Active Mrs. homing systems

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education



Department of Radioelectronic Devices


Saint Petersburg


2.1 Purpose

The radar homing head is installed on the surface-to-air missile to ensure automatic target acquisition, its auto-tracking and the issuance of control signals to the autopilot (AP) and radio fuse (RB) at the final stage of the missile's flight.

2.2 Specifications

RLGS is characterized by the following basic performance data:

1. search area by direction:

Azimuth ± 10°

Elevation ± 9°

2. search area review time 1.8 - 2.0 sec.

3. target acquisition time by angle 1.5 sec (no more)

4. Maximum angles of deviation of the search area:

In azimuth ± 50° (not less than)

Elevation ± 25° (not less than)

5. Maximum deviation angles of the equisignal zone:

In azimuth ± 60° (not less than)

Elevation ± 35° (not less than)

6. target capture range of the IL-28 aircraft type with the issuance of control signals to (AP) with a probability of not less than 0.5 -19 km, and with a probability of not less than 0.95 -16 km.

7 search zone in range 10 - 25 km

8. operating frequency range f ± 2.5%

9. average transmitter power 68W

10. RF pulse duration 0.9 ± 0.1 µs

11. RF pulse repetition period T ± 5%

12. sensitivity of receiving channels - 98 dB (not less)

13.power consumption from power sources:

From the mains 115 V 400 Hz 3200 W

Mains 36V 400Hz 500W

From the network 27 600 W

14. station weight - 245 kg.


3.1 The principle of operation of the radar

RLGS is a radar station of the 3-centimeter range, operating in the mode of pulsed radiation. At the most general consideration, the radar station can be divided into two parts: - the actual radar part and the automatic part, which provides target acquisition, its automatic tracking in angle and range, and the issuance of control signals to the autopilot and radio fuse.

The radar part of the station works in the usual way. High-frequency electromagnetic oscillations generated by the magnetron in the form of very short pulses are emitted using a highly directional antenna, received by the same antenna, converted and amplified in the receiving device, pass further to the automatic part of the station - the target angle tracking system and the rangefinder.

The automatic part of the station consists of the following three functional systems:

1. antenna control systems that provide antenna control in all modes of operation of the radar station (in the "pointing" mode, in the "search" mode and in the "homing" mode, which in turn is divided into "capture" and "autotracking" modes)

2. distance measuring device

3. a calculator for control signals supplied to the autopilot and radio fuse of the rocket.

The antenna control system in the "autotracking" mode works according to the so-called differential method, in connection with which a special antenna is used in the station, consisting of a spheroidal mirror and 4 emitters placed at some distance in front of the mirror.

When the radar station operates on radiation, a single-lobe radiation pattern is formed with a maμmum coinciding with the axis of the antenna system. This is achieved due to the different lengths of the waveguides of the emitters - there is a hard phase shift between the oscillations of different emitters.

When working at reception, the radiation patterns of the emitters are shifted relative to the optical axis of the mirror and intersect at a level of 0.4.

The connection of the emitters with the transceiver is carried out through a waveguide path, in which there are two ferrite switches connected in series:

· Axes commutator (FKO), operating at a frequency of 125 Hz.

· Receiver switch (FKP), operating at a frequency of 62.5 Hz.

Ferrite switches of the axes switch the waveguide path in such a way that first all 4 emitters are connected to the transmitter, forming a single-lobe directivity pattern, and then to a two-channel receiver, then emitters that create two directivity patterns located in a vertical plane, then emitters that create two patterns orientation in the horizontal plane. From the outputs of the receivers, the signals enter the subtraction circuit, where, depending on the position of the target relative to the equisignal direction formed by the intersection of the radiation patterns of a given pair of emitters, a difference signal is generated, the amplitude and polarity of which is determined by the position of the target in space (Fig. 1.3).

Synchronously with the ferrite axis switch in the radar station, the antenna control signal extraction circuit operates, with the help of which the antenna control signal is generated in azimuth and elevation.

The receiver commutator switches the inputs of the receiving channels at a frequency of 62.5 Hz. The switching of receiving channels is associated with the need to average their characteristics, since the differential method of target direction finding requires the complete identity of the parameters of both receiving channels. The RLGS rangefinder is a system with two electronic integrators. From the output of the first integrator, a voltage proportional to the speed of approach to the target is removed, from the output of the second integrator - a voltage proportional to the distance to the target. The range finder captures the nearest target in the range of 10-25 km with its subsequent auto-tracking up to a range of 300 meters. At a distance of 500 meters, a signal is emitted from the rangefinder, which serves to cock the radio fuse (RV).

The RLGS calculator is a computing device and serves to generate control signals issued by the RLGS to the autopilot (AP) and RV. A signal is sent to the AP, representing the projection of the vector of the absolute angular velocity of the target sighting beam on the transverse axes of the missile. These signals are used to control the missile's heading and pitch. A signal representing the projection of the velocity vector of the target's approach to the missile onto the polar direction of the target's sighting beam arrives at the RV from the calculator.

Distinctive features RLGS in comparison with other stations similar to it in terms of their tactical and technical data are:

1. the use of a long-focus antenna in a radar station, characterized by the fact that the beam is formed and deflected in it using the deflection of one rather light mirror, the deflection angle of which is half that of the beam deflection angle. In addition, there are no rotating high-frequency transitions in such an antenna, which simplifies its design.

2. use of a receiver with a linear-logarithmic amplitude characteristic, which provides an expansion of the dynamic range of the channel up to 80 dB and, thereby, makes it possible to find the source of active interference.

3. building a system of angular tracking by the differential method, which provides high noise immunity.

4. application in the station of the original two-circuit closed yaw compensation circuit, which provides a high degree of compensation for the rocket oscillations relative to the antenna beam.

5. constructive implementation of the station according to the so-called container principle, which is characterized by a number of advantages in terms of reducing the total weight, using the allotted volume, reducing interconnections, the possibility of using a centralized cooling system, etc.

3.2 Separate functional radar systems

RLGS can be divided into a number of separate functional systems, each of which solves a well-defined particular problem (or several more or less closely related particular problems) and each of which is to some extent designed as a separate technological and structural unit. There are four such functional systems in the RLGS:

3.2.1 Radar part of the RLGS

The radar part of the RLGS consists of:

the transmitter.


high voltage rectifier.

the high frequency part of the antenna.

The radar part of the RLGS is intended:

· to generate high-frequency electromagnetic energy of a given frequency (f ± 2.5%) and a power of 60 W, which is radiated into space in the form of short pulses (0.9 ± 0.1 μs).

for subsequent reception of signals reflected from the target, their conversion into intermediate frequency signals (Ffc = 30 MHz), amplification (via 2 identical channels), detection and output to other radar systems.

3.2.2. Synchronizer

Synchronizer consists of:

Receiving and Synchronization Manipulation Unit (MPS-2).

· receiver switching unit (KP-2).

· Control unit for ferrite switches (UF-2).

selection and integration node (SI).

Error signal selection unit (CO)

· ultrasonic delay line (ULZ).

generation of synchronization pulses for launching individual circuits in the radar station and control pulses for the receiver, SI unit and rangefinder (MPS-2 unit)

Formation of impulses for controlling the ferrite switch of axes, the ferrite switch of the receiving channels and the reference voltage (UV-2 node)

Integration and summation of received signals, voltage regulation for AGC control, conversion of target video pulses and AGC into radio frequency signals (10 MHz) to delay them in the ULZ (SI node)

· isolation of the error signal necessary for the operation of the angular tracking system (CO node).

3.2.3. Rangefinder

The rangefinder consists of:

Time modulator node (EM).

time discriminator node (VD)

two integrators.

The purpose of this part of the RLGS is:

search, capture and tracking of the target in range with the issuance of signals of the range to the target and the speed of approach to the target

issuance of signal D-500 m

Issuance of selection pulses for receiver gating

Issuance of pulses limiting the reception time.

3.2.4. Antenna Control System (AMS)

The antenna control system consists of:

Search and gyro stabilization unit (PGS).

Antenna head control unit (UGA).

· knot of the automatic capture (A3).

· storage unit (ZP).

· output nodes of the antenna control system (AC) (on the channel φ and channel ξ).

Electric spring assembly (SP).

The purpose of this part of the RLGS is:

control of the antenna during rocket takeoff in the modes of guidance, search and preparation for capture (assemblies of PGS, UGA, US and ZP)

Target capture by angle and its subsequent auto-tracking (nodes A3, ZP, US, and ZP)


In the functional diagram of the angular target tracking system, the reflected high-frequency pulse signals received by two vertical or horizontal antenna radiators are fed through the ferrite switch (FKO) and the ferrite switch of the receiving channels - (FKP) to the input flanges of the radio frequency receiving unit. To reduce reflections from the detector sections of the mixers (SM1 and SM2) and from the receiver protection arresters (RZP-1 and RZP-2) during the recovery time of the RZP, which worsen the decoupling between the receiving channels, resonant ferrite valves (FV- 1 and FV-2). The reflected pulses received at the inputs of the radio-frequency receiving unit are fed through the resonant valves (F A-1 and F V-2) to the mixers (CM-1 and CM-2) of the corresponding channels, where, mixing with the oscillations of the klystron generator, they are converted into pulses of the intermediate frequencies. From the outputs of the mixers of the 1st and 2nd channels, the intermediate frequency pulses are fed to the intermediate frequency preamplifiers of the corresponding channels - (PUFC unit). From the output of the PUFC, the amplified intermediate frequency signals are fed to the input of a linear-logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifier (UPCL nodes). Linear-logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifiers amplify, detect and subsequently amplify the video frequency of the intermediate frequency pulses received from the PUFC.

