Biceps legs at home. The most effective exercises for the biceps of the thigh

Have you ever wondered what determines your running speed or jump height? The quality of sneakers undoubtedly plays a big role, but not the main one! The main factors, of course, are the muscles, and more specifically, the hamstrings!

In today's article, you will learn everything about this muscle, where it is located, how it works, and what exercises purposefully load this particular muscle.

The structure and functions of the biceps femoris

The biceps has two muscle bundles, in Russian it sounds like a biceps muscle. The biceps femoris is a rather long muscle that is located closer to the outer edge of the thigh and is part of the muscles of the back of the thigh (this group is also called the hamstring).

The long bundle of the biceps femoris muscle is attached to the ischial tuberosity, the short bundle is slightly lower, both of them merge into one tendon and are attached in the knee area.

To avoid imbalance and reduce the chance of injury to the knee joint, the strength of the quadriceps should be related to the strength of the biceps femoris as 1:6. With this ratio, you can also increase your speed performance. The leg will look symmetrically developed.

The biceps femoris in company with the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles rotate the lower leg and flex the knee, together with the gluteus flexes the thigh.

Basic recommendations for performing exercises for the biceps femoris

Before you start training, check out some recommendations:

The best exercises for hamstrings in the gym

The biceps of the thigh is a rather traumatic area due to its weakness. We recommend strengthening these muscles through strength training.

Lifting the body while kneeling in emphasis

This exercise targets the hamstrings, which is why it's at the top of the list.

  • Sit on a special simulator, placing your legs between the rollers, rest your knees on the front pillows, keep your body upright, cross your arms over your chest.
  • Inhale. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself down, straightening your knees. Strive to lower yourself to parallel with the floor.
  • Take a break.
  • As you inhale, use your leg muscles to rise up.

If there is no special simulator in the gym, any support will do: a barbell, a bench for bench press, the help of a partner. Be sure to protect your knees by placing something soft under them, such as rolling a rug several times.

Bending the legs in the simulator

This exercise is also designed to work the hamstrings. It differs from the previous one in that the weight of the weight varies and is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.

  • Sit on the simulator, set the required weight, place your shins under a special roller, grasp the special handles with your hands.
  • Inhale. As you exhale, bend your legs at the knee, touch the buttocks with a roller.
  • As you exhale, lower your legs down, do not fully unbend your legs at the knee.

Watch your lower back - it should be fixed, do not tear your stomach from the simulator.


Deadlift (traction on straight legs) effectively loads the hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

  • Take the bar with the necessary weight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten up. Slightly bend your knees and arch your back.
  • Inhale. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself down, lead the bar as close to your legs as possible (almost touching), do not round your back at the bottom point, look in front of you all the time.
  • On an inhale, lift yourself up with the help of the leg muscles to the starting position.

Single leg deadlift

This exercise is indispensable for those whose hamstrings are lagging behind or have been injured. It differs from the deadlift in that you need to stand on one leg and use dumbbells. For stability, you can hold on to the support, and hold the dumbbells in your free hand.

  • Pick up dumbbells with the required weight, stand up straight. The back is arched, the gaze is straight ahead.
  • Inhale. As you exhale, bend down with a straight back, while lifting one straight leg up.
  • With an inhale, return to the starting position.

Forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders

It includes not only the biceps of the thigh, but also the gluteal muscles and extensors of the back, reveals chest, so this exercise is indispensable for girls.

  • Align, put your feet close to each other, your back is arched, look forward.
  • Take a breath. As you exhale, lean forward, take your pelvis back, bend your knees a little, watch your lower back - it should be bent.


One of the basic exercises, includes three joints and almost all skeletal muscles, including the hamstrings. To focus on the biceps of the thigh will help to squat with a wide setting of the legs and sit below the parallel, as well as squats with dumbbells.

  • Place a barbell with the desired weight on the trapezoid area with the help of a partner or barbell racks.
  • Straighten up, put your feet wider than your shoulders, your socks look outward, your back is arched, your gaze is in front of you.
  • Take a breath. As you exhale, slowly squat down. The knees should be in the projection of the foot and look towards the toe. To do this, do not put your legs too wide and take your pelvis back. Watch your lower back - it should be bent.
  • Exhale as you rise to the starting position.

