How to do waxing in the armpit area. Waxing at home

If you remove body hair from the roots, over time it will stop growing altogether. We suggest considering how waxing of the bikini area, face, and armpits is carried out at home, how long the effect lasts, and also what the salon prices of the procedure are.

Features of hair removal

Waxing hair removal has been a method of getting rid of unwanted hair since ancient times. Of course, previously only girls from noble families could afford it; ordinary people had to make do with resin. Since then, the methodology has remained virtually unchanged.

For natural hair removal, ordinary candle wax is not used; there are special compounds. Most often they are a combination of beeswax and paraffin, which have excellent density, but at the same time they heat up quickly on the stove. For very sensitive, allergy-prone skin, water-soluble formulations of sugar and water are used; the mixture is prepared like a sugaring paste (sometimes with resin), but wax is also added and citric acid is completely excluded.

Many companies present finished products on the market, divided into several types:

  • Cold wax - Choco-Milka, Wax Bar, Epil, Beauty Image;
  • Warm wax - Byly Depil, Lyconproducts, Amie, New Style, View Topic;
  • Hot wax – Depileve, Perron Rigot, Yabb, Ehu, IRISK PROFESSIONAL.

Video: armpit hair removal with hot wax

How to choose wax

The main difference between waxes is the temperature of use. By definition, it becomes clear that there are warm, cold and hot remedies. Bioepilation with cold wax is used for very delicate, sensitive parts of the body, with sparse hair, most often this is the area of ​​the upper lip (mustache), eyebrows, hair removal of arms and legs, and armpits.

Warm technology is used for other areas of the body to remove hair of medium thickness and thickness - this is an intimate procedure, cleansing unwanted hair from the arms and legs, and armpits.

Hot wax hair removal is the most dangerous, but the most effective procedure. This technique removes hair from the bikini, legs, arms, all parts of the body except the face, of any thickness and thickness. At the same time, in comparison with others, it is tolerant of pain.

How to do hair removal correctly

Epilation cold wax Recommended for girls with no experience. It is sold in almost any cosmetic store in the body care section. Cold wax is applied to special paper strips that are glued to the skin. The main advantage of the technique is that such strips can be used multiple times, and after the session there are no traces left, with the exception of red spots.

Depilation film waxgood decision for thin hair, it has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. It will not be able to remove dense vegetation;
  2. Not as effective as other methods; a lot of excess remains after the tapes;
  3. But the strips are easy to buy; the Veet brand is very popular.

The purchased strips are rubbed with your palms to give them elasticity, so you heat the wax to body temperature. Afterwards, a tape is glued to the pre-degreased skin. You need to glue it against the hair growth, but pull it in its direction. You need to act quickly, otherwise the wax will simply come off smoothly and there will be no effect.

Photo - Before and after arm hair removal

Home hair removal warm wax at home is much more attractive in terms of effectiveness, although some experience is required to perform it. The wax is heated by steam and applied to unwanted vegetation using a special spatula according to its growth. Wait 20 seconds to minutes until it hardens, after which the edges of the wax “spot” are raised, sudden movement against hair growth, the product is pulled out along with the hair. This is repeated as necessary. Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Not economical. Can't be reused like film wax;
  2. Hurt;
  3. Very sensitive skin may experience bruising, redness from the heat of the product, even burns;
  4. But it copes well with almost any vegetation and is quite affordable.
Photo – Armpit hair removal

Professional hair removal hot wax is the most effective technique of all listed for removing absolutely any hair. Here, a hot mixture is applied to the skin along the hair growth (naturally, not boiling water, but the temperature of the mass is much higher than that of warm wax), you will need to wait a minute until it hardens, then pry up the edges and tear off the film. This hair removal is suitable for cleansing arms, legs, bikini, deep bikini, and armpits. The main advantage is that it is not as painful as using strips, because the skin heats up and does not feel pinpoint hair tears much.

Cons and pros:

  1. After the session, bruises often appear;
  2. Possible burns, redness, inflammation;
  3. Cannot be used during pregnancy or menstruation.

