Feng Shui fortune telling. Fortune telling by days of the monthly cycle

Even in ancient times, our ancestors were aware that our entire world, as well as the life of every person, revolves along a designated trajectory; this truth did not bypass the menstrual cycle in women.

Critical days have always been considered something otherworldly, since women’s intuition improved on these days and they became more sensitive to signals from above. This is what makes this fortune telling so popular.

Menstruation is a condition in which a woman becomes more sensitive. That is why fortune telling of this kind is very popular.

Fortune telling on menstruation allows you to interpret the clues of fate and predict events coming in the next month, based on ancient cycles that have existed for many centuries.

General information about fortune telling

Quite often there are girls who are seriously interested in Feng Shui techniques. They try to pay attention to the arrangement of interior items in the room and other things that are directly related to legends. But fortune telling associated with critical days is becoming increasingly widespread.

Fortune telling by menstruation Feng Shui is quite simple and primitive; this fortune telling does not require any special skills.

Most of the female representatives verified the reliability of this fortune-telling from their own experience and served as repeated confirmation of the veracity of this method.

Most divination methods were borrowed from ancient times and in rare cases are directly related to established legends. However, most methods are based on genuine facts.

Fortune telling on the menstrual cycle is an ideal option for a woman, which helps improve life and introduce harmony into it. This is due to the fact that Feng Shui suggests through signs when it is necessary to be careful, and when fate gives favorable gifts and much more. To interpret, you just need to take into account what date, what day of the week and what time your period started.

The art of Feng Shui about menstruation

For many centuries, Chinese sages considered menstruation a process that helps cleanse the body. Most adherents believe that it is thanks to periodic bleeding followed by cleansing of the body that the average life expectancy of a woman exceeds that of a man.

In ancient times, a unique ability was noticed female body synchronize with the menstrual cycles of those girls with whom systematic and close contact is carried out. It was thanks to this phenomenon that people came to the conclusion that menstruation is a very subtle and sensitive mechanism, the flow of which is affected by any external influence.

Representatives Taoist practice believe: every stage of the female body’s condition is similar to the elements of nature

Among representatives of Taoist practice, there is an opinion that each stage of the state of the female body has significant similarities with the five main elements of nature: wood, fire, earth, water and metal:

  1. Blood, which helps cleanse the body, appears in the form of water.
  2. Ovulation, during which the egg can be fertilized and, as a result, formed new life- this is the earth.
  3. The metal phase is sterile, which is why it is associated with the period after ovulation, because during it, nothing can originate or take root in the body, just like in metal.

The essence of Feng Shui fortune telling

During menstruation from female body all the negative energy that has accumulated in the body over the course of the entire month comes out. It is impossible to predict the exact date and time of the beginning of critical days. The forces of nature decide when exactly they should begin, thereby giving us clues of fate.

In order to predict what awaits you next month and be prepared for any circumstances. You can tell your fortune by paying special attention to the day of the week when your period began and comparing it with your zodiac sign.

Water element – ​​Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

  1. Monday for representatives of these signs will be the beginning of something new that will have a significant impact on your life in the future.
  2. Tuesday. For women of the water element, whose periods began on this day, next month will be decisive and promises the implementation of all plans.
  3. Critical days on Wednesday promise an exceptionally happy period of life. The woman will be lucky in all doulas and endeavors.
  4. For girls whose menstruation began on Thursday, this month will not be so joyful. On your life's path you will encounter many difficulties and obstacles that will have a detrimental effect on your plans in the future.
  5. Starting on Friday, your period predicts a month full of secrets and intrigue, with a high probability of mental anguish.
  6. Bleeding on Saturday guarantees you one of best months. Throughout the entire time, fate will pamper you with unexpected gifts, life will be filled with unforgettable, bright and pleasant events.
  7. Sunday promises you peace, both physical and moral. A time of calm and relaxation from the problems around you.

Are you Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio? Did you start your period on Sunday? Then relaxation and peace of mind await you!

