New bug of Nikolaev. City of Novy Bug (Ukraine)

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Ukrainian New Bug
47°41′ N. sh. 32°30′ E d.
A country Ukraine
Status district center
Area Novobugsky district
History and geography
Based 1810
First mention mid 18th century
Former names Kutsaya beam, Semyonovka, Novopavlovka
City with 1961
Square 12.0 km²
Timezone UTC+2, summer UTC+3
Population 15,506 people (2017)
Names of residents newbie, newbie
Digital IDs
Telephone code +380 5151
Postcode 55600
car code BE, NOT / 15
KOATUU 4824510100

(Ukrainian Novy Bug) - a city of district significance in, the administrative center of the Novobugsky district.

The city is located in the Nikolaev region of Ukraine on the highway of national importance H-11. - Dnipro, 97 kilometers from the regional center, 78 kilometers from and five kilometers from the railway station Novy Bug on the route Nikolaev -.


The first mentions are associated with the Zaporizhzhya Cossack Ya. Kutsy, who arranged a winter camp in these places. According to these data, the origin of the most ancient name of the modern New Bug becomes clear - Kutsaya Balka. Soon, towards the end of the 18th century, around the settlement of Kutsay Balka, farmsteads began to spring up spontaneously, founded by runaway peasants from the Chernihiv region, Kursk province, Poltava region and Moldova of the Russian Empire. By the end of the century, the farm settlements merged with the village of Kutsaya Balka so much that it was decided to combine the farms into one settlement, which became known as Semyonovka named after one of the settlers.

Until 1795, the village of Semyonovka was part of the Yekaterinoslav governorship of the Russian Empire.

Since 1795, the village of Semyonovka was part of the Voznesenskaya province.

Since 1796, the village of Semyonovka was part of the Novorossiysk province.

Since 1802, the village of Semyonovka was part of the Kherson province.

However, already at the beginning of the 19th century, a wealthy peasant Pavel Triska from the village of Petrovka, Alexandria district, Kherson province, settled near the village, and with him 119 peasants - immigrants from the Poltava province. Thus, by 1810 the new settlement was merged with Semyonovka and received a new name - Novopavlovka named Trisky.

In the 1820s, the village of Novopavlovka (whose population exceeded 2,000 people) became the center of the Novopavlovskaya volost.

In the late 1820s, the village was transformed into a military settlement and became subordinate to the Bug Lancers Division.

In 1832 the village of Novopavlovka was named Novyi Bug. It was part of the Kherson province.

In the mid-1850s, there were about 660 households in Novy Bug. In connection with the liquidation of military settlements, all male residents of Novyi Bug (about 2,500 people) were given 9 acres of land each, and their status as a military settler was reclassified as state peasants. The rest of the earth, or rather, b O most of it was given into private ownership to officers-nobles who founded their estates in Novy Bug and its environs. According to the law of November 24, 1866 on the land arrangement of state peasants, the inhabitants of Novy Bug retained all the lands that were in their use, and this is neither more nor less than 22 thousand acres of arable land and hayfields. However, for this land, the peasants had to pay the state quitrent tax. In 1886 they were transferred to compulsory redemption. At this time, the economy of the village was developed. About 70 private mills and oil mills provided food not only for the village and the volost, but also for many cities and villages in the province. In Novy Bug, autumn and spring fairs were regularly held, which attracted buyers from all over the Kherson province.

At the end of the 19th century, in connection with the need for private production in hired labor, fairs for hired labor were organized in Novy Bug, through which most of the people who were looking for work in Nikolaev and Krivoy Rog passed. Many of them remained as laborers in the New Bug and in the villages of the volost.

In April-December 1918, as part of the Kherson province of the Ukrainian state, on the territory of the Republic of Russia.

After the end of the Soviet-Polish war from 1920 to December 1922 as part of the Ukrainian SSR.

Since December 1922 in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union.

