Marilyn Monroe at the president's birthday party. What is known about the secret romance of Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy

Roman Monroe and John F. Kennedy began during dinner.

Investigative journalism book published in the USA mysterious death famous Hollywood actress, singer and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe.

As transmits Oxu.Az with reference to Russian media, the authors of this work came to the conclusion that the suicide of the star was in fact a murder. A relative of the then US President John F. Kennedy ordered the massacre half a century ago.

The book titled The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed was written by journalists Jay Margolis and Richard Baskin. They claim that the actress was killed by lethal injection.

It is known that the romance of Monroe and John F. Kennedy began during a dinner that took place on new year holidays 1962. Then the President of the United States asked the actress for her phone number, and the next day invited her to go to Palm Springs on March 24. However, there, according to Kennedy's friend Senator George Smeizers, John lost interest in Monroe.

“He told me that they were talking once, and something came out of him like:“ You actually don’t fit to be the first lady anyway, Marilyn, ”added Smazers. This remark stung Monroe greatly.

According to new version, the assassination of Marilyn was ordered by the President's brother Robert (Bobby) Kennedy. He feared that Monroe would reveal his ties to both brothers. "Bobby Kennedy decided to shut her up in any way," said actor Peter Lawford, who married the sister of the Kennedy brothers, Patricia.

Novels with the President and his brother

According to Lawford, Bobby Kennedy had a sexual encounter with Monroe in the summer of 1962, when he was on a spicy assignment for the President of the United States. John Kennedy sent him to Los Angeles to convince Marilyn not to call him to the White House again. The head of state was afraid that his wife Jacqueline would find out about his love affair. And the president was not going to divorce her.

As Lawford explained, Bobby had no original intentions of sleeping with the actress. But, once there, he could not resist her charms. The president's brother and the movie star became lovers in the guest bedroom at Lawford's house.

The novel with the second brother Kennedy proceeded even more rapidly. Bobby even promised Monroe to divorce his wife Ethel, but then he also quickly lost interest in Marilyn. Then the actress allegedly began to blackmail Kennedy, declaring that she would organize a press conference and tell about her adventures with the president and his brother, as well as everything she knows about them. She also threatened to publish her personal diary with "compromising evidence" on her lovers, which she hid in a cache.

According to Baskin and Margolis, Marilyn's personal psychiatrist was an accomplice in the murder.

Marilyn does not believe in suicide and her confidante - make-up artist Marie Irwin. For the first time in 52 years, she dared to speak in detail about her communication with Monroe and the details of her relationship with the president. According to Irwin, Marilyn shared her most intimate thoughts with her.

"The atmosphere was like a family. She told me how much she wants to have a child. I heard that she had a miscarriage," says the make-up artist.

In May 1962, Marilyn decided to perform at the celebrations dedicated to the birthday of John F. Kennedy.

“I did her makeup for basically half a day, in between her phone calls, because she was very upset,” recalls Irwin. to New York to perform at the president's birthday."

However, Marilyn attached great importance to this performance. In Marilyn's diary, the schedule was printed by the secretary, and only one entry was made by hand - "Birthday Ball".

Perhaps she hoped to spend time with the president, the press writes.

According to Irvine, on May 19, Marilyn spent the entire day rehearsing the song with her teacher. "She wanted to sing flawlessly," the make-up artist explains.

According to Irvine, Marilyn herself bought five tickets to the ball, for a thousand dollars each. "This was the only guarantee of an invitation to a private dinner after the celebrations. A sign of how the star doubted her own charms," ​​the authors of the investigation say. That evening she was accompanied only by her father-in-law, the father of her husband Arthur Miller.

The riddle of death

On May 19, 1962, the long-awaited celebration took place on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of John F. Kennedy. Marilyn Monroe took the stage and sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President." And on the night of Sunday, August 5, 1962, the actress died under strange circumstances. By the way, a few hours before his death, Bobby Kennedy visited Monroe along with Peter Lawford. A frank conversation took place between the lovers, the content of which is unknown.

