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Work on it began in 1952, and two years later a contract was signed with Raytheon firms to develop the MIM-23A rocket, as well as Northrop, a launcher and ground equipment. In 1958, the complex entered service ground forces and the US Marine Corps, and in 1959 - the majority European states NATO as the bloc's standard anti-aircraft armament.

In 1964, work began on the modernization of the Hawk complex in order to adapt the weapon to destroy low-flying targets. Changes were made to the target detection radar, missile control systems, rocket engine and warhead. The upgraded complex, called "I-Hawk" (i.e. Improved HAWK), along with a new projectile, designated MIM-23B, entered service in 1971.
The next modernization of the complex, mainly related to increasing the target detection radius and changing the communication system, was carried out in 1973. The next stage of modernization (the so-called Phase II) was launched five years later. As part of its implementation, the lamp equipment of the target detection station was replaced with semiconductor systems, and it was additionally equipped with an optical warhead. In addition, new command posts were developed to control the battery and platoon. The modernized complex, which entered service in 1983-1986, has the structure of a battery and a platoon. The Hawk battery includes the TSW-12 battery command post, the MSQ-110 information center, the MPQ-5O target detection radar, the MPQ-55 low-flying target detection radar, the MPQ-51 distance determination radar, as well as two huge sections, including an MPQ-57 target detection station and three M192 launchers. The Hawk platoon consists of the MSW-18 platoon command post, MPQ-55 and MPQ-57 stations, as well as three M192 launchers.

In 1981, the next stage of the Hawk modernization (the so-called Phase III) was launched, within which the complex
the radar station for determining distances and the information center were removed, but a new command post was introduced to control the battery, and modern microcomputer technology was used in the radar stations.
The next upgrades also affected the launcher: modern on-board equipment was used in it, its maneuverability was increased and the power consumed by the guidance systems was reduced.
Rocket "Hawk" single-stage, semi-active homing to the target, illuminated by a radar station for detecting targets. It consists of a homing head, a warhead, a rocket engine and wings. The fragmentation warhead (with the forced formation of fragments) is armed with a contact fuse and a radio fuse. The solid propellant rocket engine is equipped with a starting and sustainer charge. Rocket control is provided by four ailerons located at the ends of the wings.
The rocket is launched from a towed launcher with three guides, equipped with a two-wheeled chassis with stops (lowered in a combat position), as well as hydraulic drives. To place missiles on the launcher, a special tracked vehicle is used. The most latest version the launcher can move with the missiles installed (previously this was not possible). The M727 self-propelled launcher on the M548 tracked chassis was developed, but it was not widely used.
In order to increase firepower, mixed systems were developed using missiles from other systems. To this end, in 1985, the M192 launcher was adapted to launch Sparrow shells (9 shells on the launcher), and in 1995 - AMRAAM (8 shells on the launcher). The Hawk system was also combined with the Patriot system.
Along with NATO countries, the Hawk system in various modernized versions is used in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, South Korea, Kuwait, Singapore and Taiwan.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the projectile MIM-23A
and MIM-23B (difference in brackets):
Weight, kg - 584 (627)
Length, m - 5080
Diameter, mm - 370
Wingspan, mm - 1190
Warhead mass, kg - 75 (54)
Projectile speed, m/s - 890
Range, km:
maximum - 40 (32)
minimum - 1.5 (2)
maximum, km - 17.7 (13.7)
minimum, m - 60

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The basis of covering subunits and units on the march is made up of units of the Gepard ZSU, capable of firing from short stops. ZSU "Gepard" are located along the entire length of the column (in pairs, singly) at intervals of up to 2,000 m.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the West German military regulations, each unit (subunit) of the SV must be ready for self-defense against attacks by low-flying aircraft and helicopters.

To combat them, non-standard crews of 20-mm twin ZU MK 20 Rh 202 are used, which are in service with units, combat support units, maintenance units, headquarters units, as well as 20-mm BMP cannons, 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and more weapon. Artillery barrage fire can be used against low-flying helicopters.

A British division in an offensive in the direction of the main attack can be reinforced by an anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Rapira air defense missile system.

According to the views of the NATO command, the defense will be of a focal nature with a significant dispersal of the division's cover objects, both along the front and in depth. Significant gaps are characteristic between elements of defense (between battalions over 1 km, between brigades - up to 3 km or more). For air defense systems, therefore, there will be a large stretch of battle formations.

Based on a comparative assessment of the importance of the main elements of the division's battle formation in the defense, it can be considered that the main forces of the first echelon brigades, field artillery groupings, helicopters on the bases, the command post of the division, and in the course of a defensive battle, the second echelon brigade conducting counterattack.

In order to ensure the stability of the battle order and closer interaction with the units being covered, the firing positions of the batteries (platoons) of the Avenger launchers are located in the positional area of ​​the brigade and divisional field artillery grouping, in the area of ​​​​the command post of the division and on the outskirts of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second echelon of the division.

Intervals and distances between platoons, while maintaining fire communication in the battle order of the Avenger battery, will usually be within 3-4 km. In the absence of fire communication, they can be much larger.

Positions for the Stinger air defense systems are assigned taking into account the location of other air defense systems of the division, as a rule, within company strongholds. Based on the experience of the war in the Middle East, the military experts of the NATO countries believe that in some cases it is advisable to use the fire crews of the Stinger air defense system for operating from ambushes, while the starting positions for them can be assigned outside the strongholds of the companies in the directions of the probable flight of low-flying targets along the folds of the terrain.

Strengths of military air defense are:

the constant presence of an air defense group in the combat formation of a unit and formation;

high combat readiness, allowing short time to carry out the transfer of air defense systems from the lowest levels of readiness to the highest;

the quantitative composition and various qualitative characteristics of forces and means make it possible to create mixed groupings and carry out multi-layered cover by them of the most important objects;

high rate of fire and a fairly short reaction time of the complexes.

3. 2 Organization of long-range and medium-range air defense systems, theirTotico- specifications, strengths and weaknesses

SAM big gave b features "Patriot" ( Patriot )

SAM "Patriot" was developed in the USA. It's meant to hit aircraft and ballistic missiles for operational-tactical purposes at low, medium and high altitudes in the face of strong enemy opposition.

"Patriot" - the main ground-based air defense system of the US Armed Forces. This is an all-weather long-range complex that allows you to destroy air targets in a wide range of altitudes and speeds.

Organizationally, the Patriot air defense system consists of divisions. There are three to five batteries in a division, and two platoons in a battery. The battery contains a multifunctional radar AN / MPQ-53 with a phased antenna array (5.5-6.7 cm), 8 - 5 launchers with a container for 4 (16) missiles and a combat command and control center.

The main firing unit, capable of simultaneously firing up to 9 air targets, is a battery, including:

Multifunctional radar with a phased array (AN / MPQ-53), placed on a trailer towed by a tractor;

Fire control station (FCS) AN / VSQ-104, mounted on a truck;

5-8 launchers;

A truck with power generators for the radar and fire control station.

The multifunctional radar provides an overview of space, detection of targets, their tracking and identification, tracking of missiles and transmission of control commands to them. Antenna system The radar includes seven phased antenna arrays (PAR) and an identification antenna.

The main phased array is designed to emit and receive signals in the airspace surveillance mode, detect targets and track them; target illumination signal emission; transmission to the missile of a reference signal that ensures the operation of the receiver of the missile's guidance head; transmission of missile control commands. The diameter of the main headlamp is 244 cm. It consists of 5,160 antenna elements of the same type.

The AN / MPQ-53 (65) radar performs the functions of determining and identifying the target, its trajectory, tracking the missile and transmitting control commands. Up to 75 targets can be tracked at the same time and 8-9 missiles can be guided. The detection range of airborne radars is 190 km.

At the divisional level, there is an information center, which is a command post coordinating the fire of both the Patriot system and the complex "Hawk", with which the "Patriot" has partial unification in terms of nodes and complete in terms of control commands.

All control of the complex is carried out via highly secure radio communications. Therefore, the deployment and clotting time is 20-30 minutes.

SAM "Patriot" RAS-2 (RAS-3) single-stage, made according to a wingless aerodynamic design.

The warhead of the rocket is high-explosive fragmentation with a total mass of 90.7 (23) kg. An engine with an average thrust of 11,000 kg runs on solid fuel for 11 s, giving the rocket a speed of 1,750 m/s. The total weight of the Patriot SAM is 906 (320) kg. Designed for overload up to 30 units.

The smaller headlamp, located to the right below the main one and containing 251 antenna elements, is intended only for receiving information from the rocket.

The remaining five, each with 51 elements, are side-lobe compensator antennas designed to reduce the effectiveness of enemy active interference on the radar.

The fire control station (FCS) is located in the car van and has:

Two specialized digital computers doubling each other, automatically controlling the radar and missile in flight;

Control units for radiation frequencies and movement of radar antenna beams;

Two indicators with control panels for the operation of the entire air defense system;

Communication equipment with other elements of the air defense system.

The fire control station is serviced by two operators and can automatically control the entire air defense system associated with the interception of targets. Operators also have MANPADS "Stinger".

The communication equipment provides transmission in digital form and over the telephone between fire control stations and launchers, radars, as well as between the command of various instances.

The launcher is placed on a two-axle heavy-duty trailer and towed by a caterpillar tractor. Each launcher carries a transport and launch container with 4 PAC-2 / GEM missiles or 16 PAC-3 missiles inside and is capable of providing single missile launches at short time intervals. PU reloading is carried out with the help of transport-loading vehicles (there are six of them in the division).

At the firing position, launchers are located at a distance of up to 1 km, and launchers with PAC-3 missiles up to 30 km from the radar. Communication with the fire control station is carried out via a data line and a radiotelephone. The launcher is served by a crew of 3, which has a Stinger MANPADS. The launcher can be transported by C-141 and C-5A aircraft, as well as by helicopters.

PU allows you to rotate containers in azimuth within 110 about from the main position. In elevation, the containers are installed at a fixed angle of 38°. The use of a multi-purpose container makes it possible to eliminate missile checks in the field and reduce the number of service personnel.

System management SAM "Patriot"combined. At the initial part of the flight path (first stage), which lasts three seconds, the missile's flight is controlled in accordance with the program entered into the memory of the on-board computer before launching the missile. At this stage, the missile is captured by the complex's radar for its next escort. the second stage of the missile flight is controlled by the command method, when the missile approaches the target, a transition is made from the command method to the guidance method through the missile detection head (third stage).

The guidance system uses the AN / MPQ-53 (65) radar, operating in the wavelength range of 5.5-6.7 cm. It has a field of view in the azimuth search mode + 45 o and in elevation 1-73 o. Tracking sector in the guidance mode through the missile in azimuth + 55 o, and in elevation 1-83 o.

The detection range with a probability of 0.9 is:

RCS \u003d 0.1 m 2 (rocket head) ... 60-70 km;

RCS = 0.5 m 2 (cruise missiles) ... 85-100 km;

RCS = 1.7 m 2 (fighter) ... 110-130 km;

RCS = 10 m 2 (bomber) ... 160-190 km.

Target detection time 8-19 s.

The operation of the Patriot SAM control system is as follows:

The multifunctional radar searches for targets, detects them, identifies them and determines their coordinates. As dangerous targets approach the line of interception, preemptive rendezvous points are calculated, and a decision is made to launch missiles. All operations are performed in the FCS automatically with the help of a digital computer, and data on the order of firing at targets is displayed on the indicator screen.

When approaching a certain line, the launcher turns in azimuth to a pre-empted meeting point and a missile is launched.

If the target is single and is located at a considerable distance from the protected object, then one missile is launched. If there are several targets, they fly in close formation and are at a distance when it is impossible to launch according to the principle "launch - evaluation of results - launch", then successive launches of missiles are carried out with such an interval that they approach a dense group of targets with an interval of 5-10 s (depending on flight altitude).

If the target is a group and flies in an open formation or there are several group targets spaced apart in space, then the missiles are launched at such an interval that two missiles do not approach their targets at the same time. This is done so that there is time to highlight the target-missile pair at the last moment of the missile's approach to the target, since the radar can only serve each missile-target pair sequentially.

