Swimming once a week. Is swimming effective for weight loss? Swimming in the pool: the positive aspects

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Considering the question of how much you need to swim in the pool in order to lose weight, it is worth noting that it is important to regularly go to workouts and do it right. In general, this sport is very useful, especially for overweight people, because in water the load on the joints and spine is reduced. But much more energy is spent due to the high resistance of water. So is it possible to lose weight with the help of the pool? The information below will tell you more about this.

Swimming for weight loss

If this is your first time hearing about swimming while losing weight, then you should know about the benefits of this sport. It helps to burn much more calories in a short duration of training. In addition, it improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiac systems. From the muscles allows you to work out almost everything. Another advantage is that swimming and losing weight have practically no contraindications. If you decide to go in for such a sport for the first time, then you must first issue a medical certificate, choose a site for training, buy a swimsuit, a cap and swimming goggles.

Swimming in the pool

In addition to helping you lose weight, swimming has other health benefits. It significantly reduces the load on the spine and joints. This type sport helps to alternate the work of different muscles. Thanks to smooth and measured movements, they lengthen, and the body becomes flexible, more embossed. Due to the reduction in the load on the spine, posture improves. Such training is the prevention of flat feet and strengthening the immune system.

Does swimming help you lose weight?

The answer to the question of whether the pool is effective for weight loss is positive. Regularly visiting this institution, you can get rid of extra pounds. Do not worry that the arms and shoulders will become massive. This is only possible with professional athletes. For 8-12 classes for a month, the body will only tighten up. In warm water, you can spend up to 500-600 kcal per hour, depending on the style.

Pool and cellulite

The reduction in the appearance of orange peel is due not only to more intensive work muscles. Cool water itself also has a beneficial effect on the skin. It makes the lymph circulate faster and more evenly, massages the body, and makes it more elastic. Pool and cellulite are incompatible. With regular training, you can get rid of this unpleasant defect.

How to lose weight in the pool

In order for swimming in the pool for weight loss to be really effective, you must adhere to a certain training scheme. The best result is brought by interval. In them, high-tempo movements alternate with calm ones. The amount of time you need to swim to lose weight is determined by the training scheme:

  1. Dry workout. Takes 5-7 minutes.
  2. Calm swimming - 10 minutes.
  3. Interval training - 20 minutes. Alternating 100m high intensity swimming and 50m slow swimming.
  4. Hitch. It also takes 5 minutes. This is a calm swimming in any comfortable style.

How often should you go to the pool

As for how much weekly you need to swim in the pool to lose weight, it is recommended to do 3-4 workouts, giving yourself 1-2 days of rest. So the muscles have time to recover. If you swim every day of the week, you can lose weight faster, but if you don’t prepare, your body will get tired. Losing weight in the pool will be less effective this way. It is better to train not in the morning, but in the evening to relieve fatigue and nervous tension. This will make falling asleep much easier.

How much to swim

The optimal length of the workout for getting a slim figure is 45 minutes. This is not very long, so the advantages of swimming can also be attributed to the short duration of classes. If your schedule is very tight, then this sport will suit you very well. The specific duration depends on the goals. In preparation for the triathlon, they train longer, because for the lesson you have to swim up to several kilometers. For those who use the pool while losing weight, 45 minutes is enough. Beginners should learn by exercising for 15 or 20 minutes.

What exercises to do in the pool to lose weight

To make training in the pool for weight loss more effective, you can not just swim, but do exercises. There are a lot of them, and for any muscle group. The most effective are presented in the following list:

  1. Bike. This exercise helps to pump up the press. With your elbows, you need to lean on the side, and with your feet you need to perform movements characteristic of cycling.
  2. Leg raises. Take the same position as for the previous exercise, only straighten your arms to the sides. Legs directly in the water alternately raise and lower.
  3. jumping jack. Very effective exercise. You need to jump, spreading your legs to the side, and then bringing them back.
  4. frog jumping. Take a plie position at the bottom, then jump out of the water to the highest possible height. At the bottom, return to the starting position.

