International peacekeeping activities of the armed forces. Peacekeeping activities of the Russian armed forces

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Peacekeeping Tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation One of the main tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is: international peace and security, taking measures to prevent (eliminate) threats to peace, suppress acts of aggression (violation of the peace) on the basis of Decisions of the UN Security Council or other bodies authorized to make decisions in accordance with international law Combating terrorism; Fighting piracy and ensuring the safety of navigation.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Ways to carry out peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Independently; In cooperation with international organizations. To carry out international peacekeeping operations under a UN mandate or a CIS mandate, the Russian Federation provides military contingents in the manner prescribed by federal law and international treaties RF

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The international activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today is inextricably linked with the military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces. The starting point for reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure." On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the Development of the Armed Forces for the period up to the year 2000. The main goal of the military reform is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Until the non-use of force has become a norm in international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require military power sufficient for its defense. In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war. The protection of the national interests of the state assumes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure reliable protection of the country. Security Interests national security Russia predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The main document that determined the creation of Russian peacekeeping forces, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them, is the Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security" (adopted State Duma May 26, 1995). To implement this law, in May 1996 the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

7 slide

Description of the slide:

In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent was formed in the Armed Forces of Russia total strength 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 airborne battalions. In total, until May 1997, more than 10,000 servicemen from the peacekeeping units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in a number of regions - in the former Yugoslavia, Tajikistan, the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Georgia.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Regions of peacekeeping missions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Military contingent of 500 people in the conflict zone in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova (introduced on June 23, 1992); Military contingent of 500 people in the conflict zone in South Ossetia (Georgia) (introduced on July 9, 1992) In the conflict zone in Abkhazia, a military contingent of 1600 people (introduced on June 23, 1994); Since October 1993, the 201st motorized rifle division Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The total number of this contingent was more than 6 thousand people

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Since June 11, 1999, 3,600 Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous province of Kosovo (Yugoslavia); Currently, the peacekeeping contingent performs tasks to combat international terrorism and conducting humanitarian operations in Syria. The tasks of the international mission under the UN mandate in African countries(Angola, Somalia, Sierra Leone, etc.)

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Completion of controls, military units and units of a special military contingent is carried out on a voluntary basis for the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service by contract. The training and equipment of the peacekeeping forces are carried out at the expense of the federal budget funds allocated for defense.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

During their service as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are accorded to UN personnel in peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted General Assembly United Nations February 13, 1996, UN Security Convention of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the Status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992

12 slide

Description of the slide:

The personnel of the special military contingent is equipped with a light small arms. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, personnel are provided with all types of allowances in accordance with the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Training and education of the military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent is carried out at the bases of a number of formations of the Central and Western military districts, as well as at the Higher Officer Courses "Shot" in the city of Solnechnogorsk (Moscow Region). The CIS member states have concluded an Agreement on the training and education of military and civilian personnel for participation in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel assigned to collective peacekeeping forces.

The Russian Federation today is inextricably linked with the military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces.

As you know, the starting point for the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure." On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the Construction of the Armed Forces for the period up to the year 2000.

The military reform is based on a solid theoretical base, the results of the calculations, taking into account the changes that took place in the early 1990s. in the geopolitical situation in the world, the nature of international relations and the changes that have taken place in Russia itself. The main goal of the military reform is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts in the Russian Federation, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means. At the same time, it is taken into account that, while the non-use of force has not yet become the norm of international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require military power sufficient for its defense.

In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

The protection of the national interests of the state assumes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure reliable protection of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

The long-term goals of ensuring the national security of Russia also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

Thus, at present, the leadership of the country considers the Armed Forces as a factor of deterrence, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfillment of Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping operations is seen as a new task for the Armed Forces to maintain peace.

The main document that determined the creation of the Russian peacekeeping forces, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them, is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security” (adopted State Duma on May 26, 1995).

To implement this law, in May 1996 the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent was formed in the Armed Forces of Russia with a total number of 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 airborne battalions.

