How to draw twins. Zodiac constellation Gemini

Gemini tattoos are very common in the art of body painting, and the design is not always chosen by people born under this constellation. Many people prefer the zodiac sign symbol because of its external attractiveness. In this case, the image becomes just a beautiful decoration, devoid of any meaning. To enhance the magical effect of the Gemini tattoo, esotericists recommend adding astrological elements to the composition.

Ancient myths

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac horoscope, belonging to the element of air. People born between May 21 and June 22 are ruled by the planet Mercury. It is closest to the Sun and rotates faster than other celestial bodies. Moreover, one side of it never sees the Sun, remaining forever cold, while the other, on the contrary, constantly withstands high temperature. This is precisely how astrologers explain the dual behavior of people of the Gemini zodiac sign, their unpredictability and changeability.

According to one version, the constellation Gemini was named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor, the sons of Zeus. When Castor tragically died, Pollux turned to his father with a request to deprive him of immortality too. Zeus turned the brothers into a constellation. The sign is also associated with the founders of Rome Romulus and Remus, the biblical characters Cain and Abel, the Sumerian Enlil and Enki. The meaning of the stories of their relationship is completely opposite: someone fulfilled their mission and achieved harmony with their brother, while someone, on the contrary, was at enmity all their lives and defended their rightness.

The Gemini symbol is usually depicted as two parallel columns with a base and an upper crossbar, inside of which there is emptiness. To ancient people, the sign resembled a gate between the world of gods and mere mortals. The Babylonians believed that every morning the sun god opens the gates precisely during this constellation.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The Gemini zodiac sign tattoo is of particular importance for people born under this constellation. A body design becomes an amulet that attracts happiness, success in career, study and personal life. For Gemini, it is very important to set the right vector, show restraint, and concentrate on a specific task or goal. A tattoo will help in self-knowledge and self-improvement. Whatever design is chosen - a symbol or a twin tattoo depicting people (see photo in the gallery) - its meaning for the owner does not change. It is noteworthy that despite their friendliness and openness, like other air signs of the zodiac, Geminis are very mysterious and do not open their inner world to everyone. Therefore, most often they carefully hide the body design from prying eyes, making it on the back, on the ribs. For girls, the option of an image on the neck is also suitable, since it can be easily hidden under the hair.

The general meaning of the Gemini sign tattoo is a thirst for new discoveries and impressions, a dual nature, constant movement forward, youth and naivety. To get a tattoo for good luck and happiness, you should choose the right location. The design on the wrist is chosen by purposeful people striving for success. They have a well-developed inner sense; they sense any situation perfectly. The image on the left wrist should be chosen by those who want to protect themselves from bad influences envious people. Gemini tattoos also help in making the right decisions and develop the gift of foresight. In this case, it is recommended to choose the inner side of the forearm for drawing the sketch. The image radically changes a person’s character, making him more restrained, rational, and tolerant. The owner of a tattoo has the opportunity not just to go with the flow, but to control his own destiny and circumstances. A tattoo on the shoulder also helps to strengthen character and gives strength to withstand life's difficulties. In general, the shoulder, arm and chest - ideal places to apply a drawing to representatives of a given zodiacal constellation, because this is where the main energy channels are located.

Execution technique

Masters admit that Gemini tattoos are much more common than other astrological symbols. This is due to the fact that both the sign itself and the realistic image of identical brothers or sisters give wide scope for imagination, so tattoo sketches look like a real work of art. Men's compositions are usually stricter and more laconic.

The symbol in the form of the Roman numeral II is often made in the Gothic style, without additional patterns and elements, in black. In this case, a minimalist style is more suitable. Sometimes you can find large-scale Gemini tattoos made in a realistic manner.

Women, unlike men, prefer more modest and delicate options: ornate Gemini inscriptions, images of twin babies surrounded by stars and hearts, an elegant astrological symbol. It is recommended to perform tattoos in yellow color, since it is the zodiac sign for Gemini. In addition, such a drawing enhances the magical influence on a person and his character, and becomes a powerful amulet and amulet.

Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches

Which depict the heads of the Dioscuri brothers, whose legs are directed to the southwest. These stars are located in the Milky Way and border with. The distance between them is 4.5 degrees. Castor is an externally triple system, its two bright components appear to be spectroscopic binaries, and its pale component appears to be an eclipsing binary.

This is a conjunction of six stars. Their total magnitude is 1.59, and their distance from our Sun is 45 light years.

Computer diagram of the Castor system

Both bright blue-white stars of Castor have a magnitude of 2.7m and 2m and are a binary, with an angular separation of 6″, orbiting single center mass system with an orbital period of approximately 400 years.

A video showing the Castor system, made in the application. The scale is not respected, but it is done very beautifully.

Castor is a 6-fold star whose components are two main hot blue objects.


With the help of a large school refractor, you can easily notice that Castor includes two blue stars 2m and 2.9m, with a gap of 4.1 between them." Even Herschel in 1804 noticed a visible movement in the orbit of this heavenly body with a period (according to today’s data) of 341 years. She was the first double star. The distance between these celestial bodies is 76 AU.

Components A and B of Castor also have a neighbor - double star C, which is located at a distance of 73" from them (asterisk 9m). Castor C is a small red dwarf star, a spectroscopic binary.

is a cooled single star of orange color. Castor is further away (14 pc) than Pollux (10 pc). Pollux is an unremarkable star (well, except for its brightness due to its close location to us), but Castor is one of the most special stars, because Astronomers don't know many sixfold systems.

Variable stars

In the constellation Gemini there are two bright variable stars - Zeta Gemini, changing its own brightness from 3.9m to 4.3m, and Eta Gemini.

This Gemini second variable is attractive because it is an eclipsing variable and a spectroscopic binary star with a period of 2984 days, and in addition, it is a half-regular variable with an intermediate period of 233 days and an amplitude of 3.1m - 3.9m.


The Geminids, as seen from the Paranal plateau, where some of the largest telescopes on Earth are installed - VLT
- one of the most powerful meteor showers. Visible in the first half of December, maximum occurs on December 13–14.


This constellation has gained fame since ancient times. It is possible that the outwardly similar and close stars Pollux and Castor were originally called “twins.” The Greeks believed that the constellation was placed in the sky by the Dioscuri twins Polydeuces and Castor. In the “Conference of Divine Affairs” (literature of the 16th century), the constellation was called “twin”.

List of winter sky constellations
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The meaning of the Gemini sketch is optimal for all their representatives; the picture looks like a constellation symbol.

Main designated qualities

Astrologers proceed from the fact that a Gemini tattoo introduces a certain duality, inconstancy into a person’s life, and emotionally rejuvenates him. Those who feel a tendency towards duplicity and hypocrisy should beware of such an image: these negative qualities may even intensify.

Cultural allusions

In all cultures where the sign of Gemini exists, it is considered to be a combination of incompatible principles. Past and future, black and white, good and evil, sunrise and sunset, and so on. Yes, at least male and female! In dualistic mythology, twins are perceived as a combination of good and evil principles (take, for example, the ancient Egyptian myth of Set and Osiris, similar legends of other nations).

What else does the symbol mean? Often, twins are considered a symbol of fertility; In twin cults there is a close connection with horses. Ancient mythology shows twins as pairs of corporeal mortals and divine immortals (Castor and Polydeuces, for example).

Suitable places

It is believed that beautiful twin tattoos are best applied to the left wrists. This should provide:

  • isolation from the bad influence of other people;
  • foreseeing the near future;
  • career success and professional activity;
  • general upliftment of life.

If you apply a small drawing (photo) to outside right forearm, then it will be possible to achieve, as astrologers believe:

  • high concentration;
  • ability to find a way out of difficult situations;
  • strengthening memory;
  • increased endurance;
  • ability to endure life's difficulties.

The specified choice of places is typical for both men and women.

