Armpit waxing. Waxing at home

If you remove body hair from the roots, over time it will stop growing altogether. We suggest considering how waxing of the bikini area, face, and armpits is carried out at home, how long the effect lasts, and also what the salon prices of the procedure are.

Features of hair removal

Waxing hair removal has been a technique for getting rid of unwanted hair since ancient times. Of course, previously only girls from noble families could afford it; ordinary people had to make do with resin. Since then, the methodology has remained virtually unchanged.

For natural hair removal, ordinary candle wax is not used; there are special compounds. Most often they are a combination of beeswax and paraffin, which have excellent density, but at the same time they heat up quickly on the stove. For very sensitive, allergy-prone skin, water-soluble formulations of sugar and water are used; the mixture is prepared like a sugaring paste (sometimes with resin), but wax is also added and citric acid is completely excluded.

Many companies present finished products on the market, divided into several types:

  • Cold wax - Choco-Milka, Wax Bar, Epil, Beauty Image;
  • Warm wax - Byly Depil, Lyconproducts, Amie, New Style, View Topic;
  • Hot wax – Depileve, Perron Rigot, Yabb, Ehu, IRISK PROFESSIONAL.

Video: armpit hair removal with hot wax

How to choose wax

The main difference between waxes is the temperature of use. By definition, it becomes clear that there are warm, cold and hot remedies. Bioepilation with cold wax is used for very delicate, sensitive parts of the body, with sparse hair, most often this is the area of ​​the upper lip (mustache), eyebrows, hair removal of arms and legs, and armpits.

Warm technology is used for other areas of the body to remove hair of medium thickness and thickness - this is an intimate procedure, cleansing unwanted hair from the arms and legs, and armpits.

Hot wax hair removal is the most dangerous, but the most effective procedure. This technique removes hair from the bikini, legs, arms, all parts of the body except the face, of any thickness and thickness. At the same time, in comparison with others, it is tolerant of pain.

How to do hair removal correctly

Epilation cold wax Recommended for girls with no experience. It is sold in almost any cosmetic store in the body care section. Cold wax is applied to special paper strips that are glued to the skin. The main advantage of the technique is that such strips can be used multiple times, and after the session there are no traces left, with the exception of red spots.

Depilation film waxgood decision for thin hair, it has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. It will not be able to remove dense vegetation;
  2. Not as effective as other methods; a lot of excess remains after the tapes;
  3. But the strips are easy to buy; the Veet brand is very popular.

The purchased strips are rubbed with your palms to give them elasticity, so you heat the wax to body temperature. Afterwards, a tape is glued to the pre-degreased skin. You need to glue it against the hair growth, but pull it in its direction. You need to act quickly, otherwise the wax will simply come off smoothly and there will be no effect.

Photo - Before and after arm hair removal

Home hair removal warm wax at home is much more attractive in terms of effectiveness, although some experience is required to perform it. The wax is heated by steam and applied to unwanted vegetation using a special spatula according to its growth. Wait 20 seconds to minutes until it hardens, after which the edges of the wax “spot” are raised, sudden movement against hair growth, the product is pulled out along with the hair. This is repeated as necessary. Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Not economical. Can't be reused like film wax;
  2. Hurt;
  3. Very sensitive skin may experience bruising, redness from the heat of the product, even burns;
  4. But it copes well with almost any vegetation and is quite affordable.
Photo – Armpit hair removal

Professional hair removal hot wax is the most effective technique of all listed for removing absolutely any hair. Here, a hot mixture is applied to the skin along the hair growth (naturally, not boiling water, but the temperature of the mass is much higher than that of warm wax), you will need to wait a minute until it hardens, then pry up the edges and tear off the film. This hair removal is suitable for cleansing arms, legs, bikini, deep bikini, and armpits. The main advantage is that it is not as painful as using strips, because the skin heats up and does not feel pinpoint hair tears much.

Cons and pros:

  1. After the session, bruises often appear;
  2. Possible burns, redness, inflammation;
  3. Cannot be used during pregnancy or menstruation.