Fire element – ​​Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

  1. Monday promises you to meet people who will have a significant impact on your life. This impact will not always please you.
  2. Starting on Tuesday, critical days promise you progress in career ladder. The chances of offers that you could previously only dream of are high.
  3. For women whose period began on Wednesday, a feminine cycle reading promises a month that will be better than ever. Your life will be filled with mutual love. What else is needed for women's happiness?
  4. Having started on Thursday, menstruation predicts a number of events that will subsequently affect your rhythm of life and lead to the destruction of plans.
  5. Friday promises you not the easiest month. These 30 days will be filled with conflict situations, showdowns and loss of faith. Be careful and attentive, because the course of events depends only on your actions.
  6. A favorable month awaits those who are delighted by their period on Saturday. You will be full of vital energy, plans and prospects that are destined to come true.
  7. Sunday bleeding guarantees you a calm month. All those deeds and actions that you have been doing throughout the entire time will not go unnoticed and will receive a worthy reward this month, all you have to do is observe.

Earth element – ​​Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

  1. Your period starting on Monday promises you a series of positive events in the near future. You will be accompanied by success, unforgettable emotions and favorable events.
  2. For those whose menstrual periods began on Tuesday, Feng Shui predicts changes in the financial aspect of life, but not always positive. Despite this prediction, you should not panic; these changes will be small and will have virtually no effect on your life. You will receive support from people close to you. There will be a lull in amorous affairs.
  3. Menstruation on Wednesday foreshadows the correct interpretation of established truths. You are likely to have a responsible conversation, as a result of which you will reconsider your views on certain points.
  4. If you start bleeding on Thursday or Friday, then you will be lucky until your next cycle. The love front will be especially lucky.
  5. Menstruation on Saturday means both joy and problems. Only positive moments will be observed in your relationships with your loved ones, but difficulties await you in the work atmosphere.
  6. Those whose critical days begin on Sunday will be lucky. Only positive moments and joy await you. Difficulties that you could not solve for a long time will resolve themselves.

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn - if your period starts on Sunday, joy and happiness await you!

Air element - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra

  1. For those who experienced the onset of menstruation on Monday, the prediction will be favorable. The girl will have exciting troubles of a love nature and an approaching romantic period of her life. Positive progress is expected not only in love affairs, but also in all others. Although your health will not be the best, you will experience stability throughout the month.
  2. If menstruation began on Tuesday, then the girl is predicted to have certain difficulties that are directly related to work and to relationships with senior management. The home environment will be pleasant, but even here, inconveniences will occasionally arise. Throughout the month, there will be small conflicts that can really ruin your mood. However, this can be easily avoided by endowing yourself with restraint and a loyal attitude. It is not recommended to argue with anyone, because this in no way helps to improve the current situation.
  3. If critical days began on Wednesday, then fortune telling on the menstrual cycle foreshadows a string of unforgettable incidents, most of which will be of a favorable nature. But even in a barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. A woman will have sworn enemies who will try in every possible way to ruin your life. Among them may be your friends who have been jealous of you for a long time. The favorites of fate will be those ladies whose bleeding began on Thursday. Throughout the entire time they will be lucky, including with money. You should be prepared for large cash inflows. Although this will be a reward for certain merits, such financial income will be a pleasant surprise. And also this month will put a good start to all your affairs and endeavors.
  4. Menstruation that began on Friday does not bring with it any events, both good and bad. A period of stability and calm awaits you, which is necessary and quite common for every person. It is not advisable to start something new, to do something that you were not close to before. You should enjoy the resulting state of peace. This time contributes to bringing into your daily life much-needed harmony and suppression of emotional experiences.
  5. Saturday promises you a huge number of unforgettable events that will have a significant impact on your current rhythm of life. Your life will be filled with pleasant and bright emotions that will accompany you all month.
  6. Sunday also pleases female representatives with its predictions, because starting on this day, menstruation guarantees you extremely favorable events in life, which contribute to the implementation of all your plans.

Menstruation fortune telling according to Feng Shui is one of the simplest but most truthful fortune telling.

Every woman, when receiving predictions, is obliged to draw her own conclusions and think through her every step based on the information received. We should be attentive to every sign that fate sends us. Any little thing can help us solve this or that exciting issue.

