Whitening intimate areas at home. Whitening cream for intimate areas

Beautiful, harmonious appearance– this is not only the absence of acne, cellulite and split ends. Behind the external beauty that everyone can see, there may be one unattractive feature hidden - hyperpigmentation of the skin of the intimate areas. Cosmetology centers have long been practicing highly effective lightening procedures - laser resurfacing and phototherapy. However, such procedures have some contraindications. In addition, salon sessions are not affordable for everyone. How to whiten skin in intimate places at home, efficiently and inexpensively?

You can whiten your skin yourself

Most often, women are unhappy with the problem of dark skin in the genital area, armpits and anal area. This creates a peculiar feeling of disharmony in one’s own body, and girls have always strived for ideal beauty. But sometimes men also want the skin between their legs, especially in the scrotum area, to be lighter. The surface of the perineum, nipples, armpits and inner thighs is often darker than other parts human body, and there are reasons for this:

Pregnancy is a common cause of hyperpigmentation

Before starting procedures

Before you look at options on how to quickly whiten skin in your intimate areas, it is important to understand that sometimes lightening the skin in this area is pointless. For example, the epidermis that darkened during pregnancy will recover on its own several months after childbirth. If the skin is infected with a fungus, you must first consult a doctor, and only after recovery begin whitening, if necessary. To exclude problems with the endocrine system, it is also advisable to undergo an examination before the start of the procedures, so that the efforts are not in vain.

It is important to understand the cause of darkened skin on the inner thighs and groin area

Choosing what and how to whiten the skin in intimate places quickly is not a difficult task, but even traditional methods Getting rid of hyperpigmentation has several contraindications:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • worsened dermatitis.

Preparing for the lightening procedure

There are many home methods. But s Be patient, because sometimes you have to do several procedures to achieve the desired result. Sometimes it is possible to effectively whiten the skin in intimate places at home only after two months from the start of the first session.

To whiten your skin at home you will need several procedures.

What rules are important to follow when preparing to apply whitening products:

  • Protect the epidermis from UV rays. You can sunbathe, but only with the use of cream or lotion with an SPF content of at least 25 units. If your skin is particularly sensitive, it is better to avoid solariums and bright sun on the beach.
  • Clean the stratum corneum of the problem area with peeling. Ideal options here are products with glycolic, lactic, citric acid.

Whitening your skin at home is an absolutely natural desire. The top layer of skin in this area looks like an unpleasant, dirty spot. Mild peeling before lightening removes some of the melanin from the skin, which allows the main product to act more effectively.

Method No. 1

Many people wonder how to whiten the skin between their legs using peroxide. You will need 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 tsp. ammonia. The surface must be lubricated with a solution of these two components. groin area from 3 to 5 minutes no more than 1 time per week.

Try it effective method lightening a delicate area with hydrogen peroxide

It is important to be careful here when treating sensitive areas with a peroxide recipe - there is a risk of getting burned.

First perform a sensitivity test to the solution in the area of ​​the elbow bend. If you experience itching, pain or redness, this whitening method is not suitable for you.

Remember that a peroxide lightening course consists of 12 sessions or less, otherwise you risk damage or burns.

Method No. 2

Take one cucumber and finely grate it. Add a little cream with nourishing or moisturizing properties to the cucumber. Place the mixture on gauze, roll it into a compress and apply to problem areas for 10 minutes. Lightening the skin with cucumber is an absolutely harmless activity, therefore, in the absence of side effects, such compresses can be done frequently and until the result becomes noticeable.

Method No. 3

You can use a recipe based on ground coffee and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon is considered an excellent home remedy for lightening

It is not necessary to exfoliate before the lightening procedure, since coffee is already an excellent exfoliant. Use this method in this order:

  • Apply the mixture of coffee grounds and lemon juice to the dark areas of the groin area using circular motions.
  • Continue the procedure for at least 5 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mixture with warm water.
  • Lubricate the treated areas with nourishing body cream.

This whitening procedure can be performed a couple of times a week.

Method No. 4

You will need white clay and fresh cucumber juice. Mix these ingredients until a thick porridge forms. Apply the resulting mask to the darkened areas, after adding a little lemon juice to the mixture. Leave the mask on for at least 10 minutes. All that remains is to wash off the dried pulp and moisturize the problem areas with cream. Instead of cucumber juice, many people use milk in this recipe.

