What is the name of a wild goat with big horns. Mountain goats and goats - typology, types, features

Despite the fact that hunting has long passed into the category of a male hobby, for many people it is still a way of life and a way of earning money. One of its most frequent (and traditional) subjects is the mountain goat. Its meat is eaten with pleasure, the skin is used for the production of fur and leather products, and the horns are a very honorable hunting trophy, since not everyone can get this animal, which can climb steep mountain steeps. In addition, in some areas, the mountain goat is still crossed with a domesticated goat in order to refresh the blood of a particular breed. It has been observed that mountain goats mate equally effectively not only in freedom, but also in captivity.

Typology of mountain goats

The genus of mountain goats includes eight species, which, in turn, are divided into three groups - ibexes, tours and goats proper. Their main difference between them is the appearance of the horns, and a common feature is the presence of internal cavities in them and immutability. In young animals, the horns are usually curved in the form of an arc, which turns into a spiral with age. The largest and most numerous group of ibexes has wide front saber-curved horns with big amount ridge-like thickenings. It includes:

  1. ibex (aka alpine goat or common ibex), living in the Italian Alps between Savoy and Piedmont and in part of the Swiss Alps, where it was smuggled at the beginning of the 20th century. The height of its habitat runs exactly along the border of ice and forest.
  2. Nubian goat.
  3. Iberian.
  4. Siberian mountain goat.

In turn, these species have ten subspecies: four each in the Pyrenean and Siberian goats, and two in the Nubian.

What do Capricorns look like?

Despite their relationship, these subspecies have some differences, not only related to different habitats. For example, an ibix can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. long and thick arched horns, somewhat diverging from each other in different directions. In males, their length can reach up to one meter, while in goats they look like small, slightly curved horns.
  2. the presence of a short beard in males and females.
  3. hard thick wool, whose color depends on the season. In winter, the coat of both sexes is gray, in summer the front of the neck and chest, as well as the legs and genital area in males are dark brown (in females - reddish with golden), the belly and anus are white.
  4. the average body length is up to 150 cm, height is about 90. The weight of goats usually does not exceed 40 kg, and the weight of males reaches hundreds of kilograms.

Appearance Nubian goat is:

  1. long thin, curved back and down horns. Like other subspecies, their length is associated with the gender of their carrier: in males - up to one meter, in females - up to 30 cm.
  2. the general color - yellowish-brown - corresponds to the color of the territory in which it lives (north of Africa east of the Nile, Arabia and the Simien Mountains in Ethiopia). Starting from August, it can change, varying by different parts body dark brown to black.
  3. a characteristic feature of the male Nubian goat is a dark stripe on the back.
  4. the weight of females is 26.5 kg., males - three times more: up to 62.5 kg. Body length - 105 and 125 cm, respectively, and height - 65 and 75 cm.

The Iberian goat boasts slightly curved, upward and inward horns in the form of a lyre. Finally, the Siberian ibex has the following features:

  1. massive, strongly curved back horns over one meter long.
  2. more pronounced beard.
  3. coat color, depending on the season, but always with a brown base. In males, the neck and back may be covered with white spots.
  4. animal parameters: height from 67 to 110 cm, weight from 35 to 130 kg, body length from 130 to 165 cm.

Brief description of the tours

The second group, called "tours", is represented by one West Caucasian species and its three subspecies, the list of which differs in different sources. For example, big Soviet Encyclopedia considered the names "Severtsov's tour" and "Kuban tour" as synonyms for designating the title species, but singled out the so-called subspecies as a subspecies. "Guldenstedt tour" (or "Central Caucasian tour"). Other sources, on the contrary, combined this subspecies with the capital one, but singled out Severtsov's tour separately. Undoubted for all classifications is the division of the species into the capital West Caucasian and East Caucasian subspecies, living in different parts of the Caucasus in a small area of ​​just over 4 thousand square meters. km. General outward sign for them there are horns bent in the form of a wide spiral, which are strongly rounded in cross section, but the subspecies differ somewhat in the direction of the horns and the manner of curvature: for example, in the East Caucasian tur, the tips of the horns are directed back and up, and in the West Caucasian - down and inward. However, apparently, there are other differences - morphological, genetic, etc. - representatives of these subspecies, since scientists have long noted with concern that their mating with each other leads to the birth of sterile individuals in both populations. According to the latest data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the number of animals of both subspecies is estimated at 10 thousand individuals, which is why the International Red Book assigned them the status of "at risk" (for the West Caucasian tur) and "close to threatened" (for the East Caucasian).

Goats as they are

Finally, the third group, called "goats", consists of two species (markhorn goat, or markhor, and domestic goat) and one subspecies - the bezoar goat, which is the ancestor of the domestic goat. In turn, markhor has three subspecies, differing from each other only in their habitat and minor structural features of the horns. Living in the mountainous regions of Tajikistan, in the Western Himalayas, Afghanistan, Little Tibet and Kashmir, he has:

  1. helical horns (because of which he got his name), reaching a length of up to one (according to some sources, up to one and a half or more) meters.
  2. a long black-brown beard (sometimes called a suspension), which, gradually brightening, turns into a hanging mane.
  3. dark color of the head and legs and light color of the belly.
  4. the body length is up to one and a half (sometimes up to 1.7) meters, and the tail is up to 18 cm. The growth of markhor does not exceed 90 cm, the weight usually fluctuates within 90 kg.
  5. a reddish-gray coat color that turns off-white with age.