In early March 1944, the Novy Bug regional center had importance for the German command as a fortified point covering the approaches to railway and the Novy Bug railway station (where echelons with military equipment, ammunition, military equipment and food were concentrated): in the regional center there was a large garrison, an operational group of the 6th army headquarters with support units, the remnants of the retreating 16th motorized division of the Wehrmacht, separate units of the 5th Luftwaffe Airfield Division, the 79th Wehrmacht Infantry Division was sent here to reinforce the German grouping, the units of which began unloading at the Novy Bug station. On the morning of March 8, 1944, advanced units of the Soviet troops reached the regional center of Novy Bug and started a battle, while the mobile units of the 4th mechanized corps from the north and the 30th cavalry division from the south bypassed the regional center, closing the encirclement.

On March 8, 1944, he was liberated from the German troops by the Soviet troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front during the Bereznegovato-Snigirev operation:

  • Horse-mechanized group consisting of: 4th Guards. cavalry corps (lieutenant general Pliev, Issa Alexandrovich, he is also the commander of the KMG) consisting of: 9th Guards. cavalry division (Major General Tutarinov, Ivan Vasilievich), 30th cd (Major General Golovskoy, Vasily Sergeevich); 4th Guards mechanized corps (lieutenant general of the military unit Tanaschishin, Trofim Ivanovich) consisting of: 15th Guards. mechanized brigades (lieutenant colonel Andrianov, Mikhail Alekseevich), 14th Guards. MBR (Nikitin, Nikodim Alekseevich), 13th Guards. MBR (Colonel Shcherbakov, Nikodim Efimovich), 5th Guards. motorized rifle brigade (lieutenant colonel Zavyalov, Nikolai Ivanovich), 36th Guards. tank brigade (lieutenant colonel Ivliev, Ivan Dmitrievich), 35th division. tp (major Elnikov, Yuvenaly Nikolaevich), 212th division. tp (Major Meshkov, Grigory Grigorievich), 292nd Guards. self-propelled artillery regiment (Major Pokhitonov, Vladimir Ivanovich).

The troops participating in the breakthrough of the enemy’s defense, during which the city of Novy Bug and other settlements were liberated, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin dated March 9, 1944, gratitude was announced and a salute was given with 20 artillery salvos from 224 guns.

By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin dated March 19, 1944, No. 063, in commemoration of the victory, formations and units that distinguished themselves in battles when breaking through the enemy’s defenses on the western bank of the river. Ingulets and for the liberation of the city of Novy Bug, received the name "Novobug":,

  • 27th Guards rifle division(Major General Glebov, Viktor Sergeevich),
  • 57th Guards Rifle Division (Major General Shemenkov, Afanasy Dmitrievich)
  • 30th Cavalry Division (Major General Vasily Sergeevich Golovskoy)
  • 13th Guards Mechanized Brigade (Colonel Shcherbakov, Nikodim Efimovich)
  • 15th Guards Mechanized Brigade (Lieutenant Colonel Andrianov, Mikhail Alekseevich)
  • 26th Light Artillery Brigade (Colonel Goncharov, Ivan Mikhailovich),
  • 10th mortar brigade (Colonel Linnik, Kuzma Denisovich),
  • 35th Separate Tank Regiment (Major Yelnikov, Yuvenaly Nikolaevich)
  • 212th Separate Tank Regiment (Major Meshkov, Grigory Grigorievich)
  • 292nd Guards Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment (Major Pokhitonov, Vladimir Ivanovich)
  • 1084th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Captain Safronov, Ivan Ivanovich)
  • 1651st Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment (Major Preprosty, Mikhail Grigorievich)
  • 892nd separate engineer battalion (Major Ruvinsky, Veniamin Abramovich)
  • 482nd separate linear communications battalion (lieutenant colonel Shilov, Ivan Zinovievich).

Notable natives

  • Revut, Isaak Borisovich (1909-1978, Leningrad), agrophysicist, doctor of agriculture. sciences, professor, in 1936-41 and in 1945-72 - deputy director of the Agrophysical Research Institute of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, author of many scientific papers.
  • Zavaliy, Evdokia Nikolaevna (1926-2010) - Guard Colonel of the Marine Corps, the only female commander of the Marine Corps platoon during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Momotenko, Alexander Ivanovich (born 1915) - Hero of Ukraine.
  • Vayman, Mikhail Izrailevich (1926-1977, Leningrad), violinist, professor at the Leningrad Conservatory, laureate International competitions violinists. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Khomulo Pavel Savelyevich (1923-1988, Leningrad) - famous Soviet pathophysiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, author of the neurogenic theory of atherosclerosis, head of the Department of Pathophysiology, Leningrad State Medical Institute (1967-1988)
  • Spiridon Feodosiyovich Cherkasenko(December 24, 1876, city of Novy Bug, Kherson province - February 8, 1940, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) - writer, playwright and teacher.
  • Rostislav Melnichuk is a YouTuber known as TheRudyGames. At the beginning of the year, he has more than 145 thousand subscribers on his channel.


  1. The number of apparent population of Ukraine as of September 1, 2017. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2017. page 54
  2. Reference book "Liberation of cities: A guide to the liberation of cities during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" / M. L. Dudarenko, Yu. G. Perechnev, V. T. Eliseev and others.
  3. N. I. Zavyalov. Verses of courage. Kyiv, 1981. pp. 237-239
  4. website.
  5. RKKA website.
  6. The number of apparent population of Ukraine as of September 1, 2013. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kiev, 2013. page 83


  • Site of the city of Novy Bug
  • // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

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The history of the formation of the settlement

The first mentions are associated with the Zaporizhzhya Cossack Ya. Kutsy, who arranged a winter camp in these places. According to these data, the origin of the most ancient name of the modern Novy Bug, Kutsai Balka, becomes clear. Soon, towards the end of the 18th century, around the settlement of Kutsay Balka, farmsteads began to spring up spontaneously, founded by runaway peasants from the Chernihiv region, Kursk province, Poltava region and Moldova. By the end of the century, the farm settlements merged with the village of Kutsaya Balka so much that it was decided to combine the farms into one settlement, which became known as Semyonovka, after the name of one of the settlers. However, already at the beginning of the 19th century, a wealthy peasant Pavel Triska from the village of Petrovka, Alexandria district, Kherson province, settled near the village, and with him 119 peasants from the Poltava province. Thus, by 1810 the new settlement was merged with Semyonovka and received a new name - Novopavlovka, named after Trisky.

History of administrative subordination

IN different years of its existence, the village was part of one governorship (Ekaterinoslavsky - until 1795) and three provinces: from 1795 Voznesenskaya, from 1796 Novorossiysk, from 1802 Kherson. However, when in the 20s of the XIX century the population of Novopavlovka exceeded 2000 people, the village became the center of the volost of the same name.

History of the economic component

In the late 1920s, in connection with the education in Russian Empire military settlements, the village became subordinate to the Bug Lancers Division, and in 1832 it received the name New Bug, which has survived to this day.

In the mid-1950s, there were about 660 households in Novy Bug. In connection with the liquidation of military settlements, all male residents of Novyi Bug (about 2,500 people) were given 9 acres of land each, and their status as a military settler was reclassified as state peasants. The rest of the land, or rather, most of it, was given into private ownership to noble officers who founded their estates in Novy Bug and its environs. According to the law of November 24, 1866 on the land arrangement of state peasants, the inhabitants of Novy Bug retained all the lands that were in their use, and this is neither more nor less than 22 thousand acres of arable land and hayfields. However, for this land, the peasants had to pay the state quitrent tax. In 1886 they were transferred to compulsory redemption.

At that time, the economic component of the village was very developed. About 70 private mills and oil mills provided food not only for the village and the volost, but also for many cities and villages in the province. In Novy Bug, autumn and spring fairs were regularly held, which attracted pokapital from all over the Kherson province.

At the end of the 19th century, in connection with the need for private production in hired labor, fairs for hired labor were organized in Novy Bug, through which the majority of people who were looking for work in Nikolaev, Kherson, and Krivoy Rog passed. Many of them remained as laborers in the New Bug and in the villages of the volost. »==Famous Natives==

Revut, Isaak Borisovich (1909-1978, Leningrad), agrophysicist, doctor of agriculture. sciences, prof., in 1936-41 and in 1945-72 - deputy. dir. Agrophysical NII VASKHNIL, author of pl. scientific works Zavaliy, Evdokia Nikolaevna (1926-2010) - Colonel of the Guards of the Marine Corps, the only female commander of a platoon of the Marine Corps during the Great Patriotic War. Momotenko, Alexander Ivanovich (born 1915) - Hero of Ukraine. Vayman, Mikhail Izrailevich (1926 - 1977, Leningrad), violinist, professor at the Leningrad Conservatory, laureate of the International Violin Competitions: them. J. Kubelika (Prague, 1945), im. J.S. Bach (Duipzig, 1950) and them. Belgian Queen Elisabeth (Brussels, 1951). Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1965 he was awarded the title of Honorary. Senator Supreme. musical F. Liszt Academy

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city New Bug

New Bug

Status:city ​​of regional significance, regional center
Area:Novobugsky district
Former names:Kutsaya support, Semyonovka, Novopavlovka
Foundation date:mid 18th century
1st mention:mid 18th century
Pgt with:1937
City since:1961
Liberation Day:March 8, 1944
Square:12.0 km
Geogr. coordinates:Coordinates: 47°4100 s. sh. 32°3000 E / 47.683333° N. sh. 32.5° E (G) (O) (R) 47.683333 , 32.5 47°4100 N sh. 32°3000 E / 47.683333° N. sh. 32.5° E d. (G) (O) (I)

Name of residents:newbie, newbie
Population16 200 people
Time:UTC +2 explanatory / +3 y.o.
Telephone code:+380 5151

New Bug(Ukrainian Novy Bug) - a city of district significance in the Nikolaev region of Ukraine, the administrative center of the Novobugsky district.

The city is located in the Nikolaev region of Ukraine on the highway of municipal importance H-11. Nikolaev - Dnepropetrovsk, 97 kilometers from the regional center, 78 kilometers from Krivoy Rog and 5 kilometers from the Novy Bug railway station on the route Nikolaev - Dolinskaya.


The history of the formation of the settlement

The first mentions are associated with the Zaporizhzhya Cossack Ya. Kutsy, who set up a winter camp in these places. In accordance with these data, the origin of the oldest name of the modern New Bug becomes clear - Kutsaya Support. Soon, towards the end of the 18th century, around the settlement of Kutsay Opora, farmsteads began to spring up spontaneously, founded by runaway peasants from the Chernihiv region, Kursk province, Poltava region and Moldova. By the end of the century, the farm settlements were so connected with the village of Kutsaya Opora that it was decided to unite the farms into one settlement, which became known as Semyonovka, by the name of the 1st of the settlers. However, already at the beginning of the 19th century, a wealthy peasant Pavel Triska from the village of Petrovka, Alexandria district, Kherson province, settled near the village, and with him 119 peasants - immigrants from the Poltava province. Thus, by 1810 the new settlement was merged with Semyonovka and received a new name - Novopavlovka named Trisky.

History of administrative subordination

In all possible years of its existence, the village was part of the 1st governorship (Ekaterinoslav - until 1795) and three provinces: from 1795 Voznesenskaya, from 1796 Novorossiysk, from 1802 Kherson. However, when in the 20s of the XIX century the population of Novopavlovka exceeded 2000 people, the village became the center of the volost of the same name.

History of the economic component

At the end of the 1920s, in connection with the formation of military settlements in the Russian Empire, the village became subordinate to the Bug Lancers Division, and in 1832 it received the name New Bug that has come down to our days.

In the mid-1950s, there were about 660 households in Novy Bug. In connection with the liquidation of military settlements, all male residents of Novyi Bug (about 2,500 people) were given 9 acres of land each, and their status as a military settler was reclassified as urban farmers. The rest of the earth, or rather, b O Most of it was given into private ownership to officers-nobles who founded their estates in Novy Bug and its environs. In accordance with the law of November 24, 1866 on the land organization of urban farmers, the inhabitants of Novy Bug retained all the lands that were in their use, and this is neither more nor more than 22 thousand acres of arable land and hayfields. However, for this land, the peasants had to pay the state quitrent tax. In 1886 they were transferred to an inapplicable ransom.

At that time, the financial component of the village was absolutely developed. About 70 private mills and oil mills provided food not only for the village and the volost, but also for almost all cities and villages of the province. In Novyi Bug, autumn and spring fairs were regularly held, which attracted pokapital from all over the Kherson province.

At the end of the 19th century, in connection with the need for private production in hired labor, labor fairs were organized in Novy Bug, through which the bulk of the inhabitants of our planet, who were looking for work in Nikolaev, Kherson, Krivoy Rog, passed. Almost all of them remained to work as laborers in the New Bug and in the villages of the volost. »==Familiar natives==

Revut, Isaak Borisovich (1909–1978, Leningrad), agrophysicist, doctor of agriculture. sciences, prof., in 1936-41 and in 1945-72 - deputy. dir. Agrophysical NII VASKHNIL, creator of pl. scientific works Zavaliy, Evdokia Nikolaevna (1926 -2010) - Colonel of the Guards of the Marine Corps, the only female commander of a platoon of the Marine Corps during the Great Patriotic War. Momotenko, Alexander Ivanovich (born 1915) - Hero of Ukraine. Vayman, Misha Izrailevich (1926 - 1977, Leningrad), violinist, doctor of the Leningrad Conservatory, laureate of the International Violin Competitions: them. J. Kubelika (Prague, 1945), im. J.S. Bach (Duipzig, 1950) and them. Belgian Queen Elisabeth (Brussels, 1951). Honored Artist of the RSFSR. In 1965 he was awarded the title of Honorary. Senator Supreme. musical F. Liszt Academy

  • Site of the city of Novy Bug
  • Weather in Novy Bug

Settlements of the Novobugsky District
Town:New Bug
Villages:Anastasyevka Annovka Antonovka Baratovka Belotserkovka Bereznegovatskoye Bogomazy Vesely Podil (Bereznegovatsky village council) Cheerful Hem (Novonikolaevsky village council) Vladimiro-Pavlovka Vladimirovka Free Zaporozhye Grigorovka Dibrova Good Will Efremovka Zhovtneve Zhovtneve (Volnozaporozhye village council) Zagalnaya Korist Stone Lotskino Mayorovka Mayskoe Maksimovka Malaya Annovka Mirolyubovka Novoantonovka Novovasilevka Novogrigorovka Novodanilovka Novodmitrovka Novokonstantinovka Novomikhailovka Novonikolaevka Novopetrovka Novopoltavka Novorozanovka Novoselovka Novoselye Novokhristoforovka Novoyurevka Ovsyanivka Pavlovka Parkhomovka Pelageevka Petrovka Showy Privolnyanskoye Rozan ovka Simonovka Sofiyivka Trojans Ulyanivka Chernigovka Shevchenkove
Settlements:Poltavka Shchorsovo

Arbuzinsky Bashtansky Berezansky Bereznegovatsky Bratsky Veselinovsky Voznesensky Vradievsky Domanevsky Elanetsky Zhovtnevy Kazankovsky Krivoozersky Nikolaevsky Novobugsky Novoodessky Ochakovsky Pervomaisky Snigirevsky


Bashtanka 2 Voznesensk 1 Nikolaev 1 New Odessa 2 New Bug 2 Ochakiv 1 Pervomaisk 1 Snigirevka 2 Yuzhnoukrainsk 1


Aleksandrovka Arbuzinka Berezanka Bereznegovatoe Bratskoye Veselinovo Voskresenskoye Vradiyevka Domanevka Elanec Kazanka Konstantinovka Curved Lake Kudryavtsevka Olshanskoye Pervomayskoye Podgorodnaya

The city of Novy Bug is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In which region (region) is the city of Novyi Bug located?

The city of Novy Bug is part of the region (oblast) Mykolaiv region.

A characteristic of a region (oblast) or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (oblast).

Region (oblast) Mykolaiv region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

The population of the city of New Bug.

The population in the city of Novy Bug is 16,200 people.

The year of foundation of the city of Novy Bug.

Year of foundation of the city of New Bug: 1810.

Telephone code of the city Novyi Bug

Phone code of the city of Novy Bug: +380 5151. In order to call the city of Novy Bug from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 5151 and then directly the subscriber's number.
