Virtual divination Celtic cross. Fortune telling on tarot cards "Celtic Cross

One of the most common layouts. It combines event and psychological levels, is simple and universal.
Basic situation.
Influences that interfere with or push the main situation (cross the main situation). Complements the picture to the whole.
What you are consciously striving for.
The realm of the subconscious.
Past influences, root causes of the present situation.
Future influences, or what is just beginning.
You yourself. Your attitude and approach to this issue or situation. (Be sure to compare this position with the 6th and 10th.)
Energies coming from the outside world. Something that must be reckoned with and what is worth listening to. (The scene of action or the influence of other actors on the situation.)
Your hopes and fears.
Result, outcome, key. Climax. The high point of events, to which, in the end, the development of this topic will lead.
When interpreting positions 3 and 4, there is a certain space for associations, depending on the issue. But usually these cards reflect what a person's head (3) and heart (4) say to a person. (Option: 3 - Guardian Angel, 4 - Serpent-tempter). The interpretation of the alignment usually begins with the 5th and 9th cards, the 6th and 10th - complete the analysis of the situation. Be sure to find the relationship between the cards. Their meaning is tied into one knot, which softens or redirects the action of one card. Build a big picture of influences, intentions, and you will understand the meaning of the process.

ADDITION to the Celtic Cross Spread.
If the picture is not clear, you can examine each card separately, as if under magnification. To do this, lay out the cross with the desired card in the center, according to new scheme. This spread will show more fully what is happening with this force influencing your situation. Find the connection of this layout with the main one, linking them according to the original role of the selected card.
Card values: 0 - source card from the main layout.
- as seen its development, inner feelings and desires, goals, task. The idea of ​​what is happening, the map "in the head."
- the real course of events, results and practical experience. This path is more consistent with the outside world. The card is at the feet.
- obstacles and complementing the picture to the real situation. What hinders or helps, what should be taken into account.
- the best way to develop the situation of the main card, the resulting opportunities.
- the worst path of development, mistakes, temptations, it is so easy to destroy map 0.
If the layout is dominated by cards of any suit, then these situations and areas of interest prevail in the question. Explore in which direction and how each suit develops in the layout. If there are many courtiers, the opinion of others greatly influences and the role of interaction with others will be important. If there are many cards of the Major Arcana (more than 4-5), then the events are quite deep and significant, many objects in the mind are re-evaluated.

What can I do to meet the partner of my dreams as soon as possible?
1. Eight of swords
2. Two of Wands
3. Page of Wands
4. Sun

I hope very much for your help!

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Everything is obvious). For 8 swords, your problem is isolation, you are in captivity of fears or lack of time or bad mood. In short, do not get acquainted and push away. By 2 of wands, you should look positively into the future, be filled with enthusiasm and faith in the best. The Page of Wands advises you to become sexier, light a fire in yourself, indulge yourself, reveal sensuality, feel femininity, attract. Then you will succeed. The sun promises a hot relationship full of happiness. The problem is internal. Best regards, Veronica [email protected]

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There was a question with partners about the sale of the business. Big losses. I do not want to sell. business of my soul. But there is no strength to drag. No money. I do not know what to do. She asked what to do in this situation. 1. lovers. 2. 3 denarii. 3. 8 swords. 4. jack of denarii
I would be grateful for your interpretation. Help. Very important for me.

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Hello! I really hope to help! My son is 16, I am raising one (my husband died 7 years ago). The boy is smart, but cruel, a manipulator, torments me, but most of all I'm afraid for his future life, I tried all the methods of influence, at a dead end. Answer: 1 King of swords, 2. King of cups, 3. Four denarii, 4. Empress. Help ra ... tsya! Thank you

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Good evening, dear tarologists! At work, an employee tried to show me signs of attention. I, shall we say, very unkindly dismissed him. In retaliation, he framed me in front of the leadership. I asked the cards what to do in this situation (take offense, take revenge, or just let go of the situation and forget)? Here's what the cards said:
1. Death; 2.World; 3. Emperor; 4. King of denarii.
Forget. Did I understand correctly? Explain, please, in more detail. Never guessed at a man. Can not understand. Thank you in advance.

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Good day, Light!!!
There is absolutely nothing to forget here. I understand that by nature you are a soft person, like the cat Leopold (sorry for such a comparison), and it’s really easier for you to forgive, forget, but this is not the right Option. Try to distance yourself as much as possible from this person. Show your boundaries that you cannot cross. It would not be superfluous to clarify this issue. Well, of course, communication, only on working moments, so that he sees you as a colleague, not a girl.
Wisdom and discretion to you.

