Serious male beretta. Beretta air pistols

Pneumatic pistol Umarex Beretta 92 FS- pneumatic gas-balloon pistol with a rifled barrel from German company Umarex. It is a copy of the combat pistol of the same name.


  • All-metal body.
  • Weight - 1.26 kg increases the realism of shooting.
  • shoots Umarex Beretta 92FS lead bullets of 4.5 mm caliber due to the energy of a 12-gram CO2 cartridge.
  • Bullet departure speed reaches 120 m per second.
  • Due to the steel rifled barrel achieved high level accuracy.
  • The pistol uses clip-on magazines. The magazine capacity is 8 bullets.
  • The gun is completed with a spare drum-clip and a convenient plastic carrying case.
  • The grips on the handle are made of black corrugated plastic, thanks to which the gun is comfortable to hold in your hand.
  • Gun Umarex Beretta 92 Equipped with a 2-way fuse.

In the basic layout, the bullet has an energy of less than 3 J when leaving the barrel, which is confirmed by the official certificate of conformity. Thereby Umarex Beretta 92 FS buy possible without a license.

How to buy an air pistol Umarex Beretta 92 FS in our online store?

Just put the item in your shopping cart and place your order. You can also call our managers who will definitely help you choose the product that suits you and place an order. All products in our catalog High Quality, as we cooperate exclusively with well-known and reputable manufacturers.

Airguns are mainly used for shooting from a short distance in sports or for recreation. Some choose pneumatics for self-defense. The modern market offers many different options for this weapon.

Air pistols are usually imitations of famous combat brands. Beretta is one of them. It is one of the oldest arms companies in the world. For more than five hundred years, the Italian company has been manufacturing weapons that are recognized worldwide as one of the best and are now used to arm the army and police in many countries. It is in service with the domestic police. It is also worth looking at his "cut" version.

general information

The most famous manufacturer of pneumatics "Beretta"- This is the German concern "Umarex". The company specializes in the production of pneumatics. Back in 1937, she received the rights to create a pistol with blank bullets.

The Umarex concern gained worldwide fame by releasing copies of traumatic weapon and pneumatics, which are identical in appearance to combat counterparts.

This is a copy of the combat Beretta M92 FS, which has been used by the soldiers of the American army since 1989. The price is from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Externally, the pneumatic version is no different from the combat one, the difference is only in the characteristics:

The body of the model is metal (although there are options with wooden handles). Bullet balls are loaded into a round drum inside the ammo bay.

Features of the dispenser in the design of the gas cartridge allow it to serve for a long time and flawlessly.

The air pistol Umarex Beretta 92 FS, the price of which is very impressive, is a premium class pistol, it is powerful and accurate. Watch the video:

The Umarex Beretta Elite II gas pistol is considered budget option(cost up to 5,000 rubles).

The weapon is smoothbore, you can install a flashlight or a laser target indicator. The front sight and rear sight are not adjustable. The trigger mechanism is self-cocking.

There is an automatic fuse. It is recommended to store the gun unloaded, clean - after every 500 shots, and lubricate the trigger after about two thousand shots. have the same criteria.

The model is popular in many countries of the world, despite the budget model, many professionals pay close attention to it. The gun is comfortable and reliable in operation. The IZH 53m pneumatic pistol is also easy to use, about him.

This is one of the few gas-balloon models that combines an imitation of the movement of the shutter of a combat pistol (blow-back system) and a rifled barrel (shooting with bullets). All this brings the replica very close to firearm analogue- Beretta PX4 automatic pistol.

The body of the model is metal, there are plastic parts on the handle. Additional accessories (flashlight, laser target indicator, etc.) can be installed on the frame.

There is an automatic fuse. It has a soft trigger, a false silencer can be supplied in the kit (reduces the sound of a shot).

Main characteristics:

USM double action, the weapon shoots and self-cocking, and with a preliminary platoon. The original double drum allows you to simply pull it out after shooting the first eight bullets, turn it over and continue shooting, inserting the drum with the back side.