The best styles

Gemini tattoos, as is commonly believed, are ideally combined with an “environment” of stars and flowers, or with the designations of other zodiac signs to which the people dearest to you belong. In men, unchanged appearance Gemini sign, women make them more anthropomorphic, make them in green, purple or even red.

Among all the flowers, the best are daffodils, jasmines, poppies; Some experts advise women to combine the image of Gemini with the stylized look of a walnut tree. It is not recommended for girls and boys to write the same inscriptions.

These days it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the circle of the Zodiac. Moreover, very often people, getting to know each other, are interested in what constellation they were born under. It's no secret that when looking through horoscopes in search of an answer to a question of interest, many of us are feverishly trying to find similar character traits and trace/compare life situations. It’s as if we are trying to squeeze into the framework of a character description limited by date of birth. Does everyone know what the zodiac signs mean?

A little about the history of symbols

To understand a system such as the Zodiac, you need to take a short excursion into its history. The word "zodiac" has Greek roots and is translated as "animals in a circle" (sometimes the expression "animals in a wheel" is used). This circle is divided into twelve completely equal sectors, each of which is named after one of the constellations. The zodiac was known more than four thousand years ago, in Ancient Babylon. In those ancient times, it was depicted as a circle, which included the constellations, and a luminary revolved around it. It was believed that it was the Moon. This was explained by the absence of the most ancient special astronomical instruments with which one could observe the constellations in the daytime.

In the five hundred years BC, the zodiac circle undergoes major changes. It was divided into equal parts, and each was given a name that corresponded to a specific constellation. The ancient inhabitants of Babylon began to take into account the movement of not only the Moon, but also other luminaries, in particular the Sun.

After Babylon fell, the ancient Greeks took up the baton of observations. It was they who continued the study of the movement of celestial bodies. It was the Greeks who introduced the term "zodiac", which has successfully survived to this day.

Undoubtedly, over the long history of the Circle, adjustments have been made. For example, the constellation Luhunga (Peasant), known since Babylon, was renamed Aries. And in ancient times, apparently, it was not recognized at all. The first mention of it dates back to the second century AD.

Despite its thousand-year history, the zodiac circle seemingly retained its appearance. But still the key points have been significantly changed. For example, among the ancient Greeks the zodiac wheel was divided not into twelve, but into thirteen sectors. Over time, the thirteenth constellation - Ophiuchus - was lost, and perhaps deliberately thrown out.

Ancient Greek Zodiac

Medieval astrologers made one, but very serious mistake. Restoring the astrological knowledge lost during the Inquisition, they took as a basis the calculations of Ptolemy, which have changed significantly over one and a half thousand years, which is quite natural. And the most important “blunder” can be called the shift in the starting point (the vernal equinox). When Ptolemy made his calculations, she was in the sign of Aries. Unfortunately, the ancient Greeks blindly copied the existing zodiac, and in the meantime the main point of reference moved to the sign of Pisces. Today, even a schoolchild knows that every fourth year is a leap year, that is, every four years there is a day of error, but then what can we say about the past thousands of years? Despite this, the modern zodiac, which, by the way, for some reason we call Chinese or Eastern, begins with Aries. This is where we will begin to analyze the symbols of the zodiac signs.

Elements of the zodiac

However, before we begin to describe and decipher the mentioned symbolic images, we should briefly dwell on one more important point. We are talking about the elements, of which there are four: Water, Fire, Air and Earth. Each of them patronizes a group of 3 signs:

The symbol of Taurus contains the characteristics of two opposite principles - the Moon, as the energy of the soul, developing the feminine principle, and the Sun, which symbolizes solar energy, the Spirit. This is a sign of perseverance, will, development. The Soul dominates over the Spirit, which indicates Taurus’s closeness to the Earth and Nature, and not to God and the cosmos. Among other things, these people are characterized by endurance and endurance, the ability to hide and store what they have acquired, thanks to which they accumulate a huge potential of energy, including spiritual energy.