You can buy wax for hair removal inexpensively on online shopping sites or in professional salons and retail outlets. Most often, the price list is posted in open sources; the cost of wax ranges from 500-3500, depending on its properties. At first, women's forums advise using a product with the addition of natural resins and oils.
Video: waxing hair above the upper lip

Deep bikini

This type of hair removal needs to be discussed separately. At any time of the year, girls strive for complete smoothness in their hair. intimate area. The optimal length of hair for removal is 4-7 mm; if it is shorter, the wax will not capture the strand, and if it is longer, it will be more painful and the procedure will take longer.

Instructions How to do hair removal at home in a delicate area:

  1. You need to wash, but after a shower, do not apply any lotions or gels to the treatment area - they will reduce the “stickiness” of the wax; it is recommended not to even use deodorants;
  2. A little secret: to reduce skin sensitivity, rub it with oatmeal flour or semolina before waxing;
  3. We recommend using warm wax for this procedure. We warm up the product and apply it to the body, while it is better to take a horizontal or semi-sitting position. After half a minute or a minute, pull off the wax with a sharp movement against hair growth, repeat the manipulation;
  4. After the end of the session, you need to apply a soothing ointment to the body, for example with arnica, chamomile or sage extract, and put on clean natural underwear without lace or obvious seams.
Photo - Wax in cartridges

The cost is the highest among all types of procedures, because... It is quite difficult to perform this process correctly and achieve the result as in the photo the first time. If you pull the hair in the wrong direction, or apply wax incorrectly, then there is a high probability of strands growing under the skin, which causes a lot of inconvenience. You also need to know how to wash off wax after hair removal. To do this at home, most often use a simple sunflower oil, but it is advisable to use children's, for example Jonsson Baby. You can buy special solutions, but they are quite expensive - from 550 rubles.

Waxing the bikini area has a very good feedback, the effect lasts about a month, but after the first session the hair grows much less dense, thick, and coarse. To avoid ingrown hairs, we recommend using a gentle cocoa scrub every week.

Peeling recipe:

A tablespoon of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, then apply it to your fingertips and massage the skin with the mixture in soft circular movements. Continue actions for 5 minutes, then leave on the dermis for another 3, then rinse with warm water. We recommend using the same scrub if you use epilator or sugaring on certain areas.

Aesthetic cosmetology is a fairly expensive industry; now waxing is popular and prices are rising, so we advise you to undergo special training and remove hair yourself for free. You can sign up for courses in any city.

It is necessary to remove hair in the armpits not only for aesthetic reasons: the more hair, the more irritated the sweat glands, the more bacteria accumulate.

And the unpleasant smell appears many times more often. Shaving in this case is not a panacea: irritated skin reacts with more profuse sweating, and the problem does not disappear.

Therefore many women prefer to remove hair in this area with wax. Armpit depilation with wax ensures perfect smoothness within 1-2 weeks. Over time, the hairs weaken, and the skin remains smooth for three weeks or even a month.

5 reasons to choose wax for armpit depilation:

  1. Waxing costs less than laser;
  2. Unlike a razor and epilator, does not injure the skin and does not cause irritation;
  3. Along with the hairs dead skin particles are removed, i.e. depilation is combined with peeling;
  4. Growing hairs are thinner, does not form prickly stubble;
  5. Provides long lasting effect.

This method can be used at home. But depilating your armpits yourself is not easy: it is very difficult to apply wax in the right direction and then remove it in one motion.

Therefore, it is better to use the services of a specialist in the salon. He will ensure sterility, properly prepare the skin for the procedure and try to reduce discomfort to a minimum.


There is no ideal depilation method today. Waxing of armpits also has its disadvantages:

  1. Pain during the procedure. For some women they are quite tolerable. Those with a low pain threshold complain of severe pain.
  2. Ingrown hairs. They appear quite often because hair is removed against the direction of growth. Ingrown hairs sometimes become inflamed and cause discomfort.
  3. To carry out the procedure you need to grow your hair to at least half a centimeter long– not every girl wants to “overgrow” to such a level.

Important! The skin in the armpit area is as delicate and sensitive as in the bikini area. Therefore, the procedure is more painful than leg waxing.

Why is the armpit area difficult?