Swimming technique for weight loss

There are a number of tricks that will help you lose those extra pounds faster. It is important here not even how much you need to swim in the pool in order to lose weight, but how to do it right. It is necessary to choose an effective technique. So you can swim properly in the pool. There are several styles:

  1. Crawl. Considered the most efficient. It tightens the press, straightens the spine, strengthens the arms and legs. For an hour with this style, you can burn 600 calories. You need to swim here on your stomach, rowing with an alternate right and left hand and working with your feet in the same way.
  2. Breaststroke. Here, too, they swim on the chest, only the arms and legs should be parallel to the water. The style is aimed at pumping the biceps and quadriceps muscles of the thigh, deltas, upper back and chest.
  3. On the back. It differs from the crawl only in the position of the body. You need to roll over onto your back. Worked out pectoral muscles, biceps brachii, deltas and latissimus dorsi.
  4. Dolphin. Here a powerful stroke is made, due to which the body rises above the water. The muscles of the abdomen, back, chest, quadriceps, calves are loaded.

Swimming for weight loss for women

An effective workout in the pool for weight loss should include different techniques. So that classes do not seem boring, you can diversify them with fins, boards or hand manipulators. You need to start slowly, gradually increasing endurance. How much should you swim in the pool to lose weight? Continue until you can move for 10-30 minutes without a break. Sample program workouts may include the following exercises, performed for 5-10 minutes:

  • warm-up;
  • sidestroke;
  • movement with a change of style;
  • swimming on legs;
  • exercises with increasing speed;
  • hitch.

Men's pool training program

Basic training in the pool for men is practically the same as the program for women. They differ only in the order of styles used. Men need to start with the most difficult technique - butterfly, then continue with breaststroke or crawl. Those who get tired quickly are allowed to take 15-20 second rest breaks. With each style, you need to actively swim 50-300 m. For the second part of the training, you need to leave applied styles or swimming with additional means - a board or a calabash. The lesson ends again with calm movements.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Peaceful murmur of water, pleasant color and a lot of reflections on the walls. Warm and barely audible smell of bleach. The pool is a place where only very brave people dare to go. It's not an insult - it's just that in a time of more and more urbanization, it's quite difficult to find a river that you can get into and out of without a third leg or six toes.

And what? They care about the environment, but not enough to drink from puddles
However, probably, everyone in childhood or adolescence heard that people involved in swimming simply cannot be overweight. Indeed, one can remember Olympic Games– have you seen at least one swimmer with stretch marks or a beer belly? However… Is it possible to lose weight in the pool? Let's shed some light on this question!

How does swimming help your body?
Firstly, swimming acts on all components of our skeleton, strengthening them and “removing obstacles” for its functioning - sprains, problems with posture, it has a good effect on the cervical region.
Secondly, water protects the human joints from various damages, as it takes on almost ninety percent of the weight. Thus, the joints and bones practically rest from the weight of our body!

Thirdly, water is much - fourteen times - denser than air, which causes the well-known "difficulties of movement", but at the same time, a huge load is given to the muscles. Bones rest and muscles work.

Goodbye fat!
So does the method of losing weight in the pool work?
1. One hour of swimming burns five hundred calories. But it's worth thinking about this: what is the first thought when you get out of the pool? That's right, the desire to eat. Is it possible to lose weight in the pool if you then go to McDonald's and triple the calories burned?

2. However, for people with handicapped, pool, sometimes - this is the only possible load. Thus - it's not only about losing weight, but also about health in general - the pool becomes a useful activity.

3. Swimming loads absolutely all muscle groups, joints and bones. Is it good or bad? And now it depends on you. If you do not mock yourself, then your body, thanks to regular training, will become stronger, stronger and healthier. But if you swim every day for sixteen hours, then you can simply lose consciousness from fatigue.

Summing up everything, we can say the following: it is impossible to lose weight in the pool if you only do this. However, if you include a swimming pool in a set of activities - for example, Gym, jogging in the morning, diet and pool - then all this will give a very good result after a while. Of course, if you do it regularly and do not visit McDonald's.

Here is some useful information for you:
1. Water massages your body - the most natural massage in the world! That is why the skin and upper muscle tissues will be extremely grateful to you if you devote at least a couple of hours a week to such water procedures.

2. In the pool, be sure to take a cap, swimsuit, rubber slippers and a towel. Pool water contains chlorine, which is not always good for hair. By the way, if professional swimmers often practice in the pool you visit, then it’s better to buy goggles as well - with their strong hands they can pour water over you very well at the wrong moment.

