Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Animals of the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - amazing endangered species! Wasps and bees

01 09 2011

The most famous, beautiful and numerous representatives of the order Lepidoptera. These amazing creatures at all times they have amazed us with their incredible variety of colors, intricate designs and bizarre shapes. Numbers over 140,000 various types butterflies living on all continents (except Antarctica). The order of butterflies consists of seventeen families, many of which live in Russia, for example, Tolstogolovki, Swallowtails, Belyanki, Nymphalidae, Satyriades, Bluebirds, Peacock-eyes, Zheltushki, Marigolds.

Lepidoptera are the second most numerous (after beetles) family among insects.

Butterflies are insects with complete metamorphosis, their body is densely covered with hairs, and their wings are covered with scales (hence the name lepidoptera). The color of butterfly wings depends on the structure and pigmentation of the scales.

02 09 2011

or bread mosquito - a two-winged insect from the family of mosquitoes. The Hessian fly is a very harmful insect in field farming, as it attacks many cultivated cereals: wheat, rye, sometimes barley and (very rarely) oats, as well as wheatgrass; especially harmful to winter wheat.

Signs of the Hessian fly: up to 2 mm long, the body shape of a mosquito, the antennae of the male are short-feathery, more than half the length of the body, those of the female are simple, shorter. The wings are gray-smoky, with two longitudinal veins, of which the second bifurcates near the middle. The legs are long and thin, reddish. The abdomen of the male is narrow, cylindrical, while that of the female is wider, pointed and ends in a rather long retractable ovipositor.

01 09 2011

- one of the largest orders of insects living on the planet. The order Beetles includes over four dozen different families, uniting more than one hundred thousand species. It is difficult to find a corner on Earth where there are no beetles, perhaps only in Antarctica and high in the mountains you will not meet these beautiful flyers. Despite the beautiful appearance, most beetles are pests that cause enormous damage to fields, forests and meadows.

The order of Beetles is also called Coleoptera. Insects received this name because one pair of their wings, as a result of evolution, hardened and ceased to function as wings as such. The first pair of wings, or elytra, acts as armor, that is, it protects the insect’s abdomen. In addition, under the rigid wings there is a second pair of wings, with the help of which the insect flies. Once the beetle has landed and no longer needs its wings to fly, it folds them in half and hides them under its elytra. In some species of beetles, wings are completely absent, but a pair of hard wings is always present.

01 09 2011

- one of the most unloved insects on our planet by humans and many animals. These annoying bloodsuckers live in almost every corner of the earth, with the exception of lifeless glaciers and deserts. Where there is even a tiny pond or swamp, you will always meet a small mosquito that is unlikely to let you walk or go fishing in peace.

Mosquitoes belong to the order Diptera, in Russia there are over two hundred species of these blood-sucking insects. In fact, not all types of mosquitoes feed on the blood of mammals; the diet of some mosquitoes consists of the flower nectar of certain plant species. Still, the females of most insects prefer to drink blood; all males feed mainly on nectar.

01 09 2011

Grasshopper- an insect, one of the most common representatives of the Orthoptera order. This family includes crickets, locusts and mole crickets. If the mole cricket looks significantly different from the grasshopper, then the locust, like a twin brother, looks like a jumping inhabitant of fields and steppes. They can be distinguished thanks to their antennae; the grasshopper's antennae are very long, while the locust's antennae are short. You can meet a grasshopper in almost any region of Russia, excluding the northern regions.

Grasshoppers prefer to stay in areas with thick, tall grass. These include fields sown with wheat, rye or other grains (by the way, locusts and grasshoppers are worst enemies cultivators, since the former destroy huge amounts of crops every year), steppes with forbs, forest outskirts with sparse trees, forest edges, meadows surrounding water bodies, and so on.

01 09 2011

- a special family of butterflies, part of the order Lepidoptera. There are 652 species of leafrollers in total. The antennae of the leaf roller are bristly, and in males they are finely ciliated. The proboscis is short, spiral, sometimes underdeveloped, the jaw tentacles are three-segmented, slightly protruding, with the longest middle segment. The wings at rest are folded like a roof, the upper wings are sometimes elongated triangular. Often the wings widen at the base and then are almost quadrangular with twelve veins. One of them bifurcates toward the base. The hind wings of the insect are wide and triangular.