You can buy wax for hair removal inexpensively on online shopping sites or in professional salons and retail outlets. Most often, the price list is posted in open sources; the cost of wax ranges from 500-3500, depending on its properties. At first, women's forums advise using a product with the addition of natural resins and oils.
Video: waxing hair above the upper lip

Deep bikini

This type of hair removal needs to be discussed separately. At any time of the year, girls strive for complete smoothness in their hair. intimate area. The optimal length of hair for removal is 4-7 mm; if it is shorter, the wax will not capture the strand, and if it is longer, it will be more painful and the procedure will take longer.

Instructions How to do hair removal at home in a delicate area:

  1. You need to wash, but after a shower, do not apply any lotions or gels to the treatment area - they will reduce the “stickiness” of the wax; it is recommended not to even use deodorants;
  2. A little secret: to reduce skin sensitivity, rub it with oatmeal flour or semolina before waxing;
  3. We recommend using warm wax for this procedure. We warm up the product and apply it to the body, while it is better to take a horizontal or semi-sitting position. After half a minute or a minute, pull off the wax with a sharp movement against hair growth, repeat the manipulation;
  4. After the end of the session, you need to apply a soothing ointment to the body, for example with arnica, chamomile or sage extract, and put on clean natural underwear without lace or obvious seams.
Photo - Wax in cartridges

The cost is the highest among all types of procedures, because... It is quite difficult to perform this process correctly and achieve the result as in the photo the first time. If you pull the hair in the wrong direction, or apply wax incorrectly, then there is a high probability of strands growing under the skin, which causes a lot of inconvenience. You also need to know how to wash off wax after hair removal. To do this at home, most often use a simple sunflower oil, but it is advisable to use children's, for example Jonsson Baby. You can buy special solutions, but they are quite expensive - from 550 rubles.

Waxing the bikini area has a very good feedback, the effect lasts about a month, but after the first session the hair grows much less dense, thick, and coarse. To avoid ingrown hairs, we recommend using a gentle cocoa scrub every week.

Peeling recipe:

A tablespoon of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, then apply it to your fingertips and massage the skin with the mixture in soft circular movements. Continue actions for 5 minutes, then leave on the dermis for another 3, then rinse with warm water. We recommend using the same scrub if you use epilator or sugaring on certain areas.

Aesthetic cosmetology is a fairly expensive industry; now waxing is popular and prices are rising, so we advise you to undergo special training and remove hair yourself for free. You can sign up for courses in any city.

  • 1. Why does hair grow and is it worth removing it?
  • 2. Features of the armpits
  • 3. Waxing
  • 3.1. Types of wax for removing hair from armpits
  • 3.2. Pros and cons of underarm waxing
  • 3.3. Which wax to choose
  • 3.4. Preparation for the procedure
  • 3.5. Procedure
  • 3.5.1. Hot
  • 3.5.2. Cold
  • 3.6. Skin care after the procedure
  • 3.7. Contraindications
  • 3.8. Tips and tricks
  • 4. Other ways to depilate the axillary area at home
  • 5. Traditional methods armpit depilation
  • 6. Methods for epilation of the armpit area
  • 7. What not to do after hair removal and depilation
  • 8. General contraindications
  • 9. Frequently asked questions and answers
  • 9.1. How long does waxing last?
  • 9.2. At what age can the method be used?
  • 9.3. Is there any way to numb the skin?
  • 9.4. What are the best strips for armpit waxing?
  • 9.5. What is the price of armpit depilation in a salon?

Why does hair grow and is it worth removing it?

Armpit hair protects the skin from friction when moving your arms. Depilation or hair removal can make it more vulnerable, microtrauma and irritation are possible.

Hair growth increases and begins to appear during puberty. This indicates that a person is already capable of starting a family and having children. According to one version, in the armpit area there are special sweat glands that secrete pheromones to attract the opposite sex. The more vegetation there is, the more the molecules will spread.

Hair on any part of the body also protects the skin from solar radiation. It is known that there are lymph nodes in the armpit that need protection. Therefore, when sunbathing in the open sun or in a solarium, this area of ​​the body must be protected.

Excessive vegetation under your hands not only spoils the appearance, but also provides a breeding ground for bacteria. Vegetation in this area is removed in for hygienic purposes. Let's look at the most effective ways.

Features of the armpits

Excessive vegetation under the hands not only spoils the appearance, but also provides a breeding ground for bacteria. Disposal of it is done for hygienic purposes. Let's look at the most effective ways.