Each linear-logarithmic amplifier consists of the following functional elements:

Logarithmic amplifier, which includes an IF (6 stages)

Transistors (TR) for decoupling the amplifier from the addition line

Signal addition lines (LS)

Linear detector (LD), which in the range of input signals of the order of 2-15 dB gives a linear dependence of the input signals on the output

The summing cascade (Σ), in which the linear and logarithmic components of the characteristic are added

Video amplifier (VU)

The linear-logarithmic characteristic of the receiver is necessary to expand the dynamic range of the receiving path up to 30 dB and eliminate overloads caused by interference. If we consider the amplitude characteristic, then in the initial section it is linear and the signal is proportional to the input, with an increase in the input signal, the increment of the output signal decreases.

To obtain a logarithmic dependence in UPCL, the method of sequential detection is used. The first six stages of the amplifier work as linear amplifiers at low input signal levels and as detectors at high signal levels. The video pulses generated during detection are fed from the emitters of the IF transistors to the bases of the decoupling transistors, on the common collector load of which they are added.

To obtain the initial linear section of the characteristic, the signal from the output of the IF is fed to a linear detector (LD). The overall linear-logarithmic dependence is obtained by adding the logarithmic and linear amplitude characteristics in the addition cascade.

Due to the need to have a fairly stable noise level of the receiving channels. In each receiving channel, a system of inertial automatic noise gain control (AGC) is used. For this purpose, the output voltage from the UPCL node of each channel is fed to the PRU node. Through the preamplifier (PRU), the key (CL), this voltage is fed to the error generation circuit (CBO), into which the reference voltage "noise level" from resistors R4, R5 is also introduced, the value of which determines the noise level at the receiver output. The difference between the noise voltage and the reference voltage is the output signal of the video amplifier of the AGC unit. After appropriate amplification and detection, the error signal in the form of a constant voltage is applied to the last stage of the PUCH. To exclude the operation of the AGC node from various kinds of signals that may occur at the input of the receiving path (the AGC should work only on noise), switching of both the AGC system and the block klystron has been introduced. The AGC system is normally locked and opens only for the duration of the AGC strobe pulse, which is located outside the area of ​​reflected signal reception (250 μs after the TX start pulse). In order to exclude the influence of various kinds of external interference on the noise level, the generation of the klystron is interrupted for the duration of the AGC, for which the strobe pulse is also fed to the klystron reflector (through the output stage of the AFC system). (Figure 2.4)

It should be noted that the disruption of klystron generation during AGC operation leads to the fact that the noise component created by the mixer is not taken into account by the AGC system, which leads to some instability. general level receiving channel noise.

Almost all control and switching voltages are connected to the PUCH nodes of both channels, which are the only linear elements of the receiving path (at the intermediate frequency):

· AGC regulating voltages;

The radio-frequency receiving unit of the radar station also contains a klystron automatic frequency control (AFC) circuit, due to the fact that the tuning system uses a klystron with dual frequency control - electronic (in a small frequency range) and mechanical (in a large frequency range) AFC system also divided into electronic and electromechanical frequency control system. The voltage from the output of the electronic AFC is fed to the klystron reflector and performs electronic frequency adjustment. The same voltage is fed to the input of the electromechanical frequency control circuit, where it is converted into an alternating voltage, and then fed to the motor control winding, which performs mechanical frequency adjustment of the klystron. To find the correct setting of the local oscillator (klystron), corresponding to a difference frequency of about 30 MHz, the AFC provides for an electromechanical search and capture circuit. The search takes place over the entire frequency range of the klystron in the absence of a signal at the AFC input. The AFC system works only during the emission of a probing pulse. For this, the power supply of the 1st stage of the AFC node is carried out by a differentiated start pulse.

From the UPCL outputs, the video pulses of the target enter the synchronizer to the summation circuit (SH "+") in the SI node and to the subtraction circuit (SH "-") in the CO node. The target pulses from the outputs of the UPCL of the 1st and 2nd channels, modulated with a frequency of 123 Hz (with this frequency the axes are switched), through the emitter followers ZP1 and ZP2 enter the subtraction circuit (SH "-"). From the output of the subtraction circuit, the difference signal obtained as a result of subtracting the signals of the 1st channel from the signals of the 2nd channel of the receiver enters the key detectors (KD-1, KD-2), where it is selectively detected and the error signal is separated along the axes " ξ" and "φ". The enabling pulses necessary for the operation of the key detectors are generated in special circuits in the same node. One of the permissive pulse generation circuits (SFRI) receives integrated target pulses from the "SI" synchronizer node and a reference voltage of 125– (I) Hz, the other receives integrated target pulses and a reference voltage of 125 Hz – (II) in antiphase. Enable pulses are formed from the pulses of the integrated target at the time of the positive half-cycle of the reference voltage.

The reference voltages of 125 Hz - (I), 125 Hz - (II), shifted relative to each other by 180, necessary for the operation of the permissive pulse generation circuits (SFRI) in the CO synchronizer node, as well as the reference voltage through the "φ" channel, are generated by sequential dividing by 2 the station repetition rate in the KP-2 node (switching receivers) of the synchronizer. Frequency division is performed using frequency dividers, which are RS flip-flops. The frequency divider start pulse generation circuit (ОΦЗ) is triggered by the trailing edge of a differentiated negative reception time limit pulse (T = 250 μs), which comes from the rangefinder. From the voltage output circuit of 125 Hz - (I), and 125 Hz - (II) (CB), a synchronization pulse with a frequency of 125 Hz is taken, which is fed to the frequency divider in the UV-2 (DCh) node. In addition, a voltage of 125 Hz is supplied to the circuit forming a shift by 90 relative to the reference voltage. The circuit for generating the reference voltage over the channel (TOH φ) is assembled on a trigger. A synchronization pulse of 125 Hz is applied to the divider circuit in the UV-2 node, the reference voltage "ξ" with a frequency of 62.5 Hz is removed from the output of this divider (DF), supplied to the US node and also to the KP-2 node to form a shifted by 90 degrees of reference voltage.

The UF-2 node also generates axes switching current pulses with a frequency of 125 Hz and receiver switching current pulses with a frequency of 62.5 Hz (Fig. 4.4).

The enabling pulse opens the transistors of the key detector and the capacitor, which is the load of the key detector, is charged to a voltage equal to the amplitude of the resulting pulse coming from the subtraction circuit. Depending on the polarity of the incoming pulse, the charge will be positive or negative. The amplitude of the resulting pulses is proportional to the angle of mismatch between the direction to the target and the direction of the equisignal zone, so the voltage to which the capacitor of the key detector is charged is the voltage of the error signal.

From the key detectors, an error signal with a frequency of 62.5 Hz and an amplitude proportional to the angle of mismatch between the direction to the target and the direction of the equisignal zone arrives through the RFP (ZPZ and ZPCH) and video amplifiers (VU-3 and VU-4) to the nodes US-φ and US-ξ of the antenna control system (Fig. 6.4).

The target pulses and UPCL noise of the 1st and 2nd channels are also fed to the CX+ addition circuit in the synchronizer node (SI), in which time selection and integration are carried out. Time selection of pulses by repetition frequency is used to combat non-synchronous impulse noise. Radar protection from non-synchronous impulse interference can be carried out by applying to the coincidence circuit non-delayed reflected signals and the same signals, but delayed for a time exactly equal to the repetition period of the emitted pulses. In this case, only those signals whose repetition period is exactly equal to the repetition period of the emitted pulses will pass through the coincidence circuit.

From the output of the addition circuit, the target pulse and noise through the phase inverter (Φ1) and the emitter follower (ZP1) are fed to the coincidence stage. The summation circuit and the coincidence cascade are elements of a closed-loop integration system with positive feedback. The integration scheme and the selector work as follows. The input of the circuit (Σ) receives the pulses of the summed target with noise and the pulses of the integrated target. Their sum goes to the modulator and generator (MiG) and to the ULZ. This selector uses an ultrasonic delay line. It consists of a sound duct with electromechanical energy converters (quartz plates). ULZ can be used to delay both RF pulses (up to 15 MHz) and video pulses. But when the video pulses are delayed, a significant distortion of the waveform occurs. Therefore, in the selector circuit, the signals to be delayed are first converted using a special generator and modulator into RF pulses with a duty cycle of 10 MHz. From the output of the ULZ, the target impulse delayed for the period of repetition of the radar is fed to the UPCH-10, from the output of the UPCH-10, the signal delayed and detected on the detector (D) through the key (CL) (UPC-10) is fed to the coincidence cascade (CS), to this the same cascade is supplied with the summed target impulse.

At the output of the coincidence stage, a signal is obtained that is proportional to the product of favorable voltages, therefore, the target pulses, synchronously arriving at both inputs of the COP, easily pass the coincidence stage, and noise and non-synchronous interference are strongly suppressed. From the output (CS), the target pulses through the phase inverter (Φ-2) and (ZP-2) again enter the circuit (Σ), thereby closing the feedback ring, in addition, the integrated target pulses enter the CO node, to the circuits for generating allowing key impulses, detectors (OFRI 1) and (OFRI 2).