Leaf roller caterpillars have 16 legs. They are almost naked, with sparse scattered hairs. The hairs often sit on black raised points that are on the caterpillar's body. Caterpillars always have a brown or black head and occipital scutes. The scutes are yellowish or pinkish-white. Abdominal rings of pupae with belts made of hooks.

01 09 2011

- special group beetles from the bark beetle family. The bark beetle family consists of 140 species of European fauna, and in total more than 750 species have been described. They belong to the group of four jointed beetles and are very closely related to the weevil family.

The largest of the pine beetles barely reach 8 millimeters in length, and the smallest are no more than 1 millimeter. Their body is cylindrical, less often oval. Usually black or brown, less often gray with a yellowish pattern. The head of the pine beetle is round, more or less retracted into the chest shield, sometimes with a rudimentary proboscis. The beetle's chest shield is the same width as the elytra. The tibia widens towards the apex, with one or more denticles on the outer edge. The larvae of the pine beetle are very similar to the larvae of weevils. They are pinkish-white, with a well-defined brown head. All pine beetles feed on plants and mainly tree species.

02 09 2011

Turtle or moorish bug- This is an insect from the order Proboscis; it has an oblong body shape. The length of the bug is almost 2 times its width. Its head is triangular with a pair of small compound eyes and 2 ocelli on the crown of the head. The antennae are thin, somewhat shorter than the head. There are 5 processes on the front of the back. Of these, the first is slightly shorter than the second, and the 3rd and 4th processes are the shortest. The fifth process is elongated fusiform. The turtle belongs to a widespread Palaearctic species. It is found in almost all of Europe and Central Russia, as well as in Asia.

The front back of the bug is wide, slightly convex. Its scutellum is wide and long, reaching the end of the body. Legs with three segmented tarsi. The insect's abdomen is wide, flat, and consists of 7 segments. The color of the turtle is very diverse. It can have 2 main types of coloration: yellowish-brown and dark brown with 2 white dots and a white median stripe on the shield.

02 09 2011

or May beetle, this name refers to beetles from the lamellar family. In Europe and nearby countries, 8 species of cockchafers have been described; the most common species are: common cockchafer, 25-30 millimeters in length; the body is black, with gray hairs and white triangular spots on the sides of the abdomen; the antennal club in the male has 7 plates, the 3rd segment is simple, in the female the club has 6 plates; the elytra are single-colored, reddish-brown, in fresh specimens they are covered, like the chest shield, with white down; the last abdominal segment not covered by elytra is elongated into a uniformly tapering blunt apex.

The Eastern May beetle is very similar to the previous one, but 20-25 millimeters in length; 3rd antennal segment of male with a tooth on the anterior side; outer edges of elytra black; the last abdominal segment immediately narrows and then weakly widens into a rounded apex.

01 09 2011

is the common name for many species of the order Diptera. The fly family consists of more than three thousand species, distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Flies do not live in deserts and high in the mountains, but in other parts of the planet they are represented in abundance. With such an abundance of species, it is difficult to give general characteristics behavior and appearance of all flies, however, many species have common features.

The housefly is one of the most common types of flies in Russia and (and throughout Europe). The housefly got its name because it has not lived in forests, fields, meadows and steppes for several centuries; it prefers to stay close to humans. The fact is that houseflies only develop in heaps of rotting garbage, pet manure, and slop pits. Thus, the main concentrations of houseflies are found in villages, towns and cities.

02 09 2011

- a small family of flies, which contains only about 70 species, divided into 17 genera. Of these, about 25 species and 10 genera are characteristic of the European and Asian fauna and are common in Russia and.

Gadflies have a hemispherical head with bare eyes. In females, the eyes are spread wider at the back of the head than in males. The gadfly has three simple eyes. The antennae of the male are placed in a hole on the forehead. They are short, with bare feathery bristles. The proboscis of American gadflies is quite large, horny and cranked. It is retracted into the mouth and is not noticeable from the outside. The American one has no tentacles. In European gadflies, the oral parts of the mouth are completely underdeveloped, so that the head below is completely solid and sometimes has the rudiments of a proboscis and two tentacles in the form of three tubercles. The body of the gadfly is large, wide, with a transverse seam on the back. The hind legs are often very elongated. The insect's scales are large, with long cilia. There are very fine transverse wrinkles on the wings of the gadfly.

