show business stars. Russian celebrities with a very busy personal life (17 photos) Any celebrity biography

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    Do you want to be aware of the latest celebrity news? Love looking at celebrity photos? On our portal you will find out all the most interesting: photos of celebrities, personal life of show business stars, star tips, interviews, photo reports from recent events. The stars of show business are in everyone's mind every minute, but we are always interested in learning a little more about them. Here you will find the latest information and will always be able to keep abreast of events. We hear about the stars of show business all the time: radio, TV, the Internet and glossy magazines are just full of information about the life of our idols. However, this topic is still of interest to us. Reading such news is not just a way to pass the time and get a little distracted from pressing problems. The life of show business stars is an example for each of us. Someone will try the advice about proper nutrition from your favorite actress and, perhaps, inspired by her example, will discover yoga or kickboxing. Someone will take as an example the stamina of character famous actor. Someone decides to become like their idol and finally take up their own style of dressing. Someone will be interested in comparing photos of celebrities in real life and in glossy processing, as well as pictures in which the always perfect gossip heroine poses without makeup, and this will be an occasion to think about whether we idealize the stars too much and strive to be like them. ? After all, they are, in fact, ordinary people, and you should not reproach yourself for the fact that your figure does not look like Kim Kardashian's forms or your hair is not as lush as Vera Brezhneva's. However, celebrity photos can give you new ideas for own life. Everyone will find something to inspire and how to start changing their lives for the better. Our site will be a great help in this, because we even publish photos of naked celebrities from the red carpet! Here you will find biographies of movie actors, famous TV presenters, singers and singers and other representatives of the world of show business. On our portal you can read the biographies of both the most famous secular party-goers, as well as information about the lives of those who prefer not to devote the public to the details of their personal lives. Here you will find stories that have made a lot of noise, and few known facts worthy of attention. Read the biographies of actors and actresses, and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself. This will allow you to discover new facets in your idol, get to know your “favorite” better, and maybe you will find a few more previously unfamiliar characters worthy of your attention? Perhaps you want to watch films with their participation? Read books written by them? Adopt the features of their style? All this will expand your own horizons - and without any effort. Or maybe someone's tragic experience will help you find a way out of a difficult situation. life situation? In some cases, other people's experiences can become very revealing and can help develop your own life experience. The biography of the actors in this regard is just a storehouse of information, and the main thing is to use it to good use. Reading the biographies of movie actors is also always an extremely exciting process, from which it can be impossible to break away. Find out who was the first love of your idol, how did the fate of the now forgotten, but so popular earlier artists, what did the rich and famous of this world look like in childhood, what did they dream about, what did they strive for? How do they live now? What are they dreaming about? What principles are followed in raising children? How do you maintain a relationship with your soulmate? How do they cope with stress, which, due to their busy schedule, is simply inevitable? You will learn about all this on our portal. Show business stars are people whose lives are always under the gun of dozens of cameras. However, on our portal you will always find something new and interesting. We publish the most up-to-date information: last news, reports from photo shoots and, conversely, unknown photographs of past years, details of personal life, as well as little-known facts, stellar tips about self-care and, in general, about life, detailed biographies and a lot of interesting things - it’s impossible to tear yourself away!

    It's no secret that in recent times the work of any artist for the viewer sometimes goes into the background. And his personal life comes first. Paparazzi and annoying journalists are on the alert!

    Oksana Akinshina
    Oksana was born on April 19, 1987 in Leningrad. She is known to the audience for such films as: "Hipsters", "8 First Dates", "Super Beavers" and many others.

    The personal life of the actress is very eventful, according to her, she falls in love exclusively with scoundrels and scum. Akinshina met with actor Alexei Chadov for a long time, lived with Sergei Shnurov.

    In 2008, she married Dmitry Viktorovich Litvinov, the general director of the Planet Inform company. Their wedding was spontaneous, after only two months of dating. June 2, 2009 they had a son - Philip. In 2010, this marriage broke up.
    After that, Oksana met with singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov. And on January 13, 2013, the second son was born to the actress, whose father is 37-year-old film producer Archil Gelovani.

    Svetlana Hodchenkova
    Svetlana is 33 years old, during her acting career she managed to star in many films. Here are some of them: "Bless the woman", "Love in big city", "Love affair at work. Our time”, “Moms”.

    The personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova has long been associated with actor Vladimir Yaglych. From 2005 to 2010, the couple lived in a legal marriage. According to close friends of the couple, Vladimir was very jealous of his wife and sometimes even raised his hand to her, but the decision to divorce was made after the betrayal of her husband.

    Soon a new contender for the hand and heart of Svetlana appeared - a young businessman Georgy Petrishin. On May 28, 2015, a touching event took place. After the completion of Svetlana's performance, Georgy Petrishin appeared on stage with a bouquet of flowers and a ring, and then solemnly proposed to Khodchenkova. The touched actress answered “Yes!”. But the wedding never took place.