However, the conversation ended in a quarrel: Marilyn advised Bobby to come to her place on Monday, August 6, when she would arrange a press conference. This threat infuriated Kennedy, and he announced a complete break in relations, writes The Daily Mail. Not wanting to be rejected, the actress grabbed a small knife and tried to stab Bobby with it. Lawford ran to the noise, who managed to disarm Marilyn.

Neighbors saw Bobby leave Monroe's apartment and then return with one of his bodyguards. It was former employee LAPD Special Forces Organized Crime Unit, accustomed to doing special assignments. Security guard injects movie star with pentobarbital armpit. And Lawford and Kennedy, meanwhile, were looking for the actress's diary in the home.

Since pentobarbital did not work well, the bodyguard and his partner stripped Monroe and gave her an enema with sleeping pills. At 10:30 pm, all four guests left the actress' home in Brentwood, Los Angeles. And after midnight, the housekeeper Juris Murray arrived there. Through the window, she saw the lifeless body of the mistress lying on the bed, and called Monroe's psychiatrist Ralph Greenson and her personal doctor, Hyman Engelberg. Greenson arrived first, and Monroe was still alive at the time.

Arriving ambulance tried to resuscitate the artist. Moreover, the doctor James Edwin Hall noted a strange circumstance: usually, after an overdose, patients vomit, and the smell of drugs comes from the mouth. However, Marilyn did not have these symptoms.

According to Hall, the actions of Dr. Greenson, who became the head of resuscitation, were extremely clumsy. At the same time, he thought about how to become famous.

Greenson could not give an injection, because the needle rested on Marilyn's rib, and then, using physical force, he simply broke the bone. "I've seen a lot of medical procedures, but this guy was just brutal," Hall added.

A subsequent forensic examination concluded that the cause of death was "acute barbiturate poisoning, oral overdose." However, coroner Thomas Noguchi worked so sloppily that he could not find the injection marks.

The police report stated that the actress had probably committed suicide. At the same time, it is known that the head of the Los Angeles police, William Parker, sympathized with Bobby Kennedy, who, as Attorney General, fought against organized crime. In addition, Kennedy and Parker were Catholics. As a result, the police leadership did not allocate experienced investigators to study the causes of the death of the actress. They already had a lot of work.

Monroe was believed to have swallowed 64 pills. An empty pack of sleeping pills was found near the bed. But the artist did not leave any suicide notes.

Although Marie Irwin does not believe in suicide, she does not rule out an accident. "I think she may have been confused. Did she orientate herself badly? Maybe she forgot how many pills she took?" the make-up artist suggested.

We add that immediately after the death of Monroe, the overdose version was widely discussed in the American press, causing the so-called Werther effect: hundreds of Americans followed her example.

According to private detective Fred Otash, the FBI and CIA were bugging Monroe's house. Most likely, both departments were well aware of the true circumstances of Marilyn's death.

This was evidenced, for example, by a man who adolescence lived next door to the head of the FBI, Edgar Hoover. He admitted to the young man that he knew about the murder of Monroe, but did not arrest Bobby Kennedy. Instead, the head of the FBI used incriminating information to strengthen his position in political circles.

May 19, 1962, 10 days before the 45th anniversary John Kennedy, a grand celebration was organized in New York's Madison Square Garden in honor of the president's birthday. All 15,000 spectators eagerly awaited the appearance on stage Marilyn Monroe.

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Rumors about the romance of the most popular president and the sexiest actress have been around for a long time. People wondered what song Monroe would sing, what words he would choose for congratulations, what he would wear, and whether he would be sober on such a day! Marilyn lived up to the expectations of the curious a hundred times - her appearance in Madison Square Garden went down in history. With all their ardent desire, the most outrageous modern pop stars cannot achieve such an effect.

Dress of diamond tears

But without the unique dress from Jean Louis, Monroe's appearance would not have been so shocking. Unless she went on stage completely naked!

Marilyn ordered the fashion designer "a historical, unusual dress, so that no one has ever had such a thing before." Marilyn emphasized: "It should be an outfit that only I can wear and no one else."

Jean Louis focused on the model herself - looked through all the tapes with Monroe and concluded: “Marilyn has amazing control over her amazing body. She managed to make vulgar movements elegantly. I had to beat this constant provocation of hers. I was trying to achieve the effect of Marilyn appearing in a radiance and ... without a dress!