Exercises for hamstrings at home

You can pump up your biceps with exercises without leaving your home!

  • Take the exercises presented as a basis, using improvised means.
  • IN good weather be sure to go outside. Practice interval running, sprinting, running with your hips high, jumping high.
  • The hamstrings are worked out by cycling and playing football.

How to pump up the biceps of the thigh - exercises on the video

In the presented video, you can visually familiarize yourself with the exercises for the biceps of the thigh, the execution technique, possible options and nuances involved muscles and possible errors.

The regularity of training, compliance with the technique of performing exercises and proper nutrition will do their job. Search, experiment, choose the best for yourself and do not forget to listen to the advice of professionals.

And what exercises for the biceps femoris are included in your workouts? Which of the above articles do you like the most? Share your experience and impressions in the comments.

The biceps femoris is a biceps muscle located on the back of our legs. It is a quadriceps antagonist. Before pumping this muscle, you should know why to do it.

Beginners who have just come to the gym ignore the hamstrings, experienced athletes pay much less attention to it than quadriceps training, leaving exercises for this muscle at the very end of leg training, and girls concentrate only on pumping the buttocks. All of the above is an erroneous approach to classes.

Why train hamstrings

Are there any differences between women's and men's training? hamstring workout - common for everyone, there is no need to separate men and women and come up with their own exercises for each. Of course, girls often prefer all sorts of stretches, rather than deadlifts, but there are no restrictions in this regard.

Classes in the hall

All exercises in which there is a vertical load on the spine must be performed with a straight back in order to avoid injury. The easiest way to achieve this is if you look forward, but at the same time slightly up.


If we are talking about an experienced practitioner who already performs squats with well-established technique, then it is not necessary to introduce something completely new into the training program. Squats with a wide stance will allow you to shift some of the load from the quadriceps to the biceps. Probably, the usual weight in barbell squats, for the first time, is better to reduce, relative to the one with which the classic squats were familiar to you. You need to feel how the target muscle is involved in extension in order to pump it, for this you can linger at the bottom point to feel its tension.

A slight tilt forward, the back is straight, the press and lower back are in tension, in no case do not round your back. First of all, the movement begins with the pelvis moving back, and only then does the leg bend in knee joint.The knees do not go beyond the socks, otherwise you risk, after a few years of training, to be on the operating table, with a serious knee injury. Ideally, the knee should not move at all, if your knees are trembling, you are probably overweight.

The push is carried out by the heel, the emphasis is on the entire foot, but the main load is on the heel, there should be practically no pressure at the fingertips. In no case does not come off the heel!

The depth of the squat is approximately parallel to the floor, if you want to focus on the gluteal muscles, then you can go a little lower. However, with the depth of the squat, beginners should be careful, at the bottom point, tension should be felt in the gluteus and biceps of the thigh - often beginners, after watching motivating videos, sink so low that they almost touch the floor with their buttocks, but at the same time feeling not muscle tension, but rather their relaxation, this is a blunder!

Often, beginners do not have enough stretch to go too low, they “dump” all the load from the muscles to the joints and ligaments, which is not only meaningless if we are not talking about weightlifting, but about targeted improvement appearance but also dangerous.

With this type of exercise, you feel more stable, so there is a temptation to take more weight, it is better to refrain from this, remember that your training progress depends primarily on the correct technique, and not on the weight on the bar. With the wrong technique, at best, you will not develop what you want, at worst, you will get injured.

Exists light version of squats.

For beginners, squats with dumbbells can be great.

  • Legs are slightly wider than shoulders, feet are parallel.
  • Emphasis on the heels, the heels cannot be torn off.
  • Hands with dumbbells are relaxed and lowered, the only thing that is tense is the fingers holding the dumbbell.

The advantages of the lightweight version are that not all gyms have special vultures, weighing 4-5 kg, a regular bar, weighing 20 kilograms, may turn out to be an excessive burden for a beginner. Even if the weight of the neck is not excessive, back squats require a skill that will take more than one workout to develop.


This exercise - one of the varieties of deadlifts, complex and traumatic exercises, as a result, it also cannot be recommended to beginners. The best exercises for the hamstrings are those that allow you to pump up beautiful legs, and do not injure us. One, even a very hard workout, is not able to pump anyone, prerequisite is the constancy of training, so you should not tear once and then go home for a month with pain and injuries.

  • Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. The back is straight, look forward and slightly up. The bar is in front of the body, hanging on outstretched arms.
  • The movement begins with the removal of the pelvis back.
  • A smooth slope is made, a prerequisite for which is a straight back.
  • Hands are lowered down and, as it were, slide over the legs, the closer the moving bar is to the legs, the better.

It is necessary to try to feel how the bicep is stretched, with the right technique this is not required. big weight. It is enough that the neck of the bar falls to about the middle of the lower leg. Straightening to the starting position, you must again ensure that the back is even, you can tighten the gluteal muscles at the top point so that they work better in this exercise.

The two previous exercises did not require special equipment that could not be found in any, the cheapest, basement gym, however, they required a certain skill. The next two exercises in this regard are their opposite - the exercises do not require preparation, however, the necessary equipment may not be in some rooms.

From the usual hyperextension, the difference is that the upper the roller is set so that the emphasis on it is not the bones of the pelvis, but the quadriceps, the technique is the same. We are located on the machine for hyperextension so that the quadriceps rest against the upper roller, and the ankle joint clings to the lower one. Keep your back straight, arms either crossed on your chest in front of you or clasped behind your head.

Maintain tension in the buttocks, the forward lean is slow and smooth, and the return is just as smooth. No additional weight is initially required to be taken, for the progression of the load it is better to use the angle of inclination, gradually falling lower and lower.

Bending the legs in the simulator lying

It is necessary to lie face down on a special simulator, grab the handrails with your hands so as not to slip off. The roller is located in the area of ​​​​the ankle joint. The trunk must be securely fixed, all the effort is made only by bending the legs. It is necessary to do everything slowly and smoothly, in this simulator it is especially critical not to allow jerks, if you cannot do it without jerks, reduce weight.

When extending the knees do not need to fully straighten until the last repetition has been completed. If it is possible to customize the simulator for yourself, it is better to make sure that when you fully straighten your knees, the roller does not touch your legs. This will save you from accidental, ridiculous injuries and make it more convenient to exit the simulator.

Some people experience discomfort or tickling in this exercise when the roller touches bare skin, so you may find it more comfortable to do this exercise in pants or long socks instead of shorts.

Number of sets and repetitions

By adding any of the above exercises to your training program, you should start with three sets of 20 repetitions, with a small weight(in addition to hyperextension, where, as we remember, it is better to progress with the angle of inclination). Then, having correctly selected your working weights, you can perform all exercises for classic 12 reps.

Exercises to do at home

If you work out in the gym, you should not overload yourself at home, your muscles need rest, however, if for one reason or another, visiting the gym is impossible, you can strive to do something at home. It will be difficult without equipment.


  • The position of the legs, as in the previous exercise.
  • As you exhale, lean forward as far as the stretch allows, without hunching your back or bending your knees even more.
  • Try to feel tension throughout the exercise.


  • Dumbbells, as always, are lowered down on straight arms, legs are closed together, socks look straight.
  • On exhalation, a sweeping step forward with one foot, with a gradual transfer of weight to the forward leg, bending it and lowering the pelvis down.
  • The knee of the front leg should not go beyond the toe.
  • Return to the starting position by stepping back. If you have space in the room, you can simply put your back foot in front of you to keep your balance.
  • Change your leg.

Since few people have expensive set dumbbells, start doing the above exercises without weights, and then select the number of repetitions and approaches, depending on your physical form and the severity of the inventory in your home. It is quite possible to increase the load, starting with 8 reps in two sets, and then gradually reach 20 reps in four. One of the subjective criteria that a workout is successful may be the feeling when you were able to pump blood into the target muscle by bending or otherwise. With due perseverance, homework will replace hamstring exercises in the gym.

Medical contraindications

First of all, I would like to once again warn against squats with a barbell and straight-legged deadlifts for people who have not previously performed these exercises and do not know how to do it. Wrong technique can awaken many diseases dormant in you.

If we are talking about all other exercises, the only contraindication is problems with the knee, hip and ankle joints, because it is on them that the main load is placed. There are no other contraindications for such training, in addition to the general medical ban on physical activity.

The posterior thigh muscles are extremely important in powerlifting. By strengthening these muscles, the athlete increases the power capabilities in the deadlift and squat. In addition, the biceps of the thighs create a more harmonious look of the legs, which is useful for. For girls, exercises on the back of the thighs will help get rid of sagging and cellulite. Therefore, for all athletes involved in strength, mass and external aesthetics, we recommend that you definitely train the biceps femoris.

Anatomy of the muscles of the back of the thigh

This muscle group consists of three muscles:

  • Semitendinosus muscle of the thigh. A thin, long muscle located closer to the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: extension of the thigh, participation in flexion and rotation of the lower leg;
  • Semimembranosus muscle of the thigh. A narrow, long muscle located on the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: unbends the thigh, flexes the lower leg, with a bent leg, turns the lower leg inward;
  • Biceps femoris. Consists of two heads: long and short. Occupies most of the back of the thigh. Functions of the biceps femoris: participates in leg extension, flexes and rotates the lower leg outward.

Training features

In this case, the well-known principle - "train the lagging muscles at the end of the session" - does not work. After several approaches in squats and leg presses, there will be practically no strength left to pump the biceps of the thighs. Therefore, we propose the following rules for training the hamstrings:

  • Priority. Put the load on the biceps of the thigh at the beginning of the session. Do not worry, muscle fibers the hips are very hardy, so you can complete the following exercises in full.
  • Quantity. It is believed that for the growth of small muscles you need to do from 12 to 15 repetitions per set. The opposite is true for hamstrings. Despite them small size, it is best to work it out with serious weight and for 6-8 repetitions.
  • A complex approach. Do exercises for back hips in one lesson with other elements for the legs. The fact is that the quality of the training increases if you pump together (they are antagonists to the biceps).
  • different view loads. To pump up the biceps of the thigh, combine insulating and heavy ones in one training. This principle of working out allows you to use muscle fibers as deeply as possible and accelerate them.

Top 5 hamstring exercises

Work out the biceps femoris muscles more effectively with big weights. Therefore, we offer exercises that are available to visitors gym, as well as those who have the minimum equipment (dumbbells or barbell) for training at home.

1. Power lunges

If you want to pump up the back of your thigh, lunges with weights should be your main exercise. In this case, it is better to use a barbell as a weight, and not dumbbells. With a barbell, you will have to constantly monitor your balance, which will create an additional load on the target muscles.

  1. Position the barbell on your upper back (trapeze and rear deltoids).
  2. Stand up straight, straighten your spine.
  3. Taking a deep breath, step wide forward with one foot and lower your pelvis at the same time.
  4. Having taken the “lunge” position, linger for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Then, with an exhalation, slowly return to the upright stance.
  6. Repeat the movement starting with the other leg.

  • Take your time, as there is a high risk of losing balance and falling.
  • When moving, try not to lean too far forward.
  • Otherwise, a dangerous load on the knee joint will be created.

2. Deadlift

The exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the back of the thigh, and also strengthens the ligaments and tendons of the legs. Deadlift can be done both with a barbell and in a Smith machine (option for beginners). We will look at the free weight technique.

  1. Prepare the bar and place it on the power rack stops at knee level.
  2. Come up, take a direct closed grip and remove the projectile from the stops.
  3. Move away from the power rack, straighten up, slightly move your shoulder joints back.
  4. Place your feet close to each other (approximately at a distance of 15-20 cm).
  5. With a deep breath, bend over and lower the bar to your knees or slightly lower.
  6. Exhaling, slowly rise to the initial stance, straighten your shoulders at the top point.

  • When lowering the projectile, bend your knees slightly.
  • Keep your spine straight throughout the entire range of motion.

3. "Good Morning" slopes

The exercise perfectly stretches the entire back of the thighs, strengthening the muscles and tendons.

  1. Place the bar on the power rack at a level pectoral muscles.
  2. Duck under the bar and press against it with the top of the trapezoid.
  3. Remove the barbell and step away from the power rack.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  5. With a deep breath, lean forward and slightly move your pelvis back.
  6. The depth of inclination is up to the parallel of the body with the floor.
  7. Exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

When tilting, it is permissible to bend the knee joints quite a bit, but it is better to keep the legs straight. So the load on the biceps of the thighs will be better.

4. Flexion of the legs lying down

This exercise uses a weight block machine with a horizontal bench.

  1. Lie down with your chest and stomach on the seat, clasp the special hand rests with your palms.
  2. Set the required weight and press the back of the ankles against the raised support.
  3. Bend your knees as you exhale, and slowly lower as you inhale.

  • Control both phases of the exercise: avoid throwing up the support and dropping it abruptly.
  • At the top, hold a light pause (1-2 seconds) to improve the pumping of the hamstrings.

5. Russian Curl (tilts in a kneestand)

The exercise is performed with your own weight, so it is suitable for working at home. It creates a powerful load on the biceps of the legs.

  1. Lay down soft and get down on your knees.
  2. Ask a partner or trainer to hold your shins.
  3. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders.
  4. Keeping your torso and hips in line, as you inhale, gently lean forward to a 45° angle (or lower).
  5. As you exhale, due to the tension of the biceps of the thighs, return to the starting position.

  • When bending, put your hands in front of you so that in the event of an unexpected fall, you do not hit your face on the floor.
  • Keep the hips and body in one line, do not round the back.

When conducting a workout for the hamstrings, follow these tips:

  • Before exercise, warm up the muscles and joints of the lower body well.
  • If the grip of the palms is weak, use the wrist straps to hold the barbell in the deadlift.
  • With large weights, work very carefully, do not allow pain in the muscles and joints of the legs.
  • During the pause between sets, massage the muscles of the legs from behind to avoid “clogging” with blood.
  • Do not do aerobic and jumping exercises after strength training of the legs.
  • At the end of the session, very carefully perform a simple stretch of the lower extremities.

Example of a training plan

As we have said, the biceps muscles are best trained on the same day as the other leg muscles. We offer an example of a comprehensive program for the lower body, but with an emphasis on the hamstrings.

  1. Warm up ( treadmill, tilts, rotation of the legs in the joints);
  2. Power lunges with a barbell (4/6-8);
  3. Squats (3-4/10-12);
  4. Deadlift (3-4/6-8);
  5. (3-4/10-12);
  6. Russian Curl (3-4/10-12);
  7. (3/15-20).

At the end of the session, do a simple stretch on your legs. This will help relax the muscles of the lower body and reduce.

Exercises for the biceps of the thigh in video format

There are so many pseudo-specialists around who, after 2 presses and 5 squats, are already starting to teach you the technique of pumping legs. Learn how to pump up your thighs the right way!

Understand, having been like a couple of months in, you have not yet become such an experienced athlete to forget about the technique and give advice on how to properly pump up the hips for a beginner. You have to shed gallons of sweat in the hall, go through the path of victories and mistakes before you yourself understand everything. Until then, soak it up useful advice from our expert!

Strong, perfectly built quadriceps femoris muscles are a sure sign of excellent physical shape. Huge, developed ones can become the highlight of the program and set you apart from the crowd of bodybuilders. Just imagine the contrast between a balanced, aesthetically proportioned body with sculpted legs and a belly with thin legs. Therefore, a lot of guys are engaged in the heat in their pants, hiding their shortcomings.

Most likely, just like that you will not grow hips like professional bodybuilders, however, it is in your power to make your quadriceps dense, strong, with a clear relief that meets all standards. Observe correct technique and be persistent, then you will not need years on beautiful hips.

Why pump your hips

Quadriceps make up a huge amount muscle mass in organism. They make us spend countless hours in the gym, shed liters of sweat, all in order to put on a few grams of muscle and still pump up our hips. And it's worth it: training the quadriceps muscles will allow the muscles of the whole body to grow due to the natural production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Squats, for example, require a huge number of muscles throughout the body to control the weight: the quads and hamstrings, back, traps, shoulders, and all of these help move and/or stabilize the weight during the lift. As a result, all muscles will grow. It is this exercise that will help you properly pump up your hips. You only have to ask yourself one question: Do I want this?

A Brief Anatomy Lesson

If the answer to our question was yes, and you really want to pump up your hips, let's take a quick look at the anatomy of the hips and the function of muscle groups so that during training you can imagine the work of your body. The thigh consists of three muscle groups - anterior, medial and posterior.