Immediately after the launch, the rocket programmatically enters the radar coverage area for several seconds with a large overload, after which the data transmission line is turned on. With the next passage of the radar beam through the angular direction on which the missile is located, the missile is captured for escort.

At the second stage of guidance, the missile is escorted "on the way". In those moments when the radar beam is directed at the missiles, control commands are transmitted to them. At the same time, six missiles can be guided by the command method. DD=70-130 m.

In this mode, the radar operates in the 6.1-6.7 cm wavelength range. A control signal is sent to each missile at its own carrier frequency - this ensures electromagnetic compatibility on-board devices of control commands.

At the last stage of the missile's flight (6 seconds before meeting the target), a transition is made from the command guidance method to the guidance mode with relaying data from the rocket to the ground and developing rocket control commands on the ground. The illumination of the missile and the target in this mode is carried out by a pulse-Doppler signal at a wavelength of 5.5-6.1 cm. The signal reflected from the target is received by the missile and transmitted via a telemetry line from the missile to the radar, where it is processed. No processing takes place on the rocket and no control commands are generated. All signal processing and generation of control commands is performed on the ground.

The method of guidance through a missile makes it possible to increase the accuracy and noise immunity of the air defense system in relation to active interference and simultaneously direct three missiles at different targets.

The radar operation cycle is 1 s (100 ms - search, tracking "on the way" and command guidance, 900 ms the radar illuminates targets and missiles at the last stage of guidance through the missile, transferring beams from one missile-target pair to another).

Combat capabilities_SAM "Patriot"

The far edge of the kill zone is 100 km away from the battery for PAC-2s (25 for PAC-3 missiles) at medium and high altitudes and 20 km at low altitudes. Nearest - is 3 km. The upper limit lies at an altitude of 25(15) km with an available overload of five (n y spread = 5). The lower boundary lies at a height of 60 m.

Reaction time - 15 s. The speed of the hit targets is 30-900m / s.

The system allows launching missiles from one launcher every 3 s, and from different launchers with an interval of 1 s.

Scheme of functioning of the air defense system "Patriot"

On the ground, the Patriot missile defense division is located in batteries. Batteries are located from each other at a distance of 30-40 km. Upon arrival at the firing position, deployment is carried out on the ground. Radar, FCS and a truck with power generators are located on an elevated place. Launchers are located at a distance of up to 1 km from the FCS and radar (with RAS-3 missiles up to 30 km).

The radar is installed so that the antenna plane is directed along the center of the SAM responsibility sector. The coordinates of the radar on the ground and the coordinates of the launcher relative to the radar are being specified. In the control room, the containers are displayed in the required position in azimuth and elevation and then transferred to remote control from the control system. The transfer time from traveling to combat is about 30 minutes. Coagulation time - 15 min.

The system was widely used during Operation Desert Storm, where it proved to be not the best. Of the 98 Scud missiles launched by the Iraqis, the Patriot hit only 35, using up 153 missiles. Thus, the efficiency of the system was only 0.36 instead of the declared 0.6-0.9. Moreover, the defeat of one missile accounted for from 3-4 to 10 Patriot missiles instead of 2, as stated in the technical data sheet. However, all the “hit” Scud missiles hit their targets safely, as only the hull was damaged, and the warhead remained unscathed. The cost ratio is also indicative: the cost of the Scud missile is $250,000, and the cost of the Patriot is $1 million. The low efficiency of the system forced Raytheon to start upgrading it. The Russian system is taken as the standard to which the corporation is striving. S-300V. Raytheon plans to complete the modernization of the complex in 2000.

The Patriot complex is in service with the Armed Forces of the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

SAM medium-range "Hawk"

SAM Hawk, adopted by the US Army in 1959, is currently the main tool in the joint system air defense NATO in Europe. SAM is designed to destroy air goals at low, medium and high altitudes. On the European theater of operations along the borders with the CIS countries, a continuous strip of the Khok air defense system was created from two to three lines with a total depth of 120-150 km.

Organizationally, the Hawk air defense system consists of divisions in each of three batteries, consisting of three platoons. There are three launchers (PU) in the platoon, designed for three missiles. In total, there are 27 launchers, 81 missiles in the division.

The complex includes SAM, 3 launchers, two radar detection of air targets and target designation, illumination radar, control systemefire, transport-loading machine.

All elements of the complex are placed on single-axle and two-axle semi-trailers. There is a variant of a launcher mounted on a tracked chassis.

ZUR "Hawk" single-stage, made according to the aerodynamic scheme "tailless", equipped with a solid-propellant engine.

Guidance system - semi-active radar. The missile is guided to the target by a semi-active radar homing system operating in continuous radiation mode and using the Doppler-Belopolsky effect.

Guidance drives: in azimuth - electromechanical, in elevation - hydraulic.

Detection and target designation radars operate: AN / MPQ-50 - in pulsed mode (20-30 cm) and is designed to detect targets at medium and high altitudes; the second - AN / MPQ-48 - in continuous radiation mode (3 cm) and serves to detect targets at low altitudes. Radar target illumination AN / MPQ-46 continuous radiation (3 cm), designed to illuminate the target in the process of pointing the missile.

Range finder AN/MPQ-51 (1.8-2 cm) determines the range to the target in pulsed mode.

Fire control equipment provides data processing for firing, control of the operation of the complex and is mounted in a special cabin.

In 1972, the armies of the NATO member countries began to receive the "Improved Hawk" air defense system, which has a new missile defense system with a more powerful warhead, improved homing head and engine. At the new complex, the range and noise immunity of the radar were increased, a computer was introduced into the complex, which ensured an increase in the level of control automation shooting and a TV camera for guidance of missiles in conditions of interference.

As part of the control system of the Usov.Hok air defense system, there is an optical target tracking system TAS, which includes a television camera associated with a target irradiation radar and video indicators with controls.

The TAS system makes it possible to track air targets with the radiation radar turned off and together with it, determine the degree of destruction of targets and track air targets in conditions of strong radio interference.

The TAS system is controlled by the radiation radar operator.

The US.Hok air defense missile is aimed at the target by the method of proportional approach. The essence of this method lies in the fact that during the entire time of the missile's flight to the target, the angular velocity of the missile's velocity vector is proportional to the angular velocity of the missile's line - the target. The method is implemented as follows:

With the help of target designation radar, a target is searched and its coordinates are determined. For targets flying at altitudes of less than 3,000 m, a continuous-wave radar operates, and for targets flying at altitudes of more than 3,000 m, a pulsed radar operates. The coordinates of the target (or several targets) are sent to the fire control cabin of the battery, where the air situation is assessed, targets are selected for engagement, a firing section and a launcher are assigned. All these operations are performed automatically by a computer.

After selecting a target and a launcher, target designation data is generated and sent to the radiation radar and the corresponding launcher. The radiation radar antenna is deployed on the target; it is captured and automatically tracked. According to the radar irradiation, the launcher is deployed in azimuth and elevation so that in the final section of the flight trajectory the least overload of the rocket is required for guidance. The rocket equipment is tuned to receive the reference signal of the target irradiation radar and remembers it. Based on this, the rocket can determine its speed.

At the command of the battery commander or automatically at the command generated by the computer, a rocket is launched. The target is captured by the missile homing head according to the radar radiation signals reflected from the target, as a rule, occurs before launch. But capture is also possible after launch in the initial section of the trajectory by about 15-20 seconds after launch.

The angular velocity of the turn of the "missile-target" line is measured by the missile's seeker coordinator, which performs continuous auto-tracking of the target according to the radiation radar signals reflected from the target.

The speed of approach of the missile to the target is measured by isolating the Doppler frequency, based on a comparison of the reference and the signal reflected from the target.

The reference signal is received by the tail antennas of the rocket from the radiation radar. The signal reflected from the target is received by the missile's homing head.

The rocket is equipped with a radar fuse. The moment of its operation is determined by the distance to the target

Can be homing missiles to the source of interference.

Combat capabilities SAM "Us.Khok"

The firing zone of the "Us.Hok" battery is circular, the zone of destruction is sectoral.

The far boundary of the affected area is 42 km away from the battery.

The upper limit corresponds to a height of 20 km, the lower limit corresponds to a height of 15 m.

Zone defeat, its size and configuration, is determined by the characteristics of the missile, the parameters of the radar irradiation and homing heads, the speed and altitude of the target.

The maximum speed of the Mustache Hawk rocket is 900 m/s. The missile is designed for overload 25.

The irradiation station provides tracking of approaching targets with radial velocities from 45 m/s to 1917 m/s. This allows you to hit targets approaching with radial velocities from 45 m/s to 1,125 m/s. When auto-tracking fails, the rocket flies according to "memory" for 8 s. Targets moving away from the battery can be hit in a very limited area. With manual accompaniment of the AN / MPQ-46 radiation radar, it ensures the destruction of helicopters.

The maximum effective range of destruction (with a guaranteed probability of 0.8) is 35 km for the "Improved Hawk".

The affected area in the horizontal plane, without taking into account the restrictions on the limiting lead angle, is a sector with an angle slightly less than 180 o.

The position of the lateral boundaries of the sector (the rear boundary of the affected area) is determined by the minimum radial velocity of the target equal to 45 m/s. For a flight speed of 800 km/h, this angle is approximately 158 o (79 o in each direction from the axis of symmetry). Outside the specified rear boundary (specified corner of the sector), the rocket flies in "memory" for 5 s.

Due to the limitation on the maximum lead angle at the edges of the specified sector, defeat is impossible. The position of the lateral boundaries of the affected area is determined by the speed of the target and the angle of deviation of the missile coordinator.

Lateral boundaries for target speeds of 900-950 km/h are approximately parallel to the axis of symmetry and for low flight altitudes pass at heading parameters of 20 km.

The upper limit of the effective destruction zone lies at an altitude of 17-19 km, respectively, for the maximum and minimum destruction range.

The lower boundary of the zone is limited by the position closing angles, theoretically it lies at a height of 15 m. With a battery position closing angle of 0.5 o, which is almost always the case, the lower boundary lies at least 100 m. A "dead" zone with a radius of 2 km is created above the battery and height up to 9 km.

The battery of the "Us.Hok" air defense missile system on mechanical traction can simultaneously fire at two targets, and the self-propelled battery - three targets (according to the number of radar exposures). The reaction time of the system is 12 s.

The ability of a battery to maintain a long fire is determined by the stock of missiles and the reload time of launchers. The Us.Hok battery has a double ammunition load of missiles: in the mechanized battery 36 (18 on launchers), and in the self-propelled battery - 54 missiles (27 on launchers). The reload time of the launcher is 3 minutes.

With prolonged firing (until the entire ammunition is used up), the average rate of fire is 3 rounds per minute. The maximum rate of fire of the battery is 3 starts in 10 seconds.

The number of possible launches for a given target depends on the detection range of the target designation radar, heading parameter, target height and speed, passive time and time between launches.

The maximum target detection range with an effective reflective surface of 1 m 2 is:

For radar AN / MPQ-50 (pulse) - 110 km;

For AN / MPQ-48 radar (continuous) - 65 km.

The time between launches is the sum of the time for evaluating the result of the launch (10 s) and the flight time of the launched missile, which depends on the height of the target and the position of the meeting point of the missile with the target.

The procedure for the functioning of the air defense system

Targeting radar detects an air target.

Transmission of coordinates to the cockpit of the control unit.

Definition of a specific PU.

Target designation on the target illumination radar.

Irradiation (illumination) of the target.

Rocket launch.

Reception by the equisignal zone of the antenna pattern of the reflected signal and aiming at the target.

TO strengths SAM "Us.Khok" include: the ability to intercept high-speed targets at low altitudes; high noise immunity of the radar and homing of the missile to the source of interference, good system performance after target detection and high mobility.

Weaknesses of the US.Hok air defense system are: the need for stable target tracking for a significant time before launch and during the entire time of the missile's flight; large required minimum speed of target approach to the radar - 45 m/s; reduction in the combat capabilities of the battery in conditions of rain, snowfall, dense fog, due to a decrease in the radar range - 3 cm range; a significant reduction in combat capabilities with a combination of active, passive interference and maneuver.

