How to attach foam to various surfaces. How to glue foam to metal - mastering the materials How to glue foam to wood indoors

Polystyrene foam has a lower vapor permeability than wood, so it is not the best option for insulation. But when organizing quality system ventilation, the amount of steam escaping will be minimal, therefore, there will be no harm from it. Therefore, if you have properly designed ventilation. then polystyrene foam can be used to insulate a wooden house.

Installation process

  • Fastening with polyurethane foam.

Do we make it for centuries or how to glue foam to wood? Video
What is the most reliable way to glue foam to wood? Is foam plastic really good? Wood is a material that “breathes”, and this is the main advantage wooden houses. Therefore, doubts arise about

How to attach polystyrene foam to wood: types of fastening. Lathing, use of special fasteners and gluing

Attaching foam plastic to a wooden wall can be done in a variety of ways, and the choice of one technology or another depends on the design features and type of finishing. It is important to choose the best option that will provide high performance thermal insulation and will protect structures from adverse influences. In this review, we will figure out how to carry out the work and what factors to pay special attention to.

In the photo: polystyrene foam is often used in the construction of façade systems with ventilation

What you should know about this insulation option

Let us note right away that foam plastic is not the most popular solution for wooden buildings for a number of reasons:

You should select high-quality polystyrene foam; you should not save money and purchase low-density materials, they are very fragile and can break during operation.
In addition, it is advisable to use insulation with fire retardant additives in its composition; it is much more resistant to fire.

Types of fastening

We figured out whether it is possible to sheathe wooden house polystyrene foam, and came to the conclusion that this option is advisable when installing a high-quality ventilation system. Now let's look at how to attach sheets to the surface.

Instructions for doing the work yourself are as follows:

  • First of all, the frame in which the insulation will be located is attached to the surface; the width of the spans should be 5 mm less than the width of the sheets in order to insert them tightly.
  • The sheets are placed from bottom to top if we are talking about walls, or from any convenient side if the ceiling is being processed. After completing the work, it is necessary to check the surface for joints and cracks. If they are, then you need to seal them with polyurethane foam.

If a rough wooden floor is insulated, then a special vapor-permeable membrane is laid along the base

Using special fasteners

Let's look at how to attach polystyrene foam to a wooden wall using special fasteners, which are caps with a diameter of 5 centimeters or more and self-tapping screws, the length of which should be sufficient to securely fix the insulation to the wall.

A special pressure washer is called a rondole and has a special cap in its design that covers the screw head

The technology for carrying out the work is as follows:

  • First of all, you should prepare the base - if there are cracks or significant irregularities in it, then they must be repaired to ensure the best effect.
  • The working process is carried out as follows: fastening is done from bottom to top, each sheet is fixed with several fasteners. The diagram below shows an option for saving fasteners; there is no need to hammer all five roundels onto one sheet; you can fix the element in the middle and use the rest in the corners, that is, they will hold several sheets at once, which reduces the consumption of materials several times.

Proper placement of the clamping elements allows you to use one rondole for four sheets at once

  • After completing the work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface and, if there are cracks, they need to be filled with foam.


A very reliable option, and its only drawback is the high price of the compounds, which is especially noticeable for large volumes of work.

The technology is simple, but requires care:

  • Before gluing the foam to the wood, it is necessary to level the surface, otherwise, if there are changes, the consumption of the adhesive will increase significantly, and the reliability of the connections may decrease.
  • Next, you need to decide how to glue the foam to the wood; there are two main options: polyurethane foam or a special adhesive composition, which is produced in the same containers as the foam, but has improved properties and increased yield. The second option is preferable, so try to use it.

The same guns are used for glue as for polyurethane foam

  • The surface must be free of dust and have no wet areas, as this will negatively affect the adhesion of the composition. The composition itself is applied to the sheets in any way convenient for you - a snake, along the perimeter, in dots. The most important thing is reliability, and other nuances do not matter.

The composition is applied to the foam sheet immediately before attaching it.

  • Next, the element is pressed tightly for a few seconds, after which it can be released, the glue begins to set within half an hour, and complete hardening occurs in 24 hours.

