowers is a promising dream for a girl who has already found her love in reality.

Gifted flowers white color dream of separation.

A dried flower that has a white color portends a girl to celibacy or marriage at a fairly mature age.

If a business person dreamed of lilac flowers, he should expect difficulties in advancing his career.

I dreamed of a purple flower - ahead of widowhood.

It is especially unfavorable to see in a dream purple flowers in a pot on your own windowsill.

Black flowers are also a bad omen in a dream. If a black flower is pinned to the buttonhole of a person you know, then he may die or suffer great grief.

Blue flowers dream in anticipation of something unusual. Perhaps you will understand the meaning of what is happening much later.

I dreamed of red flowers - ahead of passion, a strong feeling.

A pink flower in a dream is a warning that you naively believe a person who has not so harmless waking intentions towards you.

Orange flowers - a dream to great joy, a bright event that will cheer you up.

I dreamed of green flowers merging with the rest of the greenery - you will have secret romance, which you will do your best to hide even from friends.

Selling flowers in a dream - to love by calculation, expression of feelings and passion for money.

Buying flowers for yourself, for the soul, dreams of loneliness, which will not burden you at all.

Picking flowers in a public flower bed is a crazy act dictated by love.

Fertilizing flowers, replanting them, caring for flowers in a dream - to the changes that you yourself plan and implement.

I had a chance in a dream to water dried flowers that died completely - to fruitless attempts to restore in reality a destroyed, hopeless relationship.

Flower bulbs dream of a person who is afraid of new feelings, does not let passion into his soul. In all likelihood, a certain time must pass before his soul can blossom again.

What is the dream of a flower, Wangi's dream book

Beautiful flowers dream as a sign of vivid feelings, positive changes.

If you dreamed of a lot of flowers, then an eventful period lies ahead, and these events will be mostly positive, your life will sparkle with new colors.

Dreamed of dry flowers, dried or paper - your feelings and expectations will be deceived.

Receiving flowers without packaging as a gift is a sign of the sincerity of the feelings of the person who gave them to you.

A blue flower for a girl is a dream of hope, but if blue flowers surrounded her everywhere, then the dream prophesies unrequited love.

I dreamed of a blue flower, especially a rose - you will be disappointed in love.

A red flower dreams of either a passionate romance or illness. The first or second interpretation will be indicated by your feelings during sleep. If in a dream you stand with bright red flowers, but do not experience any emotions from this, then there are concerns about your health, especially the circulatory system.

If a girl dreamed of pink flowers in a vase on the table, then she would receive a declaration of love from an unknown person. He might never open up to her.

Collecting wild flowers in a dream - to simple worldly joys.

Looking for flowers in the garden in a dream among vegetable crops and finding them is a good sign, indicating that even in everyday hustle and bustle you know how to find and see the beautiful.

Flowers, French dream book

A wild flower dreams of joy.

Flowers in a flower bed - to the fact that you will have a chance to spend time among many children.

Plant a flower in a dream - to add to the family.

Why dream of flowers - a modern dream book

Picking flowers in a field or in a forest is a dream for a joyful, good mood.

Bringing flowers collected in the field home - a dream to family well-being, mutual understanding.

Buying flowers in a store is the need to congratulate a person for whom you do not feel sympathy.

Catching flowers thrown by someone - for a young girl, such a dream is a dream for an early marriage.

I dreamed of an unusual flower that you had never seen before - you will experience an incredible, unfamiliar feeling.

Breaking a flower in a dream is a sign of your rejected love.

What do you associate flowers with? Probably something bad or sad. For everyone, especially women, it is a symbol of joy and romance, prosperity, spring and beauty.

And not only in reality it is so, because flowers in a dream are always a bright and pleasant sign. And to find out more accurately and fully what flowers are dreaming of, the dream book will help us.