The integrated pulses from the key output (CL), in addition to the coincidence cascade, are fed to the protection circuit against non-synchronous impulse noise (SZ), on the second arm of which the summed target pulses and noises from (3P 1) are received. The anti-synchronous interference protection circuit is a diode coincidence circuit that passes the smaller of the two voltages synchronously applied to its inputs. Since the integrated target pulses are always much larger than the summed ones, and the voltage of noise and interference is strongly suppressed in the integration circuit, then in the coincidence circuit (CZ), in essence, the summed target pulses are selected by the integrated target pulses. The resulting "direct target" pulse has the same amplitude and shape as the stacked target pulse, while noise and jitter are suppressed. The impulse of the direct target is supplied to the time discriminator of the rangefinder circuit and the node of the capture machine, the antenna control system. Obviously, when using this selection scheme, it is necessary to ensure a very accurate equality between the delay time in the CDL and the repetition period of the emitted pulses. This requirement can be met by using special schemes for the formation of synchronization pulses, in which the stabilization of the pulse repetition period is carried out by the LZ of the selection scheme. The synchronization pulse generator is located in the MPS - 2 node and is a blocking oscillator (ZVG) with its own self-oscillation period, slightly longer than the delay time in the LZ, i.e. more than 1000 µs. When the radar is turned on, the first ZVG pulse is differentiated and launches the BG-1, from the output of which several synchronization pulses are taken:

· Negative clock pulse T=11 µs is fed along with the rangefinder selection pulse to the circuit (CS), which generates the control pulses of the SI node for the duration of which the manipulation cascade (CM) opens in the node (SI) and the addition cascade (CX +) and all subsequent ones work. As a result, the BG1 synchronization pulse passes through (SH +), (Φ 1), (EP-1), (Σ), (MiG), (ULZ), (UPC-10), (D) and delayed by the radar repetition period (Tp=1000µs), triggers the ZBG with a rising edge.

· Negative locking pulse UPC-10 T = 12 μs locks the key (KL) in the SI node and thereby prevents the BG-1 synchronization pulse from entering the circuit (KS) and (SZ).

· Negative differentiated impulse synchronization triggers the rangefinder start pulse generation circuit (SΦZD), the rangefinder start pulse synchronizes the time modulator (TM), and also through the delay line (DL) is fed to the start pulse generation circuit of the transmitter SΦZP. In the circuit (VM) of the range finder, negative pulses of the reception time limit f = 1 kHz and T = 250 μs are formed along the front of the range finder start pulse. They are fed back to the MPS-2 node at the ZBG to exclude the possibility of the ZBG triggering from the target pulse, in addition, the AGC strobe pulse generation circuit (SFSI) is triggered by the trailing edge of the reception time limit pulse, and the manipulation pulse generation circuit (СΦМ) is triggered by the AGC strobe pulse. ). These pulses are fed into the RF unit.

Error signals from the output of the node (CO) of the synchronizer are fed to the nodes of the angular tracking (US φ, US ξ) of the antenna control system to the error signal amplifiers (USO and USO). From the output of the error signal amplifiers, the error signals are fed to the paraphase amplifiers (PFC), from the outputs of which the error signals in opposite phases are fed to the inputs of the phase detector - (PD 1). Reference voltages are also supplied to the phase detectors from the outputs of PD 2 of reference voltage multivibrators (MVON), the inputs of which are supplied with reference voltages from the UV-2 unit (φ channel) or the KP-2 unit (ξ channel) of the synchronizer. From the outputs of phase signal voltage detectors, errors are fed to the contacts of the capture preparation relay (RPZ). Further operation of the node depends on the mode of operation of the antenna control system.


The RLGS 5G11 rangefinder uses an electrical range measurement circuit with two integrators. This scheme allows you to get a high speed of capturing and tracking the target, as well as giving the range to the target and the speed of approach in the form of a constant voltage. The system with two integrators memorizes the last rate of approach in case of a short-term loss of the target.

The operation of the rangefinder can be described as follows. In the time discriminator (TD), the time delay of the pulse reflected from the target is compared with the time delay of the tracking pulses ("Gate"), created by the electrical time modulator (TM), which includes a linear delay circuit. The circuit automatically provides equality between gate delay and target pulse delay. Since the delay of the target pulse is proportional to the distance to the target, and the delay of the gate is proportional to the voltage at the output of the second integrator, in the case of a linear relationship between the delay of the gate and this voltage, the latter will be proportional to the distance to the target.

The time modulator (TM), in addition to the “gate” pulses, generates a reception time limit pulse and a range selection pulse, and, depending on whether the radar station is in the search or target acquisition mode, its duration changes. In the "search" mode T = 100 μs, and in the "capture" mode T = 1.5 μs.


In accordance with the tasks performed by the SUA, the latter can be conditionally divided into three separate systems, each of which performs a well-defined functional task.

1. Antenna head control system. It includes:

UGA node

Scheme of storing on the channel "ξ" in the node ZP

· drive - an electric motor of the SD-10a type, controlled by an electric machine amplifier of the UDM-3A type.

2. Search and gyro stabilization system. It includes:

PGS node

output cascades of US nodes

Scheme of storing on the channel "φ" in the node ZP

· a drive on electromagnetic piston couplings with an angular velocity sensor (DSUs) in the feedback circuit and the ZP unit.

3. Angular target tracking system. It includes:

nodes: US φ, US ξ, A3

Scheme for highlighting the error signal in the CO synchronizer node

· drive on electromagnetic powder clutches with CRS in feedback and SP unit.

It is advisable to consider the operation of the control system sequentially, in the order in which the rocket performs the following evolutions:

1. "take off",

2. "guidance" on commands from the ground

3. "search for the target"

4. "pre-capture"

5. "ultimate capture"

6. "automatic tracking of a captured target"

With the help of a special kinematic scheme of the block, the necessary law of motion of the antenna mirror is provided, and, consequently, the movement of the directivity characteristics in azimuth (φ axis) and inclination (ξ axis) (fig.8.4).

The trajectory of the antenna mirror depends on the operating mode of the system. In mode "escort" the mirror can only do simple moves along the φ axis - at an angle of 30°, and along the ξ axis - at an angle of 20°. When operating in "search", the mirror performs a sinusoidal oscillation about the φ n axis (from the drive of the φ axis) with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and an amplitude of ± 4°, and a sinusoidal oscillation about the ξ axis (from the cam profile) with a frequency f = 3 Hz and an amplitude of ± 4°.

Thus, viewing of the 16"x16" zone is provided. the angle of deviation of the directivity characteristic is 2 times the angle of rotation of the antenna mirror.

In addition, the viewing area is moved along the axes (by the drives of the corresponding axes) by commands from the ground.


When the rocket takes off, the radar antenna mirror must be in the zero position "top-left", which is provided by the PGS system (along the φ axis and along the ξ axis).


In the guidance mode, the position of the antenna beam (ξ = 0 and φ = 0) in space is set using control voltages, which are taken from the potentiometers and the search area gyro stabilization unit (GS) and are brought into the channels of the OGM unit, respectively.

After launching the missile into level flight, a one-time "guidance" command is sent to the RLGS through the onboard command station (SPC). On this command, the PGS node keeps the antenna beam in a horizontal position, turning it in azimuth in the direction specified by the commands from the ground "turn the zone along" φ ".

The UGA system in this mode keeps the antenna head in the zero position relative to the "ξ" axis.


When the missile approaches the target to a distance of approximately 20-40 km, a one-time "search" command is sent to the station through the SPC. This command arrives at the node (UGA), and the node switches to the high-speed servo system mode. In this mode, the sum of a fixed frequency signal of 400 Hz (36V) and the high-speed feedback voltage from the TG-5A current generator are supplied to the input of the AC amplifier (AC) of the node (UGA). In this case, the shaft of the executive motor SD-10A begins to rotate at a fixed speed, and through the cam mechanism causes the antenna mirror to swing relative to the rod (i.e., relative to the "ξ" axis) with a frequency of 3 Hz and an amplitude of ± 4°. At the same time, the engine rotates a sinus potentiometer - a sensor (SPD), which outputs a "winding" voltage with a frequency of 0.5 Hz to the azimuth channel of the OPO system. This voltage is applied to the summing amplifier (US) of the node (CS φ) and then to the antenna drive along the axis. As a result, the antenna mirror begins to oscillate in azimuth with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and an amplitude of ± 4°.

Synchronous swinging of the antenna mirror by the UGA and OPO systems, respectively in elevation and azimuth, creates a search beam movement shown in Fig. 3.4.

In the "search" mode, the outputs of the phase detectors of the nodes (US - φ and US - ξ) are disconnected from the input of the summing amplifiers (SU) by the contacts of a de-energized relay (RPZ).

In the "search" mode, the processing voltage "φ n" and the voltage from the gyroazimuth "φ g" are supplied to the input of the node (ZP) via the "φ" channel, and the processing voltage "ξ p" via the "ξ" channel.


To reduce the review time, the search for a target in the radar station is carried out at high speed. In this regard, the station uses a two-stage target acquisition system, with storing the target position at the first detection, followed by returning the antenna to the memorized position and the secondary final target acquisition, after which its autotracking follows. Both preliminary and final target acquisition are carried out by the A3 node scheme.

When a target appears in the station search area, video pulses of the "direct target" from the asynchronous interference protection circuit of the synchronizer node (SI) begin to flow through the error signal amplifier (USO) of the node (AZ) to the detectors (D-1 and D-2) of the node (A3 ). When the missile reaches a range at which the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient to trigger the cascade of the capture preparation relay (CRPC), the latter triggers the capture preparation relay (RPR) in the nodes (CS φ and DC ξ). The capture automaton (A3) cannot work in this case, because. it is unlocked by voltage from the circuit (APZ), which is applied only 0.3 sec after operation (APZ) (0.3 sec is the time required for the antenna to return to the point where the target was originally detected).

Simultaneously with the operation of the relay (RPZ):

· from node of storage (ZP) input signals "ξ p" and "φ n" are disconnected

The voltages that control the search are removed from the inputs of the nodes (PGS) and (UGA)

· the storage node (ZP) begins to issue stored signals to the inputs of the nodes (PGS) and (UGA).

To compensate for the error of the storage and gyro stabilization circuits, the swing voltage (f = 1.5 Hz) is applied to the inputs of the nodes (POG) and (UGA) simultaneously with the stored voltages from the node (ZP), as a result of which, when the antenna returns to the memorized point, the beam swings with a frequency of 1.5 Hz and an amplitude of ± 3°.

