Why do you dream about small insects? Why do you dream about Insects? What did insects do in a dream?

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Various insects in the dream world often represent the shadow sides of a person. To understand why do insects dream, let's look into the dream books.

They offer many interpretations; the sleeper is only required to remember the night vision in as much detail as possible: the plot, all the characters and their behavior.

Seeing insects in a dream

Different insects can evoke completely opposite emotions in a person. Spiders are often feared, butterflies are admired, and fleas are usually disgusted. Taking all this into account, we can conclude: insects appear in the world of dreams for a reason; they carry some kind of message.


According to Aesop's dream book, large insects indicate the apprehensions and fears of the sleeper and can warn of danger that threatens him.


Small insects (for example, midges) symbolize annoying, intrusive people who complicate the dreamer’s life and interfere with work. Getting rid of such individuals is quite difficult, especially when they are the leaders of the sleeping person.


Crawling insects warn about possible problems with health, upcoming sorrows. If insects crawled on you, then this is an indication of excessive irritability. The reason, as a rule, is rumors and gossip.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about insects?


This image foreshadows possible problems in financial matters. In addition, flying insects symbolize something trivial and annoying.

A lot of

Insects jumping and climbing around the dreamer predict intrigue, condemnation and other manifestations of human malice. An alternative interpretation of such a dream is a harbinger of illness.

What do insects mean in a dream?

Various insects in the world of dreams rarely promise something positive and pleasant to the sleeper. They are considered to be a personification reverse side the human soul, the one that is not customary to show off. It will be easier to accurately decipher night vision if you remember its details and find an interpretation of the image in a book.


According to the Modern Dream Book, the interpretation depends on the type of beetle. They can be useful and harmless. But pests can portend minor troubles, dangerous insects dream of major problems. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to how the bugs looked.


Butterflies promise a short-term romantic relationship with a flighty person who has no serious intentions. Fluttering winged creatures promise the dreamer a meeting with a person who will win his favor, and subsequently abandon him and disappear from life.


Lice symbolize annoying people; these insects point specifically to the relatives of the sleeping person, members of his family. Some of his relatives literally sit on his neck, live on his means and do not want to change anything.

Lice on the head dream of making a profit that you may not have even expected to receive.

The Wanderer's Dream Book states: trying to crush lice means conflict with a parasite. The sleeper will be able to get rid of this person and gain freedom.


Spiders are considered harbingers of cunning and intrigue on the part of enemies. A dream in which spiders were in your home indicates that enemies have gotten very close to you, and conflicts with relatives arise due to their machinations.


Flies symbolize boring, annoying and intrusive personalities. It can be quite difficult for a person to get rid of their company.


Nasty bugs and cockroaches that run around the house in large numbers indicate that the sleeping person has enemies. The more active the insects were in the dream world, the greater mischief can be expected from enemies in reality.

To a woman

Insects brazenly crawling over the sleeping woman’s body warn: there is a high risk of being drawn into some kind of scam. Be vigilant, avoid dubious transactions and double check all documents you sign.

7 out of 10 dreams about insects for a woman portend health problems

After such a dream, interpreters advise married ladies to pay attention to their women's health: possible occurrence of gynecological diseases, infection with STDs.

To the girl

A girl who watched a butterfly fly into her room may soon get sick (especially if the winged creature was white).


A vision with insects makes it clear to a pregnant woman: it is necessary, first of all, to take care of herself, her health and solve her own problems. Don't waste time solving other people's issues. Perhaps there will be unpleasant troubles ahead, conversations on topics that you would like to avoid.

To a man

A large spider that weaved a web foreshadows the representatives strong half humanity stability, prosperity, peace and tranquility.

If a spider has bitten him, you should be careful: probably one of the friends is only pretending to be like-minded with the dreamer, but is actually planning something evil. Flying butterflies promise the sleeping person joy and new love.

Why do you dream about insects?

Buzzing, flying, stinging and venom-emitting creatures are a distraction for humans. Usually the insects are too small to greatly disturb an individual, however, their bites can cause a lot of problems.

Some dream books are convinced that insects in the dream world represent rather weak, but often arising emotions, feelings, thoughts in the dreamer that prevent him from living peacefully.

Let's find out what the insects portend, what to expect in reality after their appearance in the world of dreams.

Watch the video. Dreams and dreams.