01 09 2011

Winter or rye worm are caterpillars of butterflies from the family of moths or owlcaps. Winter or rye worm up to 4.5 centimeters in span. The forewings of females are brownish-gray. Males have brownish wings with a reddish tint. This is a worm with dark transverse, wavy or jagged stripes. With three dark spots on each stripe. The spots have a black border. The hind wings of the winter worm are white. They have dark edges and veins. The antennae of the female are bristle-like, while those of the male are short-pinnate.

The winter or rye worm is a caterpillar with 16 legs. It is smooth, earthy gray, sometimes greenish. The caterpillar's head is reddish in the middle. Two dark stripes diverge along it. There are two dark lines running along the middle of the caterpillar's back. There are 4 black dots visible on the back and abdominal rings. On each hair, located in the form of a trapezoid.

01 09 2011

- stinging hymenopteran insects. They constitute a large family of about 1000 species, distributed in all parts of the world. Most characteristic feature wasps is that the front wings at rest fold exactly in half along the wasp’s body. Several species of wasps are common in Russia. The most common are the European wasp and the hornet wasp. When flying, wasps make a buzzing sound similar to the buzzing of bees.

The body of wasps is usually almost naked. Compound eyes are kidney-shaped. The chest reaches on the sides to the base of the wings. According to their way of life, wasps are divided into social ones (they live in families, like bees) and solitary ones. Social ones have males, females and workers, underdeveloped females. Solitary wasps do not have workers. Males lack a stinger and are equipped with a pincer-like copulatory apparatus at the end of the abdomen. Female and worker wasps have a sting.

01 09 2011

belong to the class of arachnids. The body of spiders consists of two sections: the cephalothorax and the mostly undivided abdomen. These sections are connected to each other by a thin stalk, usually short, less often significantly elongated.

The cephalothorax is divided by a groove into two distinct regions: the cephalic and thoracic. Of these, the first bears two pairs of limbs. This includes tentacles, consisting of one thick, usually short segment, armed with a movable claw. Next to this claw there is an opening of a channel that removes the poisonous secretion of the glands. The glands are located in the main segment, and the tentacles consist of 6 segments, the last of which in the male is transformed into a copulatory apparatus. Spiders are also very common in Russia.

01 09 2011

- a large family of Hymenoptera insects. Body length from 2 to 32 millimeters. The head is mobile, wide, hemispherical, with two round eyes on the sides and three simple ocelli on the forehead. The antennae are mostly bristly or filiform. The mouth parts for chewing are well developed.

The body is highly developed. All its parts are tightly soldered. The sawfly has two pairs of wings. They are well developed, transparent, rarely smoky and do not fold. The abdomen is wide, tightly fused with the body. At the end of the abdomen on the lower side, females have a longitudinal slit in which a retractable sawtooth ovipositor is hidden. Males have a smooth plate in this place. Sawfly larvae in many respects resemble butterfly caterpillars, which is why they are called false caterpillars. Its body is cylindrical, consists of three thoracic and nine abdominal rings. It is often bare and smooth, less often hairy. The sawfly's head is large, with two black simple eyes on the sides.

01 09 2011

- an insect from the locust family or Italian locust. This is an orthoptera insect of a grayish-brown color. It has dark speckled elytra and pink wing bases. The insect's legs and thighs are red. Body length ranges from 15 to 34 millimeters. Males are usually much smaller than females.

The locust is found throughout southern and central Europe, northern Africa, and also in Siberia. The most common species in Russia is the common bee.

The most common species is the common bee. Its body is black, silky-shiny, covered with reddish-gray hairs. The female (queen or queen) is a slender bee with a spindle-shaped abdomen that protrudes far beyond the ends of the wings and a short nose. The queen does not have an apparatus for collecting nectar. Working, underdeveloped female, noticeably smaller in size. She has a collecting apparatus consisting of a basket and a brush with a handle. The male (drone) has a silky-shiny abdomen, with its blunt end not protruding beyond the ends of the wings. He has a short nose and large eyes touching at the crown of the head.

02 09 2011

are part of the butterfly family. Cutworms are divided into many families and form a suborder within the order of butterflies. Cutworms are also called moths and pigheads. Most of these insects are butterflies of medium size and dark color.

