Dr. Lisa is all about her. Hot heart of Dr. Lisa

I analyzed in detail the life path of this person here a year and a half ago
Here's a little snippet from there:
"When, back in 1962, in Moscow, the girl Liza Sidorova was born in the family of father Petya Sidorov and mother Galia Poskrebysheva, no one could have imagined that this future savior of Russian children from the bloodthirsty Jewish Bendera junta in Ukraine ...
To correctly understand the nationality of Lisa Sidorova, it’s good to look at the photo of her mother Galina Poskrebysheva (1935-2008), a dietitian ...

I have no doubt that Papa Petya Sidorov was appropriate there too ...
Then Liza Stidorova grew up, married Gleb Glinka, about whom it is only known that he is the son of some literary critic, in 1986. graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute and in the same year immigrated to the USA with her husband....
1986 - it was still a very strong USSR, Gorbachev had just come to power, only very terry Jews were released to the West ...
But probably in the case of Liza Glinka, she was already striving to build the Russian World in America ...
Yaraya has been a patriot since childhood ...
Naturally, Gleb and Liza Glinka officially refused Soviet citizenship during immigration, but received American ...
Those. the main benefactor of Russia today is an American ... "

But here's what interest Ask I'm most interested in:
Why did Aunt Lisa call herself DOCTOR all the way???
Why did she take these pictures?

Who hung this rubber tube around her neck???
Who was she going to listen to?
Liza Sidorova-Glinka graduated, as they say in her biography, 2nd Medical in 1986, but she immediately dumped to America, she didn’t work as a doctor for a day !!!
And in America, Soviet honey. diplomas were not recognized and now Russian ones are not recognized !!!
Even here in Canada now with a medical diploma from the Russian World, it is necessary, in fact, to go to study from the very beginning, otherwise you cannot confirm a medical diploma ...
This is a race for at least 7-8 years, but before that you need to know English perfectly ...
Nowhere is it reported that Liza Glinka studied anywhere in America, that means. that she even as a nurse had no chance of getting a job ...
Lisa reappeared in the Russian World only in 1999, but not in Moscow, but in sunny Kyiv, it was there that she stirred up on the topic of charity until 2007 ...
Question to the studio, what this aunt has been doing in sunny America since 1986. to 1999, as much as 13 years???
It is clear that not medicine, but what, on what and where did you live ???
And how and why did she end up in Kyiv, if she lived in Moscow all her life before immigration???
By the way, for 13 years of absence of professional practice, her Moscow medical diploma also automatically lost any meaning, and in order to work as a doctor in the Russian World, she would have to start learning everything all over again...
So on what basis did this swindler call herself a DOCTOR???
Who even let her into Kyiv, who attached her to the theme of the hospice there???
Who and on what basis already in 2007? gave an American citizen Elizaveta Glinka a Russian World visa and sent her to Moscow for feeding???
What is the legal basis for this American constantly hanging out in the Russian World, calling herself DOCTOR Liza, without having a valid medical diploma and work experience in her specialty at all ???
Finally, a couple more questions...
Lisa was born in Moscow, studied at the Moscow school for ten years, then for six years at the medical institute in Moscow ...
She must have at least 25 classmates and the same number of classmates, not counting just acquaintances ...
They should all be about 54 now...
Where is at least one interview with at least one of them about school or student years Doctor Lisa???
Then she lived in America for 13 years, probably among the Russian-speaking diaspora ...
Where is at least one of the immigrants a story about her life in America, where she lived, how she lived, etc.???
Why did she return to the Russian World in the late 90s, and even to Kyiv, where she had never been before???
How and why did she then move to Moscow in the middle of the 2000s???
Why did all the media immediately begin to hype her furiously, like the Russian Mother Teresa ???
Is it really incomprehensible that throughout her life this lady is a hardened swindler, moreover, of an international level ???
At the end of her life, she was muddied on the topic of Luganda, at the very end she began to spud the topic of Syria !!!
She was even a member of the Presidential Council in the Russian World!!!
Having American citizenship!!!

I understand, waved in 2007. loving Sergey Mironov...

I understand that she became an FSB secret agent, but most likely she collaborated with the KGB from her youth ...
It is clear that she rolled back who needed it well from the receipts to her accounts ...
But the Russians are all completely blind ???
Can't you see what kind of bird it was?
What day is the howl on the Internet, what personality has left us ...
It's good to play the fool, mermaids!!!
to you in 2017. you need to go to Oldfisher from your Russian World and start building Another Russia ...
And you all grieve over your scams ...

On February 20, Elizaveta Glinka, who saw her duty as helping the homeless and seriously ill, could have turned 56 years old. Some considered the famous human rights activist almost a saint, others accused her of lying and were sure that her activities were at least ineffective. the site recalls what was the one that the whole country knew as Dr. Lisa.