The domestic goat is characterized by laterally compressed horns, forming a sharp front edge. Their protruding rib is not as pronounced as in other groups, and some goats do not have it at all. Other common features cannot be established for the reason that there are so many breeds of domesticated goats that differ in size, coat color, etc. More distinct and recognizable is the bezoar goat, which lives in the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Persia, Afghanistan, Balochistan (the historical southeastern region of the Iranian plateau, the border region between the Middle East and Hindustan, currently part of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan) and on several Mediterranean islands. It has the following features:

  1. strongly keeled, with converging tips of the horns, arcuately bent back.
  2. stocky build with strong legs and broad hooves.
  3. long hair, whose color in males depends on the season. In winter it is silver-white, on the underside, chest and part of the muzzle it is black-brown, and in summer it becomes reddish. The females have a yellowish-brown coat.
  4. two stripes passing through the coat: one along the back, the second - from the back to the chest. Goats have one such stripe.
  5. black twenty-centimeter tail.
  6. the average body length is about one and a half meters, although there are individuals with sizes from 1.2 to 1.6 meters. Weight, depending on gender and age, ranges from 25 to 95 kg., Height - from 70 cm to 1 meter.

Despite the rather extensive habitat, the bezoar goat is also listed in the Red Book.

Visiting mountain goats

Already noted in the genus name main feature all its representatives. They avoid flat places, preferring to settle on steep mountain slopes, in gorges and other hard-to-reach places at an altitude of one and a half to five and a half kilometers above sea level. At such a height they spend almost the whole year, descending into the valleys and foothills only during the harsh winters. Mountain goats are perfectly adapted to life in the mountains, they are strong, hardy and dexterous, they can jump over cliffs several meters wide, manage to stand almost on sheer surfaces, keep their balance perfectly when walking and running, and often demonstrate the wonders of rock climbing to their involuntary spectators, especially when they have to escape the chase. One such demonstration can be seen from the comfort of your room, here in this video. The amazing dexterity of mountain goats is explained by the presence of narrow hooves with a hard horn in all subspecies, which allows them to stand even on the smallest ledges.

An interesting fact: the habitats of almost all subspecies and groups do not intersect with each other. Where the ibex lives, the Pyrenean goat cannot be found, and the markhor, although adjacent to the bezoar goat, avoids those places where it settles bezoar goat. The exception, which (as well as its consequences) we have already mentioned, is only the Caucasian mountain goat and its subspecies. Perhaps one of the reasons for this territorial mutual respect is the secret secreted by special glands that every goat has and is located in the lower part of the tail. The secretion, especially intensified during estrus, has a pungent odor known as "goaty" and seems to be easily sensed by these animals at considerable distances. This smell even entered human culture and mythology: in the Middle Ages, the goat was perceived as a symbol of the unclean and even Satan himself. It was even believed that his appearance in any form is always accompanied by such a smell that betrays him.

These animals have a herd and sedentary lifestyle. Males and females prefer to live in separate groups of 3-5 individuals, although in the Himalayas, for example, mixed herds of Siberian mountain goats were found. In the herds of males, a strict hierarchy was noticed, which the goats achieve through fights and certain behavior. Goats often live with goats. In winter, these groups increase and turn into herds of several tens or even hundreds of heads. Goats join goats only for the duration of mating. Males of some subspecies - for example, ibix - are in such a herd all winter and leave it only in spring.

They graze early in the morning or late in the evening, and in those places where they are intensively hunted - even at night. During the day, animals rest, choosing the most inaccessible areas for rest. They are characterized by extreme caution, since among their enemies there are not only humans, but also such predators as a leopard, a snow leopard, a lynx, a wolf and even a golden eagle (the enemies of the Nubian goat even include striped hyenas), but sometimes they are able to show amazing courage. They “inform” each other about the existence of danger with a clearly audible special bleating. Not only a developed sense of smell helps them in recognizing a threat, but also the presence of large, sensitive and mobile ears, pointed at the ends.

In nutrition, mountain goats are not picky - the flora of their habitat has "accustomed" them to this (as you can see, most subspecies live in the conditions of the Asian mountains, which are characterized by sparse vegetation). With equal success, they feed on both grasses such as bluegrass and fescue, and branches and bark of shrubs and trees, mosses and lichens, do not disdain deadwood and poisonous plants, and markhor is even able to eat tree foliage. Goats give particular preference to the bark of young trees, which are gnawed so that it often cannot be restored, which makes it difficult to renew the forest after sanitary and planned cuttings. One of their features is the constant need for salt. For the sake of its satisfaction, animals are able not only to travel long distances of 15-20 km to the nearest salt lick, but also to climb dams in search of salty surfaces.