As a result of the operation of the relay (RPZ) in the channels of the nodes (RS) and (RS), the outputs of the nodes (RS) are connected to the input of the antenna drives via the channels "φ" and "ξ" simultaneously with the signals from the OGM, as a result of which the drives begin to be controlled also an error signal of the angle tracking system. Due to this, when the target re-enters the antenna pattern, the tracking system retracts the antenna into the equisignal zone, facilitating the return to the memorized point, thus increasing the capture reliability.


After 0.4 seconds after the capture preparation relay is triggered, the blocking is released. As a result of this, when the target re-enters the antenna pattern, the capture relay cascade (CRC) is triggered, which causes:

· actuation of the capture relay (RC) in the nodes (US "φ" and US "ξ") that turn off the signals coming from the node (SGM). Antenna control system switches to automatic target tracking mode

actuation of the relay (RZ) in the UGA unit. In the latter, the signal coming from the node (ZP) is turned off and the ground potential is connected. Under the influence of the appeared signal, the UGA system returns the antenna mirror to the zero position along the "ξ p" axis. Arising in this case, due to the withdrawal of the equisignal zone of the antenna from the target, the error signal is worked out by the SUD system, according to the main drives "φ" and "ξ". In order to avoid tracking failure, the return of the antenna to zero along the axis "ξ p" is carried out at a reduced speed. When the antenna mirror reaches the zero position along the axis "ξ p ". the mirror locking system is activated.


From the output of the CO node from the video amplifier circuits (VUZ and VU4), the error signal with a frequency of 62.5 Hz, divided along the "φ" and "ξ" axes, enters through the nodes US "φ" and US "ξ" to phase detectors. The reference voltage "φ" and "ξ" are also fed to the phase detectors, which comes from the reference voltage trigger circuit (RTS "φ") of the KP-2 unit and the switching pulse shaping circuit (SΦPCM "P") of the UV-2 unit. From the phase detectors, the error signals are fed to the amplifiers (CS "φ" and CS "ξ") and further to the antenna drives. Under the influence of the incoming signal, the drive turns the antenna mirror in the direction of decreasing the error signal, thereby tracking the target.

The figure is located at the end of the entire text. The scheme is divided into three parts. Transitions of conclusions from one part to another are indicated by numbers.

Etc.) to ensure a direct hit on the object of attack or approach at a distance less than the radius of destruction of the warhead of the means of destruction (SP), that is, to ensure high accuracy of targeting. GOS is an element of the homing system.

A joint venture equipped with a seeker can “see” a “illuminated” carrier or itself, a radiating or contrasting target and independently aim at it, unlike command-guided missiles.

Types of GOS

  • RGS (RGSN) - radar seeker:
    • ARGSN - active CGS, has a full-fledged radar on board, can independently detect targets and aim at them. It is used in air-to-air, surface-to-air, anti-ship missiles;
    • PARGSN - semi-active CGS, catches the tracking radar signal reflected from the target. It is used in air-to-air, ground-to-air missiles;
    • Passive RGSN - is aimed at the radiation of the target. It is used in anti-radar missiles, as well as in missiles aimed at a source of active interference.
  • TGS (IKGSN) - thermal, infrared seeker. It is used in air-to-air, ground-to-air, air-to-ground missiles.
  • TV-GSN - television GOS. It is used in air-to-ground missiles, some surface-to-air missiles.
  • Laser seeker. It is used in air-to-ground, ground-to-ground missiles, air bombs.

Developers and manufacturers of GOS

In the Russian Federation, the production of homing heads of various classes is concentrated at a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. In particular, active homing heads for small and medium range air-to-air class are mass-produced at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP Istok (Fryazino, Moscow Region).


  • Military Encyclopedic Dictionary / Prev. Ch. ed. commissions: S. F. Akhromeev. - 2nd ed. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1986. - 863 p. - 150,000 copies. - ISBN, BBC 68ya2, B63
  • Kurkotkin V.I., Sterligov V.L. Self-guided missiles. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1963. - 92 p. - (Rocket technology). - 20,000 copies. - ISBN 6 T5.2, K93


  • Colonel R. Shcherbinin Homing heads of promising foreign guided missiles and air bombs // Foreign military review. - 2009. - No. 4. - S. 64-68. - ISSN 0134-921X.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "homing head" is in other dictionaries:

    A device on guided warhead carriers (missiles, torpedoes, etc.) to ensure a direct hit on the object of attack or approach at a distance less than the radius of destruction of the charges. The homing head perceives the energy emitted by ... ... Marine Dictionary

    Automatic device installed in guided missiles, torpedoes, bombs, etc. to ensure high targeting accuracy. According to the type of perceived energy, they are divided into radar, optical, acoustic, etc. Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (GOS) an automatic measuring device installed on homing missiles and designed to highlight the target against the surrounding background and measure the parameters of the relative movement of the missile and the target used to form commands ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    An automatic device installed in guided missiles, torpedoes, bombs, etc. to ensure high targeting accuracy. According to the type of perceived energy, they are divided into radar, optical, acoustic, etc. * * * HEAD ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    homing head- nusitaikymo galvutė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: engl. homing head; seeker vok. Zielsuchkopf, f rus. seeker, f pranc. tête autochercheuse, f; tête autodirectrice, f; tête d autoguidage, f … Radioelectronics terminų žodynas

    homing head- nusitaikančioji galvutė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Automatinis prietaisas, įrengtas valdomojoje naikinimo priemonėje (raketoje, torpedoje, bomboje, sviedinyje ir pan.), jai tiksliai į objektus (taikinius) nutaikyti. Pagrindiniai… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas

    A device mounted on a self-guided projectile (anti-aircraft missile, torpedo, etc.) that tracks the target and generates commands for automatically aiming the projectile at the target. G. s. can control the flight of the projectile along its entire trajectory ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    homing head Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    homing head- Structural diagram of the radar homing head. homing head (GOS) an automatic measuring device installed on homing missiles and designed to highlight the target against the surrounding background and measure ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Automatic a device mounted on a warhead carrier (rocket, torpedo, bomb, etc.) to ensure high targeting accuracy. G. s. perceives the energy received or reflected by the target, determines the position and character ... ... Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

The invention relates to defense technology, in particular to missile guidance systems. The technical result is an increase in the accuracy of tracking targets and their resolution in azimuth, as well as an increase in the detection range. The active radar homing head contains a gyro-stabilized antenna drive with a monopulse type slot antenna array mounted on it, a three-channel receiver, a transmitter, a three-channel ADC, a programmable signal processor, a synchronizer, a reference generator and a digital computer. In the process of processing the received signals, a high resolution of ground targets and a high accuracy in determining their coordinates (range, speed, elevation and azimuth) are realized. 1 ill.

The invention relates to defense technology, in particular to missile guidance systems designed to detect and track ground targets, as well as to generate and issue control signals to the missile control system (RMS) for its guidance to the target.

Passive radar homing heads (RGS) are known, for example, RGS 9B1032E [advertising booklet of JSC "Agat", International Aviation and Space Salon "Max-2005"], the disadvantage of which is a limited class of detectable targets - only radio-emitting targets.

Semi-active and active CGSs are known for detecting and tracking air targets, for example, such as the firing section [patent RU No. 2253821 dated 06.10.2005], a multifunctional monopulse Doppler homing head (GOS) for the RVV AE missile [Advertising booklet of JSC " Agat", International Aviation and Space Salon "Max-2005"], improved GOS 9B-1103M (diameter 200 mm), GOS 9B-1103M (diameter 350 mm) [Space Courier, No. 4-5, 2001, p. 46- 47], the disadvantages of which are the mandatory presence of a target illumination station (for semi-active CGS) and a limited class of detected and tracked targets - only air targets.

Known active CGS designed to detect and track ground targets, for example, such as ARGS-35E [Promotional booklet of JSC "Radar-MMS", International Aviation and Space Salon "Max-2005"], ARGS-14E [Advertising booklet of JSC "Radar -MMS", International Aviation and Space Salon "Max-2005"], [Doppler seeker for a rocket: application 3-44267 Japan, MKI G01S 7/36, 13/536, 13/56/ Hippo dense kiki K.K. Published 7.05.91], the disadvantages of which are the low resolution of targets in angular coordinates and, as a result, the low ranges of detection and capture of targets, as well as the low accuracy of their tracking. The listed shortcomings of the GOS data are due to the use of the centimeter wave range, which does not allow to realize, with a small antenna midsection, a narrow antenna pattern and a low level of its side lobes.

Also known coherent pulse radar with increased resolution in angular coordinates [US patent No. 4903030, MKI G01S 13/72/ Electronigue Serge Dassault. Published 20.2.90], which is proposed to be used in the rocket. In this radar, the angular position of a point on the earth's surface is represented as a function of the Doppler frequency of the radio signal reflected from it. A group of filters designed to extract the Doppler frequencies of signals reflected from various points on the ground is created through the use of fast Fourier transform algorithms. Angular coordinates of a point on earth's surface are determined by the number of the filter in which the radio signal reflected from this point is selected. The radar uses antenna aperture synthesis with focusing. Compensation for the approach of the missile to the selected target during the formation of the frame is provided by the control of the range strobe.

The disadvantage of the considered radar is its complexity, due to the complexity of providing a synchronous change in the frequencies of several generators to implement a change from pulse to pulse in the frequency of the emitted oscillations.

Of the known technical solutions, the closest (prototype) is the CGS according to US patent No. 4665401, MKI G01S 13/72/ Sperri Corp., 12.05.87. RGS, operating in the millimeter wave range, searches for and tracks ground targets in range and in angular coordinates. Distinguishing targets in range in the CGS is carried out by using several narrow-band intermediate frequency filters that provide a fairly good signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver output. The search for a target by range is performed using a range search generator that generates a signal with a linearly varying frequency to modulate the carrier frequency signal with it. The search for a target in azimuth is carried out by scanning the antenna in the azimuth plane. A specialized computer used in the CGS selects the range resolution element in which the target is located, as well as tracking the target in range and angular coordinates. Antenna stabilization - indicator, is carried out according to the signals taken from the sensors of pitch, roll and yaw of the rocket, as well as from the signals taken from the sensors of the elevation, azimuth and speed of the antenna.

The disadvantage of the prototype is the low accuracy of target tracking due to high level antenna side lobes and poor antenna stabilization. The disadvantage of the prototype also includes the low resolution of targets in azimuth and the small (up to 1.2 km) range of their detection, due to the use of a homodyne method of constructing a transmit-receive path in the CGS.

The objective of the invention is to improve the accuracy of target tracking and their resolution in azimuth, as well as to increase the target detection range.

The task is achieved by the fact that in the CGS, containing an antenna switch (AP), an antenna angular position sensor in the horizontal plane (ARV GP), mechanically connected to the antenna rotation axis in the horizontal plane, and an antenna angular position sensor in the vertical plane (ARV VP) , mechanically connected to the axis of rotation of the antenna in the vertical plane, are introduced:

Slotted antenna array (SAR) of a monopulse type, mechanically fixed on the gyroplatform of the introduced gyro-stabilized antenna drive and consisting of an analog-to-digital horizontal plane converter (ADC GP), an analog-to-digital converter of the vertical plane (ADC VP), a digital-to-analog converter of the horizontal plane (DAC GP) , digital-to-analog converter of the vertical plane (DAC VP), engine of precession of the gyroplatform of the horizontal plane (DPG GP), engine of precession of the gyroplatform of the vertical plane (DPG VP) and microcomputer;

Three-channel receiving device (PRMU);


Three-channel ADC;

programmable signal processor (PPS);


Reference generator (OG);

Digital computer (TsVM);

Four digital highways (DM) providing functional connections between PPS, digital computer, synchronizer and microcomputer, as well as PPS - with control and testing equipment (CPA), digital computer - with CPA and external devices.

The drawing shows structural scheme RGS, where indicated:

1 - slotted antenna array (SCHAR);

2 - circulator;

3 - receiving device (PRMU);

4 - analog-to-digital converter (ADC);

5 - programmable signal processor (PPS);

6 - antenna drive (AA), functionally combining DUPA GP, DUPA VP, ADC GP, ADC VP, DAC GP, DAC VP, DPG GP, DPG VP and microcomputer;

7 - transmitter (TX);

8 - reference generator (OG);

9 - digital computer (TsVM);

10 - synchronizer,

CM 1 CM 2 , CM 3 and CM 4 are the first, second, third and fourth digital highways, respectively.

In the drawing, dotted lines reflect the mechanical connections.

The slotted antenna array 1 is a typical single-pulse SAR, currently used in many radar stations (RLS), such as, for example, "Spear", "Beetle" developed by JSC "Corporation" Fazotron - NIIR "[Advertising booklet of JSC "Corporation "Phazotron - NIIR", International Aviation and Space Salon "Max-2005"]. Compared to other types of antennas, the SCHAR provides a lower level of side lobes. The described SCHAR 1 generates one needle-type radiation pattern (DN) for transmission, and three DN for reception: total and two difference - in the horizontal and vertical planes. SHAR 1 is mechanically fixed on the gyro-platform of the gyro-stabilized drive of the PA 6 antenna, which ensures its almost perfect decoupling from the vibrations of the rocket body.

SHAR 1 has three outputs:

1) total Σ, which is also the input of the SAR;

2) difference horizontal plane Δ r;

3) difference vertical plane Δ c.

Circulator 2 is a typical device currently used in many radars and CGSs, for example, described in patent RU 2260195 dated March 11, 2004. Circulator 2 provides transmission of a radio signal from TX 7 to the total input-output of SCHAR 1 and the received radio signal from the total input -output SHAR 1 to the input of the third channel PRMU 3.

Receiver 3 - a typical three-channel receiver currently used in many CGS and radar, for example, described in the monograph [ Theoretical basis radar. / Ed. Ya.D. Shirman - M.: Sov. radio, 1970, pp. 127-131]. The bandwidth of each of the identical channels PRMU 3 is optimized for receiving and converting to an intermediate frequency of a single rectangular radio pulse. PRMU 3 in each of the three channels provides amplification, noise filtering and conversion to an intermediate frequency of the radio signals received at the input of each of these channels. As the reference signals required when performing conversions on the received radio signals in each of the channels, high-frequency signals coming from the exhaust gas 8 are used.

PRMU 3 has 5 inputs: the first, which is the input of the first channel PRMU, is designed to input the radio signal received by SCAP 1 on the difference channel of the horizontal plane Δ g; the second, which is the input of the second channel PRMU, is intended for input of the radio signal received by the SAR 1 through the difference channel of the vertical plane Δ in; the third, which is the input of the third channel PRMU, is intended for input of the radio signal received by the SAR 1 on the total channel Σ; 4th - to input 10 clock signals from the synchronizer; 5th - for input from the exhaust gas 8 reference high-frequency signals.

PRMU 3 has 3 outputs: 1st - to output radio signals amplified in the first channel; 2nd - to output radio signals amplified in the second channel; 3rd - for the output of radio signals amplified in the third channel.

The analog-to-digital converter 4 is a typical three-channel ADC, such as the AD7582 ADC from Analog Devies. ADC 4 converts coming from PRMU 3 intermediate frequency radio signals into digital form. The start of the conversion is determined by the clock pulses coming from the synchronizer 10. The output signal of each of the channels of the ADC 4 is a digitized radio signal coming to its input.

The programmable signal processor 5 is a typical digital computer used in any modern CGS or radar and optimized for the primary processing of received radio signals. PPP 5 provides:

With the help of the first digital highway (CM 1) communication with the PC 9;

With the help of the second digital highway (CM 2) communication with the CPA;

Implementation of the functional software(FPO pps), containing all the necessary constants and ensuring the implementation in the PPS 5 of the following processing of radio signals: quadrature processing of digitized radio signals arriving at its inputs; coherent accumulation of these radio signals; multiplying the accumulated radio signals by a reference function that takes into account the shape of the antenna pattern; execution of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) procedure on the result of multiplication.


There are no special requirements for FPO PPS: it only has to be adapted to operating system used in PPP 5.

As the CM 1 and CM 2 can be used any of the known digital highways, such as digital highway MPI (GOST 26765.51-86) or MKIO (GOST 26765.52-87).

The algorithms of the above-mentioned processing are known and described in the literature, for example, in the monograph [Merkulov V.I., Kanashchenkov A.I., Perov A.I., Drogalin V.V. et al. Estimation of range and speed in radar systems. Part 1. / Ed. A. I. Kanashchenkov and V. I. Merkulova - M.: Radio engineering, 2004, pp. 162-166, 251-254], in US patent No. 5014064, class. G01S 13/00, 342-152, 05/07/1991 and RF patent No. 2258939, 08/20/2005.

The results of the above processing in the form of three matrices of amplitudes (MA) formed from radio signals, respectively, received through the difference channel of the horizontal plane - MA Δg, the difference channel of the vertical plane - MA Δv and the total channel - MA Σ , PPS 5 writes to the buffer of the digital highway CM 1 . Each of the MAs is a table filled with the values ​​of the amplitudes of radio signals reflected from different parts of the earth's surface.

The matrices MA Δg, MA Δv and MA Σ are the output data of PPP 5.

The antenna drive 6 is a typical gyro-stabilized (with power stabilization of the antenna) drive currently used in many CGS, for example, in the CGS of the X-25MA rocket [Karpenko A.V., Ganin S.M. Domestic aviation tactical missiles. - S-P.: 2000, pp. 33-34]. It provides (in comparison with electromechanical and hydraulic drives that implement indicator stabilization of the antenna) an almost perfect decoupling of the antenna from the rocket body [Merkulov V.I., Drogalin V.V., Kanashchenkov A.I. and other Aviation systems of radio control. T.2. Radioelectronic homing systems. / Under. ed. A.I. Kanashchenkova and V.I. Merkulov. - M.: Radio engineering, 2003, p.216]. PA 6 ensures the rotation of SCHAR 1 in the horizontal and vertical planes and its stabilization in space.

DUPA gp, DUPA vp, ADC gp, ADC vp, DAC gp, DAC vp, DPG gp, DPG vp, which are functionally part of PA 6, are widely known and are currently used in many CGS and radar stations. A microcomputer is a typical digital computer implemented on one of the well-known microprocessors, for example, the MIL-STD-1553B microprocessor developed by ELKUS Electronic Company JSC. The microcomputer is connected to the digital computer 9 by means of a digital highway CM 1. The digital highway CM 1 is also used to introduce the functional software of the antenna drive (FPO pa) into the microcomputer.

There are no special requirements for FPO pa: it only has to be adapted to the operating system used in the microcomputer.

The input data of the PA 6 coming from the CM 1 from the computer 9 are: the number N p of the operating mode of the PA and the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in the planes. The listed input data is received by the PA 6 during each exchange with the computer 9.

PA 6 operates in two modes: Caging and Stabilization.

In the "Cracking" mode, set by the digital computer 9 with the corresponding mode number, for example, N p =1, the microcomputer reads from the ADC gp and ADC vp the values ​​​​of the antenna position angles converted by them into digital form, coming to them, respectively, from the DUPA GP and DUPA vp. The value of the angle ϕ ag of the position of the antenna in the horizontal plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC gp, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of this angle, and supplies it to the DPG gp. DPG gp starts to rotate the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal plane. The value of the angle ϕ av of the antenna position in the vertical plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC VP, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of this angle, and supplies it to the DPG VP. DPG VP begins to rotate the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the vertical plane. Thus, in the "Catching" mode, PA 6 provides the position of the antenna coaxial with the building axis of the rocket.

In the "Stabilization" mode, set by the digital computer 9 with the corresponding mode number, for example, N p =2, the microcomputer at each cycle of operation reads from the digital buffer 1 the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in planes. The value of the mismatch parameter Δϕ r in the horizontal plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC gp. The DAC gp converts the value of this mismatch parameter into a DC voltage proportional to the value of the mismatch parameter, and supplies it to the DPG gp. DPG GP changes the precession angle of the gyroscope, thereby correcting the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal plane. The value of the mismatch parameter Δϕ in the vertical plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC vp. The DAC VP converts the value of this error parameter into a DC voltage proportional to the value of the error parameter, and supplies it to the DPG VP. DPG vp changes the precession angle of the gyroscope, thereby correcting the angular position of the antenna in the vertical plane. Thus, in the "Stabilization" mode PA 6 on each cycle of operation provides the deviation of the antenna at angles equal to the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in the planes.

The decoupling of SHAR 1 from the oscillations of the rocket body PA 6 provides, due to the properties of the gyroscope, to keep the spatial position of its axes unchanged during the evolution of the base on which it is fixed.

The output of PA 6 is a digital computer, in the buffer of which the microcomputer writes digital codes for the values ​​of the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal ϕ ag and vertical ϕ in planes, which it forms from the values ​​of the antenna position angles converted into digital form using the ADC gp and ADC vp taken from DUPA gp and DUPA vp.

The transmitter 7 is a typical TX, currently used in many radars, for example, described in patent RU 2260195 dated 03/11/2004. PRD 7 is designed to generate rectangular radio pulses. The repetition period of the radio pulses generated by the transmitter is set by the clock pulses coming from the synchronizer 10. The reference oscillator 8 is used as the master oscillator of the transmitter 7.

The reference oscillator 8 is a typical local oscillator used in almost any active RGS or radar, which provides the generation of reference signals of a given frequency.

The digital computer 9 is a typical digital computer used in any modern CGS or radar and optimized for solving the problems of secondary processing of received radio signals and equipment control. An example of such a digital computer is the Baguette-83 digital computer manufactured by the Research Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences KB Korund. TsVM 9:

According to the previously mentioned CM 1, through the transmission of appropriate commands, provides control of the PPS 5, PA 6 and the synchronizer 10;

On the third digital highway (DM 3), which is used as a digital highway MKIO, through the transmission of the appropriate commands and signs from the CPA, provides self-testing;

According to the CM 3 receives functional software (FPO tsvm) from the CPA and stores it;

Through the fourth digital highway (CM 4), which is used as the digital highway MKIO, provides communication with external devices;

Implementation of FPO tsvm.


There are no special requirements for FPO cvm: it only has to be adapted to the operating system used in the digital computer 9. Any of the known digital highways, for example, the MPI digital highway (GOST 26765.51-86) or MKIO (GOST 26765.52-87).

The implementation of the FPO cvm allows the cvm 9 to do the following:

1. According to the target indications received from external devices: the angular position of the target in the horizontal ϕ tsgtsu and vertical ϕ tsvtsu planes, the range D tsu to the target and the velocity of approach V of the missile to the target, calculate the repetition period of the probing pulses.

Algorithms for calculating the repetition period of probing pulses are widely known, for example, they are described in the monograph [Merkulov V.I., Kanashchenkov A.I., Perov A.I., Drogalin V.V. et al. Estimation of range and speed in radar systems. 4.1. / Ed. A.I. Kanashchenkova and V.I. Merkulova - M .: Radio engineering, 2004, pp. 263-269].

2. On each of the matrices MA Δg, MA Δv and MA Σ formed in the PPS 5 and transmitted to the computer 6 via the CM 1, perform the following procedure: compare the values ​​of the amplitudes of the radio signals recorded in the cells of the listed MA with the threshold value and, if the value of the radio signal amplitude in the cell is greater than the threshold value, then write a unit to this cell, otherwise - zero. As a result of this procedure, from each mentioned MA, the digital computer 9 forms the corresponding detection matrix (MO) - MO Δg, MO Δv and MO Σ in the cells of which zeros or ones are written, and the unit indicates the presence of a target in this cell, and zero indicates its absence .

3. According to the coordinates of the cells of the detection matrices MO Δg, MO Δv and MO Σ, in which the presence of a target is recorded, calculate the distance of each of the detected targets from the center (i.e. from the central cell) of the corresponding matrix, and by comparing these distances determine the target, the nearest to the center of the corresponding matrix. The coordinates of this target are stored by the computer 9 in the form: column number N stbd of the detection matrix MO Σ determining the distance of the target from the center MO Σ in range; line numbers N strv of the detection matrix MO Σ , which determines the distance of the target from the center MO Σ according to the speed of the missile approaching the target; column numbers N stbg of the detection matrix MO Δg, which determines the distance of the target from the center of MO Δg along the angle in the horizontal plane; line number N strv of the detection matrix of MO Δв, which determines the distance of the target from the center of MO Δв along the angle in the vertical plane.

4. Using the memorized column numbers N stbd and rows N stv of the MO detection matrix Σ according to the formulas:

(where D tsmo, V tsmo are the coordinates of the center of the detection matrix MO Σ: ΔD and ΔV are constants specifying the discrete column of the detection matrix MO Σ in terms of range and the discrete of the row of the detection matrix MO Σ in terms of speed, respectively), calculate the values ​​of the range to the target D c and speed of approach V sb of the missile with the target.

5. Using the memorized numbers of the column N stbg of the MO detection matrix Δg and rows N strv of the MO detection matrix Δv, as well as the values ​​of the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal ϕ ag and vertical ϕ а planes, according to the formulas:

(where Δϕ stbg and Δϕ strv are constants that specify the discrete column of the MO detection matrix Δg by the angle in the horizontal plane and the discrete row of the MO detection matrix Δv by the angle in the vertical plane, respectively), calculate the values ​​of the target bearings in the horizontal ϕ tsg and vertical Δϕ tsv planes.

6. Calculate the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in the planes according to the formulas

or by formulas

where ϕ tsgtsu, ϕ tsvtsu - the values ​​of the target position angles in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively, obtained from external devices as target designation; ϕ tsg and ϕ tsv - calculated in the digital computer 9 values ​​of bearings of the target in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively; ϕ ar and ϕ av are the values ​​of the antenna position angles in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively.

Synchronizer 10 is a conventional synchronizer currently used in many radar stations, for example, described in the application for invention RU 2004108814 dated 03/24/2004 or in patent RU 2260195 dated 03/11/2004. Synchronizer 10 is designed to generate clock pulses of various durations and repetition rates that ensure synchronous operation of the RGS. Communication with the digital computer 9 synchronizer 10 performs on the central computer 1 .

The claimed device works as follows.

On the ground from the KPA on the digital highway CM 2 in PPS 5 enter the FPO PPS, which is recorded in its memory device (memory).

On the ground from the KPA on the digital highway TsM 3 in the TsVM 9 enter the FPO tsvm, which is recorded in its memory.

On the ground, FPO of the microcomputer is introduced into the microcomputer from the CPA along the digital highway TsM 3 through the digital computer 9, which is recorded in its memory.

We note that the FPO tsvm, FPO microcomputer and FPO pps introduced from the CPA contain programs that make it possible to implement in each of the listed calculators all the tasks mentioned above, while they include the values ​​​​of all the constants necessary for calculations and logical operations.

After power is supplied to the digital computer 9, the PPS 5 and the microcomputer of the antenna drive 6 begin to implement their FPO, while they perform the following.

1. The digital computer 9 transmits the number of the mode N p corresponding to the transfer of the PA 6 to the Caging mode to the microcomputer via the digital highway 1.

2. The microcomputer, having received the mode number N p "Cracking", reads from the ADC GP and ADC VP the values ​​of the antenna position angles converted by them into digital form, coming to them, respectively, from the ROV GP and the ROV VP. The value of the angle ϕ ag of the position of the antenna in the horizontal plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC gp, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of this angle, and supplies it to the DPG gp. DPG GP rotates the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal plane. The value of the angle ϕ av of the antenna position in the vertical plane is output by the microcomputer to the DAC VP, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of this angle, and supplies it to the DPG VP. DPG VP rotates the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the vertical plane. In addition, the microcomputer records the values ​​of the antenna position angles in the horizontal ϕ ar and vertical ϕ ab planes into the buffer of the digital highway CM 1 .

3. The digital computer 9 reads the following target indications from the buffer of the digital highway CM 4 supplied from external devices: the values ​​of the angular position of the target in the horizontal ϕ tsgtsu and vertical ϕ tsvtsu planes, the values ​​of the distance D tsu to the target, the speed of approach V of the missile to the target and analyzes them .

If all of the above data is zero, then the computer 9 performs the actions described in paragraphs 1 and 3, while the microcomputer performs the actions described in paragraph 2.

If the data listed above is non-zero, then the digital computer 9 reads from the buffer of the digital highway TsM 1 the values ​​of the angular position of the antenna in the vertical ϕ av and horizontal ϕ ar planes and, using formulas (5), calculates the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ r and vertical Δϕ in planes that writes to the digital highway buffer CM 1 . In addition, the digital computer 9 in the buffer digital highway CM 1 writes the mode number N p corresponding to the mode "Stabilization".