If the location of the "Us.Hok" air defense missile system is unknown, then it is advisable to fly in their coverage area using the "Cobra" and "Volna" maneuvers or at extremely low altitudes.

Against missiles fired at the aircraft, it is necessary to perform a turn with the maximum possible overload and vigorous descent to an extremely low altitude, followed by flight at this altitude for at least 8 seconds (duration of the "Us. Hawk" radar tracking mode by "memory") . If the heading angle to the starting position of the air defense system is from 0 to 90 degrees, the turn must be made to the left, if from 270 to 360 degrees - to the right. At the end of the turn, the aircraft track must be perpendicular to the launch line. In this case, the radial component of the flight speed relative to the starting position will be the smallest.

On the ground, the Us.Hok division is located in batteries. Batteries are removed from each other at a distance of 15-20 km. Typically, batteries are placed in areas free from natural and artificial obstacles that limit line of sight. They are located mainly at the dominant heights.

The stationary position of the Us.Hok batteries occupies an area of ​​350-400 m by 250-350 m, on which launch pads with a diameter of about 15 m each, a control position and a technical position are equipped. The launch pads are located one from the other at a distance of about 70 m, and the distance between the sections is 100-250 m.

Launch pads are usually embanked or buried. SAM launchers at 30-35% of the positions are kept under domed shelters with a diameter of about 10 m. At some positions, the launchers are covered with covers or camouflage nets.

In the territory European countries NATO has 123 fixed positions for the Us.Hok batteries, of which 93 positions are located on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The battery "Us.Khok" in the field position occupies an area of ​​350-300 m, on which positions are equipped starting, control and technical.

The battery of the "Us.Hok" self-propelled battalion can be deployed by platoon. The distance between the firing positions of platoons can be from 1 to 10 km.

The Us.Hok battery is deployed on the ground after the march in 15-30 minutes (in an unprepared position 50-60 minutes). Battery deployment time - 15-20 min. The Us.Hok battery column on the march has a length, depending on the speed, from 120 m to 3,000 m. All elements of the Us.Khok air defense system can be transported by helicopters and troop-carrying aircraft. In the course of hostilities, it is possible to change the firing positions of the batteries of the Us.Khok air defense system up to two times a day.

The Hawk and Improved Hawk air defense systems are in service with the armies of the United States, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Germany, France, Japan and a number of other countries.


The HASAMS medium-range air defense system has been in service with the Norwegian air defense units since 1994 to replace the Us.Hok air defense system. The new air defense system uses the previously developed AMRAAM (AIM-120) air-to-air missiles, modified for launch from the ground, the fire control center of the Norwegian version of the Us. Hawk complex. as well as a new three-coordinate radar AN / TPQ-36A.

SAM control is carried out using a combined guidance system: command-inertial in the initial section and active radar homing - in the final one. If the target does not perform a maneuver, then the SAM makes an autonomous flight according to the commands of the inertial measuring unit to the anticipatory meeting point stored in the memory of the onboard computer before launch. When a target maneuvers on a missile defense system from the ground, commands are sent through the radar to correct the trajectory to a new pre-empted point. The target is captured by an active radar homing head at a distance of up to 20 km from the meeting point, after which it is carried out active homing. The main TTD air defense systems.

The modified SAM is made according to the normal aerodynamic scheme and consists of three compartments. The main part of the onboard equipment in the head compartment, on average - a high-explosive fragmentation part with an active radar and contact fuse; ZUR has a dual-mode TT Engine with reduced smoke generation.

The launcher is mounted on the base of an off-road vehicle. In the stowed position, the package of transport and launch containers with missiles is located horizontally. At the firing position, missiles are launched at a fixed elevation angle of the TPK of 30 o.

MF radar AN / NPQ-36A provides detection, identification and simultaneous tracking of up to 50 air targets, as well as guidance of 3 missiles at 3 targets. All station equipment is installed on a towed trailer.

The ARCS fire control point includes 2 computers and 2 duplicating workstations. Start can be carried out both automatically and by the operator's command.

The main tactical unit of the "NASAMS" air defense system is the battery.

It consists of 3 fire platoons (common set of ZUR-54).

The smallest firing unit is a platoon, whose armament includes 3 launchers with missiles in transport and launch containers (each launcher has a package of 6 containers), a multifunctional radar with headlights, and a fire control point.

All platoon fire control points and computers are integrated into an information network in such a way that one of the three radars can replace all the others. The battery command post (located on one of the launchers) can receive target designations from a higher headquarters and issue data on the air situation to subordinate fire control points, as well as to several (up to 8) short-range complexes.

To increase the survivability of the complex, it is assumed that the launcher will be dispersed from the positions of the control center and radar at a distance of up to 25 km.

Thus, in contrast to the Us.Khok air defense system, the NASAMS air defense system has increased mobility, an increased number of target channels, a high degree of automation and duplication of control systems, a reduced number of vehicles and maintenance personnel.

3. 3 Organization, combat capabilities of Istr unitseair defense fighters

In NATO countries, fighter aviation is represented by units and subunits. At the same time, in some countries there are special units of fighter-interceptors, in others - squadrons of fighter-interceptors are either part of units for another purpose, or are directly part of the formations and associations of the Air Force.

There are special units of interceptor fighters in the FRG - a fighter aviation squadron, in Great Britain - an aviation group (in the mother country), in Belgium and Italy - a fighter aviation wing. In addition, in Italy, fighter aviation squadrons (IAE) are part of mixed air wings. In Greece, the IAE are part of the air wings, and in Turkey, they are part of the air bases. In Denmark, Norway and Holland, the IAE are directly part of TAK. The special units of fighter-interceptors include two IAE each. The number of aircraft in squadrons: in Great Britain and Italy - 12, in Denmark - 16, in Turkey - 20, and in other NATO countries (Germany, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Greece) - 18 each.

Squadrons consist of 3 x-4 x units of 4 aircraft.

The combat readiness of the air defense system is determined by the ability of air defense units and subunits and air defense fighter aircraft, as well as command and control and warning bodies, to immediately repulse a sudden air enemy.

The states of alert in the joint air defense system of NATO are entered, as a rule, by the Supreme Commander of the NATO Allied Forces in Europe in accordance with the alarm system, which at the present time is called the "NATO Warning System". However, in the event of a threat of an air attack within the boundaries of responsibility of individual areas (sectors) of the air defense, the commanders of the OTAK (air defense of the regions) or the heads of the air defense sectors can independently introduce increased levels of combat readiness to subordinate units and subunits until an alarm is declared on the scale of the NATO Allied Forces.

According to the experience of NATO exercises, the states (degrees) of combat readiness of the NATO air defense system can be as follows: "Normal" "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta" ( A , B , C , D ).

State "Normal" (daily) is introduced automatically after the inclusion of an air defense unit or subunit in the NATO combined armed forces. According to NATO standards, in each unit (unit), at least 85% of air defense systems and 70% of air defense fighters that are part of the combat composition of the joint NATO air defense system must be combat-ready. Air defense units have 2-3 shifts of combat crews, and for each combat-ready aircraft there are 1.5-2 trained crews.

IN Peaceful time air defense forces on duty are allocated from among the combat-ready forces and means.

In daily readiness ("Normal"), two aircraft (10-15%) are allocated from each squadron of air defense fighters to the duty forces, which are in 5 or 15-minute readiness for take-off. On average, 50% of all air defense fighters from the duty forces are in 5-minute readiness, and the remaining 50% are in 15-minute readiness to take off.

15% of launchers from each division of the Patriot air defense system, Us.Hok air defense system - in 20-minute readiness, Nike-Hercules air defense system - in 30-minute readiness for launch are allocated to the duty units of the air defense system.

The rest of the SAM units are in 3-hour or more readiness.

In the event of a real threat of an air attack or when working out the issues of bringing the joint NATO air defense system to full combat readiness during the exercises, the following states of combat readiness can be declared to the air defense forces and means: "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie" and "Delta" (A, B,C,D).

When declaring a state "Alpha" the number of on-duty fighters and air defense units of the joint NATO air defense system is doubled compared to the daily state of "Normal". At the same time, 50% of the fighters on duty are in 5-minute readiness, and the remaining 50% are in 15-minute readiness to take off.

With state declaration "Bravo" (no later than 3 days before the start of hostilities) 75% of the units of the Patriot, Nike-Hercules, Us.Hok air defense systems are transferred to the duty forces (ready for launch no more than 20 minutes), and 50% combat-ready air defense fighters.

When declaring a state "Charlie" (introduced when there is a real danger of a war during the "Threat Prevention" or "Orange" events, at least 36 hours in advance) all combat-ready units and subunits of air defense systems and 75% of combat-ready air defense fighters are transferred to duty forces, 50% of air defense units on duty are transferred to full combat readiness, the rest - in 20-minute readiness for launch.

When entering the state "Delta" all on-duty units and subunits of the air defense system are transferred to readiness for immediate combat operations, and all combat-ready air defense fighters are put on 5-minute combat readiness for departure.

An analysis of the materials of NATO exercises shows that it takes up to 3 hours to transfer 50% of the combat-ready air defense units that are not on combat duty to the duty forces in emergency conditions, and up to 12 hours for all air defense systems.

Possible standards for the allocation of air defense systems and air defense fighters to the duty forces (in%) when declaring various states are shown in the table:

Table 17

NATO command pays great attention to maintaining high combat readiness and increasing the level of combat training of forces and means of the air defense system. On the scale of zones and individual air defense areas, systematic checks of the combat readiness of units of fighter-interceptors, air defense systems, command and control units and radar posts, as well as periodic scheduled air defense exercises, are carried out, both on the scale of the exercises of the joint NATO Armed Forces, and independently within the framework of zones, regions and air defense sectors (up to several exercises per month).

The number of fighter-interceptors in the NATO Air Force is relatively small. Their ratio to other aircraft in the NATO Air Force as a whole is 1:3.5. The main reasons for this ratio should be considered: the large role assigned to the air defense system and the presence of a significant number of tactical fighters capable of performing tasks of intercepting air targets if necessary.

Fighter aviation is the main maneuverable air defense system designed to intercept air targets, mainly outside the fire zones of anti-aircraft missiles.

Fighter-interceptors of the central air defense zone are based in two echelons. In the first echelon, at a distance of 150-200 km from the border with the CIS countries, there are squadrons of the Netherlands and Belgium, and at a depth of up to 250 km - tactical fighters of the US Air Force, which are involved in solving air defense tasks.

The basing density of fighter-interceptors in peacetime is, as a rule, two squadrons per airfield. By the beginning of hostilities, fighter-interceptors disperse and are usually based in squadrons.

The following types of fighter-interceptors are in service with NATO fighter-interceptor units and subunits:

F-16A - in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, Denmark;

F-104G,S - in Italy, Germany and Turkey;

F-4F - in Germany and Turkey;

"Tornado" F-3, "Phantom" F-3, "Typhoon" EF-2000 - in Germany, England:

"Mirage" F-3, 2000, "Rafale" - in France and Greece;

F-5A - in Greece and Turkey.

Tactical fighters can also be used to intercept air targets.

Capabilities of fighter-interceptors

All fighter-interceptors are supersonic and all-weather (with the exception of the F-104G,S and F-5). The aircraft in service are mainly 3rd generation aircraft: F-4F, Phantom F-3, Mirage F-1,2000, F-4E. There are 4th generation aircraft: F-16, F-15, "Tornado" and 4 ++ "Typhoon" EF-2000, "Rafal".

All-weather fighter-interceptors are equipped with a combined weapon control system designed to detect and intercept targets.

This system, as a rule, includes: an interception and aiming radar, a calculating device, an infrared sight, an optical sight and an autopilot. Interception and aiming stations allow receiving data on air targets from the control and warning center (post).

The received data is fed into the autopilot and displayed in the cockpit. The fire is opened automatically or by the pilot.