In total, until April 2002, one thousand servicemen from the peacekeeping units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in two regions - the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova on June 23, 1992 on the basis of the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation on the principles of peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The total number of the peacekeeping contingent was about 500 people.

On March 20, 1998, negotiations were held in Odessa on the settlement of the Dniester conflict with the participation of Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan and Transnistrian delegations.

The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone in South Ossetia (Georgia) on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Dagomys agreement between the Russian Federation and Georgia on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The total number of this contingent was more than 500 people.

A military contingent was brought into the conflict zone in Abkhazia on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on a ceasefire and separation of forces. The total number of this contingent was about 1600 people.

Since October 1993, the 201st motorized rifle division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The total number of this contingent was more than 6 thousand people (insert, photo 36).

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous province of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. there was a serious armed confrontation between Serbs and Albanians. The number of the Russian contingent was 3600 people. A separate sector occupied by Russians in Kosovo equalized the rights of the Russian Federation in resolving this interethnic conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy).

The staffing of government bodies, military units and subdivisions of a special military contingent is carried out on a voluntary basis according to the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract. The training and equipment of the peacekeeping forces are carried out at the expense of the federal budget funds allocated for defense.

During the period of service as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel in the conduct of peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13 1996, UN Security Convention of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the Status of Groups of Military Observers and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992

The personnel of the special military contingent is equipped with small arms. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, personnel are provided with all types of allowances in accordance with the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Training and education of the military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent is carried out at the bases of a number of formations of the Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, as well as at the Higher officer courses "Shot" in the city of Solnechnogorsk (Moscow region).

The CIS member states concluded an Agreement on the training and education of military and civilian personnel for participation in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel allocated to the collective support forces peace.

The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include joint exercises, friendly visits and other activities aimed at strengthening common peace and mutual understanding.

On August 7-11, 2000, a joint Russian-Moldovan exercise of the peacekeeping forces "Blue Shield" was held.

>>International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

5.6. International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The international activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today is inextricably linked with the implementation of military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces.

As is known, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure" became the starting point for the beginning of the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the Construction of the Armed Forces for the period up to the year 2000.

The military reform is based on a solid theoretical base, the results of the calculations, taking into account the changes that took place in the early 1990s. in the geopolitical situation in the world, the nature of international relations and the changes that have taken place in Russia itself. The main goal of the military reform is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts in the Russian Federation, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means. At the same time, it is taken into account that, while the non-use of force has not yet become the norm of international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require military power sufficient for its defense.

In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

The national interests of the state assumes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure reliable protection of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

The long-term goals of ensuring Russia's national security also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

Thus, at present Armed forces the leadership of the country is regarded as a factor of deterrence, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means did not lead to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country. Fulfillment of Russia's international obligations to participate in peacekeeping operations is seen as a new task for the Armed Forces to maintain peace.

The main document that determined the creation of the peacekeeping forces of Russia, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them, is the Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security" (adopted by the State Duma on May 26, 1995 .).

To implement this law, in May 1996 the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent was formed in the Armed Forces of Russia with a total number of 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 airborne battalions.

In total, until April 2002, one thousand servicemen from the peacekeeping units of the Russian Armed Forces carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in two regions - the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia.

The military contingent was brought into the conflict zone in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova on June 23, 1992 on the basis of the Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation on the principles of peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The total number of the peacekeeping contingent was about 500 people.

On March 20, 1998, negotiations were held in Odessa on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict with the participation of Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan and Transnistrian delegations.

The military contingent was brought into the conflict zone in South Ossetia (Georgia) on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Dagomys agreement between the Russian Federation and Georgia on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The total number of this contingent was more than 500 people.

A military contingent was brought into the conflict zone in Abkhazia on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on a ceasefire and separation of forces. The total number of this contingent was about 1600 people.

Since October 1993, the 201st motorized rifle division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The total number of this contingent was more than 6 thousand people (insert, photo 36).

