Sun in Leo after field testing. Zodiac sign Leo - Sun and Moon in Leo

Our favorite luminary has moved from Cancer to Leo. We cannot miss such an event, since Leo is a sign of the Sun's abode, this is his native home. The sun is the ruler of Leo in its fiery element. In Leo, the Sun manifests the full range of its creative energies to the maximum.

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The sun moved into Leo on July 23rd. From that day on, Lviv's birthdays began. People born under the sign of Leo endowed with the ability to rule and govern showing the best and high quality. The lion was Macedonian, the great conqueror and ruler of the world, Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon.

Usually, Leos do not take active steps to achieve the functions of power, because, as a rule, these functions are given to them initially, like the Sun itself. Lions are the main rulers of the world. Tall and developed Lions never climb forward, never push others with their elbows, they always feel themselves in the center of events, always subconsciously tend to stand out, show their “I” and, at best, manifest themselves creatively. They spread the sunshine around them. Usually they act through intermediaries, assistants and people who are attracted by their solar energy. Lions are no longer warriors, like Aries, they are already rulers, kings, rulers.

Most Leos are very talented and creative because this is a very creative sign. Leos can be generous and sincere, and their best qualities they generously endow all who come into contact with them. Greed is not characteristic of Lions. In tall, developed Lions we find such a quality as nobility, they never finish off a downed enemy. Although in the recesses of the soul they are very vain and proud, this vanity and pride breaks out only in the lower Lions.
In the worst case, these qualities reach megalomania. So, at the highest level, Leo is a noble person, and at the lowest level, a conceited, proud, envious person.

Lions suffer a lot when they are not noticed., because the manifestation of signs of attention to them is the main background of their nutrition, they feed on the reverence emanating from their environment. But if they are not noticed, then in the lower Lions this often gives rise to a sense of revenge. By the way, the lower Lions peck at flattery, they are easy to seduce, deceive. If life does not give you the opportunity to show your Creative skills and a broad soul, then they develop an inferiority complex.

The problem of Leo - the management of internal energy. The fact is that Lions have a very powerful energy and they literally have a magical effect. Therefore, Leo needs to work very subtly with energy, very subtly to implement his ideas through his environment. He needs to learn to take the light of a huge luminary and direct it through the narrow eye of a needle to the desired target. Another important problem is the illusory nature of perception. Lions easily succumb to flattery and somewhere deep in the subconsciousness of the Lions there is sometimes fog, what is called “Maya”, so getting rid of this subconscious fog and forming a clear structure in your inner world is also a very important and significant task for Leo.

There is a small quatrain remarkably reflecting the nature of this fiery sign:

Sun in Leo

Look at me - how I shine!
I embody the light and power of the Sun.
In deeds I will not shame my crown:
A lion from birth is a king - according to a higher law!

In general terms, such a configuration of the planets from July 22 to August 22 quite expansive, and individualism and the desire to rise above everyday life will dominate and can be expressed in different ways. For many, personal interests will become a priority, which will be placed higher and more valuable than partner, friendly, collective ones, others will want to more effectively manage their leisure time.

The period is favorable for creative research and demonstration of one's talents, holding and participating in cultural and sports events At the same time, a competent approach to organizing leisure and recreation is very important. However, the transition of Mars into the company of Saturn, which is in Sagittarius, which is slowing down and preparing for a turn in motion, creates a certain degree of risk? associated with transport, travel and long-distance travel. General scope international politics, relations between states, sports promise to become more acute.

Main unfavorable the intervals of the period in one way or another affect the weekends: July 28–30, August 6–7, August 12–14 and August 18–20.

More successful planetary configurations will be formed on July 27, 31, 9-10 (until 16 hours) August, 15-16 (second half of the day) August.

Aries and Leo- one of the main "drivers" of the period. It will be easier for them to attract attention to themselves, to achieve results, to express themselves more naturally and vividly. In this case, representatives of both signs can be safely given the honorary title of "self-director".