Who among us has not wanted to know the future? I think that’s all, and today there are every opportunity for those who want to lift the veil of the unknown. There are many types of fortune telling: fortune telling with cards, with coffee grounds, fortune telling using Feng Shui, and many more options for fortune telling. Free Feng Shui fortune telling - today this opportunity is provided by people who know everything about eastern philosophy location of things in the house. As we know, Feng Shui allows you to create an energy field that affects our activities in one area or another.

For example, many today want big money, and for this you need to create complete harmony in the financial zone in your home. In addition, you also need to contribute to this in every possible way (there are no complete miracles) and want it very much. Feng Shui fortune telling is also available for you today!

Not an easy science, or rather, many consider it a pseudo science, equating operations with numbers to the search for the philosopher's stone, but this is not so! There are many reliable cases where great people, before taking action, asked numbers for advice. For example, Frederick the First especially revered numerology, not starting any wars without the advice of astrologers. You can also remember Adolf Hitler, who dedicated an entire scientific complex to this science and, before the start of the war with Poland, resorted to the advice of numbers! You can use the magic of numbers and Feng Shui philosophy to get answers to questions. Let's say that the arrangement of things according to Feng Shui and a specific date can give a tangible result.

The difference between Feng Shui and other techniques

Who among us has not heard the phrase “gild the pen”? In fact, such fortune telling depends entirely on the person doing the fortune telling! If in front of you is a real gypsy who does not want to simply steal your time and money, then the prediction can be very accurate. To be on the safe side, you can ask the gypsy to tell you about your past. Here, as a rule, the charlatan either guesses right or immediately hurries away! Feng Shui is created with the help of man. The philosophy of fortune telling according to Feng Shui provides that a person himself fills certain zones of an object and gets the desired result!

Free fortune telling

Today they are also used in fortune telling. If you have a dream, try to interpret it (some dreams can be deciphered even without the help of a dream book). Thus, through signs, fate sends us its signs and warnings! And such a generous sign should be used, because fate itself chooses the one who is right, who in this life is worthy of the fair help of heaven. Feng Shui will not force you to rely on chance. You will definitely get the result of fortune telling according to Feng Shui, because you yourself will interact with the outside world according to Eastern philosophy.

Fortune telling using the Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese fortune telling using coin tossing. After throwing coins 6 times, you will receive the Book's recommendation, and if you act according to it, you will come to the best solution your problem. And then subsequent events will develop in a favorable way for you!

Fortune telling involves constructing a hexagram of 6 solid or broken lines. Depending on which hexagram was formed, the answer follows either one or me, according to the Book of Changes.

There are a total of 64 different hexagram options. This is exactly how many of them are needed so that the Book of Changes can describe all the main life situations. By the way, in the DNA molecule, which is the carrier of the genetic code of any organism, there are also 64 possible combinations. Is it just a coincidence - ancient Chinese fortune-telling and modern science?

Book of Changes - how to guess?

Fortune telling consists of first mentally asking a question to which you want the Book to answer. Then you flip three coins six times. Drag them across the screen with your mouse and then release them. Toss coins slowly, relax and take your time. Each throw is one of the lines in the hexagram. If two or three virtual coins are placed with the “yang” side up, then a solid, “yang” line is drawn. If the coins are tails up, then this is a Yin, broken line. They are drawn from bottom to top, one above the other - the first line is at the very bottom, the last line is at the top. The fortune telling will be completed when you toss the coins 6 times.

What to ask?

Your question for the Book to answer must be specific, clear, and, of course, must be truly important to you. It should not concern a matter that is aimed at causing harm to others. You also cannot ask the Book of Changes about the same thing twice, even if you did not like the answer at all. If possible, the book should answer only one question during one session. If you have a lot of questions, don't ask them all at once. It’s better to come back a little later and do the fortune telling again.

Still, don’t forget that virtual fortune telling- this is not the same as fortune telling “live”, but rather harmless entertainment. Therefore, if you didn’t like the answer from the Book of Changes, then don’t be upset and take it lightly!

Tell your friends! Let them try to tell fortunes too. Click on the buttons social networks!

Feng Shui forecast for 2010 White Tiger.