The armpits have skin that is thin, sensitive and concentrated a large number of sweat glands Failure to follow the depilation technique can lead to injury to the top layer of skin. Sweat discharge will cause unpleasant sensations in this area (itching, pinching, burning). Armpit wounds can take a long time to heal - the salt contained in sweat will constantly irritate them. It is very important to do the procedure correctly and carefully.


One of the best ways depilation - wax! If you do everything correctly, you will forget about irritation, and the intervals between procedures will only increase.

Types of wax for removing hair from armpits

There are 4 main types of wax:

  1. Hot wax. In its original form it is very thick and almost motionless. To work, the wax must be heated in a special wax saw. Designed for professional use. Without knowing the rules for working with it, there is a risk of getting burned. Usually sold in large jars.
  2. Warm wax. Ready for use when heated to 35–38 degrees. Suitable for household use. Packaged in cans or special roller cassettes.
  3. Cold wax. Does not require heating, ready to use in its original form. Sold in jars, tubes, and in the form of ready-made wax strips.
  4. Film wax. In the form of granules, requires heating to 40 degrees. After application, it hardens, forming a dense film that must be removed with a sharp jerk.

To use wax in jars, you need a spatula (to apply the material) and special strips, with the help of which hair removal is carried out. All of these add-ons can be purchased separately. Some people use regular cotton cloth as strips for home waxing.

Pros and cons of underarm waxing

Waxing has both positive sides, and negative.

  • the method is suitable for independent use;
  • low price;
  • the result lasts for 2–3 weeks;
  • hairs become thinner over time and grow less frequently;
  • wax is a hypoallergenic product.
  • pain (hairs are pulled out from the roots), not everyone can calmly withstand such unpleasant sensations;
  • not following the rules, you can damage the upper layer of the dermis;
  • ingrown hairs.

Which wax to choose

In order for wax depilation to go without problems, you should choose the “right” material.

Warm and cold wax will work.

It is better to buy warm ones in the form of roller cassettes: they are easier to use and easier to dose wax with. To heat the cartridge, there is a special device with electrical heating. But you can simply lower the cartridge into a container with hot water and hold for 15 minutes until the wax becomes warm.

It's even easier to use cold - you don't need to heat it. And if you buy the material already in the form of ready-made strips, this will make the process even easier.

Film wax is also not bad, but it is easy to overheat it to high temperature which will cause skin burns.

Self-epilation of armpits with hot wax is not recommended. The procedure is permissible if the temperature of heating the mass is strictly controlled.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. The length of the hairs under the arms should be no shorter than 5 mm.
  2. The wax is heated in advance (if a warm or hot method is used) or wax strips are prepared.
  3. Before the session, you should take a shower and scrub the area to be epilated. This will reduce the pain a little.
  4. Immediately after the shower, dry the treated area with a towel and lightly powder the skin with talcum powder (for children).


Regardless of the material, waxing techniques are similar.


  1. The heated wax is applied to the skin with a spatula.
  2. The tape is quickly applied to the treated area and pressed firmly against the skin.
  3. With a sharp jerk, the tape is removed against the direction of hair growth.

To completely clear the axillary area of ​​unwanted hair with hot wax, sometimes you need to repeat the steps 2-3 times.

When using warm material, the procedure is identical.


With ready-made tapes, the procedure is done like this:

  1. The strip is slightly rubbed in your hands.
  2. The tapes are separated and glued to the desired area.
  3. With a sharp movement, the strip is “torn off” against the direction of hair growth.

Depilation with wax strips is the safest and most comfortable method for self-use.

Skin care after the procedure

You should not wash your skin immediately after depilation. Sticky wax residues can be easily removed with a napkin and oil (any cosmetic).

On the first day, you should not use antiperspirants or any products containing alcohol.

To reduce irritation, you can immediately use powder or spread the skin with regenerating cream (Panthenol, Bepanten). It is advisable to refrain from activities that cause sweating on this day.

If inflammation occurs (can occur if dirt gets into open hair holes), ointments will help: Syntomycin, Levomekol, Gentaxan, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Polymyxin ointment.