A pistol of excellent German quality, reliable and practical.

The cost is about 8,000 rubles.

Beretta 92 FSAuto

The Gletcher BRT 92FS auto gas pistol can be products of both American and Taiwanese manufacturers. It entered the Russian market relatively recently - in 2010 and declared itself as a reliable, high-quality and affordable product.

The gun-copy of the Italian self-loader Beretta 92FS is designed for shooting balls for entertainment or sports and training purposes. Read about sports air pistols.

Equipped with a blowback system, firing is carried out with a pre-cocked trigger. There is a fuse, sights are not adjustable. It is important to know, .

Main characteristics:

Double action trigger, smooth and easy trigger, can be fired in automatic mode. There is a valid gate valve: when the balls in the store run out, it works. It is possible to mount accessories. The body is metal. Price - 6500-7500 rubles.

The model of the Gletcher BRT 92 (Beretta) pneumatic pistol is quite popular and affordable (within 5,000 rubles). This is a smooth-bore gas-balloon pistol, a copy of the Italian Beretta of the same name.

Main characteristics:

The gun is quite powerful, when firing it imitates the work military weapons. There is a double sided fuse. There is a possibility to attach accessories.


The arms market offers the most different models of pneumatic Beretta- the choice is great.

Price categories are also diverse: from German Umarex models, which traditionally embody quality and reliability, but sometimes very expensive, to more affordable and not inferior to Taiwanese models in assembly quality. For information on which pistol is best for self-defense, see. See also information about and.

Beretta - a pistol in service with army units and law enforcement agencies a large number Western countries, including the USA. The American armed forces are often criticized for their ability to make choices in favor of, to put it mildly, far from best weapon, so the Beretta 92 is not without flaws. But still, this "gun" also has many advantages. From the point of view of many users, they outweigh, and the brainchild of Italian designers for decades has sold very well both to departments and to civilians in countries where carrying combat pistols is allowed.

Let's talk about the beretta 92 in as much detail as possible - the history of its birth, design features, principle of operation, performance characteristics (performance characteristics), pluses and minuses of the famous weapon. We will also reveal and compare the differences between noticeable modifications of the 92nd Beretta, and inform you what cartridges are used by its owners.

The history of the Beretta 92 pistol

The Italian company Beretta is rightfully proud of its centuries-old history, but the company produced the first pistol only in 1915 for the needs of military personnel who participated in the First World War, and before that it was limited to the manufacture of hunting and sporting guns.

The first family 92 pistol was designed by Carlo Beretta, Giuseppe Mazetti and Vittorio Valle in 1972 and presented to the public four years later.

From previous models, he got:

  • 9 mm caliber;
  • branded features in the design - an unusually large window in the shutter and a refined narrowing in its front part;
  • open trigger with a round hole in the spoke.

The main improvements in relation to the M1951 were a modified trigger mechanism (USM) and an updated barrel locking system. With further refinement of the family, taking into account the identified problems, the quality of the material used to manufacture the beretta pistol was significantly improved.

In 1985, with a modification of the Beretta 92F, the company won the competition for the purchase of pistols for the US Army units. Over the next decade, the States purchased more than a million weapons, designated M9, at $178.5 per piece.

The next modification - Beretta 92FS entered the category of the most popular and famous pistols in the world, being bought up by both army, police, special forces structures of a large number of countries, and by a mass of civilians in a total number of over 100 thousand units per year.

In 2009, the Italian pistol was included in the list of weapons officially allowed to be used for self-defense by prosecutors and investigators of the Russian prosecutor's office.

Gun design

In the Beretta 92 pistol, assembled from 65 parts, an automation scheme with a short barrel stroke, a double-action trigger and a lever locking device is implemented. Unlike the M1951, the barrel is locked by a swinging larva placed on its outer surface from below.

The mainspring is twisted, placed in the handle. A spring-loaded firing pin that is kept retracted from the primer and closed by a bridge from the time the hammer is struck until the final phase of the trigger movement. Before the descent, the jumper, rising, opens the drummer. When the shutter is unlocked, the gear lever lowers it along with the trigger rod.