Will not be left without the support of the stars Twins And archers- their awareness will be at a good level, you can listen to them and ask for advice. The period is suitable for organizing and participating in training seminars, educational events. One "but" - Mars and Saturn, located on the axis of your signs, can negatively affect contacts with others.

For solar Libra and Aquarius the time will come for closer communication and cooperation with partners of all levels. Be prepared - at this stage, unexpected circumstances or third-party ideas may force the formation of new plans or their adjustment, however, for the wards of Uranus this is more relevant in the second half of the period, besides, unlike Libra, it will be more difficult for them to negotiate and go to compromises.

The month of Leo is traditionally not the most favorable period for signs. Virgo and Pisces. It will be difficult for the first at this time to focus on important matters, and initiative and prospects may disappear from time to time. At the very least, a special setting will be required to get rid of throwing and unnecessary thinking. Pisces, on the contrary, can have a “cramp” when they have “all hope” in the form of shouldering an unbearable burden of worries at work and at home.

The first half of the period will be less successful for Capricorn. The basic recommendation is not to create unnecessary tension where it is not required, so as not to overcome it later. However, knowing the integrity of Capricorns and the desire for self-discipline, one can predict: if anything, they will cope with both.

External situations for Taurus(especially in the first half of the period) can take place on a rather emotional level - from confrontation with loved ones to urgent elimination of problems in household. But it will be incredibly difficult to shake their inner confidence in their own rightness.

Cancers The month of Leo can bring unexpected surprises in the financial sector. You can expect unplanned income (most likely from the place of work) or other out of nowhere profits. In the second half of the period, it is useful to strengthen health prevention.

Shield and sword scorpions at this time - maintaining equal respectful relations with superiors and official structures. At the same time, the circumstances of the second half of the period can develop quite positively in terms of professional growth and labor achievements.

Sergey Korablev

... they are considered to be the abode for the largest and most influential celestial bodies, that is, the luminaries: Leo, male in nature, is attributed to the Sun ...

Claudius Ptolemy - Tetrabiblos

Lion symbol:

Zodiac sign Leo - denotes the fifth segment (counting from the vernal equinox) with an angular size of 30° in the ecliptic plane (Fig. 2) and coordinates: 120°, ±5°19"; 150°, ±5°19".
In 2019 the Sun is in the sign of Leo July 23, 2019 05:50 By August 23, 2019 13:02 Moscow time ( Moscow time). The average dates when the Sun is usually in this zodiac sector: July 23 - August 23.
This sign got its name from the constellation Leo (Fig. 3), located at the beginning of our era just in this segment. In our time, due to a change in the direction of the earth's axis relative to the stars (precession), it falls within the limits of the "influence" of the sign of Leo only partially (Fig. 2):

Fig.2 The zodiac sign Leo, the constellation Leo and their mutual arrangement in a spherical projection (in the ancient view, the heavens consisted of several nested spheres).

The signs of the zodiac are the oldest way of marking the celestial sphere near the ecliptic region; over time, the marked areas gradually change. The area of ​​the sky corresponding to the Leo zodiac sign currently looks like this:

Fig.3 Zodiac sign Leo - a section of the starry sky, a sector of the zodiacal belt, which currently (2016) corresponds to the sign of Leo. Most of the stars of the constellation Cancer and the "front paw" of the constellation Leo fall into the area of ​​the Leo sign.

From the point of view of the philosophical ideas of the times of Claudius Ptolemy, the sign of Leo has exceptional properties:

The zodiac sign Leo is masculine in nature, is the abode of the Sun, which objectively determines the life of everything that exists on Earth.

The sign of Leo is maturity, the perfection of the element (element) Fire, according to ancient Greek philosophers, this sign gravitates towards the essence of this element - warmth and dryness. The embodiment of this essence in a person born when the Sun was in this sign is a choleric type of temperament (as one of the components).

Ancient Greek philosophers awarded each sign with other characteristics and properties: on the basis of the location of the Leo sign relative to the equatorial plane, when the Sun passes through it - the north; seasonally - summer; harmonize with the sign of Leo: noble metal -; precious stone - amber.