The Year of the White (or Silver) Tiger will begin on the solar calendar on February 4, 2010 and end on February 3, 2011. This is the year of the so-called Metal Tiger. It is from February 4 that it is useful to start applying the recommendations described in our Feng Shui forecast

One of the techniques used to make Feng Shui forecasts is called the “Four Pillars of Destiny” (or “Eight Hieroglyphs” (bazi in Chinese)). It analyzes the heavenly trunks and earthly branches. These are numerological signs created specifically for Chinese calendar. Any date examined using this method will ultimately be described by a certain combination of elements, since each of these signs is associated with one of them. Based on these combinations, one can draw conclusions about the characteristics of the day, assessing the strength or weakness of each of the elements in individual combination, as well as the quality of their interaction with each other.

The Four Pillars of Destiny of the year are calculated at the beginning of the year - in this case it is 6 hours 49 minutes on February 4, 2010. Now look at the map of the Four Pillars for the year of the Metal Tiger:

TABLE 1. Four Pillars of Destiny for 2010 Tiger.

This card does not represent the elements of Water and Fire, which is a drawback of the year, since it is believed that the better the elements are balanced, the better the luck. Fire represents Intelligence, and Water represents the Resources of the year. As a result, it becomes clear that in 2010 difficulties with resources will be relevant (in in a broad sense this word) and the demand for reasonable solutions and ideas is reduced.

We also see that the element of Wood is very clearly manifested in the map. At first glance, this seems favorable, because Wood is the Tiger's native element. But do not forget that harmony, balance, balance of the elements is important for favorable energies. Therefore, if there is an excess of any element, this will be reflected in the events of life. In this case, too a large number of The elements of Wood will give increased rivalry and competition.

It is worth noting that the elements of Metal are also strongly expressed in the map. In this case, this means that the year will be full of struggle for power and leadership. Ambitions to achieve career success will increase.

The earthly branches of the date of the first day of the year and the hour of the beginning of 2010 (these are the Rooster and the Rabbit) are in conflict between the failure. This means that it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid quarrels, misunderstandings and problems in mutual understanding between people. It makes sense to be wary of serious conflicts in relations, both personal and between countries. Tension in the hot spots of the planet will escalate.

The earthly branch of the year of the Tiger and the earthly branch of the hour of the beginning of the year (Rabbit) are located in the same astrological house of Growth and Development. This is a good sign indicating that the temporary general worsening of the world situation will ultimately have a positive impact on the spiritual level of humanity as a whole.

And finally, the card of the year contains the Rabbit - which is the sign of the so-called “peach blossom luck” for people who were born under the sign of the Horse. As a result, lonely Horses in 2010 have a great chance of meeting their destiny. Fortune in personal life turns to face the Horse.

Wandering Stars 2010

Now let's talk about wandering stars ("Flying Stars of San Yuan") for the period of 2010 White Tiger. This feng shui technique is very popular and important. She calculates special combinations of energies for each specific year. The influence of good and bad energies must be calculated and measures taken literally at the very beginning of each year in order, firstly, to protect yourself from the destructive influence of evil stars, and, secondly, to strengthen the effect of favorable stars.

TABLE 2. Map of wandering stars for 2010 Tigris.

Here's how to use the wandering star map:

put it on the plan of your apartment (house, office, etc.), in accordance with the directions of light (they are indicated on the map with the letters S, N, W, E, SW, etc.) and you will see which corners one or another star falls on the home (they are indicated by numbers and names, for example: “8. Wealth”). Since each of the stars is responsible for good or bad luck, you will learn which areas of life will be subject to beneficial or harmful influences, and, accordingly, which corners of your apartment are favorable this year and which, on the contrary, are dangerous. Knowing this is very important and useful. If, for example, a bed or table falls into the bad zones, you should try to temporarily move them to another place. Unfavorable stars can be neutralized, and good ones can be strengthened using certain Feng Shui remedies. In this way, you will soften bad luck and activate good luck in certain areas of your life.

The main star of the year is considered to be the number that is located in the central sector of the map. The remaining eight star-numbers are located in the side sectors and are less significant, but also very important:

Eight: auspicious star - in the center of the card.