Bleaching is based on organic acids

Fresh fruits and berries are rich in acids, which are often used for cosmetic purposes to brighten the face. Intimate areas can also be whitened with them.

Fruit acids safely and effectively cleanse delicate areas of dark spots

Rub strawberry, lemon, wild strawberry, grapefruit, pomegranate or apple juice on problem areas, and the result will not be long in coming.

Cosmetologists express a positive attitude towards the use of parsley, birch juice or saturated apple cider vinegar. Fruit juice or pulp can be mixed with kefir or sour cream - combine various ways, especially if the skin does not react to natural products with irritation or dryness. To successfully remove stains, gruel made from ground bearberry, licorice or yarrow herbs helps.


Using lightening products at home can cause harm to your health. Therefore, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. When using peeling, lightening ointments, creams and other acid-containing masks, avoid getting the product on the genital mucosa.
  2. Do not increase the recommended treatment time for sensitive areas - such experiments lead to burns, which can only worsen the situation.
  3. After any whitening masks, be sure to moisturize your skin with a vitamin-rich cream.
  4. Immediately after the procedures, do not wear tight or synthetic underwear - try to ensure free air circulation in the problem area.

Not every woman can overcome her shyness and go to a cosmetologist to whiten the skin of her intimate parts. Choose one of the budget methods of lightening at home, where you don’t have to be afraid of pain and embarrassment of prying eyes. But keep in mind that home whitening procedures can achieve results no earlier than after a month of painstaking work.

Pigment spots located in the intimate area disrupt aesthetics female body– the skin seems dirty, which can cause serious complexes. How to whiten skin in intimate places? What products should you use?

Why does the skin in intimate places darken?

It is worth knowing that the skin of intimate areas has darker pigmentation - this is quite natural. The situation changes if pigment spots appear in this area - this noticeably spoils the impression. The causes of this problem are:
Hormonal changes
Rubbing the skin with underwear
Inner thighs rubbing against each other
Age-related changes
Skin diseases
Systemic use of certain drugs
Consequences of injury and inflammation
Exposure to sunlight

In some cases, pigmentation is due to heredity. The mechanism of the appearance of spots has long been clarified - melanogenesis (production of melanin) increases in local areas of the body, or anti-inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation develops. To clarify the cause of the appearance of unsightly spots, you should undergo an examination.

Professional whitening products for intimate areas

The whitening process includes 2 stages:
1. Exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin
2. Decreased melanin production

Exfoliation with peeling helps remove melanin pigment from the epidermis. The choice of peeling depends on a number of factors - previously the active components of the products were phenol, mercury ointment or salicylic acid, but today a-hydroxy acids (AHA) have taken the first positions: lactic, glycolic, citric. The whitening agent should contain components such as hydroquinone, azelaic, gluconic and kojic acids, arbutin, and magnesium ascorbyl 2-phosphate. Additional components: bearberry, cucumber, parsley, strawberry extracts.

At the beauty salon you will be offered peeling of the problem area. You will have to continue the lightening procedures at home - you will be provided with a special whitening cream. It should be applied for 2 weeks, morning and evening. The first application of the product should occur no earlier than 3 days after the salon procedure. Peeling is carried out by highly qualified cosmetologists, which eliminates the possibility of injury. You can whiten the skin in the labia, anus, nipples, lower abdomen, scrotum, and axillary area.

Traditional recipes for skin whitening

How can you whiten the skin in intimate areas? If there is no money for whitening products, then they will come to the rescue folk recipes.

Parsley and fermented milk product

Mix fresh parsley and lemon juice (1 part each) with sour cream, sour milk or kefir (2 parts). Apply the resulting mixture to dark spots, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with warm water. The whitening course takes 2-4 days, after which you should take a break.

Fresh cucumber

Mix grated cucumber with nourishing cream (1:1). Wrap the product in gauze and apply to the stains for 10 minutes.

White clay

Mix white clay powder with parsley or fresh cucumber juice to obtain a paste, apply to the problem area and leave for 10 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Rinse off the mask with cool water.


Pigment spots can be wiped with a slice of lemon - this also promotes lightening.


Wipe your skin with grapefruit, pomegranate, and strawberry juices several times a day. You can also use Birch juice. Organic acids promote the removal of melanin. After wiping, it is worth lubricating the skin with a nourishing cream.

How to whiten skin in intimate places? Both salon services and home remedies will help you cope with this delicate problem. It is important to remember that traditional recipes can lead to skin irritations. Be extremely careful and avoid products that cause discomfort.