These elements of the ancient worldview, as well as the provision on the earthly and heavenly flow of time, the perfection of the heavenly spheres and the imperfection of everything earthly (from this it follows that "everything is predestined in heaven") are in theoretical basis many modern astrological schools.

In general, the first predictions by the stars appeared along with the emergence of the first agricultural states - these were predictions-recommendations “for the harvest”. People needed to predict weather and climate phenomena and their impact on plant growth, since their well-being completely depended on this. Since weather phenomena are cyclical (for example, floods and droughts), observations of the movement of the planets, the Moon and the Sun, comparing them with the weather, made it possible without revealing the cyclic nature weather phenomena, to predict them based on the location of the planets, which at that time was just described using the signs of the zodiac.

In the "prediction by the stars for the harvest," great importance was attached to the Moon - the "planet of fertility", its phases and the "interaction" of the Moon with the signs of the zodiac. Therefore, the first article on the mutual influence of the sign of Leo and the Moon on plants: For those who are not very interested in the details of the issues of the influence of the Moon on the development of plants, I will tell you the main thing: the fiery sign Leo does not really contribute to fat and juicy yields, but patronizes the development of plants reaching for the sun.

Sign Leo, Sun and planets

According to the clarifications of Claudius Ptolemy, the ancient Greeks believed that when passing through the Leo zodiac sector:

Sun has the greatest power of influence on the course of earthly life (from 3 to 2 2/3 conditional points, 1 point is the force of influence on earthly processes at the moment of exaltation);

Moon in the Leo sector it is close to the maximum of its forces, but these forces are already decreasing (from 2 2/3 to 2 points);

Venus in Leo it remains in force, but the strength of its influence noticeably decreases (from 1 1/3 to 1 point);

Jupiter is just beginning to gain strength - they are growing rapidly (from 1 to 1 1/3 points);

Mercury- not yet in force, but the strength of its influence is growing and close to manifesting itself (from 2/3 to 1 point);

Mars- not strong and continues to weaken (2/3 → 1/3);

Saturn- at a minimum of strength (0 points).

Why does the Great Sphinx have such strange proportions?

In the presented figure, the answer is clear without words: The contour drawing of the modern constellation Leo + another star fits perfectly on the contour of the Great Sphinx

Sergey Ov

Collage. Constellation Leo and the Great Sphinx

Note: The sages of Ancient Egypt did not know how the modern “astronomy pundits and wives” would divide the sky into constellations and presented the star pattern in their own way, so the paws of the Sphinx end on the Akubens star from the modern constellation Cancer (Alpha Cancer, lat. α Cnc)

Sign Leo and people. "Typical Lion"

Today it is generally accepted that if a person was born at a time when the Sun is in the sign of Leo, then his sign is Leo. Moreover, the title “Lion” or “Lioness” becomes, as it were, another characteristic of a person, and they expect him to display the character of a “typical lion”.

So, such a character as a “typical Leo” simply does not exist - only in the numerous entertainment literature of the “scientific and prophetic” genre can one find lengthy enumerations of wonderful character traits that amuse the pride of “Lions” and “Lionesses”, often under the headings-plates “Man Lion” and “Lion Woman”. Even the ancient Greek philosophers and their later ancient followers, for the most part, believed that the sign of the zodiac determines for those born under it only the dominant temperament and fortitude (according to Ptolemy: “resistance to fate”), and the character develops during the life path:
The dominant type of temperament born under the sign of Leo is choleric, and fortitude, "resistance to fate" is balanced with manifestations of temperament.
The question of compatibility of "Lions" in relations between themselves and with people born under other signs of the zodiac, which is of interest to many, is considered in an article specially devoted to this issue:.