    Now the actress has a relationship with actor Dmitry Malashenko.

    Julia Volkova
    The former soloist of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, is now building solo career. She does not hide the fact that she has always been popular with men.

    In 2004, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, from the athlete Pavel Sidorov, with whom she had only three months of close relationship. In 2006, Yulia began an affair with singer Vlad Topalov, but, according to lovers, two creative people can rarely get along side by side.

    After some time, Volkova secretly became the wife of businessman Parviz Yasinov and converted to Islam. On December 27, 2007, the "tat" gave birth to a son, Samir, from Parviz. In 2010, Volkova left her son's father. Now she is raising her children alone.

    It was rumored that Yulia Volkova had an affair with video blogger and singer Roma Acorn, who is 11 years younger than the artist. However, the information has not been confirmed.

    Lolita Milyavskaya
    Behind the shoulders of the famous Russian singer and actress, who turned 52 last November, as many as five marriages.

    Her husbands were: actor Alexander Belyaev, Vitaly Milyavsky, showman Alexander Tsikalo, businessman Alexander Zarubin.

    In 2010, Lolita Milyavskaya got married for the fifth time. Her chosen one (as she herself said - the last one) was a tennis player, the seventh racket of Russia, a squash coach Dmitry Ivanov.

    Alla Pugacheva
    Alla Pugacheva was married five times. Her first marriage took place quite early, Pugacheva at that time was only twenty years old. Her chosen one was a student of the circus school Mikalas Orbakas. Alexander Stefanovich, director, in 1976 became the second husband of the prima donna.

    This is followed by the second longest marriage in the life of the singer - for eight whole years she was married to her own producer Yevgeny Boldin. He, in turn, was replaced by the young Kirkorov as the husbands of the Primadonna. Perhaps this marriage has become the most scandalous in the life of the Primadonna. Only the lazy did not discuss their relationship then.

    The singer played her last wedding with Maxim Galkin in 2011. The couple secretly signed in one of the Moscow registry offices and celebrated the event in a restaurant

    She is rich. She is talented. She is beautiful. And now Angelina Jolie also tops the list of world's most influential celebrities in Forbes versions, displacing Oprah Winfrey from first place. Having earned a modest $ 27 million, she repeatedly blew up the media with reports of another adoption and finally the birth of twins from Brad Pitt, who only got a modest ninth line on this list.

    Rightful second place in this "celebration of life" is the queen of the talk show, Oprah Winfrey, who has such a solid influence that in an hour of live broadcast she can overthrow a sitting senator, and the expression "Tell that to Oprah!" has almost become an international proverb. Among other things, she earns $ 275 million a year, owns a magazine and a satellite television channel Sirius, and the following year launches The Oprah Winfrey Network with Discovery Communications.

    Bronze for services to world PR and good earnings Forbes awarded Madonna, who regularly shocks the public with her hobbies for Kabbalah, writing children's books, affairs with prominent athletes and models. Together with a busy touring program, all this brings her an income of $ 280 million.

    Almost on the threshold of the "big three" was the rapidly ascendant r'n'b star Beyonce Knowles, who sang jazz and blues to world fame. Needless to say, she sang beautifully. Speech at the inauguration of Barack Obama, the release of a double album, shooting in two films, the beginning of an international tour, work on clothing collections and a jewelry line, active fashion charitable activities - experts and analysts could not pass by this. Who knows, maybe at this pace next year she will move Madonna down a line.

    The ladies are followed by a company of three gentlemen - the fifth, sixth and seventh places, which were taken by Tiger Woods, who was able to promote himself on his own injury; Bruce Springsteen, who earned $ 166 million on the tour, and world cinema legend Steven Spielberg, whose next version of the adventures of Indiana Jones brought earnings of $ 150 million.

    Eighth place went to Jennifer Aniston. She excelled in the romantic comedy "Marley and Me" and made a lot of noise with an affair with John Mayer. The result of the year is 25 million dollars and an uncountable number of covers of almost all known tabloids.

    The top ten is completed by basketball player, Olympic champion Kob Bryant, who successfully cooperates with Nike and Vitamin Water.

    In addition, such mastodons as David Letterman, Harrison Ford, Michael Jordan, Donald Trump and George Lucas, David Beckham (who got only 28th place), Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Nicolas Cage and even Barack Obama, were in the honorary rating. however, with a modest 49th position. He is followed by Chris Rock, Ronaldinho, Meryl Streep (64th line) and Daniel Radcliffe. The final 100th place was taken by racing driver Danika Patrick.