To many modern girls For those who regularly care for and maintain the ideal beauty of their body, it is important to know how to whiten the skin in intimate places. Every detail is important for perfection, but sometimes it is not so easy to do due to some delicate problems, one of which may be dark pigmented skin in the bikini area.

It's rarely talked about, but women who have experienced it know how awkward it can feel on the beach or in bed with a partner. Fortunately, today there are many ways to eliminate dark pigmentation.

The procedure for lightening skin in intimate places is carried out today in many beauty salons. This includes both gentle whitening with masks with acids and other active ingredients, and more radical measures on the skin. It all depends on the degree of pigmentation and the reasons that contributed to the change in skin color in this area.

Most common cause darkening of the skin is ultraviolet radiation.

The skin in the bikini area is very delicate and should not be exposed to UV rays. But most girls don’t know about this or forget about it when visiting a solarium or while on the beach. If you do not use special protective creams, the result is an increase in melanin in the skin, and, consequently, darkening in the intimate area.

To eliminate the effects of tanning, you can use glucolium peeling, whitening creams or other gentle means to dissolve melanin in the epidermis.

During pregnancy, the use of contraception and with age, the problem of pigmentation of the epidermis in the intimate area may also appear. In these cases, the darkening is caused by a disruption in the production of female hormones, and not by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the means should be selected according to the factor that contributed to the emergence of this problem.

Unevenly expressed pigmentation can lead to various diseases, such as:

  • injuries,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • neoplasms,
  • vitiligo,
  • fungi on the skin,
  • intoxication.

In this case, more radical methods are required to treat the problem.

How to whiten skin after acne and burns

Acne and burns can leave scars on the skin, which require radical resurfacing of the upper layer of the epidermis to get rid of them. Therefore, the best procedure in this case would be microdermabrasion. This method will not only eliminate unpleasant skin pigmentation, but also make it smooth, without blemishes.

The operating principle of this method is that a directed flow of microcrystals is sprayed onto the affected area. This results in the removal of the top layer of skin, causing it to renew itself.

Thus, the new epidermis is formed smooth and evenly light, scars, spots and other unpleasant skin defects disappear. But it is worth noting that this method is not pleasant, and it will take some time to completely restore the skin.

How to whiten skin with vitiligo and pigmentation

The salon also knows how to whiten the skin in intimate areas with vitiligo. In this case use different ways elimination of pigmentation, the most popular of which are laser and chemical hair removal.

Photoepilation (laser) is simple and painless, it is one of the most affordable methods. The essence of its action is that beams of light are directed onto the skin, affecting pigmented areas. As a result of this procedure, the skin acquires a smoother, evenly lighter and seductive appearance.

The photo demonstrates how to whiten the skin in intimate places through photoepilation

Under certain circumstances, the laser resurfacing method can be tightened. Then the action will be more effective, but also more painful. It is used for severe pigmentation of the skin between the legs, including scars left from burns and acne.

Another equally radical method of eliminating pigmentation in the intimate area is chemical peeling. For delicate skin in this area, glucolium peeling is used.

It works on the basis of active components that dissolve melanin in the skin, which contributes to its darkening. Chemicals remove melanin from cells, making the skin in intimate areas lighter and more attractive.

Whitening the groin of dark skin quickly and effectively - creams

Both in salons and at home, you can use special skin whitening creams in intimate places. Many cosmetic companies now produce such products.

Such creams and gels are especially in demand among dark-skinned women from Asian countries, since White color Their skin is considered more aristocratic. And the problem with dark skin color in the bikini area is much more common among them than among beauties with fair skin.

You can purchase lightening cream in cosmetics stores, pharmacies, or order online. Some creams can be used not only to lighten the skin in the groin, but also on the face, under the arms and other parts of the body. Some creams are made based on chemical components, such as:

  • arbutin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • azelaic acid,
  • alpha hydroxy acids,
  • kojic acid,
  • hydroquinone and so on.

Other manufacturers use natural ingredients that do not cause allergies to lighten the skin in the intimate area without any negative consequences. They usually contain extracts:

  • cucumber,
  • lemon juice,
  • parsley,
  • bearberry, etc.

When using these creams, you should not expect quick results. Depending on the degree of pigmentation, it may take several weeks for it to completely or partially lighten. Sometimes the course needs to be repeated. But the advantage of this method is the fact that there is no rehabilitation period. Therefore, it can be used even in summer and before going to the resort.