Zodiac sign Leo and Russia

Historical events under the sign of Leo:

August 12, 1759- the defeat of the Prussian army by Russian-Austrian troops near the village of Kunersdorf, a victory that ended in nothing;
August 15, 1769 Napoleon I was born
August 1, 1914- Germany declared war on Russia. The First World War began;
August 21, 1968- entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia;
August 19, 1991- An attempted coup d'état in the USSR (GKChP);
August 17, 1998- The Government of the Russian Federation announced a technical default, the collapse of the ruble, the first economic crisis;
July 21-22, 2008- collapse of stock prices Russian companies, the global economic crisis has clearly manifested itself in Russia;
August 8-12, 2008- war in South Ossetia.

Following the sign of Leo, the sixth zodiac sector is called.

Sergey Ov(seosnews9)

Work on the article "Zodiac Sign Leo" continues.

Abstracts: Zodiac sign Leo and Russia, other states - being finalized.
Zodiac sign Leo and people: Zodiac sign Leo, temperament. Compatibility issues... - now covered in a separate article

* Constellation Leo

"The two stars located in the head of Leo act in a manner similar to Saturn and, to a lesser extent, like Mars; three in the region of the throat are like Saturn and, to a lesser extent, Mercury; a bright star in the region of the heart, which is called Regulus, is like Mars and Jupiter; the stars in the back and the bright star on the tail act as Saturn and Venus; the stars in the region of the hips as Venus and, to a lesser extent, Mercury ..."(fig.8)

Claudius Ptolemy - On the Influence of the Stars - "A Mathematical Treatise in Four Parts"

The Sun is currently transiting the constellation Leo ( Leo -lat.) from August 11 to September 17.
Due to the precession of the earth's axis, the constellations are shifted relative to the vernal equinox, and the apparent movement of the Sun through the zodiac constellations occurs with increasing delay. The constellations, having passed a full zodiac circle, return to their original places after 25,776 years.

Sergey Ov

Fig.4 Constellation Leo. The seven brightest stars. Lilac line - asterism "Sickle" and the symbol of Leo

Fig.5 Constellation Leo, scheme. Our own version of the star chart (outline) of the lion.

The Leo constellation is perhaps the most prominent zodiac constellation our northern sky. In the constellation, as many as five stars are brighter than the third magnitude - this is (Fig. 4) alpha Leo (α Leo) Regulus, double γ Leo Aljeba, βLeo Denebola And Zosma(δ Leo) with ε Leo Algenubi(Fig. 4). As you can see, the figure shows the names of seven stars - not the brightest, but important for constructing the constellation diagram (Fig. 5), the stars Subra (ο Leo) and Shir (ρ Leo) are added
It is noteworthy that the brightest star Regulus (α Leo) is located almost on the line of the ecliptic (deviation is only 27 "minutes), the deviation from the ecliptic of the star ρ-Leo Shir is 8" minutes.
Modern borders the constellation Leo we inherited from the ancient Greeks. But at all times, regardless of tradition, within this constellation, people identified a characteristic sickle pattern, which is now called the “Sickle asterism”. This asterism deserves a separate image (Fig. 5). Everything, even not so much bright stars the sickle included in the asterism have their own names, and received from different peoples - this is a chain of stars (starting from the handle and ending with the tip of the sickle): Regulus, Al Jabakh (η Leo), Aljeba, Aldhafera (ζ Leo), Rasalas (μ Leo, Ras Elased Borealis) and Algenubi ( Ras Elased Australis).

Fig.6 Asterism Sickle in the constellation Leo. List of stars of the asterism "Sickle".

The ancient Egyptians, when constructing figurative drawings of the starry sky, endowed almost all of their celestials with wings, in addition, it was impossible to find creatures similar to earthly ones among them, if a celestial had a human body, then he must have got his head from some noble animal or vice versa as in the case of the Sphinx. It is not known for certain what pictures the imagination of the ancient Egyptians painted in the starry sky at the time of the creation of the Great Sphinx, but it is quite possible that its image was created on the basis of the stars of the modern constellation Leo, as evidenced by, for example, the discovery of attachment points for wooden wings...