Basic tactical and technical data of US and NATO fighter-interceptors

Table 18



Wingspan, m

Aircraft length, m

Norm. take-off weight, t

Fuel weight main / pb, t

Thrustelei, t

Rtact. H=500 m, km

Bomb nAload, t

Cannon (stv x cal mm)

Missiles "V-V"A.I.M.-9

A.I.M.-7, A.I.M.-120

6 A.I.M.

Airborne radars installed on fighter-interceptors make it possible to detect air targets such as fighters at ranges from 30 to 70 km or more, and to capture targets for auto-tracking at ranges from 20 to 30 km. On 4th generation aircraft, radars make it possible to detect targets at ranges of 120-150 to 300 km and switch to auto-tracking at ranges of 65-90 to 120 km.

All aircraft are equipped with radar exposure warning receivers. All interceptor fighters have a speed of 1,300 to 1,400 km/h at low altitudes, 2,100 to 2,500 km/h at high altitude, and a vertical speed of 180 to 350 m/s.

The tactical range of fighters in solving the problem of gaining air superiority at low altitudes is from 400 to 500 km and from 800 to 1,000 km at high altitudes. To increase the tactical range, all fighter-interceptors are provided with the suspension of additional fuel tanks, and all are equipped with an in-flight refueling system.

The armament of fighter-interceptors includes guided air-to-air missiles, 20-30 mm caliber guns built into the fuselage, as well as unguided aircraft missiles. From 3 to 8 guided air-to-air missiles can be simultaneously suspended for each aircraft. The use of air-to-air missiles against air targets is possible from almost any direction, i.e. under all angles, both with belittling and with excess relative to the goal.

Fighter-interceptors of the 4th generation (F-15, F-16) have a high thrust-to-weight ratio (exceeds one) and, therefore, have a high rate of climb (up to 350 m/s) at low altitudes.

For the purpose of electronic countermeasures, each aircraft can hang jamming stations and infrared trap resetters in hanging containers.

Tactical characteristics of fighter-interceptor weapons

The Air Forces of the United States, England and France are armed with 22 modifications of Sparrow, Sidewinder, AMRAAM, ASRAAM, Skyflash, Mazhik, and Matra guided missiles.

Table 19

Basic tactical - technical data ur "in-in"


" Spa R row "




Rocket weight / warhead kg

Dstr min/max


Warhead type




office nAright


Nav systemeden






Command-inerts + PA RLGSN

All of these missiles are homing. Guidance occurs either by the thermal radiation of the target, or by the electromagnetic energy reflected from the target, emitted by the intercept and aiming radar of the fighter. Such a homing missile is called semi-active.

Semi-active radar homing systems can automatically switch to targeting jammers.

enia, perceiving pulsed or continuous radiation reflected from the target in the 1-3 cm wavelength range, can be aimed at the target from any direction from the rear and front hemispheres in any meteorological conditions.

Missiles with semi-active radar heads homingenia require the target to be irradiated by an aircraft interception and aiming radar up to the moment of meeting with the target, which links the maneuver of the fighter. In addition, they still have insufficient noise immunity, as a result of which they have somewhat lower pointing accuracy than missiles with infrared heads.

The advantages of missiles with infrared homing heads areIare:

High noise immunity, better pointing accuracy;

Possibility of use at extremely low altitudes;

Free maneuver of a fighter after a missile launch.

These rockets are simpler in design. They can be launched according to the data of the fighter's airborne radar or with the help of optical sight, both with excess and with reduction relative to the air target.

At night, the launch range of missiles with infrared homing heads is somewhat greater than during the day.

Missiles with infrared homing heads also have disadvantages:

dependence of the effectiveness of their application on meteorological conditions and characteristics of the propagation of heat radiation of the target;

the possibility of their homing to traps with sources of infrared radiation;

the impossibility of aiming them at targets when firing towards the sun.

For some low-radiating targets in the thermal sector, for example, helicopters, automatic balloons and others, the attack may not take place.

An increase in the probability of hitting targets is achieved by suspension on SD fighter-interceptors with semi-active radar and infrared homing heads.

guided air-to-air missiles, Adopted before 1960, they were completed with high-explosive, high-explosive fragmentation and fragmentation warheads, and URs released after 1960 are usually equipped with rod warheads (UR "Sparrow", "Sidewinder"). The warheads of all recently developed guided missiles are equipped with non-contact (radar or infrared) and contact fuses. The use of proximity fuses, triggered at a short distance, increases the likelihood of hitting it. The probability of hitting a target with missiles that have only a contact fuse is lower than that of missiles with proximity fuses, since the probability of a direct hit on the target does not exceed 0.4.

aircraft guns are available on all aircraft that are used as fighter-interceptors. The rate of fire of the British aviation 30-mm cannon "Aden" - 1200-1400 rds / min, the French 30-mm "Defa" - 1,400 - 1,500 rds / min, and the American 20 mm six-barreled gun "Volcano" - 4,000 - 6,000 rds/min The effective range of aircraft guns is up to 700-800 m.

Unguided aircraft missiles (NAR) are auxiliary weapons of interceptor fighters and are intended for actions against air targets from short ranges (maximum range up to 1-2 km, depending on the angles, height, speed of the target and the fighter). The United States and NATO are armed with more than 15 types of air-to-air NARs with a caliber from 38 to 127 km. All known NARs, with the exception of the American "Gini" AIR-2A, which has a nuclear charge (TNT equivalent - 1.5-2 kt, projectile weight 360 kg), are equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation or high-explosive warhead and contact fuses. On interceptor fighters, NARs are located mainly in retractable installations, less often in suspended multi-barrel tubular installations. To reach the line of attack and calculate the initial data for firing, the weapon control system used for SD is used.

The disadvantages of NAR are the short range and low probability of hitting the target.

Fighter control in the air

To intercept air targets in the United States and NATO countries, both air defense fighters are used, which are part of special fighter units and subunits designed for air defense purposes, and tactical fighters that are in service with tactical fighter and fighter-bomber units and subunits.

Air defense fighters and tactical fighters use three basesVnyh way of fighting:

interception from a duty position at an aerodrome;

interception from a position of duty in the air (combat air patrol);

free hunting.

Control of units and subunits of fighters in the air is carried out mainly in the automated control system of the Air Force and Air Defense "ACSS" from the centers and posts of control and warning (TsUO and PUO). In addition, this is the directorate of tactical aviation and aircraft of the AWACS system.

On the ground and in the area of ​​airfields, fighter units and subunits are controlled from the command posts of air bases and command posts of units and formations.

Depending on a number of conditions fighter control when aiming at air targets, it can be carried out ways directly, circular management and advance planning.

Immediate control - the main control method. In this case, from the appropriate control points (TsUO, PUO), aircraft of the AWACS system, the height, heading and flight speed of the intercepting fighter, as well as the distance to the target, the number and type of enemy aircraft and maneuver, are automatically indicated to the instruments or by voice to the crew, preventing aircraft collisions.

The fighter is guided from the ground until the target is detected by the airborne radar. After finding the target, the pilot reports the course and distance to it, as well as the height and number of aircraft. He then carries out an attack on the target using his radar.

In the automated control system of computers installed in the TsUO (and later also the PUO), they provide guidance commands directly to the fighter's autopilot, while guidance and even attack can be performed fully automatically, without the intervention of the pilot. It also provides an exit from the attack and return to its airfield.

Direct control provides the most complete use of both the capabilities of the fighter itself and its equipment and weapons.

However, direct control has row shortcomings :

The need for accurate and continuous information about the air situation, as well as continuous radio communications between the TsUO (PUO) and fighters;

Exposure to radio interference of all elements of the control system and the possibility of overloading control channels.

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"Hawk" - HAWK (Homming All the Killer) - anti-aircraft missile system medium range is designed to destroy air targets at low and medium altitudes.

Work on the creation of the complex began in 1952. The contract for the full-scale development of the complex between the US Army and Raytheon was concluded in July 1954. Northrop was to develop a launcher, loader, radar stations and a control system.

The first experimental launches of anti-aircraft guided missiles were made from June 1956 to July 1957. In August 1960, the first Hawk anti-aircraft missile system with the MIM-23A missile entered service with the US Army. A year earlier, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United States signed a memorandum within NATO on the joint production of the system in Europe. In addition, a special grant provided for the supply of systems manufactured in Europe to Spain, Greece and Denmark, as well as the sale of systems manufactured in the USA to Japan, Israel and Sweden. Later in 1968, Japan began the joint production of the complex. In the same year, the United States supplied the Hawk complexes to Taiwan and South Korea.

In 1964, in order to increase the combat capabilities of the complex, especially to combat low-flying targets, an modernization program called HAWK / HIP (HAWK Improvement Program) or Hawk-1 was adopted. It provided for the introduction of a digital processor for automatic processing of information about the target, an increase in the power of the warhead (75 kg versus 54), an improvement in the guidance system and the propulsion system of the MIM-23 rocket. The modernization of the system provided for the use of continuous-radiation radar as a target illumination station, which made it possible to improve missile guidance against the background of signal reflections from the ground.

In 1971, the modernization of the US Army and Navy complexes began, and in 1974, the modernization of NATO complexes in Europe.

In 1973, the second phase of the HAWK / PIP (Product Improvement Program) or Hawk-2 modernization was launched in the US Army, which took place in three stages. At the first stage, the transmitter of the radar for detecting continuous radiation was modernized in order to double the power and increase the detection range, supplement the pulse detection locator with an indicator of moving targets, and also connect the system to digital communication lines.

The second stage began in 1978 and continued until 1983-86. At the second stage, the reliability of the target illumination radar was significantly improved by replacing vacuum devices with modern solid-state generators, as well as supplementing with an optical tracking system, which made it possible to work in interference conditions.

The main firing unit of the complex after the second phase of refinement is an anti-aircraft battery of a two-platoon (standard) or three-platoon (reinforced) composition. A standard battery consists of a main and forward firing platoon, while a reinforced battery consists of a main and two forward firing platoons.

The standard battery consists of a TSW-12 battery command post, an MSQ-110 information and coordination center, an AN/MPQ-50 pulse targeting radar, an AN/MPQ-55 continuous-wave detection radar, an AN/MPQ radar range finder;51 and two fire platoons, each of which consists of an AN / MPQ-57 illumination radar and three Ml92 launchers.

The forward fire platoon consists of the MSW-18 platoon command post, AN/MPQ-55 continuous-wave detection radar, AN/MPQ-57 illumination radar, and three M192 launchers.

The US Army uses reinforced batteries, however many countries in Europe use a different configuration.

Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Greece, Holland and Germany have finalized their complexes in the first and second phases.

Germany and Holland installed infrared detectors on their complexes. A total of 93 complexes were finalized: 83 in Germany and 10 in Holland. The sensor was installed on the backlight radar between two antennas and is a thermal camera operating in the infrared range of 8-12 microns. It can work in day and night conditions and has two fields of view. It is assumed that the sensor is capable of detecting targets at ranges up to 100 km. Similar sensors appeared on the complexes being modernized for Norway. Thermal cameras can be installed on other systems.

The Hawk air defense systems used by the Danish air defense forces were modified with television-optical target detection systems. The system uses two cameras: for long ranges - up to 40 km and for searching at ranges up to 20 km. Depending on the situation, the illumination radar can only be turned on before the missiles are launched, i.e., the target search can be carried out in a passive mode (without radiation), which increases survivability in the face of the possibility of using fire and electronic countermeasures.

The third phase of modernization began in 1981 and included the refinement of the Hawk systems for the US Armed Forces. The radar range finder and the battery command post were improved. The TPQ-29 Field Trainer has been replaced by an Integrated Operator Trainer.

General form SAM MIM-23

During the modernization process, it was significantly improved software, microprocessors began to be widely used as part of air defense systems. However, the main result of the modernization should be considered the emergence of the possibility of detecting low-altitude targets through the use of a fan-type antenna, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of target detection at low altitudes in conditions of massive raids. Simultaneously from 1982 to 1984. a program of modernization of anti-aircraft missiles was carried out. As a result, the MIM-23C and MIM-23E missiles appeared, which have increased efficiency in the presence of interference. In 1990, the MIM-23G missile appeared, designed to hit targets at low altitudes. The next modification was the MIM-23K, designed to combat tactical ballistic missiles. It was distinguished by the use of a more powerful explosive in the warhead, as well as an increase in the number of fragments from 30 to 540. The missile was tested in May 1991.