The cutworm's abdomen is mostly pointed. On the chest and abdomen there is a thick layer of hair, sometimes forming tufts and tufts various shapes. The wings of an insect at rest are folded like a roof. There is a characteristic pattern on the front wings. Scientists call it the scoop pattern. It consists of 3 transverse stripes: half, passing at the base or root of the wing, anterior and posterior. The armyworm has 3 spots: round, kidney-shaped and conical. These spots lie between the anterior and posterior transverse stripes in the middle field of the wing. The insect's antennae are long, bristle-like or thread-like. They are the same in males and females.

01 09 2011

- This is an order of insects widespread on all continents, excluding Antarctica. There are about four thousand species of dragonflies in the world, about eighty species live in Europe, and slightly less in Russia. Dragonflies are predatory insects that are able to catch their prey on the fly. By eating flies and mosquitoes, dragonflies benefit humans.

It is almost impossible to confuse a dragonfly with other insects. Her body is thin and very elongated. Dragonflies grow up to twelve to thirteen centimeters in length. The body is divided into three parts: a head with huge eyes, a chest and a strikingly thin and long abdomen. Body color can be very diverse: bright blue with black spots, dull green, gray, brown, and so on. Two pairs of wings are wide, transparent with small black spots. Thin seals-veins run across the entire surface of the wings.

02 09 2011

Herbal lice or aphid- a family of insects from the order Hemiptera. This small insects(from 0.31 mm to 6 mm in size), living on various parts of plants and sucking juices from them.

The antennae of grass lice are 3-6 segmented, with the last segment having a long process, which is why the antennae sometimes appear to be 7-segmented. The length of the antennae is often greater than the length of the body. The mouth parts form a proboscis, which consists of 3 segments along the length. It consists of: the upper lip, 2 pairs of piercing bristles corresponding to the upper and lower jaws, and the lower lip, which forms a groove in which the bristles are placed. In some grass lice these setae are many times longer than the body and in this case lie folded in an 8-shape on the ventral side of the body, 2 setae corresponding upper jaws and piercing plant tissues, serve as a case for the lower ones, which are actually a sucking tube that penetrates far into the plant tissue.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a region with high level biodiversity, where representatives of Siberian, European and Chinese fauna are found.

Systematic observations of the size and reproduction of populations have been organized in the region individual species fish, birds and mammals belonging to commercial resources region. Data on monitoring of fauna objects classified as hunting objects, information on the state and changes in the fishery stock in the region are provided by the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Federal State Institution “Yenisei Basin Administration for the Protection and Reproduction of Fish Stocks and Fisheries Regulation”.

Information on the state of population groups of rare and endangered animal species is collected by research organizations in the region. Systematic recording of fauna objects not related to hunting and not included in the Red Books different levels, absent. The organization of full-fledged monitoring is currently practically impossible due to the lack of appropriate funding and specialized organizations.

The region is home to about 90 species of mammals, 375 species of birds, 11 species of reptiles and amphibians, 47 species and subspecies of fish, several thousand species of insects, arachnids and other animals.

Invertebrate animals

Invertebrate animals are the most numerous part of the animal world in terms of species. The region is home to several thousand different species of insects, arachnids and other invertebrate animals.

Among the diversity of entomofauna, insect pests of plants are the most studied. Based on materials from the Forest Protection Center Krasnoyarsk Territory 55 species of insects live within the region, outbreaks of which pose a particular danger to forest plantations.

A network for monitoring the sanitary condition of forests has been created in the region, tracking the state of populations and the dynamics of the number of the main needle- and leaf-gnawing insects, as well as stem insect pests. Information about outbreaks of insect pests, their impact on forest plantations and the sanitary condition of forests is provided in section 5 “Forests”.

The proliferation of forest pests contributes to the disruption of the biological stability of plantings, reduces the growth of forest stands and causes other adverse consequences. The dynamics of mass reproduction of insects in the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by groups of forest pests (pine-eating, leaf-eating, other pests) over 10 years is shown in Figure 6.1.

In 2007, the largest area of ​​detected foci of forest stem pests was the black fir longhorned beetle (Fig. 6.2).

In general, over 10 years, the area of ​​plantings that died from damage by dendrophilic insects fluctuated quite widely and had a cyclical pattern of increase and decrease, which is due to the frequency of outbreaks of mass reproduction of insects.

The main pests that cause drying out and death of forest plantations are the six-toothed bark beetle, the typograph bark beetle, the large black fir longhorned beetle, and the black pine longhorned beetle.