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Thank you very much, Elenaki!

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How to get started? -
1. 9 of wands
2. 10 cups
3. 3 of wands
4. Strength

Thank you for your help with decryption!

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As a volunteer, I adopt a dog, she stayed too long. What can I do to make her fit in well?
1 2 wands
2 Wheel of Fortune
3 Chariot
4 7 cups

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Dear tarologists, tell me according to the alignment, I asked the question: "How to encourage a person to closer communication?" Answer: 1. Four of swords, 2. Priest, 3. Moon, 4. Emperor. Thank you!

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Natalie, hello, help me to fight in the scenario. The question of selling a thing, what else do I need to do to buy it, 6 denarius, world, chariot, 9 swords, so it seems to start well and swords ... I don’t understand

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Hello dear tarot readers. Very complicated relationship with husband. What should I expect? dropped out
1. Jack of wands
2. King of Wands
3. Nine denarii
4. Ace of swords

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In the institution where I work, everyone is friendly against everyone. After long butts, good, friendly relations were established with my supervisor. Sometimes we flirt a little, sometimes a little more. But I'm not sure that I'm interested in him. Rather, he treats me as a like-minded person. Or does not allow himself to relax.
How should I deal with him?
Moon - 9 of Wands - King of denarii - Peace

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Leave intrigues, distrust and omissions for everyone else. Consider yourself one of those who work. Invest in your career and work. This is the right way.
Good luck!

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Hello, dear tarologists! I turned to the tarot for advice in this difficult situation, please help with the interpretation.
My son's father once left us for another woman. After the tragic death of his passion, he offered me to "restore the family", I gave him such hope, but doubts gnaw ... There are reasons to think that by choosing life with him I will jeopardize my own future and I will also damage the interests of the child. And those close to me now the people who helped me survive alone with a child will turn their backs on me.
And now you have to choose...
I am between two fires
What is the right thing to do so as not to destroy our life with my son?
1) King of Wands
2) Hermit
3) Eight of Wands
Thank you in advance!

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Hello Natalie! The holding bought the neighbors' land for the construction of a store. The project does not comply with the norms of the law - they plan to build a store at a distance of 1.5 meters from the wall of our house. Plus, build a wall that will block the access of light to the window. Plus noise. Our house will lose value, it will be uncomfortable to live.
Wrote an objection to the administration. But the administration gave them permission. Apparently, they were given a bribe. They offered to buy our land, they do not want to.
We contacted the lawyers, we will sue.
What is the possible outcome?
1. Jester
2. Star
3. 5 swords
4. 9 denarii.
Thank you!

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Hello. Please tell me, I asked the question: what else needs to be done in order to sell an apartment in August? The situation is somehow frozen, and time is running out (Layout: ace of denarii, strength, 8 of wands, empress. Thank you for your help!

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Hello! Help me understand the cards. I live alone in a 3-room apartment, and it is privatized to me, my ex-husband and 2 children. Now everyone wants money and therefore they want to leave me with nothing. I did not expect this from my son, but like this demand their shares. 1. Card-Jester, 2-Star, 3-Three of swords, 4-Queen of swords. Thank you,

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Hello! Is there any hope for happiness in your personal life? Long time no one...
1. 7 cups
2. Lady of denarii
3. King of denarii
4. Empress
Thank you!

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You have too many fantasies about this. You are divorced from reality and wish to achieve material well-being through partnership.
And the cards advise you to focus, firstly, on your career. And secondly - look for a person who is close to you in terms of interests, to whom status and external decorum are important.
Everything will be fine.
Good luck!

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Hello Natalie! Thanks for the answer. Probably fantasies about reuniting with ex-man but I get rid of them. I have neither the desire nor the ability to improve my financial situation at the expense of a man, and it contradicts my attitudes. But for a man to match me, yes. But this, in my opinion, is normal. Thanks again

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Good afternoon I asked the cards how to open a business (what to do to start a business. Help with the interpretation.
1. Ace of swords
2.six of cups
3. Six denarii
4. Abstinence

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It is necessary, without delay, to accept the offered help. Development will go in several directions.

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Hello fellow tarologists! Please help me to correctly interpret the cards and understand the layout.

Question: For a long time alone, met a man, will we be together?

I would be grateful for any help in interpreting.