4. The microcomputer, having read the mode number N p "Stabilization" from the buffer of the digital highway CM 1, performs the following:

Reads from the buffer of the digital highway CM 1 the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in the planes;

The value of the mismatch parameter Δϕ g in the horizontal plane is output to the DAC gp, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of the obtained mismatch parameter, and supplies it to the DPG gp; DPG gp begins to rotate the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal plane;

The value of the mismatch parameter Δϕ in the vertical plane outputs to the DAC VP, which converts it into a DC voltage proportional to the value of the obtained mismatch parameter, and supplies it to the DPG VP; DPG VP begins to rotate the gyroscope, thereby changing the angular position of the antenna in the vertical plane;

reads from the ADC gp and ADC vp the values ​​of the angles of the antenna position in the horizontal ϕ ag and vertical ϕ in planes converted by them into digital form, coming to them, respectively, from the ADC gp and ADC vp, which are written to the buffer of the digital highway TsM 1 .

5. TsVM 9 using target designation, in accordance with the algorithms described in [Merkulov V.I., Kanashchenkov A.I., Perov A.I., Drogalin V.V. et al. Estimation of range and speed in radar systems. Part 1. / Ed. A.I. Kanashchenkova and V.I. Merkulova - M.: Radio engineering, 2004, pp. 263-269], calculates the repetition period of the probing pulses and, relative to the probing pulses, generates codes of time intervals that determine the moments of opening the PRMU 3 and the start of work OG 8 and ADC 4.

The codes of the repetition period of probing pulses and time intervals that determine the moments of opening of the PRMU 3 and the start of operation of the exhaust gas 8 and ADC 4 are transmitted by the digital computer 9 to the synchronizer 10 via the digital highway.

6. Synchronizer 10, based on the codes and intervals mentioned above, generates the following clock pulses: TX start pulses, receiver closing pulses, OG clock pulses, ADC clock pulses, signal processing start pulses. The TX start pulses from the first output of the synchronizer 10 are fed to the first input of the TX 7. The closing pulses of the receiver from the second output of the synchronizer 10 are fed to the fourth input of the RMS 3. The OG clock pulses are received from the third output of the synchronizer 10 to the input of the OG 8. The ADC clock pulses from the fourth output the synchronizer 10 is fed to the fourth input of the ADC 4. The pulses of the beginning of signal processing from the fifth output of the synchronizer 10 are fed to the fourth input of the PPS 5.

7. EG 8, having received a timing pulse, resets the phase of the high-frequency signal generated by it and outputs it through its first output to the TX 7 and through its second output to the fifth input of the PRMU 3.

8. Rx 7, having received the trigger pulse of the Rx, using the high-frequency signal of the reference oscillator 8, forms a powerful radio pulse, which from its output is fed to the input of AP 2 and, further, to the total input of SHAR 1, which radiates it into space.

9. SCAR 1 receives radio signals reflected from the ground and targets and from its total Σ, difference horizontal plane Δ g and difference vertical plane Δ in the outputs outputs them respectively to the input-output of AP 2, to the input of the first channel of PRMU 3 and to the input of the second channel PRMU 3. The radio signal received at AP 2 is broadcast to the input of the third channel of PRMU 3.

10. PRMU 3 amplifies each of the above radio signals, filters noise and, using the reference radio signals coming from the exhaust gas 8, converts them to an intermediate frequency, and amplifies the radio signals and converts them to an intermediate frequency only in those time intervals when there are no pulses closing the receiver.

The mentioned radio signals converted to an intermediate frequency from the outputs of the corresponding channels of the PRMU 3 are fed, respectively, to the inputs of the first, second and third channels of the ADC 4.

11. ADC 4, upon receipt of its fourth input from the synchronizer 10 timing pulses, the repetition rate of which is twice the frequency of the radio signals coming from the PRMU 3, quantizes the mentioned radio signals arriving at the inputs of its channels in time and level, thus forming at the outputs of the first, the second and third channels are the above-mentioned radio signals in digital form.

We note that the frequency of repetition of the clock pulses is chosen twice as high as the frequency of the radio signals arriving at the ADC 4 in order to implement quadrature processing of the received radio signals in the PPS 5.

From the corresponding outputs of the ADC 4, the above-mentioned radio signals in digital form are received respectively on the first, second and third inputs of the PPS 5.

12. PPS 5, upon receipt of its fourth input from the synchronizer 10 of the signal processing start pulse, over each of the above radio signals in accordance with the algorithms described in the monograph [Merkulov V.I., Kanashchenkov A.I., Perov A.I. , Drogalin V.V. et al. Estimation of range and speed in radar systems. Part 1. / Ed. A. I. Kanashchenkova and V. I. Merkulova - M.: Radio engineering, 2004, pp. 162-166, 251-254], US patent No. 5014064, class. G01S 13/00, 342-152, 05/07/1991 and RF patent No. 2258939, 08/20/2005, performs: quadrature processing on the received radio signals, thereby eliminating the dependence of the amplitudes of the received radio signals on the random initial phases of these radio signals; coherent accumulation of the received radio signals, thus providing an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio; multiplying the accumulated radio signals by a reference function that takes into account the shape of the antenna pattern, thereby eliminating the effect on the amplitude of the radio signals of the shape of the antenna pattern, including the effect of its side lobes; execution of the DFT procedure on the result of multiplication, thereby providing an increase in the resolution of the CGS in the horizontal plane.

The results of the above processing PPS 5 in the form of matrices of amplitudes - MA Δg, MA Δv and MA Σ - writes to the buffer of the digital highway CM 1 . Once again, we note that each of the MAs is a table filled with the values ​​of the amplitudes of the radio signals reflected from various parts of the earth's surface, while:

The amplitude matrix MA Σ , formed from radio signals received via the sum channel, in fact, is a radar image of the earth's surface in the coordinates "Range × Doppler frequency", the dimensions of which are proportional to the width of the antenna pattern, the angle of inclination of the pattern and the distance to the ground. The amplitude of the radio signal recorded in the center of the amplitude matrix along the “Range” coordinate corresponds to the area of ​​the earth’s surface located at a distance from the CGS The amplitude of the radio signal, recorded in the center of the amplitude matrix along the coordinate "Doppler frequency", corresponds to the area of ​​the earth's surface approaching the RGS at a speed of V cs, i.e. V tsma =V sbtsu, where V tsma - the speed of the center of the matrix of amplitudes;

The amplitude matrices MA Δg and MA Δv, formed, respectively, from the difference radio signals of the horizontal plane and the difference radio signals of the vertical plane, are identical to multidimensional angular discriminators. The amplitudes of the radio signals recorded in the data centers of the matrices correspond to the area of ​​the earth's surface to which the equisignal direction (RCH) of the antenna is directed, i.e. ϕ tsmag =ϕ tsgcu, ϕ tsmav = ϕ tsvts, where ϕ tsmag is the angular position of the center of the amplitude matrix MA Δg in the horizontal plane, ϕ tsmav is the angular position of the center of the amplitude matrix MA Δ in the vertical plane, ϕ tsgts is the value of the angular position of the target in the horizontal plane, obtained as a target designation, ϕ tsvtsu - the value of the angular position of the target in the vertical plane, obtained as a target designation.

The mentioned matrices are described in more detail in patent RU No. 2258939 dated August 20, 2005.

13. The digital computer 9 reads the values ​​of the matrices MA Δg, MA Δv and MA Σ from the buffer CM 1 and performs the following procedure on each of them: compares the amplitude values ​​of the radio signals recorded in the MA cells with the threshold value threshold value, then this cell writes one, otherwise - zero. As a result of this procedure, from each mentioned MA, a detection matrix (MO) is formed - MO Δg, MO Δv and MO Σ, respectively, in the cells of which zeros or ones are written, while the unit signals the presence of a target in this cell, and zero - about it absence. We note that the dimensions of the matrices MO Δg, MO Δv and MO Σ completely coincide with the corresponding dimensions of the matrices MA Δg, MA Δv and MA Σ , while: V tsmo, where V tsmo is the speed of the center of the detection matrix; ϕ tsmag =ϕ tsmog, ϕ tsmav =ϕ tsmov, where ϕ tsmog is the angular position of the center of the detection matrix MO Δg of the horizontal plane, ϕ tsmov is the angular position of the center of the detection matrix MO Δ in the vertical plane.

14. The digital computer 9, according to the data recorded in the detection matrices MO Δg, MO Δv and MO Σ , calculates the distance of each of the detected targets from the center of the corresponding matrix and by comparing these removals determines the target closest to the center of the corresponding matrix. The coordinates of this target are stored by the computer 9 in the form: column number N stbd of the detection matrix MO Σ that determines the distance of the target from the center MO Σ in range; line numbers N strv of the detection matrix MO Σ that determines the distance of the target from the center MO Σ according to the speed of the target; column numbers N stbg of the detection matrix MO Δg, which determines the distance of the target from the center of MO Δg along the angle in the horizontal plane; line number N strv of the detection matrix of MO Δв, which determines the distance of the target from the center of MO Δв along the angle in the vertical plane.

15. Digital computer 9, using the stored numbers of the column N stbd and row N stv of the detection matrix MO Σ, as well as the coordinates of the center of the detection matrix MO Σ according to formulas (1) and (2), calculates the distance D c to the target and the speed V sb of the missile approach with the aim of.

16. TsVM 9, using the stored numbers of the column N stbg of the MO detection matrix Δg and the row N strv of the MO detection matrix Δv, as well as the values ​​of the angular position of the antenna in the horizontal ϕ ag and vertical ϕ ab planes, according to formulas (3) and (4) calculates values ​​of bearings of the target in the horizontal ϕ tsg and vertical ϕ tsv planes.