Greetings, dear visitors of our blog! No one doubts the fact that swimming is good for health. But whether swimming helps to lose weight - this question remains open for many people who want such a pleasant way. Let's try to understand this.

Benefits of swimming for health and weight loss

Swimming is considered a cardio exercise and has a lot of positive effects on the human body. There are several good reasons why overweight people choose this type of physical activity to solve their problems:

  1. Metabolic processes are accelerated.
  2. Stimulates blood circulation and the work of all organs and systems.
  3. It turns out the minimum load on the musculoskeletal system;
  4. The ability to easily perform even the most difficult exercises, thanks to the effect of hydro weightlessness, which creates water;
  5. Swimming in the pool is shown even to people of retirement age or who have any restrictions in movement;
  6. This is also excellent because of the hydromassage provided by water during active movements;
  7. In the process of swimming, approximately 400 kcal is burned per hour;
  8. Due to the need to overcome the resistance of water, the body has to expend more energy than on land;
  9. During swimming, the whole body works, forcing all muscle groups to turn on. And this helps to lose weight not only in the legs, but also in the abdomen, back and upper shoulder girdle;
  10. Regular swimming lessons will relieve stoop;
  11. Water has a beneficial effect on nervous system comforting her. And this also contributes to the process of losing weight, because everyone has long known that stress is one of the causes of weight gain (read, by the way).

It is not necessary to swim in the pool - an open reservoir is no less useful, allowing you to simultaneously enjoy the natural surrounding beauties.

Is one swim enough to lose weight?

But with all this, losing weight quickly with just one swim is difficult - it is better that such a load be part of a comprehensive plan.

And this is due to several reasons:

  1. Increased appetite after such a workout, which makes you eat more food.
  2. As a rule, swimming is tiring and relaxing, leading to a sedentary lifestyle in the following hours.
  3. Cool water causes the body to burn a lot of calories, but immediately after landing and heating this process stops.

how to swim to lose weight

In the process of losing weight by swimming, style is also important, using which you can do it faster and better. I recommend mastering three types - breaststroke, crawl and butterfly. It is better, of course, to work out with a trainer, but you can do it yourself.

breaststroke technique

The movements of the arms of this style are synchronous - forward from the chest area. The legs perform a push from the water, bending and straightening at the knees.

You are unlikely to develop high speed with this type of swimming, but due to the complex technique, it is recommended to use it at the initial stage of training.

crawl technique

Hands work alternately with simultaneous movements of the legs ("scissors"). This style is considered the fastest and which can be applied after the body has adapted to the loads.

Butterfly technique

The left and right parts of the body symmetrically and simultaneously perform the movement of a given trajectory. The legs at this time also move synchronously, but in waves.

This style is very difficult to perform, so it is used by people who have already mastered the previous two.

interval method

There is another way to lose weight with swimming, training intervals - alternating maximum work at the limit of possibilities with a period of rest. With such exercises, weight continues to be lost even a couple of days after.

According to the reviews of people using this method, kilograms are dropped much faster, and much less time is spent.

Interval training is carried out as follows: 30 seconds you work with your maximum possible strength and speed, after which you restore your breathing for 15 seconds, swimming at a calm pace. This is one interval that you need to complete in a workout up to 10.

As you train, reduce the recovery time, and increase the “snatch”, eventually reaching 15 intervals.

By the way, interval training is one of the most effective. Master, for example, the system - just 4 minutes of high-intensity intervals, and the weight begins to melt.

How much swimming do you need to lose weight


Another important point is food. To speed up the process of losing weight and consolidate the results obtained, you will have to give up muffins, confectionery and sausages, as well as carbonated sweet drinks.

About the testimony

Based on the benefits of swimming for human body, we can distinguish the following diseases, in the presence of which such training will become simply irreplaceable:

  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • brain damage;
  • Violations of the digestive tract;
  • Pulmonary ailments;
  • Disability due to physical and mental disabilities;
  • cerebral palsy and rickets;
  • birth trauma;
  • Autism;
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Anemia.

Swimming is prescribed even for such serious diseases as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and myocarditis.

Swimming is rightfully considered a unique sport. This type of physical activity helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the activity of the heart muscle, increase lung capacity and, of course, lose weight. On average, one hour session in the pool allows you to burn about 500 Kcal, which is an indisputable plus. Girls and women who are overweight start swimming in order to get rid of extra pounds, as well as to make the skin more elastic.

Swimming in the pool: the positive aspects

Which way you look, swimming has a beneficial effect on work internal organs and psycho-emotional state of a person as a whole.

  1. Water exercises help to speed up metabolism (metabolism), as a result of which the volumes melt before our eyes. During swimming, all muscle groups are involved, so there is no need to work out each zone separately.
  2. Classes of this kind improve the activity of the heart muscle, normalize arterial pressure, control the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
  3. An alternative to swimming can be considered water aerobics, which allows you to perform exercises while in a state of hydroweightlessness. You will feel only a slight load on the muscles, but the effect will not be long in coming.
  4. Swimming is suitable for all categories of people who are overweight. The pool can be visited by girls, middle-aged women, elderly people, persons with complications (disabled people). This feature is achieved due to the fact that the musculoskeletal system is loaded to a small extent due to the supporting function of water.
  5. With active water procedures, the elasticity of tissues improves, as a result of which an intensive fight against fatty deposits, in particular cellulite, begins. Hydromassage allows you to disperse the liquid, as well as remove toxins from the skin.
  6. As mentioned earlier, 1 hour of intensive swimming allows you to get rid of 450-500 Kcal. This aspect is 1.5 times higher than in running or fitness.

Reasons why it's hard to lose weight

Even though swimming is considered active physical activity lose weight with this method It's hard enough. Experts have identified important aspects that prevent accelerated weight loss. Let's consider them in order.

  1. For most people, water exercise causes appetite and uncontrolled hunger. This feature leads to the use of high-calorie foods in large quantities after training.
  2. Swimming contributes to increased fatigue. A person on a subconscious level switches to a sedentary lifestyle, without noticing it. From here fat deposits appear in the most problematic parts of the body.
  3. Because the pool has a cooling effect, calorie burning stops the moment you get out of the water. From the foregoing, we can conclude that excess weight goes away only during swimming.

  1. Breaststroke. This style of swimming is a starting position on the chest, when the legs and arms move almost parallel to the water level. From a technical point of view, the exercise is considered the most difficult to complete. Breaststroke involves most muscle groups, so excess weight goes away quickly. The main driving force is the legs, they are the ones that are loaded the most. Regular breaststroke swimming allows you to pump up the biceps and quadriceps muscles, thigh biceps, tighten the buttocks and visually stretch the calf muscles. As for the upper body, the back, pectoral and deltoid muscles are involved.
  2. Butterfly. The swimming style is conditionally called a dolphin, it is rightfully considered difficult. Like breaststroke, butterfly swimming is performed on the stomach, while the arms are symmetrical. During a powerful jerk, the body is thrown up above the water due to the fact that the legs resemble the movements of a mermaid (wave-like). Butterfly involves the muscles of the press, back, neck, chest, arms, hips and calves.
  3. Backstroke. The exercise resembles the breaststroke style, but the main difference is the initial position on the back. The arms are also parallel to the surface of the water, but they are not bent at the elbows, but fully extended. This style strengthens the biceps brachii, chest, back and partially abs. The main focus is on the deltoid muscle and calves.
  4. Crawl. Style with the initial position on the stomach, in which rowing is carried out with two hands in turn. The upper limbs are parallel to the body, while the legs work alternately. An important feature it is generally accepted that the face is immersed in water, the neck should be on the same straight line with the back. During the next stroke, the head turns first in one direction, then in the other, it is at this moment that you can exhale and inhale. Crawl swimming involves an intense load that involves the shoulders, chest, back, abs, biceps and quadriceps muscles of the thighs, and calves.