1. 4 cups
2.4 swords
3.8 cups
4. Jester

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Good evening! I turn to tarot in rare cases when the situation is really important. Now I am going through a difficult period: the man abruptly left me, saying in a message that he decided to return to his ex-wife. For me, this is a shock, since their relationship was over a long time ago, and for six months of our relationship I did not notice anything. Everything happened very abruptly, I can’t forgive him. To clarify for myself at least some truth, I decided to write to his ex-wife. But I don't know if this is the correct solution. The Tarot said the following: 1 - six denarii, 2 - peace, 3 - lovers, 4 - nine denarii. Help me interpret correctly. I will be very grateful

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Tarot - Pretty interesting activity. It is unique and has a number of its own characteristics. But we will not talk about this, but about one layout, which is probably the most popular among the practitioners of this system, about the Tarot layout "Celtic Cross".

General scheme

This alignment was proposed by the author of one of the most popular decks in the world - Arthur Waite. He claimed that this is an ancient method, the authorship of which belongs to the sages of the past. But this is most likely a legend, invented by him, like the scheme itself. Nevertheless, the Celtic Cross Tarot layout is quite convenient, practical and really allows you to make a qualitative analysis in almost any situation.

At the same time, he uses only ten cards and, accordingly, has ten semantic positions. It must be said right away that there are countless options for this alignment, since each master, in the end, comes to some kind of his own, individual understanding of cards, positions and their relationships. Therefore, the following explanations serve only as examples of how it can be, and not as rigid, immutable rules.

With experience, tarologists begin to build their own logical connections between the cards and, accordingly, change the initial positions. This means that the interpretation of the Celtic Cross Tarot is a fairly flexible practice, based more on intuition than on formally given values. The general scheme of the layout can be seen in the picture below.

Position #1

This card is called the significator. Its task is to represent the questioner in the layout, that is, the one who orders the alignment, and to whom it is done. For the significator, one usually chooses from the minor arcana among the court cards. For young people and children, it becomes a page, for women - a queen, for middle-aged men - a knight, and for older men - a king. The last card can also represent the father of the family, the boss, the teacher, or any other person of authority, regardless of his age.

From what suit to choose a significator, the topic will tell you, within the framework of which the Celtic Cross Tarot layout is made. If the question concerns love, feelings and relationships, then it will certainly be cups. If the question is about career and achievements, then the suit of staves is used (some tarologists, changing the correspondence of the elements with suits, use cards of the suit of swords here, and where swords are used, they use staves).

When it comes to science, education, communication and some not romantic, but not business relations, then the significator is the suit of staffs. Finally, the suit of pentacles is chosen when the issue concerns money, material security or physical health. Some masters, when making the “Celtic Cross” Tarot layout, choose the significator differently, correlating certain cards with certain appearance features. For example, cups mean black eyes are hidden behind swords. But there is no longer a single criterion - each fortuneteller has his own system of correspondences. And therefore, it is impossible to state anything unambiguously here.

When a significator is chosen, it is placed face down in the center of the table. Then the deck is shuffled, shifted with the left hand, and cards from No. 2 to No. 10 are laid out in turn in the above order.

Position #2

This card is called the root of the layout. On the one hand, it summarizes the whole alignment. Some masters believe that in her face the full answer to the question posed sounds, while all other cards are comments on it. However, it can also be perceived as a factor characterizing the essence of the stated issue. In this sense, it can play the role of a key problem or figure of a certain person. Whatever card falls in this position, it should be understood in the context of the entire layout, and especially the arcana in positions No. 5 and No. 10. Why exactly them, it will become clear later.

Position #3

The past behind this card speaks to how the problem started in the first place. This is not the past at all, and this should always be remembered when doing fortune telling on Tarot cards. The Celtic Cross is no exception in this regard, especially since it contains another card that reveals the past.

Position #4

This card speaks of the near past - about what happened in the life of the questioner immediately before he sought advice. Here, the Celtic Cross Tarot spread can provide useful information, some information that should be taken into account when interpreting subsequent cards. Since it is the events of the past that often help to more accurately determine what will happen in the future, since they are its direct or indirect cause.

Position #5

The lasso in this position in the Tarot layout "Celtic Cross" shows how the matter will end. This is a natural result, remote in time as far as it was supposed in the wording of the question. Of course, this is not a sentence, but only the most likely development of the situation. It is especially important when interpreting the card at this position to pay attention to the lasso at number 10, since number 5 shows only the actual result, and only the card at position number 10 can make a full assessment of it. But more on that below. It is also important to consider how No. 5 is combined with No. 2. Most often they represent one whole and are interpreted in the context of each other.