It is not easy even for a master to process this area: it is uneven, and it is almost impossible to stick the bandage as evenly as possible.

Armpit hair grows in different directions– this must be taken into account when applying wax. If you apply it in the reverse order (apply in the direction of hair growth and remove against the opposite direction), you will not have the desired effect.

Another difficulty is very thin and delicate skin, which can be easily damaged by making a careless movement. In case of severe damage, if microcracks occur during the procedures, or if the wax clogs the sweat glands, inflammation of the axillary lymph node may develop. It is not dangerous, but painful.

When should you not wax?

Waxing of armpits has a minimum of contraindications. It can be done during your period - but be prepared that it will be a little more painful.

  • The presence of damage and inflammation on the skin;
  • Diabetes mellitus (skin heals more slowly, there is a greater risk of infection and damage during the procedure);
  • The presence of ulcers (sometimes they are formed due to ingrown hair, inflammation of the sweat glands - you need to wait until the inflammation goes down);
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • The presence of neoplasms, hardening in the axillary area;
  • Allergy to wax components.

Types of wax

Three types of wax are used to remove unwanted hair.

  • Cold, or depilation of armpits with wax strips. It is not heated, at most - you need to hold it in your hands a little to soften it. The wax covers the hair to a minimum; on the sensitive skin of the armpits this leads to painful sensations. It is not always possible to remove all hair at once. But there is also a plus: burns and irritation do not occur after the cold method.
  • Warm wax applied with a spatula. It grips the hairs more tightly, so it is more effective. The procedure is slightly less painful and more hairs are removed at a time. A lot of wax remains on the skin, and it will take some effort to remove it.
  • Hot(heated to 40-42 degrees) steams the skin well, so during its removal you feel a minimum of pain. Hot waxing of the armpits involves removing all hairs the first time. Hot wax can be used on short (2-3 mm) hairs. The main disadvantage is thin skin in the armpit area can be burned. Redness after the procedure may persist for several hours. It’s better not to experiment at home; armpit depilation with hot wax should only be carried out by experienced professionals. The pores are greatly enlarged, so the risk of infection increases, especially if you wear tight clothes or go outside immediately after the procedure.

Can it be done at home?

Waxing the armpits at home is possible, but it is not a simple procedure, unlike. It is advisable to take not just wax, but prepared wax strips (paper strips with a layer of wax applied). You can buy them in the store, they are sold complete with an oiled napkin for removing wax.

Before use The strips need to be heated a little to soften the wax.. You can hold them in your hands or put them in a warm place for a couple of minutes, then stick them in the direction of hair growth, smoothing them well. After a few seconds, remove the strip with a sharp movement in the direction against hair growth. If not all hairs are removed, repeat.

Important! No more than 3 attempts per procedure can be performed on one area of ​​skin.

Remains of wax should be removed with an oiled napkin or cotton pad soaked in cosmetic or any vegetable oil. Alcohol should not be used to avoid burning sensitive skin. Next, you need to take care of your skin, just like after a salon procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Waxing of armpits at home is carried out on clean skin. A few hours before the procedure you need to take a shower, preferably use a scrub or hard washcloth for exfoliation.

You shouldn't use antiperspirants– by reacting with wax components, they can cause allergies. If you carry out the procedure at home, do not wet the skin before depilation.

Correct application of wax

Applying wax with bare hands is difficult and unhygienic. A spatula is used for this. Can be applied with a gloved hand. When applying hot you need to conduct a temperature test by dropping a little wax on your wrist.

The wax is applied according to the hair growth, distributing it in an even layer. You need to wait a few seconds ( from 30 to 60), until it penetrates the pores and begins to harden around the hairs.

Step by step procedure

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. Before applying wax, the area to be depilated treated with an antiseptic and sprinkled with talcum powder so that the surface is dry.
  2. After applying the wax, a bandage is applied– a strip of paper or fabric. You don't have to use them, but the bandage will help you remove the wax more thoroughly. You need to remove it in one sharp movement - otherwise the hairs will remain in place. You can lightly hold the skin around it.
  3. Wax residue must not be washed off– it can be removed with oil. After this, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic (not alcohol).