The final stage is sealing the cracks at the joints, it can be done either with the same adhesive composition or with polyurethane foam, there is no fundamental significance here.

How to attach polystyrene foam to wood: types of fastening
How to attach polystyrene foam to wood: video instructions for do-it-yourself installation, features of attaching polystyrene foam to the wall, is it possible to sheathe a wooden house, what to glue it with, price, photo

When insulating a house, the question often arises: how to glue foam to wood? Exist different ways, which we will consider in this article. But it is also necessary to figure out whether it is worthwhile to insulate wooden walls with polystyrene foam.

Is polystyrene foam good?

Wood is a material that “breathes”, and this is the main advantage of wooden houses. Therefore, doubts arise about insulating a wooden house with polystyrene foam. Some people argue that this can and should be done, others are sure that the wood will begin to rot under the foam. However, experts say that this can be done, but only with “breathable” insulation. Otherwise you will deprive the building of its benefits.

There is a rule that says: the vapor permeability of materials towards the street should increase so that there is no obstacle to the escape of moisture to the outside. If this rule is neglected, then moisture will condense at the border of the dense material, which leaves the room, which will lead to the formation of condensation and rotting of the wood. Therefore, vapor permeability is a very important factor when choosing insulation.

Polystyrene foam has a lower vapor permeability than wood, so it is not the best option for insulation. But if you organize a high-quality ventilation system, the amount of steam escaping will be minimal, and therefore there will be no harm from it. Therefore, if you have properly designed ventilation, then polystyrene foam can be used to insulate a wooden house.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use this material to insulate rooms and buildings with high humidity (baths, saunas, kitchens, etc.).

Installation process

Before starting insulation, it is necessary to check all joints between logs or beams. If the insulating material is uneven, renew it and fill the voids with polyurethane foam. Next, boards are nailed vertically to the wall so that their outer surface is flush with the plane of the wall. If necessary, this will require cutting down individual logs. In the center of these boards, slats are nailed, which will serve as a frame. The installation pitch of the slats should be 5 millimeters less than the width of the insulation.

Next, the foam is inserted into the frame, starting from the bottom. If the distance of the frame is maintained correctly, the material will be held in it due to tension. If the sheets fall out, they should be secured with foam wedges or nails. The main condition is that there are no gaps between them. Next, a diffusion membrane is placed on the material. It is fastened with a stapler, and the joints are taped. After this, you can cover the wall with the selected facing material.

Important! When installing a diffusion membrane, carefully read the instructions for use so that it is adjacent to the insulation with the correct side.

How to glue foam to wood?

Having figured out how to insulate a house with polystyrene foam, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the methods of its fastening. There are several ways to do this:

  • Fastening between the sheathing due to tension (as described above),
  • Installation with special nails (fungi),
  • Fastening with adhesives,
  • Fastening with polyurethane foam.

The use of special nails is a fairly common practice when installing insulation, because they securely hold the sheets. But it has a drawback, which is the need to putty all the places where the nails are driven. It is also necessary to take into account that metal nails will act as an additional bridge for cold, because metal conducts it well. This problem can be solved with the help of plastic mushrooms.

Adhesives do not have the same problems as nails, but you need to be very careful when choosing them. So, the glue must be resistant to moisture and temperature changes, otherwise it will be useless. Most often, cement mortar with the addition of glue is used for this. As for polyurethane foam, it is rarely used for fastening; mainly, it is needed to fill all the cracks.

Advice! It should be noted that most effective way fastening is considered to be “planting” sheets on cement mortar and further strengthening them with nails.

What is the most reliable way to glue foam to wood?
Not knowing how to glue foam plastic to wood, builders often make gross mistakes that affect not only appearance building, but also on its basic functions. About this in the video.

How to glue foam to wood?

If the walls of the room freeze in winter period time and require insulation, then you need to pay special attention and purchase polystyrene foam.

But in order to complete the work, you need to learn how to insulate walls with foam plastic.