The fuse box is located on the shutter on the left and right.

The store is double-row, its latch button is located on the left, but can be moved to the other side. The ejector, located longitudinally on the right side of the bolt, serves as an auxiliary indicator of the presence / absence of a cartridge in the chamber.

Principle of operation

Before the shot, the rear end of the return spring slightly raises the larva, its side protrusions engage with the longitudinal side slots located inside the shutter housing.

When fired, the bolt and barrel synchronously move back. The spring-loaded rod, bumping into the frame, lowers the larva, the barrel disengages from the bolt: the first one freezes, and the last one, moving, pushes the spent cartridge case to the right and cocks the trigger.

huddled in this moment the return spring pushes the shutter forward, as a result of which:

  • a new cartridge is sent into the chamber;
  • the rod leaves the locking larva;
  • she again engages with the slots of the shutter, thereby preparing the pistol for a new shot.

The use of a larva ensures the movement of the barrel without distortion, making the operation of the pistol smoother and increasing the accuracy of fire.

The weapon is put on the fuse by moving the flag downwards, at which the trigger is safely released with the sear and trigger pull disconnected. If at this moment there is ammunition in the chamber, for a self-cocking shot it is enough to move the flag up and pull the trigger. But in order to aim more accurately, you need to cock it.

Reloading by jerking the shutter is possible at any position of the fuse.

When the magazine is empty, the shutter becomes delayed. It is enough to insert a full magazine and remove the delay, slightly pulling the shutter, he sends the first charge into the chamber - the pistol is immediately ready to fire.

The performance characteristics of the model Beretta 92

  • Caliber - 9 mm;
  • Total length - 217 mm;
  • Barrel length - 125 mm;
  • Weight - 980 grams;
  • Magazine capacity - 15 rounds;
  • Effective range - 25 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the gun:

  • a large weight gives a quick return to the line of sight;
  • it is easy for the shooter to aim due to the large gap between the front sight and the sight;
  • double-sided fuse box makes shooting comfortable for both right-handers and left-handers;
  • smooth body elements, thanks to which the Beretta can be pulled out instantly without catching on clothes.


  • large dimensions make it difficult to carry concealed;
  • shooting with especially powerful ammunition reduces the durability of the weapon;
  • a large handle is uncomfortable for a shooter with a small hand;
  • unnecessary risk of a slight burn by touching a hot barrel;
  • excessive contamination of internal surfaces.

Ammunition for Beretta

The beretta is chambered in 9×19 mm Parabellum, created back in 1902 by the famous weapons designer Georg Luger for his own pistol, which acquired the same name. In fact, it appeared as a result of shortening the cartridge case of the 7.65 × 21 mm Parabellum cartridge and giving it a cylindrical shape instead of a bottle.

The length of the cartridge is 29.69 mm. Bullet weight - up to 10.25 grams, and its energy - 450-650 J.

Beretta modifications

The Beretta 92S was designed in 1977 to meet the needs of the Italian police. The fuse previously located on the frame was located on the shutter, which made it possible to safely descend. Currently, the 92S is not in production, but magazines that are compatible with this model are still equipped with Berettas.

The Beretta 92SB (manufactured 1981-1991) was for the first time equipped with a double-sided safety flag and a striker blocking system.

The Beretta 92F has been produced since 1984, and a year later, as mentioned above, with this modification, the company won the competition of the US military department, after which it began to produce new berets like the M9. An option has been added to equip the pistol with a silencer if it is necessary to fire silently.

Beretta 92G, which appeared in 1987 and subsequently acquired the PAMAS G1 marking, is produced (under license) by a French arms company according to state orders from the defense department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the gendarmerie and police.

Beretta 92FS - improved in 1989 92F, also produced at the company's production site in the United States. The main improvements concerned the improvement of the quality of the material for the manufacture of pistols, due to which the designers excluded the destruction of the shutter that had taken place.