  • any damage to the skin on the epilated area;
  • pointed papillomas, strongly protruding moles;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes in the body.
  1. During menstruation, the pain threshold increases.
  2. If the hair is coarse, blood may ooze out in its place. Hydrogen peroxide will help to quickly stop it and disinfect the wounds.
  3. It is better to perform depilation at home in the evening so that the skin calms down overnight.
  4. It is not recommended to wear synthetic clothing for the first 2 days.
  5. For two or three days you should refrain from hot baths, visits to swimming pools, baths, and saunas.
  6. The better the dermis is stretched, the less pain.

Other ways to depilate the axillary area at home

  1. Shaving is a quick, painless, but traumatic and unreliable option. In addition, irritation and cuts may occur, since not everything is shaved off, which is especially noticeable in dark-haired women. Stubble appears the very next day.
  2. Depilatory cream. An economical method for home hair removal, painless and safe. The attractive side is the ease of use of the product: the cream is applied for a few minutes, then removed with a spatula along with the hair. The effect of smooth armpits lasts for 3–6 days.
  3. Sugaring. The hair is pulled out from the hair follicle. If you do depilation correctly, you will be pleased with the results for at least 3 weeks. The peculiarity is a decrease in hair thickness and slower growth.
  4. Epilator is a popular method, but painful and traumatic. The procedure is fraught with bruising, irritation and ingrowth. I am attracted by the ease of use and long-lasting effect (up to 3 weeks).

Traditional methods of depilation of armpits

It can be done at home using traditional methods. They are rarely used because they are not reliable. However, removing hair folk remedies It is advisable if other methods are not suitable due to hypersensitivity or allergic reactions.

  1. For depilation of the armpit area at home, a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared. Steam baths are carried out daily in the area where hair needs to be removed. The duration of one session is 20 minutes. In just a few days, the hairs will fall out along with the roots forever.
  2. Composition of the depilatory mixture: 35 g medical and 2 g ammonia, 1.5 g iodine, 5 g castor oil. Use after the mixture becomes colorless. The solution is applied to the epilated area 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, the hair falls out forever.
  3. Twice a day, the hair area is wiped with fresh nettle seeds. Or 40 g of seeds are poured into 100 g of vegetable oil. After two weeks, the mixture is applied 1-2 times a day until the hair falls out forever.
  4. The solution for armpits consists of the following components: 1 tsp. soda, 1 cup boiling water. At night, apply a cotton swab soaked in the mixture. After just 3 procedures, the hair will fall off.
  5. 10 drops of ammonia are mixed with 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (6%), wheat flour is added. The solution is applied for 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated daily until the result appears.

At independent use ways, remember about safety precautions and possible consequences(burns, peeling, irritation).

Hair removal methods for the armpit area

Armpit hair removal is carried out using special equipment in salons.

  • Laser hair removal – gets rid of hair forever. It is enough to carry out 4–8 procedures once a month.
  • Photoepilation. The type of energy that removes is high-pulse light. The number of necessary procedures is 5–7. Just like the laser method, it is not suitable for fine light hair.
  • Elos hair removal. A gentle method for light and fine hair. Less painful than the previous ones, it is considered better because it combines two types of energies at the same time.
  • AFT hair removal. The procedure resembles photoepilation; fluorescent technology is used. Better results can be achieved with more intense light, while it is less dangerous and traumatic for the skin. Possible for any hair color and thickness. Usually 4–8 sessions are required.
  • Electrolysis. Safe procedure. A needle-electrode is inserted into the hair follicle, which destroys it. Suitable for all hair types, but may leave scars and stains. Number of procedures up to 10.

What not to do after hair removal and depilation

After each method of hair removal in the armpits, special care is required. The basic rules do not allow:

  • using deodorant;
  • visiting the sauna and swimming pool;
  • sunbathe.

If you neglect the rules, you can get injured and unpleasant sensations.

General contraindications

Hair removal and depilation are contraindicated if you have:

  • injuries;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • herpes;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • blood diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • viral diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Frequently asked questions and answers

How long does waxing last?

Everyone's hair growth rate is different. On average - for 20 days.

At what age can the method be used?

Anywhere from adolescence onwards.

Is there any way to numb the skin?

Yes, an ice cube or vigorous rubbing of the skin before the procedure will help.

What are the best strips for armpit waxing?

The most popular strips for wax depilation among customers are: Lady Caramel, Veet, Deep Depil, Shary. They have high quality and do a great job.