Acrylic liquid nails
Liquid foam
Self-tapping screws and washers

Polystyrene foam is a cheap and warm insulation material that is sold in any hardware store and has different densities.

In addition to density, this material can have any thickness. When considering how to glue polystyrene foam, you need to decide on the base and select the necessary glue.

If foam plastic needs to be glued to wood, then concrete contact, liquid foam nails or liquid foam will be required. You can use other fastening material that will hold the foam perfectly.

The most reliable fastener for wood will be a self-tapping screw with washers. If the building freezes in winter and the walls become covered with frost, then the entire room will have to be insulated.

When considering the question of how to insulate walls with foam plastic, you should contact specialists who will provide all the information indicating the insulation of houses.

Wooden buildings are easily insulated both inside and outside the room. This will require acrylic-based liquid nails, because this glue is water-based and does not dissolve the foam. Having dealt with the glue, you should consider how to attach the foam.

This will require pre-agreed wood screws and metal washers. But it is worth considering the entire progress of the work in more detail. It is more expedient to insulate the walls from the facade side.

By choosing this approach, you can avoid litter in the room and reduce living space.

The glue is applied in a zigzag pattern along the edges of the sheet and dotted in the middle, after which it is placed against the wall and secured with self-tapping screws. Having considered this progress of work, you can understand the question related to how to make polystyrene foam with your own hands.

Having dealt with the glue and fasteners, finishing work should be carried out, which will indicate that the insulation of the building is completely completed.

This will again require liquid nails or liquid foam. On this moment You will need to glue the ends of the foam together and thereby seal all the seams.

Liquid nails are squeezed out with a gun, after which a rubber spatula is used, thanks to which the rubbing is carried out. When considering how to glue foam, you should understand that liquid foam does this job perfectly.

This glue is more like foam, which is squeezed out by pressing the sprayer. The essence of the work is quite simple, you should blow out all the seams with foam and allow time to dry. In a short period of time, complete hardening will occur.

How to glue foam to wood
Useful tips repair and construction

Such a lightweight, versatile material as polystyrene foam has recently become popular as a room insulation material. As it turned out, it can be used both as a design element and for the manufacture of small decorative items. Both craftsmen who insulate their home and those who make their own may be faced with the question of how to glue foam to foam.

To be warm and more

Many citizens in the post-Soviet space have to live in “Khrushchev” or “Brezhnevka” type apartments. What is good about houses built in those distant times, besides the fact that they exist, the small area of ​​​​the apartments and their dense population? That's right - wonderful sound permeability of the walls! Unfortunately, not everyone likes to hear the latest neighborhood news coming through the walls at night. These citizens try to separate themselves from the house collective by insulating their premises by any means.

The method of insulation with foam sheets has a sufficient number of advantages. Among them are the following facts:

  • light, almost weightless material;
  • has a small thickness;
  • has excellent sound and heat insulation properties;
  • quite easy to install;
  • can be used both inside rooms and on the facade of houses.

Only one thing can cause controversy and doubt. This is the question of how to glue the foam to the wall.

On concrete, on brick and on wood

You can attach polystyrene foam panels to almost any base. Only adhesives are not always used. Most often, both adhesives and mechanical fasteners are used. It depends on which side of the room the work will be carried out. If the sheets are mounted on the facade, then double fasteners are used: an adhesive mixture and “umbrella” dowels.

How can I glue foam plastic to a brick or concrete base on the outside of the house? The mixture must be resistant to wind and precipitation. In addition, the composition should not contain gasoline, acetone and other solvents, which will simply “eat” the foam panel to holes.

How to glue foam to foam? It is not recommended to use polyurethane foam for this work. By swelling and expanding during the solidification process, it can deform the slabs.

When working with wood, plywood or drywall, use the same mixtures as in other cases. How can I glue foam? Typically, masters use the following means:

  • liquid foam;
  • liquid nails (especially for this material);
  • concrete contact anhydrous mixtures;
  • silicone sealants;
  • compositions for tiles;
  • special adhesive foam.