February 19, 2018 · Text: Margarita Kochergina · Photo: Anna Salynskaya, Sharifulin Valery, Savostyanov Sergey, Metzel Mikhail, Lebedev Artur/TASS, PhotoXPress, Instagram, Facebook,

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Elizaveta Glinka knew from childhood that she would become a doctor

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Fragile, but only in appearance, with large understanding eyes that seemed to look straight into the soul, Elizaveta Glinka took care of the homeless, sick and dying. Despite constant criticism and even threats, Dr. Liza did not retreat from her plan and achieved her goal - both in possible and impossible ways. The human rights activist could get through to any person, sometimes saying only a couple of words.

Glinka believed that not a single action of the Fair Aid Foundation could take place without her direct participation, so she rushed to the hottest spots in the world. However, Elizaveta Petrovna did not manage to save all those in need ...

How it all began

Despite the fact that in childhood Elizaveta Glinka was fond of ballet and music, she never faced the question of which university to enter. Little Lisa realized quite early that her mission was to heal people.

A girl who spent a lot of time in the hospital due to the fact that her mother worked in an ambulance, one day she herself became a doctor - a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist.

The human rights activist began her charitable work, thanks to which she became famous, much later, in the 2000s. And in the late 1980s, immediately after graduating from the institute, Elizabeth, who had many admirers, met her future husband Gleb Glinka, an American lawyer of Russian origin.

Elizabeth and Gleb met at an expressionist exhibition. Glinka immediately inflamed with passion for a slender girl. But it took Elizabeth a week to fall in love with her future husband. At first, the girl was embarrassed by the fact that the boyfriend was 14 years older than her, but the feelings turned out to be stronger.

Subsequently, the spouses more than once made serious sacrifices for each other.

So, together with her husband, the doctor either moved to the USA, then to Ukraine, then back to the States. And Gleb was sympathetic to the difficult and rather dangerous activities of his wife and never reproached the fact that Liza could break loose at night to a sick person. “Do you need to call a taxi or will they come for you?” he habitually asked.

In the 1990s in America, Glinka first became acquainted with the hospice system, enrolling in Darmouth Medical School to study in the specialty "palliative medicine" (an area of ​​healthcare designed to improve the quality of life of critically ill patients,- approx. website). This predetermined further fate Doctor Lisa.

Elizabeth created the first such organization in Kyiv and took part in the opening Russian fund assistance to Vera hospices.

Elizaveta Glinka was criticized a lot for helping the homeless

They are people too

Elizabeth returned to Moscow only in 2007, when her mother became seriously ill. Soon Galina Ivanovna died. It was at that moment that Glinka, in order to cope with the pain, created the Fair Help Foundation. And then for the first time she was asked to see a homeless man with cancer living near the Paveletsky railway station.

Since then, Glinka began to bring food and things there every Wednesday and independently treat wounds to all those in need. The philanthropist and her team were expected and idolized.

However, at first, the public came down with serious criticism of Dr. Lisa, accusing her of contributing to the fact that there were more and more people without a fixed place of residence. Many did not understand why she cares about those who themselves do not want to make their lives a little better. Glinka always had a ready answer: "No one will help them except me, they are people too."

She gave her own money to charity and only once regretted it. Glinka really wanted to buy her younger son Ilya an apartment, but spent all her savings on another charity event.

Soon, Elizabeth began to be threatened, and the basement in which the foundation was located was continually attacked by vandals.

However, Glinka continued to help the disadvantaged. Despite unflattering reviews about herself on the Web, she once organized a charity striptease near the Kurskaya metro station in Moscow, which caused a heated discussion in society. However, the action was a success, and the guests who came to the event collected a lot of things and money for the homeless.

Elizabeth with her husband and son

Not an angel at all

Only in appearance, Elizabeth was a fragile woman who sometimes had to take a weight with her into the elevator to go down to the first floor. (note site: her own weight was not enough for the mechanism to move).

In fact, nothing human was alien to the doctor: she loved to tell obscene jokes and bought stylish handbags (for this, by the way, she was also criticized, wondering where she got money for fashionable things). The philanthropist did not hide the fact that she was a rather conflicted person. Elizabeth could smash both an impudent ward and an inactive official to smithereens. However, Glinka turned to representatives of the authorities only in extreme cases.

Elizabeth did not, and could not, limit herself to helping the homeless and the sick: she organized the collection of funds and necessary things for the victims of the fires in 2010, and two years later - during the flood in Krymsk.

Elizabeth had a special passion for gardening and LJ. The human rights activist actively maintained her page on the social network and even became the “Blogger of the Year” in the ROTOR competition in 2010. True, in her notes, Elizabeth spoke mainly about the work of the foundation. The philanthropist did not like to talk about her personal life.