The rut period for mountain goats falls on November-December. At this time, the males join the females and begin to conduct mating fights with each other for the right to possess them. The sounds of battle in the form of crackling horns can be heard from a kilometer away, so an ignorant person may well imagine an almost bloody battle, but in practice everything is much calmer. Goats even have their own rules for mating. No matter how fierce he may be, the goats never:

  1. don't hit heads.
  2. do not injure unprotected parts of the body (that is, relationships are clarified only with the help of horns).
  3. do not pursue a fleeing opponent for long distances.

The winner gets a harem of 5-10 goats as a reward - mountain goats are inherent in polygamy. A goat's pregnancy lasts 5-6 months, after which one to two cubs are born. Babies develop rapidly and after a few hours they are able to stand on their feet, and after a while they are able to accompany their mother in search of food. Wild mountain goats have a well-defined maternal instinct: they hide weak and vulnerable kids in the first week of life in secluded places and regularly go to feed them. Until the cubs grow up and become independent (and this happens at the age of one to one and a half years), goats protect and protect them in every possible way, and generally treat them with love and tenderness. Puberty in mountain goats occurs in the second year of life.

Man and goat

The “relationship” between a person and a mountain goat dates back more than one hundred years. Wild goats, descendants of the bezoar goat, were domesticated by humans about 8.5 thousand years ago, and goat breeding is still one of the most profitable industries. Agriculture in various parts of the earth. Equally important in human life is the hunting of mountain goats, which we mentioned at the beginning of this material, and they were hunted not only for the sake of food and the extraction of skins and horns. In the Middle Ages, camping containers for wine and water were made from the skins and fur of a mountain goat, goat fat is still actively used in the national cuisine of many peoples, and the inhabitants of Afghanistan believe that markhor meat can neutralize the effect of snake venom and that markhor generally seeks out and eats snake. Found in the stomachs of some goats, bezoars (dense formation stones made from densely matted hair or plant fibers) were considered healing and capable of drawing poison from the bite site.

In pre-Christian Europe, like Eastern peoples, the mountain goat was associated primarily with male sexual power. It is known that amulets were made from the horns of the representatives of the Capricorn group, which were designed to encourage and facilitate childbearing; archaeologists have found many rock paintings of this subject, which performed the same function of encouragement. Even in ancient times, ibex was considered almost a sacred animal, which is why absolutely everything that had to do with it - from blood and hair to excrement - was used in medicine. With the spread of Christianity and the advent of the Inquisition, the attitude towards ibex acquired a dual form: on the one hand, its traditional deification continued, on the other hand, due to its smell, it became associated with Satan and the creatures of hell, which led to tragic consequences. In history, there are cases of executions of ibexes and Pyrenean goats according to the verdicts of the Inquisition on the grounds that they, as the incarnation of the devil, allegedly led earthly women into temptation and copulated with them. Such sentences extended not only to animals, but also to people. In general, carnal pleasures with goats were one of the most beloved accusations of the Inquisition, among others, against women condemned as sorceresses and witches. This led to the almost complete extinction of alpine goats by the beginning of the 19th century, and only the intervention of two scientists - a topographer (in some sources he is called a forester), an employee of the Italian Academy of Sciences, located in Turin, Joseph Zumstein and naturalist Albert Girtanner - led to the fact that since 1816, the last hundred individuals have been protected by the authorities. In 1854, the King of Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel (1820 - 1878), took the surviving animals under his personal protection, which ensured a slow revival of the species. The modern Ibex population is the descendants of this miraculously saved hundred.

In some areas, goat hunting is carried out so intensively that, in addition to the Transcaucasian subspecies, one of the markhor subspecies and the Nubian mountain goat are on the verge of extinction. The number of the latter, as of 1997, was generally estimated at two and a half thousand heads, which is why it was assigned the status of “vulnerable” in the Red Book. However, unfortunately, its presence does not protect the Nubian goat from poaching by the Bedouins, who, hunting for him, often lie in wait for him at watering places. In 2000, the last individual of one of the subspecies of the Pyrenean ibex, the “Spanish”, was found dead, which is why currently there are only two of its subspecies instead of the four known to science (the second subspecies died out at the end of the 19th century). Despite the ability of mountain goats to quickly restore their numbers, it does not always contribute to their survival: they often die not only from the hands of humans and the paws of a predator, but also from avalanches, under landslides, and also from hunger. The Siberian ibex (as of the mid-90s of the 20th century, its population was about 250 thousand heads) and ibex (from 30 to 40 thousand individuals) are still relatively safe, but uncontrolled hunting and poaching can change this situation for indigenous peoples. manner. The international scientific community is taking a number of measures to avoid the complete extinction of all species of these animals. For example, mountain goats are increasingly found in various zoos, and hunting for them is strictly regulated by law in many places. Since 1977, the controlled shooting of ibixes has been allowed by the authorities of Switzerland and Italy; at the same time, they populate the alpine regions, which is subsequently used as a marketing ploy when advertising the most famous resorts.

In Eastern culture, a respectful attitude towards the mountain goat is still preserved. In Tibet and Indian Ladakh, for example, on the occasion of the birth of a child, it was customary to give his parents a figurine of a goat made of flour. In modern Pakistan, markhor is considered national symbol countries, and Arab scientists in honor of mountain goats in ancient times named one of zodiac constellations- Capricorn.