The problem was that back then there were no such thin and silky fabrics. The fabric was woven specifically for this dress in France in a tiny silk weaving workshop. It was painstaking and long manual labor, but it was worth it. After delivering the canvas to America, Jean Louis brought the precious piece of fabric home to Monroe.

The dress was sewn directly on Marilyn, who stood completely naked on a chair with a glass of champagne in her hand. The outfit was a complete copy of Monroe's body shapes, her "snakeskin" with 6,000 diamond rhinestones. No underwear included! The dress was fastened with the thinnest zipper and small skin-colored hooks.

It was categorically impossible to declare such an outfit to the organizers of the concert. Marilyn showed them "decent" Evening Dress black color.

Thank you for everything, Mr. President!

Monroe was deliberately late with going on stage. She couldn't have come beforehand, she couldn't...

The entertainer, Peter Lawford, was already beginning to worry - he had already announced the actress's exit several times. The audience began to whisper. But then a dazzling beam of a searchlight snatched out a small, touching figure of Marilyn Monroe on a huge stage, who was in a hurry to congratulate her President.

With one movement of her shoulder, the actress threw a snow-white fluffy fur coat into the hands of Peter Lawford, and the audience gasped. The electric light met no resistance from the gossamer fabric, but was repeatedly reflected from the diamond facets of small rhinestones. Marilyn moved naked and in an iridescent unearthly glow!

The actress then said: “I suddenly found myself in front of the ramp. I was supposed to sing, but I felt the audience take their breath away - everyone probably thought that I was naked ... "One of the guests of the evening, US Ambassador to the UN, Adlai Stevenson, said:" I did not see the beads!

And here is how the journalist described the appearance of Monroe: “It was a restless evening, a pretentious atmosphere, famous guests ...: Then this spotlight suddenly lights up. All sounds disappeared. At all. It's like we're all in outer space. It was a long, long pause... and Marilyn breaks it with an incredible breath: "Happy biiiiirthday to youuuu." Everyone is instantly ecstatic."

Monroe, as many noted, was very tipsy. However, she was very worried, who would be able to condemn her? When Marilyn sang, the audience froze. The manner of performance was utterly provocative - to match the dress of the actress.

Dorothy Kilgallen wrote in the chronicle: "It felt like Marilyn was making love to Kennedy in front of 40 million Americans!"

“Happy birthday, Mr. President! Thank you for all that you have done, for all the battles that you have won ...: ", - the words of Marilyn Monroe. Everyone understood everything about the battles, there were no questions left ... Kennedy went on stage and tried to laugh it off, it didn’t work out.

Jacqueline Kennedy was expecting something like this, so she wasn't at her husband's party. But Jacqueline still watched the recording of the concert and lost her temper with indignation. John also felt out of place.

Many believe that the decision to part with Marilyn Kennedy, who became intrusive, was made precisely after her speech. Monroe went headlong into a black depression. And she did not leave it, dying 3 months after the performance of the concert number in a dress made of diamond tears. The President survived the Actress by a year.

Heads-up Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy, or naked poker

Marilyn Monroe loved poker. She played with all her men in bed between sex and sleep and vice versa. She didn’t have a dress made of diamond tears, she didn’t have anything at all at such moments - only, as she herself admitted, “two drops of Chanel No. 5”.

Marilyn could play poker indefinitely. But the actress did not differ in special skill, but she did not want to lose. If a man beat her, Monroe puffed out her lips, took offense and kicked out the scoundrel. Marilyn's quick-witted lovers succumbed and quickly bored her. She also kicked them out after a while.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy never succumbed to Marilyn. He was an excellent poker player, did not lose his cool and ignored Monroe's resentfully protruding lips. He also beat his opponents much more seriously, but with them poker was not as pleasant as with naked Marilyn!

And she, poor thing, fell in love. I wanted to be his wife. She put on a dress made of diamond tears and told the whole world about her feelings with a song. But the reputation of the first person of the state turned out to be more important for John than the love of the most beautiful woman in the world!

Everyone lost in this political heads-up - Marilyn, John, America, the whole world. And they could win. But Kennedy went all-in with the wrong cards.