17. Digital computer 9 by formulas (6) calculates the values ​​of the mismatch parameters in the horizontal Δϕ g and vertical Δϕ in the planes, which it, together with the number of the "Stabilization" mode, writes to the buffer CM 1 .

18. The digital computer 9 records the calculated values ​​of the target bearings in the horizontal ϕ tsg and vertical ϕ tsv planes, the distance to the target D c and the velocity of approach V sb of the missile with the target into the buffer of the digital highway CM 4 , which are read from it by external devices.

19. After that, the claimed device, at each subsequent cycle of its operation, performs the procedures described in paragraphs 5 ... 18, while implementing the algorithm described in paragraph 6, the computer 6 calculates the repetition period of the probing pulses using data target designations, and the values ​​of the range D c, the velocity of approach V sb of the missile to the target, the angular position of the target in the horizontal ϕ tsg and vertical ϕ ts in planes, calculated in the previous cycles according to formulas (1) - (4), respectively.

The use of the invention, in comparison with the prototype, due to the use of a gyro-stabilized antenna drive, the use of SAR, the implementation of coherent signal accumulation, the implementation of the DFT procedure, which provides an increase in the resolution of the CGS in azimuth up to 8...10 times, allows:

Significantly improve the degree of antenna stabilization,

Provide lower antenna side lobes,

High resolution of targets in azimuth and, due to this, higher accuracy of target location;

Provide a long target detection range at low average transmitter power.

To perform the claimed device, the element base currently produced by the domestic industry can be used.

A radar homing head containing an antenna, a transmitter, a receiving device (PRMU), a circulator, an antenna angular position sensor in the horizontal plane (ARV GP) and an antenna angular position sensor in the vertical plane (ARV VP), characterized in that it is equipped with a three-channel analog a digital converter (ADC), a programmable signal processor (PPS), a synchronizer, a reference oscillator (OG), a digital computer, a slotted antenna array (SAR) of a monopulse type was used as an antenna, mechanically fixed on a gyroplatform of a gyrostabilized antenna drive and functionally including a ROV gyroplatform precession engine in the horizontal plane (GPGgp), gyroplatform precession engine in the vertical plane (GPGvp) and a microdigital computer (microcomputer), moreover, the DUPAgp is mechanically connected to the axis of the GPGgp, and its output is via analog -digital converter (ADC VP), connected to the first input of the mic roTsVM, DUPA VP is mechanically connected to the DPG VP axis, and its output through an analog-to-digital converter (ADC VP) is connected to the second input of the microcomputer, the first output of the microcomputer is connected through a digital-to-analog converter (DAC GP) to the DPG GP, the second output of the microcomputer through a digital-to-analog converter (DAC VP) is connected to the DPG VP, the total input-output of the circulator is connected to the total input-output of the SCAR, the differential output of the SCAR for the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane is connected to the input of the first channel of the PRMU, the differential output of the SCAR for the radiation pattern in the vertical plane is connected to the input of the second channel of the RMS, the output of the circulator is connected to the input of the third channel of the RMS, the input of the circulator is connected to the output of the transmitter, the output of the first channel of the RMS is connected to the input of the first channel (ADC), the output of the second channel of the RMS is connected to the input of the second channel of the ADC, the output of the third channel of the RMS is connected to input of the third ADC channel, the output of the first ADC channel is connected to the first input (PPP), the output of the second ADC channel is connected to the second input of the PPS, the output of the third channel of the ADC is connected to the third input of the PPS, the first output of the synchronizer is connected to the first input of the transmitter, the second output of the synchronizer is connected to the fourth input of the PRMU, the third output of the synchronizer is connected to the input (OG), the fourth output of the synchronizer is connected with the fourth input of the ADC, the fifth output of the synchronizer is connected to the fourth input of the PPS, the first output of the OG is connected to the second input of the transmitter, the second output of the OG is connected to the fifth input of the PRMU, and the PPS, the digital computer, the synchronizer and the microcomputer are interconnected by the first digital highway, the PPS is the second digital the trunk is connected to the control and test equipment (CPA), the digital computer is connected to the CPA by the third digital highway, the digital computer is connected to the fourth digital highway for communication with external devices.

Creation of high-precision target guidance systems long-range missiles ground-to-ground class is one of the most important and difficult problems in the development of high-precision weapons (WTO). This is primarily due to the fact that, other things being equal, land targets have a significantly lower “useful signal/interference” ratio compared to sea and air targets, and the launch and guidance of the missile are carried out without direct contact between the operator and the target.

In high-precision ground-to-ground long-range missile systems that implement the concept of effective engagement of ground targets with combat units of conventional equipment, regardless of the firing range, inertial navigation systems are integrated with missile homing systems that use the principle of navigation along geophysical fields of the Earth. The inertial navigation system as the basic one provides high noise immunity and autonomy of integrated systems. This provides a number of undeniable advantages, including in the context of continuous improvement of missile defense systems.

To integrate inertial control systems with homing systems based on the Earth's geophysical fields, first of all, a special information support system is needed.

The ideology and principles of the information support system are determined by the main characteristics of the objects of destruction and the weapons systems themselves. Functionally, the information support of high-precision missile systems includes such main components as receiving and decrypting intelligence information, developing target designation, bringing target designation information to the complexes missile weapons.

The most important element of high-precision missile guidance systems are homing heads (GOS). One of domestic organizations engaged in developments in this area, is Central Research Institute automatics and hydraulics (TsNIIAG), located in Moscow. A lot of experience was accumulated there in the development of guidance systems for surface-to-surface missiles with homing heads of optical and radar types with correlation-extreme signal processing.

The use of correlation-extreme homing systems on maps of geophysical fields by comparing the values ​​of the geophysical field measured in flight with its reference map stored in the memory of the onboard computer makes it possible to eliminate a number of accumulated control errors. For homing systems based on an optical image of the terrain, an optical reconnaissance image can serve as a reference map, in which the target is determined with virtually no errors in relation to the elements of the surrounding landscape. Because of this, the GOS, guided by the elements of the landscape, is directed precisely at the specified point, regardless of the accuracy with which its geographical coordinates are known.

The emergence of prototypes of optical and radar correlation-extreme systems and their GOS was preceded by a huge amount of theoretical and experimental research in the field of computer science, theories of pattern recognition and image processing, the basics of developing hardware and software for current and reference images, organizing banks of background-target environments of various areas of the earth's surface in various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, mathematical modeling of the GOS, helicopter, aircraft and missile tests.

The design of one of the variants of the optical seeker is shown in rice. 1 .

The optical seeker provides in-flight recognition of a landscape area in the target area by its optical image formed by the coordinator lens on the surface of a matrix multi-element photodetector. Each element of the receiver converts the brightness of the corresponding area of ​​the terrain into an electrical signal that is fed to the input of the encoder. The binary code generated by this device is stored in the computer memory. It also stores the reference image of the desired area, obtained from a photograph and encoded using the same algorithm. When approaching the target, stepwise scaling is carried out by recalling reference images of the appropriate scale from the computer memory.

Recognition of a piece of terrain is carried out in the modes of capturing and tracking the target. In the target tracking mode, a non-search method is used, based on the algorithms of pattern recognition theory.

The operation algorithm of the optical seeker makes it possible to generate control signals both in the direct guidance mode and in the guidance angle extrapolation mode. This allows not only to increase the accuracy of pointing the missile at the target, but also to provide extrapolation of control signals in the event of a failure in target tracking. The advantage of optical seeker is a passive mode of operation, high resolution, small weight and dimensions.

Radar seekers provide high weather, seasonal and landscape reliability with a significant reduction in instrumental errors in the control and target designation systems. General form one of the variants of the radar seeker is shown on rice. 2 .

The principle of operation of the radar seeker is based on a correlation comparison of the current radar brightness image of the terrain in the target area, obtained on board the missile using a radar, with reference images previously synthesized from primary information materials. Topographic maps, digital maps of the area, aerial photographs, satellite images and a catalog of specific effective scattering surfaces characterizing the reflective radar properties are used as primary information materials. various surfaces and providing the conversion of optical images into radar images of the terrain, adequate to current images. The current and reference images are presented in the form of digital matrices, and their correlation processing is carried out in the on-board computer in accordance with the developed comparison algorithm. The main purpose of the operation of the radar seeker is to determine the coordinates of the projection of the center of mass of the rocket relative to the target point in conditions of work on terrain of various information content, given meteorological conditions, taking into account seasonal changes, the presence of electronic countermeasures and the influence of rocket flight dynamics on the accuracy of removing the current image.

The development and further improvement of optical and radar seekers are based on scientific and technical achievements in the field of informatics, computer technology, image processing systems, on new technologies for creating seekers and their elements. The high-precision homing systems currently being developed have absorbed the accumulated experience and modern principles creating such systems. They use high-performance on-board processors that allow real-time implementation of complex algorithms for the functioning of systems.

The next step in creating accurate and reliable homing systems for high-precision ground-to-ground missiles was the development of multispectral correction systems for the visible, radio, infrared and ultraviolet ranges, integrated with channels for direct guidance of missiles to a target. The development of channels for direct guidance to a target is associated with significant difficulties associated with the characteristics of targets, missile trajectories, the conditions for their use, as well as the type of warheads and their combat characteristics.

The complexity of target recognition in the direct guidance mode, which determines the complexity of the software and algorithmic support for high-precision guidance, has led to the need for intellectualization of guidance systems. One of its directions should be considered the implementation of artificial intelligence principles in systems based on neural networks.

Serious progress in fundamental and applied sciences in our country, including in the field of information theory and systems theory with artificial intelligence, make it possible to implement the concept of creating super-accurate, precision missile systems for hitting ground targets that ensure operational efficiency in a wide range of combat use conditions. One of the latest developments in this area is the operational-tactical missile system"Iskander".