Position #6

In this case, what will be shown is what will precede the execution of the prediction expressed by the card in position No. 5. In other words, this lasso speaks of the near future, that is, of events that will occur between the time when the session is held and the time when the final result that has fallen out in the card is realized. It should be noted that sometimes a good outcome is preceded by serious problems, and, on the contrary, an unfavorable end can be preceded by very positive events. Therefore, you need to be more careful. It should also be noted whether the lasso in position No. 6 is the cause of the final result or not. It depends on how the questioner behaves further and reacts to upcoming events.

Position #7

This is a very simple position, which, however, helps to make much more accurate divination on tarot. The “Celtic cross”, the interpretation of which is largely based not only on the prediction of events, but also on the emotional description of a person, here gives a very important information. This card shows how the questioner sees himself from the outside. It reveals his true view of himself and, accordingly, the true nature of his intentions.

Position #8

Unlike the previous card, this position shows how other people see the questioner. First of all, these are, of course, his relatives and those who are directly related to the essence of the question asked. For example, she can talk about the attitude towards the questioner of his enemies or passion. Sometimes it reflects the gaze of the person behind card #2 if it represents the person and not the situation. This is possible, but not required.

Position #9

Fortune telling Tarot "Celtic Cross" at this stage can talk about two things - about the most tormenting fears of the questioner or about his hopes. What exactly of this in each layout shows the lasso, usually becomes clear from the meaning of the card itself. Of course, negative cards will reflect fears, and positive ones - hopes. There are, however, nuances, but they cannot be described in the manual and made part of the divination technique - such things come with time and experience.

Position #10

This is one of the most important positions in the whole scenario. In accordance with our version, it means how the questioner will internally experience the fulfillment of the prediction in position No. 5. More often than not, the cards are surprisingly correlated with each other. In other words, positive events correspond to a positive assessment, and, on the contrary, negative events are experienced tragically. But the opposite also happens. For example, when asked whether or not a person will be fired from their current job, a card may fall out, meaning that they will definitely be fired. This would seem to be bad. But at the same time, the situation that will accompany the dismissal will be such that by the time this happens, the questioner himself will be happy with this outcome. And therefore, in position number 10 there will be a card of joy and good luck. It is also necessary to remember the connection of this lasso with position No. 2.


In conclusion, a small warning should be made to those who read Tarot online. The "Celtic Cross" for the future, and in general gives answers to all questions, based on the interpretation algorithm programmed in it. It may not coincide with the system outlined above, and therefore it is not recommended to interpret layouts in online services according to our methodology.

The Celtic cross is one of the oldest divination on tarot cards. The most popular alignment, the popularity of which is explained by the universality of interpretation. This is due to the fact that the result can be interpreted for various issues and problems in various fields of human activity.

The peculiarity of this fortune-telling is that in the interpretation there are answers to the key in which further events will proceed, what will be the difficulties and main obstacles that interfere with your life, as well as what awaits you in the future and how to avoid all the upcoming problems that lie on your path. If a person is confused and does not know which fortune-telling to choose to get answers to his questions, you can safely use the Celtic cross.

The interpretation of cards should begin with card 5 (past, background) and gradually move on to card 9 (prospects and fears). Following this, it is recommended to go to cards 1 and 2. Then find out what exactly the questioner thinks about everything that happens, turning card 3 over, and what is hidden from everyone around him in his heart - card 4. Special attention should be paid to this card, because the main power is concentrated in the subconscious. Immediately you need to pay attention to the meaning in which this card was revealed. If in a negative, this will certainly affect the rest of the scenario, even if the rest of the cards remain positive.

After card 4 is revealed, the turn of card 7 will come. She will tell you how the person who is being guessed relates to everything that happens. Map 8 will help to reveal all external factors and personalities that play an important role in a person's life. At the very last turn, cards 6 and 10 should be opened to determine the forecasts for the future.

Tarot card spreads are very popular. With the help of symbols, you can find the answer to a problem situation and learn about upcoming events. Fortune telling the Celtic cross has come to us since ancient times, there are several versions of the alignment. In the article, we will consider the layout option, with which you can learn both about the future for yourself and learn about the attitude of a familiar person to a situation of interest.