The anterior thigh muscle group is the most popular pump target among athletes. It consists of the quadriceps (and its four heads - rectus, medial, intermediate, lateral) and the longest of all human muscles - tailor.

Interesting fact!
The quadriceps is involved in the extension of the lower leg, and if it is paralyzed, the patient can walk normally on a flat surface, but is not able to run and can only move up stairs with difficulty.

The medial group of the thigh consists of three adductor muscles - long, short and large, as well as thin and pectinate.

The posterior thigh muscle group combines the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Want to have powerful hamstrings? Try a workout from an expert on our site site!

All the muscles of the quadriceps provide the work of the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris, due to its location, provides flexion of the leg at the hip joint. All this anatomical information must be remembered when performing exercises on the legs. For what? To understand how to properly pump up your hips and get results! Now get down to business!

The best exercises for pumping up the hips

Now that you've learned a bit about thigh muscle anatomy and function, let's delve into what makes the quadriceps look prominent. These exercises and training program are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym and quickly pump up your hips. Be aware of technique and do not work with excessively heavy weights to avoid injury.


To properly and quickly pump up the muscles of the thighs - squat. It is on the back that is the main exercise in gaining muscle mass. Stand in a power rack under the barbell and place it comfortably on your upper back, on the trapezius muscle. For stability, grasp the bar firmly with your hands and move away from the rack. Feet are shoulder width apart or slightly wider.

Extremely important!
The movement begins with bending the knees. At the very beginning, do not bend your hips or back, otherwise you may roll forward. Lower yourself until your hips touch or until you reach a comfortable range of motion. Raise the weight back through your hips first, then your knees. At the top point, the knees do not fully straighten.

Completely up to you. Full range work is ideal for any exercise, but squatting can cause knee and back pain. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. The squat is a tough exercise, but the result is worth it - you will pump your hips into perfect shape.

To pump up the inner part of the quadriceps (vasus medial thigh muscle), squat with a wider stance and turned feet.

Deep squat with a barbell

To stand under and put it on the chest opposite the deltas. Cross your forearms - one on top of the other - and grasp with both hands. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor and your head up. Grab the weight and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. The movement is the same as in a regular squat with a barbell on the shoulders. But here the back is held a little straighter. These squats are aimed at pumping up the legs and especially the quads, as opposed to regular squats, which involve the hamstrings more.

If you're new to the front squat, start with the Smith machine first, and when you're comfortable, move on to free weights.

If you are very tall and lean forward too much, or your heels are off the floor, place 2 or 4 kg plates under them for extra stability. This applies to all squat variations.

Hack squats

To work more on the outside of the thigh (latus lateral muscle) there is nothing better. With a weight that is comfortable for you, stand in the simulator under the stops, your feet are on the platform shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself as far as possible, and then return to the starting position. Do not make quick movements, so as not to add stress to the knees, it is better to work with constant speed. The legs are not fully extended.

If there is no hack simulator?
Some halls do not, but do not despair, there is a way out. Simply place a barbell with weight behind the calves (a kind of deadlift but with weight behind the legs). The back is straight and the head is raised. Rise up until you are almost completely straight. The legs always remain slightly bent at the knees. Return to the starting position, but the weight of the floor does not touch. This exercise for pumping up the thighs requires strict technique, so until you get comfortable, work with light weight.

leg press

Another great way to build mass is at a 45-degree angle. Advantage: minimal load on the lower back, and maximum on the hips. Sit in the simulator so that you can work in full amplitude. Place your feet on the platform shoulder width apart. Push the weight while keeping your knees slightly bent. Slowly lower the weight with control. Get as low as possible and avoid half-range movements - you are just fooling yourself and not developing muscles. Proper execution is a guarantee that you are guaranteed to pump up powerful hips.

Straightening the legs on the simulator

For isolated muscle work while pumping up the hips, there is nothing better. Sit on the simulator so that the axis around which the movement occurs in the knee joint coincides with the axis of rotation of the load. The back is tightly pressed to the back. Place your ankles under the rollers. Lift the weight at a moderate pace and squeeze your quads at the top of the movement. Then lower and return to the starting position. Do not linger at the top so as not to create unnecessary stress on the knees and ligaments.