Finally, in order for you to fully understand the hero of our material, we suggest that you look at a small selection of various subspecies of the mountain goat, many of which are unique.

This is a genus of Bovids, which belongs to mammals and mainly inhabits high mountain areas. Territories that are at an altitude of 5.5 thousand meters above sea level can be chosen as their habitat. These are hardy and agile animals, earning their livelihood on the mountain surface, even if they are sheer cliffs. The ability to climb a wall from any angle makes this animal unique in its kind.

The mountain goat family has 8 to 10 different species.

Mountain goats and their description

Like any other animals, mountain goats survive in the conditions to which their family has adapted. The territory they got is not the most pleasant, because they have to extract small patches of vegetation in the highlands, which are often located on sheer cliffs. Animals have adapted well to this kind of life, therefore it is sometimes surprising how a well-fed goat is able to climb sheer walls. distant ancestors of this species animal bezoar goat, which also differed in endurance. In kinship with mountain goats are rams, gorals, chamois and snow goats.

Wild goats are often called graceful animals, because they have a dense and folded body, and this is especially true for females. The sizes of female individuals reach 100–180 cm in length and 70–100 cm in height. Weight ranges from 30 to 60 kilograms. Males by weight they can reach 155 kg, but this does not prevent them from easily climbing the slopes of the mountains. The horns are thin and curved. The older the animal, the longer its horns, and in males they can wrap themselves in a spiral like a ram's horn.

The characteristics of these animals are hard and narrow hooves, the structure of which allows you to climb the steep slopes of the mountains and hold on without fear of falling off. Another amazing feature of mountain goats is a short tail, which does not have a hairline at the end, but at the same time emits a strong specific smell. This is a kind of weapon that scares off predators.

Mountain goats have excellent sexual deformity. The horns of females are 1.5–2 times shorter than those of males and there is no beard, but you can often find individuals with elongated hair on the chest and neck. The hairline itself consists of short but coarse hair. The color is presented in various colors:

  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • black, etc.

Distribution and range of mountain goats

The range of mountain goats is steep slopes of mountains, and not vast and flat territories, although there are cases of meeting in similar areas. The habitat is hard-to-reach places, such as:

  • gorges;
  • slopes;
  • rocky area.

In addition, mountain goats live at an altitude of 1500 to 5500 above sea level. The specifics of such distribution are unclear to scientists, but there are suggestions that this is due to pressure and the amount of oxygen. In such an environment, it is much easier for animals to develop. Mountain goats are common in Europe, Asia and North America, but at the same time, the ranges of different species rarely intersect with each other.

Mountain goats live in herds of 3-5 individuals, while male and female individuals converge only during the mating season. In winter, the herd during mating increases by 10–100 individuals. IN winter time, mountain goats, together with their family, descend into the plains, where the climate is much milder. IN summer time, goats feed preferably in the evening or morning, and in the hot time of the day they rest, hiding in hard-to-reach and darkened areas.

Mountain landscape for goats, this is their native element, to which they have adapted perfectly throughout their evolution. Due to their body mechanism and coordination, they can stand on an almost vertical surface. Moreover, they conquer heights carefully, but in case of danger they are able to go on the run, and with a thin bleating warn the herd about predators. Accidents with these animals are rare.

The main food in the diet of mountain goats is alpine grasses, but because of the sparse vegetation in the highlands, they sometimes eat moss, bark from trees and shrubs. In addition, this family of animals needs a high demand for salt, which can be found, for example, on the sheer walls of a dam. To do this, sometimes you have to overcome a distance of 15–20 km.

mating period in mountain goats it begins in November or December. At this time, male goats are actively fighting for the attention of females, fighting with rivals. An unfamiliar male can come to the herd and challenge the enemy to fight, and the fight will take place according to certain rules. Initially, both males stand up and prepare for an attack. They strike with horns, while you can hear the sound of a crunch, which is carried for many kilometers around. Such blows do not cause harm to animals, but only exhaust them. Unlike sheep, mountain goats do not fight to the death and do not inflict injuries, but only fight until they are completely exhausted. The winning mountain goat receives a group of females of 5–10 goats.

After mating pregnancy proceeds, which lasts 5-6 months, after which offspring is born in May-June. This is the most favorable time for the growth of newborn kids, because food grows in abundance, and the weather is favorable. From one goat, 1-2 cubs are born, which almost immediately get on their feet. In domestic goats, the number of cubs sometimes reaches 4 pieces.

In the first months of growth of newborns, feeding proceeds exclusively with the help of the mother, who shelters the kids in an inaccessible place and brings food there. At the age of 1-2 months, the cubs begin to accompany their mother in search of food, but this is the most dangerous period for them. At this age, the kids have not yet strengthened their muscles and, moreover, do not have the basic skills of moving through the mountains, but they are very playful and mobile, which often leads to injury or death. Mountain goats become independent individuals at 1–1.5 years. At 2 years old, the animals are already sexually mature individuals.