In its ancient form, the layout consisted of six arcana, which were laid out in the shape of a cross. In later times, 4 more lassoes were added to the Celtic cross, which ultimately gives more complete and accurate information on the merits of the issue.

For the alignment, you need to shuffle the major arcana of the tarot, tuning in to the question of interest. For example, what is the situation with work? Having renounced all other problems, you need to draw 10 lasso from the deck and arrange it on a fortune-telling canvas as follows:

The positions of the layout answer the following questions:

  1. the reason for the situation;
  2. forces that stand behind events and set them in motion;
  3. assessment of the situation by the questioner;
  4. the emotional state of the questioner about this situation;
  5. events that took place on the eve of the situation;
  6. events that will take place in the near future;
  7. the consequences of the developing situation for the questioner;
  8. description of the environment and persons involved in the event;
  9. surprise that may occur in connection with this event;
  10. the outcome of the development of the situation - how the case will end.

The first two arcana are considered together. One of them symbolizes the consciousness of the questioner, and the second - the subconscious.

The third and fourth lasso characterize the powers of the soul of the questioner.

The fifth and sixth are the past and the near future, respectively.

The seventh lasso is the attitude of the questioner to himself, the eighth is the attitude to the environment and the situation.

The ninth position is the mysterious forces that can influence the development of the situation. This is the kind of surprise you don't think about. However, it can radically change the current situation or prevent its development in favor of the questioner.

When interpreting the tenth lasso, you need to sum up all the positions of the alignment, put together the meaning of all the lasso and logically justify the final answer.

Interpretation example

Let's say you need to find out how a mysterious person relates to a situation of interest to you. Or you want to know how his affairs will turn out in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. After shuffling, you got the following Arcana:

  1. Sun;
  2. Priestess;
  3. Hermit;
  4. Justice;
  5. Death;
  6. lovers;
  7. Force.

The sun speaks of a person's positive attitude in connection with the current situation. The magician confirms the first position of the alignment - a person is disposed to decisive action, his strong-willed effort will lead to victory.

third and fourth positions. Here a woman can help a person (inspire, support). Subconsciously, he perceives the situation as a game (Jester). Perhaps such an attitude to circumstances will allow him to emerge victorious.

Fifth position - in the past, a person independently solved his problems (hermit), in the future (sixth position) circumstances will develop quite successfully - a fair reward for the efforts expended (Justice).

In the seventh position is the lasso Death. However, the symbol of this lasso should not be taken literally - death speaks of changes and rebirth. A person will reconsider his attitude towards his own person, change something in behavior or self-esteem.

Eighth position - lasso Judgment. This lasso shows the attitude of the questioner to the environment and people. As we can see, a person does not like what surrounds him in this situation. Conflicts and breakups are possible.

The ninth position is the lasso of the Lovers. The meaning of the lasso symbolizes the problem of choice. Perhaps the situation will develop depending on what choice the questioner makes. For clarification, you can choose an additional card from the deck (minor arcana) to clarify the situation.

The tenth position is the lasso of Strength in the end. This lasso says that a person will overcome any adversity and obstacles. Everything is in his own hands.

Order of interpretation

To get an exhaustive answer to the question asked, it is not necessary to consider the meaning of each lasso "in a column" in order. We begin the interpretation from the fifth position, which shows the prerequisites for the development of the situation. Then consider the ninth position - the attitude of the questioner to the situation. Thus, we will get the first idea about the events.

Next, you need to consider the first two positions, which will show the emotional and spiritual attitude of the questioner to the situation - what worries him and hurts him in it. After that, we look at what he thinks on this issue (position 3) and what his intuition tells him (position 4).

Then we consider the attitude of a person towards himself in connection with this situation, how he perceives his role in it (position 7). After that, we look at how he relates to his environment (position 8).

In conclusion, we consider the positions of the future - 6 and 10 arcana. After that, we summarize.

The result of the layout

If we connect all the meanings of the arcana together, we can draw the following conclusion. The questioner has every chance to emerge victorious from the situation (lasso strength). He is able to independently overcome all the problems on the way, despite the resistance of the environment (lasso Court).

In achieving his plans, he will be helped by a certain female person (lasso Empress), who will provide friendly support. To succeed, a person must reconsider his own attitude to everything and change something in himself (lasso Death).


The alignment of the Celtic cross is focused on the future, but in connection with a specific situation. That is, you can find out your future only in relation to the development of a particular event. In order to know the future in all areas of life, you need to do big alignment with multiple positions throughout the tarot deck.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:
