Fixed homing heads. Homing heads of domestic long-range ground-to-ground missiles



Department of Radioelectronic Devices


Saint Petersburg


2.1 Purpose

The radar homing head is installed on the surface-to-air missile to ensure automatic target acquisition, its auto-tracking and the issuance of control signals to the autopilot (AP) and radio fuse (RB) at the final stage of the missile's flight.

2.2 Specifications

RLGS is characterized by the following basic performance data:

1. search area by direction:

Elevation ± 9°

2. search area review time 1.8 - 2.0 sec.

3. target acquisition time by angle 1.5 sec (no more)

4. Maximum angles of deviation of the search area:

In azimuth ± 50° (not less than)

Elevation ± 25° (not less than)

5. Maximum deviation angles of the equisignal zone:

In azimuth ± 60° (not less than)

Elevation ± 35° (not less than)

6. target capture range of the IL-28 aircraft type with the issuance of control signals to (AP) with a probability of not less than 0.5 -19 km, and with a probability of not less than 0.95 -16 km.

7 search zone in range 10 - 25 km

8. operating frequency range f ± 2.5%

9. average transmitter power 68W

10. RF pulse duration 0.9 ± 0.1 µs

11. RF pulse repetition period T ± 5%

12. sensitivity of receiving channels - 98 dB (not less)

13.power consumption from power sources:

From the mains 115 V 400 Hz 3200 W

Mains 36V 400Hz 500W

From the network 27 600 W

14. station weight - 245 kg.


3.1 The principle of operation of the radar

RLGS is a radar station of the 3-centimeter range, operating in the mode of pulsed radiation. At the most general consideration, the radar station can be divided into two parts: - the actual radar part and the automatic part, which provides target acquisition, its automatic tracking in angle and range, and the issuance of control signals to the autopilot and radio fuse.

The radar part of the station works in the usual way. High-frequency electromagnetic oscillations generated by the magnetron in the form of very short pulses are emitted using a highly directional antenna, received by the same antenna, converted and amplified in the receiving device, pass further to the automatic part of the station - the target angle tracking system and the rangefinder.

The automatic part of the station consists of the following three functional systems:

1. antenna control systems that provide antenna control in all modes of operation of the radar station (in the "pointing" mode, in the "search" mode and in the "homing" mode, which in turn is divided into "capture" and "autotracking" modes)

2. distance measuring device

3. a calculator for control signals supplied to the autopilot and radio fuse of the rocket.

The antenna control system in the "autotracking" mode works according to the so-called differential method, in connection with which a special antenna is used in the station, consisting of a spheroidal mirror and 4 emitters placed at some distance in front of the mirror.

When the radar station operates on radiation, a single-lobe radiation pattern is formed with a maμmum coinciding with the axis of the antenna system. This is achieved due to the different lengths of the waveguides of the emitters - there is a hard phase shift between the oscillations of different emitters.

When working at reception, the radiation patterns of the emitters are shifted relative to the optical axis of the mirror and intersect at a level of 0.4.

The connection of the emitters with the transceiver is carried out through a waveguide path, in which there are two ferrite switches connected in series:

· Axes commutator (FKO), operating at a frequency of 125 Hz.

· Receiver switch (FKP), operating at a frequency of 62.5 Hz.

Ferrite switches of the axes switch the waveguide path in such a way that first all 4 emitters are connected to the transmitter, forming a single-lobe directivity pattern, and then to a two-channel receiver, then emitters that create two directivity patterns located in a vertical plane, then emitters that create two patterns orientation in the horizontal plane. From the outputs of the receivers, the signals enter the subtraction circuit, where, depending on the position of the target relative to the equisignal direction formed by the intersection of the radiation patterns of a given pair of emitters, a difference signal is generated, the amplitude and polarity of which is determined by the position of the target in space (Fig. 1.3).

Synchronously with the ferrite axis switch in the radar station, the antenna control signal extraction circuit operates, with the help of which the antenna control signal is generated in azimuth and elevation.

The receiver commutator switches the inputs of the receiving channels at a frequency of 62.5 Hz. The switching of receiving channels is associated with the need to average their characteristics, since the differential method of target direction finding requires the complete identity of the parameters of both receiving channels. The RLGS rangefinder is a system with two electronic integrators. From the output of the first integrator, a voltage proportional to the speed of approach to the target is removed, from the output of the second integrator - a voltage proportional to the distance to the target. The range finder captures the nearest target in the range of 10-25 km with its subsequent auto-tracking up to a range of 300 meters. At a distance of 500 meters, a signal is emitted from the rangefinder, which serves to cock the radio fuse (RV).

The RLGS calculator is a computing device and serves to generate control signals issued by the RLGS to the autopilot (AP) and RV. A signal is sent to the AP, representing the projection of the vector of the absolute angular velocity of the target sighting beam on the transverse axes of the missile. These signals are used to control the missile's heading and pitch. A signal representing the projection of the velocity vector of the target's approach to the missile onto the polar direction of the target's sighting beam arrives at the RV from the calculator.

The distinctive features of the radar station in comparison with other stations similar to it in terms of their tactical and technical data are:

1. the use of a long-focus antenna in a radar station, characterized by the fact that the beam is formed and deflected in it using the deflection of one rather light mirror, the deflection angle of which is half that of the beam deflection angle. In addition, there are no rotating high-frequency transitions in such an antenna, which simplifies its design.

2. use of a receiver with a linear-logarithmic amplitude characteristic, which provides an expansion of the dynamic range of the channel up to 80 dB and, thereby, makes it possible to find the source of active interference.

3. building a system of angular tracking by the differential method, which provides high noise immunity.

4. application in the station of the original two-circuit closed yaw compensation circuit, which provides a high degree of compensation for the rocket oscillations relative to the antenna beam.

5. constructive implementation of the station according to the so-called container principle, which is characterized by a number of advantages in terms of reducing the total weight, using the allotted volume, reducing interconnections, the possibility of using a centralized cooling system, etc.

3.2 Separate functional radar systems

RLGS can be divided into a number of separate functional systems, each of which solves a well-defined particular problem (or several more or less closely related particular problems) and each of which is to some extent designed as a separate technological and structural unit. There are four such functional systems in the RLGS:

3.2.1 Radar part of the RLGS

The radar part of the RLGS consists of:

the transmitter.


high voltage rectifier.

the high frequency part of the antenna.

The radar part of the RLGS is intended:

· to generate high-frequency electromagnetic energy of a given frequency (f ± 2.5%) and a power of 60 W, which is radiated into space in the form of short pulses (0.9 ± 0.1 μs).

for subsequent reception of signals reflected from the target, their conversion into intermediate frequency signals (Ffc = 30 MHz), amplification (via 2 identical channels), detection and output to other radar systems.

3.2.2. Synchronizer

Synchronizer consists of:

Receiving and Synchronization Manipulation Unit (MPS-2).

· receiver switching unit (KP-2).

· Control unit for ferrite switches (UF-2).

selection and integration node (SI).

Error signal selection unit (CO)

· ultrasonic delay line (ULZ).

generation of synchronization pulses for launching individual circuits in the radar station and control pulses for the receiver, SI unit and rangefinder (MPS-2 unit)

Formation of impulses for controlling the ferrite switch of axes, the ferrite switch of the receiving channels and the reference voltage (UV-2 node)

Integration and summation of received signals, voltage regulation for AGC control, conversion of target video pulses and AGC into radio frequency signals (10 MHz) to delay them in the ULZ (SI node)

· isolation of the error signal necessary for the operation of the angular tracking system (CO node).

3.2.3. Rangefinder

The rangefinder consists of:

Time modulator node (EM).

time discriminator node (VD)

two integrators.

The purpose of this part of the RLGS is:

search, capture and tracking of the target in range with the issuance of signals of the range to the target and the speed of approach to the target

issuance of signal D-500 m

OGS is designed to capture and automatically track the target by its thermal radiation, measure the angular velocity of the line of sight of the missile - the target and generate a control signal proportional to the angular velocity of the line of sight, including under the influence of a false thermal target (LTTs).

Structurally, the OGS consists of a coordinator 2 (Fig. 63) and an electronic unit 3. An additional element that formalizes the OGS is body 4. The aerodynamic nozzle 1 serves to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the rocket in flight.

The OGS uses a cooled photodetector, to ensure the required sensitivity of which is the cooling system 5. The refrigerant is liquefied gas obtained in the cooling system from gaseous nitrogen by throttling.

Structural scheme The optical homing head (Fig. 28) consists of the tracking coordinator and autopilot circuits.

The tracking coordinator (SC) performs continuous automatic tracking of the target, generates a correction signal to align the optical axis of the coordinator with the line of sight, and provides a control signal proportional to the angular velocity of the line of sight to the autopilot (AP).

The tracking coordinator consists of a coordinator, an electronic unit, a gyroscope correction system and a gyroscope.

The coordinator consists of a lens, two photodetectors (FPok and FPvk) and two preamplifiers of electrical signals (PUok and PUvk). In the focal planes of the main and auxiliary spectral ranges of the coordinator lens, there are photodetectors FPok and FPvk, respectively, with rasters of a certain configuration radially located relative to the optical axis.

The lens, photodetectors, preamplifiers are fixed on the gyroscope rotor and rotate with it, and the optical axis of the lens coincides with the axis of proper rotation of the gyroscope rotor. The gyroscope rotor, the main mass of which is a permanent magnet, is installed in a gimbals, allowing it to deviate from the longitudinal axis of the OGS by a bearing angle in any direction relative to two mutually perpendicular axes. When the gyroscope rotor rotates, the space is surveyed within the field of view of the lens in both spectral ranges using photoresistors.

Images of a distant radiation source are located in the focal planes of both spectra optical system in the form of scattered spots. If the direction to the target coincides with the optical axis of the lens, the image is focused to the center of the OGS field of view. When an angular mismatch appears between the lens axis and the direction to the target, the scattering spot shifts. When the gyroscope rotor rotates, the photoresistors are illuminated for the duration of the passage of the scattering spot over the photosensitive layer. Such pulsed illumination is converted by photoresistors into electrical pulses, the duration of which depends on the magnitude of the angular mismatch, and with an increase in the mismatch for the selected raster shape, their duration decreases. The pulse repetition rate is equal to the rotation frequency of the photoresistor.

Rice. 28. Structural diagram of the optical homing head

The signals from the outputs of the photodetectors FPok and FPvk are fed, respectively, to the preamplifiers PUok and PUvk, which are connected common system automatic gain control AGC1, operating on a signal from PUok. This ensures the constancy of the ratio of values ​​and the preservation of the shape of the output signals of the pre-amplifiers in the required range of changes in the power of the received OGS radiation. The signal from the PUok goes to the switching circuit (SP), designed to protect against LTC and background noise. LTC protection is based on different temperatures of radiation from a real target and LTC, which determine the difference in the position of the maxima of their spectral characteristics.

The SP also receives a signal from the PUvk containing information about interference. The ratio of the amount of radiation from the target, received by the auxiliary channel, to the amount of radiation from the target, received by the main channel, will be less than one, and the signal from the LTC to the output of the SP does not pass.

In the SP, a throughput strobe is formed for the target; the signal selected for the SP from the target is fed to the selective amplifier and the amplitude detector. The amplitude detector (AD) selects a signal, the amplitude of the first harmonic of which depends on the angular mismatch between the optical axis of the lens and the direction to the target. Further, the signal passes through a phase shifter, which compensates for the signal delay in the electronic unit, and enters the input of a correction amplifier that amplifies the signal in power, which is necessary to correct the gyroscope and feed the signal to the AP. The load of the correction amplifier (UC) is the correction windings and active resistances connected in series with them, the signals from which are fed to the AP.

The electromagnetic field induced in the correction coils interacts with magnetic field the magnet of the gyroscope rotor, forcing it to precess in the direction of decreasing the mismatch between the optical axis of the lens and the direction to the target. Thus, the OGS is tracking the target.

At small distances to the target, the dimensions of the radiation from the target perceived by the OGS increase, which leads to a change in the characteristics of the pulse signals from the output of the photodetectors, which worsens the ability of the OGS to track the target. To exclude this phenomenon, the near-field circuit is provided in the electronic unit of the SC, which provides tracking of the energy center of the jet and nozzle.

The autopilot performs the following functions:

Filtering the signal from the SC to improve the quality of the missile control signal;

Formation of a signal to turn the missile at the initial section of the trajectory to automatically provide the necessary elevation and lead angles;

Converting the correction signal into a control signal at the missile's control frequency;

Formation of a control command on a steering drive operating in a relay mode.

The input signals of the autopilot are the signals of the correction amplifier, the near-field circuit and the bearing winding, and the output signal is the signal from the push-pull power amplifier, the load of which is the windings of the electromagnets of the spool valve of the steering machine.

The signal of the correction amplifier passes through a synchronous filter and a dynamic limiter connected in series and is fed to the input of the adder ∑І. The signal from the bearing winding is fed to the FSUR circuit along the bearing. It is necessary at the initial section of the trajectory to reduce the time to reach the guidance method and set the guidance plane. The output signal from the FSUR goes to the adder ∑І.

The signal from the output of the adder ∑І, whose frequency is equal to the rotational speed of the gyroscope rotor, is fed to the phase detector. The reference signal of the phase detonator is the signal from the GON winding. The GON winding is installed in the OGS in such a way that its longitudinal axis lies in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the OGS. The frequency of the signal induced in the GON winding is equal to the sum of the rotational frequencies of the gyroscope and the rocket. Therefore, one of the components of the output signal of the phase detector is the signal at the rocket rotation frequency.

The output signal of the phase detector is fed to the filter, at the input of which it is added to the signal of the linearization generator in the adder ∑II. The filter suppresses the high-frequency components of the signal from the phase detector and reduces the non-linear distortion of the linearization generator signal. The output signal from the filter will be fed to a limiting amplifier with a high gain, the second input of which receives a signal from the rocket angular velocity sensor. From the limiting amplifier, the signal is fed to the power amplifier, the load of which is the windings of the electromagnets of the spool valve of the steering machine.

The gyroscope caging system is designed to match the optical axis of the coordinator with the sighting axis of the sighting device, which makes a given angle with the longitudinal axis of the missile. In this regard, when aiming, the target will be in the field of view of the OGS.

The sensor for the deviation of the gyroscope axis from the longitudinal axis of the missile is a bearing winding, the longitudinal axis of which coincides with the longitudinal axis of the missile. In the case of deviation of the gyroscope axis from the longitudinal axis of the bearing winding, the amplitude and phase of the EMF induced in it unambiguously characterize the magnitude and direction of the mismatch angle. Opposite to the direction finding winding, the tilt winding located in the launch tube sensor unit is turned on. The EMF induced in the slope winding is proportional in magnitude to the angle between the sighting axis of the aiming device and the longitudinal axis of the rocket.

The difference signal from the slope winding and the direction finding winding, amplified in voltage and power in the tracking coordinator, enters the gyroscope correction windings. Under the influence of a moment from the side of the correction system, the gyroscope precesses in the direction of decreasing the angle of mismatch with the sighting axis of the sighting device and is locked in this position. The gyroscope is de-caged by the ARP when the OGS is switched to the tracking mode.

To maintain the speed of rotation of the gyroscope rotor within the required limits, a speed stabilization system is used.

Steering compartment

The steering compartment includes the rocket flight control equipment. In the body of the steering compartment there is a steering machine 2 (Fig. 29) with rudders 8, an on-board power source consisting of a turbogenerator 6 and a stabilizer-rectifier 5, an angular velocity sensor 10, an amplifier /, a powder pressure accumulator 4, a powder control motor 3, a socket 7 (with cocking unit) and destabilizer

Rice. 29. Steering compartment: 1 - amplifier; 2 - steering machine; 3 - control engine; 4 - pressure accumulator; 5 - stabilizer-rectifier; 6 - turbogenerator; 7 - socket; 8 - rudders (plates); 9 - destabilizer; 10 - angular velocity sensor

Rice. 30. Steering machine:

1 - output ends of the coils; 2 - body; 3 - latch; 4 - clip; 5 - filter; 6 - rudders; 7 - stopper; 8 - rack; 9 - bearing; 10 and 11 - springs; 12 - leash; 13 - nozzle; 14 - gas distribution sleeve; 15 - spool; 16 - bushing; 17 - right coil; 18 - anchor; 19 - piston; 20 - left coil; B and C - channels

Steering machine designed for aerodynamic control of the rocket in flight. At the same time, the RM serves as a switchgear in the gas-dynamic control system of the rocket in the initial section of the trajectory, when the aerodynamic rudders are ineffective. It is a gas amplifier for control electrical signals generated by the OGS.

The steering machine consists of a holder 4 (Fig. 30), in the tides of which there is a working cylinder with a piston 19 and a fine filter 5. The housing 2 is pressed into the holder with a spool valve, consisting of a four-edged spool 15, two bushings 16 and anchors 18. Two coils 17 and 20 of electromagnets are placed in the housing. The holder has two eyes, in which on the bearings 9 there is a rack 8 with springs (spring) and with a leash 12 pressed onto it. In the tide of the cage between the lugs, a gas distribution sleeve 14 is placed, rigidly fixed with a latch 3 on the rack. The sleeve has a groove with cut-off edges for supplying gas coming from the PUD to channels B, C and nozzles 13.

The RM is powered by PAD gases, which are supplied through a pipe through a fine filter to the spool and from it through channels in the rings, housing and piston holder. Command signals from the OGS are fed in turn to the coils of the electromagnets RM. When current passes through the right coil 17 of the electromagnet, the armature 18 with the spool is attracted towards this electromagnet and opens the passage of gas into the left cavity of the working cylinder under the piston. Under gas pressure, the piston moves to the extreme right position until it stops against the cover. Moving, the piston drags the protrusion of the leash behind it and turns the leash and the rack, and with them the rudders, to the extreme position. At the same time, the gas distribution sleeve also rotates, while the cut-off edge opens the gas access from the PUD through the channel to the corresponding nozzle.

When current passes through the left coil 20 of the electromagnet, the piston moves to another extreme position.

At the moment of switching the current in the coils, when the force created by the powder gases exceeds the force of attraction of the electromagnet, the spool moves under the action of the force from the powder gases, and the movement of the spool begins earlier than the current rises in the other coil, which increases the speed of the RM.

Onboard power supply designed to power the rocket equipment in flight. The source of energy for it are the gases formed during the combustion of the PAD charge.

The BIP consists of a turbogenerator and a stabilizer-rectifier. The turbogenerator consists of a stator 7 (Fig. 31), a rotor 4, on the axis of which an impeller 3 is mounted, which is its drive.

The stabilizer-rectifier performs two functions:

Converts the alternating current voltage of the turbogenerator to the required values ​​of direct voltages and maintains their stability with changes in the speed of rotation of the rotor of the turbogenerator and load current;

Regulates the rotation speed of the turbogenerator rotor when the gas pressure at the nozzle inlet changes by creating an additional electromagnetic load on the turbine shaft.

Rice. 31. Turbogenerator:

1 - stator; 2 - nozzle; 3 - impeller; 4 - rotor

BIP works as follows. Powder gases from the combustion of the PAD charge through the nozzle 2 are fed to the blades of the turbine 3 and cause it to rotate together with the rotor. In this case, a variable EMF is induced in the stator winding, which is fed to the input of the stabilizer-rectifier. From the output of the stabilizer-rectifier, a constant voltage is supplied to the OGS and the DUS amplifier. The voltage from the BIP is supplied to the electric igniters of the VZ and PUD after the rocket exits the tube and the RM rudders are opened.

Angular velocity sensor is designed to generate an electrical signal proportional to the angular velocity of the missile's oscillations relative to its transverse axes. This signal is used to dampen the angular oscillations of the rocket in flight, the CRS is a frame 1 consisting of two windings (Fig. 32), which is suspended on the semiaxes 2 in the center screws 3 with corundum thrust bearings 4 and can be pumped in the working gaps of the magnetic circuit, consisting of base 5, permanent magnet 6 and shoes 7. The signal is picked up from the sensitive element of the CRS (frame) through flexible momentless extensions 8, soldered to the contacts 10 of the frame and contacts 9, electrically isolated from the housing.

Rice. 32. Angular velocity sensor:

1 - frame; 2 - axle shaft; 3 - center screw; 4 - thrust bearing; 5 - base; 6 - magnet;

7 - shoe; 8 - stretching; 9 and 10 - contacts; 11 - casing

CRS is installed so that it X-X axis coincided with the longitudinal axis of the rocket. When the rocket rotates only around the longitudinal axis, the frame, under the action of centrifugal forces, is installed in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the rocket.

The frame does not move in a magnetic field. EMF in its windings is not induced. In the presence of rocket oscillations about transverse axes, the frame moves in a magnetic field. In this case, the EMF induced in the windings of the frame is proportional to the angular velocity of the rocket oscillations. The frequency of the EMF corresponds to the frequency of rotation around the longitudinal axis, and the phase of the signal corresponds to the direction of the vector of the absolute angular velocity of the rocket.

Powder pressure accumulator it is intended for feeding with powder gases RM and BIP. PAD consists of housing 1 (Fig. 33), which is a combustion chamber, and filter 3, in which gas is cleaned from solid particles. The gas flow rate and the parameters of the internal ballistics are determined by the throttle opening 2. Inside the housing are placed a powder charge 4 and an igniter 7, consisting of an electric igniter 8, a sample of 5 gunpowder and a pyrotechnic firecracker 6.

Rice. 34. Powder control engine:

7 - adapter; 3 - body; 3 - powder charge; 4 - weight of gunpowder; 5 - pyrotechnic firecracker; 6 - electric igniter; 7 - igniter

PAD works as follows. An electrical impulse from the electronic unit of the trigger mechanism is fed to an electric igniter that ignites a sample of gunpowder and a pyrotechnic firecracker, from the force of the flame of which the powder charge is ignited. The resulting powder gases are cleaned in the filter, after which they enter the RM and the BIP turbogenerator.

Powder control engine designed for gas-dynamic control of the rocket in the initial part of the flight path. The PUD consists of a housing 2 (Fig. 34), which is a combustion chamber, and an adapter 1. Inside the housing are a powder charge 3 and an igniter 7, consisting of an electric igniter 6, a sample of 4 gunpowder and a pyrotechnic firecracker 5. Gas consumption and parameters of the internal ballistics are determined by the orifice in the adapter.

PUD works as follows. After the rocket leaves the launch tube and the RM rudders open, an electrical impulse from the cocking capacitor is fed to an electric igniter, which ignites a sample of gunpowder and a firecracker, from the force of the flame of which the powder charge ignites. Powder gases, passing through the distribution sleeve and two nozzles located perpendicular to the plane of the rudders of the RM, create a control force that ensures the turn of the rocket.

Socket provides electrical connection between the rocket and the launch tube. It has main and control contacts, a circuit breaker for connecting capacitors C1 and C2 of the cocking unit to the electric igniters VZ (EV1) and PUD, as well as for switching the positive output of the BIP to the VZ after the rocket leaves the tube and the RM rudders open.

Rice. 35. Scheme of the cocking block:

1 - circuit breaker

The cocking unit located in the socket housing consists of capacitors C1 and C2 (Fig. 35), resistors R3 and R4 to remove residual voltage from the capacitors after checks or a failed start, resistors R1 and R2 to limit the current in the capacitor circuit and diode D1, designed for electrical decoupling of BIP and VZ circuits. Voltage is applied to the cocking unit after the PM trigger is moved to the position until it stops.

Destabilizer is designed to provide overloads, the required stability and create additional torque, in connection with which its plates are installed at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the rocket.


The warhead is designed to destroy an air target or cause damage to it, leading to the impossibility of performing a combat mission.

The damaging factor of the warhead is the high-explosive action of the shock wave of the explosive products of the warhead and the remnants of the propellant fuel, as well as the fragmentation action of the elements formed during the explosion and crushing of the hull.

The warhead consists of the warhead itself, a contact fuse and an explosive generator. The warhead is the carrier compartment of the rocket and is made in the form of an integral connection.

The warhead itself (high-explosive fragmentation) is designed to create a given defeat field that acts on the target after receiving an initiating pulse from the EO. It consists of body 1 (Fig. 36), warhead 2, detonator 4, cuff 5 and tube 3, through which the wires from the air intake to the steering compartment of the rocket pass. There is a yoke L on the body, the hole of which includes a pipe stopper designed to fix the rocket in it.

Rice. 36. Warhead:

warhead - actually warhead; VZ - fuse; VG - explosive generator: 1- case;

2 - combat charge; 3 - tube; 4 - detonator; 5 - cuff; A - yoke

The fuse is designed to issue a detonation pulse to detonate the warhead charge when the missile hits the target or after the self-liquidation time has elapsed, as well as to transfer the detonation pulse from the warhead charge to the charge of the explosive generator.

The fuse of the electromechanical type has two stages of protection, which are removed in flight, which ensures the safety of the operation of the complex (start-up, maintenance, transportation and storage).

The fuse consists of a safety detonating device (PDU) (Fig. 37), a self-destruction mechanism, a tube, capacitors C1 and C2, the main target sensor GMD1 (pulse vortex magnetoelectric generator), backup target sensor GMD2 (pulse wave magnetoelectric generator), starting electric igniter EV1, two combat electric igniters EV2 and EVZ, a pyrotechnic retarder, an initiating charge, a detonator cap and a fuse detonator.

The remote control serves to ensure safety in handling the fuse until it is cocked after the rocket is launched. It includes a pyrotechnic fuse, a swivel sleeve and a blocking stop.

The fuse detonator is used to detonate warheads. Target sensors GMD 1 and GMD2 provide triggering of the detonator cap when the missile hits the target, and the self-destruct mechanism - triggering of the detonator cap after the self-detonation time has elapsed in case of a miss. The tube ensures the transfer of impulse from the charge of the warhead to the charge of the explosive generator.

Explosive generator - designed to undermine the unburned part of the marching charge of remote control and create an additional field of destruction. It is a cup located in the body of the fuse with an explosive composition pressed into it.

The fuse and warhead when launching a rocket work as follows. When the rocket takes off from the pipe, the rudders of the RM open, while the contacts of the breaker of the socket are closed and the voltage from the capacitor C1 of the cocking unit is supplied to the electric igniter EV1 of the fuse, from which the pyrotechnic fuse of the remote control and the pyrotechnic pressing of the self-destruction mechanism are simultaneously ignited.

Rice. 37. Structural diagram of the fuse

In flight, under the influence of axial acceleration from a running main engine, the blocking stopper of the remote control unit settles and does not prevent the turning of the rotary sleeve (the first stage of protection is removed). After 1-1.9 seconds after the launch of the rocket, the pyrotechnic fuse burns out, the spring turns the rotary sleeve into the firing position. In this case, the axis of the detonator cap is aligned with the axis of the fuse detonator, the contacts of the rotary sleeve are closed, the fuse is connected to the missile's BIP (the second stage of protection has been removed) and is ready for action. At the same time, the pyrotechnic fitting of the self-destruction mechanism continues to burn, and the BIP feeds the capacitors C1 and C2 of the fuse on everything. throughout the flight.

When a rocket hits a target at the moment the fuse passes through a metal barrier (when it breaks through) or along it (when it ricochets) in the winding of the main target sensor GMD1, under the influence of eddy currents induced in the metal barrier when the permanent magnet of the target sensor GMD1 moves, an electric pulse occurs. current. This pulse is applied to the EVZ electric igniter, from the beam of which the detonator cap is triggered, causing the fuse detonator to act. The fuse detonator initiates the warhead detonator, the operation of which causes the warhead and explosive in the fuse tube to rupture, which transmits the detonation to the explosive generator. In this case, the explosive generator is triggered and the residual fuel of the remote control (if any) is detonated.