How to properly glue foam to a ceiling or wall

When working, glue is applied only to polystyrene foam tiles. The surface of the ceiling or wall must be dry and clean. The composition is placed on the sheet in stripes (to allow air to escape) if the area to be finished has an uneven texture. If the base surface is ideal, foam or foam is applied along the perimeter of the tile with a slight indentation from the edge. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the center of the panel. When fastening large sheets of foam plastic, apply glue to the perimeter in a spiral, gradually approaching the center of the sheet. The glue is applied to the sides in a zigzag thin layer.

After applying the composition, the panel should be set aside for a few minutes. After a short exposure, the slab or panel is applied to the desired location on the wall or ceiling and carefully pressed against the base and adjacent tiles, fixing it for a while. If work is being done on the ceiling, it is convenient to use a regular rolling pin for dough. Excess adhesive is immediately removed with a spatula or other device.

When insulating the outer surface of the house, additional fastening of the panels is carried out using mushroom dowels. The seams between the tiles must be carefully filled with the same composition that was used to glue the panels.

How to prepare the main surface

In order for the result to be high-quality, there is little knowledge about how to glue foam to foam. If the wall is crooked or dusty, all the work may be in vain.

First, all potholes and bulges must be removed or sealed.

Secondly, the surface is cleaned of paint residues, various peelings and glue or plaster residues.

Thirdly, large and small cracks are sealed.

Only after thorough cleaning of any deposits, dust and dirt can you begin the main work.

When making various designer items? The same compositions as when renovating your home.

Wood is a material that “breathes”, and this is the main advantage of wooden houses. Therefore, doubts arise about insulating a wooden house with polystyrene foam. Some people argue that this can and should be done, others are sure that the wood will begin to rot under the foam. However, experts say that this can be done, but only with “breathable” insulation. Otherwise you will deprive the building of its benefits.

There is a rule that says: the vapor permeability of materials towards the street should increase so that there is no obstacle to the escape of moisture to the outside. If this rule is neglected, then moisture will condense at the border of the dense material, which leaves the room, which will lead to the formation of condensation and rotting of the wood. Therefore, vapor permeability is a very important factor when choosing insulation.

Polystyrene foam has a lower vapor permeability than wood, so it is not the best option for insulation. But if you organize a high-quality ventilation system, the amount of steam escaping will be minimal, and therefore there will be no harm from it. Therefore, if you have properly designed ventilation, then polystyrene foam can be used to insulate a wooden house.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use this material to insulate rooms and buildings with high humidity (baths, saunas, kitchens, etc.).

Installation process

Before starting insulation, it is necessary to check all joints between logs or beams. If the insulating material is uneven, renew it and fill the voids with polyurethane foam. Next, boards are nailed vertically to the wall so that their outer surface is flush with the plane of the wall. If necessary, this will require cutting down individual logs. In the center of these boards, slats are nailed, which will serve as a frame. The installation pitch of the slats should be 5 millimeters less than the width of the insulation.

Next, the foam is inserted into the frame, starting from the bottom. If the distance of the frame is maintained correctly, the material will be held in it due to tension. If the sheets fall out, they should be secured with foam wedges or nails. The main condition is that there are no gaps between them. Next, a diffusion membrane is placed on the material. It is fastened with a stapler, and the joints are taped. After this, you can cover the wall with the selected facing material.

Important! When installing a diffusion membrane, carefully read the instructions for use so that it is adjacent to the insulation with the correct side.

How to glue foam to wood?

Having figured out how to insulate a house with polystyrene foam, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the methods of its fastening. There are several ways to do this:

  • Fastening between the sheathing due to tension (as described above);
  • Installation with special nails (fungi);
  • Fastening with adhesives;
  • Fastening with polyurethane foam.

The use of special nails is a fairly common practice when installing insulation, because they securely hold the sheets. But it has a drawback, which is the need to putty all the places where the nails are driven. It is also necessary to take into account that metal nails will act as an additional bridge for cold, because metal conducts it well. This problem can be solved with the help of plastic mushrooms.