By 1991, Raytheon had completed the development of a simulator for training operators and technical personnel. The simulator simulates three-dimensional models of a platoon command post, illumination radar, detection radar and is designed to train officers and technical personnel. To train technical personnel, various situations are simulated for setting up, adjusting and replacing modules, and for training operators - real scenarios of anti-aircraft combat.

US allies are ordering phase three upgrades of their systems. Saudi Arabia and Egypt have signed contracts to modernize their Hawk air defense systems.

During Operation Desert Storm, the US military deployed anti-aircraft missile systems"Hock".

Norway used its own version of the Hawk, which is called the Norwegian "Advanced Hawk" (NOAH - Norwegian Adapted Hawk). Its difference from the main version is that the launchers, missiles and target illumination radar are used from the basic version, and the AN / MPQ-64A three-coordinate radar is used as a target detection station. Tracking systems also have passive infrared detectors. In total, by 1987, 6 NOAH batteries were deployed to protect airfields.

In the period from the beginning of the 70s to the beginning of the 80s, the Hawk was sold to many countries of the Middle and Far East. To maintain the combat readiness of the system, the Israelis upgraded the Hawk-2 by installing teleoptical target detection systems (the so-called super eye) on it, capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 40 km and identifying them at ranges of up to 25 km. As a result of the modernization, the upper limit of the affected area was also increased to 24,384 m. As a result, in August 1982, at an altitude of 21,336 m, a Syrian MiG-25R reconnaissance aircraft was shot down, making a reconnaissance flight north of Beirut.

Israel became the first country to use the Hawk in combat: in 1967, Israeli air defense forces shot down their fighter. By August 1970, 12 Egyptian aircraft were shot down with the help of the Hawk, of which 1 - Il-28, 4 - SU-7, 4 - MiG-17 and 3 - MiG-21.

During 1973, the Hawk was used against Syrian, Iraqi, Libyan and Egyptian aircraft and 4 MiG-17S, 1 MiG-21, 3 SU-7S, 1 Hunter, 1 Mirage- 5" and 2 MI-8 helicopters.

The next combat use of the Hawk-1 (which had passed the first phase of modernization) by the Israelis occurred in 1982, when a Syrian MiG-23 was shot down.

By March 1989, 42 Arab aircraft were shot down by Israeli air defense forces, using the Hawk, Advanced Hawk and Chaparrel complexes.

The Iranian military has used the Hawk against the Iraqi Air Force on several occasions. In 1974, Iran supported the Kurds in an uprising against Iraq, using the Hawk to shoot down 18 targets, and then in December of the same year, 2 more Iraqi fighter jets were shot down on reconnaissance flights over Iran. After the 1980 invasion and until the end of the war, Iran is believed to have shot down at least 40 armed aircraft.

France deployed one Hawk-1 battery in Chad to protect the capital, and in September 1987 it shot down one Libyan Tu-22 attempting to bomb the airport.

Kuwait used the Hawk-1 to fight Iraqi aircraft and helicopters during the invasion in August 1990. 15 Iraqi aircraft were shot down.

Until 1997, Northrop produced 750 transport-loading vehicles, 1,700 launchers, 3,800 missiles, and more than 500 tracking systems.

To increase the effectiveness of air defense, the Hawk air defense system can be used in conjunction with the Patriot air defense system to cover one area. To do this, the Patriot command post was upgraded to provide the ability to control the Hawk. The software has been modified so that when analyzing the air situation, the priority of targets is determined and the most appropriate missile is assigned. In May 1991, tests were carried out, during which the command post of the Patriot air defense system demonstrated the ability to detect tactical ballistic missiles and issue target designation to the Hawk air defense system for their destruction.

At the same time, tests were carried out on the possibility of using the AN / TPS-59 three-coordinate radar specially modernized for these purposes to detect tactical ballistic missiles of the SS-21 and Scud types. For this, the field of view along the angular coordinate was significantly expanded from 19 ° to 65 °, the detection range was increased to 742 km for ballistic missiles, and the maximum height was increased to 240 km. To defeat tactical ballistic missiles, it was proposed to use the MIM-23K missile, which has a more powerful warhead and an upgraded fuse.

The HMSE (HAWK Mobility, Survivability and Enhancement) modernization program, designed to increase the mobility of the complex, was implemented in the interests of the naval forces from 1989 to 1992 and had four main features. First, the launcher has been upgraded. All electrovacuum devices were replaced by integrated circuits, microprocessors were widely used. This made it possible to improve combat performance and provide a digital communication line between the launcher and the platoon command post. The refinement made it possible to abandon heavy multi-core control cables and replace them with a conventional telephone pair.

Secondly, the launcher was modernized in such a way as to provide the possibility of redeployment (transportation) without removing missiles from it. This significantly reduced the time for bringing the launcher from the combat position to the marching position and from the marching to the combat one by eliminating the time for reloading the missiles.

Thirdly, the hydraulics of the launcher was upgraded, which increased its reliability and reduced energy consumption.

Fourthly, a system of automatic orientation on gyroscopes using a computer was introduced, which made it possible to exclude the operation of orientation of the complex, thereby reducing the time to bring it into combat position. The modernization carried out made it possible to halve the number of transport units when changing positions, more than 2 times reduce the time of transfer from traveling to combat position, and increase the reliability of the launcher electronics by 2 times. In addition, upgraded launchers are prepared for the possible use of Sparrow or AMRAAM missiles. The presence of a digital computer as part of the launcher made it possible to increase the possible distance of the launcher from the platoon command post from 110 m to 2000 m, which increased the survivability of the complex.

PU with missiles MIM-23

PU with AMRAAM missiles

The MIM-23 Hawk air defense missile does not require field inspections or maintenance. To check the combat readiness of missiles, selective control is periodically carried out on special equipment.

The rocket is single-stage, solid-propellant, made according to the "tailless" scheme with a cruciform arrangement of wings. The engine has two levels of thrust: in the acceleration section - with maximum thrust and subsequently - with reduced thrust.

To detect targets at medium and high altitudes, the AN / MPQ-50 pulse radar is used. The station is equipped with anti-jamming devices. An analysis of the interference situation before the pulse emission makes it possible to select a frequency that is free from suppression by the enemy. To detect targets at low altitudes, the AN / MPQ-55 or AN / MPQ-62 continuous-wave radar (for air defense systems after the second phase of modernization) is used.

AN/MPQ-50 target reconnaissance station

Radars use a continuous linear frequency modulated signal and measure the azimuth, range and speed of the target. Radars rotate at a speed of 20 rpm and are synchronized in such a way as to exclude the appearance of blind areas. The radar for detecting targets at low altitudes, after being finalized in the third phase, is able to determine the range and speed of the target in one scan. This was achieved by changing the shape of the emitted signal and using a digital signal processor using a fast Fourier transform. The signal processor is implemented on a microprocessor and is located directly in the low-altitude detector. The digital processor performs many of the signal processing functions previously performed in the signal processing battery cell and transmits the processed data to the battery command cell via a standard two-wire telephone line. The use of a digital processor made it possible to avoid the use of bulky and heavy cables between the low-altitude detector and the battery command post.

The digital processor correlates with the interrogator signal "friend or foe" and identifies the detected target as an enemy or as its own. If the target is an enemy, the processor issues a target designation to one of the firing platoons to fire at the target. In accordance with the received target designation, the target illumination radar turns in the direction of the target, searches for and captures the target for tracking. The illumination radar - a continuous radiation station - is capable of detecting targets at speeds of 45-1125 m / s. If the target illumination radar is unable to determine the range to the target due to interference, then it is determined using the AN / MPQ-51 operating in the 17.5-25 GHz band. The AN/MPQ-51 is only used to determine the missile launch range, especially when suppressing the AN/MPQ-46 (or AN/MPQ-57B, depending on the stage of modernization) range-finding channel and aiming the SAM at the source of interference. Information about the coordinates of the target is transmitted to the launcher selected for firing at the target. The launcher is deployed in the direction of the target, and the missile is prelaunched. After the rocket is ready to launch, the control processor issues lead angles through the illumination radar, and the rocket is launched. The capture of the signal reflected from the target by the homing head occurs, as a rule, before the missile is launched. The missile is aimed at the target using the proportional approach method, guidance commands are generated by a semi-active homing head using the principle of monopulse location.

In the immediate vicinity of the target, a radio fuse is triggered and the target is covered with fragments of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The presence of fragments leads to an increase in the probability of hitting a target, especially when firing at group targets. After undermining the warhead, the officer combat control The battery evaluates the results of firing using a Doppler target illumination radar in order to make a decision on re-firing the target if it is not hit by the first missile.

Radar range finder AN/MPQ-51

The battery command post is designed to control the combat operations of all components of the battery. The overall management of combat work is carried out by a combat control officer. He controls all the operators of the battery command post. The assistant combat control officer assesses the air situation and coordinates the actions of the battery with a higher command post. The combat control console gives these two operators information about the state of the battery and the presence of air targets, as well as data for shelling targets. To detect low-altitude targets, there is a special "azimuth-velocity" indicator, which starts only information from the radar for detecting continuous radiation. Manually selected targets are assigned to one of two fire control operators. Each operator uses the fire control display to quickly acquire target illumination radar and control launchers.

The information processing point is designed for automatic data processing and communication of the battery of the complex. The equipment is housed inside a cabin mounted on a single-axle trailer. It includes a digital device for processing data from both types of target designation radars, “friend or foe” identification equipment (the antenna is mounted on the roof), interface devices and communications equipment.

If the complex is modified in accordance with the third phase, then there is no information processing center in the battery and its functions are performed by the modernized battery and platoon command posts.

The platoon command post is used to control the firing of the firing platoon. It is also capable of solving the tasks of an information processing point, which is similar in equipment composition, but is additionally equipped with a control panel with a circular view indicator and other display means and controls. The combat crew of the command post includes the commander (fire control officer), radar and communications operators. Based on the information about the targets received from the target designation radar and displayed on the all-round visibility indicator, the air situation is assessed and the target being fired is assigned. Targeting data on it and the necessary commands are transmitted to the illumination radar of the advanced firing platoon.

The platoon command post, after the third phase of refinement, performs the same functions as the command post of the forward firing platoon. The modernized command post has a crew consisting of a control officer of the radar operator and a communications operator. Part of the electronic equipment of the point was replaced with a new one. The air conditioning system in the cabin has been changed, the use of a new type of filtering unit makes it possible to exclude the penetration of radioactive, chemically or bacteriologically contaminated air into the cabin. The replacement of electronic equipment consists in the use of high-speed digital processors instead of the outdated element base. Due to the use of chips, the size of the memory modules has been significantly reduced. The indicators have been replaced by two computer displays. For communication with detection radars, bidirectional digital communication lines are used. The platoon command post includes a simulator that allows simulating 25 different raid scenarios for crew training. The simulator is capable of reproducing and different kinds interference.

The command post of the battery, after the third phase of refinement, also performs the functions of an information and coordination center, so that the latter is excluded from the complex. This made it possible to reduce the combat crew from six to four. The command post includes an additional computer placed in a rack of a digital computer.

The target illumination radar is used to capture and track the target in range, angle and azimuth. With the help of a digital processor for the tracked target, data on the angle and azimuth are generated to turn the three launchers in the direction of the target. To guide the missile to the target, the energy of the illumination radar, reflected from the target, is used. The target is illuminated by a radar throughout the entire missile guidance area until the firing results are evaluated. To search for and capture a target, the illumination radar receives target designation from the battery command post.

AN/MPQ-46 Circuit Illumination Radar

After the second phase of refinement, the following changes were made to the illumination radar: an antenna with a wider radiation pattern allows you to illuminate a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace and fire at low-altitude group targets, an additional computer allows you to exchange information between the radar and the platoon command post via two-wire digital communication lines.