When a missile hits a target, the backup target sensor GMD2 is also triggered. Under the influence of the will of elastic deformations that occur when a missile meets an obstacle, the armature of the GMD2 target sensor breaks off, the magnetic circuit breaks, as a result of which an electric current pulse is induced in the winding, which is supplied to the EV2 electric igniter. From the beam of fire of the electric igniter EV2, a pyrotechnic retarder is ignited, the burning time of which exceeds the time required for the main target sensor GMD1 to approach the barrier. After the moderator burns out, the initiating charge is triggered, causing the detonator cap and warhead detonator to fire, the warhead and residual propellant fuel (if any) are detonated.

In the event of a missile miss on a target, after the pyrotechnic press-fitting of the self-destruction mechanism burns out, a detonator cap is triggered by a beam of fire, causing the detonator to act and detonate the warhead warhead with an explosive generator to self-destruct the missile.

Propulsion system

Solid propellant control is designed to ensure that the rocket leaves the tube, gives it the necessary angular velocity of rotation, accelerates to cruising speed and maintains this speed in flight.

The remote control consists of a starting engine, a dual-mode single-chamber sustainer engine and a delayed-action beam igniter.

The starting engine is designed to ensure the launch of the rocket from the tube and give it the required angular velocity of rotation. The starting engine consists of chamber 8 (Fig. 38), starting charge 6, starting charge igniter 7, diaphragm 5, disk 2, gas supply tube 1 and nozzle block 4. The starting charge consists of tubular powder blocks (or monolith) freely installed in annular volume of the chamber. The starting charge igniter consists of a housing in which an electric igniter and a sample of gunpowder are placed. The disk and the diaphragm secure the charge during operation and transportation.

The starting engine is connected to the nozzle part of the propulsion engine. When docking the engines, the gas supply tube is put on the body of the beam igniter 7 (Fig. 39) of delayed action, located in the pre-nozzle volume of the propulsion engine. This connection ensures the transmission of the fire pulse to the beam igniter. The electrical connection of the igniter of the starting engine with the launch tube is carried out through the contact connection 9 (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38. Starting engine:

1 - gas supply tube; 2 - disk; 3 - plug; 4 - nozzle block; 5 - diaphragm; 6 - starting charge; 7 - starting charge igniter; 8 - camera; 9 - contact

The nozzle block has seven (or six) nozzles located at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the rocket, which ensure the rotation of the rocket in the area of ​​operation of the starting engine. To ensure the tightness of the remote control chamber during operation and to create the necessary pressure when the starting charge is ignited, plugs 3 are installed in the nozzles.

Dual-mode single-chamber propulsion engine designed to ensure the acceleration of the rocket to cruising speed in the first mode and maintain this speed in flight in the second mode.

The sustainer engine consists of a chamber 3 (Fig. 39), a sustainer charge 4, a sustainer charge igniter 5, a nozzle block 6, and a slow-acting beam igniter 7. Bottom 1 is screwed into the front part of the chamber with seats for docking remote control and warhead. To obtain the required combustion modes, the charge is partially booked and reinforced with six wires 2.

1 - bottom; 2 - wires; 3 - camera; 4 - marching charge; 5 – marching charge igniter; 6 - nozzle block; 7 - beam delayed igniter; 8 - plug; A - threaded hole

Rice. 40. Delayed beam igniter: 1 - pyrotechnic moderator; 2 - body; 3 - bushing; 4 - transfer charge; 5 - deton. charge

Rice. 41. Wing block:

1 - plate; 2 - front insert; 3 - body; 4 - axis; 5 - spring; 6 - stopper; 7 - screw; 8 - rear insert; B - ledge

To ensure the tightness of the chamber during operation and create the necessary pressure during the ignition of the sustainer charge, a plug 8 is installed on the nozzle block, which collapses and burns out from the propellant gases of the sustainer engine. On the outer part of the nozzle block there are threaded holes A for attaching the wing block to the PS.

The delayed-action beam igniter is designed to ensure the operation of the main engine at a safe distance for the anti-aircraft gunner. During its combustion time, equal to 0.33 - 0.5 s, the rocket moves away from the anti-aircraft gunner at a distance of at least 5.5 m. This protects the anti-aircraft gunner from exposure to the jet of propellant gases of the sustainer engine.

A delayed-action beam igniter consists of a housing 2 (Fig. 40), in which a pyrotechnic retarder 1 is placed, a transfer charge 4 in a sleeve 3. On the other hand, a detonating charge 5 is pressed into the sleeve. , the detonating charge is ignited. The shock wave generated during detonation is transmitted through the wall of the sleeve and ignites the transfer charge, from which the pyrotechnic retarder is ignited. After a delay time from the pyrotechnic retarder, the main charge igniter ignites, which ignites the main charge.

DU works as follows. When an electrical impulse is applied to the electric igniter of the starting charge, the igniter is activated, and then the starting charge. Under the influence of the reactive force created by the starting engine, the rocket flies out of the tube with the required angular velocity of rotation. The starting engine finishes its work in the pipe and lingers in it. From the powder gases formed in the chamber of the starting engine, a delayed-action beam igniter is triggered, which ignites the march charge igniter, from which the march charge is triggered at a safe distance for the anti-aircraft gunner. The reactive force created by the main engine accelerates the rocket to the main speed and maintains this speed in flight.

Wing block

The wing unit is designed for aerodynamic stabilization of the rocket in flight, creating lift in the presence of angles of attack and maintaining the required speed of rotation of the rocket on the trajectory.

The wing block consists of a body 3 (Fig. 41), four folding wings and a mechanism for their locking.

The folding wing consists of a plate 7, which is fastened with two screws 7 to the liners 2 and 8, put on the axis 4, placed in the hole in the body.

The locking mechanism consists of two stoppers 6 and a spring 5, with the help of which the stoppers are released and lock the wing when opened. After the spinning rocket takes off from the tube, under the action of centrifugal forces, the wings open. To maintain the required speed of rotation of the rocket in flight, the wings are deployed relative to the longitudinal axis of the wing unit at a certain angle.