Beretta 96 - dated 1996, a conversion of 92F under the .40 SW cartridge in demand in the States, with a decrease in magazine capacity to 11 ammunition. It is purchased by the US Department of Homeland Security for the border and customs service, immigration police, is a success with private buyers.

Beretta 96 Brigadier - conversion implemented in 1996 under the same .40 SW, but model 92FS. Bolt reinforcement has been introduced and a removable front sight has been installed.

Beretta 92FS Centurion - the changes are to shorten the barrel and bolt.

Beretta 92 Vertec - developed in 2003 under the requests of the American police. The handle has been modified for the comfort of a physically powerful shooter with large hands. A mount for a flashlight or LCC (laser designator) has been added to the design.

The Beretta 90 Two, in production since 2006, also features a laser/flashlight mount, with obvious changes appearance pistol, which has become super avant-garde.

Do you have questions about what you read? Perhaps you know some interesting facts about the Beretta 92 that are not mentioned here? Or are you familiar with valuable expert opinions on the popular Italian pistol? Share in the comments. We are always open for background information and useful discussions!

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This section of the online store Popadiv10 presents Beretta air pistols (Beretta). Main Feature such pneumatics - a complete resemblance to the original weapon.

The original Beretta pistols are made by the Italian company of the same name and have attracted the attention of many gun enthusiasts for several decades.

Pneumatic guns are supplied on Russian market foreign brands and below are some of the modifications available on our website:

  • Air gun Stalker S84 (Beretta M84);
  • Pneumatic gun Borner Sport 331;
  • Air pistol Umarex Beretta M92 FS (Black);
  • Air pistol Cyber ​​Gun GSG 92 (Beretta);
  • Pneumatic pistol Crosman C31;
  • Pneumatic gun Gletcher BRT 92FS Auto;
  • Air pistol Swiss Arms Beretta P92 (Beretta) and others.

As you can see, the range of goods is large and new modifications from foreign brands appear every year. Russian products that copy the Italian Beretta are not yet represented on our market.

As with other air pistols, in this case, the energy for the shot is taken from a 12-gram canister of CO2 carbon dioxide. The compartment for mounting the cylinder is located inside the handle or directly in the store itself.

The energy of the gas is enough to shoot at cans and paper targets, and after a little training, you will be able to shoot a rodent or a bird.

To protect against accidental pulling of the trigger, each model of the pneumatic Beretta is equipped with a special fuse.

Key features of air pistols Beretta (Beretta):

  • Semi-automatic fire mode;
  • Movable shutter (Blowback);
  • Steel ball speed - 130 m/s;
  • As ammunition, balls of caliber 4.5 mm are used;
  • No additional license required;
  • Additional bar for tactical devices;
  • Classic sight with front sight and whole;
  • Non-automatic fuse.

Functional features of air pistols Beretta (Beretta)

Unlike replicas of Soviet pistols such as the Makarov and TT pistols, Beretta air pistols are distinguished by the ability to install tactical equipment.

For these purposes, a special mounting plate is provided in the lower part of the barrel. A tactical flashlight or laser sight will come in handy when firing from a long distance or when visibility is poor.

Plus, of course, there are standard sights in the form of a rear sight and a front sight. With their help, an accurate shot from short and medium distances will not become a serious problem.

It is also worth noting the presence in some modifications of such a system as Blowback. Thanks to this, the shooter can conduct semi-automatic fire without being distracted by reloading.

The power of the Beretta pneumatic pistol (Beretta) is enough to commit aimed shot at a distance of 20-25 meters. Provided that there is no headwind.

With undeniable merits, the price of air pistols Beretta (Beretta) will delight the eye of every buyer with its affordability.

Design features of air pistols Beretta (Beretta)

With such power and a movable shutter, the Beretta pneumat needs a strong and reliable body. For these purposes, engineers use materials such as alloyed metal and impact-resistant ABS polymer in the manufacture of the case.

Not only the body is made of metal, but also the gun barrel. Prevention of corrosion is achieved by using a special solution that treats steel elements.