In the house

Insects crawling on the carpet dream of receiving news from your superiors. Seeing them on the wall means achieving significant success in your work.

A large number of bugs on the ceiling indicates that a stranger is in love with the sleeping person. Bugs on the parquet indicate an individual’s reluctance to let go of his past.

In bed

Insects in bed reveal your thoughts about your personal life. Larvae found in the bed mean that you have fallen in love with a worthy person.

On the body

Bugs and insects on the body indicate that there are a lot of rumors and gossip about the sleeper. However, the dreamer himself provoked their appearance. Insects on the body under clothes portend fun in the near future.

In the hair

Beetles crawling in your hair symbolize new acquaintances. Another meaning of such a dream is that bad thoughts, anxieties and fears interfere with living a peaceful life. Consider which of these two meanings applies to your life situation. Lice in the hair in the dream world promise an improvement in the financial situation of the sleeper.

Under the skin

The insects that were under the dreamer’s skin symbolize annoying people who are in no hurry to leave his life.

Biting creatures foreshadow trials that you will have to go through in the near future.

On the stomach

Bugs crawling or sitting on their stomachs speak of groundless jealousy. Larvae in the palm indicate the superiority of the sleeper over colleagues and rivals.

In the mouth

Have you found larvae or bugs in your mouth? Soon you will acquire useful connections. Also, bugs in the mouth call for caution: due to excessive self-confidence, you risk causing problems. Another interpretation of this vision is the restoration of old relationships.

In food

An insect that ends up in your food, plate or cup portends a pleasant surprise. Ants found in food promise unexpected worries and troubles.

They bite

A dream in which a large insect attacks and wants to bite indicates that a person himself attracts problems and troubles with his fears.

Seeing insect bites on yourself is an alarming sign: the dreamer may soon develop a disease that will change his usual way of life for a long time.


Dealing with all the insects means joyful, happy events. However, relatives may have health problems.

85% of dreams about killing insects promise positive changes

A vision in which you managed to kill the insects is considered a good sign: in reality you will cope with all difficulties. In addition, the onset of a white streak in life is just around the corner.


Squashing insects in a dream means a successful resolution of all the issues that concern you. According to Miller’s dream book, if you happen to shake off bugs, then a person will easily overcome all the obstacles that may arise on his way.

According to Miller's dream book insects mean harm caused by secret enemies. Crawling on the body - symbolizes malaise.

Vanga's Dream Book separates butterflies and ladybugs, interpreting them as pleasant and fleeting romantic relationships. Ants symbolize diligence. If you dream of insects of other species, financial difficulties lie ahead.

According to Loff's dream book insects in a woman’s dream is a warning sign. Due to your own carelessness, not only your reputation may suffer, but also a sexually transmitted disease may appear.

Insect larvae warn of a wormhole in relationships, assures modern dream book . There may be an exacerbation of the old conflict.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud associates cockroach insects with the children of the sleeping person. Insects that bite mean disappointment with their behavior. For those who have not yet acquired offspring, the dream is a reflection of the subconscious fear of poverty.

Why do you dream of insects in large numbers?

A lot of insects in a dream indicate a huge amount of time that is wasted on trifles. To start keeping up with everything, you can record how confused the day was and try to change the situation.

If all sorts of insects literally surrounded you in your dream and are crawling around, you should be on your guard. Because of black envy, those around us weave intrigues.

Unfortunately I dream Roy insects overhead. It is also a symbol of painful thoughts.

I dreamed about a lot of insects in the house- to malaise. Also know that the reason for the minor troubles that have suddenly cropped up lately lies in one of the people you know. The ill-wisher spread slander.

A lot of insects is considered a sign of deteriorating health on the body. But for dreamers who are parents, there is an alternative interpretation.

Among other things, attention should be paid to instilling independence in children.

Interpretation of sleep by insect type

When you dream of insects, the interpretation depends on many factors. Size, color and behavior are important.

Small insects represent a boring and annoying person in the environment. This person will cause involuntary harm due to the fact that the sleeper will not be able to full force carry out duties.

How reflections of internal fears appear big insects. The dreamer is afraid of ruin or illness.

Different Insects in a dream mean heavy and not very productive workload. Everyday small things distract from the big ones and prevent you from developing.

Warning sign - dreamed black insects. Your health condition will suddenly deteriorate.

Flying insects are often dreamed of as a symbol of spending money. Expenses will be unplanned.

The personification of public condemnation are crawling insects. The reason will be more envy than the real misdeeds of the dreamer.

Forwards insects in a dream reflect extreme fatigue from performing daily tasks. If they were giant size, the plot suggests that unnecessary worries and fears only attract trouble.

Foreshadowing an unusual event in reality, an insect appears in a dream mantis. The situation, however, will cause more sadness than surprise.

Where did you dream about insects?

Disgusting insects in the house signal that ill-wishers behind the sleeper have already prepared traps. If the main part is concentrated in the corridor, you should beware of meanness from your colleagues.

If insects in the apartment If you see it on the table, the events of your personal life will discourage you. In the family circle, quarrels will break out over the most insignificant reasons.

There is a selfish person nearby, that’s why insects dream in bed. This imaginary friend or acquaintance maintains friendly relations solely for his own benefit.

Insects symbolize annoying worries in the hair. Various experiences prevent you from enjoying life.

Insects in my head also indicate where to expect trouble. They will be worried about their loved ones.

Insects on the human body signal slander. Behind the dreamer's back, ill-wishers are lying in vain, smiling sweetly in the face.

Insects with other arthropods in a dream

It is definitely worth deciphering separately the plot in which insects are dreamed of together with other representatives of the fauna. This may make the interpretation stronger or take on a different meaning.

Beetles and insects sucking blood, dreamed at the same time, serve as a warning about the unfavorable state of finances. Small dirty tricks will also become active and will try to poison your existence with gossip. Fortunately, this period will not last long.

Spiders and insects are dreamed of as a symbol of a huge amount of responsible work. Having dealt with it, the dreamer will experience moral satisfaction, as well as a generous reward from the customer or manager.

A good sign regarding the financial sector is cockroaches and insects in a dream. In reality, you can receive unexpected money in the form of a find, bonus, win or inheritance.

Action with insects in a dream

Kill the insect is a good symbol for those who are sick. The illness will go away. For other dreamers, this is an indication of excessive perfectionism.

Ruthlessly press insects with anything - a signal of a desire to avoid fulfilling duties. The sleeper tries to entrust his own routine affairs to other people, completely disregarding their opinions.

Life is spent on trifles, if in a dream it happened catch insects It's time to realize that no one will provide spare time.

There is a plot to resolve all difficulties poison insects However, dishonest methods, although they will lead to quick results, but will have long-term consequences.

When you dream about insects, few people like such visions, but the interpretation is most often favorable or warns against dangers and doing wrong things.

interpretation of sleep insects

A lot of insects portends disappointment and grief. There may also be health problems for you or your loved ones.
Beetles crawling on you mean that monetary losses and minor troubles await you. However, if in a dream you threw them off or killed them, then you will successfully solve all problems.
Seeing a spider means that you should be more careful in business. Killing a spider is an unkind sign that foreshadows quarrels with loved ones. If a spider bites you, betrayal awaits you. A lot of spiders hanging on webs means that many successful circumstances await you.
Caterpillar - portends a situation in which you need to show strength of character. It may also mean that you will have to face a deceitful and hypocritical person.
Ants - irritation and dissatisfaction with one’s own state of affairs.
Wasps foretell the end of an old friendship, as well as many envious people and ill-wishers who are weaving intrigues against you.

what are insects in a dream for?

Dreaming about an insect means that you have an enemy in reality. How dangerous it is for you can be judged by the degree of danger of the insect itself (for example, poisonous or not).

interpretation of sleep insects

In this case, small insects are associated with children. Looking at insects means that subconsciously you want children, but you are not sure of your financial situation. If an insect bites you, your child is annoying you with his behavior, which causes irritation in you. Kill an insect - you dislike children.

why do insects dream

Insects mean that situations will arise that can disrupt the calm flow of life. You or your family may have to deal with a dishonest person. However, if insects do not annoy you, then expect pleasant things. If there are a lot of flies flying around you, then soon you will be going out into the world, appearing at a festival.

insects in a dream

If a lot of insects were flying around you, this means that in reality you are surrounded by vanity and you are devoting a lot of energy and time to unnecessary things. Running away from insects - you are trying to escape from the routine in your life, small errands. Catching insects - you have taken on a deliberately failed business, you should refuse to implement your plans.