What is the price of armpit depilation in a salon?

Prices for services vary greatly. Much depends on the class of the salon and the material the master uses. On average, the cost ranges from 400 to 800 rubles.

Obviously, doing waxing at home is much more profitable. Compliance with the rules described above will allow any girl to quickly master the technique and independently maintain her beauty.

Quite often, women use waxing on their armpits, legs and bikini area to remove hair. After all, as you know, many representatives of the fair sex nowadays are ashamed and try to fight excess hair on their bodies. Modern methods Body hair removal is so varied that it is impossible to immediately determine the most suitable one for yourself.

Let's consider the nuances of hair removal in the armpit area using wax epilation, the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Why is the armpit area difficult?

There are depressions in the armpit area that limit the access of the epilator or razor head to the hair. In addition, in the area of ​​the armpits the skin is quite sensitive, since the capillaries are located as close as possible, and the hairs are usually hard and strong.

However, despite this, many still try to remove armpit hair, resorting to the most in different ways. The hair removal procedure itself in this area is not a purely aesthetic problem. In this place there are a large number of sweat glands, whose work becomes even more intense during hair growth. As a result, bacteria multiply more actively, the smell of sweat becomes stronger, and the skin suffers from these factors, and a skin disease may even develop. Therefore, first, it’s worth taking a closer look at the wax method of removing hair from this area.

Armpit waxing

Epilation of armpits and different parts bodies learned to use wax a long time ago.

Someone claims that Cleopatra herself introduced the fashion for a body without hair. This is still relevant today, since waxing at home is a budget option, which is easy to perform and does not require professional skills. The result is striking in its long-lasting effect, lasting from 2 to 4 weeks.

It is much easier to remove hair in the underarm area with wax, as it is convenient and allows you to make the skin smooth for several weeks in a row.

This is because wax promotes steaming of the skin, dilation of pores, and has an analgesic effect, as a result of which the hairs are well removed simultaneously with the bulb. If you do several treatments, your hair will become softer and begin to grow slower than usual.

To perform armpit waxing at home, you can use both hot and warm wax. It can be found in jars, wax strips or cartridges. Since the skin in this area is sensitive and the procedure is somewhat painful, you should give preference to hot wax in cartridges or a jar.

Besides the fact that armpit waxing is a painful procedure, there are other disadvantages: there is a possibility of irritation and ingrown hairs. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of trouble, it is important to contact a specialist for help, since he will certainly be able to carry out hair removal using the correct technique. Of course, this will cost a lot of money, but the result will not be long in coming: the irritation will be eliminated, and painlessly.

However, for those who decide to learn how to do a wax procedure at home, it is worth remembering the following recommendations:

  1. There is no need to take a bath or shower immediately before the hair removal procedure. It is important to leave the skin in your armpits completely dry.
  2. In the area where hair removal will be carried out, you need to do peeling. This is necessary in order to eliminate dead cells from the skin and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. Next, you should treat the skin with baby powder or talc to keep the skin dry.
  3. Heat the wax until desired temperature, apply to the skin in the direction of hair growth and press well to the skin with a paper napkin, special depilatory strips or clean cotton cloth.
  4. With a sharp movement, pull the napkin or strip towards you.
  5. Remove any remaining wax with a damp cloth. To reduce the risk of irritation, it is important to lubricate the skin with cosmetic milk or moisturizer after the procedure.
  6. As a rule, after depilation, you need to apply a product that slows down hair growth.

The disadvantage of this procedure is pain. However, it is justified by further slow hair growth, which will become sparse and thin. Another tip: it is best to carry out this procedure in the middle of the menstrual cycle, since during this period hair grows almost twice as slow.

Modern beauty standards have strict rules. Smooth skin free of unwanted hair is in fashion for women, so armpit depilation is a common occurrence. Lovers of naturalness cause shock and bewilderment. Removing vegetation allows you to:

  • Effectively get rid of sweat odor in sensitive areas. The longer and thicker the hairs, the more they absorb the smell of the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. The strongest deodorant will not overpower it. This is why more and more men are removing underarm hair;
  • hygiene. Hair-free skin in the armpit area is easier to care for. It is less likely to develop pustules, rashes, and inflammation of the sweat glands. If you follow the antiseptic rules for depilation, then no negative consequences will arise after the cosmetic procedure;
  • aesthetics. Agree that a raised hand with a bunch of dark, coarse and bad-smelling hair can poison the trip to those around you. public transport, ruin the mood on your summer vacation. Therefore, in cold times this issue is not as acute as with the onset of warm weather. If in ancient times body hair was a sign of sexuality and fertility, now it causes nothing but disgust. Therefore, waxing and other methods are at the peak of popularity.