For a deeper pumping of the upper thighs, try this version of the extension. Perform the movement as described above, but this time, with your legs up, lift your back off the seat so that your hips and torso are 90 degrees or less. With this performance, take less weight, but, believe me, the muscles will burn anyway!

Barbell lunges

is a great formative exercise. They give an attractive rounded shape and bind together all the muscles of the thigh. Despite the fact that lunges pump up the entire thigh, in this article we will only talk about the effect on the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell over your shoulders as in the squat exercise. Step back from the power rack and step one foot forward. Bend your leg so that your back knee almost touches the floor. And remember: the knee should not go beyond the foot, if it does, take a bigger step. When lifting back, push off with the working leg and return to the starting position, placing the feet together. Do the same with the other leg, this will count as one rep.

A great alternative to barbell lunges is Smith machine lunges. Do the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the second. After each lunge, do not come back, but simply continue to squat with one leg. Then change.

Many instructors prefer walking lunges to pump up the legs and especially the hips. Make sure your gym has room for at least 30 lunges. Take a lunge with one foot. Bring your back leg to the starting position and step further forward with the other leg.

Workout for pumping up powerful hips

Hip workout

For a more detailed study of the thighs, use these training programs: for internal and outside hips.

If you want to build your inner quads, squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

As you work out, visualize your leg muscles building up and your hips getting bigger. Professional athletes say: such visualization sets you in the right mood and helps you achieve exactly the result you dreamed of!

You've already done a great job, it remains to make a small push and finish your regular full-body workout with this complex for the thighs.

That's the whole secret of powerful legs and pumped up hips - a super effective workout with the right technique! Control your body during each exercise and remember healthy habits when you finish working in the gym. Only complex work on yourself will bring you the long-awaited result!

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Dymatize | Dymatize BCAA 2200 ?

4 tablets between meals.

The essential branched chain amino acids in Dymatize BCAA provide muscle cells with essential building blocks. The use of this supplement will help not only maintain and increase muscle tissue in the body, but also optimize the passage of a number of other metabolic processes.

Dymatize | L-carnitine xtreme ?

1-2 capsules daily, preferably with meals.

The fat burner of the world famous manufacturer Dymatize L-carnitine xtreme 60ct is a unique product, its main purpose is to dispose of subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible.

Dymatize | ISO 100?

If necessary, you can add one serving before bedtime.

Dymatize Iso 100 728g - a protein mixture from the American manufacturer Dymatize, it contains 90% milk protein and whey isolate, delivers slow and fast proteins to the athlete's body.

TwinLab | Men's Ultra Multi Daily ?

1 capsule.

Designed specifically for men, Twinlab Men's Ultra Multi Daily vitamin and mineral complex contains the necessary set of nutrients and special matrices to improve prostate function, as well as antioxidants and tonic components.

Universal Nutrition | Ultra Whey Pro

1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

Universal Nutrition | Amino 2250 ?

2 capsules before and after workout.

Do you want to have harmoniously muscular legs? If you are serious about working on this part of the body, you need to pay more attention to the hamstrings.

Much is known about the biceps of the hands, but few know how to pump up, and only a few can name really working exercises for the biceps of the thigh for the gym. All the details of the study of this biceps muscle will be told by our expert, international master of sports, Alexei Hernandez Ortega.

Now that you're serious about getting the perfect body, you need to understand the importance of leg training. Imagine a guy showing off on the beach with his broad shoulders, and stick-legs peep out of the shorts. Ugly picture, right?

It takes a lot of effort to make your leg muscles grow. Usually, when planning a leg workout, guys start by working on. After a large number intense exercises on the quadriceps muscle, they move to the already tired hips. Of the last forces, having made 1-2 sets for the biceps of the thigh, they consider that the task is completed. You know what? With this approach, you will never build powerful hips! If you are serious about working on your body and want to achieve harmoniously developed leg muscles, pay more attention to the hamstrings!

In this article, you will learn everything about the hamstrings: the anatomy of the muscles, the recommended training schedule, the best exercises, and get a workout from the pros!

Anatomy and functions of the biceps femoris

The biceps of the legs are made up of four muscles. They include two large muscles - the biceps femoris and semitendinosus, as well as a small semimembranosus muscle and a short head of the biceps femoris. The muscles of the back of the thigh cross and participate in the work of two joints - the hip and knee.