But often manufacturers use both chemical and herbal components.

The combined composition of creams increases the effectiveness of creams and prevents possible negative consequences of exposure to chemicals.

The most effective whitening creams for the bikini area include:

There are other highly effective whitening products, but in order not to make a mistake with your choice, you must pay attention to the composition.

How to whiten the skin of the body in the intimate area after sunbathing at home

Not every girl dares to go to a cosmetic center with such a problem, so some young ladies are looking for how to whiten the skin in intimate places at home. And there are ways!

Since ancient times, there have been many recipes for skin whitening using natural remedies. Some of them can also be used for the bikini area.

But it's important to remember that quick results you can't achieve it here, so you have to be patient. To be effective, the procedures will need to be done regularly for 1-2 months.

Below are various recipes for masks and peelings that you can easily make yourself from available ingredients.

Whitening with lemon, lemon juice

Lemon is good for peeling. You can mix lemon juice with coffee grounds to form a homogeneous paste. Apply to the bikini area and massage for about 3 minutes. After rinsing off, apply a rich cream.

If you mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil, you will get a good skin-lightening mask. It is rubbed into the problem area and left for an hour, after which it is washed off.

A mask of lemon and honey is also effective.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Take 1 lemon and 45 g of fresh honey.
  2. Grind the lemon and zest until mushy and add honey.
  3. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 hours.
  4. Then apply to problem skin for 10 minutes.

The main thing is not to overexpose the product, since lemon juice can cause a burn. It is better to check for an allergic reaction before use without applying a large number of gruel on the inside of the elbow.

If there are no negative consequences, it can be applied to the intimate area. But you shouldn’t hold it there for long if you feel a burning sensation. It is better to wash off earlier and apply moisturizer. To make the product less aggressive, you can dilute it with water.

Whitening with soda

Another remedy from the category of aggressive methods is baking soda with apple cider vinegar. The proportions are taken the same, you need to keep the mixture until it dries completely, then simply rinse with water.

With daily use, the result will be noticeable after the first week.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

If you decide to whiten the skin in intimate places yourself using hydrogen peroxide, you must be extremely careful, as it is easy to get burned.

For the mask you should:

  1. Take 45 g of cottage cheese with the maximum percentage of fat content, combine it with 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 egg yolk.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly in a blender and apply evenly to the skin in the intimate area.
  3. After 10 min. remove the product from the skin and rinse this area of ​​the body with water.
  4. Apply soothing cream.

Whitening with citric acid

If lemon juice is not available, you can use citric acid, which must be diluted with water.

It can be used, like lemon, in combination with cucumber, parsley, peach, potatoes or potato starch.

Whitening with ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is an oxidizing agent for melanin and also delays its synthesis. But it is extremely unstable, so it is not used in cosmetology. pure form, but only its derivatives. But for use in homemade masks it is quite suitable.

You can crush one tablet of ascorbic acid and add it to any skin whitening mixture (fermented milk, cucumber, potato), or dilute it mineral water and apply it as is. A liquid solution of vitamin C in ampoules is also suitable for whitening, but it should also be diluted with water.

Whitening with cucumber

The most gentle remedy, such as cucumber juice with pulp, will help whiten the skin in intimate places., which goes well with cottage cheese, cream or sour cream. But such a product must be kept on the darkened area for at least 25-30 minutes. The proportions are different in different recipes. For example, you can take cottage cheese 60 g heavy cream 30 g and 1 small cucumber.

Another recipe - 1 cucumber, 30-35 g of moisturizing cream and 10 g of gelatin are mixed and left for some time to swell. Then apply, as in the previous method, for 30 minutes. Apply the product every other day.

Whitening with aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid is also often used in homemade skin-lightening masks. It is good to use for uneven pigmentation of the epidermis.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use aspirin.

Aspirin can be dissolved with water or lemon juice. It is also added to other whitening products. A mask of aspirin and soda in a 1:1 ratio diluted with water brings good results. Keeping it on the body for 4-5 minutes is enough. But it's worth remembering that You can’t do this mask too often. It is optimal to use it twice a week.

Whitening with sour cream

Sour cream, like cream or kefir, also has a lightening effect. But it works best in combination with parsley juice, citrus fruits and lemon.

For effectiveness, you can add cottage cheese, potatoes or cucumber.