In 2010, the number Eight falls into the central sector. Eight is considered the second most favorable lucky star. It is responsible for prosperity in general, wealth and luck (especially achieved through hard work, and not sheer luck). This means that the 2010 Year of the Tiger will be held under the motto of this magnificent star and one can expect great luck and material abundance from it, but subject to hard work and vigorous activity. Work hard, take every chance and use all your talents and abilities, and you will be surprised how much you can achieve. And this applies to everyone, regardless of when someone was born.

It will be very good if during this year you can be in the central part of your apartment or office as often as possible. If it is possible to place a sleeping place there, or a table at which you spend a lot of time, this is a great chance for you to increase your luck and well-being!

A word of caution - although the year ruled by the Eight is generally favorable for sharp positive turns in fate, it is dangerous from the point of view of health, more precisely, the health of bones and ligaments. Therefore, you should be careful and protect yourself from injuries, especially to the limbs.

To enhance the good influence of the Eight, place items of the Earth element in the central sector of the apartment:

    materials: ceramics, clay, glass, crystal, crystals, sand, stones

    images of earth, sand, landscapes with boulders, etc.

    items in the amount of 8;

    objects and decoration in earthy colors: sand, beige, clay color, terracotta, shades of brown.

Unit: auspicious star "Precious Gift of Heaven" - in the west

A very lucky Star, the Unit of Water, which is responsible for the success of endeavors, victory in competition and competition, occupies the western sector of the house in 2010, which is a good sign for your children. This is a period of active competition, and many will win it. You shouldn’t stop even after you achieve significant success. Luck this year of the Tiger will be on the side of those who work hard and constantly move forward and develop.

To enhance the luck of this “white star”, place in the western corner of the apartment:

    Elements of the Earth, which feeds the element of Metal (described just above);

    A Dragon figurine (preferably made of stone, such as jade).

Two: star of diseases - in the northeast

Two - an unlucky star, which in Feng Shui is called Ju Men - the “star of illnesses”, in 2010 is located in the northeastern sector of our houses, which is responsible for knowledge, learning, self-realization, and internal growth. This will have a detrimental effect on matters related to studies.

If you or your family members are sleeping or workplace located in the northwestern part of the house, try to move it to a favorable place for the period of 2010. Because otherwise, you risk bringing illness and failure on yourself or your loved ones. The same goes for the northwestern corners of the rooms. If this is impossible to do, then at least soften the influence of the unlucky star Two using feng shui.

Ways to neutralize the effect of the Two in the northeast:

    A metal bell (air bell, fan-lin, or wind chime) made of six tubes (the tubes are hollow!), and even better if the tubes are attached to a pendant in the form of a gourd (ulou - “Wu-Lu pumpkin”). Two refers to the element of Earth, which Metal feeds on, which means it depletes it. The number 6 is also considered metal (especially since it is Big Metal).

    Metal ulow with the image of the eight immortals (place it on the side of the bed). Ulow is not only a powerful amulet against diseases, it also sends prophetic dreams. Therefore, it is useful to place it in the bedroom (this year in its northeast corner).

    Other elements of the Metal element: metal objects, coins (especially in the form of 6 Chinese moments tied with gold or silver thread), round shapes, horseshoe, objects of metal colors - silver, gold, white, gray.

Grand Duke Jupiter, or Tai Sui (God of the Year) - in the northeast-3.

This wandering star is considered very problematic, although less dangerous than the Five or Three Killers (read about them below). Every year it moves clockwise to a new location, occupying an angle of only 15°. Tai Sui is always located in the sector of the animal that rules the year. That is, in 2010 it is located in the Tigris sector - according to the Feng Shui classification, it is northeast-3. The prefix -3 here means that the star occupies only 1/3 of the northeast - the one adjacent to the east (see the figure for its exact location):

If the apartment’s entrance door is located in the northeast-3 sector, then this unfavorable factor which is difficult to deal with. Because the front door greatly activates the energy of the sector in which it is located. And he does this regularly. The largest amount of energy enters the house through it, which means that the front door affects all areas of the life of the apartment residents. If a malefic star hits your front door, try in every possible way to ensure that the main flow of energy goes not through the entrance, but through the balcony door, or through a window (for example, one that is located in a sector that is favorable for you personally). To do this, open the balcony or windows as often and widely as possible, and open the front door as little as possible when you enter the room. Try to open the door not only at the smallest possible angle, but also slowly and quietly, do not slam it, do not make noise, do not ring the bell. Because the louder and faster you move something, the more the energy in that area is activated.