Mountain goats are the predominant animal species in mountains such as:

  • Alps;
  • Caucasus;
  • Tibet;
  • Pamir;
  • Tien Shan;
  • Sayans;
  • Altai;
  • Pyrenees.

At the same time, they are constantly attacked by predators. wolves, Snow leopards, lynx, golden eagles, and in North Africa leopards attack mountain goats. In addition, in the mountains, animals often die from avalanches, bad weather, hunger, but due to their fertility, they quickly restore the population. Some species are still on the verge of extinction. For example, the Ethiopian goat, but the reason for its extinction is solely in the reduction of the range, which is facilitated by the activities of mankind.

Mountain goats in human history

The role of mountain goats in the history of mankind is extensive and it begins with the appearance of the first rock paintings. People find the first mention of this animal in various caves, where ancient people depicted them or hid amulets made from horns. Later horn amulets are found all over the world. It is assumed that they were given as a gift newborn children. In Tibet and Ladakh, there was a tradition to give in honor of the birth of a child not amulets, but figurines of a goat made of flour or clay. The mountain goat in the Mediterranean and Asia is a symbol that has migrated to one of the modern zodiac constellations - Capricorn.

The domestication of goats by humans occurred approximately 9-10 thousand years ago in northern Iran. This animal is very useful, because it has delicious soft meat, healthy milk and skin, which has found its use in the further development of mankind. The skin was first used as parchment paper or made containers for carrying food and water. In subsequent centuries, leather became the basis for creating fur and leather-type clothing. IN modern world withdrawn special types domestic goats, depending on the required component. There are goats specifically for meat, milk, skin and wool.

The domestication of goats occurred abruptly due to the quick adaptability of animals in a new area.

There are about 8-10 species of mountain goats. Among them are such types as:

  • horned;
  • Caucasian;
  • East Caucasian;
  • tour of Severtsev;
  • Kuban;
  • ibex;
  • Nubian;
  • Siberian;
  • Iberian.

Some species of mountain goats today are on the verge of survival and the reason for this is weather conditions or predatory animals. The main cause of extinction was people who, due to their sharp spread, destroyed large territories range of these animals.

An artiodactyl animal with the name markhorn goat is one of the most spectacular of its kind. This species got its name because of the helical horns. Another name is marmukh, which means "snake eater" in Urdu.

This species is one of the largest. The weight often reaches 90 kg, and the size at the withers is up to one and a half meters, but this does not prevent the mountain goat from moving along sheer cliffs in search of food.

The powerful horns of mountain goats, which are twisted into a spiral, are hallmark. In females, the horns grow up to 30 cm, but in males, their length can reach 1–1.5 meters. This part is the main advantage. Of the distinctive qualities, they distinguish a long beard and shaggy chest.

juveniles have a gray-red color, which with age changes to a dirty white color. Markhorn goats live high in the mountains, where there is various sparse vegetation. Area - mountain ranges, Tibet, Kashmir, Pakistan, Tajikistan.

Because of their ornate horns, this species of mountain goat is an endangered species. They are especially valuable, which is why poachers constantly prey on animals, even after they are listed as protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. They are trying to restore the population in some large reserves of the world.

Siberian ibex

The Siberian ibex is a constant means of survival for many peoples, but even constant hunting does not reduce their population. Mostly people hunt for horns, but horns, milk, meat and animal skin are considered no less valuable. Particularly distinguished medicine bezoar, which can be obtained exclusively from the stomach of the Siberian goat.

This species is smart and perfectly trainable, unlike rams and sheep. That is why the Siberian goat became the progenitor of many domesticated animal species that are used as a source of milk, meat, skin and wool.


are one of the most amazing views in the animal world. They are graceful, beautiful and at the same time able to move around the mountains, almost vertical steep slopes. No mammal has the strength to repeat such a journey. Despite their grace and beauty, many species of mountain goats are in the Red Book. The main reason is the destruction of the range due to human activity and poaching.

Mountain goats are artiodactyl mammals of the Bovid family, numbering several species with characteristic distinctive features. They have some resemblance to mountain sheep, and distant relatives of animals are snow goats, gorals, chamois.


The body of a mountain goat is of medium size: length is about 120-180 cm, height at the withers is 80-100 cm, and weight is 40-155 kg, depending on the species and sex of the artiodactyl. Despite a strong torso and not very long legs, it gives the impression of a graceful animal. Males are adorned with large arched horns, some reaching 1 meter in length. The front surface of the horns has transverse thickenings, expressed to varying degrees in different types of goats.

As the name of the family indicates, the horns of mammals are hollow inside. The hooves are very hard and narrow, thanks to which these animals easily and freely jump over stony rocks, holding on to small ledges. The tail is rather short. They can be distinguished from sheep by the presence of strong-smelling glands in the groin, around the eyes and on the legs, as well as by the presence of coarse calluses on knee joints forelegs and beard in males.

Mountain goats are herd mammals that unite in large herds of 20-30 individuals per winter period. In summer, males and females are divided into separate groups of 3-5 individuals. They feel comfortable high in the mountains, deftly jumping over small ledges over wide, several meters high cliffs. You can watch how a herd of mountain animals moves with amazing ease along the vertical surfaces of rocks, balancing like real acrobats. Despite everything, they are very cautious and warn each other of the danger with a thin bleat.