Was married three times. The first spouse of the sex symbol of the 20th century was Jim Dougherty, a merry and handsome man, a former school football star and an amateur actor, who at the time of meeting the girl worked at an aircraft factory. It is generally accepted that Norma Jean Mortenson (real name of the artist) entered into this marriage by calculation - the future star of "Only a Girl in Jazz" was then only 15 years old, due to mental disorder mother for a long time was forced to wander around shelters, as well as foster families, and the young man’s offer was for Monroe something like a ticket to a new, much less terrible and difficult life. The relationship with Jim, as expected, turned out to be short-lived. While the young man served in the Navy, Marilyn conquered the modeling business and soon realized that she no longer needed her unloved husband, in marriage with whom she was “dying of boredom”.

Seven and a half years after her divorce from Dougherty, in 1954, Monroe, at that time already a real American superstar, married a second time, becoming the wife of baseball player Joe DiMaggio. Fans called the couple "Mr. and Mrs. America", believing that the celebrities are perfect for each other and absolutely happy together. In fact, this union did not last even a year. It turned out that the athlete was terribly jealous of his beautiful wife for all the men on the planet and, in a fit of anger, repeatedly raised his hand to her.

Finally, Monroe's third - and last - husband was a playwright, who at the same time considered the girl "the most feminine of all women on the planet" and a stupid child, not worthy of his intellectual society. Soon after the wedding, the actress found out about the arrogant attitude of the man, without being able to forgive him.

All these stories, however, fade against the background of the novel by Monroe and the 35th President of the United States, John, shrouded in secrets and rumors, myths and reliable facts.

If we discard all sorts of conspiracy theories, according to which, for example, an actress and a politician became lovers even before the latter was nominated for the post of head of state (supposedly they were secretly together for many years, their love was full of passion, quarrels and took place under strict control and even mafia), then Jack and Marilyn personally met in October 1961 at a dinner party. The details of that meeting are not known for certain, however, according to eyewitnesses, the artist left home not accompanied by Kennedy. A few months later, in February 1962, they crossed paths at a reception in honor of the president, but again went home - again separately.

According to some biographers, they spent only one "documented" night - it happened on March 24 of the same year at the home of popular singer and actor Bing Crosby. It is noteworthy that neither the actress nor the politician particularly concealed the fact of that closeness: Monroe, obviously, was pleased with the attention of the president adored by the Americans and the corresponding conversations in society, while Kennedy himself, despite the presence of his wife, did not hesitate to be known as one of the main don Juans of the United States, treating mistresses exclusively as a pleasant, but no more leisure. And both, it is believed, did not plan to start some kind of long and serious romance.

The apogee of their relationship was the last "official" meeting, which took place as part of the grandiose celebration of the anniversary of the head of state in Madison Square Garden.

Monroe was supposed to be the first guest of the event (of course, in addition to Kennedy himself) - and she did everything to make that evening go down in history. Preparing for the holiday, Marilyn turned to fashion designer Jean Louis, asking the designer to create an outfit that "only I can wear and no one else." And the master did not let the star down - especially for the artist, Jean Louis created a dress woven from 6 thousand diamond rhinestones and became a kind of "second skin" of the fatal blonde.

When the host of the event announced Monroe's appearance on the stage, she did not appear before the public immediately, forcing the crowded hall to whisper with displeasure, and the host himself to get pretty worried and joke nervously in order to level the awkward moment. The wait, however, was absolutely worth all the candles. Marilyn imposingly climbed onto the stage, then mockingly quickly (given the initial delay) trotted to the microphone, took a break - and finally sang. As a gift to Kennedy, the actress performed a modified "Happy birthday to you": "Thank you, Mr. President. For everything you've done. For all the battles you have won.<...>We are so grateful to you."

That performance of Monroe turned out to be truly legendary: starting from her appearance and appearance(under the spotlights, the artist, dressed in an expensive robe, seemed completely naked and literally shone - the rhinestones regularly fulfilled their purpose), ending with the very manner of performance (Monroe sang the first line extremely awkwardly, without even hitting the notes, as if she was very worried or was pretty drunk, but then instantly transformed, turning her voice and demeanor into a real sexual masterpiece, as if confirming intimacy with the first person of the United States and, in fact, making love to him right from the stage).