In 2007, the largest area of ​​dead plantings as a result of damage by the black fir longhorned beetle was identified in the Motyginsky and Tyukhtetsky forest districts, with 7,817 hectares of operational and 855 hectares of protective forests lost.

Rice. 6.1 Areas of foci of mass reproduction of insects in the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by groups of forest pests (pine-eating, leaf-eating, other pests) over 10 years.

Rice. 6.2 Distribution of areas of foci of forest stem pests (by species) identified in 2007 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (ha)

Over the past 10 years, these are the most high performance death of plantings in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Fig. 6.3).

In 2007, the area of ​​stem pest outbreaks increased significantly compared to 2006. The increase in area was mainly due to outbreaks of the six-toothed bark beetle, black pine and spruce longhorn beetle. The main share of stem pest outbreaks

Rice. 6.3 The dynamics of the death of plantings in the Krasnoyarsk Territory from insect pests for 1998 - 2007 is due to the black fir longhorned beetle - “Usachevniki”, which arose in areas with weak and medium degrees of damage Siberian silkworm during the 1995-1996 outbreak.

Terrestrial vertebrates

Amphibians and reptiles.
The fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the region is not numerous and is represented by 11 species. These include 2 species of newts, a gray (common) toad, 2 species of frogs, as well as 2 species of lizards and 4 species of snakes, 2 of which (the common viper and the common copperhead) are poisonous. The small number of species is determined by the rather severe climatic conditions over most of the region's territory. This also explains the small number of most species and the high vulnerability of their populations.

IN economic aspect The importance of amphibians and reptiles is very small. However, they play a significant role in limiting the number of slugs, insects and even mouse-like rodents, representing the main food for some birds and animals of prey, including those listed in the Red Books Russian Federation and Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Over 370 species of birds live in the region. Several dozen representatives of Galliformes, Anseriformes, Charadriiformes and some other orders are of commercial importance. More significant are the resources of galliform birds living as sedentary birds, which are predominantly exposed to the influence of weather factors. The post-harvest abundance of this group of species in 2006 was 2.9 million individuals; in 2007 it decreased to 2.1 million individuals (Table 6.1).

Table 6.1 Post-harvest abundance of Galliformes, assessment of the dynamic state of populations, thousand individuals


The climatic features of the season, like last year, should be considered anomalous in many respects. This was manifested in high winter air temperatures and the late establishment of snow cover both in the northern and southern parts of the region, so fishing in hunting areas began 3-4 weeks later than usual.

The height of the snow cover in most northern regions did not exceed critical levels (values), the duration of its occurrence, coupled with frosts, presented a certain difficulty for wild ungulates in obtaining food at the end of winter. This led to a decrease in food supply during the day and a change in feeding regime.

The food supply of wild ungulates in the region as a whole can be considered satisfactory, since more than 4 million hectares of forest fund in 2005-2007. transferred to tenants for final felling, which leads to an increase in the area of ​​deciduous young forests. In addition, the region has a large number of abandoned fields overgrown with weeds, oats and wheat, which is also a good food source for roe deer. The state of the sable food supply in general for all types of land during the winter of 2006-2007. was good. Harvest noted everywhere pine nuts, rowan, berries. However, due to the rather cool summer and high precipitation, the ripening of the nut was delayed until mid-September; part of it remained on the tree crowns and fell during the winter with strong winds and snowfall. According to a survey of hunters, a decrease in the number of pikas was noted almost everywhere.

In 2007, 43 districts were covered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including the Evenki municipal district, which previously included 3 districts. No winter route surveys were carried out on the territory of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district. Data on the number of game animals are compiled based on expert assessment specialists from the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Based on the results of processing primary materials (cards of registration routes and trails), the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Krasnoyarsk Territory prepared a comprehensive assessment of information on the number and population density of game animals, obtained by analyzing registration materials received from game users (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2 Information on the number and population density of the main species of game animals in the region according to the winter route census of 2007

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since 2000, the state of elk resources has been stabilizing. According to the data of the last three years of winter route surveys, the number of deer has stabilized at the level of 6.0-6.5 thousand animals.

The number of roe deer decreased slightly (from 22.2 to 18.7 thousand individuals). Reindeer resources have increased. Sable resources in the region remain stable, with a tendency to increase.