For the needs of the US Air Force, the Northrop company installed a television optical system, which allows you to detect, track and recognize air targets without emitting electromagnetic energy. The system works only during the day, both in conjunction with the locator and without it. The teleoptic channel can be used to evaluate the results of firing and to track the target in the presence of interference. The teleoptic camera is mounted on a gyro-stabilized platform and has a 10x magnification. Later, the teleoptic system was modified to increase the range and increase the ability to track targets in the fog. Introduced the possibility of automatic search. The teleoptical system has been modified with an infrared channel. This made it possible to use it day and night. Refinement of the teleoptical channel was completed in 1991, and in 1992 field trials.

For the Navy complexes, the installation of a teleoptical channel began in 1980. In the same year, the delivery of systems for export began. Until 1997, about 500 kits for mounting teleoptical systems were produced.

The AN / MPQ-51 pulse radar operates in the 17.5-25 GHz range and is designed to provide a radar range for target illumination when the latter is suppressed by interference. If the complex is finalized in the third phase, the rangefinder is excluded.

The M-192 launcher stores three missiles ready for launch. It launches missiles with a set rate of fire. Before launching the rocket, the launcher turns in the direction of the target, voltage is applied to the rocket to spin up the gyroscopes, the electronic and hydraulic systems of the launcher are activated, after which the rocket engine is started.

In order to increase the mobility of the complex for the ground forces of the US Army, a variant of the mobile complex was developed. Several platoons of the complex were modernized. The launcher is located on the M727 self-propelled tracked chassis (developed on the basis of the M548 chassis), it also houses three missiles ready for launch. At the same time, the number of transport units decreased from 14 to 7 by providing the possibility of transporting missiles to launchers and replacing the M-501 transport-loading vehicle with a vehicle equipped with a hydraulically driven lift based on truck. On the new TZM and its trailer, one rack with three missiles on each could be transported. At the same time, the deployment and collapse time was significantly reduced. Currently, they remain in service only in the Israeli army.

The Hawk Sparrow Demonstration Project is a combination of elements manufactured by Raytheon. The launcher has been modified so that instead of 3 MIM-23 missiles, it can accommodate 8 Sparrow missiles.

In January 1985, a modified system was field tested at the California Naval Test Center. Sparrow missiles hit two remotely piloted aircraft.

Launcher on self-propelled tracked chassis М727

The typical composition of the Hawk-Sparrow firing platoon includes an impulse detection radar, a continuous-wave detection radar, a target illumination radar, 2 launchers with MIM-23 missiles and 1 launcher with 8 Sparrow missiles. In a combat situation, launchers can be converted to either Hawk or Sparrow missiles by replacing ready-made digital blocks on the launcher. Two types of missiles can be in one platoon, and the choice of the type of missile is determined by the specific parameters of the target being fired. The Hawk missile loader and pallets of missiles have been eliminated and replaced by a transport truck with a crane. On the drum of the truck there are 3 Hawk missiles or 8 Sparrow missiles placed on 2 drums, which reduces the loading time. If the complex is transferred by S-130 aircraft, then it can carry launchers with 2 Hawk or 8 Sparrow missiles, fully ready for combat use. This significantly reduces the time of bringing to combat readiness.

The complex was delivered and is in service in the following countries: Belgium, Bahrain (1 battery), Germany (36), Greece (2), the Netherlands, Denmark (8), Egypt (13), Israel (17), Iran (37), Italy (2), Jordan (14), Kuwait (4), South Korea (28), Norway (6), UAE (5), Saudi Arabia (16), Singapore (1), USA (6), Portugal (1 ), Taiwan (13), Sweden (1), Japan (32).

Loading PU

Hok-AMRAAM Demonstration Project

In 1995, demonstration firing of AMRAAM missiles from modified M-192 launchers was carried out using the standard battery radar composition. Externally, the PU has 2 drums, similar to the Hawk Sparrow.

RADAR DETECTION RANGE OF THE COMPLEX (after the first phase of refinement), km

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Medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems

Colonel A. Tolin,
candidate of military sciences

A variety of means of air attack, differing in purpose, design, speeds, ranges and flight altitudes, as well as a noticeable increase in recent years in the level performance characteristics manned and unmanned aerial vehicles determined the need for foreign armies in effective air defense systems various types. All-weather and clear-weather short-range air defense systems and portable systems, the adoption of which in the period of the 70s and early 80s was facilitated by local wars, which showed the increased capabilities of aviation to use low and extremely low altitudes, make it possible to successfully deal with low-flying targets. However, being single-channel in purpose, they do not provide reliable cover for troops and facilities in conditions of high intensity of air attack weapons.

The multi-channel American long-range air defense system "Patriot", which will be equipped with the armed forces of a number of European NATO countries and Japan over the course of several years, has a high fire performance, but since it is designed to hit targets, mainly at high and medium altitudes, then shooting at low-flying targets is ineffective. Moreover, as noted in the foreign press, due to the high cost of the MIM-104 missile defense system (almost $ 1 million), the use of the Patriot air defense system for firing at remotely piloted and other unmanned aerial vehicles that have a relatively low cost seems to be. impractical.

For these reasons, the command of the armed forces of the countries; NATO considers the creation of promising multi-channel medium-range air defense systems capable of effectively hitting air targets both at low and extremely low, and at medium altitudes as one of the important tasks of improving air defense. At the same time, it is envisaged that the cost of these complexes. and their missiles were significantly lower than the Patriot air defense systems and MIM-104 missiles. Until advanced systems are put into service (not earlier than the second half of the 1990s), the American medium-range "Improved Hawk" air defense system will remain in foreign armies (see color insert).

SAM "Improved Hawk", which was adopted by the US ground forces in 1972 to replace the Hawk complex developed in the late 50s, is currently available in the armed forces of almost all European NATO countries, as well as in Egypt, Israel, Iram, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan and other countries. According to Western press reports, the Hawk and Improved Hawk air defense systems were supplied by the United States to 21 capitalist countries, and most of them received the second option.

SAM "Improved Hawk" Can hit supersonic air targets at ranges from 1.8 to 40 km and altitudes of 0.03-18 km (the maximum range and height of the destruction of SAM "Hawk" are respectively 30 and 12 km) and is capable of firing at difficult weather conditions and when using interference.

The main firing unit of the "Improved Hawk" complex is a two-platoon (so-called standard) or three-platoon (reinforced) anti-aircraft battery. In this case, the first battery consists of the main and advanced fire platoons, and the second - from the main and two advanced ones. Both types of fire platoons have one AN / MPQ-46 target illumination radar and three M192 launchers with three MIM-23B anti-aircraft guided missiles each. In addition, the main firing platoon includes an AN / MPQ-50 pulse targeting radar, an AN / MPQ-51 radar range finder, an information processing center and an AN / TSW-8 battery command post, and an advanced one - an AN / MPQ-48 target designation radar and control post AN / MSW-11. In the main fire platoon of the reinforced battery, in addition to the pulse target designation radar, there is also an AN / MPQ-48 station.

Each of the batteries of both types includes a technical support unit with three M-501EZ transport-loading vehicles and other auxiliary equipment. When deploying batteries at the starting position, an extended cable network is used. The time for transferring the battery from the traveling position to the combat position is 45 minutes, and the folding time is 30 missions.

A separate anti-aircraft division of the Advanced Hawk air defense system of the US Army includes either four standard or three reinforced batteries. As a rule, it is used in full force, however, an anti-aircraft battery can independently solve a combat mission and in isolation from its main forces. An independent task of combating low-flying targets is also capable of being solved by an advanced fire platoon. The noted features of the organizational and staffing structures and the combat use of anti-aircraft units and parts of the "Improved Hawk" air defense system are due to the composition of the complex's assets, their design and performance characteristics.

Pulse targeting radar AN/MPQ-50 designed to detect air targets flying at high and medium altitudes, and determine their azimuth and range. The maximum range of the station is about 100 km. Its operation (in the frequency range of 1 - 2 GHz) provides a low level of attenuation of electromagnetic energy in adverse weather conditions, and the presence of a moving target selection device ensures effective detection of air attack means in conditions of reflections from local objects and when using passive interference. Thanks to a number of circuit solutions, the station is protected from active interference.

AN/MPQ-48 targeting radar, operating in continuous radiation mode, is designed to detect air targets at low altitudes, determine their azimuth, range and radial velocity. The maximum range of the station is more than 60 km. Its antenna rotates synchronously with the pulse target designation radar antenna and provides a correlation of the air situation data displayed on the indicators of the battery command post. The selection of signals proportional to the range and radial velocity of the target is carried out by means of digital processing of radar information performed at the information processing point. The station is equipped with built-in equipment for monitoring the operation and indicating failures.

target illumination radarAN/MPQ-46 serves for automatic tracking and irradiation of a selected aerial target with a narrow beam, as well as for transmitting a reference signal to a missile aimed at a target with a wide antenna beam. The station operates in the frequency range of 6-12.5 GHz. To capture a target for autotracking, the radar antenna, according to target designation data received from the battery command post or information processing point, is set in the direction necessary for sectoral target search.

Radar range finder AN/MPQ-51 is a pulse radar operating in the 17.5-25 GHz frequency range, which makes it possible to measure the distance to the target and depreciate the backlight radar with this information in the conditions of suppression of the latter by active interference.

Information processing point is designed for automatic data processing and communication of the battery of the "Improved Hawk" complex. The equipment is housed inside a cabin mounted on a single-axle trailer. It includes a digital device for automatic processing of data coming from both types of target designation radars, equipment for the "friend or foe" identification system (the antenna is mounted on the roof), interface devices and communications equipment.

AN/MSW-11 Forward Fire Platoon Command Post used as a fire control center and platoon command post. The post is also capable of solving the tasks of an information processing point, to which it is similar in terms of equipment, but is additionally equipped with a control panel with a circular view indicator, other display means and controls. The combat crew of the post includes a commander (fire control officer), a radar operator and a communications operator. Based on the information about the targets received from the AN / MPQ-48 target designation radar and displayed on the all-round visibility indicator, the air situation is assessed and the target being fired is assigned. Targeting data on it and the necessary commands are transmitted to the AN / MPQ-46 illumination radar of the advanced firing platoon.

AN/TSW-8 battery command post located in the cab, which is installed in the back of a truck. It includes the following equipment: combat control pools with means of displaying data on the air situation and controls (in front of him are the workplaces of the crew commander and his assistant), the azimuth-velocity console and two fire control consoles, through which the issuance of target designation of each of the illumination radars, turning their antennas in the direction of the targets designated for firing and tracking targets in manual mode. There is also a complex of auxiliary equipment, including a filter-ventilation unit.

SAM MIM-23V- single-stage cross-winged, made according to the aerodynamic configuration, "tailless", has a launch weight of 625 kg, a length of 5.08 m, a maximum body diameter of 0.37 m, a span of aerodynamic control surfaces of 1.2 m. In its bow are semi-active radar homing head (under a radio-transparent fiberglass fairing), on-board guidance equipment and power supplies. SAM is aimed at a target by the method of proportional approach.

The combat equipment of the rocket includes a high-explosive fragmentation warhead (weight 54 kg), a remote fuse and a safety actuator that cocks the fuse in flight and issues a command to self-destruct the rocket in case of a miss.

The SAM uses a solid-fuel single-chamber engine with two thrust modes. The maximum flight speed is 900 m/s. In the tail section of the rocket there are hydraulic drives of aerodynamic control surfaces and electronic equipment of the onboard control system.

The missile is stored and transported in sealed aluminum alloy containers, where wings, rudders, warhead igniters and engines are also located separately from it.

Launcher M192 is a structure of three rigidly connected open rails mounted on a movable base, which is mounted on a single-axle trailer. Elevation angle change is made by means of a hydraulic drive. Rotation of the movable base with PU is carried out by means of a drive placed on the trailer. Electronic drive control equipment was also installed there, which ensures guidance of missiles located on the launcher to a preemptive point, and equipment for preparing missiles for launch. When deployed at the starting position, the launcher is leveled using jacks.