Photos before and after

Armpit skin care after waxing

For 6 hours, do not wet the skin, apply greasy cream or antiperspirant - the pores are enlarged, and an infection can occur.

After a day, you can start using lotion to slow down hair growth. This will give you an extra couple of days of smoothness.

After 5 days you can start using peeling products. This will help to promptly remove the layer of dead skin cells and prevent the ingrowth of new hairs.

The procedure should be repeated after 4-5 weeks.– as the hairs grow to about 5 mm.

Important! You cannot use other removal methods (razor, cream) in between waxing. This negates the entire effect: the hairs grow thicker, and the root has time to strengthen.

If you are having armpit waxing for the first time, then the first hairs can “hatch” within a couple of days. These are those for whom the active growth phase has just begun at the time of the procedure. Everything will level out after the second or third time.


Here clear example procedures using hot wax. From the video you will learn the main mistakes that beginners make.

Another video of armpit hair removal from start to finish.

  • After the procedure it is advisable wear a cotton T-shirt– synthetics can cause irritation and increased sweating.
  • Within 24 hours after the procedure – it doesn’t matter whether you performed it at home or in the salon, It is better not to swim in ponds and pools.
  • If you have a low pain threshold, don't spend waxing during menstruation(it is generally contraindicated to use hot wax during this period). Best time– middle monthly cycle.
  • You can’t drink alcohol “for courage” and smoke before the procedure: this will cause vasodilation and increase the risk of inflammation.

Already from the second procedure, pain decreases, and the interval between procedures increases. Try waxing at least once - you may want to give up the razor forever.

Beautiful, smooth armpits are every girl's dream. And guys care no less about the aesthetic side of the issue. There are a few effective methods, for example, using wax. You can get rid of unwanted hair in this delicate area of ​​the body at home. But, you need to know some of the nuances that accompany the cosmetic procedure. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. But armpit depilation with wax should be performed in such a way that the skin does not become irritated.

Features of the axillary zone

What is the difference between the armpit area and other areas of skin undergoing depilation? The main difference is the most delicate skin, equal in sensitivity to the bikini area. Another difference lies in the depressions themselves, which are not so easy to get to for depilation.

The increased sensitivity of the skin in this area of ​​the body is explained by the close location of the capillaries.

Despite the increased sensitivity of the axillary area, the hair here is quite strong and coarse. It is necessary to remove vegetation here not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for hygienic reasons. Because of large quantity sweat glands located in the armpits may develop bacteria and cause an unpleasant odor. This may cause the development of various skin diseases. That’s why it’s so important to choose a depilation method to get rid of hair.

The best solution to the problem

The use of wax to remove excess hair from the body has been known for a long time. Even the Egyptian pharaohs, known for their beautiful and smooth skin, used this method.

Waxing underarms at home is still considered the best option. The cosmetic event gives a good result. Skin remains clean and smooth for up to four weeks.

Advantages of the method

Why is wax most often chosen for depilation in the armpit area? First of all, the product has the following advantages:

  • wax has a calming effect on the skin;
  • during the cosmetic procedure, the pores open wide, which simultaneously cleanses the skin;
  • wax gives an analgesic effect;
  • After regular repetition of the procedure, the hairs become softer and grow less quickly.

You can see how to wax your armpits at home in the video below. There are several options for using wax when depilating your armpits. This is the use of strips, as well as hot, cold and warm wax. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Professional hot technique

Armpit depilation with hot wax is a professional treatment. The essence of the effective technique lies in the following activities:

  1. the wax is heated;
  2. applied to the treated area in the direction of hair growth;
  3. you need to wait until the hot mass hardens;
  4. the frozen film is removed along with the vegetation.

The advantage of hot depilation is that the method is not too painful. The pain is less than when using strips due to heated wax.

The method also has disadvantages. After the procedure, bruises, burns and slight redness of the skin may appear. The procedure is not allowed for pregnant women and girls during menstruation.

You can add natural oils to the wax if desired.


Armpit depilation with wax strips can be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase strips and special napkins included in the kit, soaked natural oils. Wipes are needed to remove vegetation with wax residues from the skin.

Before the session, you need to take a shower and then wipe your armpits with alcohol. Then treat your skin with baby powder to avoid irritation.

Before using the strip, it must be warmed up. To do this, rub the strip thoroughly between your palms. Now you can remove the protective layer and apply the product to the treated area.

The wax strip is removed with a sharp movement against hair growth. If hairs remain, depilation should be repeated.

Now use a napkin to remove any remaining product and wipe the skin. The procedure is simple, and you can first practice with the strips by removing hair on your legs.

Warm wax

To carry out the procedure at home, you first need to warm up the wax. The product needs to be heated by steam.

A special spatula is used for application to the axillary area. Wax must be applied according to hair growth.

After applying warm wax, you must wait until the product hardens completely. Then we carefully pry the edge of the frozen wax and sharply, against the growth of the hairs, tear it off. If hairs remain after the first time, repeat the manipulations.

The disadvantages of the method include the following:

  • it hurts;
  • You cannot save on the product by reusing it;
  • If your skin is too sensitive, irritation, redness, burns and bruises may occur.

The advantages of warm depilation are also obvious. The method is accessible and gives the expected result.

If you have little experience, then the wax should be cold

You can purchase the product in pharmacies or any place where cosmetic products are sold. The main advantage of the method is that film strips can be reused if necessary.

Getting rid of hair using cold wax applied to special films is a good solution for thin hair. If there is abundant vegetation, this technique will not work.

The film is applied to the armpits after rubbing it with your palms to give elasticity. An anti-hair growth agent is applied and removed according to their growth.

Regardless of which option for removing vegetation using wax is chosen, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The skin in the treated area must be completely dry. If you took a shower before the procedure, the skin needs to be dried;
  • You can exfoliate before the event. This will prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. After peeling, apply powder;
  • after completing the cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with a product that blocks rapid hair growth;
  • Girls are recommended to perform the procedure in the middle of the monthly cycle. At this time, hair grows twice as slow;
  • When using wax, be sure to read the instructions. The product must be heated to desired temperature to achieve the desired result;
  • if the hair in the armpit area is too coarse, it can be softened with baby oil;
  • if after completing the procedure you feel discomfort, you can treat the armpit area with aloe juice;
  • If there is blood, you can use a bandage.

Important: the use of deodorizing agents or creams after waxing is only possible 4 to 6 hours after the procedure.

In addition to the special wipes that come with hair removal wax, you can remove any remaining product and hair using olive oil. If you don’t have olive oil, you can wet a napkin with any vegetable oil.

Since ancient times, many women, no matter what continent they lived on, were not happy with excess hair on their bodies. What kind of tricks did she resort to? fair half humanity, and most effective means was and remains to this day - waxing. That is, waxing, which will be discussed in detail below.

And although this procedure is unpleasant and quite painful, it leads the list of similar procedures, since with the help of all kinds of creams and razors it is possible to remove only the top part of the hair. The hair follicles themselves remain in the body, as a result of which after a couple of days the woman becomes covered with stubble at the sites of removal, which creates the need to use this procedure very often. Through wax hair removal, hairs are removed along with the follicles, which gives a woman the opportunity to enjoy a perfectly clean and smooth body for a much longer time.

There are no hygiene procedures that do not have both their advantages and a number of disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of wax hair removal, in particular, they look like this:

  • Waxing can be easily and without harm applied in any, even the most intimate places;
  • this procedure has a very long-lasting effect;
  • it does not cause any damage to the skin allergic reactions;
  • applicable at home;
  • Effectively removes even coarse hair.

And now about the disadvantages of the procedure:

  • no matter what part of the body it is used on, it will certainly be accompanied by pain;
  • It happens that after the procedure, sparse hairs remain, which have to be removed using tweezers;
  • after epilation the skin turns red, and this effect may last 2-3 days;
  • After 2-3 procedures, coarse hair begins to grow in place of the removed fluffy hairs.

The procedure cannot be performed on women in such cases if:

  1. Mechanical damage occurs on the skin.
  2. After the procedure, inflammation or uncharacteristic rashes occur.
  3. Woman is sick diabetes mellitus. In such cases, after waxing, the skin cannot recover for a long time.
  4. The woman is pregnant. Pain during the procedure can cause premature contractions.
  5. There are warts or moles at the site where hair removal is intended.