The hips are involved in many daily activities, such as walking, running, jumping, and they also control some of the movements of the body. For example, when walking, they act as an antagonist to the quadriceps and inhibit knee extension. The long head of the biceps extends the hip when walking, and both heads together flex the knee and rotate the lower leg to the sides. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles are involved in hip extension when the torso is stationary. They also provide inward rotation of the lower leg when the knee is bent.

When to train hamstrings

You can rock your hips in one of three ways. Start one week of leg training with the biceps of the thigh, the next - start with. You can also divide the program: in the morning biceps and quadriceps, in the evening - other muscle groups. Or set aside a separate day for the back of the thigh. If you are aiming to significantly increase the biceps of the thigh, the latter option will be preferable. Devoting a day to just one muscle group is quite difficult, so most likely you will have to work on the legs as a whole. In this case, choose the first or second option.

Warm up and stretch

And the last thing you should know before pumping the hamstrings is warming up and stretching the muscles. Start with 10-15 minutes of walking on a treadmill or cycling. Then stretch and relax. Stretch not only the legs, but the whole body, including the body. Stretching will help you avoid injury and work harder. Stretch your muscles between sets and at the end of your workout.

The best exercises for the hamstrings

Now you are ready to work with iron. Start with . The first set is a warm-up, do it with no weight. In order not to think about the grip, use the carpal straps.

Deadlift with barbell on straight legs

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart or narrower. The knees are slightly bent and motionless during the entire exercise for the biceps femoris. This is the starting position. As you exhale, lower the bar to your feet by bending at the waist. Keep your back straight. Continue lowering as if you were about to pick up an object from the floor until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh.

On an inhale, return to the starting position with a straight back, straightening the hips and waist. Throughout the exercise, the gaze is directed forward or upward. When the head is lowered, there is strong pressure on the neck and back, which can lead to injury.

As a warm-up, do two sets of 20 reps with an empty bar or light weight. Next - two working sets of 15-20 repetitions. If you have back problems, start with leg curls in the machine.

Leg curl

Put the strap on your foot. One leg is supporting, the other is working. The back is always straight, do not strain it. This is the starting position. Don't lose your balance. On an inhalation, bend the working leg and lift it towards the buttocks, concentrating on contracting the back of the thigh. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat, extending the leg as you exhale.

After the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise on the other leg. Do three working sets of 15-20 repetitions on each leg and at the end of the last set, be sure to stretch the muscles.

The next exercise is the most intense of the entire workout.

Bending the legs on the simulator

Branched chain amino acids in food additive by Nutrex is the basis for muscle and body support during training. It has anabolic and anti-catabolic effects.

Olimp Sport Nutrition | Creatine Mega Caps?

Take 4 capsules 1-2 times daily.

Strengthened muscular work, requiring maximum release of energy, is accompanied by an increased consumption of creatine phosphate as the most important energy source. muscular system, as a result of which the body's need for creatine during physical exertion increases significantly! In addition to increasing endurance in training, creatine helps increase muscle volume.

VPLAB Nutrition | FitActive Fitness Drink + Q10 ?

Dilute 20 g in half a liter of water and drink during the workout.

Coenzyme Q10 helps reduce high blood pressure, helps the heart, prevents the development of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, protects the body from viruses and microbes and restores immunity, and also has a positive effect in the utilization of fats.

Universal Nutrition | Ultra ISO Whey ?

To prepare a single serving, it is enough to mix 1 scoop of the product per
150-200 ml of water.

Universal Nutrition Ultra Iso Whey Isolate whey protein from a global brand. Contains up to 100% amino acids in pure form through multiple filtration processes. Allows muscle tissue recover in short time after training.

Universal Nutrition | N1-T?

Special Sports Supplements

2 capsules.

UN N1-T is a supplement containing special extracts targeted at powerful boost the natural production of testosterone by the body, which is necessary for a dynamic increase in the athlete's strength indicators.

Universal Nutrition | Natural Sterol Capsules ?

Anabolic complexes

2 tablets.

Universal Nutrition Natural Sterol Capsules is a superbly balanced anabolic complex that allows the athlete to seriously increase physical exercise thereby improving their performance.