A dream can be romantic or mysterious, bright or strange, and the flowers themselves can be anything in it. And they mean completely different things, there is no one answer to the question of why flowers dream. In order to interpret a dream, it is worth returning to it mentally, remembering the nuances. What were the flowers in a dream, yellow, red? Roses or daisies? Field, domestic, artificial or in a bouquet? All of these are important and worth considering. The dream interpretation divides the plots into the following:

  • To see just flowers in a dream.
  • Collect them, buy them, plant them in the ground or a pot.
  • Rip or transplant.
  • Flowers in a dream are wild or grow in a flower bed.
  • Give them or receive them as a gift.
  • Blooming, withered or artificial flowers in a dream.
  • Why dream of watering flowers, caring for them.

If you figure out why fresh flowers or some others are dreaming, then you need to remember and take into account all the nuances, even the smallest ones. Then you will know what awaits you!


Remember what exactly happened, what the flowers were, their features. What they were and what they looked like will indicate your future and present.

1. The first thing flowers dream about is happiness, flowering and joy. This is a wonderful symbol, absolutely every dream book says so! It is a symbol of blossoming youth of soul and body, boundless harmony and renewal. Only the most beautiful, a new phase of your life awaits you!

2. If they were beautiful, lush, large, healing awaits you. You are already healing! It is the healing of the body as well as the soul. Not only illnesses and illnesses leave you, but also longing, bad memories, old pain. You will be able to become a new person on your own!

6. Seeing wilted plants in dreams is not a terrible sign, as many might think. It could mean the end of something old and, of course, the beginning of a new one. The loss of the old, familiar can bring sadness and sadness, but do not be discouraged. Change will only lead to happiness, and after that you will realize that everything was for the better!

7. It is not difficult to find out what artificial flowers dream of. The interpreter warns - be more sober and wiser so as not to be disappointed. Do not build castles in the air, try to see what is.

8. Why dream of wild flowers, growing or plucked? This means that ahead of you is waiting for a lot of reasons for joy. Get ready!

It is worth considering separately why white flowers, red or another shade are dreaming. Yellow buds are often associated with separation, but this is only in reality. In a dream, this color means joy and harmony, and yellow flowers will bring you good friendship, reconciliation, the disappearance of conflicts and the onset of peace.

You yourself can probably guess what red flowers dream of, this unambiguous and specific symbol. For love, of course! Wait, love and passion will knock on you soon, and if you are in a relationship, then feelings will flare up in them with renewed vigor!

If they were white, there is great joy and a sense of pleasure ahead. A white stripe full of pleasant surprises.

Sleep features

It is also important to consider where they grew up or were located. Try to remember, it will give additional information!

1. The dream book will tell you what the dream of a flower in a pot that grows at home or anywhere else. Seeing him, replanting, watering, buying or planting in a pot is always a good sign, and it means domestic happiness and peace in the family.

2. Flowers in a flower bed - to see, plant or replant, tear or just admire - always promise joy and pleasant days in carefree fun.

3. If you saw them in your hands, then you will catch great luck in reality. You will be very lucky soon!

4. If they were in the house, literally everywhere, then there will be a lot of happiness and harmony in your house. The more there were, the better the days will come for you and your family!

5. Unusual option if you dreamed of flowers flying in the air. This means that your financial situation will soon recover, a good profit awaits you!

In addition to the vision, some actions could have taken place. Such as planting, giving, or if they give you. What did you or other participants in the dream do?

When you give a bouquet, it's always nice. If in a dream you were presented with flowers, then in reality there will be a pleasant surprise or some very tempting offer.

If you gave them to someone, in your love or friendly relations in reality there will be harmony and peace, you will get maximum joy from them. In addition, soon you will feel great gratitude to some person.

Planting a flowering plant in the ground, in a pot or flower bed is a great sign. This may mean that your idea will bring good results and a lot of joy not only to you, but also to other people. Planting flowers in a dream is also a symbol that you will start something new, and this will be a very good idea.

Picking flowers in a dream means that in reality you will have new friends. And it will good people that will bring you joy!

If you had to collect a bouquet in a dream, then very good changes will come in your personal life. You will build your happiness with your own hands! The main thing - do not be idle! Carefully, carefully and lovingly build your destiny, and you will succeed.

Weaving a wreath? Great light sign! Great, pure joy and inspiration awaits you.