Which wax is best to use for hair removal?

All types of wax intended for hair removal are divided into two types:

  • soft, also called warm;
  • hard, called hot.

Learn more about types of wax

Warm wax is resins mixed with various softening additives. This wax is easily brought to a comfortable temperature for the body, since it is made on a fatty basis. Properly prepared warm wax is always viscous in consistency. To use warm wax, you will need to resort to paper or fabric strips.

Hot wax is obtained from pine resins or their substitutes, which are mixed with vegetable oils. This wax needs to be heated to significant temperatures, usually up to 45-47°C, hence the corresponding name. It is used after it becomes liquid due to heating. The applied wax cools down for some time, after which the frozen application is torn off from the skin by sharply pulling the edge.

Film wax is a type of hot wax, but also has some functions of warm wax:

  • to melt, it only needs to be heated to 37°C, so it does not cause burns to the skin;
  • due to the fact that it is applied in a thin layer, we can say that it is very economical;
  • Film wax contains rubber, as a result of which it does not lose elasticity even after cooling;
  • has a longer hardening time, from 7 to 10 seconds, which makes it possible to get rid of hairs more effectively, since over such a long period all the hairs have time to thoroughly stick to the applied application, and the hair follicles in the body warm up well;
  • can be used in any place from the hands and feet to intimate areas, and it is produced both in special cartridges and simply in the form of granules, usually sold in plastic bags;
  • Wax in cartridges is best used for small areas of skin. For the procedure, it is heated directly in the cassette;
  • Wax in granules is good for cleaning large areas of skin from vegetation, since it is easily prepared in any quantity, but the disadvantage of such wax is that it takes a long time to melt.

Wax stripes. These are oblong strips of fabric, on one side of which there is already warm wax applied there by the manufacturers. Such strips are glued to the desired place, after which they are abruptly torn off. They are best used for places such as the face, armpits, and bikini area. They effectively remove even short hair.

How to prepare for waxing

In order for waxing at home to be successful, you should carry out some preparatory procedures, namely:

  • Before epilation, you need to check whether this composition will cause allergic reactions on the skin. To do this, a few days before using wax of an unknown brand, you should apply a little of this wax to the tender side of the wrist, after which, after 10 minutes, you should remove this peculiar probe using a swab moistened with warm water. Then you should observe the “experimental” place for several days. If the test was successful and there are no swelling or rashes on the skin in this area, you can begin real hair removal.
  • It is also worth cleaning your skin with a scrub 2-3 days in advance. And immediately before epilation, be sure to thoroughly wash with gel or soap those places on the body from which hair will be removed. It is best to perform the procedure after taking a bath, when the whole body is moisturized, warmed and steamed, as a result of which the procedure will not be so painful.
  • Next, you need to use an anti-inflammatory agent to treat the skin in the places where hair removal will be performed. Typically these products contain extracts of herbs such as sage, mint, calendula and chamomile.
  • Afterwards, powder is applied to dry skin, through which the body will get rid of excess sweat and fat, which will prevent the hairs from sticking tightly to the wax mass.
  • If the length of the hairs to be removed is no more than half a centimeter, then the entire epilation can be done using wax strips.
  • After all the preparations, you can start hair removal. The steps of the procedure vary depending on the type of wax used and the areas of the body where it will be used.

What does it mean to prepare wax? This means bringing it to a certain consistency. For such purposes, special wax melters or heaters are usually used, which can be canned, cassette or universal.

When choosing a device, you should take into account the following criteria:

  • what type of packaging does the wax used have?
  • what mass of wax will be used during the procedure;
  • what heating temperature is required.

Canned ones have a large capacity. They resort to their help in cases where they are preparing to remove hair from a large area of ​​the body. More expensive brands are equipped with a thermostat and thermostat. With the help of the first, it becomes possible to use both warm and hot wax, the second helps to maintain the required temperature level for as long as desired.