One of the symbols that is quite easy to interpret. These are two letters "I". At the same time, they resemble the Roman numeral two. However, why be surprised? This is Gemini - a zodiac sign, the symbol of which personifies the eternal struggle of two personalities in one person. It’s not for nothing that people born under this constellation are considered hypocritical. But let's return to symbolism.

In this case, this is the possibility of connecting the incompatible: the waxing and waning Moon, perceiving the past and the future. In many cultures, Gemini characterizes the path of development, and at the same time, the sunset and decline. According to another version, this symbol represents a combination of day and night, black and white, good and evil.

Geminis, as a rule, are torn between two decisions, two issues, most often mutually exclusive. They rush to extremes: darkness or light, evil or good. It's always difficult to determine which Gemini you're with. this moment communicate. They are easy to pick out in a crowd - you just have to pay attention to a person whose actions do not match his words, and whose behavior changes every five minutes. They usually do several things at once, eat and talk quickly.


This symbol is quite complex. Outwardly, it resembles two inverted commas, located one above the other. This is Cancer - a zodiac sign whose symbol represents duality. This female sign. The graphic image means femininity, motherhood, but at the same time perseverance and tenacious grip.

In the usual interpretation, the Cancer symbol is represented as two vortices, two beginnings. This is necessary for the revival of new life. The pattern is often perceived as the closing claws of a cancer or as the process of fusion of male and female cells.

Since Cancer is a sign with a highly developed feminine, men born under it are often impressionable and sensitive natures. In addition, typical representatives of this zodiac character adore their families, and especially their mothers, and they will not contradict them under any circumstances.

Leo: symbol, meaning

Sometimes the symbols of the zodiac signs are quite intricate. An example is a curved line with a circle at one end. And who does this very original symbol of the zodiac sign represent? Leo, of course, fits perfectly into such an intricate characterization. Judge for yourself: doesn’t the smooth line resemble the wavy, curly and completely unruly mane of a predator? Graceful and sophisticated Leos can easily be distinguished from a huge crowd thanks to luxurious, thick curls that organically complement dark tanned skin and, as a rule, brown eyes.

The elegance of this symbol indicates the refined aristocracy, love of freedom, and sensitivity of Leo. It's funny, but there is only one thing that is beyond the control of the strong and proud representatives of this sign. They are unable to style their unruly hair. You can straighten them with an iron or curl them with a curling iron, you can even tie them in a tight knot, but still, sooner or later, one of them will break out.


Many experts believe that symbols and pictures of zodiac signs usually very clearly characterize those who belong to them. Well, they're probably right. Virgo belongs to the element of Earth. She is the only woman in the entire system. She personifies the ancient Greek patroness of Nature, harvests, and fertility. This is how she is - Virgo, whose symbol is a capital letter “M” with a neat curl on the right. Most likely, its creators had in mind the reproductive function of women.

Virgos often promote healthy image life. They are critical of their own weight, nutrition, appearance, and health. There is an opinion that it was the Virgos who invented the first, most daring diets.


Graphic images of the Zodiac signs surprisingly accurately emphasize not only the characteristic external features, but also the internal qualities of people. This statement can easily be attributed to Libra. Their symbol is a kind of hat above a straight horizontal line. This is the personification of scales (a symbol of justice), but everyone born under this sign is fair judges, capable of resolving any conflict by carefully listening to both sides.

In Hermetic, alchemical and Kabbalistic teachings, scales are a symbol of the bifurcation of the spiritual and physical, heavenly and earthly, and in the Bible - the balance between the external and internal worlds. They identify wisdom and the return to unity through a truce of opposites.

It is quite easy to recognize people belonging to this sign in your environment. You just need to start a small conflict and pay attention to who will be the first to listen to the arguments and arguments of the parties.

Scorpio: zodiac sign, symbol

Water Scorpio perfectly remembers old grievances (which, by the way, everyone has long forgotten) and will not miss an opportunity to avenge them. The Latin letter “M” ends with a small arrow on the right, which symbolizes the poisonous sting. Scorpio never admits to his thoughts of revenge. They are kept in the strictest confidence.