Despite numerous projects, Glinka managed to raise her sons Konstantin and Alexei, and since 2007 also Ilya. The foster mother of the child was a patient of Glinka: when the woman died of cancer, Elizabeth did not have the strength to hand the boy back to the orphanage.

A lot will be written and said about Elizabeth Glinka. Everything that she did to save human lives can only be overestimated or correctly evaluated by those whom she helped. Dr. Lisa always talked about her activities and the work of the Fair Aid Foundation with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but almost never talked about her personal life. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Gleb Glinka lived together for 30 happy years.

Fast paced romance

An exhibition of expressionists was held at the House of Artists in Moscow, where Elizabeth met her future husband, Gleb Glinka. Young Lisa asked a stranger for a lighter, and he asked for her phone number. The man was much older than her and seemed very old to her. But in response to a request to call, for some reason she agreed. When asked about the date, she said that she had an exam in forensic medicine.

He met her at the morgue and was shocked by the difference between Russian and American morgues. Gleb Glinka was Russian by origin, but was born and raised in America. However, he was always drawn to historical homeland.

According to Gleb Glebovich, a week after they met, they both knew that they would definitely get married and live together all their lives. She has always liked strong men. Elizaveta Petrovna was attracted not by physical strength, but by the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. If the man was still smart and educated, then she could well fall in love with him. Gleb Glebovich Glinka studied and brilliantly graduated from college in English literature, followed by law school, with the same excellent grades. Much later, already in Russia at the age of 60, he passed the exam in the Russian bar and was also excellent.

He was ready to stay in Russia, next to his chosen one, but Lisa only laughed: “You will disappear here!”. In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State medical institute, received the profession of a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist. And until 1990 they lived in Moscow, then they left for America together, together with their eldest son Konstantin.

Between America and Russia

In America, Elizaveta Glinka graduated from medical school with a degree in palliative medicine. Gleb Glebovich advised her to pay attention to the hospice located not far from their house. Lisa began to help hopeless patients. She studied for five years how hospice work is built, what difficulties she has to face. And at the same time I understood that it is possible and necessary to alleviate the suffering of people.

Later they will return to Russia at the request of Elizabeth, they will spend 2 years in Kyiv because of Gleb's contract. And everywhere Dr. Liza will help people. In Moscow, already having two sons, she will work with the First Moscow Hospice, in Kyiv she will create her first hospice. The most amazing thing is that Gleb Glinka will always support his wife in everything. He, like no one else, understood: helping those in need for her is as natural a need as breathing.

measure of goodness

When Dr. Lisa's mother fell into a coma and lay in the Burdenko clinic, Elizaveta Glinka bought meat every day, especially loved by her mother, cooked it, ground it into a paste so that she could feed from a tube. She knew that her mother did not feel the taste of cooked food, but nevertheless, for two and a half years, she came to the hospital twice a day and fed her mother, holding her hand. That was all she was.

Gleb and Elizabeth raised two sons. But a third boy appeared in their family - Ilya. He was adopted in infancy, but when the boy was 13 years old, his adoptive mother died. When Dr. Lisa began to tell her husband about the fate of the boy, he immediately understood: he would become their son. He again supported his wife in her decision.

Probably, he could forbid his wife to engage in her activities. Elizaveta Glinka herself spoke of her readiness to stop work if she interferes with her family. But Gleb Glebovich believed that he had no moral right to do so.

"We were very happy together"

She loved her family and didn't like talking about them in interviews. She wanted to protect loved ones from publicity, especially when threats began to be heard against her. Dr. Lisa under any circumstances tried to spend the weekend with her family. The only time she changed this habit was December 25, 2016.

It was difficult for Gleb Glebovich to present gifts to his wife. A new thing literally in a couple of weeks could be seen on one of the acquaintances or even on her ward from the Paveletsky railway station, where Dr. Lisa fed and treated the homeless. And again he didn't protest. But she could not do otherwise and was even proud that her wards looked better than other homeless people.
When she first went to the conflict zone in Donbass to rescue seriously ill children, he realized how dangerous it was. But she again went at the behest of her heart to where she was needed.

On December 25, 2016, she boarded a plane bound for Syria. Dr. Lisa was carrying medicines for the university hospital. She will never return from this flight.
Gleb Glinka still cannot come to terms with the loss. He refuses to accept the fact that his beloved will never be around again. He will write in the afterword to her book: “I shared my life with her ...”

Dr. Lisa married an American citizen and lived happily with him for 30 years until death separated them.

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka(commonly known as Dr. Lisa; February 20, 1962, Moscow - December 25, 2016, the Black Sea near Sochi, Russia) - Russian public figure and human rights activist. Philanthropist, resuscitator by education, executive director of the International Public Organization "Fair Help". Member of the Development Council under the President of Russia civil society and human rights.