Milk bleaching

In addition to fermented milk products, you can lighten your skin with fresh milk. To do this, it is recommended to combine 25 g of milk with 30 g of fresh honey and 1 finely grated potato tuber.

The mixture is applied for 30 minutes. 2 times per week.

Whitening with parsley

Parsley has a unique whitening property. This has been known for a long time, since even skin pigmentation and freckles on the face are recommended to be removed with the juice of this plant. Its action is mild, so the product is ideal for whitening delicate skin in the bikini area.

You can use either parsley juice or grind it into a paste. It is good to combine it with lemon juice, fermented milk products and citrus fruits.

How to whiten skin in intimate places: video

Various salon ways to whiten skin in intimate places:

In the second video, a specialist from the cosmetology center will inform you about the features of the procedure and tell you how to whiten the skin in intimate places step by step:

How to whiten skin in intimate places is now known, but when using any bleaching agent, safety precautions must be taken, taking into account the type of skin and possible individual intolerance to the components. If you have any diseases or the skin in the bikini area has darkened as a result of deteriorating health, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.

I learned that there are ways to whiten the skin of intimate areas from a friend who sent me a link to an interesting article. Many people notice that the skin in delicate places tends to darken. But not everyone knows that this phenomenon can be successfully combated. It turns out that there are many methods for eliminating excessive pigmentation in the intimate areas of our body, designed to significantly lighten the skin of the perineum, axillary area, scrotum, nipples, etc.

Women have always strived for perfection in everything, especially when it comes to their own appearance. And the key to beauty, as you know, is well-groomed, healthy skin, regardless of whether everyone around you sees it, or only the closest and most beloved person.

Let's first figure out why the skin in the intimate area tends to darken.

Discoloration can often occur in areas of intense friction as a protective reaction of the skin. This may also be due to congenital features, hormonal or age-related changes, appear as a result of injuries, skin diseases, inflammation or after taking certain medications. A popular and effective method for lightening the skin on intimate parts of the body is phototherapy, or as this procedure is also called, phototherapy. It's painless and effective method whitening of intimate areas, which is carried out in a course of several procedures. It has a number of contraindications (atopic dermatitis in the acute stage, pregnancy and lactation, inflammatory processes, diabetes, etc.), so it is not suitable for everyone.

Home whitening methods

There are also home remedies to help eliminate unwanted pigmentation. Before using them, it is better to consult a doctor to exclude skin diseases. If none are found, you can choose the appropriate recipe and begin the procedures. During their implementation, it is also necessary to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, using products with an SPF value of at least 25. Before the main procedure, the upper stratum corneum of the skin should be exfoliated using peeling. From modern means It is better to choose peelings based on alpha hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic, lactic, etc.). It is also worth immediately noting that the result of using folk remedies may appear even 1-2 months after the start of the procedures, so you should be patient and not be lazy. After using any of the following masks, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Recipe No. 1

For this method you will need hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp) and ammonia (1/2 tsp). A mixture of these components is used to treat problem areas of the skin twice a week. The procedure time is from three to five minutes. It is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​the skin of your hand before using this product. If after twenty minutes there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, redness), you can move on to the intimate areas. Several such procedures may be required, but no more than twelve in one course.

Recipe No. 2

For this mask, grate one fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix the resulting gruel with any nourishing cream, wrap the mixture in gauze and apply to darkened areas. The exposure time of cucumber compresses is 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 3

Chop the parsley and squeeze the juice out of it. You will need a teaspoon. Mix parsley juice with the same amount of lemon juice and add a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the product to areas of increased pigmentation and leave for twenty minutes. Such procedures are repeated for up to four days, after which they must take a break.

Recipe No. 4

Before using it, the use of peeling agents is not necessary, since this recipe contains coffee grounds, known for their abrasive properties. It is mixed in equal proportions with fresh lemon juice and the resulting mixture is massaged onto problem areas of the skin using gentle circular movements. After 5-6 minutes, wash off the product with warm water and apply a nourishing cream for dry skin. You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week until you get the desired result.

Recipe No. 5

A tablespoon of white cosmetic clay is diluted with fresh cucumber juice to the required consistency. The mass should be homogeneous and so thick that it does not spread on the skin. Instead of cucumber juice, you can use parsley or strawberry juice, which also have a whitening effect. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting mass and begin processing the skin. To do this, the composition is applied to the skin, previously cleaned with peeling, and left for ten minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature and lubricated with cream on the body.