The next Circle character is Fire Sagittarius. A zodiac sign whose symbol clearly depicts a raised bow and arrows being shot at random objects. These people can greatly injure those around them and those close to them with the arrows of their honesty, without thinking at all that they are hurting their pride. Sagittarians are not burdened with excessive diplomacy and a sense of tact.

In the traditional interpretation, this symbol is cosmic; it expresses the idea of ​​a perfect person, who is both a physical and spiritual being, worthy of divine origin. The arrow is a symbol of spiritual evolution and inner transformation.


Next in line is the zodiac sign Capricorn, whose symbol is the intricately twisted horns of a proud and fast mountain goat. This is one version. Another says that the horns make up only a fragment of a pattern that resembles the letter “V”, and the rest are the tails of a mythical creature - a non-existent sea goat. In any case, this is the personification of wisdom, which develops beyond its years, with early childhood. The drawing also means determination and courage, which help to overcome any obstacles. Interestingly, Capricorns have a “built-in” system of resistance to aging. They always look much younger than their age.

The Capricorn symbol represents the upward striving, the ascent towards light and life. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, a rapid fall into the void. This is expressed by the duality of the “monster” itself - half-goat - half-fish, inhabitant of mountain peaks and the depths of the sea.


The symbols of the zodiac signs quite often consist of straight lines. Aquarius is no exception. Two parallel broken lines mean fast flowing water. Others believe it is a graphic representation of electricity. After all, the abode of Aquarius is Uranus.

Evaluating everything critically, representatives of this sign are the most intelligent in the zodiac wheel. These are great debaters. Don't believe me? Express an idea in a group of people, and the first person to object to you will probably be an Aquarius. And not at all because he categorically disagrees with you. It's just hard for him to resist arguing. It is almost impossible to force him to change his point of view.

Zodiac sign Pisces: symbol and meaning

This personification of dual nature is somewhat reminiscent of the Gemini symbol. Two fish swimming in different directions, depicted by two curved lines. In the middle they are connected by a small segment. This is a vivid symbol of two fighting souls living in one person.

A complex and very sensitive sign. People born under it, as a rule, live in their own world, understandable only to them. But if it seems to you that Pisces weakly go with the flow, hiding from conflicts, then you are mistaken! They are very ambitious, aggressive and capable of going to great lengths to achieve their goals. With a few sarcastic barbs, they can trample all your attempts to improve the relationship.

Today we tried to find out a little more about the mysterious signs of the zodiac. Symbols, pictures, descriptions and meanings of all representatives of the zodiac circle have interested, interest and will interest humanity as long as it exists. And we can talk about this endlessly.

Very easily identified by three luminous points lined up in a straight line (belt). Next to him were Gemini, a constellation not inferior to the celestial hunter either in size or in the expressiveness and brightness of its components.


Finding this area is quite easy. The zodiacal constellation Gemini in the sky has a characteristic configuration: two parallel lines of fairly bright stars. In order to detect them, you can first find Orion, and then its shoulder, indicated by the reddish and bright star Betelgeuse. Gemini is located in the northeast of it. The constellation spreads over a fairly wide area of ​​the sky. Two almost parallel lines of luminous points are crowned by Castor and Pollux, alpha and beta of this constellation.

You can observe the celestial pattern throughout our country. The ideal time for this is December and January. During these months, the constellation rises quite high above the horizon and can be admired throughout the night.


If you look at Gemini on old maps, they are always depicted as a pair of similar young men, sometimes armed, sometimes just laughing. Strictly speaking, Castor and Pollux were not twins, at least according to one version of the myth. Their mother, the beautiful Leda, was the wife of the king of Sparta, Tyndareus. However, she gave birth to a daughter, Helen the Beautiful, and a son, Polydeucs, not from him, but from Zeus himself. Castor and Clytemnestra, who were born a little later, were the children of the Spartan king.