Transport - loading machine M-501EZ, made on the basis of a light self-propelled tracked chassis, is designed to deliver missiles from a technical position and subsequently load the launcher. A hydraulically driven charger provides the ability to load the vehicle and load the launcher simultaneously with three missiles. For storage of missiles after assembly and their transportation, racks are used, which are transported in the back of trucks and on single-axle car trailers.

The combat work of the "Improve Hawk" complex and the functioning of its means in the process of firing are carried out as follows. The AN/MPQ-50 pulse target designation radar and the AN/MPQ-48 target designation station, operating in continuous mode, search and detect air targets. At the command post of the AN / TSW-8 battery, when it works together with the information processing point (and in the forward firing platoon - at the control post of AN / MSW-11), based on the data received from these radars, the tasks of identifying targets, assessing the air situation, determining the most dangerous targets, issuing target designation of the firing section. After the target is captured by the AN / MPQ-46 illumination station, it is tracked automatically or (as a rule, in a difficult jamming environment) in manual mode. In the latter case, the battery command post operator uses the range information received from the AN / MPQ-51 radar range finder. . In the process of tracking the target, the illumination station irradiates it. A launcher with a missile selected for firing at a target is guided to a pre-empted point. The missile homing head captures the target.

After the launch command arrives (from the battery command post or the forward firing platoon control center), the missile leaves the guide and, having reached a certain speed, begins to aim at the target. At the same time, its homing head uses the (reference) signals reflected from the target and received from the illumination station. The evaluation of the shooting results is performed on the basis of data obtained as a result of processing the Doppler signal of the target illumination station at the information processing point.

The Advanced Hawk air defense system modernization program, which began in 1979, has now entered its third phase. At this stage, it is planned to carry out work in a number of areas, the main of which are:
- Giving the complex the possibility of simultaneously hitting several targets through the use of an additional antenna with a wide beam in the radar illumination. It is believed that when firing at several targets, the range of their destruction will be 50-70 percent. distance reached at
shooting at a single target.
- Replacement of the battery command post and the information processing point with a control post, basically similar to the post of the advanced firing platoon, but differing in the presence of a second control panel and a digital computing device that is superior in its capabilities to the automatic data processing device of the information processing point. Both control panels of the post are planned to be equipped with digital means of displaying the air situation, similar to the means of displaying the Patriot air defense system.
- Increasing the mobility of air defense systems while reducing the number of transport units of the complex (from 14 to 7) by providing the possibility of transporting missiles to launchers and replacing the M-501EZ transport-loading vehicle with a machine equipped with a hydraulically driven lift, which was created on the basis of a truck. On the new TZM and its trailer, one rack with three missiles on each will be transported (Fig. 2). It is reported that the deployment and collapse time of the battery will be halved.
- Equipping the radar and launcher of the complex with navigation equipment and a digital computing device to give the complex the ability to fire at targets according to data from the AN / MPQ-53 radar of the Patriot air defense system.

After the completion of the modernization program for the Advanced Hawk air defense system in the United States and other NATO countries, it is planned to create modifications of this complex that would better meet the requirements for combating modern means air attack. Thus, the American company Raytheon is developing the ACWAR (Agile Continuous-Wave Acquisition Radar) radar, which can replace both types of target designation radars. This three-coordinate station will have an antenna with electronic beam scanning in elevation and mechanical in azimuth. It is also mentioned that it is possible (in the case of a new modification of the missile) to use the ACWAR radar to guide missiles in the middle section of the flight path, while excluding the target illumination station from the air defense system.

The new modification of the Improved Hawk complex, intended for the armed forces of Norway, includes a three-coordinate radar LASR (Low Altitude Survei-lance Radar), developed by the American company Hughes on the basis of the AN / TPQ-36 artillery position detection radar. The LASR radar, whose antenna provides electronic beam scanning in elevation and mechanical in azimuth, has, according to foreign press reports, high capabilities for detecting low-flying targets. During the tests, the station successfully detected air targets (including helicopters at altitudes from 3 to 1800 m).

In NATO countries, along with the performance of work to improve the performance and operational characteristics of the "Improved Hawk" missiles, studies have been carried out since the beginning of the 80s aimed at creating promising multi-channel medium-range air defense systems. These complexes, according to foreign military experts, should hit not only manned air targets, but also unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles. At present, in the West, judging by publications in the press, the issue of the need to use promising medium-range air defense systems for firing at tactical ballistic missiles is being discussed.

The initiative to create promising medium-range air defense systems belongs to France and Germany, whose companies respectively developed the projects of the SAMP (Systerne Antiaerien a Moyenne Rog-tee) and MFS-90 (Mittle Fla-Raketen System) complexes. The possibility of implementing, together with the United States, a project for a promising complex MSAM (Medium range Sur-face-to-Air Missile) is also being considered.

French promising air defense system SAMP, developed since 1984 by Thomson-KSF and Aerospasial, should have a reaction time of 6-8 s and hit supersonic targets at ranges up to 30 km and altitudes up to 10 km, providing the possibility of simultaneously firing up to ten targets.

It will include the Arabel multifunctional radar, a control post, four to six container-type launchers (each with eight As-ter-30 missiles), as well as electric power, transport-charging and other auxiliary equipment (Fig. 4) . It is planned to use the chassis of a 10-ton TRM 10,000 vehicle (6x6 wheel formula) as a self-propelled base for combat weapons of the complex.

Multifunctional radar "Arabel" is designed for detection and automatic tracking in azimuth, elevation and range of up to 50 air targets simultaneously, as well as for transmitting guidance commands to the SAM. The station operates in the frequency range 8 - 10.9 GHz. Its phased antenna array rotates in the azimuthal plane at a speed of 60 rpm. Electronic scanning of space is carried out in elevation from 0 to 70° in azimuth in the sector up to 45°. Antenna beamwidth 2°. Due to the presence of a high-speed digital computer in the radar and its perfect mathematical software, the processing of radar signals is carried out very efficiently, which is especially important when the station operates in conditions of interference.

SAM "Aster-30" and "Aster-15", being developed simultaneously with it for the ship version of a promising medium-range air defense system, are two-stage solid-propellant missiles, differing only in launch boosters (Fig. 5). The total mass of the As-ter-30 missile defense system is 450 kg, the length is 4.8 m. It is planned to equip it with fragmentation-type warheads.

The rocket is equipped with an active radar seeker operating in the 10-20 GHz frequency range. It is a modification of the head of the MICA air-to-air guided missile, the diameter of the seeker is 0.18 m, and the length (including the block of electronic guidance equipment) is 0.6 m. command-inertial system, and homing using the information received from the GOS occurs only in the final section.At the same time, it is envisaged that the search and target acquisition by the head will be carried out in flight.

The Aster-30 SAM uses a combined flight control system, in which, along with aerodynamic control surfaces, there are solid propellant micromotors with a radial (in relation to the rocket body) orientation of the nozzles. They are located near the center of mass of missiles. The use of a combined flight control system allows the rocket to maneuver with an overload of up to 40 units.

In 1.992, it is planned to start flight tests of the Aster-30 missile defense system, and in the second half of the 90s to test the complex as a whole. The production program (worth about 10 billion francs) provides for the production of 20 SAMP air defense systems for the French ground forces.

West German advanced air defense system MFS-90, the project of which was developed by Siemens and Messerschmitt - Belkov - Blom, should be multi-channel in target and have a maximum firing range of up to 30 km. It will consist of a multifunctional radar with headlights, a control center and a launcher with missiles. Currently, the feasibility of having two types of missiles in the MFS-90 air defense system is being considered.

The missile of the first type with a maximum firing range of 30 km and a flight speed of about 1000 m/s is intended for firing at maneuvering air targets. It is planned to install an active radar seeker on it, capable of searching and capturing a target in flight.

The second type missile with a range of 8-10 km and hypersonic flight speed is intended to be used to combat tactical ballistic missiles, as well as to fire at low-flying targets. As noted in the foreign press, the multifunctional radar with headlights of the MFS-90 complex is similar in design and main performance characteristics to the French SAMP air defense system.

Promising SAM MSAM is considered by the NATO command as a complex that could replace the Advanced Hawk air defense system, which is in service with all countries of the bloc. Currently, NATO experts are developing tactical and technical requirements for this complex. However, differences in the assessment of its tasks (American specialists, in particular, do not share the opinion of their colleagues from Europe on the need to ensure the possibility of firing at tactical ballistic missiles) and in the approach to the requirements, judging by reports in the foreign press, prevent the start of work on its creation. .

State and development prospects of foreign long-range air defense systems with medium range

Colonel Ya. Alekseev;
colonel O. Danilov, candidate of military sciences

According to foreign military experts, one of effective means anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMs) remain at the present time and in the near future. They have a number of advantages, including high combat readiness, the possibility of early detection of a threat from the air and a quick response to the actions of air attack weapons (AOS), the ability to escort and fire at several air targets, a high probability of hitting various types of aircraft, the ability to use in any time of the day and in difficult weather conditions, as well as others.
According to the foreign classification, medium-range air defense systems include systems with a firing range of 20 to 100 km, and large - over 100 km.
According to foreign military experts, the main requirements for long-range and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems are:
- a high degree of automation of combat work;
- the possibility of simultaneous shelling of 10-12 air targets;
- high rate of fire, firing efficiency, noise immunity, mobility, survivability and technical reliability;
- the presence of a significant ammunition of missiles on launchers (PU);
- short reaction time;
- destruction of a wide range of air attack weapons (including cruise, operational-tactical and tactical ballistic missiles).
The most advanced of the foreign long-range air defense systems, capable of solving the tasks of repelling attacks of modern and advanced air defense systems in a difficult jamming environment, is the Patriot. Currently, this anti-aircraft missile system is in service with the armies of Germany, Greece, Israel, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Taiwan and Japan.
Since the adoption of this air defense system in 1982, several of its upgrades have been carried out, aimed mainly at giving the complex the ability to destroy OTR and TBR, increasing its noise immunity, improving tactical and technical characteristics and fire capabilities.

As part of the program to create a theater missile defense system, a new modification of the Patriot air defense system, the PAK-3, began to enter service with the US ground forces. The complex is capable of intercepting operational-tactical and tactical ballistic missiles at ranges up to 25 and altitudes up to 15 km, as well as destroying aerodynamic targets at ranges up to 100 and altitudes up to 25 km.
The Patriot PAK-3 air defense system includes modified launchers (PU) with PAK-3 anti-missiles, launchers with anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) PAK-2, an upgraded multifunctional radar station (MF radar) AN / MPQ-53 and a control center fire AN / MSQ-104.
PAK-2 (MIM-104Q is a single-stage SAM, made according to a normal aerodynamic design. It is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a directed expansion zone of striking elements, an improved pulse-Doppler fuse with two modes of operation (for aerodynamic and ballistic targets), and It was these missiles that were used in the course of hostilities in the Persian Gulf to combat Iraqi ballistic missiles.
The PLC-3 single-stage solid-propellant anti-missile of short-range interception of kinetic action is made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration. It uses a combined guidance system: command-inertial in the initial and middle sections of the flight and active radar in the final. The launch weight of the launcher is 315 kg, the length is 5.2 m, the hull diameter is 0.26 m. The target is hit by a direct hit. Precise guidance of the anti-missile is ensured through the use of an active radar homing head and a combined aero-gas-dynamic flight control system, in which, in addition to aerodynamic rudders, solid-propellant transverse-thrust micromotors are used.
The M901 launcher is a remotely controlled autonomous system mounted on the basis of the M860 semi-trailer. It's finalized
in order to ensure the storage, transportation and launch of both the PAK-2 SAM and the PAK-3 PR. The launcher is controlled from the battery fire control point via fiber-optic communication lines or a radio channel. During the modernization of the M901, the equipment for receiving and transmitting commands was improved, as well as the speed of message transmission was increased.
The AN/MPQ-53 multifunctional phased array radar (PAR) is mounted on an M860 semi-trailer and is towed by a heavy off-road truck. The radar provides search, detection, identification and tracking of up to 100 targets simultaneously, as well as guidance of up to nine missiles on targets selected for firing. The modernization of the station made it possible to increase its capabilities for selection and recognition of ballistic missile warheads, noise immunity, expand the target search sector and increase the range by increasing the energy potential of the radar and improving algorithms for processing radar information.