Adhesives do not have the same problems as nails, but you need to be very careful when choosing them. So, the glue must be resistant to moisture and temperature changes, otherwise it will be useless. Most often, cement mortar with the addition of glue is used for this. As for polyurethane foam, it is rarely used for fastening; mainly, it is needed to fill all the cracks.

Advice! It should be noted that the most effective method of fastening is considered to be “planting” the sheets on cement mortar and further strengthening them with nails.

Thermal insulation of modern materials is based on the creation of volumes with a stationary gaseous environment. The already high performance of insulation materials can be increased by gluing foam plastic to the wall. For this purpose, adhesive compositions are used, both in the form of semi-finished products and ready-to-use. Before deciding how to glue the foam, you need to understand at least a little about the specifics of using adhesive compositions.

Before gluing foam plastic to the wall, choose an adhesive composition that is optimally suited to the wall material and the insulation itself.

The use of expanded polystyrene foam imposes certain restrictions on the substances included in the composition of the glue used. When purchasing it, you need to carefully study the ingredients and if it contains:

  • ethers (methyl acetate, butyl acetate);
  • alcohols;
  • derivatives natural gas(propane, hexane and others);
  • amines (aniline, etc.);
  • hydrocarbon processing products (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit, etc.)
  • ketones (acetone, etc.);
  • compounds containing chlorine (dichloroethane, chloroform);
  • nitrogen compounds (nitrobenzene, nitromethane);

then you don’t need to buy such glue. The compounds included in it have a destructive effect on the structure of expanded polystyrene either immediately or over time.

To obtain a high-quality result when gluing foam plastic to walls, it is recommended to use the following materials:

  • compositions based on dry mixtures;
  • "liquid nails";
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polyurethane foam.

In some cases, it is possible to combine the indicated adhesive compositions.

Before gluing the foam, its surface can be treated with a needle roller to improve adhesion to adhesive mixtures.

We use semi-finished products

Dry adhesives allow you to glue foam to brick wall high quality and fast enough. Their use has a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • low glue consumption per unit area.
  • place of sale (it is advisable to purchase bags located and stored indoors);
  • integrity of the packaging (the surface of the bag must be free of through tears);
  • production date (it is not recommended to buy a mixture made 12 months before purchase);
  • no traces of liquid or wet surface on the bag;
  • mobility of the contents when carrying (there should not be a feeling of having a large stone in the bag).

  • the need for water to prepare the solution;
  • time spent on its preparation;
  • relatively long final fixation on the surface (about 3 days);
  • impossibility of attaching polystyrene foam to concrete and metal surfaces.

The finished mixture can be applied both to foam plastic and to the wall. The slabs are glued from bottom to top.

An old friend will help

The question that causes particular difficulty and confusion is: “What kind of glue should I use to glue the insulation to the metal?” The answer is simple.

Styrofoam is glued to a metal surface using PVA construction adhesive.

Being an accessible and inexpensive material, it copes well with the task assigned to it. The burlap soaked in glue is fixed to the metal. After the glue has dried, the foam is glued to the wall. The plates are generously lubricated with PVA.

Wait for the thickness of the glue to increase (during this time you can spread the next slab). Press the plate for a short time. As a result, a good result in terms of fastening strength is obtained.

Fast but expensive

Many compositions require holding the glued slab for some time (sometimes long). How can you quickly glue a thermal insulator, thereby reducing downtime?

“Liquid nails” are used when it is necessary to insulate a small area of ​​a wall made of any material. Before gluing foam to concrete or other material, clean it of foreign deposits and cover it with a layer of primer.

The main advantages of this composition are:

  1. versatility of application;
  2. quick installation (long-term holding of the sheet is not required).

The disadvantage would be the fairly high cost, but you have to pay for convenience. “Liquid nails” are sold in 300 ml tubes. Squeezed out of the tube using a sealant gun.

And here you are, my old lady

Polyurethane foam can be used to glue polystyrene foam to concrete, brick, and stone. To do this, just apply it around the perimeter and cross through the center. Place the slab in the installation location. After installing several rows, fill the gaps between the slabs with foam.