The frame and pistol grip are made of plastic, which significantly reduces the weight of the structure without losing strength. Plastic has long been known for its resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion.

Therefore, after several years of daily use, every shooter will be able to contemplate the ideal appearance of the Beretta pneumat.

Why is it worth buying a Beretta air pistol (Beretta) in the Popadiv10 online store?

Firstly, only in our online store is a range of products from famous companies and besides, we act as an official representative. This will provide each buyer with permits.

Secondly, when purchasing Beretta air pistols from us, the buyer will receive a guarantee for a period of 6 to 18 months.

Thirdly, at the time of purchase of goods in the amount of 6500 rubles, delivery is carried out at our expense.

The history of the Beretta pistol (Beretta)

The production of the original Beretta pistols is carried out by the Italian company of the same name.

Initially, the company was engaged in the manufacture of hunting and sporting rifles. However, after several decades, namely in 1915, it was decided to make the first firearm.

Beretta products are used not only by police and military, but also by civilians.

Recommendations for the use of air pistols Beretta (Beretta)

Using Beretta air pistols is no different from models from other brands. And just like other weapons, Beretta pistols require proper care.

The main attention is required by the gun barrel, which takes on the main load when making a shot. After that, particles from shells remain inside the barrel, which will soon negatively affect the accuracy of fire.

The procedure itself takes 10-15 minutes, but will keep the elements of the weapon intact for many years.

Shooting is carried out using the energy of CO2 gas and steel BB balls with a caliber of 4.5 millimeters. A special magazine is provided for loading them (the amount of ammunition depends on the model).

Beretta pistols are a legendary brand known throughout the world for their power and reliability. Designed in Italy, the brand is famous for a couple of very famous models, such as the Beretta M 84 compact pistol and the Beretta 92, the world-famous high-capacity clip and automatic firing mode.

In this section you will find Beretta air pistols, structurally similar to combat models.

Beretta- one of the main Italian companies for the production of weapons. Its products are in service with the police and the army in many countries of the world, and are widely used for self-defense by civilians. One of the oldest companies in the world - it has been owned by the same family for about 500 years. Until 1900 Beretta specialized in hunting and sporting rifles. With the outbreak of the 1st World War in 1915, the company produced its first pistol.

Among modern designs small arms the gun brought the greatest fame to the company Beretta 92 caliber 9x19 and its numerous modifications (92S, 92F, 92FS, 92DS, 90two, M9, M9A1, etc.). Started in 1976 mass production, it combined the functions of civilian, service and police weapons. Weak recoil for this caliber, 15-round magazine capacity, and good accuracy ensured its rapidly growing popularity. The wide trigger guard, which allows you to shoot even with gloves, was also an important factor.

The Beretta 92F pistol, designated M9, replaced the 1985 M1911 .45 as the standard US Army pistol in a competition. Beretta 92FS(differs from the 92F by a disk on the head of the trigger axis and a groove for it along the bolt) has been in service since 1989 and is one of the most recognizable pistols in the world. The annual production of 92 series pistols of all modifications worldwide is more than 100,000 units.

Pistol Beretta 92FS

Overall, the Beretta 92 series pistols eventually earned a reputation for being fairly reliable, albeit somewhat unwieldy, weapons. Some complaints are caused by an excessively thick handle, which is convenient only for shooters with large enough palms, and the pistol itself is quite large in size.

Gun Beretta PX4 Storm has been produced since 2014 and is primarily focused on the US police weapons market, where the first sales began. From the point of view of the device, it is a further development of the Beretta M8000 pistols, inheriting from them the general scheme of automation and trigger. The ergonomics of the weapon, its ability to adapt to each specific shooter, has undergone significant improvement. In addition, the PX4 pistol has a standard Picatinny-type rail under the barrel, which allows the installation of an underbarrel light or a laser pointer. The capacity of regular stores is 17 rounds of 9mm caliber or 14 rounds of caliber .40.

In the Pnevmat24 online store you can buy Beretta air pistols at a good price with fast and convenient delivery throughout Russia by courier, transport company or Russian Post.