The fire control point AN / MSQ-104 is located in a universal body mounted on the chassis of an M927 truck and provides control over the operation of the MF radar and up to eight launchers. In the course of modernization, this point was equipped with a more productive computer system, and new software was developed. Replacing magnetic media with optical ones made it possible to increase the volume of processed information, reduce access time and increase the reliability of its storage. Equipping the fire control point with data receiving and transmitting equipment makes it possible to receive reports about an air enemy from various information and reconnaissance means.
Further modernization of the complex involves increasing its mobility, air transportability and extending the service life until 2025. Work is underway to reduce the weight and size characteristics of its main elements, and Lockheed Martin is developing a universal self-propelled launcher. The main goal of the ongoing efforts is to ensure the rapid transfer of batteries armed with the Patriot air defense system to crisis areas with the help of military transport aircraft.

The Advanced Hawk anti-aircraft missile system remains the main medium-range air defense system in service with Belgium, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Spain, Kuwait, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore , Taiwan, France, and Japan.
Work to improve this complex was carried out as part of the HAWK / PIP (Product Improvement Program) program in several stages. The principal feature of the fire battery, armed with the modernized Advanced Hawk air defense system, is the possibility of separating an advanced fire group from its composition, capable of autonomously conducting fighting. The advanced group was given three launchers, an AN / MPQ-57 target irradiation radar, an AN / MPQ-55 target designation radar and an AN / MSW-18 forward fire group control post that performs functions similar to an automatic data processing point.
During the modernization of the complex, the following changes took place in it:
- the AN / MPQ-51 target ranging radar and the automatic data processing point were excluded from the air defense system;
-KP of the battery was replaced by a fire control post, which is entrusted with some of the functions previously performed by an automatic data processing point;
-increased detection efficiency of low-flying targets radar AN / MPQ-57 by changing the shape of the antenna pattern (after that, the radar received the designation AN / MPQ-61);
-new modifications of missiles (MIM-23C, D, E and F) have appeared, which have improved on-board equipment of the guidance system, increased reliability and noise immunity, and wider opportunities for firing at low-flying targets;
- a microprocessor was installed on the AN / MPQ-55 continuous-radiation target designation radar and new signal processing methods were implemented, which made it possible to perform some operations previously performed at the automatic data processing point (after the upgrade, the radar received the designation AN / MPQ-62);
- it is possible to tow the launcher without first unloading the missiles, as well as placing it at a distance of up to 2 km from the fire control post;
- elements of the air defense system are equipped with an automatic system of orientation on gyroscopes using a computer;
-SAM "Improved Hawk" mod. 4 became capable of intercepting tactical and operational-tactical ballistic missiles (the complex uses the new MIM-23K missile defense system, is equipped with an early warning radar AN / TPS-59, in addition, changes have been made to the design of the launcher and new software has been created).
As a result of the modernization, the fire capabilities, survivability, technical reliability and mobility of the complex have increased, the number of units of military equipment, the time for deploying and curtailing air defense systems have been significantly reduced. Despite the measures taken, the complex is obsolete, so in most countries it is gradually being replaced by modern air defense systems (Patriot PAK-3, and in the future SAMP / T, Chusam and MEADS).

Performance characteristics of foreign air defense systems large with medium range
Name Manufacturer country SAM guidance system Max. firing range km Max. height of defeat km
"Patriot" USA Combined 100 25
"Advanced Hawk" USA Semi-active radar 40 17,7
NASAMS Norway, USA Combined 40 16
MEADS USA, Germany, Italy Combined 60 20
SAMP/T France, Italy Combined 80 20
Musam Japan Combined 50 10

SAM NASAMS (NASAMS - Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-air Missile System), which is in service with the Norwegian Air Force, was developed by Norsk Forswar Technology AS together with the American company Hughes Aircraft. To reduce the cost of creating the complex, it was decided not to design new missiles, radars and control posts, but to use the samples already in service. Firms-developers have opted for guided missile AMRAAM (AMRAAM) air-to-air class, towed three-coordinate radar AN / TPQ-36A and the NOAH fire control center of the Norwegian version of the Advanced Hawk complex.
The AMRAAM SAM is made according to a normal aerodynamic design and has a combined guidance system: command-inertial in the initial part of the flight path and active radar homing in the final one. The missile is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, as well as a radar and contact fuse. It uses a dual-mode solid fuel engine with reduced smoke generation.

If the target does not maneuver, then the rocket makes an autonomous flight along the trajectory laid down in the memory of its onboard computer before launch. In the event of a change in the target movement parameters, correction commands are sent to the missile defense system from the ground, which are received by the antenna of the onboard receiver of the command communication line located on the rocket nozzle block. The GOS target is captured at a distance of up to 20 km from the meeting point, after which active homing is performed. The control of the GOS, as well as the development of commands for the autopilot and fuses, are carried out by the onboard processor.
The launcher can be installed both permanently and on a wheeled off-road vehicle "Scania". It houses six missiles in transport and launch containers (TPK). In the stowed position, TPK with missiles are located horizontally. They are launched at a fixed elevation angle of 30°. To increase the survivability of the complex, it is possible to disperse the launcher from the control center and the radar at a distance of up to 25 km. In this case, communication with the PU can be carried out via cable, fiber-optic or digital lines.
The AN/TPQ-36A multifunctional radar station provides detection, identification and simultaneous tracking of up to 60 air targets, as well as guidance of up to three SAMs to selected ones. Management of its work is carried out with the help of a computer fire control center. The phased antenna array of the station forms a needle-type radiation pattern with low level side lobes. The radar is capable of pulse compression and selection of moving
targets, change the power and type of the emitted signal. All station equipment is installed on a towed trailer.
In an environment of active use of interference to detect and track targets, as well as evaluate the results of firing, the NTAS thermal imaging system, located on an all-wheel drive vehicle, can be used. It allows you to search for targets by their radiation in the infrared wavelength range at ranges up to 50 km.
The fire control center includes two high-performance computers, a multi-purpose modular console with indication and control systems, data transmission equipment and communications equipment. The console has two interchangeable workstations (AWP) with identical controls.
The main tactical unit of the NASAMS air defense system is the firing battery. It consists of three firing platoons, united in an information network. In this case, each of the three radars is capable of replacing the others. The battery command post is located at one of the fire control points. It receives target designations from the higher headquarters and issues data on the air situation to the short-range air defense systems.
The modernization of the NASAMS complex provides for the replacement of the AN / TPQ-36A radar with the AN / TPQ-64 and the pairing of battery command posts with operational air defense control centers, which makes it possible to more effectively use air defense systems in the joint air defense system of NATO countries.
The military-political leadership of foreign countries attaches great importance to the development and creation of promising mobile multi-channel complexes.

Thus, the United States, Germany and Italy are jointly developing a mobile air defense system MEADS (MEADS - Medium Extended Air Defense System). It is designed to protect ground forces and important facilities from aerodynamic and ballistic targets. The new air defense system will have a range of more than 60 km and will be able to simultaneously fire at up to 10 air targets in a difficult jamming environment. It is planned to interface the complex with various combat control systems of the US Armed Forces and other NATO countries. The adoption of the MEADS air defense system into service is expected after 2014.
The main elements of the complex will be a self-propelled vertical launch unit (SVP) with 12 missiles, a target detection radar, a target tracking and missile guidance radar, and a command post.
In order to reduce development costs and reduce technological risk, it is planned to use the upgraded PR PAK-3 of the Patriot complex as part of the MEADS air defense system.
The mobile target detection radar, developed by Lockheed Martin, is a pulse-Doppler station with active phased array. To search for aerodynamic targets, it implements a circular view of the airspace. To the number design features The radars include a high-performance signal processor, a programmable sounding signal generator, and a digital adaptive beamformer.
Many technological solutions underlying the target detection station were used to create missile guidance radars. It will be a three-coordinate pulse-Doppler radar with centimeter-range phased array.
The main tactical unit, which will be armed with the MEADS air defense system, is an anti-aircraft missile battalion. It is planned to include three firing and one headquarters battery in its composition. The fire battery will have six launchers
wok and control room. In addition, the division will include two MF missile guidance radars and a target detection radar.
When solving missile defense tasks in theaters, it is planned to use the MEADS complex in cooperation with the THAAD anti-missile system, and when organizing air defense - together with short-range air defense systems.
In France and Italy, a mobile anti-aircraft missile system SAMP / T (SAMP / T-Sol Air Moyenne Portee) is being developed, designed to destroy air targets, including cruise and anti-radar missiles, in difficult jamming conditions. The possibility of using it to intercept operational-tactical and tactical ballistic missiles is also being considered. Since 1990, R&D on the creation of air defense systems has been carried out under the leadership of the Eurosam consortium within the framework of the FAMS (Family of Antiair Missille Systems) and FSAF (Future Surface-to-AiR Family) programs. Its entry into service with the developing countries to replace the outdated Advanced Hawk systems is expected in the near future.
The SAMP / T air defense system will include several UVPs with Aster-30 missiles, the Arabel multifunctional radar and a command post. To detect anti-radar missiles in the complex, an auxiliary vertical-view radar "Zebra" can be used.
ZUR "Aster-30" - a two-stage solid-propellant rocket, made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration. At the initial and middle sections of the flight path, it receives commands from the ground, and at the end, the active homing head is turned on. Distinctive feature SAM is the presence of a high-precision combined PIF / PAF control system, in which, along with aerodynamic rudders, gas-jet nozzles are used, located near the center of mass of the rocket and creating thrust along the normal to its flight path. This management method
SAM compensates for guidance errors and increases the maneuverability of the missile in the final section of the flight path. Aster-30 is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and a radio fuse.
The three-coordinate MF radar "Arabel" with a passive phased array provides detection, identification and simultaneous tracking of up to 50 ATs, as well as guidance of missiles at 10 of them. To survey the space in the radar, mechanical rotation of the antenna in azimuth at a speed of 60 rpm and electronic scanning in elevation are used. Characteristic features this station are: control of the directivity characteristics and the shape of the antenna pattern; adaptive change of signal parameters and tuning of the operating frequency from pulse to pulse; programmed overview of space; high energy and accuracy characteristics, as well as the possibility of issuing information in real time.
The operation of the radar is fully automated, and the participation of the operator is provided only if necessary. A high-performance computer and adaptive processing algorithms make it possible to control the functions of selecting a signal shape, radiation power, signal processing, threat assessment, target distribution, choice of a missile guidance method, and others.
All information about the air situation is sent via a fiber-optic line to the battery command post, which is located on the chassis of an off-road vehicle. The main elements of its equipment are computers, operator workstations and built-in controls. The calculation of the KP consists of two people.
In order to increase the survivability of the air defense system, its launchers can be dispersed at a distance of up to 10 km from the command post, while it is planned to use radio relay communications for fire control. The new complex will have the ability to interface with existing and developed air defense systems of NATO countries.
The Japanese self-propelled air defense system "Chusam" is designed to destroy various air targets, including cruise missiles, at ranges up to 50 and altitudes up to 10 km, and can also destroy ballistic missiles operational-tactical and tactical purposes.
The complex includes self-propelled UVP, missiles, a multifunctional radar and a fire control point. All components of the air defense system are placed on the chassis of off-road vehicles. MF radar with phased array provides search and simultaneous tracking of up to 100 air targets, allows you to assess the degree of threat from their side and provide shelling 12. Information about the air situation, technical condition elements of the complex and the presence of ready-to-launch missiles is displayed on the displays of the fire control point, with the help of which the calculation of the air defense system selects a target for shelling.
The complex will be equipped with interface equipment for communication with AWACS and control aircraft, as well as with ships equipped with the Aegis multifunctional weapon system.
SAM "Chusam" was put into service in 2005. Until 2015, they are supposed to replace the Advanced Hawk complexes.