Habitats of mountain goats

The mountain wild goat lives in the Northern Hemisphere, namely in Europe, Asia and North Africa, preferring high altitudes - up to 4200 meters. It settles on sheer walls, areas with rocky faults and gorges. These animals are sedentary, descending from the mountains only in search of food in harsh winters, and are the predominant species of ungulates in the mountains of the Caucasus, Alps, Altai, Pyrenees, Tibet, Tien Shan, Sayan.

Nutrition and lifestyle of mountain goats

All artiodactyls, like the mountain goat, the photo of which is presented in the article, are herbivores. Their favorite treats are fresh alpine herbs; in addition, animals eat branches of shrubs and trees, as well as moss and lichens. During hungry periods, the diet of goats may include poisonous plants and dry grass. These mammals are in need of salt, so they are frequent visitors to salt marshes, even if they are located at a distance of 15-20 km.

The rut occurs at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Males join a group of females with young, and mating fights begin. However, they rarely end in dangerous injuries, because the goats hit each other with the top of the horns and never butt heads like rams and do not strike in unprotected places. A harem of several females is formed around the winner.

Mountain goats bring offspring once a year - in the spring, carrying a baby for 150-180 days. Usually 1-3 kids are born, two hours after the birth they are able to stand on their legs. The female leaves the babies in a secluded place for a week so that they do not become the prey of a predator, and comes only to feed them. And then the goats accompany their mother everywhere. They are very active and love to play. They become independent at the age of one, and reach sexual maturity at two or three years (females earlier, and males later). Under natural conditions, mountain goats in the mountains live 5-10 years, and in captivity 12-15 years.

Types of mountain goats

Most people know little about this genus of bovids, referred to as mountain goats. The photo proves the diversity of species: markhorn, ibex, Siberian, Caucasian, Nubian, Pyrenean, etc. The horns of females are usually small, while those of males are powerful, they can be saber-shaped, bumpy or twisted in shape. The color of animals can be one-color (white, brown or gray), as well as brown with white and black spots. Some subspecies, such as the Pyrenean goat, are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Hunting mountain goats of endangered species is prohibited.

markhor goat

This is one of the most spectacular species of wild artiodactyl animals. The markhor mountain goat, whose name is given for its unique horns, has another name - markhor. Translated from the Urdu language, this means "eating a snake."

A large mammal, depending on age, can weigh up to 90 kilograms and reach more than one and a half meters at the withers! Despite its impressive size, the Markhor Goat maneuvers on sheer cliffs in search of food with extraordinary ease.

Powerful horns of males, similar to a corkscrew screw, endow the animal with amazing dignity, stature and grace. Naturally, they are the main decoration of markhor. If in old males the length of the horn is 1.5 meters, then in females the horns are small and neat, growing only up to 30 centimeters. Throughout the body, the coat of the animal is short, except for a spectacular long beard and shaggy chest.

Juveniles are gray-red, and with age, the color changes to off-white. Markhorn goats live high in the mountains, constantly traveling over the rocks in search of albeit scarce, but useful vegetation. The habitat is the mountain ranges of the Himalayas, Tibet, Kashmir, the lands of Pakistan and Tajikistan. This type Mountain goats are endangered, therefore they are under the protection of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The population is preserved in some major reserves of the world.

Caucasian mountain tour

The Caucasian mountain goat has another common name - the West Caucasian tur, and, judging by the name, natural environment The habitats of this artiodactyl animal are the mountains of the Caucasus. The tour is attractive, has a beautiful physique and is covered with short reddish-brown hair. The large horns of the animal diverge slightly to the sides and bend inward. Convex transverse grooves on the surface of the horns are characteristic, due to which they look ribbed.

The adult Caucasian ibex is a large mammal; its weight can reach 100 kilograms, and the height at the withers in adult males is 90-110 centimeters. Like many other artiodactyls, the female is inferior in size to the males. The tour is on the brink of extinction.

The Caucasian mountain goat within the subspecies is subdivided into three more varieties, which include: the East Caucasian, Severtsov's tour and the rare Kuban, noted in the IUCN Red Book. All of them are common in the eastern and western regions of the Caucasus. The appearance of the tours expresses the true nobility of wild animals.

East Caucasian tour

Dagestan, or East Caucasian tour, lives in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. characteristic feature appearance are horns twisted into a semi-spiral, thick light brown wool. An adult male weighs about 100 kilograms, height at the withers is 90 centimeters. Female individuals are slightly smaller and on average have a weight of 55-60 kilograms.

Tour of Severtsov

The tour of Severtsov lives in the western regions of the Caucasus Mountains. It differs not in such large horns as its eastern counterpart, thicker and coarser coat, stocky strong build and greater body weight. Mountain goats on the rocks are good prey for hunters, so the states have introduced a restriction on their shooting, controlled by the presence of official permission.