Then, on May 19, 1962, probably no one could suggest that by the end of next year neither Monroe nor Kennedy would be alive.

The actress, who allegedly also had an affair with the 35th president's younger brother Robert (a number of biographers, however, claim that there was nothing between them) was found dead in her own house a few months after a grandiose performance in Madison Square Garden, and Kennedy was killed in November 1963 in Dallas.

This week, Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe once again caught the public's attention with the release of My Week with Marilyn. At the presentation, the secret behind the congratulations to Monroe J. Kennedy with the verse of the song "Happy Birthday Mr President" was revealed.

The congratulatory verse "Happy Birthday Mr President", sung by Marilyn Monroe in honor of President Kennedy, is considered one of the brightest, most sensual and hinting at the closeness in the relationship between them.

But today it turns out that the sexual aspiration with which Marilyn Monroe performed the verse is not so much related to their relationship, but to a more prosaic reason, with the fact that she lost her breath. The movie star got lost on her way to the stage at Madison Square Garden, New York, in 1962 to sing for John F. Kennedy.

When she ran around the stage to find the right door leading to the stage, she caught her breath, and due to the fact that she jumped on stage late, she did not regain her breath - she could not sing correctly. Instead, Monroe's version of "Happy Birthday" was played, which sounded significantly more sensual than she intended, but earned her a place in history.

Interest in Marilyn Monroe these days is associated with the release of the film "My week with Marilyn" (My week with Marilyn), in which leading role played by Michelle Williams.

In a surprising twist in history, 89-year-old American actress Joan Copeland, who was present at Madison Square Garden that night, congratulated John F. Kennedy.

Joan Copeland, younger sister of playwright Arthur Miller ex-husband Monroe said that Marilyn missed the sign inviting her to the stage, being late and in a hurry, she lost her breath when she entered the stage. She watched her as she ran between the doors to find the right door, saw her ragged breathing and excitement. Lead singer Peter Lawford announced Marilyn, and when she didn't show up, joked, "Marilyn is late as always."

Finally, when Marilyn Monroe appeared on stage in her dress, tightly covering her beautiful body with 2.5 thousand rhinestones, she stunned the audience. The dress of the famous John Louis so fitted her body that even breathing while performing a couplet made the rhinestones of the entire dress sparkle and shimmer.

This sensual performance by Marilyn Monroe gave rise to a new wave of rumors and gossip about an affair with John F. Kennedy.

When Marilyn finished singing, John F. Kennedy came on stage and said that now, after such a birthday greeting, he can leave politics. At this performance, which took place in honor of the 45th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy on May 19, 1962, Jacqueline Kennedy's wife was not present. My birthday came in ten days.

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was shot dead by Lee Harvey Oswald. The dress of Monroe, who died on August 5, 1962, at the age of 36, became as famous as her mistress. In 1999, this dress was sold at auction for $1.26 million.

The evening of May 19, 1962 in the heart of Manhattan, in New York's Madison Square Garden. That day there was a fundraising event for the Democratic Party, timed to coincide with the 45th birthday of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. True, the birthday itself will come only after 10 days, but political and monetary interests are traditionally higher than such trifles. 15 thousand spectators came to the gala concert, many celebrities participated, in addition to Monroe, but she, by common belief, brazenly stole the show from them.

The very next day, the press and television only discussed her performance. The analysis was comprehensive. Breathing in the voice just in the middle of the phrase “Happy Birthday… Mr. President ”probably appeared because Marilyn, as usual, was late and ran to the performance as fast as she could ... A slight hoarseness - from the fact that she rushed about, did not find the entrance to the stage, got nervous ... The dress turned out to be so frank because the actress is terribly stupid, and not I thought about the status of the event ... Marilyn's relatives claimed that this was complete nonsense - the performance was thought out to the smallest detail. She staked everything - and lost.