Polydeuces and Castor became practically inseparable: they played together, joined the Argonauts together. In addition, they won many competitions. Castor was a master at driving a chariot, and Polydeuces loved fist fights and was known as invincible.

When Castor was killed, Polydeuces, immortal from birth, asked his father to let him die and be reunited with his brother. However, Zeus did not want his son to die and arranged it in his own way: Polydeuces spent one day on Olympus with the gods, and one with his brother in the kingdom of Hades. And in memory of brotherly love, the Thunderer placed the constellation Gemini in the sky.

Bright couple

Gemini is a constellation worthy in many respects. It is one of the most ancient, those that were described in the period of antiquity by Ptolemy in his famous “Almagest”. This celestial pattern is part of the zodiac circle, along which all the planets, as well as the Moon and the Sun, move.

However, for the average observer, perhaps the most valuable thing is that Gemini is a constellation consisting of a huge number of luminaries, almost seventy of which are visible to the naked eye on a clear night, and fourteen of them are brighter than third magnitude. And, of course, the two main points of the celestial pattern stand out more than others - Castor and Pollux.

Alpha constellation Gemini

The brightest point is Pollux. However, the alpha of Gemini is Castor. It ranks second in brightness in the constellation and has a number of very interesting characteristics from an astronomical point of view.

Castor is a system of two components with an orbital period of 350 years, each of the companions being a spectroscopic double star. However, Castor's system is not exhausted by these four luminaries. YY Gemini, a faint eclipsing double star, is also related to it. Conventionally, it is also designated in scientific literature as Castor S. It makes one revolution around a system of four stars over a huge period: several tens of thousands of years.

Another interesting point is connected with Castor: the radiant of one of the meteor showers (Geminids) is located next to it. It can be seen from December 7 to December 15. The shower gains its greatest strength on the 13th, when up to 60 meteors rush by every hour.

Immortal brother

The main luminous point that distinguishes the constellation Gemini is the brightest star of this celestial pattern, Pollux. Scientists classify the luminary as an orange giant. It's already gone Main sequence and soon, on universal time scales, will exhaust its supply of helium. This will happen in a hundred million years. Pollux will shed its gas envelope and become a white dwarf.

Beta Gemini is also a variable star. In addition, in 2006, a planet was discovered orbiting the orange giant with a period of 589 days. The mass of the space object is 2.9 times the mass of Jupiter.


In addition to Castor and Pollux, there are several other objects for which the constellation Gemini is famous. The stars are dimmer than the main pair, but are notable for other parameters. Thus, Delta Gemini, or Vasat, is only the seventh brightest in the constellation, but is of some interest to researchers. The fact is that it is located almost exactly on the ecliptic, the circle along which the visible movement of the Sun occurs throughout the year. Wasat is just 0.2 degrees south of the line.

However, the Gemini delta owes its fame to a greater extent to something else. It was near it that Clyde Tombaugh spotted Pluto in 1930. Wasat is a marker of the place where a dwarf planet crosses the ecliptic in its movement.

According to its physical characteristics, Delta Gemini is a class F subgiant. Its luminosity is ten times greater than that of the Sun. Vasat has a companion that orbits the star once every 1,200 years. In addition, according to some data, Delta Gemini may be a spectroscopic double star.

Gemini is a constellation in which not only remarkable luminaries are located. Not far from the mu and zeta of this celestial pattern you can see a faint speck. This open cluster M35, consisting of approximately 120 stars. It is accessible for observation by owners of a telescope or powerful binoculars.

Another object looks like a small ball - the planetary Eskimo Nebula, or, as it is also called, the Clown. It is located at a distance of 2900 light years from the Sun.

For an inexperienced observer, it can be difficult to correlate the two lines of stars with the usual images of Gemini in various literature. However, fairly bright luminaries, its components, and a landmark such as Orion help well in the search. Owners of telescopes have a chance to examine all the objects of the celestial pattern and fully enjoy the beauty of this part of the cosmos.