The wing block is fixed with screws on the main engine nozzle block. There are four protrusions B on the body of the wing block for connecting it to the starting engine using an expandable connecting ring.

Rice. 42. Pipe 9P39(9P39-1*)

1 - front cover; 2 and 11 - locks; 3 - block of sensors; 4 - antenna; 5 - clips; 6 and 17 - covers; 7 - diaphragm; 8 - shoulder strap; 9 - clip; 10 - pipe; 12 - back cover; 13 - lamp; 14 - screw; 15 - block; 16 - lever of the heating mechanism; 18. 31 and 32 - springs; 19 38 - clamps; 20 - connector; 21 - rear rack; 22 - board connector mechanism; 23 - handle; 24 - front pillar; 25 - fairing; 26 - nozzles; 27 - board; 28 - pin contacts; 29 - guide pins; 30 - stopper; 33 - thrust; 34 - fork; 35 - body; 36 - button; 37 - eye; A and E - labels; B and M - holes; B - fly; G - rear sight; D - triangular mark; Zh - cutout; And - guides; K - bevel; L and U - surfaces; D - groove; Р and С – diameters; F - nests; W - board; Shch and E - gasket; Yu - overlay; I am a shock absorber;

*) Note:

1. Two variants of pipes can be in operation: 9P39 (with antenna 4) and 9P39-1 (without antenna 4)

2. There are 3 variants of mechanical sights with a light information lamp in operation

Homing is the automatic guidance of a missile to a target, based on the use of energy coming from the target to the missile.

The missile homing head autonomously carries out target tracking, determines the mismatch parameter and generates missile control commands.

According to the type of energy that the target radiates or reflects, homing systems are divided into radar and optical (infrared or thermal, light, laser, etc.).

Depending on the location of the primary energy source, homing systems can be passive, active and semi-active.

With passive homing, the energy radiated or reflected by the target is created by the sources of the target itself or by the target's natural irradiator (Sun, Moon). Therefore, information about the coordinates and parameters of the target's movement can be obtained without special target exposure to energy of any kind.

The active homing system is characterized by the fact that the energy source that irradiates the target is installed on the missile and the energy of this source reflected from the target is used for homing the missiles.

With semi-active homing, the target is irradiated by a primary energy source located outside the target and the missile (Hawk ADMS).

Radar homing systems are widely used in air defense systems due to their practical independence of action from meteorological conditions and the possibility of guiding a missile to a target of any type and at various ranges. They can be used on the entire or only on the final section of the trajectory of an anti-aircraft guided missile, i.e. in combination with other control systems (telecontrol system, program control).

In radar systems, the use of the passive homing method is very limited. Such a method is possible only in special cases, for example, when homing missiles to an aircraft that has on its board a continuously operating jamming radio transmitter. Therefore, in radar homing systems, special irradiation (“illumination”) of the target is used. When homing a missile throughout the entire section of its flight path to the target, as a rule, semi-active homing systems are used in terms of energy and cost ratios. The primary source of energy (target illumination radar) is usually located at the point of guidance. In combined systems, both semi-active and active homing systems are used. range limit active system homing occurs due to the maximum power that can be obtained on a rocket, taking into account the possible dimensions and mass of onboard equipment, including the homing head antenna.

If homing does not begin from the moment the missile is launched, then with an increase in the firing range of the missile, the energy advantages of active homing in comparison with semi-active ones increase.

To calculate the mismatch parameter and generate control commands, the tracking systems of the homing head must continuously track the target. At the same time, the formation of a control command is possible when tracking the target only in angular coordinates. However, such tracking does not provide target selection in terms of range and speed, as well as protection of the homing head receiver from spurious information and interference.

Equal-signal direction finding methods are used for automatic tracking of the target in angular coordinates. The angle of arrival of the wave reflected from the target is determined by comparing the signals received in two or more mismatched radiation patterns. The comparison may be carried out simultaneously or sequentially.

Direction finders with instantaneous equisignal direction, which use the sum-difference method for determining the angle of deviation of the target, are most widely used. The appearance of such direction-finding devices is primarily due to the need to improve the accuracy of automatic target tracking systems in the direction. Such direction finders are theoretically insensitive to amplitude fluctuations of the signal reflected from the target.

In direction finders with equisignal direction created by periodically changing the antenna pattern, and, in particular, with a scanning beam, a random change in the amplitudes of the signal reflected from the target is perceived as a random change in the angular position of the target.

The principle of target selection in terms of range and speed depends on the nature of the radiation, which can be pulsed or continuous.

With pulsed radiation, target selection is carried out, as a rule, in range with the help of strobe pulses that open the receiver of the homing head at the moment the signals from the target arrive.

With continuous radiation, it is relatively easy to select the target by speed. The Doppler effect is used to track the target in speed. The value of the Doppler frequency shift of the signal reflected from the target is proportional to the relative velocity of the missile approach to the target during active homing, and to the radial component of the target velocity relative to the ground-based irradiation radar and the relative velocity of the missile to the target during semi-active homing. To isolate the Doppler shift during semi-active homing on a missile after target acquisition, it is necessary to compare the signals received by the irradiation radar and the homing head. The tuned filters of the receiver of the homing head pass into the angle change channel only those signals that are reflected from the target moving at a certain speed relative to the missile.

As applied to the Hawk-type anti-aircraft missile system, it includes a target irradiation (illumination) radar, a semi-active homing head, an anti-aircraft guided missile, etc.

The task of the target irradiation (illumination) radar is to continuously irradiate the target with electromagnetic energy. The radar station uses directional radiation of electromagnetic energy, which requires continuous tracking of the target in angular coordinates. To solve other problems, target tracking in range and speed is also provided. Thus, the ground part of the semi-active homing system is a radar station with continuous automatic target tracking.