Something must happen

“I want you to create a truly outstanding dress, dazzling, one of a kind. A dress that can only be worn!” - so the actress formulated her wishes to the fashionable Hollywood designer Jean-Louis. She knew that Jean's creations were not cheap, and now she is not having the best period, including financial. But all she needed was this fantastic French fashion designer who made brilliant career in Hollywood, repeatedly nominated for an Oscar for best costume design and not so long ago won the main American film prize. And that's not even the point. Marilyn couldn't take her eyes off the concert dresses designed by Jean for Marlene Dietrich. One of them was unrealistically beautiful, and she needs the same ... only the other is even better!

Jean-Louis was really talented, and knew exactly what was needed: to glorify the phenomenal sex appeal of Monroe, to make the audience go crazy, but still respect the boundaries of decency. Hollywood divas have repeatedly set such a task for the designer, and he has always coped with it. However, the Frenchman could not even imagine that the dress that he would make for Marilyn would become his most famous creation. It was sewn from several layers of the thinnest flesh-colored voile and hand-embroidered with two and a half thousand shimmering rhinestones. The dress perfectly followed the lines of Monroe's amazing body. The era of stretch fabrics has not yet arrived, and the actress was literally "sewn" into the outfit, fitting it to the figure. This achieved the effect of a naked body, besides, it was simply impossible to put underwear under the dress. However, the rules of decency were not violated. Marie Irvine, Monroe's makeup artist, who spent the day before the performance at the actress's home, said: "There was more than one layer of fabric. Each of them is transparent, but nothing could be seen through all the layers.”

Marilyn admitted that it was not difficult to make Marilyn a make-up: “She had amazing skin. True, she used false eyelashes - I curled and prepared them in advance. She never asked for a sexy look for her. For what? He's always been sexy." But the make-up artist did not like the psychological state of the actress: “While I was putting on makeup, she was on the phone, she was very upset. Said 20th Century Fox was threatening to suspend her from Something's Got to Happen for interrupting filming to perform at the president's birthday party."

When Monroe was fired from the studio two weeks later, Marie remembered that day. She sincerely worried about Marilyn. This dismissal was so inopportune. The actress spent 12 thousand dollars on the dress - crazy money for those times, even for concert attire. Moreover, I bought five tickets (at least a thousand dollars each) for an event where I became the highlight of the program! And all because she certainly wanted to get to the after-party, but she was afraid that she would not be invited. Under the terms of the charity gala concert, five tickets guaranteed participation in the party. Marilyn was just obsessed with this concert, as if something was really going to happen there.

Issue price

There is no exact answer how long their romance lasted. One of the biographers of the actress claims that the relationship between Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy lasted about two years. Others insist that the passion broke out only three months before the historic performance at Madison Square Garden. Everyone agrees on one thing - the romance between the actress and the president is directly related to the most famous interpretation of the hit Happy Birthday, which has been discussed for 53 years. They wrote that it was a declaration of love from the stage, that in this way the actress tried to return the president who had cooled to her.

The most knowledgeable biographers - agents of the presidential security service - claimed that there was no romance at all: the relationship between John and Marilyn came down to a single weekend in Palm Springs in March, two months before Kennedy's birthday. According to them, for the president, the main blonde of the country became just one of many, because he was a famous womanizer.

A friend of the Kennedy family, Senator George Smathers, said that after that the actress haunted the president with endless phone calls: she could not come to terms with the fact that she was simply being used. Well, I was seriously offended. John F. Kennedy admitted to Smathers that he thoughtlessly blurted out on a date: “You are not from the dough from which the first ladies are made, Marilyn” - and then the girl choked with indignation.

What did she want to prove to him that May evening at Madison Square Garden? That she is the best in the world and deserves love? Or maybe she just took revenge on Kennedy, trolling, bringing the performance of the congratulatory song almost to the level of a parody? After all, Marilyn, contrary to the image of the on-screen fool, was smart and educated. The truth is no longer known. Monroe died two and a half months later from a barbiturate overdose and left no memoir. Last weeks her life was hard: conflict with the film studio, incredible loneliness, disappointed hopes and progressive depression. A year and a half later, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

The dress survived both of them for a long time and became the last concert outfit in which the goddess of sex appeal was remembered by the public. In 1999, it was sold at an auction in New York for $1,267,500, a record amount to this day for a lot from a private wardrobe.

Marina Koroleva