Kuban tour

The rare Kuban shaggy tour lives on the border of Russia and Georgia, and the habitat occupies only 4000 square meters. km. It is distinguished by an attractive, almost monophonic sandy color and luxurious, large horns wrapped back. The weight of an adult is about 100 kilograms, the height at the withers is a little more than a meter. The head of the female is decorated with miniature sharp horns.


Unique alpine ibex with fabulous saber-shaped horns somewhat resemble wild aurochs and are called ibexes. First of all, these include the rare white variety of ibex, which lives on the mountain ranges between the Italian Piedmont and the French Savoy. These artiodactyls breed well in nature, so their numbers are quite large. In addition, they bring offspring, interbreeding with other types of mountain goats. Siberian, Nubian and Pyrenean species of artiodactyls are also referred to ibex.

Siberian ibex

The Siberian mountain goat has long been considered a good prey for hunters, because the animal is so cautious that it is not so easy to kill it. Currently, this species is not threatened with extinction, so it is not listed in the Red Book. Habitats are: mountainous Afghanistan, Russia, India. Outwardly, it is distinguished by a thin beard and a small tail. Adult males tend to live apart; only occasionally form perennial pairs.

In addition to the fact that the beautiful horns of a large artiodactyl animal have a certain value, the skins, meat and fat of the Siberian mountain goat are also used with practical benefits. Clothes and shoes are made from skins, and tasty, easily digestible meat and fat are used in cooking. In addition, bezoar is considered healing - pellets of wool undigested by the stomach, and nutritious goat's milk. All these advantages gradually led to the fact that this type of mountain goat was domesticated and is the progenitor of many diverse breeds of domestic meat, downy and dairy goats.

The Siberian mountain goat is a fairly intelligent animal that is well trained, unlike wild sheep and sheep. Its significance in people's lives is emphasized by the name of one of the constellations of the Zodiac - Capricorn.

Nubian ibex

The Nubian wild goat is characterized by huge twisted ribbed horns and a dark thick beard. In physique, it is noticeably smaller than its bovid counterparts of other varieties. The usual color of the animal is light brown, with characteristic white spots on the knees and belly, contrasting black marks.

Pyrenean ibex

The Pyrenean (Iberian) ibex is difficult to confuse with other subspecies of wild mountain goats, since they have a peculiar coloration. The dense short hair of the bridge of the nose and forehead, belly and legs is colored black, and the neck, chest and back are light brown. The horns are spread apart, but thinner than those of other ibexes, and the weight does not exceed 80 kilograms. Habitat - mountain ranges on the Iberian Peninsula, located in southwestern Europe.

So, mountain goats are bright representatives of the artiodactyl family of bovids with characteristic features and behavioral features. Unfortunately, not only human hunting poses a threat to them: these herbivores are the main prey for many predators - lynxes, snow leopards, wolves and even golden eagles. In North Africa, they are the mainstay of the diet of leopards.

Another misfortune of mountain goats is the gathering snow avalanches and hungry periods when it is difficult for animals to find food. Only thanks to the amazingly high fecundity of goats, the number of populations in nature is quickly restored. However, some rare species are listed in the Red Book and are protected by the International Community for Conservation of Nature.

Mountain goats are ruminant artiodactyl mammals belonging to the bovid family. The genus includes three species: ibexes, goats and tours. The domestic goat belongs to the domesticated representative of this genus. Today it is considered an independent biological species. The habitat of mountain goats is mountainous areas. Leaping, with agility and a fair amount of endurance, they are able to climb steep cliffs and survive by feeding on poor vegetation.


  • . A variety of this mountain animal is also called the Kuban tour. There is a mountain tour in the Russian-Georgian border zone. Its range includes only a small band, total area which is slightly less than five thousand square kilometers, but even this territory is being cut down over the years due to the human factor. From international union Conservationists are already receiving alarms. According to the organization, the Kuban tur is on the verge of extinction, because the total number of this mammal in the world is within ten thousand animals.

The West Caucasian mountain goat has massive and strong physique. The total body length of an adult male can reach 1.6–17 m, and the body height is from 1–1.2 m. The mass of large mature males is often at the border of one hundred kilograms, but usually the weight is not more than 70–80 kg. Females, as a rule, are more graceful: the body length is around 1.1–1.3 m, and the height is up to 80–85 cm, with a weight of 60–70 kg. The horns of females are not as large as those of males - they have only a slight bend towards the neck. Males, on the other hand, have overall and powerful horns approximately 80 cm long. However, unlike the East Caucasian relative, the diameter of its horn processes is not so huge.

Males, exactly like females, have a short tail, a small and wide beard. The upper part of the body of the East Caucasian tur is colored red-brown, the lower part has a yellowish tint. In the cold season It is painted in a gray-brown color scheme, which allows the tour to camouflage itself from predators and poachers.

  • East Caucasian tour. The animal is considered to be separate species from the Kuban tur, which, according to many zoologists, has similar features with the bezoar goat, which has been confirmed in numerous genetic studies. The visual similarity between the two species of Caucasian ibex explains hybridization. This thesis is not doubted by the examination, which indicates the similarity of the mitochondrial genome of the West Caucasian tur and its East Caucasian congener.