Elizaveta was born in Moscow in the family of a military and nutritionist, culinary specialist and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva. In addition to Lisa and her brother, their family included two cousins ​​who were left orphans early. There was a version that Elizabeth is a relative of Alexander Poskrebyshev, but Glinka denied it.

In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatric resuscitation anesthetist. In 1990, she emigrated to the United States with her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin, Gleb Glebovich Glinka. In 1991 she received a second medical education in Palliative Medicine from Dartmouth College Medical School [non-authoritative source?]. Some sources report Glinka's American citizenship. Living in America, she got acquainted with the work of hospices, giving them five years.

She participated in the work of the First Moscow Hospice, then, together with her husband, moved to Ukraine for two years. In 1999, she founded a hospice in Kyiv at the Oncological Hospital in Kyiv. Member of the Board of the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund. Founder and President of the American Foundation VALE Hospice International.


In 2007 in Moscow she founded the International public organization"Fair Help", sponsored by the party "Fair Russia". The organization provides material support and provides medical assistance to dying cancer patients, low-income non-oncological patients, and the homeless. Every week, volunteers go to the Paveletsky railway station, distribute food and medicine to the homeless, and provide them with free legal and medical care. According to a 2012 report, the organization sent an average of about 200 people a year to hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fair Aid also organizes hot spots for the homeless.

In 2010, Elizaveta Glinka collected financial assistance on her own behalf in favor of victims of forest fires. In 2012, Glinka and her organization organized a collection of things for flood victims in Krymsk. In addition, she participated in raising funds for flood victims, more than 16 million rubles were collected.

In January 2012, together with other public figures, she became the founder of the League of Voters, an organization that aims to control the observance of the electoral rights of citizens. Soon, the tax inspectorate conducted an unexpected audit at the Fair Help Foundation, as a result of which the organization's accounts were blocked, which, according to Glinka, they were not notified about. On February 1, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued to work.

In October 2012, she became a member of the federal committee of the Civic Platform party of Mikhail Prokhorov. In November, she was included in the Council under the President Russian Federation on the development of civil society and human rights).

With the beginning of the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, she provided assistance to people living in the territories of the DPR and LPR. In October 2014, she accused the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of refusing to provide guarantees for a cargo of medicines under the pretext "we do not like the policy of your president." The head of the ICRC's regional delegation for Russia, Belarus and Moldova, Pascal Kutta, denied these accusations. At the end of October 2014, Elizaveta Glinka gave an interview to the Pravmir portal, where the words allegedly sounded: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I affirm that there are no Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not.” For these words, she was criticized by a number of people. Glinka herself denied this option text, after which Pravmir admitted its mistake and published a corrected version of the interview: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I did not see Russian troops there.” Later, in an interview with Snob magazine, Glinka clarified that she was talking only about her personal observations.

Lisa was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a TV presenter. In 1986 she graduated from the medical institute and received the specialty "resuscitator-anaesthetist". In 1990, she emigrated to the United States of America with her husband. There she received her second medical education. Living in America, Lisa got acquainted with the work of hospices. Then she opened the first hospice in Kyiv, and also took part in the creation of a fund to help hospices in Russia.

Dr. Liza returned to Moscow in 2007 due to a serious illness of her mother. After the death of a loved one, Glinka created the Fair Aid Foundation. This organization provided medical care and financial support to dying cancer patients, the homeless, low-income non-cancer patients.

In 2010, Lisa collected financial aid for victims of forest fires, and two years later, a collection of things and food was organized in favor of flood victims in Krymsk.

With the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Dr. Lisa began to provide assistance to those living in the Donbass. She received the support of the Russian authorities for humanitarian actions. Glinka's personal project for the removal of wounded children and the sick from the war zone became a state project.

Since 2015, Lisa has visited Syria several times on humanitarian missions. She was involved in organizing the provision of medical care to Syrian citizens, the delivery and distribution of medical supplies.

Under Lisa, her charitable foundation received numerous donations, including from major Russian officials.

Dr. Lisa died on December 25, 2016 in a plane crash near Sochi. She accompanied a shipment of medicines to Syria. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Personal life

Doctor Lisa's husband is Gleb Glinka, an American lawyer of Russian origin. There are three sons in the family: Konstantin and Alexei live in the USA, and Ilya, the adopted son, lives in Saratov.

Dr. Lisa had a particular passion for blogging and gardening. She actively maintained her page in in social networks: wrote about her foundation, shared photos and videos. She also loved stylish handbags and telling jokes. Moreover, she did not hide that she is a rather conflicted person. Liza could smash both an inactive official and an impudent ward to smithereens.

In December 2016, Glinka received the State Prize of the Russian Federation for her contribution to human rights activities. Then she admitted in her speech that she was never sure that she would return home from another trip to the war zone.