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous province of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. there was a serious armed confrontation between Serbs and Albanians. The number of the Russian contingent was 3600 people. A separate sector occupied by Russians in Kosovo equalized the rights of the Russian Federation in resolving this interethnic conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy).

The staffing of government bodies, military units and subdivisions of a special military contingent is carried out on a voluntary basis according to the preliminary (competitive) selection of military personnel undergoing military service by contract. The training and equipment of the peacekeeping forces are carried out at the expense of the federal budget funds allocated for defense.

During the period of service as part of a special military contingent, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities that are granted to UN personnel in peacekeeping operations in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations adopted by the UN General Assembly on February 13, 1996, the Convention on UN Security Council of December 9, 1994, Protocol on the Status of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the CIS of May 15, 1992.

The personnel of the special military contingent is equipped with small arms. When performing tasks on the territory of the CIS countries, personnel are provided with all types of allowances in accordance with the standards established in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Preparation and education military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent are carried out at the bases of a number of formations of the Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, as well as at the Higher Officer Courses "Shot" in the city of Solnechnogorsk (Moscow Region).

The CIS member states have concluded an Agreement on the training and education of military and civilian personnel for participation in collective peacekeeping operations, determined the procedure for training and education, and approved training programs for all categories of military and civilian personnel assigned to collective peacekeeping forces.

The international activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include joint exercises, friendly visits and other activities aimed at strengthening common peace and mutual understanding.

On August 7-11, 2000, a joint Russian-Moldovan exercise of the peacekeeping forces "Blue Shield" was held.

Questions and tasks

1. Significance and role of the international activities of the Russian Armed Forces in the implementation of the military reform.
2. Legal basis for conducting peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of Russia.
3. The status of a military contingent of the Russian peacekeeping forces.

Smirnov A. T., Fundamentals of life safety: Proc. for students in grade 11 general education institutions / A. T. Smirnov, B. I. Mishin, V. A. Vasnev. - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2002. - 159 p. - ill.

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The nature of international relations depends on many different factors, one of which is the international activity of the Armed Forces. The main purpose of this activity is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

The protection of the country's national interests presupposes both reliable security of citizens and independent peacekeeping activities in order to avoid conflicts, if necessary, being present in strategically important parts of the world.

On this moment The Armed Forces are a last resort used in cases where a military threat could not be avoided by peaceful means, since there is constant tension in relations between the leading powers in the world.

International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

armed forces russian federation

The international activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation today is inextricably linked with the implementation of military reform in our country and the reform of the Armed Forces.

As is known, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure" became the starting point for the beginning of the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On July 31, 1997, the President approved the Concept for the Construction of the Armed Forces for the period up to the year 2000.

The military reform is based on a solid theoretical base, the results of the calculations, taking into account the changes that took place in the early 1990s. in the geopolitical situation in the world, the nature of international relations and the changes that have taken place in Russia itself. The main goal of the military reform is to ensure the national interests of Russia, which in the defense sphere are to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts in the Russian Federation, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means. At the same time, it is taken into account that, while the non-use of force has not yet become the norm of international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require military power sufficient for its defense.

In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

The protection of the national interests of the state assumes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure reliable protection of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

The long-term goals of ensuring Russia's national security also determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations is aimed at preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their inception.

Thus, at present, the leadership of the country considers the Armed Forces as a factor of deterrence, as a last resort used in cases where the use of peaceful means has not led to the elimination of a military threat to the interests of the country.

The main document that determined the creation of the peacekeeping forces of Russia, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them, is the Law of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security" (adopted by the State Duma on May 26, 1995 .).

To implement this law, in May 1996 the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

MBOU secondary school with. Staropetrovo

Subject: Fundamentals of life safety.

Grade: 11

Theme №3.4

International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Designed by:


Yanzeev A.M.

Time: 1 hour

Location: OBZh cabinet

Conduct method: verbal, reproductive.