There is one feng shui taboo associated with Tai Sui - you cannot face it for a long time, otherwise it will weaken you. In the year of the Tiger, do not position your workplace or chair at the kitchen table so that your face is towards northeast-3. The most favorable thing here is to sit with your back to this sector (in this case, Tai Sui will even patronize you). This rule applies to everyone during 2010, even those for whom the northeast is the most favorable direction. Also refrain from repair work, rearrangements, and other active actions in this area, do not play music here, do not quarrel, do not make noise.

In the year of the Tiger, people born in the year of the Monkey should pay special attention. It is for the Monkeys that the malefic star Tai Sui will be the most evil this year. In order to soften its influence, Monkeys are recommended to place in the northeastern 3rd sector two figures of “heavenly protectors” Piyao (other names - pise, baijie) - fantastic creatures with one horn, or the Dragon Turtle. The figures should be placed facing northeast-3.

Three: star of quarrels and hostility - in the south

The unlucky star Troika, symbolizing quarrels, hostility, conflicts and litigation, falls in the year of the Tiger in southern part houses. The southern direction is fame, reputation, self-expression, recognition of merit, fame. In 2010, gaining fame will not be easy; obstacles will arise along the way in the form of disagreement from others, confrontation and the machinations of ill-wishers. Often, to gain fame, you will need to go through conflict. The year also contributes to the fact that many will acquire an unflattering reputation at this time.

To protect yourself from the negative influence of the Three, place Feng Shui products in the southern part of your home:

    A figurine of a laughing Buddha with a bag, or a gold bar - a good amulet against the Troika;

    Fire Elements: lamps, lamps, bright lights, fireplace, loud sounds, image of the sun; red and orange objects; artificial materials; triangular shapes.

Four: the star of love is in the north

The star of love, family, eroticism, culture, Four, falls in the northern part of the house in the year of the White Tiger. Four gives good luck in love and family matters, as well as success in public life, popularity. The northern direction is responsible for career, creativity, success. The wandering star Four in the north occupies a quite prosperous place, enhancing career success this year and gaining popularity with the fruits of one’s labor.

You can strengthen the influence of the Four in the north by placing the elements of Water there:

    Fountain with slow flowing water, aquarium; water landscapes; mirror, glass; wave patterns; water colors: blue, cyan, black.

"Three Killers" (Three Sha) - complement the Four in the north

“Three Killers” (San-Sha) is a special flying star that attracts three types of misfortunes (theft, violence, prison). This negative star moves annually from one direction to another among only the most basic ones - south, north, east or west, and occupies an angle of 90°. In the year of the Tiger, it will be located in the northern corner of the house, along with the Four. This circumstance requires caution - you should not undertake repairs in this part of the house, rearrange furniture, or otherwise actively disturb the energies of this direction (make noise, move, drill, saw, dig - for example, in the northern corner of the garden, or land plot, etc.). During 2010, you cannot sit with your back to the north (for everyone, even those whose southern direction is the best). This star becomes especially dangerous if you sit with your back to it.

You can soften or neutralize the influence of the Three Killers using the elements of the Tree in the north:

    Plants, color; landscapes; materials: wood, bamboo, paper, natural fabric linen, silk, cotton; green and brown (wood-colored) colors; rectangular shapes, columns, wooden furniture, etc.

    Three large boulders placed in the northern corner will also help neutralize the influence of the Three Killers in the year of the Tiger.

Five: the most dangerous star is in the southwest

The most malicious wandering star is Five (U-wan), which brings accidents, disasters, troubles, losses, obstacles; in 2010, the Tiger, it falls into the southwestern sector of the house. This year its strength increases, since both the Five and the southwest belong to the elements of Earth. The southwest is responsible for marriage, love, romantic luck, friendship, interpersonal relationships in general. Five, falling into this sector, brings negativity specifically to the area of ​​personal life. Therefore, it is especially important to neutralize its influence - do not stay in this zone for a long time, and especially not sleep there. Otherwise, relationships with loved ones and with people in general will deteriorate, and single people who dream of finding love or getting married will receive a powerful obstacle in the form of the Five star. It is especially dangerous if the entrance door of the apartment or bedroom is located in the southwestern sector. If there is an entrance door, place the correction tools listed below nearby. If there is a bed, try to rearrange it, if possible. It is considered unfavorable to even simply sit facing southwest, or sleep in that direction. Also, during this year, you should not do repairs or construction work in this sector, make noise and add traffic there, and even keep pets there. Anything that activates energy should be avoided here. Even to the point of placing moving objects there, red color or bright lighting. Do not strengthen the Five with Earth elements.