Using cassette heaters, the wax contained in the cartridges is heated. They are smaller in size and, as a rule, much cheaper than the previous ones. When choosing such heaters, you should pay attention to the fact that many of them are designed to work only with a certain form of cartridges.

Universal ones are good in all cases. In the absence of the above-mentioned devices, the wax can be heated in a water bath or using a microwave oven.

  • Water bath. Take two containers, one larger, the other smaller in diameter, and the smaller one should fit freely into the larger one. A certain amount of water is poured into a large one and brought to a boil. Wax is placed in a smaller container, and then this container is lowered into a larger container with boiling water, and thus the wax melts. Usually 7-8 minutes are enough for the wax to completely melt. Granules or cassettes are placed in a container as they are, except that the cassettes can be cut into smaller pieces for faster melting. Before the procedure, the wax mass is thoroughly kneaded, moving the spatula from the center of the dish to the edge.
  • To prepare the wax mass in the microwave, the recipe is even simpler. The wax is placed in a suitable container, then placed in the oven and heated for a minute. If the wax is sealed in plastic packaging, then you can leave it directly in it, but if the packaging is made of foil, then you should get rid of it before putting it in the microwave oven.

It is worth paying attention that under no circumstances should the wax be overheated, and if it is still overheated, you will have to wait until it cools down so as not to burn the skin when using it. In the absence of a thermostat, the temperature of the wax should be checked using a dab. Take a drop of wax and apply it to the back of your hand. If the temperature is quite tolerable, then you can begin the procedure.

Each type of wax has its own characteristics of preparation and application.

  1. Granulated wax. To work with it you will need the following:
  • the wax itself is in granules;
  • spatula for applying wax mass;
  • the container in which the melting will take place;
  • wax melt
  • pour the required amount of granulated wax into the melting container;
  • The granules are heated until the mass begins to resemble thick sour cream. The most acceptable heating temperature is from 37 to 40 °C;
  • take a small amount of wax with a spatula, apply it to the desired area of ​​the body and distribute it evenly over the skin; upon completion, you need to take hold of the edge of the applied wax, which is beginning to harden, and slightly pull it away from the surface of the skin;
  • after waiting until the wax hardens, but not completely, so that it stops sticking to your fingers when you touch it, you need to sharply pull the application by the edge, while pulling the skin nearby with your free hand;
  • After removing the current application, you can begin applying another one, and so on.
  1. Wax in cartridges. To manipulate this type of wax, you should prepare:
  • the cassettes themselves with the wax mass;
  • heater;
  • spatula.

It is necessary to place the cartridge in the heater and keep it there for up to 25 minutes. During this time, the wax will take the necessary liquid form, after which you can begin the hair removal procedure, which is no different from the previous one.

  1. Epilation with hot wax. You will need:
  • wax;
  • wax melt;
  • spatula.

Using a wax melter, the wax is brought to a temperature of 38-40 degrees and the skin is smeared with a spatula in movements in the direction of hair growth. Through the heat coming from the wax, the skin pores expand, and hair is easily removed from the surface of the body along with the hair follicles.

  1. Epilation with warm wax. You will need:
  • heater;
  • spatula or roller to evenly distribute wax over the skin;
  • strips of fabric or durable paper.

The mass is heated, spread with a spatula in an even thin layer on the skin area, then one of the prepared fabric strips is placed on top and, after a few seconds, is torn off along with the hair adhering to it.

  1. Epilation with wax strips. They are selected depending on the length of hair to be removed and the places where they will be used. They differ in the thickness of the wax layer, the width and quality of the wax composition. They should be used in the following scenario:
  • the strip lies on the palm until it warms up properly;
  • then it is applied to the desired place and pressed well with the palm of your hand;
  • They tear it off sharply, grabbing one of the edges.

The strip, after it has been used in one place, can be applied again. They move on to the next one only when the hairs no longer stick to the current one.

Since both the armpits and the bikini area itself are areas of increased sweating, you should thoroughly wash off the sweat and deodorant from them, sprinkle with talcum powder and only then begin the procedure.

Warm wax is applied in the direction of hair growth with neat strokes, the length of the strokes is 5 cm. A fabric strip is applied on top of the wax, with the help of which the hair is removed.