To survive in mountainous areas, the animals that inhabit them need to have good endurance. Mountain goats are a genus of bovid artiodactyl animals belonging to ruminant mammals. It has several species that can be divided into 3 groups: ibexes, goats and tours. Let's take a closer look at existing types.


Capricorns are an interesting population. The horns of representatives of this species have an original saber shape with seals resembling rollers along the entire length of the horn, in cross section they resemble a triangle. In terms of external parameters, Capricorns are very similar to tours. Different kinds of this animal differ not only in external parameters, but also inhabit different territories.


The Nubian ibex has perhaps the most beautiful horns of all wild ibex species. He has a slightly smaller body weight than his bovid counterparts. The color of the coat is sandy-brown with black markings, the knees are white. The beard of a Capricorn is thick and beautiful. This species inhabits the territories of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.


Ibex - rare view capricorns. Lives in the mountains of Savoy and Piedmont. Adult males weigh up to 100 kg, females up to 40 kg. In Ibex, the horns are curved in an arcuate manner, their weight can be 10-15 kg, and the length is 1 m. The male has a dark brown coat, the females have a reddish color with a golden tint. In winter, individuals of both sexes are gray.


The Siberian ibex is one of the animal species that is not threatened with extinction today. This mountain goat has long legs, a stubby tail and a distinctive little beard. The horns can exceed 1 m in length, strongly curved backwards. Inhabits the mountain ranges of Afghanistan, Russia and India. Males live separately from females, forming herds of bachelors.


Perinean ibex has a very original color. The cervical and dorsal sections of the animal are light, and the head in front, belly and legs are dark resinous in color. The mass of an adult male barely reaches 80 kg. The horns of the Perinean ibex are somewhat thinner than those of representatives of other subspecies. They are lyre-shaped. Habitat - the Iberian Islands, the heights of Spain.

Markhor goats

Markhor goat (markhor) is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful animals that inhabit the mountain ranges. This species got its name due to the shape of the horns, resembling a screw in a corkscrew. An adult male reaches a weight of 90 kg and a height of up to one and a half meters. Its horns can have a length almost equal to the height of the animal itself. The females of this subspecies have small, inconspicuous horns, barely reaching 30 cm. chest and the beard of the Markhor goat has long hair, the rest of the body is covered with short hair. The belly of the animal is lighter than the legs and head. This species inhabits the Pakistani, Tajik, Tibetan and Himalayan mountain territories. To date, the markhorn goat is listed as a protected species.

Caucasian mountain tours

The Caucasian mountain tour is divided into 3 subspecies.

West Caucasian tours

The Caucasian mountain tour (West Caucasian) inhabits the mountain ranges of the Caucasus. Its not very long coat is reddish in color. The horns of the tour are massive, directed to the sides and slightly bent. The ribbed surface, which has transverse hollows along the entire length, gives them a special beauty. The Caucasian mountain goat is of impressive size - the weight of an adult individual reaches 100 kg, height up to 110 cm. Females weigh much less than males. The Caucasian tur belongs to animals that are threatened with extinction. Today, this species has no more than 10,000 representatives in the world.

East Caucasian tours

The East Caucasian tur (Dagestanian) inhabits the mountainous territories of Azerbaijan, Russia and Georgia. It has horns in the form of a semi-spiral, thick hazel-colored hair. Males reach a weight of 90 kg, females - 60 kg.

Tour of Severtsov

Tur Severtsova is an inhabitant of the western part of the Caucasus. His horns are not as massive as those of his brothers, and his hair is thicker and tougher. The tour of this species is the subject of hunting, therefore the shooting of the animal is regulated by special permitting and environmental authorities.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Mountain goats eat all types of herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation, mosses and lichens. During periods of food shortage, these animals can eat dry grass, and even poisonous plants. Gnawing on the bark of young seedlings, they can cause serious damage to plantings in places of cut down forest. Feeling the need for salt and in search of salt marshes, they can go several kilometers.

Mountain goats are surprisingly hardy animals that can survive in conditions that are poorly suitable for living. These artiodactyls avoid open spaces, preferring hard-to-reach places on rocks, sheer cliffs. IN summer period animals climb high into the mountains to a height of up to 4200 m, and in winter they are forced to descend lower due to snow. They lead a daytime lifestyle, preferring to graze in the morning and evening hours, they wait out the midday heat, resting.


Mountain goats are polygamous animals leading a herd lifestyle. Adult males prefer to live apart, joining females only for the mating period. Animals form families or small herds.

The mating season is the beginning of winter. Between males there are the most fierce fights for females. The male winner acquires the right to mate with females, forming a kind of harem around him.

The gestation period lasts 5-6 months. Approximately in May-June, the female gives birth to one, less often two cubs. Babies are rapidly gaining strength and will soon be able to follow their mother. The onset of puberty occurs in the second or third year of life. They live in conditions wildlife up to 5-10 years, in captivity 12-15 years.

Mountain goats are hunted because of their good skin, edible meat and wholesome milk, as well as unusually beautiful horns, which often serve as trophies. Due to their high adaptive qualities for life in captivity, they were domesticated by ancient people. Fertile offspring is obtained by crossing the animal with domestic goats.