Fig.7 Constellation Leo and the Great Sphinx. To learn more about the oddities in the proportions of the Great Sphinx, click on the picture

By inheritance from the ancient Greeks, in addition to the boundaries of the constellation Leo, we also got the myth of its origin. According to Greek mythology, the first labor of Hercules is immortalized in the constellation Leo. The lion goes to heaven as a result of the victory of Hercules over the monster in the form of a lion, which devastated the whole province - Nemea (hence the aphorism - "Nemean Lion"). Claudius Ptolemy, in his star catalog, tries to follow tradition and refers to the constellation Leo the stars that create the image of a lion in the representations of his time. Subsequently, Jan Hevelius, in his atlas "Uranography", tries to follow as closely as possible the descriptions of Ptolemy, unfortunately the original atlas was created in the projection of the "divine gaze", as if you were looking at the celestial sphere from the outside. In order for the picture to correspond to the "earthly" appearance of the constellation Leo, as well as to highlight the stars, the collage brought to your attention was created:

Rice. 8 The constellation Leo - a collage based on a drawing in the atlas of Jan Hevelius (only those stars that were listed by Hevelius himself in the atlas are highlighted)

** Currently, there are several similar definitions of the choleric type of temperament, and the behavioral characteristics of its owner:

"Choleric (from Greek chole [ hole] - bile), going back to Hippocrates, the designation of one of the four temperaments, characterized by speed of action, strong, quickly arising feelings, clearly reflected in speech, gestures, facial expressions.

Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. 1969 - 1978

"Choleric is a temperament in the classification of Hippocrates. A person of choleric temperament can be described as fast, impulsive, able to give himself to business with passion, but not balanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts and sudden mood swings."

Glossary of psychological terms. Under. ed. N. Gubina.

Choleric is a subject with one of the main types of temperament, characterized by high level mental activity, vigor of actions, sharpness, swiftness, strength of movements, their fast pace, impetuosity; choleric is quick-tempered, impatient, prone to emotional breakdowns, sometimes aggressive.

S.Yu. Golovin. Practical Psychologist Dictionary

Summarizing these definitions, taking into account the peculiarities of the Leo sign (temperament and fortitude are balanced), we get:
Choleric as a carrier of temperament associated with fiery sign Leo, active and energetic, strives to show leadership qualities and creative abilities, decisive and self-confident. But unlike Aries, his actions are quite balanced, but often his actions are still dictated by emotions. Leo-choleric easily converges with new people, but in communication he sometimes lacks self-control, especially if he is provoked. He does not know how to adapt, when faced with something that he does not like, he immediately seeks to transform it in accordance with his desires and ideas. Often impulsive and quick-tempered.

Solar Leos are proud, bold, gentle, strong, generous, cheerful, optimistic, ambitious, loyal and cheerful. Although negative sides are also available. They can be overly demanding, impatient, domineering, lazy, narcissistic and deaf to the words of other people. They do everything that gives them great scope for creativity, leadership and organization. They appear strong on the outside, but most are sensitive on the inside and easily hurt. When this happens, they may lash out at the offender because their pride is hurt.
Leos are undeniably not without acting talent and love to tell stories, be the center of attention, have a good time and put on a real show. Bad and cruel deeds are not for them, but they will not doubt and use force if necessary. No matter what they do, Leos are always sure that they are acting in the interests of another person.

If the Leo is angry, he immediately gets used to the role of the king, "takes his throne" and quickly puts the opponent or offender in his place. Lions literally roar at people when they are furious. But when their tirade is over, they forgive, forget, and never hold a grudge.

At their best, Leos are loving, joyful, and optimistic individuals who can bring light into other people's lives. They are exceptionally generous. Money seeps through their fingers like sand. And they have no idea where everything goes.

Usually have excellent health with strong life-giving forces. When they are sick, they often have a fever. They rarely get depressed, but if they do, they just get depressed. Fortunately, they recover quickly, so soon they will have sunny, happy days again, despite the fact that their heart is broken. Leos have a hard time getting over it. And things like that can lead to real heart problems.

Leos must admire their partner. If this is not the case, then family life won't last long. And of course, you need to feel that they are appreciated.

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