    1. Angelina Jolie / Angelina Jolie (movie)
    2. Oprah Winfrey / Oprah Winfrey (television, show business)
    3. Madonna / Madonna (music, show business)
    4. Beyonce Knowles (music)
    5. Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods (sports)
    6. Bruce Springsteen (music)
    7. Steven Spielberg (film)
    8. Jennifer Aniston / Jennifer Aniston (movie)
    9. Brad Pitt / Brad Pitt (movie)
    10. Kobe Bryant / Kobe Bryant (sports)
    11. Will Smith / Will Smith (film)
    12. Dr. Phillip McGraw / Dr. Phil McGraw (film)
    13. Britney Spears / Britney Spears (music)
    14. David Litterman / David Letterman (television)
    15. Coldplay / Coldplay (music, show business)
    16. Adam Sandler / Adam Sandler (film)
    17. Harrison Ford (film)
    18. Michael Jordan / Michael Jordan (sports)
    19. LeBron James (sports)
    20. Tom Cruise / Tom Cruise (film)
    21. Bon Jovi / Bon Jovi (music)
    22. Donald Trump / Donald Trump (business)
    23. Rush Limbaugh (TV)
    24. George Lucas (film)
    25. Simon Cowell (television, film)
    26. Stephenie Meyer (film)
    27. Roger Federer (sports)
    28. David Beckham / David Beckham (sports)
    29. Miley Cyrus / Miley Cyrus (music)
    30. Tyler Perry / Tyler Perry (movie)
    31. Kenny Chesney (music)
    32. Jay-Z / Jay-Z (music)
    33. Clint Eastwood / Clint Eastwood (movie)
    34. Howard Stern / Howard Stern (radio, showbiz)
    35. Sean (Diddy) Combs (music, showbiz)
    36. Phil Mickelson (sports)
    37. Jerry Seinfeld / Jerry Seinfeld (movie)
    38. Dave Matthews Band (music)
    39. Tom Hanks / Tom Hanks (film)
    40. Ellen DeGeneres / Ellen DeGeneres (television)
    41. Eddie Murphy (movie)
    42. Rascal Flatts (music)
    43. Jay Leno (television, show business)
    44. Ryan Seacrest / Ryan Seacrest (showbiz)
    45. Nicolas Cage / Nicolas Cage (film)
    46. Kanye West / Kanye West (music)
    47. AC/DC (music, show business)
    48. George Clooney (movie)
    49. Barack Obama / Barack Obama (politics)
    50. 50 Cent (music, showbiz)
    51. Brian Grazer & Ron Howard / Brian Grazer & Ron Howard (movie)
    52. Kimi Raikkonen / Kimi Raikkonen (sports)
    53. Jerry Bruckheimer / Jerry Bruckheimer (film)
    54. Chris Rock / Chris Rock (film, television)
    55. Ronaldinho / Ronaldinho (sports)
    56. Jim Carrey (film)
    57. Manny Pacquiao (sports)
    58. Sarah Jessica Parker / Sarah Jessica Parker (movie)
    59. Toby Keith (music)
    60. Jonas Brothers / Jonas Brothers (music, show business)
    61. James Patterson / James Patterson (movie)
    62. Kevin Garnett / Kevin Garnett (sports)
    63. Jeff Gordon (sports)
    64. Meryl Streep / Meryl Streep (movie)
    65. Larry David / Larry David (television, show business)
    66. Derek Jeter (sports)
    67. Sirena Williams / Serena Williams (sports)
    68. Stephen King / Stephen King (literature)
    69. Taylor Swift / Taylor Swift (music, show business)
    70. Daniel Radcliffe (film)
    71. Reese Witherspoon (movie)
    72. Gisele Bundchen (fashion)
    73. Cameron Diaz / Cameron Diaz (movie)
    74. Nicole Kidman / Nicole Kidman (movie)
    75. Carrie Underwood / Carrie Underwood (music, show business)
    76. Maria Sharapova / Maria Sharapova (sports)
    77. Venus Williams / Venus Williams (sports)
    78. Heidi Klum / Heidi Klum (fashion)
    79. Rachel Ray / Rachael Ray (literature, television)
    80. David Copperfield / David Copperfield (show business)
    81. Glenn Beck / Glenn Beck (film, television)
    82. Katherine Heigl (film, television, fashion)
    83. Jon Stewart (movie)
    84. Jeff Dunham / Jeff Dunham (television, show business)
    85. Anne Hathaway (film)
    86. Tina Fey / Tina Fey (movie)
    87. Drew Barrymore (film)
    88. Charlie Sheen / Charlie Sheen (movie)
    89. Eva Longoria Parker / Eva Longoria Parker (film, television)
    90. Ana Ivanovic / Ana Ivanovic (sports)
    91. Alec Baldwin / Alec Baldwin (movie)
    92. Sandra Bullock (movie)
    93. Steve Carell / Steve Carell (film, show business)
    94. Hugh Laurie (film, television)
    95. Wolfgang Puck (restaurant business)
    96. Penn & Teller / Penn & Teller (television)
    97. Kate Moss / Kate Moss (fashion)
    98. Mariska Hargitay (film, television)
    99. Jennifer Love Hewitt / Jennifer Love Hewitt (film, television)
    100. Danica Patrick / Danica Patrick (sports)