The skin of the armpit area is very sensitive, the capillaries are located too close here, and the hairs are often very strong and coarse

In cosmetology, there are several concepts of hair control:

  • depilation. Removing the visible part of the rod. The follicle is not affected, so the vegetation grows back quickly;
  • epilation. Chemical substances, mechanical forces, light or laser rays act on the hair follicle. They penetrate into the thickness of the skin and permanently disable the follicle. With regular use over several months, a complete cessation of growth is possible, but this takes time.

Types of hair removal

Removing vegetation from the armpit area at home is done using:

  • razors. The method is cheap, fast, and has no contraindications. A couple of seconds is enough to make your skin clean and smooth. Not everyone knows how to do this procedure correctly so that there is no irritation or negative consequences. You need to steam the surface of the skin and use shaving products. These can be foams, lotions, gels. With them, your armpits will not turn red, irritation will not begin, and the razor blade will cut hairs cleaner. It is important that the machine is sharp and new. Reviews on forums recommend using disposable products. They minimize the risk of ingrown hairs;
  • Depilatory creams are not used as often in the armpits as on the legs. Chemicals destroy the structure of the shaft, plant extracts affect the follicle, reducing the rate of cell division. Therefore, the result after the procedure lasts longer. Manufacturers promise up to 2 weeks, but it all depends on hormonal levels, individual characteristics, hair structure. For positive result you need to know the rules for depilation of the armpit area, do not overexpose the product, remove it carefully, do not use soap or alcohol-containing preparations after the procedure;

Modern technologies will allow you to deal with excess hair quickly, painlessly and without consequences, for example, using a laser
  • photo and laser hair removal. The rays penetrate the thickness of the skin and give the longest lasting effect. To completely get rid of unwanted vegetation, you need to take several courses lasting 2-3 months. Disadvantage of this method: high cost and inaccessibility at home;
  • wax and caramel. These methods are now at the peak of popularity. Wax for a long-lasting effect does not require special skills or expensive materials. After a couple of lessons on the Internet, you can purchase the product and do the procedure yourself.
  • pregnancy and lactation. Increased sensitivity provokes poor tolerance of the procedure. Even if you have previously waxed your bikini area or armpits, you should not experiment now. Pain can provoke uterine tone, threat premature birth. Better shave your hair;
  • oncological diseases, chemotherapy;
  • for cuts, scratches, inflammation of the skin. Contraindication: ingrown hairs. Wait until the skin returns to normal, the rod comes out, and then carry out the correction;
  • infectious diseases, fever, weakness;
  • going to the beach or visiting the bathhouse. Heat is a stress factor for damaged epithelium. Therefore, postpone the event for a few days.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from depilation

Advantages and essence of the wax method

Waxing has many advantages:

  • long lasting effect. Hairs removed from the roots grow back within a month. After the procedure, they are weak, light and brittle, so each time unwanted vegetation is removed easier and faster. Photo and laser hair removal can boast of this, but they are inaccessible to most due to the price;
  • low cost. The services of a master will not be an unbearable burden for the family budget. You can first carry out several sessions in the salon, then do the procedure yourself. All materials can be purchased online or in cosmetic stores;
  • no discomfort. Proper preparation and the “positioned” hand of the master will allow you to reduce pain to a minimum. If you want not to be afraid of the session at all, then take painkillers and apply a special cream or gel to the surface. After half an hour, start the session;
  • prevention of ingrowth and inflammation. After shaving, the next day or a couple of hours later, the skin becomes red, inflamed, and pustules appear. This brings a lot of discomfort if negative effects appear on the sensitive skin of the armpits. All this can really be avoided if you choose to remove the hypersensitive area with wax;
  • availability. After watching the training videos, you will be able to remove unwanted hairs yourself and get the effect of a beauty salon at home.

