Production of knives for guillotine shears MS 445. Knives for guillotine

Rebar cutting at enterprises and construction sites is carried out on specialized machines for cutting rebar. This equipment is especially widely used in factories for the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, as well as in construction. Machines allow you to successfully cut almost any steel reinforcement various shapes and size - strip, square and round. The quality of cutting metal fittings of different sizes and materials depends primarily on the degree of sharpening of the knife, the quality of its hardening and the material from which it is made.

high quality rebar cutting knives carry out cutting of material up to 32 mm thick, the cutting force is 1000 N/m and above. They are used on a variety of machines that cut reinforcing steel, this equipment is used in reinforced concrete factories on the territory of procurement sites, in house-building plants, construction sites, it is used for square, round and strip steel with a tensile strength of 470 MPa. The equipment allows cutting rebar of any size and diameter, bending and welding ends. Each machine has its own working body - a knife for cutting or cutting reinforcement. The quality of the knife is of great importance, the productivity of the whole process depends on it.


Blade dimensions mm.

Cost with VAT rub.

(steel 6HV2S)

Knives for CSF-322



Knives for SMZH-40VP



Knives for SMZh-50VP



Knives for CSF-172,




Knives for CSF-175



Knives for H1226, A-50



Knife for SMZh-322A, S-370



Knives for S-150



Knives for S-60



Knives for MS-445



Knives for S-445, SMZH-175



Knives for cutting rebar must meet special requirements: have a high resistance of the cutting edges, since in open areas it is not possible to fine-tune the equipment every time. The tool should not crumble and break even under significant loads, since it has more than one cutting edge and will not be able to work out the entire resource in the event of a breakdown. Knives for cutting metal fittings are made of alloy tool steel 6XV2S for cold cutting. They are thermally processed, which allows them to achieve optimal hardness, toughness and strength, and this also increases their service life.

Knives for cutting rebar are of three types:

  • having a smooth hole Ф12 and a chamfer for fastening a bolt with a countersunk head;
  • having a threaded hole M12;
  • having a threaded hole M10.

The standard overall size of knives for cutting rebar is 110x40 mm with a thickness of 18 mm, but if a non-standard size is required for some cases, then the knife is made to order.

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Equipment knives

Cutting metal blanks is one of the most common mechanical operations in manufacturing. For this purpose, a huge variety of equipment is used, including guillotine shears, press shears, high-quality shears and others. At the same time, their main working body is knives.

Advantages of application

Their distinctive feature the following characteristics can be mentioned:

  • Smooth quality cut
  • High performance
  • Possibilities of use with manual force or with a variety of drives

They are fed both along a straight path and with a given angle of inclination. There are versions placed on a special swivel frame.

The nuances of using a cutting tool

Regardless of the design features, but bearing in mind the specifics of the workflow, special requirements are imposed on the tool used as a cutting tool:

  • High chipping resistance of the blade material
  • Maintaining sharpness of the cutting edge for a long time

In addition, you should carefully consider the environment in which the equipment operates, since, as a rule, knives are made of metal containing a large number of carbon, so in a humid environment, the blades may rust.

Product range

Kuvandyk plant "Dolina" designs and manufactures cutting tools for guillotine shears and other types of forging and pressing equipment. The length of these products reaches and often exceeds the value of 1 m. This allows you to get a long and even cut.

Moreover, their design and method of fastening allow the use of different edges in the cutting process. This feature contributes to longer tool life.

Checkout Process

In order to make a purchase, you need to leave a request for the product you like on the factory website. After some time, after the application is considered, our employees will contact you and clarify all the details of the order. You can ask them all your questions regarding payment and delivery options, as well as installation, characteristics and price of the selected product. You can also request a price directly from the catalog page with the position you need.

All presented products have all the necessary certificates, patents, as well as their own manufacturer's warranty.




Set, pcs.