Lesson type:a lesson in learning new material; Forms of organization cognitive activity: frontal, group.

The purpose of the lesson:

Familiarization of students with the peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; education of patriotism, sense of responsibility and pride in Armed forces Russian Federation, standing on the defense of the Fatherland and peace on Earth.

Used Books:

Textbook: Fundamentals of life safety Grade 11. V.V.Markov, V.N.Latchuk, S.K.Mironov, S.N. Vangorodsky. - M., "Business Bustard", 2007, § 3.6 chapter 3 "The serviceman is the defender of the Fatherland. Honor and dignity of a soldier of the Armed Forces" section II.

Smirnov A. T., Fundamentals of life safety: A textbook for students of grade 11. educational institutions / A. T. Smirnov, B. I. Mishin, V. A. Vasnev. - 3rd ed. - M., Enlightenment

Study questions:

1. Peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

2. Russia's participation in UN peacekeeping operations

During the classes:

1. Poll based on the materials of the previous lesson.

2. Presentation and summary of lesson materials:

1. Peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

2. Russia's participation in UN peacekeeping operations

The practical participation of Russia (USSR) in UN peacekeeping operations began in October 1973, when the first group of UN military observers was sent to the Middle East.

Since 1991, Russia's participation in these operations has intensified: in April, after the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, a group of Russian UN military observers was sent to the region of the Iraqi-Kuwait border, and in September - to Western Sahara. Since the beginning of 1992 the sphere of activity of our military observers extended to Yugoslavia, Cambodia and Mozambique, and in January 1994. - to Rwanda. In October 1994 A group of the UN RVN was sent to Georgia in February 1995. - to Angola, in March 1997. - to Guatemala, in May 1998. - in Sierra Peone, in July 1999. - to East Timor, in November 1999. to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Currently, 10 groups of Russian military observers and UN staff officers, totaling up to 70 people, are participating in peacekeeping operations conducted by the UN. Russian military observers can be found in the Middle East, Lebanon, on the Iraqi-Kuwait border, in Western Sahara, in the former Yugoslavia, in Georgia, in Sierra Leone, in East Timor, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The main tasks of military observers are to monitor the implementation of armistice agreements, a ceasefire between the warring parties, as well as to prevent, through their presence without the right to use force, possible violations of the agreements and agreements of the conflicting parties.

The selection of candidates for UN military observers on a voluntary basis is carried out from among officers who speak foreign languages, know the rules for maintaining standard UN documents and have experience in driving a car. Features of the UN military observer service, requiring him to have qualities that allow him to make compromise decisions in the most unexpected situations and in as soon as possible, defines a special procedure for the selection and training of these officers. The requirements set by the UN for an officer candidate for military observers are very high.

The training of UN military observers for participation in UN peacekeeping operations since 1974 has been carried out on the basis of the former 1st Higher Officer Courses "Shot", currently it is the Training Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Officers of the Combined Arms Academy. Initially, courses were held once a year for 2 months. In connection with the expansion of the participation of the USSR, Russia in UN peacekeeping operations, since 1991, courses began to be held 3 times a year. In total, from 1974 to 1999, more than 800 officers were trained at the UNO courses to participate in the UN PKO.

In addition to training military observers, staff officers and UN military police (organized since 1992), the courses actively participated in the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Limitation of Armed Forces and conventional weapons in Europe. In 1990-1991, more than 250 officers-inspectors were trained in the course to control the reduction of armed forces and conventional weapons in Europe.

The practice of participation of Russian officers in UN missions has shown that in terms of the level vocational training, moral and psychological state, the ability to make the most appropriate decision in extreme situations, they fully comply with the requirements. And the experience accumulated by Russian military observers is being actively used in organizing work to prepare for participation in new peacekeeping operations and improving the methods of their training.

The high level of training of officers of the RF Armed Forces for participation in UN peacekeeping operations, the harmony of training programs and the rich experience in improving the educational process at the courses of UN military observers are of interest to foreign specialists and organizations.