Features of losing weight with the help of the pool

  1. Sports professionals recommend visiting a cold pool. Such a move helps to increase the amount of energy expended, since the body is forced to burn additional calories to restore body temperature.
  2. You can lose weight with the help of the pool if you create an individual training program for yourself. Each lesson should be carried out with maximum efficiency, otherwise the body will be in a relaxed state.
  3. In order for the volumes to melt before our eyes, it is recommended to alternate types of swimming. Interval training does not allow the body to get used to the load, as a result of which it is constantly in a state of stress.
  4. Some girls believe that after a long visit to the pool, the shoulders, arms and back become wider, but this misconception is erroneous. To obtain a similar effect, about 4-5 hours of daily training are required, and then the result will be insufficient. Professional athletes spend about 2-3 years on such shocking results, in some cases longer.
  5. When visiting the pool, more energy is expended than in the gym, fitness or dancing. To effectively lose weight during each workout, temperature regime water should not be higher than 25 degrees.
  6. The intensity of fat burning depends on the style of swimming, the initial weight and other individual indicators of the human body. It is much more difficult for people with too high weight to stay on the water, as a result of which they lose weight faster.
  7. A person weighing 58-60 kg. loses about 570 Kcal during breaststroke swimming, about 525 Kcal - butterfly, 500 Kcal - crawl, 550 Kcal - rowing on the back. To lose weight quickly, you need to choose no more than two types of swimming per hour session.
  8. It is recommended to master the swimming technique with a personal trainer, so that the specialist corrects the shortcomings and selects an individual training system. The key to successful weight loss is a four-fold alternation of swimming styles. It turns out that you need to change the style once every quarter of an hour.
  9. Many girls make the mistake of swimming like a frog for an hour. This style of training involves only the shoulders and neck, which, combined with cool water, has a detrimental effect on the joints and muscles. Ultimately, you will have to sign up for a restorative massage with a specialist.
  10. As it became known, each style of swimming involves a specific muscle group to a greater extent. Due to the fact that you will change views, you can tighten the body in the “right” places and get rid of body fat in certain areas.

  1. You can get rid of hated kilograms if you visit the pool at least 3-4 times a week. In addition, each lesson should not be less than 60 minutes. As for the load, it is selected taking into account individual characteristics. Complicate the tactics gradually, do not try to do everything at once. For beginners, half an hour of continuous swimming is enough.
  2. If you can't swim, ask your instructor for a foam board to help you float. Take the attribute in your hands, place it in front of you, then start swimming forward, actively moving your legs. It is important to keep your neck parallel to the board (face in water) while slowly inhaling and exhaling for a count of three (head above water).
  3. The general scheme of exercises looks something like this: swim 4 times crawl, then the same number of times on your back. Rest for about 45 seconds, then proceed to the breaststroke (3 times). Complete the set with a butterfly style one time in each direction. Rest for half a minute, repeat all over again.
  4. If you feel that you are not coping with the loads, allow yourself a longer rest. At this time, swim in a calm rhythm like a dog or a frog. Water aerobics (leg retraction, squats, resistance with hands, etc.) will help to supplement the complex.
  1. It is important that each next style is approximately equal in time to the previous one. In no case do not feel sorry for yourself during a workout, practice at maximum efficiency for an hour.
  2. To understand whether you are distributing the load correctly or not, by the end of the 7-8 approach, you should be left without strength. Muscles will “beat up”, urging you to stop. Do not leave the pool immediately, just slightly reduce the load. If you don't feel tired, pick up the pace.
  3. After finishing your workout, swim at a relaxed pace or “lie down” on the water for about 5-7 minutes. Then rub your body with a towel, take a contrast shower and apply a cream to eliminate the effect of chlorine on the skin.
  4. You can not rest for less than 20 seconds. Make sure that your breathing does not go astray. Before proceeding to the next exercise, take a deep breath and exhale.
  5. If it’s hard for you to swim for half an hour at a time with breaks of 30 seconds after each exercise, pick up an individual complex. An alternative is the duration of swimming for 10-15 minutes with a minimum rest interval. Don't forget to warm up before every workout.

It is quite difficult to lose weight with the help of swimming, but this does not mean at all that you will never be able to get rid of extra pounds. It is important to remember forever that 85% of the total duration of the workout you should swim. Try to rest no longer than a minute, alternate styles with each other. Do not rush to leave the pool after completing classes.

Video: swimming for weight loss

At the end of the 20th century, scientists generally did not recognize that swimming somehow helps in the fight against excess weight.