Knife lower (for a corner and a circle)

Upper knife (for corner and circle)



Guillotine knives designed for cutting metal in cold and hot condition on guillotines And guillotine shears. LLC PTC PROMIN manufactures more than 100 standard sizes guillotine knives length L=110-2000mm, width B=50-200mm and thickness S=12-120mm according to TU14-1-1900-76 with hardness for cold metal cutting 52...59 HRC, for hot metal cutting - 40. ..50HRC. We make guillotine knives according to the drawings of the customer, you just have to send us your drawing of the knife and we will evaluate it and make it for sure. The quality of our guillotine knives is constantly growing due to the improvement of manufacturing technology and equipment upgrades. The creation and implementation of an innovative method of hardening in the near future will allow us to increase wear resistance by 1.5-2 times, improve the ductility and toughness of knives, at a constant low price and as soon as possible.Guillotine knives of our manufacture will stand for a long time and will work faithfully on your guillotine shears. We ourselves cut metal and know a lot about flat knives for metal.

click on the drawing of the knife to enlarge

Guillotines , i.e. guillotine or sheet shears, are used for fast and high-quality cutting of metal. The main selection criteria guillotines is the type of production: mass, serial or piece, as well as the length of the cut, the thickness of the cut sheet, its dimensions and mechanical strength. The technical needs of metalworking enterprises, depending on their level and capabilities, can be satisfied as simple manual guillotines , and more complex electromechanical or hydraulic models of guillotines. Guillotine shears with the electric drive are equipped with a control pedal. All models of guillotines , in addition to manual ones, can be equipped with industrial electronics to varying degrees and additional options that increase their performance. Despite the variety of drive types, the principle of operation for all models of guillotines is the same and consists of the following basic operations: - placing the sheet to be cut on the guillotine desktop along the set stops between the upper and lower knives; - preliminary pressing of the sheet to the guillotine table by a clamping beam; - movement of the upper guillotine knife, cutting; - transportation of finished parts from the cutting zone. Flat knives for metal play a leading role in this process.

YOU do not have a standard guillotine knife ? Give us a call and we can make
Your guillotine knife according to a drawing or sketch.

Keywords: guillotine knives, guillotine knives, guillotine knife sharpening, guillotine knives, guillotine knife sharpening, guillotine shear knives .
Knives for guillotines ND-3312B, ND-3312, ND-3314G, ND-3314, ND-3316G, ND-3316, NK-3416, NK-3418, N-3418A, STD-9, STD-9A, STD-9M , NA-3218, NK-3421, NV-3221, NGM-6.3, NG-13, NG-16, NL-3418A, NL-3418, NL-3427, NV-3118, N-3121A, NK-3421, NP -3121A, H-3121, NP-3121, NG-4-2.5, HA-3118, HA-3121-11-418, H-3121.74, HA-3121-00-001, HA-3222, NKCh-6020, NKCH -6025, H-478, HA-3222, HA-3225, HA-3223, ERFURT, NG-5222, NB-478 Knives for scissors NG-5223, NG-5222, NG-5224, SMZH-127, SMZH-652 , SMZH-160, SMZH-133B, SMZH-133, S-229A, S-229, G 00.009, NV-5222, NV-5124, NV-5221

A very important and main activity of Mekhzavod GPO is production of guillotine knives and shear knives Russian and foreign production according to the drawings of the customer or in accordance with GOST 25306-82.

Blades for guillotine shears

Guillotine knives, depending on the metal being cut, are made of various grades of domestic or foreign steels: 6XV2S; H12MF; 45NiCrMo16.

Tolerances for geometric dimensions in accordance with GOST 25306-82 provide full interchangeability of knives for guillotine shears and do not require any adjustment or additional grinding during installation.

Production time range from three weeks and depending on the complexity and size of the guillotine knives and press shears. Knives for standard scissors are constantly in stock and you can purchase them in reserve.

Sharpening guillotine knives

We offer service - sharpening of flat knives for a guillotine. The price is from 2 rubles. for linear mm, for a complex profile, a correction factor is introduced. You can find out the exact cost from our managers.

Guillotine knives have four cutting edges. In the process of work, one of them becomes blunt, to continue using the knives turn over. After all the cutting edges are blunt, the knives need to be resharpened. Knives made according to the dimensions according to GOST 25306-82 allow for up to three or four regrindings. Technologically, the process of sharpening is grinding. Knives can be ground on any surface grinders with table lengths from 600 to 1300 mm.

When sharpening is carried out, it is necessary to ensure that the entire set of knives removed from one knife beam is turned over in one "installation".