The semi-active homing head is mounted on the rocket and includes a coordinator and a calculating device. It provides capture and tracking of the target in terms of angular coordinates, range or speed (or in all four coordinates), determination of the mismatch parameter and generation of control commands.

An autopilot is installed on board an anti-aircraft guided missile, which solves the same tasks as in command telecontrol systems.

The composition of the anti-aircraft missile system, using a homing system or a combined control system, also includes equipment and apparatus for preparing and launching missiles, pointing the radiation radar at the target, etc.

Infrared (thermal) homing systems for anti-aircraft missiles use a wavelength range, usually from 1 to 5 microns. In this range is the maximum thermal radiation of most air targets. The possibility of using a passive homing method is the main advantage of infrared systems. The system is made simpler, and its action is hidden from the enemy. Before launching a missile defense system, it is more difficult for an air enemy to detect such a system, and after launching a missile, it is more difficult to create active interference with it. The receiver of the infrared system can be structurally made much simpler than the receiver of the radar seeker.

The disadvantage of the system is the dependence of the range on meteorological conditions. Thermal rays are strongly attenuated in rain, in fog, in clouds. The range of such a system also depends on the orientation of the target relative to the energy receiver (on the direction of reception). Radiant stream from the nozzle jet engine aircraft significantly exceeds the radiant flux of its fuselage.

Thermal homing heads are widely used in short-range and short-range anti-aircraft missiles.

Light homing systems are based on the fact that most aerial targets reflect sunlight or moonlight much stronger than their surrounding background. This allows you to select a target against a given background and direct an anti-aircraft missile at it with the help of a seeker that receives a signal in the visible range of the electromagnetic wave spectrum.

The advantages of this system are determined by the possibility of using a passive homing method. Its significant drawback is the strong dependence of the range on meteorological conditions. Under good meteorological conditions, light homing is also impossible in directions where the light of the Sun and Moon enters the field of view of the goniometer of the system.

homing head

The homing head is an automatic device that is installed on a guided weapon in order to ensure high targeting accuracy.

The main parts of the homing head are: a coordinator with a receiver (and sometimes with an energy emitter) and an electronic computing device. The coordinator searches, captures and tracks the target. The electronic computing device processes the information received from the coordinator and transmits signals that control the coordinator and the movement of the controlled weapon.

According to the principle of operation, the following homing heads are distinguished:

1) passive - receiving the energy radiated by the target;

2) semi-active - reacting to the energy reflected by the target, which is emitted by some external source;

3) active - receiving energy reflected from the target, which is emitted by the homing head itself.

According to the type of energy received, the homing heads are divided into radar, optical, acoustic.

The acoustic seeker functions using audible sound and ultrasound. Its most effective use is in water, where sound waves decay more slowly than electromagnetic waves. Heads of this type are installed on controlled means of destroying sea targets (for example, acoustic torpedoes).

The optical homing head works using electromagnetic waves in the optical range. They are mounted on controlled means of destruction of ground, air and sea targets. Guidance is carried out by a source of infrared radiation or by the reflected energy of a laser beam. On guided means of destruction of ground targets, related to non-contrast, passive optical homing heads are used, which operate on the basis of an optical image of the terrain.

Radar homing heads work using electromagnetic waves in the radio range. Active, semi-active and passive radar heads are used on controlled means of destruction of ground, air and sea targets-objects. On controlled means of destruction of non-contrasting ground targets, active homing heads are used, which operate on radio signals reflected from the terrain, or passive ones that operate on the radiothermal radiation of the terrain.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Locksmith's Guide by Phillips Bill

From the book Locksmith's Guide by Phillips Bill

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Etc.) to ensure a direct hit on the object of attack or approach at a distance less than the radius of destruction of the warhead of the means of destruction (SP), that is, to ensure high accuracy of targeting. GOS is an element of the homing system.

A joint venture equipped with a seeker can “see” a “illuminated” carrier or itself, a radiating or contrasting target and independently aim at it, unlike command-guided missiles.

Types of GOS

  • RGS (RGSN) - radar seeker:
    • ARGSN - active CGS, has a full-fledged radar on board, can independently detect targets and aim at them. It is used in air-to-air, surface-to-air, anti-ship missiles;
    • PARGSN - semi-active CGS, catches the tracking radar signal reflected from the target. It is used in air-to-air, ground-to-air missiles;
    • Passive RGSN - is aimed at the radiation of the target. It is used in anti-radar missiles, as well as in missiles aimed at a source of active interference.
  • TGS (IKGSN) - thermal, infrared seeker. It is used in air-to-air, ground-to-air, air-to-ground missiles.
  • TV-GSN - television GOS. It is used in air-to-ground missiles, some surface-to-air missiles.
  • Laser seeker. It is used in air-to-ground, ground-to-ground missiles, air bombs.

Developers and manufacturers of GOS

IN Russian Federation the production of homing heads of various classes is concentrated at a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. In particular, active homing heads for small and medium range air-to-air class are mass-produced at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP Istok (Fryazino, Moscow Region).


  • Military Encyclopedic Dictionary / Prev. Ch. ed. commissions: S. F. Akhromeev. - 2nd ed. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1986. - 863 p. - 150,000 copies. - ISBN, BBC 68ya2, B63
  • Kurkotkin V.I., Sterligov V.L. Self-guided missiles. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1963. - 92 p. - (Rocket technology). - 20,000 copies. - ISBN 6 T5.2, K93


  • Colonel R. Shcherbinin Homing heads of promising foreign guided missiles and air bombs // Foreign military review. - 2009. - No. 4. - S. 64-68. - ISSN 0134-921X.


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