Insects are not the most pleasant sight. But in a dream they do not always promise failure. That is why check dream interpreters more often.

Ancient Slavic dream book

Our ancestors believed that to see insects in a dream- this is not good. In most cases, such a dream means that you will soon have trouble or some kind of illness that can disable you for a long time. It could even be a common cold, but do not underestimate the warnings of the dream book - it is better to protect yourself as much as possible warm clothes and at least temporarily exclude from life bad habits. The more disgusting the insects are in a dream and the more of them there are, the more dangerous the possible illness may be.

If there was only one insect, then this is a harbinger of failure. You have entered a difficult period in your life, so you need to always be on alert, not waste your time and protect yourself in the area where you know you are weak.

Separately, the dream book gives an interpretation of the dream spider, since spiders are arthropods. And finally, the most negative interpretation is flies. They promise gossip, dirty talk and actions that can discredit you.

Western dream book

The Western dream book in its interpretation is almost completely in agreement with the Slavic one. It says that insects in a dream- this is a bad sign that indicates the approach of a possible illness, a series of failures or a bad mood.

But some observations of experts say that if you dreamed of ants that did not cause you problems in your sleep, this is good omen. See ants in a dream, according to the Western dream book - to successful work. Even the most difficult tasks will be given to you, and with truly ant-like diligence you will be able to move even a seemingly impossible task forward.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed insects of any kind, then this may symbolize your unresolved sexual problems. Sigmund Freud was convinced that trying to get rid of insects is good sign, indicating your impressive willpower. Perhaps you should let go of your problems that are tormenting you so much. Freud said that insects can mean that there is only one solution - accepting yourself as the person you really are. Very often, such dreams indicate unresolved complexes that a little work on yourself will help you cope with.

Esoteric dream book

This interpreter believes that a lot depends on what kind of insect you dreamed about.

  • see in a dream cockroaches- to illness;
  • insects that look like earthworms , symbolize betrayal;
  • bees And ants- a good sign that promises good luck in any doulas;
  • Butterflies- to love and good mood;
  • Bugs, which do not cause a negative reaction in you, portend pleasant troubles;
  • Mosquitoes or midges warn about diseases.

If in a dream you are not afraid of that beetle or bedbug that makes you disgusted in life, this is a sign of great luck. Such a dream indicates that you are about to overcome a big problem or leave your enemy behind.

Each dream book interprets dreams in its own way, but in many respects the forecasts agree. If you saw insects in a dream, don’t worry, because this is just a warning - it means you have a chance to fix something or prevent bad events in the future. Believing in yourself and your strengths will help you attract luck. Sweet dreams, good luck to you, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

01.03.2016 00:20

Beautiful, adored by many and eye-catching with their varied colors, butterflies not only symbolized the human soul, ...

A large number of insects in a dream is a bad sign. Illness and grief are coming. If you destroy insects in a dream, then in reality life will improve. If there are flying insects, then in reality large amounts of money are possible.

It is curious that Gustav Miller, like Sigmund Freud, gives such dreams some erotic interpretations. For example, fighting insects in a dream means getting rid of annoying problems in intimate life. If in a dream you can see how insects multiply, then in reality new sexual relationships are just around the corner.

A huge mosquito that sucks a person’s blood in his dream symbolizes some energy vampire from the dreamer's environment. After such dreams, you need to be especially careful when choosing acquaintances and friends.

Moreover, if insects in a dream are pests, then in real life the dreamer will have to face infidelity. Perhaps he will be involved in a sex scandal. The most important thing is to soberly assess the current situation and not panic ahead of time.

Dream Book of David Loff

For creative people, such dreams mean only good things. In reality, they will be expected to realize their creative ideas and win-win success. If insects stick around a person in a dream, and he does not have the opportunity to brush them off, then in reality this threatens him with some dubious situations. It is quite possible that the dreamer will be drawn into some kind of scam. If married people see such dreams, then in reality they run the risk of getting sick from the female side.

Why do insects dream according to Vanga’s dream book?

If the dreamer is surrounded by flying insects from all sides, then in reality he needs to think about his inner world. The fact is that in such a person’s soul there is “decomposition”, disintegration. Perhaps the dreamer is at a crossroads and does not know what to do in this or that situation.
