Name of the event of the Battle of Stalingrad. Extracurricular activity "Battle of Stalingrad"

MKUK "Library system" MO Yeisk district, librarian Okhrimenko Irina Ivanovna

Leading. There are dates in the calendar that are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the country. One of them - Battle of Stalingrad, lasting from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
A battle the likes of which has never been known in the history of war. Today is a day of memory and sorrow, courage and heroism of the Russian people, who won the Great Victory in the battle of Stalingrad.

Reader 1.

At the noisiest intersection,
at the entrance to the city of Stalingrad,
there are chestnuts and birches
and the spruce trees stand tall.

No matter how you look, you won’t find them
in the forests of the Volga side,
and, they say, these trees
brought from afar.

And it was like this: there was once a war
was on the Volga bank.
Three soldiers at the crossroads
sat next to each other in the snow.

It was January. And the wind is biting
I curled the drifting snow into rings.
A fire was burning at the crossroads -
warmed the soldiers' hands.

The soldiers knew that there would be a battle.
And before the fight for half an hour
they probably remembered
their distant forests.

Then there was a battle... And three soldiers
remained forever in the snow.
But the crossroads of Stalingrad
they did not give it to the enemy.

And now at the crossroads,
at the site of the death of soldiers,
there are chestnuts and birches,
and the spruce trees stand tall.

They rustle with alien leaves,
washed by the rain in the morning,
and burn our memory
the fire of a soldier's fire.

(M. Agashina)

Clip of the song “Stalingrad” (A. Vilena)

Leading. The events of the Battle of Stalingrad are receding further into history. But the events of those terrible years will never be erased from memory.

Reader 2

Open to the steppe wind,
The houses are broken.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga
He turned around in line and accepted the fight.
He stood front across Russia -
And he covered it all with himself.
(S. Orlov)

Leading. The greatest battle in the history of the Second World War, the Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942.
None of the world battles can compare with it in scale, ferocity and significance. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers and lasted 200 days and nights (6.5 months). More than 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides.
Ninety-eight percent of the buildings in the city were burned and destroyed.
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers showed unparalleled heroism. “There is nowhere to retreat, there is no land for us beyond the Volga.” On the wall of one of the destroyed houses there is an inscription: “Yes, we were mere mortals, and few of us survived, but we all fulfilled our patriotic duty to the end before the sacred Mother Motherland.”

Reader 3.
Defender of Stalingrad

In the heat, factories, houses, train stations.
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
“Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!”

Russian soldier faithful to the oath,
He defended Stalingrad.
Gulko rolled in the bloody darkness
The hundredth attack wave,

Angry and stubborn, chest-deep in the ground,
The soldier stood to death.
He knew that there was no turning back -
He defended Stalingrad.

A hundred dive bombers howled over him
In the sky, like a fiery serpent,
He did not leave the trench, we keep
Russian loyalty.

Between the burnt black masses
He defended Stalingrad.
The tank was approaching him, growling.
Threatened with torture and death.

He, hiding in a ditch, shoulder
He hit tanks with a grenade.
Bullet for bullet. Projectile for projectile.
He defended Stalingrad.

Death was approaching him point blank.
The steel was lashed by darkness.
Artilleryman, infantryman, sapper -
He hasn't gone crazy.

What is the fire of a hyena to him, hell?..
He defended Stalingrad.
Just a soldier, lieutenant, general -
He grew up in the suffering of battle.

Where metal dies in fire,
He passed through alive.
One hundred grueling days in a row
He defended Stalingrad.

The thunder of war will cease.
Taking off my hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
- This is an iron Russian soldier,
He defended Stalingrad.
A. Surkov)

Leading. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian.
The fascist troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, and prisoners, as well as a large number of military equipment, weapons and equipment. Only in the battles for the “House of Pavlov” (58 days) did Hitler’s troops suffer significantly more losses than during the capture of some European capitals!
During the battles from January 10 to February 2, 1943, Soviet troops defeated 22 fascist divisions and captured 91 thousand soldiers and officers, including 24 generals led by Field Marshal Paulus.
For military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad, 125 Soviet soldiers became Heroes Soviet Union.
Stalingrad was awarded the title of hero city.

Video “Stalingrad. An unprecedented feat"

Leading. The victory at Stalingrad was the largest event of the Second World War. It marked the beginning of a turning point in the fighting. Our Victory began with it.

Reader 4
Stalingrad silence

The last salvo. And after sleepless days
We waited for an unprecedented dream.
And finally with the third echelon
There was complete silence here.
She lies there, unheard of,
on shell casings and broken bricks,
such a deafening heartbeat,
that you fall asleep on the spot, in the heat of the moment.
And the Stalingrader that night for the first time
took off his boots and unfastened his belts.
Not all those killed were buried alive,
but the fires began to glow in the hearths.
And let the Junkers circle above us,
Looking at the flag in fear.
We sleep without boots. Pound pieces
reddish limestone stuck to them.
-...And you have green eyes,
the same as my sweetheart's -
my friend told me thoughtfully.
With our arms outstretched, we both fell asleep.
(Semyon Gudzenko)

Leading. The land of Stalingrad... Charred by fires, cut by metal, abundantly watered with blood. It seemed that no one would resurrect her. From every square meter of land in Mamayev Kurgan, up to 1,250 fragments of mines, shells, and grenades were collected. They covered the ground so thickly that for several years even grass did not grow on the mound.
There are almost no ominous traces of the war left on the revived land, but it lives in the destinies of people, it looks at us with the barrels of guns in museums, long lists of names on mass graves, and the mournful eyes of mothers.

Reader 5.
February second

In due time -
not too late and not too early -
winter will come,
the earth will freeze.
And you
to Mamayev Kurgan
you'll come
second of February.

And there,
at that frosty one,
at that sacred height,
you're on the wing
white blizzard
put red flowers.

And as if for the first time
you'll notice
what was he like,
their military path!
February, February,
soldier's month
blizzard in the face,
chest-deep snow.

A hundred winters will pass.
And a hundred snowstorms.
And we are in front of them
everyone is in debt.
February, February.
Soldier's month.
on snow.
(M. Agashina)

Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water boiled.
The earth was drowning in the fury of fire,
And there was neither night nor day.
We fought along the banks of the Volga,
Enemy divisions marched to the Volga,
But our great soldier survived,
But the immortal Stalingrad survived!

Let us bow to those great years,
To those glorious commanders and fighters,
And the marshals of the country, and the privates,
Let us bow to both the dead and the living, -
To all those who must not be forgotten,
Let's bow, bow, friends.
The whole world, all the people, the whole earth -
Let us bow down for that great battle.

We remember, we are grateful to the people who gave their lives for clear skies above their heads,
We are grateful to all those who gave us peace on earth at the cost of their lives.

1. What is the date of the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad. (07/17/1942)
2. When did the Battle of Stalingrad end? (02.02.1943)
3. Name the most terrible day for the city, when fascist bombers carried out more than 2 thousand sorties. (23.08.42)
4. How many days did the Battle of Stalingrad last? (200 days.)
5. How long did Hitler want to take control of the city? (In 2 weeks.)
6. Which regiments defended Stalingrad in the Mamayev Kurgan area? (Taraschansky, Bohunsky.)
7. Where is the place that the defenders of Stalingrad called the “main height”? (Mamaev kurgan.)
8. What is the height of Mamayev Kurgan. (102 meters.)
9. What feat did Panikaha accomplish? (09/06/1942 Mikhail Panikakha, being engulfed in fire, stopped the enemy tank.)
10. What is Pavlov’s House famous for? (On 10/10/1942, this house was captured and defended by Guard Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov along with a group of machine gunners, repelling 40 enemy counterattacks.)
11. When did the counter-offensive of Soviet troops begin at Stalingrad? (11/19/1942)
12. Who was the commander-in-chief of the German army? (Colonel General Paulus; January 31, 1943 mass surrender.)
13. Which streets in our district are named after the defenders of Stalingrad?
14. Name the largest monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad in our city. (Mamaev Kurgan, museum-panorama “Battle of Stalingrad”.)
15. Which building has remained unrestored since the Battle of Stalingrad? Why is this done? (The mill building is in memory of the feat of the defenders of Stalingrad.)
16. The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad. (A radical turning point in the war.)
17. What was the city awarded for this battle? (Order of Lenin, Gold Star of Hero.)>

Event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

Target : promote a sense of love and pride in motherland, Motherland, great people;

expand students’ ideas about the Great Victory at Stalingrad;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;

show the courage of Russian soldiers and the cruelty of war, develop a sense of patriotism, cultivate respect for the history of the country, the traditions of the school, and the fulfillment of civic duties.