Replanting plants means some kind of change in personal life, in relationships. You want to change something, and you will succeed! If you had to buy a bouquet in your dreams, wait for a date and a pleasant romantic evening!

"Flower" dreams always bring only joy and never portend any trouble. It doesn’t matter if they give you them in a dream or you grow them - in reality, expect only joy, and this will certainly come true!

Seeing wilted flowers in a dream - to melancholy, depression, unfortunately about the past. In addition, they can symbolize a fake relationship with a loved one if you dreamed that luxurious shrubs bloomed and smelled next to them. Almost all dream books recommend paying attention to the color, variety of plants in order to understand what dried specimens dream of.

Warnings from Miller's dream book

The more withering plants I had a chance to see in a dream, the richer life the dreamer himself. It turns out that in any form they mean the sensitivity and extraordinary nature of the one who dreamed about. However, they promise a period of loneliness, a little longing.

Considering what wilted flowers dream of, Miller's dream book focuses on their features:

  • expensive, exclusive items - to cunning rivals, fake compliments;
  • field: buttercups, chamomile, cornflowers - to the extinction of romance;
  • garden: peonies, dahlias, violets - unfortunately about the good times;
  • bushes - to depression, emotional distress, tears.

Live in the present

Seeing a wilted flower in a pot, trying to resurrect it in a dream - to memories of the best period of life. If you dreamed that you unsuccessfully tried to plant him in the ground, do not give vent to your feelings and emotions, watch your mood.

The dream book of Nostradamus, describing why the closed and dried up buds of roses, violets dream of, recommends looking around, finding people who are much worse, offering them their help. In addition, on such days you can do charity work, volunteering.

Be carefull

Seeing a wilted flower in a dream not in a pot, but in a flower bed - to the appearance of scammers, swindlers in your life. A dream means that one of the opponents will make dishonest moves towards you. The gypsy dream book reminds you that you cannot trust new ideas and plans for the future, even to colleagues and business partners.

Betrayal, breaking contracts, lucrative contracts, long-term agreements - this is exactly what lifeless buds dream of. Vanga's interpretation of sleep comes down to cunning neighbors, friends who take advantage of your kindness and do not even try to be grateful, to reciprocate.

Arrange holidays and weekends

A female dream book warns married ladies and gentlemen against romances on the side. Persistent admirers and admirers will at first seem like ideal partners, but soon they will get tired of playing the role of lovers and show their true colors. The break in such a relationship will be painful, depression will overwhelm the dreamer, regardless of his gender and age.

The world of night dreams has remained a mystery and mystery for thousands of years. However, a dream book helps to get a little closer to unraveling the confusing images and symbols in dreams. Why dream of flowers? Delicate and fragrant buds of different varieties are a good symbol purity and spiritual beauty, but in dreams a flower can carry a completely different meaning.

For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is important to remember which flowers you saw in a dream:

  • field - to disappointments in life, sadness and tears;
  • artificial - to the collapse of some of your plans and hopes;
  • flower buds - to unexpected joyful events in life;
  • a lonely flower is a symbol of the fact that all your thoughts are on this moment devoted to one person;
  • a bouquet of flowers - to the beginning of a new period in your life, in which there will be a lot of happiness, love and tenderness from a loved one;
  • indoor flowers in pots are a sign of your isolation and detachment from the outside world. You should learn to trust people and live in society, otherwise your life will turn into a series of trials;
  • a flowerbed of well-groomed flowers is a symbol of your unjustified focus on external benefits. You lose yourself, forgetting about your inner world;
  • flower garden - to pleasant surprises in your life. Soon you will feel like a real darling of fate;
  • a bouquet of withered flowers is a symbol of cooling in your relationship with your lover.