Information on the development of allocated limits for the production of game animals in 2007 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (including Evenki and Taimyr regions) municipal districts), are given in Table 6.3.

Data on the use of allocated limits confirm the continued high demand among fishermen for licenses to hunt sable, musk deer, elk and Siberian roe deer. For these same species, a high degree of utilization of the allocated quotas is also indicated. Significantly lower indicators characterize the annual development of limits for wild boar, bear and reindeer.

In 2007, the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Krasnoyarsk Territory issued 35 long-term licenses for the use of wildlife objects, as well as during the spring and autumn-winter hunting seasons - 112,430 one-time permits for the removal of wildlife objects from their habitat. The amount of the fee for the use of wildlife objects classified as hunting objects amounted to 16.9 million rubles.

In terms of species, insects of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are the most numerous. In total, about 2 thousand of these invertebrate animals live here. Insect pests that pose a threat to forest plantations attract the most attention. These are bark beetles and longhorned beetles, which annually destroy about 8 thousand hectares of forest. Also here live bees, May beetles, and ants, admiral and mnemosyne butterflies, dybka, kuzka and beauty butterflies.

Mammals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is favorable for the habitat of such mammals as:

The common squirrel was previously a game animal, but now their population has decreased (now there are about 10-25 million individuals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory);
- polar bear– the largest predator of the region (lives on the coast of the Arctic Ocean and is included in the Red Book of Russia);
- white hare - inhabits the forest-tundra and the entire forest zone of the region, is an object of hunting;
- – inhabits the forest zone of the region, goes into hibernation (object of fur trade);
- Brown bear– represented throughout the forest zone of the region, on this moment, their number in the region reaches 15 thousand individuals;
- – a medium-sized mammal of the weasel family (lives in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, goes into hibernation for the winter, and is a commercial object);
- Siberian roe deer - lives in the southern and central regions of the region and is an important object of hunting.

Also common here are otters, lemmings, moose, flying squirrels, weasels, foxes, manulas, deer, walruses, seals, wolverines and arctic foxes.

Birds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Cherneti is a representative of the genus of diving ducks; it is the object of hunting in the region;
- lapwing - one of the most widespread waders, lives in the meadows and coasts of the region, and is considered a hunting object;
- mallard - a representative of the duck family, forms an urban population in the region, an important object of hunting;
- harrier – predatory bird from the hawk family, lives in the southern regions of the region, feeds on birds, small rodents and mammals.

Fishes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Lenok is a fish of the salmon family, lives in rivers and lakes in the southern and central parts of the region, and is a valuable commercial species;
- tench is a small fish of the carp family, found in lakes in the southern part of the region, a valuable fishery object;
- burbot - a fish of the cod family, widespread throughout the Yenisei basin, is a commercial species, about 500 tons are caught annually;
- omul, a fish of the whitefish family, is the most important fishery object, therefore its catch is strictly limited.

In addition, perch, carp, crucian carp, ruffe, taimen, grayling, char and salmon are found here.

Every day several species of animals and plants disappear around the world. Unfortunately, not everything is going well for us either. Over 3,000 species of higher vascular plants grow in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as a variety of bryophytes, lichens and fungi.

Due to intensive economic development, many species of wild plants and mushrooms have practically disappeared.

The new edition of the list of rare, endangered, wild plants and fungi includes 498 species, including: 299 species of flowering plants, 2 species of gymnosperms, 24 ferns, 5 clubmosses, 33 mosses, 18 liverworts, 53 lichens and 64 species of mushrooms .

The increase in the number of objects in need of protection is directly related to the inclusion in 2007 of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets and Evenki municipal districts into the united Krasnoyarsk Territory.

For ease of use, those listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and those listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are presented.

The species of plants and animals listed simultaneously in the Krasnoyarsk Territory have already been described in the main sections of the site, therefore it was advisable not to duplicate them in this section; in the lists they are presented in the form of active links.

For those who care, for those who love their Earth, honor their ancestors and think about the future generation!

Insects are far from leaders of public sympathy. Many sensitive people feel uneasy at the mere thought of something small, six-legged. Meanwhile, insects are interesting creatures, and even cute in their own way. Therefore, today we decided to talk about 11 of the most interesting local residents. And since we are not quite in the subject, we called Krasnoyarsk biophysicist Yakov Kolesnikov for help.