Recipe No. 6

Strawberry juice, as well as pomegranate, birch or grapefoot juices will also help cope with the effect of “dirty skin” if you wipe problem areas with them several times a day. Organic acids in the listed products help remove melanin and lighten the skin. Do not forget to apply nourishing cream after each procedure.

There are many products available to lighten the skin in the perineal area. home use, which have a strong effect, although they often cause the development of allergies in the form of even larger age spots, rashes and other manifestations. There are also safe methods that give a less pronounced effect, but are considered safe for health. These include the use of hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Any skin whitening procedures should be carried out with isolation from exposure to sunlight and other ultraviolet rays, which only enhance the formation of melanin. To do this, you need to use sun-protective cosmetics.

Skin whitening in intimate places is carried out in two stages:

  1. It is necessary to exfoliate the upper layers of the skin;
  2. Reduce the formation of melanin in body cells.

At the first stage, a special peeling cream containing alpha hydroxy acids is used. Some experts prefer to use:

  • mercury ointment;
  • 20% salicylic alcohol;
  • aspirin diluted with water;
  • hydrogen;
  • a mixture of sugar and olive oil.

Which exfoliating product to use is determined based on the severity of pigment formations and the sensitivity of the skin in the intimate area.

Something to remember! Before peeling, the bikini area must be cleared of natural vegetation. After hair removal, you can begin the peeling procedure no earlier than 2 hours later.

Having decided on the method, the exfoliating composition is applied with massage movements. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. At the end, the skin in the bikini area is washed with warm water.

Skin whitening at home

Once the dead layers of skin have been removed, lightening can begin. For this purpose, various mixtures are also used: from medicinal herbs to fruit and vegetable juices, which can reduce the production of melanin. Thus, the process of evening out the skin tone occurs.

To carry out the procedure you can use:

  • Lemons – fruit juice contains organic acids that help whiten the skin;
  • Cucumbers - it is known that this vegetable is rich in structured water, ascorbic and nicotinic acid. All this actively fights strong pigmentation and has a positive effect on skin color;
  • Parsley - greenery contains a lot essential oils, which whiten well;
  • Millennial - used to successfully reduce the production of melanin in the body's cells. This is due to the presence of a large number of flavonoids;
  • Bearberry - the active composition has an inhibitory effect on enzymes that are responsible for pigment formations on the body;
  • Licorice - the plant contains a large amount of acid and phenolic compounds, which have a lightening effect, reducing the production and accumulation of melanin.

Important! Despite the natural origin of lightening substances, it should be remembered that they can provoke severe allergies. People with sensitive skin are at risk. Before using home methods, you need to try the products on a small area of ​​skin, preferably an arm or leg.

Whitening cream for intimate areas in pharmacies. Cosmetic creams for whitening the bikini area and where to buy them?

In order to whiten the bikini area, there are a huge number of creams with different compositions:

This is a cream that whitens intimate areas. The components contained in the cream allow you to have a double effect on darkened skin in the bikini area, reducing the production of melanin to almost zero.

Lactacyd White Intimate

This cream provides delicate skin care and whitening of intimate areas. People prone to allergies should not choose this cream, because it contains chemical flavors. The product is quite expensive and gives results no earlier than a month and a half after the start of use.

Finale Whitening Cream

Thai cream with a whitening effect, containing multivitamins. The advantages of using such a cream include its rejuvenating effect, restoration of the skin in the bikini area, giving it elasticity and firmness. The cream is absolutely safe to use. The whitening effect is achieved through a peeling process that removes dead layers of the epidermis. Results from using the cream will be visible within a week. The only drawback is the high price.

Eveline "Extra soft Whitening"

A cream that helps whiten the bikini area, eliminate pigmentation and even out skin tone. Suitable for the most delicate skin prone to allergic reactions. Also, the product is affordable for any woman, so they often choose it. Moreover, the results are not long in coming.

These are not all creams that help whiten the skin in intimate places. You can buy them at pharmacies, cosmetic stores, or order them online from official representatives. Before deciding on the choice of cream, be sure to read the composition and principle of its action!

IN modern world Many representatives of the fair sex go to the salon to have their intimate areas whitened. To do this, there are several options for solving such a delicate problem. The following popular methods can be distinguished:

  • grinding;
  • phototherapy;
  • laser whitening.

The first method is peeling, for which small particles are used. This method eliminates dead cells, after which the skin becomes a little lighter.