However, often we have to not only see flowers, but also perform certain actions with them. From this, the meaning of dreams changes dramatically:

  • inhale the floral aroma - to unexpected losses;
  • picking flowers - to sincere and long-awaited joy;
  • plant flowers in pots or earth - to trouble in matters of the heart, cooling in relations with a soul mate;
  • replanting flowers is a symbol of the fact that soon a strong temptation will appear in your life to change or deceive your lover;
  • watering flowers - to the acquisition of new spiritual strength for the realization of your happy hopes;
  • to receive flowers as a gift - to pleasant acquaintances and the manifestation of increased attention to you from the opposite sex;
  • buying flowers is a sign that you are not completely sincere with your life partner. Your actions and words can lead to a break in your relationship;
  • to make a bouquet of flowers - to pleasant and joyful events;
  • burn flowers - to the need to get rid of past relationships, let them go;
  • pick a flower - to the beginning of an exciting romance or the appearance of a devoted friend in your life.

The dream book also attaches great importance to the coloring of flowers in your dream:

  • green is a symbol of future prosperity;
  • white is a symbol of your spiritual purity and harmony;
  • red is a warning about risks and dangerous adventures in your life. You should be more careful in your affairs;
  • pink is a symbol of your feminine;
  • yellow - a sign of imminent separation, cunning and deceit;
  • orange - a symbol of your attractiveness and spiritual harmony;
  • blue is a symbol of lightness and purity of your feelings;
  • brown is a symbol of pride;
  • black is a sign of your delusions and mistakes in reality.

Interpretation of various dream books

According to Vanga's dream book

This dream book presents several interpretations of dreams with flowers:

  • accepting any flowers as a gift and pricking about them is a symbol of the fact that soon severe mental suffering awaits you due to the deceit or betrayal of a loved one;
  • to pick flowers for a bouquet - to comprehend important things in the knowledge of the world around you;
  • to see someone trampling down a flower garden in the garden is a sign that your ill-wishers are trying to misinform you;
  • indoor flowers - a sign of secrecy of your feelings. Open up to others, and your life will be filled with new colors.

According to Freud's dream book

Freud interpreted the growing flowers he saw in a dream as a future renewal. This dream warns of good news, unexpected meetings and long-awaited acquisitions. A dream will be a good sign, in which fragrant plants were without signs of wilting, fresh and beautiful.

White flowers - to future sad events and loneliness. However, if you had this dream on Thursday, then soon you will meet a beautiful and interesting woman.

Seeing wilted or dried flowers in a bouquet in night dreams - to loss, grief and a strong experience in the future. A dream in which there were a huge number of colors of different shades means that you are in a state of love.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

In this dream book there are several interpretations of dreams with flowers:

  • a huge number of beautiful flowers - for a romantic and long-awaited meeting with your lover;
  • withered flowers - harbingers of separation or health problems;
  • to plant flowers in your garden - to a noble and very wise act on your part;
  • to weave a wreath of wild flowers - to see your lover soon, a magnificent and memorable wedding in the future.

According to Loff's dream book

If in a dream you received roses as a gift Green colour from a person close to you - this is a certain sign of jealousy on the part of your friends for your romantic affection.

Lilies in dreams promise you renewal, the revival of new feelings and freshness of sensations. Yellow roses - for friendship, scarlet - for love. White flowers mean purity, and black ones are harbingers of illness or death of loved ones.

If in a dream you saw orchids, then at the moment you feel the peak of your sensuality and sexuality with your partner. If in a dream you saw a lilac, then you should be more attentive to your health, as serious illnesses lie in wait for you.

According to Hasse's dream book

If you see wilted flowers in a dream, then soon all your affairs will be resolved by themselves and everything will change for the better. If you made a bouquet in a dream, then soon you will find great happiness or a long-awaited meeting.

To accept beautiful flowers as a gift - to reverent and tender love.

According to Miller's dream book

This dream book presents several meanings of dreams with flowers:

  • flowers in the garden - harbingers of new acquisitions and pleasures;

  • white flowers - to sadness in the future;
  • dried or fading flowers - to trouble;
  • a very rich and beautiful bouquet - to receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative unknown to you, a joyful and pleasant pastime in the company of young people;
  • a bouquet of multi-colored flowers is a symbol of the fact that you will have many admirers;
  • flowers growing on barren land - to sad events in the future. However, with the maximum of your energy and optimism, you will be able to achieve a good position and happiness in the future;
  • a bouquet of daisies - to chagrin.