In the year of the Tiger, special care should be taken to weaken the effect of the Five. The following remedies placed in the southwest zone will help:

    Pagoda of the Five Elements. To neutralize the energy of the Five with it, remove the lid from it and pour a handful of earth inside, and close the lid again - these actions will symbolically “seal” the energy of the Earth of the Five. Attention! - if your pagoda is not new and has already been used, you need to update it - clean it with salt (especially sea salt) and leave it in the air for 3 days so that it absorbs Yang energy. Then pour soil into it;

    Metal air bell made of 6 tubes.

    Elements of Metal in general: metallic materials, white-gray colors, round shapes.

Six: “heavenly luck” - in the east

The lucky star of fortune Six brings sudden luck and breakthroughs even in matters where you do not expect. She is responsible for winnings, inheritance and any other luck, which is achieved not so much through labor as through a happy turn of external circumstances. This is luck that literally “falls from the sky” (Six corresponds to the “Sky” trigram). In the year of the White Tiger, this star falls into the eastern sector of the house, which is responsible for family, ancestors, parents, health, family inheritance, and the influence of the past. Luck will accompany the parents of the owners of the house, improved health and family well-being.

You can enhance the beneficial effects of the Six by placing the following Feng Shui remedies in the east of your apartment:


    Jade tree;

    Laughing Buddha.

However, remember that despite the fact that Six is ​​a favorable star, this year you should take care of injuries and wounds to the legs and head, as well as car accidents. This is especially true for young men.

Seven: star of theft and violence - in the southeast

Seven brings aggression, robbery, violence and falls in the year of the Tiger in the southeastern part of the house. This is unfavorable, since the southeast corresponds in feng shui to wealth and prosperity, good fortune and abundance in everything. It is these areas that are now under threat from the evil Seven. It is clear that during this period you will have to be especially careful about theft and financial losses. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect your life from the invasion of this kind of failure. This can be done by placing the following Feng Shui remedies in the southeastern area of ​​the room:

    Elements of Water: fountain, pool, bowl of water (especially aqueous solution with sea salt), wavy shapes, landscapes with water, sea, waterfall, glass, mirrors, bowl of water, blue-black colors - Water weakens the Metal element of the Seven, and also nourishes the energy of the Wood of the southeast direction;

    Figures symbolizing security and protection (qilini, rhinoceroses, elephants with trunks raised up) in the form of paired objects on the sides of the door - if the entrance door of the room is in the southeast zone. The figures should be located inside the house and with their backs to the apartment. If you live in a house and not an apartment, it would be great to place figures of two guard dogs outside the house near the door.

Nine: star of completion of affairs - in the northwest

Nine is the “star of future prosperity” (also called the “star of completion”) - in 2010, the Tigger is located in the northwest of the house. This sector is responsible for assistants, teachers, mentors, useful people(connections), guardian angels, and also for travel. The Fire Star Nine in 2010 falls into the Metal sector, which means it has a destructive effect on it (Fire kills (melts) Metal). Therefore, the success of this direction is at risk. This will have a particularly unfavorable effect on the head of the family - the man (the northwestern sector protects the patriarch of the family, the breadwinner, the masculine principle). A fiery star in this corner increases the likelihood of a man’s diseases, such as inflammation, high blood pressure, lung diseases, and also increases the danger of getting into conflict situations and adds other troubles.

To weaken the negative influence of Nine this year, extinguish the excess of Fire by placing the elements of Water (described above) in the northwestern sector of the house. The element of Water not only “kills” (extinguishes) Fire, but at the same time also feeds the element of the northwest, Metal.

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