Using this technique, hair is removed in the deep bikini area. For half a century now it has been the most popular of all.

And its peculiarity lies in the following. Hair from both the pubis, labia and between the buttocks is completely removed. If desired, the specialist can leave the client only a narrow vertical strip of hair. And everything about everything takes a specialist no more than 15 minutes.

It is possible to carry out such a procedure at home, but doing it alone will be very problematic and it is unlikely that you will be able to remove all the hairs efficiently, and therefore you should resort to the help of a partner, or better yet, stop at a beauty salon. Of course, the procedure will cost money, but it's worth it.

So, if a lady nevertheless decides to do deep hair removal in the bikini area, she will need to prepare for it and meet certain conditions, namely:

  • at the time of the cosmetic procedure, the hair in the mentioned area must be at least 5 cm long, otherwise the procedure will not have a 100% effect, and, most likely, the specialist will refuse to perform it at all;
  • a couple of days before visiting the salon, you need to perform peeling, which will reduce the risk of ingrown hairs;
  • since the procedure is painful, people who cannot tolerate pain should protect nervous system and take a pain reliever or apply local anesthetics to the intimate area half an hour before the procedure;
  • Experts advise removing hair in the intimate area during the first postmenstrual week before the middle of the cycle, since it is during this period that the skin around the genitals is least sensitive to pain.

Hair removal is done in Brazilian style like this:

  • the lady dresses in disposable underwear and takes a place on a special chair or on a couch, depending on the preferences of the cosmetologist;
  • the specialist sprinkles the intimate area with talcum powder and applies a thin layer of wax to it;
  • Next, he applies strips of fabric to the wax and tears it off in the direction opposite to hair growth. The procedure begins from the pubis and ends in the intergluteal area.
  • At the end of the session, the area undergone epilation is treated with special agents that relieve irritation. If a lady has left some of her pubic hair, a specialist may suggest she have it cut, dyed or permanently tattooed.

Depending on the speed at which the body grows back lost hair, Brazilian hair removal is done once every 3 or 4 weeks.

If, nevertheless, a lady decides to carry out the Brazilian hair removal procedure at home, she will need:

  • soft wax;
  • strips of fabric;
  • wooden spatula;
  • tweezers;
  • mirror.

The following is a step-by-step procedure:

  • intimate places, as in the case of a cosmetologist, are thoroughly washed and dried, the hair length must also be at least 5 mm;
  • the wax is heated to a temperature comfortable for the skin;
  • a small amount of wax is lifted with a spatula and spread over a small area of ​​skin, a strip of fabric is pressed on top, the wrinkled areas are quickly smoothed out;
  • With one quick jerk, the fabric strip is torn off the body against the hair growth, while the skin, as when epilating in other parts of the body, under the area with the frozen application should not be held with your free hand. The procedure should also start from the pubis;
  • At the end of the procedure, you should use a mirror and tweezers to remove the remaining sparse hairs;
  • In order for the result to last for a long time, you can resort to means that slow down hair growth. And against irritation, you can use a herbal decoction or a special cream.

  1. Often after such procedures, the appearance of ingrown hairs is observed. To prevent this from happening, you should more often resort to all kinds of scrubs containing salicylic or glycolic acids. Peeling is encouraged not only before, but also after (3-4 days later) the procedure.
  2. Hydrocortisone ointment is an excellent remedy for skin redness and red spots.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula or other soothing herbal preparations are also excellent for relieving irritation.
  4. Areas undergoing epilation should be treated before bedtime. Afterwards, you can wear soft cotton underwear to give your skin a noticeable rest. Experts also recommend sleeping naked for the first time after the procedure. Synthetic underwear is contraindicated to wear for at least 3 days.
  5. It is strictly not recommended to go to the pool, the beach or take a hot bath in the first 3 days after waxing.

Wax hair removal is quite wide in its variations, and its results are quite stable. Of course, this process is accompanied by pain, but the effect is so good that this difficulty does not stop modern beauties. In addition, with the help of modern painkillers, the procedure can become much easier to bear. And provided that the next time the hair starts to create a problem only after 2-3 weeks, this option will pay off in all respects!