In the study Weight loss without dietary restriction: efficacy of different forms of aerobic exercise 1987, the weight of the participants did not change after six months of swimming. In 1997, subjects who swam for 45 minutes three times a week for 2.5 months also failed to lose weight. Effects of swim training on body weight, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid and lipoprotein profile.

results contemporary research more optimistic. In 2006 scientists proved Aerobic exercise in water versus walking on land: effects on indices of fat reduction and weight loss of obese women that swimming in combination with a diet still helps to lose weight: after 13 weeks of exercise, the subjects lost an average of 5.9 kg and reduced their body fat percentage by 3%.

Study Effect of regular swimming exercise on the physical composition, strength, and blood lipid of middle-aged women 2015 also confirms that swimming helps to get rid of fat and pump endurance. Its participants were engaged in swimming for one hour three times a week. After 12 weeks, the women lost 4.3% body fat, they had increased muscle strength, flexibility and endurance.

Yes, swimming is not the most effective load for weight loss compared to the same running, interval training or, but it has a big plus: no load on the joints and spine.

This is of great importance for overweight people who risk their knees a lot when going for a run. Swimming provides gentle exercise while helping you burn calories, build strength, endurance, and flexibility.

And if you also love swimming, you should definitely choose this sport for weight loss, because the ideal workout is a regular workout.

How many calories can you burn while swimming

According to the data Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights Harvard Medical School, 30 minutes of swimming burns a different number of calories depending on weight:

As you can see, the most energy-intensive, and therefore useful for weight loss styles are breaststroke, crawl and butterfly. It turns out that it is not enough just to splash in the pool. You need to learn to swim and conduct active training.

how to swim to lose weight

These tips will help you burn more calories in your swimming workouts.

Buy gear

A swimsuit that is not intended for sports will untie all the time and interfere with training, and water will flow under ill-fitting elastic bands of low-quality glasses.

All these little things terribly enrage and spoil the impression of classes. Therefore, if you are going to the pool, buy a sports swimsuit, a cap that fits the size, the perfect goggles and fins. All this will help you forget about the equipment and give all the best.

Learn to swim with different styles

Once you learn crawl swimming, you will want to use only this style: familiar movements, high speed and a lot of swimming pleasure. However, it is better not to focus on one style and try breaststroke, backstroke, or even a difficult butterfly.

Different styles help to harmoniously develop all the muscles of the body. For example, swimming on your back will help you strengthen your back and shoulder muscles, which will have a positive effect on your posture, while breaststroke will work your inner thighs.

Work out with a trainer

If you can only doggystyle, take a few lessons with a trainer. He will show you the basics, teach you how to exhale into the water, point out mistakes.

You can learn to swim crawl in 3-4 lessons, and then hone your skills on your own by finding programs on the Internet and periodically consulting with a coach.

How to make a workout

As in the case of a regular workout in the gym, a workout in the pool should consist of several parts:

  1. Warm up. In this part, you tune in to the lesson, the body remembers how to behave in the water, the muscles warm up for further efforts. As a rule, it is 200-400 meters in a calm crawl.
  2. Practicing movements. In this part, you can do some exercises to strengthen the muscles and work out the technique. For example, it can be swimming with legs only using a floating board, swimming with a bowl between the legs, swimming on one side, swimming with a minimum number of strokes, and so on.
  3. Interval training. This is the most difficult part, in which you will pump stamina and spend the largest number calories. You can sprint 50 meters and then rest 30 seconds or swim with maximum speed 100 meters, and then rest for a minute. The number and length of sprints in a workout depends on your preparation.
  4. Hitch. 200 meters of easy freestyle swimming.

Here is an example of such a workout plan:

  1. 200 meters of easy freestyle swimming. Rest every 50 meters if needed.
  2. 4 × 50 meters freestyle swimming with stroke count. Try to make fewer strokes in each next segment than in the previous one.
  3. 100 meters of strokes only with hands with a bowl sandwiched between the legs.
  4. 100 meters with plank in hand: only legs move.
  5. 4 sprints of 50 meters, rest between sprints - 30 seconds.
  6. 200 meters of easy freestyle swimming.

Work out at least 3-4 times a week for 45-60 minutes, do not rest too much between stretches and combine exercise with diet - and you will be able to get rid of excess fat. Let not as fast as in the case of running or cycling, but without any risk to the joints and spine.