Nicrophorus vespilloides

He's the same gravedigger- a cute, but gloomy beetle that specializes in eating carrion. For this reason, there are few hunters to admire it. The beetles not only eat the corpse, but also bury it so that the prey does not go to other lovers of dead flesh. There, in the carcass, beetle larvae hatch, feeding on carrion until they grow or until the food runs out. According to Yakov, he himself “met an adult gravedigger at the Krasnoyarsk reservoir who flew in at night to the smell of fish offal.”

Chrysolina fastuosa

A small but beautiful bug with stunning rainbow colors. It sparkles and shimmers in the sun like a little precious horseradish. The Russian name for the beetle is leaf beetle- hints at the main diet of the six-legged creature, which feeds mainly on the leaves of the damselfish. However, the beetle eats nettles with no less pleasure, without causing any inconvenience to anyone. Actually, in the meadow among the nettles you can meet and admire it.

Papilio machaon

Swallowtail- a hefty, beautiful butterfly listed in the Red Book. The butterfly is so rare that Yakov asks “not to touch it and observe from afar.” The butterfly itself naturally feeds on nectar, but its caterpillars feed mainly on umbrella plants: hogweed, angelica and, unfortunately for summer residents, dill and carrots. It is better to look for butterflies on flowers in sunny weather.

Ascalaphus sibiricus

To describe the animal, we immediately give the floor to Yakov. “If the swallowtail is rare, then Siberian ascalafus epically rare. And even more epically ancient. Can be found in open areas and river valleys, light-loving, fly quite low.” So, if you meet an ascalaphus, then do not touch it, even if the rare beauty of the insect does not cause a response in your heart.

Inachis io

Peacock eye- another beautiful, but this time not so rare butterfly. They flutter in large numbers in flowering meadows. But this does not mean that you need to catch them in batches. Just admire the colorful coloring with bright eyes and enjoy. By the way, if you wait until the butterfly closes its wings, you can see that their reverse side is painted much more modestly and resembles tree bark.

Oryctes nasicornis

Domestic name rhinoceros beetle- and this name quite comprehensively describes both the appearance and size of the insect. The rhinoceros is the largest beetle in our strip. Unfortunately, the guy's larvae are not so noticeable and often become victims of entomological illiteracy of the population.

“Unfortunately, to the untrained eye, their larvae will seem like larvae chafer, which often leads to their destruction, and, alas, fertilized beds, composts and manure heaps attract many fertilized females, which ultimately ends in the death of the larvae from a shoe or insecticide,” says Yakov.

Cetonia aurata

Bronzovka ordinary, beautiful shiny bug, as you might guess, bronze color and metallic sheen. He loves to live in gardens, where he does nothing wrong, hanging out on flowers and feasting on nectar. Unfortunately, summer residents tend to see all beetles as competitors, and harmless bronze beetles are crushed by the kilograms.

Bombus terrestris

The same furry bumblebee that smells of fragrant hops. He lives in the ground, collects honey, doesn’t bother anyone, and generally leads a highly moral lifestyle. Mainly found near flowers, it can also fly in the city. The creature, as already mentioned, is peaceful, but it is better not to climb into their nest. “A bumblebee stings no worse than a wasp, and there’s a whole swarm of them,” says Yakov.

Formica pratensis

Yakov calls these hefty red ants “orcs of the ant world” and tells such a creepy story about their habits. “It is noteworthy that the first workers are born completely incompetent, because of which the queen, during the flight, looks for a young, just burrowed queen of the subgenus Serviformica, kills her and raises her native workers as her own, and it is they who will teach everything to their own children of the pratensis queen.” Cruel but effective.

Coccinella septempunctata

Or simply ladybug - the one whose children eat dishes made from chopped meat in heaven. The cow itself, contrary to its name, is a rather predatory creature and devours dozens of aphids. Everyone likes this behavior, except, of course, aphids, as it allows you to regulate the number of this garden pest. In general, the cow is good, but there is one caveat: after you have launched it from your finger to the sky, wash your hands. The cow, although a creature of God, is very poisonous.

Aeshna juncea

Or blue rocker. A hefty dragonfly with a wingspan of up to 11 centimeters and capable of speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. It flies over ponds, streams and rivulets, willingly devouring anyone who is suitable in size. Even more voracious are the dragonfly larvae, which live in the water of ponds and grab everything that floats past, from small crustaceans to fish fry.