Advantages of using polyurethane foam:

  • reliable fastening of slabs to stone building materials;
  • ease of application.

There are still many more disadvantages:

  • increased degree of expansion after application (due to uneven expansion, voids and surface unevenness may form);
  • high foam consumption per meter of area;
  • the need for long-term fixation of the slab due to prolonged setting;
  • the structure of the thermal insulator may be destroyed under the influence of foam components.

If you can reduce consumption by using a spray foam gun, then nothing can be done about other shortcomings. Therefore, all that remains is to accept it or choose a different adhesive composition with which the polystyrene foam will be glued.

Young and strong, he has no flaws

If you ask: “What is the best way to glue foam insulation?”, you will hear the answer: “Polyurethane foam adhesive foam.” It is specially designed for fastening polystyrene foam to vertical surfaces of various materials.

Before gluing foam to concrete or other material, clean the surface of foreign deposits, dust and dirt. Prime the wall. Using a gun, apply foam to the surface of the slab around the perimeter and into the center of the sheet. Attach the adhesive sheet to the wall. Hold for 5 seconds. You can move on to gluing the next one.

The use of polyurethane foam glue as a means of fastening has enormous advantages:

  • excellent adhesion of the foam surface to any other;
  • low foam consumption;
  • ease of use;
  • speed of installation;
  • high moisture resistance.

In earlier periods of construction, clay was used to insulate walls. There is no need to remove the clay layer before gluing polystyrene foam. It is enough to cover the surface of the clay with any acrylic primer. Now you can glue the insulation.

There are no downsides identified during the use and operation of foam adhesive.

You need to know how to properly glue foam. Pay attention to the absence of voids between the glued boards, maintaining strict vertical and horizontal positions of the sheets.

When insulating the walls of a house, you can only get by using a mechanical method of attaching polystyrene foam. But the use of glue creates additional closed air spaces under the slabs, thereby reducing heat loss from heated rooms.

An interesting experiment with gluing foam plastic:

Polystyrene foam is a cheap and warm insulation material that is sold in any hardware store and has different densities. In addition to density, this material can have any thickness. When considering how to glue polystyrene foam, you need to decide on the base and select the necessary glue. If foam plastic needs to be glued to wood, then concrete contact, liquid foam nails or liquid foam will be required. You can use other fastening material that will hold the foam perfectly. The most reliable fastener for wood will be a self-tapping screw with washers. If the building freezes in winter and the walls become covered with frost, then the entire room will have to be insulated.

When considering the question of how to insulate walls with foam plastic, you should contact specialists who will provide all the information indicating the insulation of houses. Wooden buildings are easily insulated both inside and outside the room. This will require acrylic-based liquid nails, because this glue is water-based and does not dissolve the foam. Having dealt with the glue, you should consider how to attach the foam. This will require pre-agreed wood screws and metal washers. But it is worth considering the entire progress of the work in more detail. It is more expedient to insulate the walls from the facade side. By choosing this approach, you can avoid litter in the room and reduce living space.

Next, priming is carried out with concrete contact and left for two hours to dry completely. After which, each sheet of foam plastic is smeared with acrylic liquid nails and glued to the surface. The glue is applied in a zigzag pattern along the edges of the sheet and dotted in the middle, after which it is placed against the wall and secured with self-tapping screws. Having considered this progress of work, you can understand the question related to how to make polystyrene foam with your own hands. Having dealt with the glue and fasteners, finishing work should be carried out, which will indicate that the insulation of the building is completely completed.

This will again require liquid nails or liquid foam. At this point, you will need to glue the ends of the foam together and thereby seal all the seams. Liquid nails are squeezed out with a gun, after which a rubber spatula is used, thanks to which the rubbing is carried out. When considering how to glue foam, you should understand that liquid foam does this job perfectly. This glue is more like foam, which is squeezed out by pressing the sprayer. The essence of the work is quite simple, you should blow out all the seams with foam and allow time to dry. In a short period of time, complete hardening will occur. Next, you need to remove all excess foam using a utility knife.