Despite the advantages, many are afraid of the pain from the procedure. It all depends on the psychological attitude and the hand of the master. If a professional works, the procedure will go smoothly and quickly. A competent master will tell you about proper care after the session, take precautions. Then the result will last longer, the risk of negative consequences is minimized.

Correct Procedure Technique

Removing vegetation in the armpit area has its own subtleties:

  • The procedure is recommended in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then the discomfort is minimal, the hairs grow 2 times slower;
  • Armpit waxing requires a clean and dry surface. Apply talc or baby powder to it;
  • wax in the form of strips or in a warm state is applied against hair growth. This way it sticks better, the rods and follicles come off better;
  • To remove, pull the strip towards you rather than up. This way the vegetation will be completely removed;
  • if necessary, treat one area several times until a positive result;
  • Depilation of armpits with wax ends with the removal of the product using special napkins. You can use vegetable oil.

/ 30.10.2017

Waxing of armpits. Rules and methods for hair removal of the armpits.

The paste has a pleasant caramel color, its texture must be plastic in order to be applied to the skin. The temperature of the sugaring paste should not be too hot; room temperature is suitable. Therefore, when sugaring there is no risk of getting burned.

The procedure for sugaring is as follows.

  1. Clean the skin and wipe it with lotion.
  2. sprinkle with talcum powder to degrease it.
  3. Roll the paste into a ball and apply to the skin against hair growth.
  4. Rip off the paste with a sharp movement along the hairline.
  5. After completing the procedure, remove any remaining paste with water and wipe the skin with a soothing lotion.

Sugaring is less painful than waxing, and its effect is just as long-lasting.

Benefits of sugaring:

  • cost-effectiveness (sugar paste can be prepared independently from cheap ingredients);
  • long-term effect;
  • no danger of ingrown hairs;
  • less painful procedure than other hair removal methods.

Disadvantages of sugaring:

  • if you lack experience, it will require a lot of time and effort;
  • Sugar paste, if you prepare it yourself, may not turn out as desired (too thin or thick).

Hair removal with an epilator

Epilators are special devices for removing body hair. He pulls out the hairs by the roots. The effect of this procedure lasts 2-3 weeks, after which it will have to be repeated.

Hair removal with an epilator is a very painful procedure, and few people decide to use it on sensitive areas. If you decide to use an epilator, remember the following nuances.

  1. The epilator can only handle hairs with a length of 0.5 mm. The device will not be able to capture short hairs.
  2. For the first time, it is better to use the epilator at minimum speed.
  3. To reduce pain, use massage attachments on the epilator.
  4. It is better to use the epilator after a hot bath. The device will more easily remove hair from enlarged pores.
  5. The epilator must be used against hair growth.
  6. Before using the epilator, prepare your skin - clean it with a scrub and wipe with lotion.

Advantages of removing excess hair with an epilator:

  • long lasting effect;
  • relative cost-effectiveness: after purchasing an epilator, no additional expenses will be required.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • very strong painful sensations;
  • There is a risk of ingrown hairs.

Hair removal in the bikini area

The skin in the bikini area is very sensitive, and therefore the pain from any hair removal method will be stronger here. The least painful of the procedures listed above is sugaring, and it is recommended to use it at home when removing hair in the bikini area.

With waxing, the risk of ingrown hairs is higher than with sugaring, and this procedure is also more painful, but this is the method chosen by most women.

Before removing hair in the bikini area, it will be useful to steam the skin to open the pores. After completing the procedure, lubricate the skin with a soothing cream, lotion or oil.

Armpit hair removal at home

The skin in the armpit area is also sensitive, but despite this, many girls decide to undergo epilation in this area using such painful procedures as hair removal with an epilator and hot wax. The best choice, after all, would be the same sugaring, the least painful procedure, after which there is no risk of ingrown hairs.

Before epilation, you need to thoroughly clean the skin and wipe it dry. It is also better to use a scrub that will help remove dead particles. After epilation, you can lubricate the skin with a special cream that slows down hair growth.


I’m already used to the Italian hair removal file. It quickly and painlessly removes any hair, I carry it with me in my bag, it’s very convenient and you don’t have to worry about not having enough time at home or someone seeing your regrown hair.

04/11/2017 14:37:23, Lola90