It is impossible to achieve a significant effect from such a procedure. In addition, it is accompanied by painful sensations, so many women do not dare to undergo this unpleasant procedure.

Phototherapy is a technique for brightening intimate areas using light. Light exposure provokes various biochemical processes, as a result of which the skin brightens.

The procedure does not cause pain or any other discomfort. But this method should be abandoned by pregnant and lactating women, people with diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, inflammatory process.

If you consider all the procedures for whitening intimate areas in the salon, you will notice the high price of phototherapy. This is what turns off many clients.

But laser whitening is considered the most popular. Many people undergo this procedure public people, singers, actors, etc. Before it is performed, an anesthetic is applied to the skin.

This will help relieve discomfort or pain during laser whitening. When the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor begins laser resurfacing. The procedure itself lasts about a quarter of an hour.

After all the doctor’s manipulations, the skin will turn a little red. Don't be afraid, as this is normal. After a certain period of time, the redness will disappear.

About 4 days will pass, and the woman will experience peeling. This method removes dead cells.

When the skin stops peeling, you can notice its lightening. To achieve the desired result, you need to conduct about 3 sessions, which are sent after 1-2 months.

Choosing such a cream for whitening intimate areas will be acceptable for a number of reasons. The product contains both arbutin and kojic acid. The combination of these components has a double effect on pigmentation, reducing melanin production to almost zero.

Storage instructions: Store in a cool and dry place. Thousands of South Africans use skin softeners to reduce the appearance of dark pigmentation. But who would have thought that such products could be used in the most intimate areas? Anal bleaching or bleaching has become increasingly popular in the last few years, as has its sister trend, vaginal bleaching. It's possible that the demand for pinker nether regions has arisen in response to the Brazilian wax, which removes all the hair in the vaginal and anal areas - exposing more than ever before.

This intimate area whitening product contains herbal whitening ingredients such as aloe vera and green tea. Their presence in the list of components of this cream promises to soften the skin, protect it from irritation and heal minor injuries.

Vitamins A and E included in the cream restore damaged skin, smooth it and give it elasticity.

Warning: This is not for the faint-hearted. How it's done Typically, a skin remover cream or gel is applied to the area around the anus every day, gradually lightening the skin until the desired result is achieved. Vaginal bleaching is done in the same way, except that the lightening product is applied to the outer vaginal lips.

The application is usually done at home; although some spas are brave enough to do the first application for you after a wax. These gels or creams usually contain hydroquinone - Chemical substance, which reduces the formation of melanin. As far as post-bleaching recommendations go, cleanliness seems to be key.

Thanks to its natural composition, the skin lightening cream from this line can be used even during pregnancy. Its ingredients are non-toxic, do not cause allergic rashes and are completely natural.

Isme cream is popular

What are the risks? “Skin lighteners have been a major problem in South Africa" warns Dr Dagmar Whitaker, a Cape Town-based dermatologist. Hydroquinone is well known as a very effective pigment removal ingredient. The problem is that it accumulates in the skin and can cause a condition called ochronosis, which is clinically blackheads. This is irreversible damage to the skin.

Because hydroquinone is often the culprit when skin lightening goes awry, use must be strictly supervised. Consequently, hydroquinone-based products are currently not available over the counter in South Africa. However, doctors and dermatologists may prescribe products containing less than 2% hydroquinone for conditions such as age spots and melasma.

The cream for intimate areas pigmentation of this line has a brightening effect due to the exfoliation of spots. Do not be alarmed by the appearance of dry and rough skin in delicate areas. So this product removes dead cells and gives the desired result.

How to use this body whitening product in the bikini area? It is used twice a day: in the morning and evening time. Apply a thin layer to the skin of intimate areas after a shower. This is one of the criteria that makes this cream so popular - ease of use.

Some manufacturers avoid chemicals altogether and instead opt for natural ingredients. These include aloein, soy extracts, vitamin C, kojic acid and licorice extract. Since anal bleaching is a fairly new trend, it will take some time before the long-term effects are fully understood.

The "best" bombs in South Africa. Apparently South Africans are keen to beautify their flaws. In principle, it is not a bleach, but a skin lightening product that goes down to the dermis and works on tyrosinase enzymes, explains De Meyer. These enzymes are responsible for the synthesis of melanin.

The cream will give a positive effect within a week of use, and the results will remain for a long time. And at a price it is accessible to everyone, as it is one of the most inexpensive.

Cream for skin whitening in intimate areas. Why does the skin in intimate places darken?

Over time, the skin of the intimate area loses its color, and at the same time its velvety texture. Sometimes this happens at a fairly young age: some girls already from 20-25 years old begin to complain about this problem.

The modern woman cares not only about the beauty of her facial skin, but also all other parts of her body.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of pigmentation:

  1. Since we wear underwear and clothes almost all the time, the skin in the perineal area is constantly in rather stuffy conditions. She experiences a deficiency of oxygen necessary for normal regeneration of epidermal cells.
  2. The intimate area constantly rubs against the underwear, which has seams and lace that has a relief structure. Perhaps these elements do not rub so much that it is clearly felt, but even a slight impact on the skin is enough to change the texture to a rougher one and start the darkening process.
  3. Excess weight can also cause skin discoloration. When the intimate area is hidden behind folds of fat, it literally begins to swell. Sometimes not only she, but also the inner surface of the thighs. All this has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the epidermis; dark spots. It is imperative to lose weight, otherwise all attempts to whiten your skin may be useless.
  4. Epilation can negatively affect the condition of the skin. For example, if you use a razor every day, the very top layer of the epidermis will be constantly “scraped off” and subjected to a kind of peeling. It seems that outwardly it is absolutely not noticeable, but at the cellular level, microtraumas are caused to the skin every day. In defense, she becomes rougher and darker. And a persistent change in color after hardware procedures such as photoepilation or laser hair removal may indicate a burn.
  5. Hormonal changes, primarily age-related, can also cause darkening of the skin.
  6. If, along with a change in the shade of the intimate area, itching and soreness are felt there, then the cause of the problem is most likely medical in nature. So, darkening and swelling may indicate that allergic reaction, and if itching is also added to this, then it could be thrush or even an increase in blood sugar. Of course, in this case it is necessary to deal with the cause. The use of cosmetic whitening products by itself will not give a noticeable effect.

Creams for skin whitening in the intimate area. Intimate whitening

Often, due to age-related changes, after pregnancy and childbirth, taking certain hormonal drugs, rubbing the skin with underwear, pronounced pigmentation and darkening of the skin of the intimate area occurs. Pigment spots on delicate areas may not have an aesthetic appearance and create the effect of “dirty skin”. This can cause significant sexual discomfort. Skin whitening in intimate areas gives the area a light and uniform color, a well-groomed appearance and sexual attractiveness. Thai natural remedies for whitening intimate parts of the body allow you to short time lighten the skin in intimate places, even out skin tone and get rid of pigmentation.

ISME Whitening Nipple Cream

Pannamas Nipple Cream

Stimulates blood circulation in the peripapillary area of ​​the breast, significantly accelerates the process of cell renewal, moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates the papillae, brightens and gives them a natural pink color. Makes the nipples very tender, soft and sensual.

Carebeau Tanaka Bleaching Cream

Effectively brightens and evens out skin color, eliminates pigmentation and freckles. Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has effective rejuvenating properties. Tightens and smoothes the skin, making it fresh, smooth, bright and healthy.

Whitening gel Lactacyd White Intimate

A very popular gel for whitening intimate areas. Contains natural whitening plant and seaweed extracts. It will gently and safely lighten the skin of intimate areas in just 4 weeks, and the first results will be noticeable after 7 days.

Whitening gel for the bikini area Pibi Herbal Bikini Gel

Whitening cream Pannamas Armpit & Bikini Herbal Cream

Designed for skin whitening in the bikini area, inner thighs, armpits and elbows. It has excellent antibacterial properties, prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors, and makes the skin soft and smooth.

Pannamas Lightening Under Arm Cream

Whitening cream for the armpit area. Lightens and evens out skin color, prevents the formation of pigmentation. Moisturizes and nourishes skin cells, accelerates the process of skin cell renewal. Regulates the process of sweating, eliminates unpleasant odors.

Whitening cream for bikini area ISME Whitening Leg

Whitening cream for the bikini area Yoko Bikini Bright Cream

Specially designed for whitening intimate areas in the bikini area, inner thighs and buttocks. Makes skin lighter and brighter. Has antibacterial, whitening and moisturizing properties. Reduces stretch marks on the skin.

ISME Whitening under arm cream

Regular use of the cream brightens the skin, makes it smooth, regulates sweating and destroys bacteria that cause unpleasant odor. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid penetration of active substances into the skin.