Tasks aimed at achieving personal results:

nurturing a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s homeland and native people;

formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, other points of view;

development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions and decisions;

development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness,

Tasks aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

developing the ability to work with information;

developing the ability to use various ways information search;

development of thinking operations: comparisons, juxtapositions, highlighting the superfluous, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification. (Cognitive UUD);

formation initial forms cognitive and personal reflection. (Regulatory UUD)

developing the ability to competently construct speech statements in accordance with communication tasks and compose texts orally;

developing the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express one’s point of view and argue for it;

Equipment : multimedia computer; interactive board; photographs of military Stalingrad; songs about war; presentation.

Decor: exhibition of books dedicated to the Second World War; musical screensavers; slide show on the topic; student wall newspapers and drawings.

Progress of the event:

Readers go on stage with the teacher

(to the musical accompaniment of “Holy War”)

Teacher: teacher's speech...

Presenter 1. June. Summer. Saturday. People were doing their usual things: we were playing in the street, high school students were returning from proms. No one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be destroyed by one terrible word - war.

Presenter 2. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which Soviet troops won their largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and World War II in general. The victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. On the eve of the war, Stalingrad was the largest industrial and cultural center of the country with a population of half a million. During the war, Stalingrad acquired exceptionally great strategic importance. Having captured Stalingrad, the Germans gained access to the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and therefore to unlimited oil reserves. For the USSR, the loss of Stalingrad meant inevitable collapse, since it would have deprived the army and industry of the main sources of oil. Hitler planned to capture the city in 2 weeks, but the Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

Our people remember those 200 days and nights that seemed endless.

It was absolutely clear to everyone that Stalingrad was The Last Frontier. And this milestone cannot be passed.

Watching the video fragment “The Battle of Stalingrad”(up to 7:10 min.)

Presenter 1 . The Battle of Stalingrad surpassed all battles in world history at that time in terms of the duration and ferocity of the fighting, the number of people and military equipment involved. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers. At certain stages, over 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides. The results of this battle also surpassed all previous ones. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The Nazi troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, captured, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment

We fell asleep thinking about you.
At dawn we turned on the loudspeaker,
To hear about your fate.
Our morning began with you.
In the worries of the day dozens of times in a row,
Gritting my teeth, holding my breath,
We said:
- Take heart, Stalingrad! -
Your suffering went through our hearts.
Hot flowed through our blood
The flow of your unimaginable fires.
We so wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder
And take at least some of the blows!

The song “A deadly fire awaits us...”

Presenter 2. The victory of the Soviet troops at Stalingrad had a huge stimulating effect on the national liberation movements of the peoples of those countries that were occupied by the troops of Germany and its allies. In the February days of 1943, a great victory was won on the banks of the Volga, marking the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word “Stalingrad” has entered all the languages ​​of the world and has become a generally recognized symbol of heroism, extraordinary fortitude and selfless love for one’s Fatherland.

A student recites a poem

In due time - not too late and not too early -
Winter will come, the earth will freeze.
And you to Mamayev Kurgan
You will come on the second of February.
And there, at that frosty one,
At that sacred height,
You're on the wing of a white blizzard
Put red flowers.
And as if for the first time you notice,
What was it like, their military path!
February - February, soldier's month -
Blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.
A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.
And we are still indebted to them.
February - February. Soldier's month -
Carnations are burning in the snow.

Presenter 1. The most difficult day for the Stalingrad residents was August 23, 1942. At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of enemy heavy bombers appeared over the central part of the city. In just two hours in the afternoon, enemy aircraft carried out about two thousand sorties. The Germans dropped either incendiary or heavy high-explosive bombs. Pitch hell. The smoke from the fires obscured the midday sun. Explosions of terrible force shook the air. Residential buildings and neighborhoods were burning, schools, hospitals, hospitals were collapsing like cards. Groans and screams of the wounded could be heard from everywhere. The city was reduced to ruins. Over 40 thousand civilians died. Not only buildings were burning, the ground and the Volga were burning. It was so hot in the streets due to the fires that the clothes of people running for shelter caught fire. August 23, 1942 is the most mournful date in the history of Stalingrad. Fascist generals received orders to wipe out the city on the Volga from the face of the earth. The history of the war has never known such a fierce battle.

Students recite poems:

Reader 1. Open to the steppe wind,
The houses are broken.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga
He turned around in line and accepted the fight.
He stood front across Russia -
And he covered it all with himself.

Reader 2. In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
- Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!

And that order “Don’t take a step back!”
A stern military order.
Instilled courage in the hearts of people,
That the hour of Victory is not far away.

Presenter 2. The soldiers of Stalingrad withstood such an enemy onslaught that no other army in the world had ever experienced. Together with the soldiers, the city was defended by all its inhabitants. At the tractor factory, women assembled tanks, which were sent straight from the assembly line to the battlefield.

The fighting here was fierce, they fought for every street, for every house. The wounded were transported to the other side of the Volga on boats, cutters, and longboats. When they once asked the wounded who had been brought in what was going on in the city, they answered: “Everything is on fire: houses, factories, land. The metal melts.” “And the people?” - "People? They stand to death!

Students read an excerpt from letters from German soldiers:

Reader 1. The Germans themselves spoke about the courage of our defenders. Extract from the diary of a Nazi killed at Stalingrad: “...We only need to walk one kilometer to the Volga, but we just can’t get there. We have been fighting for this kilometer longer than for the whole of France, but the Russians stand like blocks of stone.

And here is an extract from Wilhelm Hoffmann's diary:

“September 1: are the Russians really going to fight on the very banks of the Volga? This is crazy!

October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire...

Reader 2. From a letter from Paul Müller, p/n 22468, to his wife. December 31, 1942
"...We are going through a big crisis here, and it is unknown how it will end. The situation in general is so critical that, in my humble understanding, things are similar to what happened a year ago near Moscow."

Reader 3. From a letter from soldier Reffert to his wife. December 29, 1942
"...A wooden cross stands today over many who last year did not even think about death. During this year, many people lost their lives. In 1943 it will be even worse. If the situation does not change and the encirclement is not broken through , then we will all die of hunger. There is no light...

Reader 4. From a letter from non-commissioned officer Georg Krieger to his fiancee. November 30, 1942
"...We are in a rather difficult situation. The Russian, it turns out, also knows how to wage war, this was proven by the great chess move that he made in last days, and he did this with forces not of a regiment or a division, but much larger ones..."

Reader 5. The military art of the Commander-in-Chief of the 62nd Army, General V.I. Chuikov, and the Commander-in-Chief of the 64th Army, General M.S., made a huge contribution to the Victory on the Volga. Shumilov, commander 13 guards division A.I. Rodimtsev, commander of the Southwestern Front N.F. Vatutin, commander of the Don Front K.K. Rokossovsky, Stalingrad - A.I. Eremenko, Voronezh - General F.I. Golikov, Chief of the General Staff A.M. Vasilevsky, G.K. Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, who, on behalf of the Council of the Supreme High Command, coordinated the actions of the fronts in the Battle of Stalingrad.(Reads under the slides).

The song “Let us bow to the Great of those years” sounds

Presenter 1. On November 23, the troops of the Stalingrad and Southwestern fronts united near the village of Sovetsky, 18 km from Kalach. A fascist group was surrounded total number 330 thousand people.

Operation "Ring" -Hitler's command tried to save the troops surrounded at Stalingrad from defeat by an external blow. Army Group Don is hastily formed under the command of General Manstein. The operation to destroy the encircled group, which received the code name “Ring,” was entrusted entirely to the Don Front. On January 27, the Don Front began to eliminate the enemy. Field Marshal Paulus was captured along with his staff. The southern group of the enemy stopped resisting, and the northern group continued to resist until February 2. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. It marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War.

Student message...

Presenter 2. Stalingrad has forever entered the consciousness of mankind as a symbol of the unbending will, courage and bravery of Soviet soldiers. We, now living, and our descendants will bow our heads with gratitude to the memory of those who defended Stalingrad at the cost of own life, proved love and devotion to the Motherland.

The eternal flame on the Square of Fallen Soldiers was lit on February 1, 1963 on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1967, a monument was unveiled on Mamayev Kurgan. The grandiose 52-meter sculpture “Motherland”, as conceived by the author-sculptor Vutetich, raises the sword of liberation in Stalingrad. There is also a mass grave in which soldiers of 13 divisions who died in the battles for Stalingrad are buried.

A student recites a poem

And widows do not cry for them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the Eternal Flame is lit.

Here the earth used to rear up,

And now - granite slabs.

There is not a single personal destiny here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in the Eternal Flame you can see a tank bursting into flames,

Burning Russian huts

Burning Smolensk and the burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves -

Stronger people come here.

There are no crosses on mass graves,

But does that make it any easier?..

The first verse and first chorus of the song “On Mamayev Kurgan...” are heard.

Presenter 1. Battle for Mamayev Kurganlasted 135 days out of a total of 200 daysBattle of Stalingrad. The slopes of the mound were pitted with bombs and mines - even on snowy days it remained black. The snow here instantly melted, mixing with the ground from artillery fire. The density of fire here was colossal: there were from 500 to 1250 bullets and fragments per square meter of land.At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad,The dead from all over the city were buried on Mamayev Kurgan. About 34.5 thousand people are buried here. At that time, this place became a real mound, i.e. burial place. It is not surprising that in the first post-war spring, Mamaev Kurgan did not even turn green - grass did not grow on the burnt earth.

Reader. Life! We praise her greatness.
To live is the blessing and happiness of man!
For him. For your happiness and mine
Heroes gave their lives...

Presenter 2. Defenders of Stalingrad... “The iron wind hit them in the face, and they all walked forward, and again a feeling of fear gripped the enemy: people were going on the attack, were they mortal?..”

Yes, they were mere mortals, and few of them survived, but they all fulfilled their duty to the sacredMOTHER - HOMELAND.

It’s impossible to name all the heroes, but they are remembered. Houses, streets, and squares are named in their honor. In memory of them the Eternal Flame is lit.

Reader. I've never seen war
And I can’t imagine its horror,
But the fact that our world wants silence,
Today I understand very clearly.
Thank you that we didn't have to
Imagine and recognize such torment.
It was all your share:
Anxiety, cold, hunger and separation.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale and for the dawn,
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

The song is performed, slides “From the heroes of bygone times...”

Teacher. This concludes the event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. Thank you all for your attention!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

For 200 days and nights - from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 - the Battle of Stalingrad continued with continuously increasing tension on both sides. In terms of the duration and ferocity of the battles, the number of people and military equipment involved, the Battle of Stalingrad surpassed all battles in world history at that time. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers. At certain stages, over 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides.

Stalingrad was the biggest defeat of the German army. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The Nazi troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, and captured, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which Soviet troops won their largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as a whole. The victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. The outcome of the battle had a positive impact on the strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition and strengthened defeatist sentiments in the countries of the fascist bloc.

Decor: Presentation , audio recordings with musical works.

An iron wind beat in their faces from the darkness,
But the soldiers knew: not a step back!
And Stalingrad is alive! He repulsed all attacks
In legends, the famous city-soldier!

V. Fadin.

The song performed by N. Baskov to the words of V. Bokov “There is silence on Mamayev Kurgan”

There is silence behind Mamayev Kurgan,
The war is buried in that mound,
A wave quietly splashes onto the peaceful shore.
Before this sacred silence
A woman stood up with her head bowed,
The gray-haired mother whispers something to herself,
Everyone hopes to see her son.
Deaf ditches overgrown with steppe grass,
He who died will not raise his head,
He won’t come, he won’t say: Mom! I'm alive!
Don’t be sad, darling, I’m with you!”

Teacher: Every day the heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War become further and further from us. In this anniversary year, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory, we remember the Great Battles of this war.
In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was decided at the walls of Stalingrad. During the harsh days of the battle on the Volga, Soviet troops preserved and enhanced the best traditions of the Russian military. In its scale and ferocity, it surpassed all past battles: more than two million people fought on an area of ​​almost one hundred thousand square kilometers. According to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceed 2 million people. The world applauded the victory of Soviet military art, which marked a radical change in the course of the Second World War. There were three words on the lips of the whole world in those days: “Russia, Stalin, Stalingrad...”. At a conference in Tehran, British Prime Minister Churchill presented I.V. Stalin received a sword as a gift from King George VI as a sign of admiration for the fortitude of the glorious defenders of Stalingrad.
The purpose of the event: to remember and pay tribute to those who survived, and who to this day can clearly hear the sound of an exploding bomb at night, all those whose names are immortalized in granite monuments and obelisks.

Presenter I

Summer 1942. Taking advantage of the absence of the Second Front in the west, the enemy concentrated enormous forces in the east, broke through the front and rushed to Voronezh, the Caucasus, and Stalingrad. With the breakthrough of the enemy strike group in the big bend of the Don fighting have entered a new stage. Started greatest battle for Stalingrad. It lasted 6.5 months and is divided into 2 periods:

Defensive- on the approaches to the city and in the city itself (from July 17 to November 18, 1942)
Offensive(from November 19 to February 2, 1943)
Question for students: Why was it necessary to hold Stalingrad at any cost?
The capture of Stalingrad was very important to Hitler for several reasons. It was a major industrial city on the banks of the Volga (a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and northern Russia). The capture of Stalingrad would provide security on the left flank of the German armies advancing into the Caucasus. Finally, the very fact that the city bore the name of Stalin made the capture of the city a winning move.

Presenter II

July 14, 1942 The Stalingrad region was declared in a state of siege.
July 17, 1942 The day the Battle of Stalingrad began


The goal of the German command: take over an industrial city whose enterprises produced military products. Hitler plans to implement this plan with the help of Paulus’s 6th Field Army in just a week - by July 25, 1942.
12th day of battle. Hitler gives the order to his armies: “Right away from the south, capture the city, taking the troops of the Stalingrad Front in pincers.” People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin, Order No. 227: “...To retreat further means to ruin oneself and the Motherland. From now on, the iron law is “NOT A STEP BACK!” The strictest measures were envisaged against those who showed cowardice and cowardice in battle. Commanders and political workers, party and Komsomol organizations were given the task of bringing to the consciousness of every soldier the requirements of this order. All soldiers trying to retreat were immediately shot by barrage detachments.

Presenter I

On August 23, 1942, at 16:18, the German 4th Air Fleet began a massive bombardment of Stalingrad. During the day, 2 thousand aircraft sorties were carried out. The city was destroyed by 90%, more than 40 civilians died that day.
Stalingrad was defended by two armies: the 64th under the command of M.S. Shumilov and the 62nd under the command of V.I. Chuikova.


From the memoirs of Marshal V.I. Chuikova

“Columns of infantry in vehicles and tanks burst into the city. Apparently, the Nazis believed that his fate was decided, and each of them sought to reach the Volga, the city center as soon as possible and profit from trophies there... The invaders died in the hundreds, but fresh waves of reserves increasingly flooded the streets. Our units also suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment and retreated. When I say: “the units suffered heavy losses and retreated,” this does not mean that people retreated on orders, in an organized manner, from one line of defense to another. This means that our fighters (not even units) were crawling out from under German tanks, most often wounded, to the next line, where they were received, united into units, supplied mainly with ammunition and again thrown into battle ... "


The soldiers of Stalingrad fought to the death. The iron law then was: every house is a fortress, and the units protecting it are an invincible garrison. A striking example of such actions is the defense of Pavlov’s House. The whole country learned the names of Pavlov and his comrades, who defended the house in the center of the city, which became an important stronghold. Finding themselves surrounded, they heroically repelled numerous furious attacks of the enemy and held the house.


Signalman Matvey Putilov
When communications stopped on Mamayev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle, an ordinary signalman of the 308th rifle division Matvey Putilov went to repair the broken wire. While restoring the damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed by mine fragments. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire with his teeth. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. His communication reel was passed on to the best signalmen of the 308th division.

Presenter II

Mamaev kurgan. The battle on Mamayev Kurgan was of great strategic importance: from its top the surrounding territory and the crossings across the Volga were clearly visible and shot through. The Nazis stormed it 10-12 times a day, but, losing people and equipment, they were unable to capture the entire territory of the mound. The battles for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days
In the area of ​​Mamayev Kurgan, on February 2, 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad ended.


When, wounded a hundred times,
The earth itself was burning,
When the Nazis come to Stalingrad
They tore furiously,
I reached the radio, ringing,
The battalion commander's terse order:
- Let's fire at me,
Fire quickly, guys!
That cry of the soul, cutting through the darkness,
There was a frantic pounding in my ears.
But they couldn’t do it their way
The artillerymen shoot.
And he never stopped talking,
Covering the gunfire with peals,
He called on them to fulfill their duty:
Fire, fire, soldiers!..
He then begged them as friends,
And old and beardless,
Then he cursed them with all the strength of his heart,
Like scoundrels and cowards
Threatened, dead, cursing them,
It is sacred to remember the offense:
- Let's fire at me,
Quick fire, guys:

Presenter I

There was a burning smell in the air, and a hot stove spirit came from the hot walls of the burnt houses; they were still breathing heat. Those who, suffocating in the smoke, in basements, pits, shelters, among the red-hot ruins of houses turned to dust, listened in horror to the triumphant and ominous hum of the bombers reigning over the burning city, seemed to them to be forever defeated.
But no! In the fateful hours of the death of the huge city, something truly great happened - in the blood and in the hot stone fog, not the slavery of Russia, not its death, was born; Among the hot ashes and smoke, the strength of Soviet man, his love, and loyalty to freedom lived indestructibly and stubbornly made its way through. It was this indestructible force that triumphed over the terrible but futile violence of the enslavers.


The plan for a large counteroffensive at Stalingrad was first considered at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command in mid-September 1942. As a result of the intense creative efforts of a large team of military leaders and staffs, the plan for the Stalingrad offensive operation was developed in detail. It received the code name "Uranus".
November 19, 1942 The Red Army went on the offensive. From the Don side the Don (General K.K. Rokossovsky) and Southwestern (General N.F. Vatutin) fronts were advancing. From the south they were attacked by the Stalingrad Front (General A.I. Eremenko). The blow was skillfully timed. It occurred at a time when the first frosts had already frozen the soil, stopping the autumn thaw, and at the same time, heavy snowfalls had not yet covered the ground with deep snow. All this ensured a high speed of advance of the troops and allowed them to maneuver. November 23 at 4 am! The 6th field and 4th tank fascist armies, consisting of more than 300 thousand people, found themselves in a “cauldron”.

Presenter II

At this time, Hitler’s command was hastily developing plans to save their encircled group. Therefore, Hitler ordered the formation of a new Army Group Don. He appointed Field Marshal Manstein to command this group. The 6th Army's relief plan was called "Winter Storm."
On December 12, the fascist Army Group Don launched Operation Winter Storm.
Over the course of five days, soldiers of the 1378th Infantry Regiment of the 87th Division of the 51st Army in the Verkhne-Kumsky area repelled more than 20 enemy attacks and did not allow him to advance a single step. All soldiers and officers of this regiment were awarded orders and medals, and their commander, Colonel M. S. Diasamidze, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Both units of the mechanized corps of General Volsky and the tank regiment of Colonel Aslanov distinguished themselves in these battles.
On the morning of December 19, after powerful artillery and air preparation, enemy troops resumed their attack on Stalingrad. The tank group broke through our defenses on the Aksai River and by the end of the day reached the Myshkova River. Now there were about 40 kilometers left to the surrounded 6th Army of Paulus. However, our troops stood strong here. Each fighter did everything to stop the enemy and prevent him from passing beyond the Myshkova River.


From birth I have not seen the earth
No siege, no such battle,
The earth shook and the fields turned red,
Everything was burning over the Volga River.
In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
Don't hand over the city to the enemy.
Russian soldier faithful to the oath,
He defended Stalingrad.
The time will come - the smoke will clear,
The thunder of war will fall silent,
Taking off my hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
This is an iron Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

Student: On January 8, the Soviet command, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, proposed to the command of the German troops surrounded at Stalingrad to stop senseless resistance and capitulate. The ultimatum was rejected. Then, on January 10, the troops of the Don Front launched a new decisive offensive (Operation “Ring”).
After a powerful bombing and artillery barrage, at 10.00 the tanks arrived and the infantry rose. By the end of the day, the main line of enemy defense was broken through. On January 20, Paulus himself asked Hitler for permission to surrender. Hitler rejected his request. The Fuhrer was no longer interested in the fate of the surrounded soldiers. He wanted only one thing - for them to hold out longer and not give the Soviet command the opportunity to transfer troops from Stalingrad to the west.
On the morning of January 22, Paulus radioed the Wehrmacht command: “Further fighting is pointless. Catastrophe is inevitable. To save those still alive, I ask for permission to surrender.” Hitler replied: “I forbid surrender! The army must hold its position until the last bullet!”
On January 25, our troops of the Don Front broke into Stalingrad from the west. Soldiers of the 62nd Army rushed towards them. Since September 1942, they steadfastly held on to a narrow piece of Stalingrad land, and although their defense area was small, it played a huge role in the defense of Stalingrad and in the defeat of the Nazi troops trapped in the “cauldron.”
And then the Nazis began to surrender without orders from their superiors. On January 31, the southern group stopped resisting. After a powerful artillery fire attack on February 2, she laid down her arms and northern group enemy troops. This day marked the victorious finale of the Stalingrad epic.

Teacher: During the battles from January 10 to February 2, 1943, the troops of the Don Front defeated 22 fascist divisions and captured 91 thousand soldiers and officers, including 24 generals led by Paulus. The military successes of the Soviet Army in the Battle of Stalingrad were highly appreciated by the Soviet government. 44 formations and units that particularly distinguished themselves in battles were awarded honorary titles: Stalingrad, Don, Kantemirov, Kotelnikov, Tatsin and others. 55 formations and units were awarded orders. Many units, formations and associations were converted into guards. Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers received military awards. 112 of the best Soviet soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union. New, only recently established Orders of Suvorov, 1st degree, were awarded to our commanders: G. K. Zhukov, A. M. Vasilevsky, N. N. Voronov, N. F. Vatutin, A. I. Eremenko, K. K. Rokossovsky and other military leaders. The first awards were made with the Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky.


The lines fall evenly into the notebook...
Let hundreds of times
the snow will come down from the slopes,
Still the same heart
will freeze
With this figure – 27 million.
Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water boiled,
But that iron soldier withstood
But the immortal Stalingrad survived.


Victory at Stalingrad the largest military-political event of the Second World War. It marked the beginning of a radical change not only during the Great Patriotic War, but also throughout the Second World War. From that moment on, the Soviet command firmly took possession of the strategic initiative and held it until the very end of the war. During the battle, the enemy lost about 1.5 million killed, wounded, captured and missing, that is, a quarter of the forces that the fascist bloc then had on the Soviet-German front. The defeat of a large German fascist group at Stalingrad is not an accidental event, much less not the result only of mistakes by the Wehrmacht command and Hitler himself, as falsifiers of history of all stripes in the West are now trying to prove. The victory at Stalingrad is the result of the mass heroism of Soviet soldiers, junior commanders and officers of the Soviet Army,
Minute of silence. (candle is lit)

Final words from the teacher: In our time, they are trying to remake history, to implore the merits of our fathers and grandfathers. And it depends only on you and me whether we will preserve the memory for our children of those already distant events

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this.
Let her memory be true
They keep about this torment,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Eternal glory to the heroes who died for freedom and independence.
Let us bow to the memory of the dead. Let's pay tribute to the memory of the living.

The song performed by A. Rosenbaum “Mamaev Kurgan” is played

Back forward

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For 200 days and nights - from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 - the Battle of Stalingrad continued with continuously increasing tension on both sides. In terms of the duration and ferocity of the battles, the number of people and military equipment involved, the Battle of Stalingrad surpassed all battles in world history at that time. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100 thousand square kilometers. At certain stages, over 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns took part in it on both sides.

Stalingrad was the biggest defeat of the German army. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The Nazi troops lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers killed, wounded, and captured, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which Soviet troops won their largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as a whole. The victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. The outcome of the battle had a positive impact on the strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition and strengthened defeatist sentiments in the countries of the fascist bloc.

Decor: Presentation , audio recordings with musical works.

An iron wind beat in their faces from the darkness,
But the soldiers knew: not a step back!
And Stalingrad is alive! He repulsed all attacks
In legends, the famous city-soldier!

V. Fadin.

The song performed by N. Baskov to the words of V. Bokov “There is silence on Mamayev Kurgan”

There is silence behind Mamayev Kurgan,
The war is buried in that mound,
A wave quietly splashes onto the peaceful shore.
Before this sacred silence
A woman stood up with her head bowed,
The gray-haired mother whispers something to herself,
Everyone hopes to see her son.
Deaf ditches overgrown with steppe grass,
He who died will not raise his head,
He won’t come, he won’t say: Mom! I'm alive!
Don’t be sad, darling, I’m with you!”

Teacher: Every day the heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War become further and further from us. In this anniversary year, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory, we remember the Great Battles of this war.
In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was decided at the walls of Stalingrad. During the harsh days of the battle on the Volga, Soviet troops preserved and enhanced the best traditions of the Russian military. In its scale and ferocity, it surpassed all past battles: more than two million people fought on an area of ​​almost one hundred thousand square kilometers. According to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceed 2 million people. The world applauded the victory of Soviet military art, which marked a radical change in the course of the Second World War. There were three words on the lips of the whole world in those days: “Russia, Stalin, Stalingrad...”. At a conference in Tehran, British Prime Minister Churchill presented I.V. Stalin received a sword as a gift from King George VI as a sign of admiration for the fortitude of the glorious defenders of Stalingrad.
The purpose of the event: to remember and pay tribute to those who survived, and who to this day can clearly hear the sound of an exploding bomb at night, all those whose names are immortalized in granite monuments and obelisks.

Presenter I

Summer 1942. Taking advantage of the absence of the Second Front in the west, the enemy concentrated enormous forces in the east, broke through the front and rushed to Voronezh, the Caucasus, and Stalingrad. With the breakthrough of the enemy strike group in the big bend of the Don, the fighting entered a new stage. The greatest battle for Stalingrad has begun. It lasted 6.5 months and is divided into 2 periods:

Defensive- on the approaches to the city and in the city itself (from July 17 to November 18, 1942)
Offensive(from November 19 to February 2, 1943)
Question for students: Why was it necessary to hold Stalingrad at any cost?
The capture of Stalingrad was very important to Hitler for several reasons. It was a major industrial city on the banks of the Volga (a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and northern Russia). The capture of Stalingrad would provide security on the left flank of the German armies advancing into the Caucasus. Finally, the very fact that the city bore the name of Stalin made the capture of the city a winning move.

Presenter II

July 14, 1942 The Stalingrad region was declared in a state of siege.
July 17, 1942 The day the Battle of Stalingrad began


The goal of the German command: take over an industrial city whose enterprises produced military products. Hitler plans to implement this plan with the help of Paulus’s 6th Field Army in just a week - by July 25, 1942.
12th day of battle. Hitler gives the order to his armies: “Right away from the south, capture the city, taking the troops of the Stalingrad Front in pincers.” People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin, Order No. 227: “...To retreat further means to ruin oneself and the Motherland. From now on, the iron law is “NOT A STEP BACK!” The strictest measures were envisaged against those who showed cowardice and cowardice in battle. Commanders and political workers, party and Komsomol organizations were given the task of bringing to the consciousness of every soldier the requirements of this order. All soldiers trying to retreat were immediately shot by barrage detachments.

Presenter I

On August 23, 1942, at 16:18, the German 4th Air Fleet began a massive bombardment of Stalingrad. During the day, 2 thousand aircraft sorties were carried out. The city was destroyed by 90%, more than 40 civilians died that day.
Stalingrad was defended by two armies: the 64th under the command of M.S. Shumilov and the 62nd under the command of V.I. Chuikova.


From the memoirs of Marshal V.I. Chuikova

“Columns of infantry in vehicles and tanks burst into the city. Apparently, the Nazis believed that his fate was decided, and each of them sought to reach the Volga, the city center as soon as possible and profit from trophies there... The invaders died in the hundreds, but fresh waves of reserves increasingly flooded the streets. Our units also suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment and retreated. When I say: “the units suffered heavy losses and retreated,” this does not mean that people retreated on orders, in an organized manner, from one line of defense to another. This means that our soldiers (not even units) crawled out from under German tanks, most often wounded, to the next line, where they were received, united into units, supplied mainly with ammunition and again thrown into battle ... "


The soldiers of Stalingrad fought to the death. The iron law then was: every house is a fortress, and the units protecting it are an invincible garrison. A striking example of such actions is the defense of Pavlov’s House. The whole country learned the names of Pavlov and his comrades, who defended the house in the center of the city, which became an important stronghold. Finding themselves surrounded, they heroically repelled numerous furious attacks of the enemy and held the house.


Signalman Matvey Putilov
When communication stopped on Mamayev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle, an ordinary signalman of the 308th Infantry Division, Matvey Putilov, went to repair the wire break. While restoring the damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed by mine fragments. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire with his teeth. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. His communication reel was passed on to the best signalmen of the 308th division.

Presenter II

Mamaev kurgan. The battle on Mamayev Kurgan was of great strategic importance: from its top the surrounding territory and the crossings across the Volga were clearly visible and shot through. The Nazis stormed it 10-12 times a day, but, losing people and equipment, they were unable to capture the entire territory of the mound. The battles for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days
In the area of ​​Mamayev Kurgan, on February 2, 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad ended.


When, wounded a hundred times,
The earth itself was burning,
When the Nazis come to Stalingrad
They tore furiously,
I reached the radio, ringing,
The battalion commander's terse order:
- Let's fire at me,
Fire quickly, guys!
That cry of the soul, cutting through the darkness,
There was a frantic pounding in my ears.
But they couldn’t do it their way
The artillerymen shoot.
And he never stopped talking,
Covering the gunfire with peals,
He called on them to fulfill their duty:
Fire, fire, soldiers!..
He then begged them as friends,
And old and beardless,
Then he cursed them with all the strength of his heart,
Like scoundrels and cowards
Threatened, dead, cursing them,
It is sacred to remember the offense:
- Let's fire at me,
Quick fire, guys:

Presenter I

There was a burning smell in the air, and a hot stove spirit came from the hot walls of the burnt houses; they were still breathing heat. Those who, suffocating in the smoke, in basements, pits, shelters, among the red-hot ruins of houses turned to dust, listened in horror to the triumphant and ominous hum of the bombers reigning over the burning city, seemed to them to be forever defeated.
But no! In the fateful hours of the death of the huge city, something truly great happened - in the blood and in the hot stone fog, not the slavery of Russia, not its death, was born; Among the hot ashes and smoke, the strength of Soviet man, his love, and loyalty to freedom lived indestructibly and stubbornly made its way through. It was this indestructible force that triumphed over the terrible but futile violence of the enslavers.


The plan for a large counteroffensive at Stalingrad was first considered at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command in mid-September 1942. As a result of the intense creative efforts of a large team of military leaders and staffs, the plan for the Stalingrad offensive operation was developed in detail. It received the code name "Uranus".
November 19, 1942 The Red Army went on the offensive. From the Don side the Don (General K.K. Rokossovsky) and Southwestern (General N.F. Vatutin) fronts were advancing. From the south they were attacked by the Stalingrad Front (General A.I. Eremenko). The blow was skillfully timed. It occurred at a time when the first frosts had already frozen the soil, stopping the autumn thaw, and at the same time, heavy snowfalls had not yet covered the ground with deep snow. All this ensured a high speed of advance of the troops and allowed them to maneuver. November 23 at 4 am! The 6th field and 4th tank fascist armies, consisting of more than 300 thousand people, found themselves in a “cauldron”.

Presenter II

At this time, Hitler’s command was hastily developing plans to save their encircled group. Therefore, Hitler ordered the formation of a new Army Group Don. He appointed Field Marshal Manstein to command this group. The 6th Army's relief plan was called "Winter Storm."
On December 12, the fascist Army Group Don launched Operation Winter Storm.
Over the course of five days, soldiers of the 1378th Infantry Regiment of the 87th Division of the 51st Army in the Verkhne-Kumsky area repelled more than 20 enemy attacks and did not allow him to advance a single step. All soldiers and officers of this regiment were awarded orders and medals, and their commander, Colonel M. S. Diasamidze, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Both units of the mechanized corps of General Volsky and the tank regiment of Colonel Aslanov distinguished themselves in these battles.
On the morning of December 19, after powerful artillery and air preparation, enemy troops resumed their attack on Stalingrad. The tank group broke through our defenses on the Aksai River and by the end of the day reached the Myshkova River. Now there were about 40 kilometers left to the surrounded 6th Army of Paulus. However, our troops stood strong here. Each fighter did everything to stop the enemy and prevent him from passing beyond the Myshkova River.


From birth I have not seen the earth
No siege, no such battle,
The earth shook and the fields turned red,
Everything was burning over the Volga River.
In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
Don't hand over the city to the enemy.
Russian soldier faithful to the oath,
He defended Stalingrad.
The time will come - the smoke will clear,
The thunder of war will fall silent,
Taking off my hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
This is an iron Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

Student: On January 8, the Soviet command, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, proposed to the command of the German troops surrounded at Stalingrad to stop senseless resistance and capitulate. The ultimatum was rejected. Then, on January 10, the troops of the Don Front launched a new decisive offensive (Operation “Ring”).
After a powerful bombing and artillery barrage, at 10.00 the tanks arrived and the infantry rose. By the end of the day, the main line of enemy defense was broken through. On January 20, Paulus himself asked Hitler for permission to surrender. Hitler rejected his request. The Fuhrer was no longer interested in the fate of the surrounded soldiers. He wanted only one thing - for them to hold out longer and not give the Soviet command the opportunity to transfer troops from Stalingrad to the west.
On the morning of January 22, Paulus radioed the Wehrmacht command: “Further fighting is pointless. Catastrophe is inevitable. To save those still alive, I ask for permission to surrender.” Hitler replied: “I forbid surrender! The army must hold its position until the last bullet!”
On January 25, our troops of the Don Front broke into Stalingrad from the west. Soldiers of the 62nd Army rushed towards them. Since September 1942, they steadfastly held on to a narrow piece of Stalingrad land, and although their defense area was small, it played a huge role in the defense of Stalingrad and in the defeat of the Nazi troops trapped in the “cauldron.”
And then the Nazis began to surrender without orders from their superiors. On January 31, the southern group stopped resisting. After a powerful artillery fire on February 2, the northern group of enemy troops also laid down their arms. This day marked the victorious finale of the Stalingrad epic.

Teacher: During the battles from January 10 to February 2, 1943, the troops of the Don Front defeated 22 fascist divisions and captured 91 thousand soldiers and officers, including 24 generals led by Paulus. The military successes of the Soviet Army in the Battle of Stalingrad were highly appreciated by the Soviet government. 44 formations and units that particularly distinguished themselves in battles were awarded honorary titles: Stalingrad, Don, Kantemirov, Kotelnikov, Tatsin and others. 55 formations and units were awarded orders. Many units, formations and associations were converted into guards. Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers received military awards. 112 of the best Soviet soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union. New, only recently established Orders of Suvorov, 1st degree, were awarded to our commanders: G. K. Zhukov, A. M. Vasilevsky, N. N. Voronov, N. F. Vatutin, A. I. Eremenko, K. K. Rokossovsky and other military leaders. The first awards were made with the Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky.


The lines fall evenly into the notebook...
Let hundreds of times
the snow will come down from the slopes,
Still the same heart
will freeze
With this figure – 27 million.
Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water boiled,
But that iron soldier withstood
But the immortal Stalingrad survived.


Victory at Stalingrad the largest military-political event of the Second World War. It marked the beginning of a radical change not only during the Great Patriotic War, but also throughout the Second World War. From that moment on, the Soviet command firmly took possession of the strategic initiative and held it until the very end of the war. During the battle, the enemy lost about 1.5 million killed, wounded, captured and missing, that is, a quarter of the forces that the fascist bloc then had on the Soviet-German front. The defeat of a large German fascist group at Stalingrad is not an accidental event, much less not the result only of mistakes by the Wehrmacht command and Hitler himself, as falsifiers of history of all stripes in the West are now trying to prove. The victory at Stalingrad is the result of the mass heroism of Soviet soldiers, junior commanders and officers of the Soviet Army,
Minute of silence. (candle is lit)

Final words from the teacher: In our time, they are trying to remake history, to implore the merits of our fathers and grandfathers. And it depends only on you and me whether we will preserve the memory for our children of those already distant events

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this.
Let her memory be true
They keep about this torment,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Eternal glory to the heroes who died for freedom and independence.
Let us bow to the memory of the dead. Let's pay tribute to the memory of the living.

The song performed by A. Rosenbaum “Mamaev Kurgan” is played



Teacher's opening remarks:

Dear guests, teachers, guys. This year our country celebrates a great date - the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union (that’s what our country was called in those years) over Nazi Germany. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR. The Great Patriotic War lasted for 4 years. On May 9, 1945 we celebrate Victory Day. And for 75 years now, in the memory of many generations, the word “Stalingrad” has been associated with significant event, which changed both the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. The Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942, and ended on February 2, 1943 with the defeat of the fascist group at Stalingrad. Today we have gathered here in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad to honor the memory of the heroes who saved us from enslavement.

The music “In the forest near the front” is playing. Girls and boys in military uniforms dance the waltz. They stop and read a poem by Leonid Martynov.

Sergey S.: The records are a hoarse cry

And radio broadcasting

And unread books

Arrogant silence...

Vika: And moonlight in the window,

What prevented me from sleeping, disturbing -

We will appreciate it completely

We only managed to do it later...

Kolya: When they arose again

Among the shock

Powerful engines roar...

Lika: And music and singing,

And the rustle of these books,

We haven’t read which...

Dima: And the round moon face,

Tangled in the curtains...

Anya R.: And at the very latest hour

A barely visible ray of dawn.

All. Think! They wanted to steal it from us!

The play “Dreams” by Schumann is playing. The presenters take the stage.

Ved.1: Step by step we remember, day by day,

Explosion after explosion, death after death, pain after pain,

Year after year, scorched by fire.

Year after year, bleeding

Ved. 2:

Where the vast steppe is, the bottomless sky, the blue of the great Russian river Volga
merged with the will, strength and courage of the Russian people, the city stands, the name
which is known throughout the world.

This is the hero city of Volgograd.


Bow to the earth, harsh and beautiful,

What will forever be dear to people!

Visible here new town- light, clear,

The steppe expanse and the banks of the Volga.

Standing on the earth, harsh and beautiful,

You dig sand, but it’s not all yellow,

It is not golden, but dark red,

Like the blood of heroes shed here.

Ved.2: Here, during the Great Patriotic War, in the Don and Volga steppes, one of the greatest battles of the Second World War began. The Battle of Stalingrad lasted two hundred days...

( the play sounds « Dreams » R. Schumann)


From birth I have not seen the earth

No fires, no battle like this:

The earth shook and the fields turned red -

Everything was burning over the Volga river (pause)

Ved.2: And everything started as usual. An ordinary morning on June 22, 1941. Factory whistles signaled the start of the day shift. Bright posters invited people to theaters and cinemas. (The phonogram of the song “Rio-Rita” sounds)

A city children's show of amateur performances was planned in the premises of the drama theater. The day turned out to be hot. A cloudless sky was blue above the city. Thousands of citizens flocked to the beaches, across the Volga, to their favorite vacation spots, songs and carefree laughter were heard... (pause)

There's a song playing « Holy war » to music by A.V. Alexandrova

Ved. 2: At noon, the residents of Stalingrad learned the terrible news: war!

The songs fell silent, the faces became stern. The women hurried to the children. Men to enterprises and military registration and enlistment offices...

Andreeva Anna reads an excerpt from a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky « Requiem ». R. Rozhdestvensky « REQUIEM ». Background “Concerto for voice and orchestra”

Did you bequeath to us to die, Motherland?

Life promised, love promised, Rodin

Are children born for death, Motherland?

Did you want our death, Motherland?

The flame hit the sky -

Do you remember, Motherland?

She said quietly: “Get up to help...”

Nobody asked you for fame, Motherland.

Everyone simply had a choice:

I or Motherland.

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief, Motherland.

Your truth is our truth, Motherland.

Your glory is our glory, Motherland, (chapter 2)

Video "Stalingrad" 0002 (1: 56)

Ved. 1: At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union lost such large economic areas as Ukraine and Belarus, so Stalingrad became the most important economic area and the largest military arsenal. Tanks were made here artillery pieces, mortars and other weapons. All this was continuously going to the front.

Ved.2: In the summer of 1942, the Nazi command concentrated large forces in the southwestern direction in order to defeat Soviet troops here, enter the big bend of the Don, immediately capture Stalingrad and capture the Caucasus, and then Moscow.

Ved. 1: Why did the Nazis rush to Stalingrad?

Firstly, the fascist leadership sought to cut the Volga, which was the country’s most important waterway. Secondly, the fascist headquarters believed that “the fate of the Caucasus is being decided at Stalingrad.”

Ved. 2: Thirdly, the position of Turkey and Japan depended on the outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad, whose ambassadors promised Hitler to enter the war against the USSR as soon as Stalingrad fell. And finally, Hitler connected his personal prestige and the prestige of the German army with the capture of Stalingrad. He assured the German people that Stalingrad would fall and the war would end (pause).

The air raid alarm sounds.

On the screen is the sweet "Fascist Planes"

Ved.1: In the summer of 1942, the Nazis began to bomb Stalingrad and its outskirts from airplanes. On August 23, aviation made more than 2,000 sorties. The city was reduced to ruins. Over 42 thousand inhabitants died under the ruins.

Slide “fascist tanks”

Ved. 2: Then they moved to Stalingrad tank divisions in the hope of breaking the resistance of the defenders of Stalingrad. But the residents did not flinch.

Slide "Anti-aircraft guns" .

In the city itself, anti-aircraft gunners repelled attacks, and firefighters fought the fire.

Song "Hot Snow" (00:44) Slides of battles.

Sweet "Leaflet"

Ved. 1: To support the courage of the people, leaflets were distributed throughout the city telling about the exploits of the defenders of Stalingrad (leaflet slide « Death to the German invaders! »)

Read it and pass it on to your friend!

Stalingrader! Be persistent like Matvey Putilov. He was an ordinary signalman and was often located where wires were twisted by enemy shells and mines, where exploding bombs continually disabled communications, the nerve of the Stalingrad defense. Today, on the line, an enemy mine crushed his arm. Losing consciousness, he brought the ends of the wires to his mouth and held the wire tightly between his teeth. Having restored the connection, he died with a wire in his teeth. Let's avenge Matvey!

Video "Rodimtsev"

Renskova Anna reads a poem « He was buried in the globe » S. Orlova

Background minus “Dark Night”

They buried him in the globe,

And he was just a soldier,

Just friends, a simple soldier,

No titles or awards.

The Earth is like a mausoleum to him

For a million centuries.

And the milky ways are gathering dust

All around him from the hills.

The clouds sleep on the red slopes,

Blizzards are sweeping,

Heavy thunder roars.

The winds are taking off.

The battle was over a long time ago.

By the hands of all friends

The guy is placed in the globe,

It's like being in a mausoleum.

Video “Pavlov’s House” (2:35)

Ved. 2: Not only the people of Stalingrad know the feat of the defenders of Pavlov’s house, but also the whole world. A handful of Soviet soldiers turned an ordinary four-story building into an impregnable fortress. For 58 days, a group of soldiers under the command of Sergeant Pavlov defended their fortress from enemies.

Ved. 1: It was here that the glory of snipers V. Zaitsev, N. Kulikov, V. Medvedev was born. Portrait of Zaitsev and Medvedev.
More than three hundred Nazis were destroyed by Vasily Zaitsev in street battles. He and Medvedev were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ved. 2: The unparalleled courage shocked even Hitler’s warriors, who considered themselves superhumans. Corporal Gelman wrote to his bride:

“It is impossible to describe what is happening here. In Stalingrad, everyone who has a head and hands fights - both men and women."

Blokhin Sergey reads a poem by Ivan Ulanovsky « Take care of the world"

Background “When the tulips cry”

Time will not erase those terrible days,

The feat will not fade even in darkness!

We are from those who are in the formidable Stalingrad

“No,” said the brown plague.

Who in the not so distant forty-three,

Having crushed fascism with a wild barrage,

Burning crowded planet

A ray of light pointed in the darkness.

We fought, we were furious.

And they didn’t give up their boundaries!

We blocked the road to the Volga

With your resounding youth.

Everything was burning, howling and groaning.

Day and night - complete hell all around.

We fought in handfuls - there were few of us,

But no one backed away.

The bombing melted the stones.

In fierce anger the enemy was rushing towards the Volga.

From the ruins we rose again,

But they didn’t retreat a single step.

Death simply didn’t scare us back then:

We believed - Victory is ahead.

Bravery raised us to attack -

My heart was beating out of my chest!

Ved. 1: The woman-mother bore the greatest burden of the war on her shoulders.

Video “In the dugout.”

(Soldiers are sitting near the fire. Someone is with a guitar. They are writing and reading poetry)
Soldier 1 (writes a letter).

I know you have anxiety in your heart -

It's not easy being the mother of a soldier!

I know you keep looking at the road,

Along which I once left.

I know that the wrinkles have become deeper

And the shoulders began to stoop a little.

Today we fought to the death,

Mom, for you, for our meeting.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait!

Soldier 2(unfolds the letter and reads it).

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello, my beloved son!

I'm writing from the front line,

Tomorrow morning - back into battle!

We will drive out the fascists.

Take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness -

I will return victorious!

I will finally hug you.


Your father.

Soldier 3(with a candle).

My dear family!

Night. The candle flame is trembling.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove?

In our little old hut,

What is hidden from view by forests,

I remember a field, a river,

I remember you again and again.

My dear brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow I'm going into battle again

For your Fatherland, for Russia,

That I got into a lot of trouble.

I will gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without mercy,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live!

slide « Mamaev kurgan » ( Motherland)

Ved. 1: During the Battle of Stalingrad, the MAMAEV Kurgan became the site of the most fierce fighting; the defenders of Stalingrad called it the main height of Russia.

Ved. 2: Here they took an oath: “Not a step back! Fight to the death! There is no land for us beyond the Volga!”

Ved. 1: For a hundred days and nights, the Nazis rushed to reach this height, but were never able to capture it completely. The top of the mound changed hands many times, but everything remained in the hands of its defenders.

Video “Destroyed Stalingrad”

Song « Silence on Mamayev Kurgan » . Slides "Mamaev Kurgan"

Ved. 2: The mound turned black, as if it had been charred by a cruel fire; during the fighting, the earth on it was thickly mixed with fragments and blood.

Gagoshidze Lika reads the poem “Hundreds of years disperse in a wide circle”

Background minus “White Birds”

Along the huge water of a silent river...

Mamaev Kurgan is higher than all Everests!

It’s a shame there’s not a single line about this in textbooks.

In vain it is not said in the books, Mamaev Kurgan,

What metal is in your stunned insides

More than the famous Magnetic Mountain!

That it was enough for both friends and enemies.

Instead of dew drops, like blind stubble,

Iron appears, oozing blood...

And so the most important part

In the gravity of the Earth - your gravity!

You have sprouted flowers. You burst into tears.

You stand, enduring the funeral torments. The bluish lightning of slow dreams, Like a bell of memory, is beating at you!

And then the birds rise from the ground, And the steppe grass sways nervously. Words that were completely worn out come to life.

And the crutches are wearily knocking on the slabs.

(R. Rozhdestemsky. Mamayev Kurgan)

Ved. 1: The heroic feat made the stones of Mamayev Kurgan immortal.

Years and decades will pass, but people will come here, to the greatest Victory Monument - grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hero).” They will bring flowers and bring children. Here people will remember those who died defending the eternal flame of life.

Borodin Vitaly reads a poem by M. Agashina

« On the mound that thundered with battles »

Background minus “The war tore us apart”

On the mound, which thundered with battles,

Who did not give up his height,

The dugouts are overgrown with feather grass,

Flowers grew along the trenches.

A woman wanders along the banks of the Volga.

And on that dear shore

He doesn’t collect flowers - he collects fragments,

Freezing at every step.

Stops, bows his head,

And he will sigh over every fragment,

And hold it in the palm of your hand,

And the sand, slowly, will be shaken off.

Does youth remember the past?

Does he see the one who went into battle again...

He picks up the fragment and kisses it.

And takes it with you forever.

Song “Scarlet Sunsets”

1. Quiet, warm evenings before the battle

And the sleep is covered with disturbing silence.

Yesterday's boys have new tunics

And a letter from my mother with me.

Here a lonely star burned all night

And the transparent fog lies by the river.

Here the birch trees are white, the grass is tall,


And the sunsets are scarlet, scarlet, scarlet

Before the battle, no shots are heard...

This is not what you and I dreamed about

Four days before the war

2. Explosions flashed and the sky collapsed

The sun is not visible - the wall hides the smoke.

White birches are sleeping, tall grasses are sleeping

The war took you boys.

Defended the Motherland in harsh years

There are no traces of distant battle roads.

It is necessary for them to remember, you and I remembered

The names of their heroes...

Chorus: same

Ved. 1: In memory of the fallen soldiers, a memorial of military glory was created on Mamayev Kurgan, where every year and every day people come, where the eternal flame burns, in memory of those who will never come again.

Vasilyeva Tatyana reads a poem by M. Agashina « February second » M. Agashina

Background minus “I wasn’t”

Second of February.

In due time - not too late and not too early -

Winter will come, the earth will freeze.

And you to Mamayev Kurgan

You will come on the second of February.

And there, at that frosty one,

At that sacred height,

You are on the wing of a white blizzard,

Put red flowers.

And as if for the first time you notice,

What was it like, their military path!

February - February, soldier's month -

Blizzard in the face, snow on the chest.

A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.

And we are all in their debt.

February - February. Soldier's month.

Carnations are burning in the snow.

Kuznetsova Natalya reads R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “REQUIEM”

Background minus “I flew as an angel”

The crimson banner splashed, the crimson stars burned,

A blind blizzard covered

sunset red with blood,

And the tread of divisions was heard,

The iron tread of divisions,

The exact gait of a soldier!

On our banners is inscribed the word:

Victory! Victory!

In the name of the Fatherland - victory!

In the name of the living - victory!

In the name of the future - victory!

We must crush the war.

And there was no higher pride

And there was no greater valor -

After all, besides the desire to survive,

There is still the courage to live!

Towards the peals of roaring thunder

We rose into battle lightly and sternly.

On our banners is inscribed the word: Victory! Victory!

Ved. 1: Fierce fighting broke out in the northern part of the city, where the Red October, Barricades, and Stalingrad Tractor Plant factories were located.

Ved. 2: This is what the fascist soldiers wrote home: “Are you convinced that Stalingrad is completely ours? How deeply mistaken you are. If you could see what Stalingrad did to our army!”

Ved. 1:“The Russians went on the offensive along the entire front. Fierce fighting is taking place. Here it is the Volga, here it is victory! Here it is, a quick date with your family. Obviously, I’ll see you in the next world.”

Ved. 2:“We attack every day. If we manage to take 20 meters in the morning, then in the evening the Russians push us back."

Ved. 1: It was then November 1942. And here are the entries from December: “The horses have already been eaten. Damn this war!

Ved. 2:

And the hour struck. The first blow fell

The villain is retreating from Stalingrad.

And the world gasped when it learned what loyalty means,

What does the rage of believing people mean?

(O. Bergoltz “Stalingrad”)

On January 31, the southern group of German troops led by the commander of the 6th Army, Paulus, capitulated; on February 2, the remnants of the army capitulated.

Film fragment “Captive Soldiers”

Ved. 2: Soldiers remember everything, every detail of the battle, every fellow soldier, every day of an incredibly difficult battle. And only aching wounds and gray scales inexorably keep track of time. The floor is given to the WWII veteran, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad Danilko Polina Grigorievna.

Ved. 1: The attention of the whole world was focused on Stalingrad “Steel City”, “Homeland of Heroism”, “Immortal Symbol of Russian Greatness”, “Triumph of Moral Fortitude”, as foreign journalists called our city.

Ved. 2: The best minds of mankind glorified the heroes of the Volga stronghold. Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wrote the poem “Love Song for Stalingrad”

Ved. 1: Expressing the hopes of millions of people on continents, the Czech poet Frantisek Grubin autumn days 1942, he whispered his poems like a spell:

When will the fire of war stop?

And the cards will fall silent, blind

Give strength to those who fight to the death, who did not hang white flags,

Who bears the proud name of soldier.

God bless the city of Stalingrad.

Zubrilina Victoria reads a poem « Stalingrad »

Strict on the Volga stands Stalingrad

In battle he is stern and calm.

City of fearlessness, city of soldiers,

The city is a proven city.

People are full of strong determination,

In the roar of menacing guns

Here he dies for the happiness of the country

People, flint people.

And a fighter who has lost his strength

The old one is replaced by a worker.

And the cannonade thunders endlessly

Nights and days, days and nights.

The Volga rears up from the explosions,

The city is burning over the river.

From continuous bombing, shooting

There is not a moment of peace.

The days smelled of smoke and blood,

Terrible days of Stalingrad!

They give birth to hundreds of heroes,

Beating the enemy without mercy.

Hearts burn with anger and revenge

And from neighbor to neighbor

The oath comes through - to stand until the end

For Stalingrad, for victory!

Song "Victory Day".

Ved. 1: And finally the day came, the great day. On the morning of January 10, the thunder of 2 thousand Soviet guns, 3 thousand mortars and a large number of rocket launchers heralded the beginning of the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad, and on February 2, 1943 at 16 o'clock the historical Battle of Stalingrad ended.

Ved. 2: Our entire homeland rejoiced along with the people of Stalingrad. The word “Stalingrad” was on the lips of all mankind. K. Simonov wrote: “With this word in my mind Soviet people who went through the war... connected personal feeling happiness. Then, in the midst of the war, we heard a crunch in this word - the backbone of the fascist beast that had reached the Volga was breaking, and this crunch was heard not only by us, but by the whole world.”

On the readers enter the stage.

( R. Rozhdestvensky « Glory to the heroes! »).

Sergey S.:

Eternal glory to the heroes!

Eternal glory! Eternal glory! Eternal glory to the heroes! Glory to the heroes! Glory!!!

Anya R.:

But why do they need it, this glory - for the dead?

What is this glory for them, for the fallen? All living things are saved.

I didn’t save myself.

What is this glory for them, for the dead?


If lightning splashes hotly in the clouds

And the huge sky will be deafened by thunder, If all the people of the globe shout, Not one of the dead will even flinch.


I know: the sun will not splash into empty eye sockets!

I know: the song of heavy graves will not open!

But on behalf of the heart, on behalf of life, I repeat: Eternal glory to the heroes!

And immortal hymns, farewell hymns

They float majestically over the sleepless planet.

Let not all be heroes - eternal glory to the fallen!

Let's remember everyone by name, let's remember with our grief...

This is necessary - not for the dead! This is necessary - alive!

Ved. 1:

Look closely at the flowers on the boulevard -

The boys are lying down.

They did not give up Stalingrad.

Let us bow to the honor of the soldiers.

And the scarlet sea of ​​tulips,

Like a scattering of boyish dreams.

Take a look

In the eyes of veterans -

There is bitterness in them

Undried tears.

They have memory,

And pride and strength,

And the joy of victory

And underneath them is a grave,

In which the war is buried.

Take a closer look

To the flowers on the boulevard.

Ved. 2: Let us bow our heads in memory of the defenders of Stalingrad who live with us today and those who laid their warm hearts on the altar of the Motherland.

Let's honor the memory of the fallen a minute of silence.

Video "Minute of Silence"

The readers conclude. R. Rozhdestvensky REQUIEM

Dima: Remember!

Through the centuries, through the years, -

Vitalik: Remember!

About those who will never come again -

Sergey B.: Remember!

Do not Cry! Hold back the moans in your throat,

Together: Be worthy of the memory of the fallen! Eternally worthy!

Lika: With bread and song, dreams and poetry,

Spacious life

Kolya: Be worthy with every second, with every breath!
Vika: People! As long as hearts are knocking, -

Remember at what price happiness was won -

Please remember!

Anya A.: Sending your song into flight, -

Sergey S.: About those who will never sing again - remember!

Dima: Tell your children about them so they will remember them!

Anya R.: Tell children's children about them,

To remember too!

Vitalik: At all times of the immortal Earth remember!

Tanya: Meet the trembling spring,

People of the Earth, Kill the war, curse the war, people of the Earth!

Anya A.: Carry your dream through the years and fill it with life!

But about those who will never come again -

I conjure-