Since 1996 the courses provide training for foreign military personnel. In 1996-1998, 55 officers from Great Britain (23), Denmark (2), Canada (2), Norway (2), USA (17), Germany (5), Sweden (4) were trained at 1 VOK "Shot" .

October 1999 5 foreign students studied at the courses (Great Britain - 2, Germany, Canada, Sweden - one each).

Training camps for the training of UN military observers are held three times a year according to a two-month program. The timing of the training camp is coordinated with the schedule for the replacement of specialists participating in UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs). The annual curriculum also provides for one monthly gathering for the training of officers of the UN PKO headquarters.

Scheduled classes under the UN HS training program are conducted with the involvement of teachers of the main cycles of the training center, as well as seconded instructor officers with practical experience in participating in UN peacekeeping operations. The training of foreign military personnel is carried out according to a one-month program together with Russian military personnel, starting from the second month of each training camp.

Teaching of tactical-special and military-technical disciplines is conducted in Russian with the help of an interpreter. Special training classes, in English, are conducted by instructor officers.

The training and material base provided by the training center for conducting training camps for UN military observers includes:

- equipped classrooms;

- automotive and other equipment;

- technical training aids;

- polygon;

- a hotel for students to stay.

The available educational and material base allows training in English the following categories of specialists to participate in the UN PKO:

- UN military observers;

- officers of the headquarters of the peacekeeping forces (MS) of the UN;

- commanders of logistic and technical services of UNMS;

- UN military police officers;

UN civilian police officers.

In April 1992, for the first time in the history of Russian peacekeeping, on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution No. 743 and after the necessary domestic procedures (decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation) were completed, a Russian infantry battalion of 900 people was sent to the former Yugoslavia, which in January 1994. reinforced with personnel, armored personnel carriers BTR-80 and other weapons and military equipment.

According to the political decision Russian leadership part of the forces of the Russian contingent of UN forces in February 1994. was relocated to the region of Sarajevo and transformed after a corresponding reinforcement into the second battalion (numbering up to 500 people). The main task of this battalion was to ensure the separation of the parties (Bosnian Serbs and Muslims) and to monitor compliance with the ceasefire agreement.

In connection with the transfer of powers from the UN to NATO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the battalion of the Sarajevo sector in January 1996. ceased to carry out peacekeeping tasks and was withdrawn to the territory of Russia.

In accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council on the completion of the UN mission in Eastern Slovenia on January 15, 1998, the Russian infantry battalion (up to 950 people), which performed the tasks of separating the parties (Serbs and Croats), was withdrawn in January this year. from Croatia to the territory of Russia.

In June 1995 Russian peacekeeping unit appears on the African continent. A Russian military contingent consisting of seven Mi-8 helicopters and up to 160 servicemen was sent to Angola to solve the problems of aviation support for the UN Control Mission in Angola (UNAVEM-3). Russian aviators coped with the assigned tasks in the most difficult tropical conditions of Africa.

March 1999 The Russian aviation group of the UN Observer Mission in Angola (MONUA) was withdrawn to the Russian Federation due to the termination of the UN mission.

In August 2000, a Russian aviation unit was again sent to the African continent to join the UN peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone. This is a Russian aviation group consisting of 4 Mi-24 helicopters and up to 115 personnel.

However, Russia bears the main material costs with the participation of a special military contingent of the RF Armed Forces in maintaining international peace and security in the zones of armed conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia and the CIS member states.

Former Yugoslavia. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been participating in the operation of the multinational forces since April 1992. in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions No. 743 of February 26, 1992 and June 10, 1999 1244. Currently, the Russian military contingent is taking part in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and in the autonomous province of Kosovo of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia. The main tasks of Russian peacekeepers:

- preventing the resumption of hostilities;

- Creation of security conditions for the return of refugees and displaced persons;

- ensuring public safety;

- implementation of mine clearance supervision;

- support, if necessary, for an international civil presence;

- fulfillment of obligations for the implementation of border control;

- ensuring the protection and freedom of movement of their forces, the international civilian presence and the personnel of other international organizations.

Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The military contingent was brought into the conflict zone from 23.07. to 31.08.1992 on the basis of the Moldovan-Russian agreement on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova dated 21.7. 1992

The main task is to monitor compliance with the terms of the truce and help maintain law and order.

South Ossetia. The military contingent was brought into the conflict zone on 9.7.1992 on the basis of the Georgian-Russian Dagomys agreement of 24.6. 1992 on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The main task is to ensure control over the ceasefire, the withdrawal of armed formations, the disbandment of the self-defense forces and the maintenance of a security regime in the zone of control.

Abkhazia. The military contingent was brought into the zone of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on a ceasefire and separation of forces of May 14, 1994.

The main tasks are blocking the conflict area, monitoring the withdrawal of troops and their disarmament, guarding important facilities and communications, escorting humanitarian supplies, and others.

Tajikistan. 201 honey with reinforcements became part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces of the CIS in October 1993 on the basis of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in the military field of 25.5.1993, the Agreement of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Collective peacekeeping forces and joint measures for their logistics.

The main tasks are to assist in the normalization of the situation on the Tajik-Afghan border, the protection of vital facilities and others.

Status of military personnel participating in UN peacekeeping operations

The legal status of UN military personnel is governed by a set of legal principles and norms belonging to different legal systems and having a different legal nature.

IN legal status servicemen reflects its specificity, primarily as an integral part of a functional interstate mechanism - an international organization. The main legal basis for regulating the activities of international organizations and their employees is the international legal basis, the form - international legal principles and norms. In this regard, the status of personnel is primarily international character and limited by functionality.

A feature of the legal status of military personnel participating in UN peacekeeping operations is that they do not enter the service of the United Nations, they do not become UN personnel as such. Military personnel are temporarily seconded to a UN peacekeeping mission.

After citizens of one state are seconded to serve in an organ of an international organization located on the territory of another state, legal relations between employees and these states accordingly remain and arise. Military personnel remain and become participants in legal relations that are governed by the norms of the respective national legal systems.

Besides, international organization, whose activity is subordinated to the will of the Member States, is endowed by the Member States with a certain independence in order to achieve its goals. The independence of the organization is embodied in the functional legal personality and is materialized through the functional competence, in particular, to create the rules of law, including those regulating the activities of personnel. These norms are unconditionally legally binding, however, they are not international legal, they have a special legal nature and sources.

It follows from the foregoing that all the norms and principles governing the legal status of personnel can be divided according to the nature of their sources and belong to:

1) to the norms international law contained in the Charters of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, in special agreements, in acts of organizations and other international legal acts;

2) to the norms that have a domestic nature of the sources contained in the domestic authorities of the country of residence, transit, business trip.

3) to the norms of the internal law of the UN, created and applied within the organization;

4) to the norms that have a domestic nature of the sources contained in the acts of certain domestic bodies.

The heterogeneous nature of the legal regulation of the status of military personnel participating in UN peacekeeping operations reflects legal status such military personnel as a special category of participants in international legal relations. This specificity determined the definition of sources of norms on the legal status of personnel and, thus, the features of its regulation in various legal areas.

At present, the active participation of Russian citizens in the peacekeeping efforts of the world community requires the development of a “Status of a participant in peacekeeping operations” that meets international legal standards, which would define legal rights and obligations and provide social guarantees for all participants in this process.

Conclusion: Consolidation of the material covered.

Homework: - Textbook: Fundamentals of life safety Grade 11. V.V.Markov, V.N.Latchuk, S.K.Mironov, S.N. Vangorodsky. - M., "Business Bustard", 2007, § 3.6 chapter 3 "The serviceman is the defender of the Fatherland. Honor and dignity of a soldier of the Armed Forces" section II.
